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Ancient Romania and relations with the world

Black Sea flood Spreading of peoples Ancient writings systems and Astronomy

Black Sea flood

Inundated zones with Neolithic villages

Origin of peoples near the lake

Spreading of peoples

Europeans origin
Danube valley
Europeans homeland

Maps by soviet
historian Diakonov

Spreading of Europeans
Starting from 4000
BC the Europeans spread from Danube valley carrying the specific genetic mutation for decomposing of lactose

Linguistic groups, relations and origin

Neolithic cultures in Balkan region

Attention in
south-west for early and first writing system and north-east for the most prolific branch

Cucuteni-Tripolye culture

From Danube valley to the world

Early writings

First astronomical maps

First planisphere
Origin : first
European city when Vega was northern star please calculate when this happened

Calculate the ratio between salt and sweet
water in Black Sea knowing that the

density of water in oceans is 1035 kg/m3

and the density of the water in Black Sea

is 1018 kg/m3 and the density of sweet

water is 1000 kg/m3.

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