Active Expressions Lesson

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Standards-Based Education Project

Weston Public Schools

Backwards Design Template

Stage 1-Desired Results Content Standard(s):

SPI 0601.2.1 Identify the purpose of a speech (i.e., to inform, to describe, to explain, to persuade, to entertain).

Understanding(s): Students will understand that . . . Active Expressions are a 21st century tool. Active Expressions are simple to use. Active Expressions can be used in all content areas. Active Expressions engage students.

Essential Question(s):
How can I begin using Active Expressions in the classroom?

How can Active Expressions keep the students engaged?

Students will know . . . That Active Expressions are easy to set up and operate How Active Expressions keep students involved in the lesson Students will be able to Set up Active Expressions in their own classroom Create questions to be used with Active Expressions Demonstrate how to use Active Expressions

Stage 2-Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s) Set up Active Expressions Answer questions on Active Expressions Create questions to be used with Active Expressions Other Evidence: Observations

Standards-Based Education Project

Weston Public Schools

Stage 3- Learning Plan Learning Activities: Students will Observe the teacher model how to use Active Expressions. The teacher will demonstrate how they are used in the classroom. Determine the reasons why they should use them in the classroom. Teachers will discuss how they will benefit their students. Teachers will also come up with ways in which they could use this in the classroom. Practice using Expressions by answering questions on the Promethean Board. The teacher will project questions and then have teachers answer them. Teacher will then show they how to locate the different graphs to see who answered what. Create questions and quizzes to use with Expressions. Teachers will take time to create their own questions and quizzes. They will save these on a flash drive to be used in their own classrooms.

Adapted from Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe-Understanding by Design

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