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These are the conventions that construct news stories:

All news stories, aim to stick to the 3 main divisions within the news segment which are; a Hard news story: This is generally factual, serious, devastating, aiming for an emotional reaction from the audience (anger, empathy, happiness, devastation, etc.) This type of news refers to news stories that are current, hard-hitting, typically involving issues such as death, crime, politics, current affairs, etc. They also tend to stay on an international, global scale of news stories, formal and factual. A soft news story, which refers to entertainment, curiousness and current stories involving the local public, this type of news tends to be lighthearted, interesting, attracting audience views and response whereas an off the wall story, aims to make the audience wonder, feel curious and want to know more, off the wall stories tend to stay local and regional as they normally relate to the audience of that particular area.

* Kiss and tell: Keep It Short and Simple and Tell the story. * Use the 5Ws: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. * Use FACTS for validity, strengthen argument, inform, educate and raise

* Use a peg: time frame of the news story '''today 9:15'' * Angle of the news story: biased? Unbiased? balanced? * Quotes: attribution, peoples views and opinions relating to news story. * Anecdotal reference: witnesses, people linked to the news story sharing
their stories.

* Vox pops/ Interviews: keeping intact with the public and audience,
gathering their views, opinions and responses.

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