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C Language Assignment 1. Write a C program to perform addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of two numbers. 2.

Write a C program to swap to numbers. 3. Write a C Program to find Larger from two numbers. 4. Write a C program to find Larger from Three numbers. 5. Write a C program to check given number is perfect square or not. 6. Write a C program to check given number is Even or Odd. 7. Write a C program to check given number is perfect square or not. 8. Write a C program to check whether input alphabet is a vowel or not. 9. Write a C program to check given number is leap year or not. 10.Write a C Program to print Name of The Day using Switch Statement(1-Mon,7-Sunday) 11.Write a C program to find larger from given n numbers. 12.Write a C program to find sum of digits of given number. 13.Write a C program to reverse a number. 14.Write a C program to find factorial of a given number. 15.Write a C program to check given number is palindrome or not. 16.Write a C program to check that given number is prime or not. 17.Write a C program to print first n prime numbers. 18.Write a C program to check given number is Armstrong or not. 19.Write a C program to print first n terms of Fibonacci series 20.Write a C program to find the maximum of an array. 21.Write a C Program to find the minimum of an array. 22.Write a C program to find second largest of an array. 23.Write a C Program to find mean and standard deviation of an array. 24.Write a C program to find sum of an array elements using function. 25.Write a C Program to Sort an Array. 26.Write a C program to list common elements of two arrays. 27.Write a C program to print elements of an array divisible by given number and print their count. 28.Write a C program to find sum of two matrices. 29.Write a C program to find product of two matrices. 30.Write a C program to find transpose of a matrix. 31.Write a C program to check whether given matrix is symmetric or not. 32.Write a C program to find largest of an array using function. The function must return the largest no of array.

33.Write a C program to create structure for the Student. Input and print value of this structure.
struct student { int id; char *name; float percentage; }

34. Write a C program to use command line arguments . 35.Write a C Program to add two numbers using pointers.

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