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When you're drawing up your list of life's

miracles, you might place near the top

the first moment your baby smiles at you
…Today, she looked right at me. And she
smiled …Her toothless mouth opened,
and she scrunched her face up and it
really was a grin …The sleepless nights,
the worries, the crying—all of a sudden it
was all worth it …She is no longer just
something we are nursing and carrying
along—somewhere inside, part of her
knows what's going on, and that part of
her is telling us that she's with us (Greene
1985, pp. 33-34).
Emotional Development

 Introduction
B. Roles of Emotions in the Child’s Life
1. Emotions add pleasure to the child‘s
2. It also serve as a motivation to
3. Prove to be a handicap to the child.
B. Kinds of Emotions

 1. Unpleasant emotions- harmful to the

child’s development.
a. Fear b. anger c. jealousy
2. Pleasant emotions- helpful and
essential to normal development in the
childhood years.
a. affection b. happiness c. joy
d. curiosity
Patterns of Emotional
 A. Genetic Sequence in Emotions
- there are no pleasurable emotions at
birth, only a state of quiescence.
a.1st 2 months- pleasure & displeasure
come in response to physical stimulation.

b. after 6th month- negative emotions take

the lead
c. 9th& 10th- jealousy can be aroused

d. 10th to 12th month- disappointment,

anger, love, sympathy, friendliness,
enjoyment & a sense of property are
all distinguishable.
How the Emotions Develop

A. Emotional development is due to:

3. Maturation
4. Learning
a. Conditioning or learning by
b. Imitation
Characteristics of Childhood Emotionality

Children’s emotions are:

a. brief
b. intense
c. transitory
d. appear frequently
e. emotional responses are
f. can be detected by symptoms
of behavior
g. changes in strength of
h. changes in emotional
Common Emotional Patterns of childhood
 1.Fear
a. Fear is vulnerable to a child when
not intense and it serves as a warning of
Types of fear:
1. learned fear
2. acquired fear through imitation
3. fear that comes as an aftermath of
unpleasant experiences
Common fears of babyhood in general
 1. loud noises
 2. animals
 3. strange persons, places, or objects
 4. dark rooms
 5. high places
 6. sudden displacement
 7. being alone
 8. pain
Effective ways of eliminating fears:
 1. Give the child an opportunity to become
acquainted with the feared stimulus of his
own accord.
 2. Lead him gradually into contact with the
thing he fears.
 3. Encourage him to acquire skills that will
be of specific aid to him in dealing with the
feared situation.
 4. Build up pleasant associations with the
feared object.
 5. Verbal explanations and reassurance,
combined with a practical demonstration
of the harmlessness of the feared object
will be a help for the elimination of fears.
 6. Social imitation in which the child is
given an adult model of fearlessness.
 7. Opportunity foe self-expression which
will lead to self-scrutiny& personal
2. Worry
 a. Worry is an imaginary form of fear.
 b. Common worries center on:

1. Home & family relationships like

scolding & punishment received by the
children from the parents.
2. School problems
c. Worries when intense 7 frequent may
lead to anxiety.
3. Anger
 a. Anger is more frequent emotional response
than fear.
 b. As the child grows older, he displays more
anger, while the fear reactions decrease.
 c. stimuli to anger:

1. those involving body restraint

2. interference with movements
3. blocking of activities
4. thwarting of wishes, plans, and purposes
child wants to carry out.
d. Older children experience more
frustration. Frustration is the feeling of
helplessness, disappointment,
inadequacy, or anxiety.
e. Anger responses may be classified
into two categories:
1. impulsive expression
2. inhibited expressions
4. jealousy
 a. jealousy is a normal response to actual,
supposed, or threatened loss of affection.
It is an outgrowth of anger.
 b. stimuli to jealousy:
1. preparation for the arrival of new baby
2. age differences among siblings
3. schoolmates who are more successful
in school work & sports or who have more
friends than they have.
 4.” Pets” of the teacher
 5. As the child grows older, he is jealous
of other children.
c. Jealousy responses:
1. Aggression
2. identification with the rival
3. withdrawal from the beloved person
4. repression
5. masochism
6. sublimation & creative competetion
5. Joy, pleasure & delight
 a. Joy, which in its milder forms is known
as pleasure, delight, or happiness, is a
positive emotion.
 b. Stimuli to joy are:

1. physical well-being
2. incongruous situation
3. play on words
4. slight calamities
5. sudden or unexpected noises
c. responses to Joy:
1. smiling
2. laughing
3. relaxed state of the entire body
6. Affection
 a. Affection is an emotional reaction
directed towards a person or a thing.
 b. Child’s affections are learned and not
 c. Stimuli to affection:

1. parents who express their affection to

the child
2. parents who play most with them
3. parents who punish the child the least
7. Curiosity
a. Curiosity of the child starts after the
three months of life.
b. responses to curiosity:

1. in case of young babies, it is

expressed by tensing of the face
muscles, opening the mouth,
stretching out the tongue and
wrinkling the forehead.
 2.By the 2nd half of the first year, baby
expresses hi s curiosity by stretching the
body, leaning toward the object and
grasping for it. And when the baby gets it,
he holds, pulls, sucks, shakes, and rattles
 3. At the age of 3, it is in the forms of
questions already.
 4. When the child is old enough, his
curiosity is satisfied through reading.

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