The Social Networks: Purwoaji Hari Nugroho Xii Ipa 4

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Purwoaji Hari Nugroho XII IPA 4

The Social Networks

The popularity of social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter,or MySpace is increasing day by day. Some people say that they good for our society,and many others say that they have more dangers than their benefits. The pros say that social networking sites allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. Social networking sites bring people with common interest together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. People who have a difficulty communicating in person are more comfortable interacting via internet. In other side,the opponent say that social networking sites entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face, the sites offer many time wasting activities that supplant more productive activities. Teens spend an average of nine hours per week on social networking sites. The sites make the worker productivity become lower than before,they also promote narcissism and short attention spans. Finally,i can conclude that social networks have positive and negative values. Now up to you,from which side you see the social networking sites.

Exercise 1. What is the title of The Text? a. The Social Networking Sites b. Facebook c. The Social Networks d. Twitter e. The Society Networks 2. What are the advantages of social networks that mentioned in the text? a. Offer exposure to new ideas from around the world b. Allow people to create new relationships c. Reconnect with Family and friends d. Bring people with common interest together e. Add friends quickly 3. Which does not include in the social networking sites is... a. Facebook b. MySpace c. Twitter d. 4shared e. Tumblr

4. How long does ussually teens spend their time in the social networking sites? a. 8 hours b. 7 hours c. 10 hours d. 9 hours e. 6hours

5. What is the disadvantage of social networks? a. Allow people to create new relationships b. They make us feel happy and then become lazy c. Less time interacting face-to-face d. They make the worker productivity become higher e. They can add friends quickly

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