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Sir Syed University Of Engineering & Technology Data Communications (CE-312)

FALL SEMESTER 2011 Course Instructors

Ms. Rabia Noor Enam Ms. Najma Ismat Mr Hashhaam Naeem

Week wise Course Outline:

WEEK TOPICS CONTENTS OF TOPICS # 1&2 Introduction (Chapter 1, 2 1.1 Data Communications & 3 - B. Forouzan) 1.2 Networks 1.4 Protocols and Standards 2.1 Layered Tasks 2.2 Internet Model 2.3 OSI Model Review of Chapter 3 (Chapter 10 10.1 Switching Networks W. Stallings) 10.3 Circuit Switching Concepts (Chapter 8 - B. Forouzan) 10.4 Control Signaling 8.1 Circuit-Switched Networks 8.4 Structure of a Switch Review of Digital Digital and Analog to Digital 5.1 Digital-To-Analog Conversion Class Activities


Assignment 1

Signal Encoding Techniques (Chapter4 B. Forouzan)

Assignment 2 Quiz 2

(Chapter 5 - B. Forouzan) Analog Analog (B. Forouzan) 5.2 Analog-To-Analog Conversion 6&7 Error Detection and Correction (Chapter 10 B. Forouzan ) 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Block Coding

10.3 Linear Block Codes 10.4 Cyclic Code 10.5 Checksum 7.1 Flow Control (W. Stallings)

8-11 Data Link Layer

Assignment 3 Quiz 3

(Chapter 7 W. Stop-and-Wait ARQ Stallings) Sliding Window (Chapter 11 B. Forouzan ) 7.2 Error Control (W. Stallings) Go-back-N ARQ Selective Repeat ARQ


Multiple Access (Chapter 12- 12.2 Controlled Access B. Forouzan

11.6 HDLC & PPP (B. Forouzan ) MID TERM 12.1 Random Access

12.3 Channelization 13&14 Local Area Networks Wired LANs (Chapter 13,14 & 15 B. Forouzan ) Topologies 15&16 IP addressing LAN Protocol Architecture Bridges Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches Wireless LANs

Assignment 5 Quiz 4

Text Book: Data and Computer Communications, 8th Edition, William Stallings, 2006. Reference Books: 1. 2. Computer Networking|: A Top-Down Approach Featuring Internet, 4th Edition 2007 Data Communications and Networking, 4th Edition, Behrouz A. Forouzan, 2006.

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