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Area: 198,500 sq km
Capital City: Bishkek
Climate: Dry Continental to polar in high Tien Shan, subtropical in southwest (Fergana Valley)
Population: 5,146,281 (July 2005 EST)
Major Trading Partners: Russia, UEA, China, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Turkey, Germany, Uzbekistan.

For along time, people come to visit a amazing place in

territory of Kyrgizstan.
This place, which is named Issyk-Kul’. Issyk-Kul’ means
the warm lake, becaurs it is a salt lake and it never freezes.
Most people in Kyrgizstan speak russian language, but
native language is kyrgiz, which is related to turkish.
Kyrgizstan has a continental climate.Whith cold winter, and
hot summers.
A large part of Kyrgizstan is Thayne-Shan’ mountains.
Traditionally people lived in yurt which we call “Bozui, but
now people live in towns and countries and cities. Many people
from other countries came to visit this is beautiful “Pearl of
Kyrgizstan with beautiful nature and fresh air. It is one of the
largest lakes in the world.

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