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ANSYS Practice No.

Thermal-Stress Analysis using the Direct Coupled Method

Pipe with Cooling Fins

Description: To analyse the thermal-stress filed in the Stainless steel pipe with cooling fins using the Direct Coupled Method. The thermal loadings are the same as in Practice 9A, with the internal pressure of 1000 psi applied to the model simultaneously. The material property of 304 Stainless Steel is as follows: Youngs Modulus:2.7993e7 (lbf/in2) Specific heat: 46.286 (Btu/lb) Density: 0.75148e-3 (lbf-sec2/in4) Poissons ratio: 0.29 Conductivity: 0.21822e-3 (Btu/(hr-in-oF) Thermal expansion coefficient: 0.9889e-7 (/ oF)

Figure 1. The axisymmetric model of the pipe with the thermal and pressure loadings.

Instructions: 1. Enter ANSYS in your working directory using pipe-direct as the jobname
or: Clear the database, and change the jobname to pipe-direct. 2. Read input from pipe-th.inp to create the 2D axisymmetric model: /INPUT, pipe-th, inp 3. Add an axisymmetric coupled field element type (PLANE13). - Main Menu > Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete Select Coupled Field and Vector Quad 13, then [OK] 4. Modify element options for structural / thermal, axisymmetric: [Options] K1 = UX UY TEMP AZ K3 = Axisymmetric [OK] [Close] 1

- Or issue: ET, 1, PLANE13 KEYOPT, 1,1,4 KEYOPT, 1,3,1 5. Change the title: - Utility Menu > File > Change Title /TITLE = 2D AXI-SYMM THERMAL ANALYSIS W/ COV. LOADING ESIZE=0.125 [OK] 6. Mesh the model using mapped meshing with 2D quad elements: - Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool Pick [Set] under Size Controls: Global SIZE = 0.25/2, then [OK] Select Mapped, then [Mesh] [Pick All] - Or issue: MSHAPE, 0, 2D MSHKEY, 1 ESIZE, 0.25/2 AMESH, ALL 7. Specify material property data (refer to Practice 9A Handout) 8. Apply convection loads to the solid model lines: - Use either the manu path or issue: SEL, 2, CONV, 0.69e-4, , 70 SEL, 6, CONV, 0.69e-4, , 70 SEL, 10, CONV, 0.69e-4, , 70 SEL, 9, CONV, 0.28e-3, , 450 SEL, 13, CONV, 0.28e-3, , 450 9. Apply internal constant pressure of 1000 psi to the internal lines of the pipe: - Use either the manu path or issue: SEL, 9, PRES, 1000 SEL, 13, PRES, 1000 10. Apply symmetry boundary condition on lines at Y = 0: - Main Menu > Preprocessor > Loads > -Loads- Apply > Displacement > -Symmetry B.C- On lines + Select the appropriate lines (i.e. lines 2, 5 and 11), then [OK] - Or issue: DL, 3, , SYMM DL, 5, , SYMM DL, 11, , SYMM 11. Couple UY DOF on nodes at Y = 1: 11a). Select nodes a Y= 1 using the Select logic: - Utility Menu > Select >Entities: Select Nodes and By Location, 2

Select Y Coordinates Set Min,Max to 1, then [OK] - Or issue: NSEL, S, LOC, Y, 1 11b). Define a UY DOF couple set on the select set of nodes: - Main Menu > Preprocessor >Coupling / Ceqn > Couple DOFs +: [Pick All] Let: NSET = 1 Set Lab = UY [OK] - Utility Menu > Select >Everything - Or issue: CP, 1, UY, ALL ALLSEL, ALL 12. Save the database and obtain the solution. - Use either the Manu path, or issue: SAVE /SOLU SOLVE 13. Enter the general postprocessor and review the results: 13a). Plot displacement: - Main Manu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot Nodal Solu Pick DOF solution and Translation USUM Select Def + undef edge, then [OK]. - Or issue: /POST1 PLNSOL, U, SUM, 2, 1 13b). Plot von Mises stress: - Main Manu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot Nodal Solu Pick Stress and von Mises SEQV select Def shape only, then [OK]. - Or issue: PLNSOL, S, EQV 13c). Plot radial stress: - Main Manu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot Nodal Solu Pick Stress and X-direction SX, then [OK]. - Or issue: PLNSOL, S, X 13d). Expand the axisymmetric radial stress 90 degrees about the Y axis and reflect about the xz plane: - Utility Manu > PlotCtrls > Style > Symmetry Expansion > 2D Axi-Symmetric Pick 1/4 expansion and set reflection to Yes, then [OK]. - Utility Manu > PlotCtrls > Pan, Zoom, Rotate [ISO] - Or issue: 3

/EXPAND, 9, AXIS, , , 10, , 2, RECT, HALF, , 0.00001 /VIEW, 1, 1, 1, 1 /REPLOT 13e). Plot longitudinal (axis) stress: - Main Manu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot Nodal Solu Pick Stress and Y-direction SY, then [OK]. - Or issue: PLNSOL, S, Y 13f). Plot circumferential (hoop) stress: - Main Manu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot Nodal Solu Pick Stress and Z-direction SZ, then [OK]. - Or issue: PLNSOL, S, Z 14. Save and exit ANSYS - Pick the QUIT button from the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu > File > Exit ) Select Save Everything [OK].

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