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Dasa and Remedies

Arranged from Available Brihat Parashar Hora-shastra (BPHS) Dasa Sun Sun Sun Sun Antar dasa Sun Moon Mars Rahu Remedy Mrityunjaya Japa, or the worship of Srya charity of a white cow and a female buffalo recitation of Vedas, Japa and Vrashotsarg Worship of Goddess Durga, Japa, giving in charity of a black cow, or female buffalo Giving in charity gold, a tawny-coloured cow (Kapila Gaya), worship of Isht Lord (Isht Dev) Giving in charity black cow, buffalo, goat and Mrityunjaya Japa recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving in charity grains and an idol, made of silver. recitation of Mantras of Goddess Durga (Shat Chandi Path) and giving a goat in charity. Mrityunjaya Japa, Rudra Japa and giving in charity a tawny cow, or female buffalo.



Sun Sun

Saturn Mercury





Dasa Moon Moon Moon Moon

Antar dasa Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter

Remedy charity of a tawny-coloured cow, or female buffalo. --------Rahu Japa and giving a goat in charity recitation of Shiva Sahasranam Japa and giving gold in charity. Mrityunjaya Japa, giving in charity a black cow, or female buffalo recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving a goat in charity. Mrityunjaya Japa Rudra Japa and giving in charity a white cow and silver. Worship of Lord Shiva





Moon Moon

Ketu Venus



Dasa Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars

Antar dasa Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon

Remedy Rudr Japa and gives a redcoloured bull in charity. Naga Puja, offering food to Brahmins and Mrityunjaya Japa. recitation of Shiva Sahasranam Mrityunjaya Japa recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving a horse in charity. ----------giving a cow, or female buffalo in charity worship of Srya in the prescribed manner. recitation of Mantras of the Goddess Durga and the Goddess Lakshmi.

Dasa Rahu

Antar dasa Rahu

Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu

Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars

Remedy worshipped (by recitation of his Mantras) and by giving in charity things, connected with, or ruled by Rahu. beneficence of the Lord Shiva, if he worships his idol, made of gold. giving a black cow, or a she-buffalo in charity. recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam. giving a goat in charity. worship of Goddess Durga and Goddess Lakshmi. Worship of Srya give in charity a white cow, or a female buffalo. giving a cow, or a bull in charity.

Dasa Jupiter Jupiter

Antar dasa Jupiter Saturn

Remedy recitation of Rudr Japa and Shiva Sahasranam recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving in charity a black cow, or a female buffalo. recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam. performance of Mrityunjaya Japa in the prescribed manner. giving a tawny-coloured cow, or a female buffalo in charity. recitation of Adhitya Hridaya Path. Durga Saptashati Path. give a bull in charity. Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a goat in charity.

Jupiter Jupiter

Mercury Ketu



Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter

Sun Moon Mars Rahu

Dasa Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn

Antar dasa Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus

Saturn Saturn

Sun Moon

Saturn Saturn Saturn

Mars Rahu Jupiter

Remedy Mrityunjaya Japa is performed in the prescribed manner. recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving grains in charity. giving a goat in charity beneficence of Goddess Durga and the performance of Durga Saptashati Path and giving a cow, or a female buffalo in charity. worship of Srya Havan and giving jaggery, Gh, rice, mixed with curd, a cow, or a female buffalo in charity. performance of Havan and giving a bull in charity. Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a goat in charity. recitation of Shiva Sahasranam and giving gold in charity.

Dasa Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury

Antar dasa Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon

Mercury Mercury

Mars Rahu

Mercury Mercury

Jupiter Saturn

Remedy recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam. giving a goat in charity. recite Mantras of Goddess Durga. Worship of Srya Mantras of the Goddess Durga are recited in the prescribed manner and clothes are given in charity. Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a cow in charity recitation of Mantras of Goddess Durga and Goddess Lakshmi in the prescribed manner and giving a tawny-coloured cow, or female buffalo in charity. recitation of Shiva Sahasranam and giving a cow and gold in charity. performance of Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a black cow and female buffalo in charity.

Dasa Ketu Ketu

Antar dasa Ketu Venus

Ketu Ketu

Sun Moon

Ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu

Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn



Remedy performance of Durga Saptashati Japa and Mrityunjaya Japa. performance of Durga Path and giving a tawnycoloured cow, or female buffalo in charity. give a cow and gold in charity. recitation of Mantras of Candr and giving in charity things, connected with Candr. bull is given in charity. Durga Saptashati Path. Mrityunjaya Japa and recitation of Shiva Sahasranama. performance of Havan with sesame seeds (Til) and giving a black cow, or female buffalo in charity. recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam.

Dasa Venus

Antar dasa Venus

Remedy Durga Path and giving a cow in charity. Worship of Srya ----------------Mrityunjaya Japa Mrityunjaya Japa. Havan with sesame seeds (Til), Mrityunjaya Japa, Durga Saptashati Path (by oneself, or through a Brahmin).

Venus Venus Venus Venus Venus Venus

Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn



recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a goat in charity.



Compiled by

Dr.Nirupam Joshi

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