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ELE401 - Field Theory: Tutorial Problems Week 10

1. Magnetic Boundary Conditions Problem: The boundary between two dierent magnetic materials is given by z y = 0. Region 1: z y > 0 has 1 = 3 o (r1 = 3) H1 = Region 2: 50 125 + 2 ay + 50 + 25 az 2 A m (1)

z y < 0, where r2 is unknown, but H2 = 50 100 3 + 25 ay 2 2 100 3 50 + 25 az 2 2 A m (2)

Solve for r2 and K the surface current density on the boundary. 2. A hollow cylindrical conductor with a permeability = o outer radius b [m], inner radius a [m] carries a uniform current Io in the positive z direction. Find the expression for the internal inductance Lint for l [m] length of this conductor. Suggestions:
2 Use magnetic energy approach where Wm = 1 2 Lint Io . Use Amperes Circuit Law to solve for H .

3. Mutual Inductance Problem: Take = o everywhere. Current I1 ows along N1 strands on the x axis in the ax direction. A triangular loop consisting of N2 turns carries current I2 between the points A(10,0,4), B(4,0,4), C(10,0,12) and back to A. Determine the expression for M the mutual inductance between the two circuits. 4. Faradays Law Problem: A circular conducting loop of radius a [m] exists on the z = 0 plane centred on the origin. The loop is immersed in a magnetic eld B = Bo t az [T]. Two points on the loop (a, 0+ , 0)cyl and (a, 2, 0)cyl form an innitesimal gap in the loop. (a) Calculate Vemf = V = d dt the voltage induced in the loop. B and reverse-curl via integration to solve for (b) Use E = t E = E () a [V/m]. (c) Solve for Vemf = l E dl along the loop. (d) Which terminal or is positive?

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