Intro Brochure

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com AVAILABLE First Hour Planning: 7:35-8:25 AM After School: 2:25-3:00 PM

Spring 2013

Greenville High School 2012 - 2013

Welcome to English 11!

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

Did You Know? A survey of 120 major American corporations affiliated with Business Roundtable, employing nearly 8 million people, concludes that in todays workplace, writing is a threshold skill for hiring and promotion among salaried (i.e., professional) employees. Survey results indicate that writing is a ticket to professional opportunity, while poorly written job applications are a figurative kiss of death. Estimates based on the survey returns reveal that employers spend billions annually correcting writing deficiencies.
College Board Advocacy & Policy Center

in this issue
Introduction to Course Introduction to Teacher Grading and Late Work Contact Information p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 p. 4

English 11
English 11 is a junior level course required ired for graduation. The focus has been on British Literature and argumentative entative writing and research. This year, juniors take the MME/ACT state exam. We will begin this semester with a short unit to help you prepare. Michigan has recently adopted the Common Core State Standards. . This is a game change for our students as the e standards are higher than the previous ones. The new standards focus on increasing the complexity of texts. In other words, students are expected to read books and materials that are difficult and challenging. The research shows that reading complex texts xts is necessary to prepare students for college and/or career readiness. For many of you, reading doesnt come easily. Some of you have not read books on a regular basis. We would like to change that. You will need stamina in reading if you anticipate earning a college degree. The average college student reads 100-600 pages every week. Many of you are not YET prepared for this level of work. We will be piloting a reading/writing workshop approach during this semester in hopes that you become real readers and writers ready for the demands of college and career. Stay tuned

Greenville High School

Room 614

111 North Hillcrest Greenville., MI 48838

Greenville High School

Room 614

A Few of My Favorite Things

My Family Bath and Body Works Theatre Fight Like A Girl by Bomshel Margaret Atwood Chinese Food The Color Pink Carrie Underwood & Rascal Flatts Chick Flicks Reading Sleeping In Shopping Late Spring/Early Summer Writing
Graduated with highest honors in May 2008 with an Associate of Liberal Studies. Graduating Summa Cum Laude from Aquinas College in May 2013 with a Bachelors of Arts (English Major, Communication/Speech Minor, Secondary Education Certification). Honor Society Memberships: Alpha Tau Alpha chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - inducted in September 2006, Vice President of Scholarship in September 2007, Alumni Representative May 2008-May 2010; Alpha Sigma Lambda: -inducted March 2010; Lambda Iota Tau - inducted January 2011. Published in Aquinas Colleges The Sampler XXIV in 2012. Received second place at Aquinas Colleges Resourceful Women Conference for a literary analysis entitled Mother, Who Am I: Identity in Lady Oracle. Professional Organizations: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) member - 2013; Michigan Reading Associate member - 2013. Worked at Montcalm Community College from August 2011December 2012 in the following capacities: Student Success Center Lab Assistant, Supplemental Instruction Leader (SIL), SIL Mentor, HelpMe Tutor, English Tutor, and Success Leader.

Grading Stuff

To Be Successful in this class

Come to class and be on time Be prepared and organized

I am currently a student at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, where I will earn a B.A. when I graduate in May. Before attending Aquinas, I earned an Associate of Liberal Studies at Montcalm Community College. Since attending MCC, it has been my dream to eventually return to teach English courses. I had a glimpse of achieving that goal when I worked there in the Student Success Center in a number of capacities from August 2011 through December 2012. Throughout my time at MCC and Aquinas, it has become abundantly apparent that I love academia (both as a student and a teacher). As Aristotle once said, Those who teach must never cease to learn.

MARKING PERIOD Grades are weighted according to: 90% of your marking period grade is based on assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, papers, etc.) 10% of your marking period grade is based on credit/no credit assignments

Complete ALL assigned work Turn work in by the deadline Maintain a positive attitude Read and follow the directions Dont be afraid to ask for help Pay attention in class taking notes is highly recommended Stay on task and focused Share your information with someone in class so if you have to miss a day, they can help you with anything you missed Participate in classroom discussions Do your own work the person doing the work is the person doing the learning Manage your time wisely both in class and at home

SEMESTER Grades are calculated by the following: Each marking period is worth 40% and the final exam is worth 20%. MP1 (40%) + MP2 (40%) + Exam (20%) = Semester Grade The final exam is required. Semester grade is based on a 5 point scale.

Late Work & Absences

You are expected to turn in all assignments on time. In the event that work is completed late, the following policy applies: Work turned in one day late will be subject to a grade reduction. All work beyond one day late may receive ONLY HALF the available points. School related absences and excused absences are subject to school policy as stated in the student handbook.

My New Car Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Time with Friends Cheesecake with Strawberries Singing

Food Network My Freshly Made Bed Cats

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