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Hypertext consists of nodes or chunks of information and links

between them, is any text which references another and it can be seen as two nodes of information with the reference forming the link Is any text which uses footnotes can be seen as containing nodes of information the text and the footnote with the footnote marker providing the link or pointer from one node to the other. When the reader selects a hypertext link, the movement between the two nodes takes place automatically There are two basic routes to creating hypertext: conversion of an existing text and direct origination of a new hypertext. Hypertext can exist on the web as either static or dynamic content

Hypermedia is the use of text, data, graphics, audio and video

as elements of an extended hypertext system in which all elements are linked, where content is accessible via hyperlinks. Text, audio, graphics, and video are interconnected to each other creating a compilation of information, which is generally considered as a non-linear system. Therefore the term hypermedia is a more general term than hypertext and suggests that links exist to information held on different media.

Multimedia uses computers to present text, audio, video,

animation, interactive features, and still images in various ways and combinations made possible through the advancement of technology. By combining media and content, those interested in multimedia can take on and work with a variety of media forms to get their content across. The user controls which component wants to visit, but that component can be dynamic, that is, varies without user intervention characterized by a temporal notion and talk audio or video

Hypertext is the electronic text format where, content is

interconnected using hyperlinks, while hypermedia refers to media such as text, audio, graphics and video interconnected using hyperlinks. Hypertext is a subset of hypermedia. In hypertext, the user moves from one document to another via links and a visit to a document ends when the application terminates or you move on to another component through the link.

Hypermedia structure is the same as that of a hypertext

are formed by nodes connected by links but the difference is that the nodes contain different media elements or morphologies. The structure of a hypermedia is therefore more complex than that of a hypertext. In conclusion the hypermedia combines both hypertext and multimedia. If the multimedia provides a wealth of data types, hypertext provides a structure that allows data to be presented and explored following different sequences, according to the needs and preferences of the user.

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