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The Structure of Material

Compiled by : Kadek Windy H

Simple molecules can combine to produce complex and beautiful solid structure : Water molecules arranged in an organized way produced the hexagonal shapes of snowflakes crystal

There are four different types of solid physical structure : 1. Giant metallic lattice - a lattice of positive ion in a sea of electrons 2. Giant ionic lattice - a lattice of alternating positive and negative ions 3. Giant molecular lattice a giant molecule making the lattice 4. Simple molecular lattice - simple molecules an a lattice held together by weak force

Basic physical properties of material : 1. Melting point 2. Density 3. Hardness 4. Toughness 5. Flexibility and tensile strength 6. Electrical and thermal conductivity 7. Solubility in solvent Alloys Alloys are form by mixing molten metals together and allowing them to cool. Alloying often results a metal that is stronger than original individual metals

Aluminium (low density and its not very strong)






Stainless steel

Giant Ionic Lattice

Consist of positive and negative ion.

The nearest neighbours of an ion are always of the opposite charge

Giant Molecular Crystals

Are held together by strong covalent bond This type of structure is shown by some elements ( ex. Carbon in the form of diamond and graphite) and also by some compound (ex silica , SiO2)

Giant Covalent Structure of diamond

Carbon has an electronic arrangement of 2,4. In diamond, each carbon shares electrons with four other carbon atoms - forming four single bonds.

Giant Covalent Structure of Graphite

Graphite has a layer structure.

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