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Aviation is about the vehicles that travel in the air. This includes the skills of designing, building, operating, and maintaining these craft.

Aircraft can have wings or rotors or both. This group of vehicles also include balloons and airships. Not all aircraft need to have a motor. A glider is designed to hold one person and has no motor. It starts its ight by being pulled behind a small airplane into the air. It is released when it has enough speed and then uses thermal drafts to stay in the air. Balloons can be unmanned and used for scientic research. Many countries use research balloons to get information about conditions hundreds of feet above the earth's surface. These are called captive balloons because they are tied to the ground to keep them in the same place. They are usually lled with helium. They have packages with scientic instruments attached to the bottom of the balloons. These instruments send information back to the control station.

Read each sentence below. Fill in the missing word.

1. Aircraft can have _______________ or rotors or both. 2. A glider is designed to hold one person and has no _____________. 3. Balloons can be ________________ and used for scientic research. 4. Research balloons are lled with ____________________________________ .

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Hot air and gas balloons used for transportation and sport burn gas released from canisters to ll the balloon. A light weight basket is attached to the bottom of the balloon to hold passengers and equipment. The height can be controlled by increasing or decreasing the amount of hot air in the balloon envelope. The direction of the balloon is controlled by the wind and air drafts. An airship is a hot air balloon that has a motor and steering equipment to control the speed and direction of travel. These blimps can carry many passengers or large amounts of cargo. Even though people have dreamed for hundreds of years about being able to y, it did not actually happen until the late 1700s. French inventors made the rst unmanned and manned ights in hot air balloons.
Draw a picture of a hot air balloon.

Draw a picture of a blimp.

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The rst plane ight did not occur until 1902. A motorized aircraft did make one, and only one ight near Pittsburg, Texas in the spring of 1902. The plane was designed and built by Burrell Cannon. It was destroyed by a windstorm while on a train on the way to the St. Louis World's Fair of 1902. It was called the Ezekiel Airship. The Wright brothers' ight at Kitty Hawk in North Carolina in 1903, is usually considered the rst working airplane. Aerodynamics is the branch of physical science (physics) that studies the movement of objects through a uid. In the study of aerodynamics, air is considered a uid. The basic principals involved in aerodynamics are; lift, thrust, and drag.



A short denition of the principle of lift is to say it acts as the opposite of gravity. It forces objects up away from the pull of the earth. Drag is the force that slows an object down as it moves through a uid (or air). Drag pulls back, gravity pulls down. Thrust is the forward movement of an object that results from the high speed release of exhaust gases.


Propulsion is the term used for thrust when referring to jet


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The wings of a plane are curved in front and slightly tilted. The curve separates the air. The tilt forms an area of lower air pressure above the wing. The stronger ow of air underneath pushes the wing up into the pocket formed by the lower air pressure. The speed, or thrust, from the engines keeps the airplane moving forward fast enough to resist the forces of drag and gravity. Elevators on the tail are used to control the pitch of the whole airplane. The pilot can adjust aps on the wings called ailerons, to control banking, which is necessary for turning. The next time you are in a swimming pool, turn your hand into an airplane wing. With your hand pointing straight ahead, put it about one foot underwater and move it as quickly as possible. This is thrust and glide. You have almost the same uid pressure above and below your wing. Now tilt your hand down at the wrist and try again. The water will try to force your hand up. That is lift. The water pulls at the back of your hand near the wrist to slow the movement down. That is drag. Experiment with different angles of your hand or deeper water.
Draw a picture of an airplane taking off.

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Airplanes have three major body parts. They are the wings, the tail, and the fuselage. Whether it is a paper airplane or a jumbo jet, these need to be in the design. Early airplanes were designed with up to four sets of wings. From the Wright brothers and past the end of World War I, biplanes were the most common seen and used. A biplane has two sets of wings. The area where the pilot sat (cockpit) and maybe one passenger behind him, were open to the air. Closed cockpits were not developed until the 1930s. The tail of an airplane is the same as a rudder on a boat. the pilot controls the angle of the tail to allow him to turn the plane. The fuselage is the body of the plane. This is where the pilot and any other people sit. Cargo or passengers travel in the fuselage. Most of the mechanical parts are also located here. The fuel tanks are also in the fuselage. The shape of the fuselage is very important. A long, slender shape reduces the effect of drag.

Read each word. Write the denition beside each word.

1. rudder _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. cockpit ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. jet ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

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Planes may have xed wheels or retracting wheels. The basic arrangement of the wheels is in a triangle. Some planes have pontoons instead of wheels. These planes can only land and take off from water. Some airplanes have propellers. These blades are set on the nose of the plane or on the wings to pull it through the air. Helicopters have propellers on the top of the craft's body and the tail. These are actually modied wings and are called rotors. Helicopters can go up, backwards, forwards, and down in smaller areas than airplanes. They can also hold still or hover. Helicopters are not as fast as planes but they can get to places that planes can not go. They are often used for mountain and river rescues. They are also used by many large cities to bring accident victims quickly to hospitals. Radio and TV stations and police departments use them to observe trafc ow on highways. Helicopters range in size from one seat to a Russian built model that can carry 22 tons of cargo. No matter what the size, helicopters are not able to y for more than a few hours without refueling. The rst working toy models of helicopters were made by the Chinese in about 320 AD. The rst ones to hold humans were built by the French in 1874. Early American models began to show up in 1907. None of the ights lasted for longer than a minute.
Draw a helicopter in the box below.

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The rst reliable helicopters were produced in France in 1935, by Louis Breguet and Paul Cornu. A twin rotor model was designed by Henrich Focke of Germany in 1936. A single rotor model was built in America in 1939 by the Russian immigrant Igor Sikorsky. This was the basic design used by the United States and Great Britain for the next forty years. In the 1990's a tilt rotor design helicopter was developed by Bell Helicopter in Texas. It is function both as a helicopter and an airplane. It has short wings and a rotor on each. The rotors can lift the aircraft like a helicopter and then be tilted to face forward to y like a plane. Airplanes can carry people or cargo. They can have two seats or hundreds. Ninety percent of the licensed airplanes in the world carry six people or less. Smaller one or two engine airplanes are used in many ways. They may be used to carry passengers and cargo to and from areas where highways and railroads do not exists. They are also more practical to use when and where transport by car or truck would take too long. In the inner sections of Australia, emergency medical care is provided by a ying doctor service.

Have you own in an aircraft?



Write about a time you ew in an aircraft if you answered yes. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have not own in an aircraft write about the kind you would like to y in rst and why. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
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Farmers and ranchers use aircraft to patrol and control their land and herds. Large farms use planes with special equipment too sow seeds in their elds or to spread fertilizers and pesticides on their crops. Planes and helicopters are used by park and forestry agents to check on the condition of wild herds. predators, and land. The effects of rain or drought can be monitored. In case of forest res, the re ghters and their equipment are moved about by small aircraft. Many professional people prefer to use aircraft for travel. This is especially true for entertainers and athletes who must be in a different place almost every day. Almost every country in the world has at least one airport. In many countries, the government owns the airports and the passenger service companies. Almost every county in the United States has an airport. Most are for the use of the smaller passenger and cargo planes. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration is in charge of controlling all air trafc and knowing where all aircrafts are at anytime. This is a very important and stressful job. All pilots must pass written tests and have in air instruction. Many pilots for airline companies learned how to y while in the military service of their country.
Read each sentence below. Circle true or false. 1. All pilots must pass a written test and have in air instruction.


2. Many counties in the United States do not have an airport



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Jet propulsion engines are the most popular for use in passenger planes. They provide a smoother ride than piston driven engines. Jet engines can y higher and faster than propeller powered aircraft. However, they use a lot more fuel and this fuel is more dangerous to use. A jet engine provides a constant burn of fuel in an enclosed space, and the exhaust is powerful and steady. The power for piston engines and propeller driven craft depend on the movement and relationship of many mechanical parts. With fewer components, more control can be given to the pilot over the power and amount of thrust used. Although scientists had experimented for years to develop jet engines, they were not made reliable enough for planes until the late 1930s. The rst successful jet ghters were the Messerschmitts, built and used by Germany near the end of World War II.
LEARN A LITTLE MORE Read more about airplanes in the library, or at your home, or on the Internet. Draw a picture about something new you have learned, and write about it.

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
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Jet engines are also used to power rockets and space craft. They are able to carry the oxygen needed for combustion with them so higher altitudes and space travel is not a problem. One jumbo jet may take years and millions of dollars to design, build, and test. Almost from the beginning of the aviation industry, these costs have been paid by governments. One of the basic uses of aircraft is by the military in times of war and peace. Almost every country has planes, jets, and helicopters for use by their armed forces. Just a little over one hundred years ago, it took about six months to travel from New York City or Boston to San Francisco or Seattle. Now, a trip by plane averages about six hours. The skies around the world are lled by day and night with aircraft.
Use a blue crayon to draw a line from Boston to San Francisco. Use a red crayon to draw a line from New York City to Seattle. Use a green crayon to draw a line from your city to a city in the United States you would like to y to.

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Print the correct spelling word on the line.


airport aerport airprot



cerge cirgo cargo



rodder rudder ruddir



thrust thrast therst



spaca splae space


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Word Unscramble
Unscramble each word and print the word on the line.













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WORD FIND Find and circle these words. They run down, across, and diagonally.





space rotor jet

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Criss Cross
Can you t these words into the criss cross? Use a pencil so you can erase if you need to.

fuel drag




helicopter wings

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Page 11 - airport, cargo, rudder, thrust, space Page 12 - rudder, thrust, fuselage, cargo, airport, space Page 13 -

Page 14 -

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