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Nomenclature: CBU-97/B Name: Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW)

The CBU-97 is an anti-armor weapon. This cluster weapon is propped over an area with armor.
The fuze sensors detect heat and will fire down at the engine of the armored vehicle.

Weapon Characteristics
CRD Weapons Code
C971A CBU-97/B (SFW)
C976A CBU-97/B (SFW) B-1
C978A CBU-97/B (SFW) B-2
C975A CBU-97/B (SFW) F-15E

Weight (full) 919.84 lbs +/- 5%

cg (x) 7.8 +/- 0.5. in.
cg (y) unk +/- 0.5. in.
cg (z) 0.20 +/- 0.5. in.
Length 92.00 in.
Diameter 15.60 in.
Inertia (roll) 6.00 +/- 10%
Inertia (pitch) 97.60 +/- 10%
Inertia (yaw) 97.69 +/- 10%
Drawings 8562831
Interface Control Drawings 777944, 777111, 8563586, 8562844
Employment Limits PIDS SP8562831, para 3.2.1
Environmental Limits PIDS SP8562831, para 3.2.6
Supportability PIDS SP8562831, para 3.5 (Logistics)
Dispenser - SUU-66/B
Submunition - 10ea BLU-108/B w/ 4 Warheads Each
Weight - BLU - 63 lbs Projectile - 8 lbs
Length - BLU - 31 in Projectile - 3.75 in
Diameter - BLU - 5.25 in Projectile - 5.25 in
Fuze - Integral Part of Dispenser - FZU-39/B Proximity Sensor

Employment Options
Aircraft: Limitations: Delivery Envelope
F-16A-D; F-15E; 3,000 - 30,000 ft. Alt. w/WCMD
A-10; B-1; 250-650 Knots
B-2; B-52 Targets - Tanks, Armored and Support Vehicles
Engagement Systems - Bombing Computer
Rack/Pylon: 14 in. Lug Spacing

Contractor - Textron Defense Systems, Wilmington, MA
Status - Production

Tech Data - 11A9-31-7

SUU-66/B Dispenser


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