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B = medulla (oblongata); C = cerebellum; 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

to receive sensory input / eq; idea of {interpretation/coordination} (of information); {initiates / transmits} impulses to effector; idea of control of voluntary action / eq; reference to {thought / learning / intelligence / memory }; reference to speech; reference to {personality / emotion}; max 2


(a) (b) (c)

position of hypothalamus correctly identified; forebrain; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. homeostasis; reference to osmoregulation /eq; reference to maintaining body temperature; acts as an endocrine gland / produces {hormones / ADH / oxytocin}; controls pituitary gland; controls autonomic nervous system/eq; controls behaviour (patterns) /named behaviour e.g. feeding/sleeping/aggression;

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(i) (ii) (iii)

B (cerebellum); C (medulla); A (cerebrum);

1 1 1

St Edmund's College


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

There is a {critical period / window} for (visual) development {after birth / correct reference to time}; Axons (from visually deprived eye) do not pass impulses; Reference to visual cortex / occipital lobe; Inactive synapses eliminated; Adult not affected as {connections to the brain are already made / critical period has ended}; 2

4. Region of Brain One function Control of { involuntary movement / heart rate / breathing / blood pressure}; Celebrum / cerebral {hemispheres / cortex}; Cerebellum Control of {sleep / circadian rhythms / feeding / drinking / aggression / body temperature / pituitary} / endocrine gland /named hormone production / reference to osmoregulation;

St Edmund's College

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