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Revised 4th Edition Component List Rulebook Game Board Character Cards (14)

Assassin Druid Dwarf Elf Ghoul Minstrel Monk Priest Prophetess Sorceress Thief Troll Warrior Wizard PLASTIC FIGURES TO MATCH Book of Spells Devil Evil Darkness Imp Magical Vortex Market Day Mephistopheles Pestilence Raiders Siren Storm FOLLOWERAlchemist Cursed by a Hag Gnome Guide x 2 Maiden Mercenary Mule Pixie Poltergeist Prince Princess Unicorn MAGIC OBJECTAmulet Cross Holy Grail Holy Lance (Weapon) Magic Belt Orb of Knowledge Potion of Strength Ring Runesword (Weapon) Solomons Crown Talisman x 2 Wand OBJECTSArmour Axe Bag of Gold x 8 Helmet Raft Shield Sword x 2 Two Bags of Gold x 3 Water Bottle PLACECave Fountain of Wisdom Magic Portal Magic Stream Market

Toad Cards (4)


Adventure Cards (104)

ENEMY-ANIMALApe STR 3 Bear STR 3 Lion STR 3 Serpent STR4 Wild Boar STR 1 x 2 Wolf STR 2 ENEMY-DRAGON Dragon STR 7 x 3 ENEMY-MONSTERBandit STR 4 x 2 Giant STR 6 Goblin STR 2 x 2 Hobgoblin STR 3 x 2 Ogre STR 5 x 2 ENEMY-SPIRITDemon CRAFT 10 Ghost CRAFT 4 x 2 Lemure CRAFT 1 x 2 Shadow CRAFT 2 x 2 Spectre CRAFT 3 Wraith CRAFT 5 x 2 EVENTAngel Blizzard

Marsh Maze Pool of Life Shrine STRANGEREnchanter Fairy Healer Hermit Mage Phantom Sorcerer Witch

Spell Cards (24)

Acquisition Alchemy Counterspell x 2 Destroy Magic Destruction x 2 Divination Healing x 2 Hex Immobility x 2 Invisibility Mesmerism Nullify Preservation Psionic Blast x 2 Random x 2 Teleport x 2 Temporal Warp

Purchase Cards (28)

Armour x 4 Axe x 4 Helmet x 4 Mule x 4 Raft Shield x 4 Sword x 3 Water Bottle x 4

Talisman Cards (4) Alignment Cards (4) 40 Strength Counters (8 large, 32 small RED Cones) 40 Craft Counters (8 large, 32 small BLUE Cones) 40 Life Counters (8 large, 32 small GREEN Cones) 36 Fate Tokens 30 Gold Coins Six Sided Dice (6)

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