CST Meeting Agenda-1

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Child Study Team (CST) Meeting Standing Agenda

Purpose: Engage in Data-Based Problem Solving for an individual student after data confirms that solid core instruction and Tier II interventions have not yielded sufficient gains. Team: Specialists, classroom teacher bringing forth concern. Parent invited but not requisite. Bring: Intervention Profile, documenting two appropriately chosen, but unsuccessful interventions, Completed File Review, other applicable data. Student __________________________ Parent Name & Date Notified ________________________

Classroom Teacher Explains Student Strengths, Instructional History, Behavioral History, Interventions Used & Results

Statement of Problem

Specialists Provide Input

Plan for Next Steps, including timeline

Outcome: Action plan focused on instructional next steps formed with timeline for checking back in with the team.

Facilitator ___________________

Note Taker ____________________

Date _____________

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