To Apply Aseptic Techniques in Microbial Cultivation. 2. To Isolate Pure Colony by Streak Plate Method. 3. To Transfer Bacteria by Several Methods

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1. To apply aseptic techniques in microbial cultivation. 2. To isolate pure colony by streak plate method. 3. To transfer bacteria by several methods.
Introduction: In this experiment, we have been introduce of some techniques that are used to study microorganism. Microorganism is any small organism that cannot be clearly seen without the help of a microscope. Some microorganism can be harmful to humans as they cause disease. For this reason, techniques have been developed to control the unwanted growth and spread of microorganism. Sterilisation is a process that kills all microorganism including endospores, within a material or object. There are several technique that used to sterilize materials and objects and the examples are autoclaving, dry heat, filtration and gamma radiation. Procedure: Sterilization:

Experiment A,B,C,D and E:

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