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M.C.C.E.E. Mar 1992 1. People usually get infected with trichinosis by eating ? a. Roasts b. Sausage c. Beef d. Chicken 2.

A 4 year old black child develops anemia after being treated with trimethoprimesulfamethoxazole. His spleen and liver are not enlarged. Coombs test is negative. No family history of difficulties and no other positive family history. Dx : a. Transient aplasia anemia b. G6PD deficiency c. Sickle cell anemia d. Rh immunization 3. Average BP is 130 +/- 25. about 95% people will lie between : a. 115-155 b. 80-180 c. 95-100 4. A burned patient . After a few weeks developed pale hand, the pulsation in the radius artery disappeared. Treatment : a. IV Dextran b. Fasciotomy c. Escharotomy 5. Picture of a male babys genitalia showing hypospadias, what history can be obtained from the mother during pregnancy ? a. Treatment with diethylstilbestrol (DES) 6. A man with congestive heart failure, given digoxin and furosemide, develops ventricular premature beats. What management ? a. Stop digoxin and diuretics b. Stop digoxin and diuretics - supply KCL c. Stop diuretics continue digoxin supply KCL d. Stop diuretics, continues digoxin given KCL 7. the followings are increased during pregnancy, except : a. Urea b. Creatinine c. GFR d. Blood volume e. Cardiac output 8. After renal transplantation, the most common malignancy is ? a. Breast Ca b. Colon Ca c. Lung Ca d. Non Hodgkins disease 9. in renal artery stenosis a. juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) hypertrophy in the same side b. arteriolar sclerosis in the same side c. arteriolar sclerosis in the opposite side d. JGA hypertrophy in the opposite side

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10. Allergy shock with hypotension, treatment : a. Corticosteroid b. Nor epinephrine c. Epinephrine 11. Pregnant woman 34 w presented with vaginal bleeding, soak 3 pads. What is the most useful sign for diagnosis ? a. Uterine tenderness 12. Cause of DIC during pregnancy, except ? a. Placenta preavia b. Placenta abruption c. Hypertension d. Foetal death 13. Most common cause of hirsutism in woman is : a. Polycystic ovary disease b. Thecal cell tumour c. Exogenic androgen d. Hyperplasia of adrenal gland e. Constitutional hirsutism 14. Volkmanns ischemic contracture, cause a. Fracture of supracondyle b. Fracture epicondyle 15. A 10 Kg baby with 10% dehydratation, amount of fluid given within the first 24h should be : a. 2000 ml 16. A 28 weeks old foetus should weight : a. 1000 mg b. 500 mg c. 1500 mg 17. a man has a splinter in his finger several days before, now come with a flexed finger painful and swollen. Dx a. Tenosynovitis b. Felon 18. A man developed diarrhoea nausea and abdominal cramps 3h after eating . Cause ? a. Clostridium difficilae b. Staphylococcus aureus c. Salmonella 19. Growth rate equals to : a. Crude birth rate minus crude death rate 20. the fertility of the population is measured by : a. the n of women in fertility age 21. A countrys people health condition is well reflected by ? a. The doctor to patient ratio b. The accessibility t medical facility c. The countrys welfare system 22. The population pyramid is a measure of : a. The population broken down, by sex into a no. of age group at a certain time

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23. A depressed patient with second degree heart block. Treatment : a. Imipramine b. Amitriptyline c. Doxepine d. Electro-convulsivo-therapy 24. In lithium therapy, what is true : a. Polyuria is a sign of intoxication b. Hypothyroidism is an indication for discontinuing the drug c. Can cause congenital heart abnormalities in pregnant women 25. the risk of suicide is a. rare before 17 yo b. higher with previous suicide attempt c. malignancy d. in elderly women 26. Risk of an acquired disease is measured by : a. Incidence rate 27. A 24 yo woman P1G1 on oral contraceptive has a pap smear of dysplasia and malignant change. Treatment : a. Stop oral contraceptive and repeat pap smear b. Cone biopsy c. Reassurance 28. Treatment of post-menopausal bleeding : a. Fractionnal D&C 29. True in menopause : a. LH increase b. FSH increase c. Estrogen increase 30. A baby with heart rate 80 bpm, irregular respiration, flaccid , acrocyanosis, slight reflex response, what is the Apgar score : a. 5 b. 4 c. 7 31. A pregnant woman should get weight of : a. 11 Kg b. 25 Kg c. 15 Kg 32. Most common cause of delayed speech in child is : a. Psychosis b. Deaf c. Emotional depression d. Otitis media 33. A girl with pan-systolic heart murmur, with fixed split S2. Dx : a. Arterial septal defect b. Ventricle septal defect c. PDA

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34. Which of the following given to a newborn could cause intoxication : a. Vit D 5000 IU for 6 months b. Vit K 50mg for 1 week c. Vit A 50000 IU for 4 months d. Vit C 300 mg for 4 months e. Pyridoxine (Vit B6) 10 mg for 1 year 35. A 4 month old infant with anemia, what is the most appropriate management : a. Give FeSO4 b. Examine the diet 36. Picture, showing a boy with a big swollen abscess near the right jaw. He has a history of inflammation and was given antibiotics, but the abscess enlarged and became hot and painful. Treatment : a. Give antibiotics b. Incise and drain under general anaesthesia c. Incise and drain under local anaesthesia d. Aspiration and inject antibiotics 37. A 24 male after a car accident. Has a rib fracture, chest wall move inward during inspiration (flail chest). Treatment : a. Occlusive dressing b. Endotracheal intubation with positive pressure ventilation 38. Treatment of an overdose of anticholinergic drug a. Physostigmine 39. Absolute contraindication of ECT is ? a. Heart block b. MI two weeks ago c. Brain tumour/brain lesion 40. Picture showing a skin lesion (kaposis sarcoma). The patient has developed pneumonia, what is the causative agent of pneumonia ? a. S. aureus b. Pneumococcus c. Pneumocystis carinii 41. The most common cause of mental retardation of offspring during pregnancy is a. CMV b. Herpes simplex c. Toxoplasmosis 42. A woman on labour, with weak contractions come every 4-5 min, last 20-30sec, station 0, cervix open 10 cm. Management ? a. Wait b. Oxytocin c. Rupture membrane d. Caesarean 43. Pregnant woman with LOT presentation. Management ? a. Caesarean 44. Management of face presentation : a. Ceasarean 45. Delusion in dementia is usually ? a. Persecutive in content 46. Downs syndrome patient after 35 years old usually develop ? a. Alzheimers disease

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47. Most common tumour in infant is ? a. Neuroblastoma 48. Patient with peritoneal fistulae and abscess is seen in ? a. Ulcerative colitis b. Crohns disease 49. A nurse after contact with a TB patient. DPP convert from ve to +ve . Treatment : a. Rifampin for 12 months b. INH for 6 months 50. A girl who contact a patient with haemophilus influenzae meningitis. Treatment ? a. Chemoprophylaxis with Rifampin 51. Patient with rheumatoid arthritis suddenly develops pain in the right calf and ankle. The tight measurement is the same, the calf circumference is enlarged. Dx : a. Bleeding in the muscle b. Popliteal cysts rupture (Bakers cysts) 52. A man after car accident developed diplopia. Dx a. Zygomatic arch fracture 53. A boy with fever, 2 days of respiratory infection. Develops tachycardia, ECG shows T wave flatten, echocardiogram normal. Dx ? a. Myocarditis viral b. Pericardiac effusion c. Rh carditis 54. Deficiency in vit B12 will cause change in ? a. Posterior column atrophy and lateral column atrophy 55. Hypertension related to pregnancy is associated with all except ? a. Teenage pregnancy b. Diabetes mellitus c. Grand multipara d. Pre-existing hypertension 56. Drugs that cause the least depression : a. Clonidine b. Thiazide c. Methyldopa d. Reserpine e. Metaprolol 57. A woman developed rash, joint pain after treatment. What is the possible drug given ? a. Procainamide 58. Hypercalcemia is found in all except ? a. Primary PTH b. Bone metastasis c. Myeloma d. Secondary PTH 59. Vaginal carcinoma is common in ? a. Endometrial ca b. Cervix ca c. Vulva ca d. Ovary ca 60. Cause of dysmenorrhea is ? a. Endometriosis in sacro-spinal lig

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61. A patient fall to the ground with an outstretched hand develop pain in the wrist. X-ray normal. Treatment ? a. Reassurance b. Scaphoid plaster and repeat x-ray after 2 weeks c. X-ray after 6 weeks 62. Mitral valve prolapse. Findings ? a. Mid-systolic click b. Systolic ejection 63. In severe ruptured tympanic membrane, weber test will find ? a. Hearing is better in the affected side b. Hearing is better in the unaffected side c. Hearing is the same in both sides 64. A boy develops sudden inguinal pain, the testis is high up. Epididymis cannot be palpated. Dx ? a. Torsion of testis b. Torsion of spermatic cord and testis 65. Child with a boil on the face, develop exophthalmia and external eye muscle palsy. Cause : a. Cavernous sinus thrombosis 66. Symptoms seen in frontal lobe syndrome : a. Apathy b. Disinhibition 67. Side effect of Phenothiazine all except ? a. Decrease sweating b. Dystonic c. Orthostatic hypotension d. Parkinsonian syndrome e. Diarrhea 68. What is true about precocious puberty : a. Usually idiopathic in girls b. More in male than in female c. Hyperfunction of adrenal gland 69. Young lady on oral contraceptive pills, developed early intermenstrual bleeding (day 1 to 9 ), management : a. Progestin b. Estrogen 70. Associated with pharyngeal Ca : a. Nickel b. Asbestosis c. Arsenic d. Ethanol 71. Nasal carcinoma is associated with : a. Nickel b. Asbestosis c. Arsenic d. Ethanol 72. What is true about passive smoking a. Risk of developing lung ca b. Eye irritation and tearing c. Severe lung destruction

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73. Man went to Rocky mountain, after he developed diarrhea for 3 weeks, no WBC in stool. Cause a. E coli b. Salmonella c. Giardia Lamblia 74. Enuresis in a 6-year-old boy is most likely to be : a. Psychosocial b. Normal c. Familial 75. A woman with a solid mass on outer quadrum of the breast. Management a. Mammography b. Wide excision and biopsy 76. Variable deceleration in fetus is caused by : a. Compression of the fetus head b. Compression of the cord c. Fetoplacental vascular insufficiency 77. Heart rate is not accelerated in non stress test . Cause : a. Fetus death b. Fetoplacental vascular insufficiency c. Fetus sleeps 78. Cause of acute pancreatitis : a. Stone b. Alcoholism c. Tramus d. Hypercalcemia e. All listed above 79. People forget about the date and the place of the experience, but can remember the experience itself. Dx : a. Normal forgetfulness b. Wernicks encephalopathy c. Dementia 80. A child has periodic nausea and headache in the night, then fall asleep. Cause ? a. Children migraine 81. The first sign of puberty in boys is : a. Testis enlargement b. Growth spurt c. Axillary hair d. Pubic hair 82. A 60 yo man, with productive sputum, cyanosis. Total lung capacity (TLC) is 11% FEV is 0.9%. After bronchodilatation, FEV became 1.1%. Dx a. COPD, bronchitis type (blue bloater) b. COPD, emphysema type (pink puffer) 83. Patient with perforated ulcer was given 500 mL Ringer solution, antibiotics. After anesthesia develop hypotension, cause ? a. Plasma volume deficiency b. Bleeding c. Reaction to antibiotics

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84. 6 hours after intoxication of acetaminophen, management ? a. Gastric lavage b. Acetylcystein c. Diuretics 85. diet in patient with dumping syndrome contains a. High in carbohydrate (CHO) low in protein and fat b. High CHO high protein low fat c. High CHO high fat low protein d. Low CHO low fluid high protein high fat 86. After operation on a perforated appendix, a patient develops fever pain in the low right abdomen. Cause ? a. Pelvic abscess b. Pseudomembranous colitis c. Subphrenic abscess 87. Malignancy most susceptible to radiation : a. Dysgerminoma b. Thecal cell CA c. Dermoid cyst 88. Associated with turner syndrome, except : a. Webbing neck b. Cardiac anomaly c. Infertility d. Arachnodactilty 89. A woman at term with active herpes simplex, management : a. Vaginal delivery and separate the baby after birth b. C-section 90. Cause of epidural hematoma a. Middle meningeal anterior artery tear 91. Patient with gonorrhea infection given spectinomycin but symptoms persist , possible cause : a. Associated with chlamydia infection 92. Patient develops vomiting after which physical exam shows emphysema beneath the sternum. Dx : a. Esophageal rupture b. Mallory-Weiss syndrome 93. Abdominal calcificate of a baby with bowel obstruction. Dx a. Meconium peritonitis 94. A baby with bloody stools ; bent his legs toward his abdomen. Dx a. Intussusceptions 95. A boy with bitemporal anopia and normal growth a. Craniopharyngioma b. Sellar tumor c. Eosinophilic cell tumor of pituitary gland 96. A 24 yo man with diabetes mellitus is on NPN and crystal insulin twice daily at 07.30and 20.30 respectively. Which of the following statement is true : a. If his blood sugar (BS) at 11.30 is > 8.3 (150 mg/dL) then increase the crystal insulin at 07.30 b. If his BS > 8.3 then increase the crystal insulin 97. A picture showing a nail with many pinpoint pitting. Dx a. Psoriasis

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98. A RA patient develop numbness in the hand. Possible cause : a. Carpal tunnal syndrome 99. A patient after a car accident found that he cannot move his forefinger + atrophy of the thenar muscle. Dx : a. Injury of the ulna nerve b. Injury of median nerve c. Injury of radius nerve 100. The most common cause of rectal bleeding in infant is : a. Allergy to cow milk 101. The most common cause of false +ve VDRL is : a. SLE b. RA c. TB d. Yaws 102. Which of the following is primary prevention : a. Seat belt b. Chemoprophylaxis of a person with +ve PPD c. Steroid in a patient with multiple sclerosis 103. Endometric Ca can be seen in , except : a. Diabetes mellitus b. Hypertension c. Exogenic estrogen d. Nullipara e. Multipara 104. A patient with recurrent painful and swollen salivary gland. Cause ? a. Calculus in submandibulary gland 105. Which of the following is secondary prevention : a. Birth consultation in Huntingtons disease b. Speed limitation c. Vaccination d. Rifampicin in person whose skin test convert from ve to +ve e. Diuretics in patient with hypertention

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ANSWERS 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. d 9. b 10. c 11. a 12. ? 13. e 14. a 15. a 16. a 17. a 18. b 19. a 20. a 21. ? 22. a 23. d 24. c 25. a.b.c 26. a 27. b 28. a 29. a 30. b 31. a 32. c 33. a 34. b 35. b 36. b 37. b 38. a 39. c 40. c 41. c 42. b 43. a 44. a 45. a 46.a 47. a 48. b 49. b 50. a 51. b 52. a 53. a 54. a 55. c 56. b 57.a 58. d 59. b 60. a 61. a 62. a 63. a 64. ? 65. a 66. a-b 67. e 68. a 69. b 70. c 71. a 81. a 72. a-b-c 82. a
or a-b-c-d

91. a 92. a

101. d 102. a

73. c 74. a 75. b 76. b 77. c 78. e 79. a 80. a

83. c 84. b 85. d 86. a 87. a 88. d 89. b ? 90. a

93. a 103. e 94. a 104. a 95. a 105. d 96. a ? 97. a 98. a 99. b 100. a

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