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HINTS oN ESOTERIC THEOSOPHY. No. 1. fs Theosephy a Delusion” Do the Brothers exist? Sssued under the Authorita of the Cheasophical Scciey. SECOND EDITION. Calcutta: PRINTED BY TUE CALCUETA CENTRAL FRESS CO, LD, 5) SOUNCEL MOUSE FTRERT, 1§82, K< hor Tuese letters are published with the per- mission of the writers, not because any of them are altogether free from errors and misconcep- tions, but because it is hoped that they may help to explain to all interested in the question, the present position of THEosorHy; and, by increasing the earnestness of all concerned in the movement, pave the way for more authori- tative and less imperfect views on the whole question. No tree can grow without soil, and THEosopny can only flourish and develop its fair flowers and refreshing fruits, where many pure hearts seeking the truth are gathered together. April 1882, Postscript. Tue whole of the original issue of this Pam- phlet having been disposed of, a second edition, slightly enlarged, is now published. Fuly 1882, HINTS ON ESOTERIC THEOSOPRY, No. 1. 1s Theosophy a Delusion ? Do the Brothers exist ? No. 1— (Letter from ors) P.TS., to My DEAR SIR, I HAVE duly received your long and inter- esting letter of the ————,, and have read #t, as well as its. enclosures (Fragments of Occult Truth, the Rules of the Ladies’ Theosophical Society, and the address therein contained ; and Colonel Olcott’s letter of the 30th of September 1881*) with the greatest possible care. TF have also re-read Mr. Sinnett’s “Occult World,” and have given due consideration to all the many little circumstances related by you; yet I am compelled to say that, knowing now, apparently, all that any of you know, I am far from convinced that the Theosophical Society has any real or reliable foundation, Now please understand me at once. I am not one of the vulgar scoffers, I do not doubt that Madame Blavatsky is a lady by birth, I have seen the original letters from men like Prince Dondoukoff Korsakoff (as high an official in the Russian administration as Lord Ripon is in the British), and I know that she is well born and highly connected. I know, too, all about Colonel Olcott. I have read all the letters 2 Vide p. 36.

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