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March 17th
Making requests
Different types of requests:
Polite requests (colleagues, acquaintances,

Familiar requests ( close friends and


Commands ( to convey urgency)

*More formalities are required for strangers,

or the elderly while requests to close
friends or children are more like
Polite requests
Uses signs such as
-you busy? -You mind*? -Please

I busy, you please for-me food bring-inside

Car dirty, You mind help-me wash-car

You busy? You help me wash-dishes please?

Familiar Requests
I busy, you for-me food bring-inside ?

Car dirty, you-help-me wash-car

You-help-me wash-dishes?

* We don’t use the word “can”, instead we use

facial expression to indicate that it is a
request ( same as yes/no question: raise
eyebrows, tilt head forward, hold last sign)
Commands ( Imperatives)
“You” pronoun is usually absent
Signer looks directly at the person
being commanded
The verb has a sharp and tense
movement, sometimes a sharp head
nod accompanies the verb
Bring-inside Food
Facial Expression
Facial Expression also plays a role in
giving requests, when speaking to a
stranger your expression is softer and
you usually sign please

For a close friend you would have a more

casual expression

For a command your expression will

become more angry / strict depending on
Making requests
Practice Cards
In each card you see two people,
determine the relationship between the people

For each card choose a role for each person and

conduct a conversation corresponding to what
is pictured in the scene

Signer A: give reason and make request

Signer B: respond and perform request

Signer A: Groceries
heavy, you-help-me

Signer B: O-K

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