Walking in My Shoes PDF

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Untitled Walking in my shoes The company I work for asked us to write an entry for a competition called "Walk a mile

in MY shoes". I missed the deadline much to my disappointment, but as I read through the entries that were published, I was torn with the notion of sameness that draws distintions between to things, one looking forth with disdain, and the other looking back with equal disdain and both suggesting the other does not understand. I wrote this to get to the bottom of it. It. is. about. shoes it is not about me. or my shoes. it is about shoes. where have they been? where are they now? and Importantly what wisdom carries the feet inside? can you walk in my shoes when theyve been on a journey that i barely understand? why focus on ME and MY shoes? even ive just been a spectator. watching the landscape change. on a journey to finding a pixel on the canvas of this life. a pixel to leave my mark on this world. sure, a time in the past commanded where pixels were painted. sure the present requires a pixel arrangement that would or could accompany mine, as this canvas changes with the landscape of a new dispensation. are my shoes not still the same? my feet still are! and frankly, the only thing i have changed is the colour of my socks. you see, we could walk in each others shoes. study each others journeys. but who dictates the time, place and the real route to venture. and only a mile? could we recognise ourselves in the same uniqueness of each others socks? until we see our feet, hearts and minds along ANYONES journey in ANYONEs shoes at any time. i am The Apple Damla. my feet are green. perfectly wedged in the middle of the rainbow. my socks are black and white and vibgyor in between. my own palette is that vibgyor nation, but its the black and white gradients that meet imperfectly to bond an ever contrasting, ever changing canvas. our indifference carried me with the elegance of a whiskied caterpillar until we cocooned afraid to take another step

stopped. Page 1

Untitled then blogs and poems and messages like golden strands, strengthened forgotten wings. now i wait. we wait. wings restrained. not leaving. arriving. arriving in our wisdom. in our shoes. walk on by? flutter by? fly.

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