Vocabulary 2

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AWL English Skills


Sentence: Statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading Definition: In spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same:



Still Irregardless Nonetheless Notwithstanding though however


To leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully. Example Sentence: I am sorry, I omitted one important detail when I was telling that story.
Synonyms Bar Delete Leave out Skip Trim Void Antonyms Add Enter Include Inject Insert Remember


Basic, Inborn. Belonging naturally;

essential. Example Sentence: The intrinsic value of diamonds is high though they must be polished to be beautiful.
Synonyms Central Genuine Native Natural Real Anonyms Learned Accidental Acquired Earned Incidental


Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute: "inherent dangers". Example Sentence: There is something inherent in all of us that makes us look for justice when a crime is committed.
Synonyms Base Primary Primitive Vital Central Antonyms Additional Extra Added External Learned


Denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important: "preliminary talks". Example Sentence: This is a preliminary meeting for the opening of our bake shop, we are not ready to make any official plans.
Synonyms First Fundamental Prior Trial Antonyms Closing Concluding Final After


departure from a standard or norm. Example Sentence: My cousin Lucy was always prone to the most deviant behavior.

Synonyms Change Shift Detour Departure Irregularity

Antonyms Conformity Sameness Uniformity Normality Standard


the part of a message that can be eliminated without loss of essential information Example Sentence: Try to avoid using redundancies in your writing.

Synonyms Excess Wordiness Repeat Surplus Overflow

Antonyms Restraint Constraint Conciseness


extent or range of view, outlook, application, operation, effectiveness Sentence: The investigation of the peanut butter thief has a wide scope, it could have been anybody.
Synonyms Capacity Outlook Reach Span Sphere Antonyms Narrow Confining Tight Near Fine


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