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ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION COMPETENCIES Demonstrates the ability to evaluate and reflect upon the effectiveness ofthe teaching and learning process. Assessment competencies are aligned with WV Professional Teaching Standards, Standard 3: Teaching and Standa rd 4: Professional Responsibilities for Self-renewal.

Assesses and reflects on the effectiveness

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

process (WVPTS - 4A,4C) (ISTE Evaluates student progress toward mastery of learning outcomes formal and informal assessments (WVPTS - 38) (ISTE - 2d) Organizes, interprets, and summarizes evaluation data for planning and delivery (WVPTS - 3E, Maintains adequate documentation to support evaluation process (WVPTS - 38) ... Provides evidence of student learning (WVPTS - 4A,3E)...

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PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES AND DISPOSITIONS Candidate demonstrates professionalism in job related activities. Professional Competencies is aligned with the West Virginia Professional Teaching Standards, Standard 4: Professional Responsibilities for Selfrenewal and Standard 5: Professional Responsibilities for School and Community.

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.'l 4,8

Accepts and utilizes constructive feedbaek (WVPTS -

"Maintainsrapportwithcolleagues(WVPTS-48,5A).......,............; ;,Demonstrates dependability and promptness (WVPTS - 5A, 58,5I).........,... .

Exhibits responsiveness to school policies (WVPTS - 5A, 5B). . . . Reflects on the teaching and learning process (WVPTS - 4A, 4C)


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Demonstrates a caring attitude towards students (WVPTS - 5C, Demonstrates potential for continued professional development (WVPTS - 4D, 5A, 58, 5G) (ISTE - 5a5c, Demonstrates involvement leadership in the college, schools and

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community (wvPTS - 5H) (ISTE


NOTE: WVPTS = West Virginia Professional Teaching Standards; ISTE = International Standards for Technology Education
Comments about assessment and eva luation competencies, professional competencies and dispositions:


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Obsewerts Signature
Student Teacher's Signature

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