Workshop For Calculus Students Nuts and Bolts of Mathematica

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Workshop for Calculus Students Nuts and Bolts of Mathematica

November 29, 2012 Feedback Form Please take a few moments to provide me some important feedback about your professional development workshop. This information will be used to improve and select future workshops. 1. Of the following considerations, please select up to three (3) that were most important in your decision to attend this workshop.

The effectiveness of the Resource person who facilitated the workshop Date and time of workshop was convenient Workshop Topic was relevant to my professional goals Length of Workshop was optimum Description of teaching / learning methods to be employed was edifying Other please specify ________________
2. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements (mark NA if the statement is not applicable):

1 2 3 4

I understood the concepts as presented in the workshop. The workshop improved my understanding of the topic. The knowledge and skills I learnt would be will be useful to me in my job. I would recommend this workshop to others.

Strongly Disagree Disagree



Strongly Agree

3. What is your main recommendation to improve this workshop for future participants?

4. What other workshop topics would you like to see offered in Quantitative courses?

5. Please share any other comments you have regarding this workshop?

Thank you for the participation

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