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Questions for Students about College Plans

1. What is your current grade? a. b. c. d. 9 10 11 12

d. Graduated from college 7. What do you think you will do after high school? a. Go to college b. Work c. Join the military d. Trade or technical training 8. Have you ever considered going to college? a. Yes b. No 9. What do you consider stumbling block(s) to going to college? (you can check one-four) a. Your grades b. Money worries c. You have no idea how to apply to college d. Concerns about your family 10. What do you know about what you need to do to go to college? a. Nothing b. A little c. Some d. A great deal

2. What gender are you? a. Female b. Male 3. What ethnicity are you? a. African American b. Asian c. Caucasian d. Hispanic e. Mixed race 4. Do you know the requirements for you to graduate from high school? a. Yes b. No

5. What is the highest grade that either of your parents finished? a. Did not finish high school b. Graduated from high school c. Did some college courses d. Graduated from college 6. What is the highest grade that any of your siblings finished (if you have any older siblings) ? a. Did not finish high school b. Graduated from high school c. Did some college courses

11. Do you know how to apply to college? a. No b. Yes

12. Do you know how to apply for financial aid for college? a. No b. Yes 13. Did you know that the average graduate of college make over double the salary of the average salary of a high school graduate? a. No b. Yes 14. Do you know what the SAT is? a. Yes b. No 15. Do you know what the ACT is? a. Yes b. No

16. Do you know how to get a letter of recommendation or who to ask for one? a. Yes b. No 17. Does going to college make it more likely that you will get into a career where you can earn a better salary? a. Yes b. No 18. Does going to college make it more likely that you will not suffer unemployment? a. Yes b. No\ 19. Do you know what types of careers require a college degree? a. Yes b. No

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