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April 4 10th period. Objective: To learn how to draw phase diagrams and review vapor pressure.

Pre class: Study phase diagrams figure 24 and 25. page 402 - 403 1. What questions or observations do you have about these diagrams? 2. How do they relate to what you know about the properties of water and carbon dioxide?

Study phase diagrams figure 24 and 25. page 402 403 1. What questions or observations do you have about these diagrams? It shows that above or below certain temperatures and pressures the substance is in different phases. What are the phases? - solid, liquid, gas(vapor), supercritical fluid. A supercritical fluid is a highly energized phase of matter where liquid and vapor phases of the matter are indistinguishable. 2. How do they relate to what you know about the properties of water and carbon dioxide?

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2. How do they relate to what you know about the properties of water and carbon dioxide? Water at 80degrees C and low pressure could change from a liquid to a gas - it could boil!!

The Normal Boiling point and the normal melting point is found at 101.3 Kpa. This is normal air pressure 101.3 kpa = 1 atm

Draw the following Phase diagrams. Page 410 # 63 Critical point for iodine is 512 C and 1.13 X 104 kPa, Triple point is at 112.9 C and 11 kPa. Normal boiling point is at 183 C = ?______ kPa

Page 410 # 60 Critical point for krypton is -64 C and a pressure of 5.5 X 103 Kpa. The triple point is at -157.4 C, and 73.4 KPa. At -172 C the vapor pressure is 13Kpa. The normal boiling point is -152 C

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