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Aron Ralston, a US-born hiker was an adventurer right from his childhood.

On April 26, 2003 he set out for hiking to a wild and remote Utah countryside. While he was climbing down, a huge rock got dislodged, crushing his right hand and pinning it down. He had no hope of getting any help as he had not told anybody of his hiking plans. All his efforts to free his trapped hand were in vain. Assuming that he would die, he spent three days slowly sipping his small amount of remaining water and munching food. He had given up all his hopes. He was ready to face death. It was the fourth day. He was sure that he would not survive that night. So he carved his name, date of birth and presumed date of death into a rock nearby with his left arm, and videotaped his last goodbyes to his family. But God had a different plan for him. He survived to see the following days sun rise. He did not know what gave him that strength to see a new day. He paused for a minute. He reflected and said to himself: I am not going to give up my life so easily; I am not going surrender to death. He emptied his backpack and searched frantically. He grabbed a knife. Tears rolled down at the very thought of the act he was about to perform. With eyes set on the arm and teeth clenched he began that horrific act; the act of cutting off his arm. It took him one hour to amputate his hand and make him self free and walk to safety. My dear colleagues and beloved students this is the story of a man who was about to lose his life and then resurrected to a new life. Take heed of these words: Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared. There can be lot things that can scare you, frighten you in your lives. There can be situations that can deprecate you. There can be times when you will feel that you are like a paper boat caught in a whirlpool of misfortunes. There can be people around who are hypocrites who live by others misery. Don't give yourselves to those brutes, men who despise you, enslave you with their old ideas;
who regiment your lives, tell you what to do what to think and what to feel!

Armor yourself with the weapon of courage. Courage is a virtue. Fight the odds of life with courage. Have courage to stand up for your rights. Store up courage to fight against corruption. Brace yourself against the man who does not respect your ideas or values. May God help you! Thank you.

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