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ELE401 - Field Theory: Tutorial Problems Week 5

1. A slab of conducting material with conductivity exists in the region: a r b;


o Taking the E -eld to the E = E r 2 ar [V /m] solve for the resistance in the r direction between the surfaces r = a and r = b.

2. A piece of dielectric material is held between two conducting planes located at x = 0 and x = l. If the polarization vector eld inside the dielectric is P = (ax2 + b)ax [C/m2 ] (1)

solve for the following if the cross-sectional area of the dielectric slab/rod is taken as A [m2 ]. (a) E (b) D (c) s @ x=0 (d) s @ x=l+ (e) v (f) i. ps @ x=0+ ii. ps @ x=l iii. pv i. Qps ii. Qpv iii. Qps + Qpv


(h) V (x) if V (l) = 0 (i) V (0) (j) WE (Method I) (k) WE (Method II)

3. Two extensive homogeneous isotropic linear dielectrics meet on the plane z = y ; or z y = 0 Region I z y > 0 has Region II z y < 0 has

= 4.0 = 3.0 and E2 = 5ax 2ay + 4az [V /m]


If there is no surface charge density on the boundary between the two dielectric. Solve for: (a) E1 (b) P1 (c) P2 (d) ps1 (e) ps2 Hint: Take an =
az ay 2

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