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pyre occupier umpire empire vampire rampire pia spire acrospire aspire perspire suspire spier expire inspire

transpire conspire respire tire Steyr saltire satire attire overtire disattire tyre tiar tier entire untire peripeteia retire stire shire

wire haywire trip-wire quire acquire choir inquire require prerequire squire squire esquire twire sagwire Molly Maguire bob-wire rewire Litz wire swire gyre hire higher hya-hya lire lyre multiplier photomultiplier applier supplier playa plier complier outlier inlier flyer

high-flyer oligodendroglia glia microglia liar dulia hyperdulia backfire spitfire portfire granophyre vitrophyre bonfire pin-fire gunfire tackifier rectifier quantifier mystifier personifier Sonifier signifier qualifier amplifier modifier purifier scarifier hell-fire samphire wildfire sapphire keratophyre melaphyre lamprophyre orthophyre

afire fire backfire defier miss-fire misfire mire mia-mia quagmire Biedermeier mya stegomyia Jeremiah bemire admire pismire Gaia via diaWaldeyer dire dyer paideia praia prier prior outcrier crier decrier descrier latria trier stria

friar fryer drier brier Penzance brier pariah karaya seraya byre buyer transire desire ire ayah sire grandsire Messiah yea yay passepied tutoyer Sobranye beignet Montagnais sommelier Grolier Le Chatelier Rcamier Pithiviers Leboyer en dshabill ghazeeyeh Marseillais

takamakie paypay mtepe pe mape serape olpe mompei tempeh canap overpay underpay coup toupee toupet Nupe Shar Pei repay prepay spae spay jasp strathspey yag charg drage protg neglige Auger verge engag kae

quai cay kay ukeke Malinke Twankay Soninke shiitake pauraque Pirquet porte-bouquet tourniquet communiqu Nikkei sobriquet soubriquet tokay matoke cloqu croquet roquet pulque towkay Tekke metake pique piqu appliqu Trique in nuce uke bouquet decay OK okay Tokay

bokay jukskei risqu te minchiate sacate cart mecate Cantate Dolcelatte Cont diamant Capo di Monte Plant brillante picante infante Vannetais frizzante charentais kumite dittay zapote ocote saut prt--porter porte forte revolte jaguarete patte pt latte mat satay

fleurette velout sagamit jet tour jet pate stay stey forestay namaste bobstay misstay they Shay shey-shey poch jackshay paiche crochet broch corch fourch recherch cachet attach papier mch sachet ricochet clich guichet Leclanch couchee couch sashay touch

nae ne neigh n nay nene neinei bourdonn Dubonnet carnet guanay kabane Tournai contourn pinnay matine hallucin calzone morn Mornay Vern penne Kutenai hogmanay Chardonnay Na-Dene Cabernet Binet Lyonnais chin pince-nez weigh way whey

wey fly-away Ewe gangway Yahweh Sandawe quey walkway tway gateway straightway layaway one-way runway stowaway throw-away anyway everyway ridgeway Norway railway alway superhighway highway byway airway Mpongwe someway segue maguey ngwee driveway midway roadway sideway pedway

headway breakaway Rockaway packaway huntaway motorway waterway cut-away getaway thataway castaway washaway runaway Kate Greenaway roloway fall-away mulloway Galloway giveaway hideaway far-away tearaway caraway thisaway leeway Ojibwa subway causeway aweigh away straightaway counterweigh out-of-the-way lwei wellaway underway

pathway two-way throughway go-away Milky Way widdy-widdy-way no way halfway Walsingham way Sui sway raceway crossway passway expressway asway oversway perruquier Peltier bustier Mini Montpellier atelier hotelier tablier Ranvier Bouvier medjidie etrier mudirieh voiturier Kyrie Perrier jay

Regge popinjay malebolge veejay deejay heh heigh hay hey ahey wahey lai lei lay ley martel recercele zeppole volet play photoplay foreplay role-play byplay swordplay interplay tiple replay overplay underplay outplay replay misplay splay

display parlay gregale vale maestrale clay boucl Fairlight Clay Henry Clay vauntlay outlay cabriolet nebul Kekul Virgoulee cassoulet pinlay inlay Metawileh narghile flebile pinole Charolais vlei flay fley trefl souffl cor anglais gley agley Pele mle mellay pappardelle palais

chalet farfalle ballet laissez-aller Beaujolais rokelay Recollet sac-agra-lait interlay pommell overlay underlay roundelay virelay Rambouillet Lillet filet fil relay blae blay paso doble candombl mesl cuir-cisel allay interlay Malay overlay underlay resarcele tabbouleh waylay outlay onlay inlay

unlay delay relay belay piolet forelay re-lay coule mislay sleigh slay sley fay fey parfait buffet coryphe au fait ofay caf perfay tenge wenge merengue distingu ma. may pomm consomm pam lam athame rsum

wishmay gourmet optime anime anim ojime Baum parc ferm wakame yoko-shiho-gatame Gamay okoume Kurume Fannie Mae rimaye bouts rims dismay smay mousm gay gey margay morgay Breguet reggae lancegay Soave soave corve Solvay salve pav kiawe purvey

survey resurvey champlev purvey chevet relev survey resurvey duvet inveigh convey reconvey kurvey cuve employ foyer chay bocce pace patache fitch moriche Tehuelche seviche duce Quich day dey pay-day hey-day heyday lay-day nowaday weekday

Mande Monday undee sundae Sunday duende Sande Uphaliday everyday tre corde warday Fulfulde Friday Ne'erday someday urdee Baker day lackaday workaday Muscadet quarter day Saturday yesterday holiday Faraday Arbor Day Sabba-day D-Day bidet hobday Wednesday Domesday doomsday Thursday Sheer Thursday Tuesday

a-day today welladay birthday Tudeh good day midday coud holy day rhe ray wray foray stingray pray prey sempre apregras cy pres kouprey unpray spray respray moir soire mare tiare cray sucre scray trait tray trey rentre entre

portray betray portray stray astray estray distrait avodir Desiree pure ipso jure bourre signore kore cacciatore con amore oboe d'amore devor dor parore kiore fray affray defray Gray grey Tigre Tigray emigr iron-grey dapple grey Payne's grey cuivr Vouvray dray drey

adret Kol Nidre beret Poincar cabaret Alamire cir brae bray chambr hombre chambray Cuba libre upbray faussebraie array sekere makor Monterey disarray Are moray outray hooray deray beray bewray Delasolre Desolre X-ray bay bey thebe sabe cocobay

sorbet Fulbe komb yohimbe tembe abb turbeh mangabey caribe Sebei disobey cube obey Moreton Bay Hudson Bay ganbei embay Cleveland bay zeze blas pos expos ros vis fris RNA DNA PABA se say sey foss laissez-passer

hearsay potenc fianc sansei Yenisei mananosay dulce essay pass chass glac matelass mass tierc renvers nisei pliss issei assay soothsay repouss retrouss ca. sa. gainsay unsay foresay essay per se missay jong o'nyong-nyong pong ping-pong kampong spong

picong King Kong Viet Cong tong paktong biltong bettong jelutong lotong pouchong souchong lapsang souchong nong ning-nong murrnong scuppernong wang wong morwong currawong jong Karamojong kurrajong mah-jong hong long kalong klong schlong flong lifelong livelong endlong sidelong headlong furlong

cacholong oblong along prolong oolong belong Polong erelong pelong gong-gong gong wobbegong bogong Falun Gong dugong temenggong dong ding-dong quandong Rong wrong prong sprong strong headstrong binturong drong awrong sarong throng athrong bong billabong kubong thong diphthong

triphthong monophthong song singsong prick-song uht-song evensong croissant Minnesong hutung Madelung bremsstrahlung Nibelung Gurung Song tsung weighing role-playing playing laying praying soothsaying saying longing belonging swinging minging springing stringing upbringing ringing singing underhanging hanging

ping shaping popping copping topping stopping shopping wapping whopping hopping lopping slopping chopping dropping sopping scarping harping skipping shipping snipping whipping clipping lipping slipping tripping stripping dripping ripping coping roping warping piping Taiping comping pimping jumping

lumping thumping stamping lamping bi-amping cupping upping supping stepping tapping dognapping napping snapping flapping lapping mapping trapping strapping rapping wrapping walloping developing peeping keeping housekeeping steeping weeping sweeping leaping sleeping unsleeping deeping creeping reaping whooping mei ping

lisping wappenschawing wash-drawing drawing swingeing challenging king painstaking undertaking taking partaking intaking handshaking shaking quaking making breaking housebreaking raking baking bluestocking stocking shocking knocking locking smocking rocking bocking socking pinking stinking winking unwinking unblinking linking unshrinking

drinking thinking unthinking insinking sinking trunking spanking shanking swanking planking banking parking marking cooking onlooking looking booking picking kicking ticking pigsticking sticking finicking nicking wicking rollicking pricking yoking smoking provoking broking soaking corking talking walking Dorking

milking hulking erl-king spiking liking unliking Viking striking tucking ducking trucking sucking shepherd king pecking necking decking wrecking packing tacking thwacking carjacking blacking shellacking lacking smacking cracking tracking backing working peaking speaking sneaking streaking greking eking seeking

unking Peking asking Visking husking t'ing ting incommunicating reciprocating nictitating unhesitating contra-rotating indiscriminating undiscriminating fulminating lancinating alternating weighting waiting excruciating undeviating plating calculating undulating scintillating oscillating isolating slating dating penetrating grating operating rating bating potting spotting

totting knotting plotting blotting tempting untempting empting excepting parting starting semiconducting photoconducting unsuspecting respecting unreflecting affecting refracting exacting acting off-putting footing painting awanting wanting stinting printing haunting pointing Poynting jointing hunting bunting cirl bunting accounting counting mounting

tenting stenting unrelenting indenting tjanting Banting trumpeting pitting blanketing marketing picketing spirketting jenneting renneting knitting witting unwitting pargeting splitting filleting flitting fitting unbefitting unintermitting unremitting velveting spiriting ferreting visiting sitting upsitting resitting coating floating voting porting

sporting unsporting Storting ripsnorting snorting lawting malting quilting revolting palting halting vaulting salting consulting pelting felting melting belting lofting shafting shifting lifting slifting rifting tufting whiting sunlighting lighting in-fighting fighting handwriting writing biting exciting Lagting putting

cutting shutting gutting pouting spouting scouting houting doubting undoubting outing netting wetting sweating getting betting outsetting thermosetting setting upsetting tatting slatting matting batting skirting shirting pivoting repeating sheeting unweeting sweeting heating fleeting worm-eating meeting greeting beating

eating seating tooting snap-shooting shooting fluting luting sting pasting tasting hasting casting everlasting lasting fasting masting listing interesting uninteresting disinteresting unresisting posting hosting roasting husting dusting mistrusting unprotesting testing westing resting unresting easting keruing scathing bathing

farthing clothing tithing nithing trithing teething sheathing breathing unsoothing weequashing washing swashing launching punching Cushing finishing furnishing undistinguishing languishing wishing polishing fishing ravishing unnourishing perishing rubbishing Flushing unblushing slushing gushing inrushing fleshing refreshing threshing flashing lashing

slashing smashing dashing thrashing rashing Pershing sneeshing Shaoshing Yi-hsing ironing opening happening thickening tokening off-reckoning reckoning shortening lightening patterning rattening softening evening unquestioning puddening poisoning unreasoning seasoning fastening listening unlistening entertaining sustaining planing uncomplaining gaining veining

training straining graining darning lightning pinning spinning twinning winning beginning unbeginning inning loaning moaning boning yawning warning fawning morning mourning good morning dawning aborning awning unrepining tining inshining sunshining shining streamlining interlining underlining interlining underlining lining fining

mining outshining dining combining designing signing good evening groining cunning uncunning stunning oneing wonning inrunning running crowning Browning kenning japanning panning scanning planning yearning turning learning heart-burning burning earning urning concerning unconcerning undiscerning steening queening overweening leaning

meaning unmeaning screening greening tuning nooning swooning pruning whing wing lapwing twing redwing standardwing underwing beeswing awing left wing right wing swing upswing waxwing downswing aswing emptying unpitying dithying unwearying unvarying carrying jing staging engaging overageing lodging dodging

packaging managing sewaging obliging unobliging judging sludging wedging hedging purging serging surging towing showing knowing unknowing following outflowing overflowing flowing mowing way-going outgoing ongoing ingoing foregoing bygoing thoroughgoing going ingoing toing and froing outgrowing ingrowing growing harrowing throwing

rowing owing sewing sowing lawing dawing wire-drawing underdrawing withdrawing hing ling Luing hireling dialling victualling metalling whistling panelling suffling scraggling grovelling snivelling riveling levelling travelling gravelling modelling middling atheling parcelling counselling whistling paling scaling tailing whaling

wailing Fehling failing unfailing mailing unavailing veiling prevailing unprevailing Skraeling trailing strayling grayling railing sailing pot-walling youngling sharpling stripling sampling impling dumpling oversampling coupling grappling sapling towelling sparling carling starling warling darling Kling cling rockling sprinkling

wrinkling inkling darkling tickling stickling chickling oakling porkling duckling swashbuckling buckling suckling reckling tackling shackling crackling weakling Greekling uncling botling footling gruntling scantling mantling bantling kitling titling whitling witling littling moteling sportling softling titling cutling yetling

settling catling gnatling flatling fatling Gatling ratling rattling sweetling footling castling nestling firstling yearling shearling suling tanling manling weanling greenling gruelling killing skilling Inniskilling stilling Schilling shilling willing unwilling underfilling filling milling dilling trilling drilling rilling

changeling ridgeling fledgling polling inrolling logrolling rolling bowling sporeling calling walling infalling falling Malling morling fling whiffling riffling rifling muffling ruffling spiling tiling styling filing miling smiling unsmiling gangling homeling comeling thumbling wormling hogling pigling niggling

raggling doegling shaveling starveling loveling foiling boiling culling nulling vetchling hatchling cradling codling swaddling godling oddling fondling spindling kindling windling foundling groundling brandling sandling tidling fiddling striddling riddling lordling hideling sideling swaddling gadling badling reedling seedling

cowling howling fowling spelling schelling telling untelling stelling shelling dwelling swelling smelling Grelling selling halling lalling pearling spirling spurling curling Sterling Stirling whirling hurling herling ferling birling ding-a-ling chitterling bitterling fosterling Easterling witherling fingerling overling silverling

underling sanderling unappealing peeling keeling steeling shieling Darjeeling feeling unfeeling fellow-feeling dealing sealing ceiling tabling stabling marbling scribbling sibling warbling tumbling sembling scambling scrambling brambling rambling doubling bling-bling gosling quisling noseling Riesling earthling cooling schooling tooling

stooling ruling sling brisling wrestling nursling unsling Singapore sling chafing offing laughing spiffing wolfing scuffing stuffing roughing tying unreplying outlying inlying off-lying high-flying flying underlying lying unedifying unsatisfying dying undying crying drying ming naming flaming gaming farming

swimming limning trimming rimming combing coaming homing gloaming Powerforming Platforming forming orming timing priming shortcoming outcoming oncoming incoming down-coming downcoming home-coming coming upcoming up-and-coming becoming unbecoming misbecoming forthcoming unforthcoming scumming humming plumbing mumming drumming summing hemming

Fleming lemming Hamming programming screaming instreaming streaming seeming unseeming unpresuming unassuming looming rooming ging nogging logging pettifogging frogging pigging wigging digging sprigging outrigging rigging legging tagging lagging ragging bagging paving staving shaving graving engraving photo-engraving saving

carving living unliving gain-giving unforgiving giving ungiving misgiving thanksgiving roving revolving shelving valving diving driving driving unthriving loving unloving having unswerving deserving undeserving preserving serving leaving receiving moving unmoving improving unimproving unenjoying Qing notching swatching marching

pitching stitching witching switching itching scorching touching untouching slouching fetching stretching etching hatching latching scratching searching teaching preaching unpreaching breeching Tao-te-Ching ding shading lading fading unfading trading wadding rodding sodding wingding regarding pudding woulding wooding hooding

gooding corresponding on-ding commanding undemanding winding winding finding grinding binding unbinding hounding founding grounding surrounding rounding sounding pending impending spending intending pretending unpretending uncomprehending lending unoffending mending unbending ending unending parascending ascending sending descending condescending expanding

bystanding understanding misunderstanding standing long standing upstanding outstanding notwithstanding landing Manding randing wounding niding ridding forbidding bidding loading foreboding according cording recording warding rewarding unrewarding hoarding lording swording hilding gilding outbuilding abuilding building holding withholding householding infolding

scaffolding folding moulding scalding wilding spelding welding gelding elding yielding unyielding shielding woolding tiding hiding ingliding sliding guiding providing riding abiding biding presiding siding Tottenham Pudding cudding studding budding steading shedding wedding subheading heading leading spreading Reading

redding bedding padding cladding madding wording sheading weeding pleading bleeding leading misleading feeding inbreeding breeding reading reeding proceeding exceeding preceding including excluding ring wring untiring retiring wiring firing peppering whispering measuring conquering smackering gartering wintering entering

wittering littering motoring quartering watering unfaltering sweltering lettering spattering scattering shattering smattering withering mothering weathering feathering gathering sloothering offering chamfering suffering long-suffering lingering fingering glimmering unmurmuring staggering wavering unwavering shivering covering sculpturing wandering thundering rendering niddering

considering powdering labouring lumbering spring upspring well-spring offspring laspring upspring outspring unspring offscouring scouring towering flowering louring jarring barring sacring centring signet-ring outring string lute-string lutestring apron-string bowstring hamstring lustring purse-string G string overstring shoestring unstring restring

katjiepiering spearing orienteering steering shearing engineering veneering sneering layering delayering hearing clearing mering gearing rearing earing curing Turing during juring mooring outpouring inpouring pouring scoring snoring ski-joring goring rip-roaring roaring soaring paring pairing sparing unsparing caring

uncaring tearing staring time-sharing Waring wearing glaring wayfaring seafaring faring fairing daring raring bearing airing curmurring pickle-herring herring red herring kaparring stirring furring unerring battering colouring texturing toenadering bring upbring inbring prize-ring thring toering outring enring banxring

rowing in-being being inseeing seeing unseeing unforeseeing bing snobbing jobbing gobbing ribbing lobing robing slubbing dubbing scrubbing rubbing webbing tabbing tubing Zingg zing glazing blazing phasing amazing phrasing raising opposing unreposing imposing unimposing nosing closing Egyptizing

appetizing unappetizing enterprising unenterprising rising uprising housing housing sneezing pleasing unpleasing freezing seizing losing thing plaything lathing anything everything northing Althing by-thing something know-nothing good-for-nothing do-nothing nothing southing underthing toothing stewing newing viewing Ewing resuing shoeing

slewing wrongdoing adoing doing undoing screwing sing Singh pacing spacing placing lacing interfacing facing tracing racing crossing sing-sing singsing surpassing passing foxing boxing fixing mixing ped-xing piercing balancing dancing conveyancing unconvincing rouncing fencing sensing pissing kissing

bratticing promising unpromising amissing missing purchasing sclerosing forcing uncompromising icing rejoicing voicing Mickey-mousing Toronto blessing blessing pressing repressing dressing prepossessing unprepossessing nursing reversing terracing grecing unceasing besing boing young fu yung pung tom pung tongue tung shantung

stung hart's tongue sheng swung Rejang hung underhung overhung unhung lung clung aqualung mong 'mong mung bullimong among dung rung sprung unsprung strung overstrung unstrung unwrung bung geebung unbung sang unsung banteng meng Yung Chng reng kreng

dreng ginseng Hang Seng yang wayang gunyang bowyang liang kaoliang pang trepang spang cangue kang tongkang tang ting-tang poontang satang Kuomintang stang mustang Shang whang kleywang slangwhang mengkuang twang twing-twang dwang burrawang zugzwang Rawang swang swing-swang

kajang kijang hang nihang overhang underhang overhang unhang behang rehang clang erlang ylang-ylang mengkulang slang boomslang fang fire-fang defang gang-gang siamang Semang Tamang gangue gang way-gang outgang Stern Gang holmgang kollergang Liesegang overgang undergang oxgang press-gang vang

chang dang yardang seladang slendang mendang prang sprang parang woomerang boomerang harangue meringue serang orang parang bang bhang kobang probang obang charabanc whizz-bang jingbang bang-bang shebang gebang gobang slambang thang kiang tiang Xiang sang Lapsang farsang

satsang linsang parasang musang ape cape ducape scape inscape marinescape xeriscape offscape landscape riverscape seascape escape tape stay-tape videotape Sellotape red tape SHAPE shipshape forshape unshape misshape nape knape snape jape gape agape chape rape crape

crpe scrape trape shrape frape grape graip drape undrape op pop Britpop alcopop lollipop vox pop cop kop attercop hamerkop spitskop top desktop foretop tabletop pegtop onomatop atop overtop tiptop stop whistle-stop unstop estop shoppe scop

shop workshop teashop knop wap whop wop quop squop doo-wop swap Shuswap Ethiop co-op Hop hip-hop hip-hop hippety-hop bunny-hop lop plop plip-plop clop clip-clop Dunlop orlop flop flip-flop gigaflop megaflop teraflop Fosbury flop glop slop slip-slop fop

mop rollmop chop chop-chop dop prop agitprop malaprop underprop unprop crop outcrop stonecrop killcrop sharecrop intercrop overcrop metrop strop dropdrop Turveydrop snowdrop eavesdrop drip-drop bedrop pre-op bop bebop post-op sop soursop milksop sweetsop sysop

parp carp pyrenocarp dipterocarp pericarp mericarp procarp podocarp scarp counterscarp escarp tarp sharp unsharp narp harp vibraharp jaws harp alap ghap Zarp myope shtup woop woop Sverdrup shurrup yip Shqip bunyip pip pip-pip kip skip tip

Bramantip fingertip multip ship kingship clerkship fellowship disfellowship relationship tertianship donship guardianship kinship captainship sonship township manship companionship wingmanship ropemanship upmanship workmanship lifemanship gamesmanship jockeyship ladyship judgeship foreship generalship mayorship hagship flagship hardship guardship friendship midship

wardship lordship guildship stewardship Howship will-worship worship hership doctorship inspectorship protectorship electorship tutorship mastership register-ship fathership partnership ownership scholarship survivorship receivership lectureship eldership neighbourship membership authorship censorship unship transship spaceship apprenticeship noviceship mistress-ship nip finnip turnip

snip parsnip whip quip equip coachwhip gyp hip lip polyp clip klip kingklip ouklip circlip inclip unclip beclip Philip fillip flip blip cheeselip tulip harelip slipslip oxlip Bardfield oxlip magslip landslip side-slip cowslip overslip unslip fip

gip chip mateship microchip saintship courtship prelateship V-chip dip bedip rip crip scrip trip cantrip atrip strip shrip grippe grip kirby-grip handgrip drip adrip thrip unrip zip unzip sip gossip precip ope pope protopope antipope

unpope cope scope diascope epidiascope helioscope ebullioscope stereoscope hygroscope episcope kinescope telescope auriscope periscope polariscope spinthariscope CinemaScope toposcope sniperscope snooperscope vectorscope resectoscope rotascope otoscope vortoscope mutoscope phenakistoscope tachistoscope galvanoscope iconoscope chronoscope lychnoscope retinoscope praxinoscope ozonoscope manoscope

selenoscope scintilloscope oscilloscope nephoscope laryngoscope ophthalmoscope polemoscope seismoscope megascope hodoscope phonendoscope endoscope dipleidoscope kaleidoscope sigmoidoscope phosphoroscope horoscope ultramicroscope microscope dichroscope spectroscope introscope gastroscope Scleroscope fluoroscope arthroscope gyroscope zograscope hydroscope stroboscope stethoscope tope taupe idiotope polytope metope

isotope radioisotope stope Shope nope hope wanhope forlorn hope unhope lope gantlope antelope triantelope nyctalope envelope interlope elope delope slope upslope downslope aslope mope dope rope proptrope heliotrope zoetrope polytrope hemitrope tightrope Panatrope allotrope thaumatrope guest-rope

pyrope grope phalarope lycanthrope misanthrope philanthrope womanthrope unrope sope soap docusoap yawp corp scorp scaup torp warp whaup mouldwarp inwarp unwarp guess-warp jaup Australorp gorp gawp dorp thorp grimthorpe golpe megilp pulp sculp insculp

gulp yelp kelp skelp whelp help unhelp chelp alp palp pedipalp scalp dentiscalp scalp salp tulp poulp pipe organ-pipe hornpipe pan-pipe liripipe Picco pipe bagpipe stove-pipe standpipe uillean pipe union pipe cesspipe kype type ectype heliotype karyotype idiotype

stereotype autotype monotype platinotype Linotype stenotype phenotype graphotype logotype electrotype serotype daguerreotype neotype lithotype isotype tin-type syntype n-type Palantype archetype antitype polytype Teletype kallitype stannotype diazotype lectotype Intertype prototype genotype collotype holotype calotype allotype paratype ambrotype

Talbotype p-type retype mistype stipe Kneipp snipe guttersnipe wipe wype side-wipe swipe side-swipe hipe hype clype flype slipe slype ripe tripe stripe pinstripe gripe unripe sipe yomp pomp psychopomp comp stomp whomp swamp clomp chomp

romp trompe tromp schlump imp pimp skimp tymp whimp wimp gimp jimp himp limp blimp mimp guimpe gimp chimp primp crimp scrimp shrimp simp ump yump pump Toumlpler pump tump tump-tump stump whump wump mugwump jump base jump

hump lump plump clump flump glump heffalump slump mump gump chump dump rump crump scrump trump frump grump thrump erump disrump bump butter-bump gazump thump bethump sump kemp temp. temp hemp semp amp op-amp camp mocamp

hippocamp encamp decamp scamp tamp stamp enstamp milliamp lamp Kromayer lamp clamp Tilley lamp carcel lamp slamp gamp vamp revamp champ damp ramp wramp cramp tramp off-ramp gramp pre-amp samp upup pup shape-up pop-up tip-up step-up slap-up

wrap-up cup take-up shake-up wake-up make-up breakup cock-up lock-up mock-up bunk-up look-up pick-up snick-up hiccup walk-up jack-up crack-up backup buttercup tp kick-up scup tup start-up fit-up cut-up let-up get-up set-up wash-up push-up smash-up pin-up grown-up ton-up

run-up sun-up turn-up clean-up prenup whup wickiup hurry-up follow-up hup scale-up plup pull-up roll-up foul-up slup dry-up warm-up sum-up gup give-up dup wind-up wind-up round-up stand-up hold-up lead-up shaddup shuddup rupp Krupp stir-up re-up balls-up stuck-up

all up mopper-up gee-up supp sup hunt's-up close-up coup scoup loup roup Skraup sowp yep PEP pep kep skep stepsteppe step quickstep footstep instep doorstep sidestep overstep outstep curtail-step misstep shep nep guinep hep

klep schlep julep rep prep sitrep strep demi-rep grep Zep cep recep. app yap yapp lagniappe Sze Yap pap Pap genipap cap. cap nightcap whitecap handicap varicap skullcap huff-cap madcap kneecap recap foolscap Juliet cap uncap off-cap

recap Monmouth cap Turk's cap Gandhi cap baasskap tap watap tip-tap stap schappe nappe nap gnap knap kidnap surnap genappe snapsnap snip-snap Podsnap unsnap WAP Jap hap wanhap mayhap mishap lap Lapp plap lap-lap clap handclap thunderclap onlap

flap offlap flip-flap burlap overlap overlap dewlap unlap belap slap slip-slap vibraslap map histomap gap stopgap chap dap daps giddap dive-dap rap wrap riprap crap scrap trap claptrap rat-trap wentletrap rattletrap fly-trap Heligoland trap satrap entrap betrap

strap jockstrap bootstrap mousetrap shrap frap waldrapp terap enwrap unwrap bewrap bap zap sap perp skirp terp stirp extirp twerp Antwerp herp lerp slurp chirp rurp burp usurp discerp dikkop tittup attap bishop archbishop

jonnop Stanhope hanap sannup collop scallop scollop codswallop wallop jollop lollop gollop dollop trollop envelop disenvelop develop overdevelop redevelop callop escalope escallop shallop jalap galop gallop salep ketchup caltrop stirrup chirrup syrup larrup hyssop yeep

peep wink-a-peep bo-peep keep upkeep upkeep housekeep steep sheep neap neep sneap wheep weep peesweep beweep sweep upsweep Jeep heap aheap Uriah Heep leap leep clepe bleep overleap Louis-Philippe sleep asleep oversleep veep cheap cheep deep reap

creep dreep cassareep threap beep seep yoop stupe dupe poop nincompoop a-poop coupe coop coup encoop recoup Selkup scoop toup stoep stoop stoup astoop noop Knoop snoop swoop jupe hoop whoop cock-a-hoop whoo-whoop loupe loop

cloop gloop cantaloup Guadalupe bloop Lippes loop saloop unloop sloop moup goop doup roup croup scroop troupe troop storm troop paratroop stroup groop group playgroup out-group in-group Tribune group supergroup T-group subgroup Suez group aggroup regroup drupe droop stoop and roop alley-oop

supe soop soup pea-soup knosp wasp galliwasp jasp hasp clasp enclasp unclasp gasp agasp rasp grasp engrasp whisp wisp will-o'-the-wisp lisp risp crisp cusp thesp asp Arimasp manpower superpower overpower power unpower empower horsepower

cower scour conning-tower Liptauer tower stower shower jower giaour pasque-flower cornflower sunflower cauliflower gillyflower wallflower safflower aflower flower flour enflower beflower deflower disflower glower Laue lour gaur vour devour

dower bower embower Moumlssbauer Ramsauer

papa pipa spa spar fluorspar COSPAR feldspar aa

hour inower sour yah yar pya Grignard panyar mudaliyar liard sillar Magyar rufiyaa Iyyar boyar parpa pah par parr oompah grandpa grandpapa hepar

ka car carr speluncar kaka taka markka Racah chukar lashkar replicar palikar trocar tricar Shirodkar side-car soucar fracas sarkar advocaat tika tikka Vicat Ricard ricercar shikar

namaskar ska scar eschar ta tar tahr mukhtar JICTAR collectar hooshtah lontar qintar Samhita sitar Iftar avatar waratah titar patas catarrh Pietagra coup d'tat ta-ta tartare kantar sanitar guitar kuttar Resh Galuta star starr instar co-star polestar

eve-star lodestar superstar morning star instar bestar shah wappenschaw Kirmanshah Padishah parashah na nah nar gnar knar lupanar spinar septenar Shina seminar sonar Phanar Kaapenaar murchana dinar chenar Haganah Wa war poire petits pois wah-wah

Tokugawa Ligeois Luxembourgeois bourgeois petit bourgeois Kwa Gaekwar Qubecois pa-kua Twa ryotwar trottoir Directoire sautoir patois fatwa grattoir repertoire conservatoire abattoir presentoir remontoir escritoire scrutoire schwa bushwa peshwa noir peignoir Tournois Nivernois tamanoir bte noire taniwha whillywha pai-hua

Dehua Loire papaloi mamaloi racloir pulwar tulwar Galois Levallois couloir moire memoir chamois armoire guar renvoi reservoir devoir Minervois Vaudois boudoir octroi sang-froid chaud-froid Zairois wirrwarr Sawbwa tawa sowar Seychellois terroir grimoire aide-mmoire Newar lissoir peau-de-soie

poult-de-soie voussoir Temiar caviar Jah jar Qajar nightjar Mason jar Kilner jar ajar inajaacu oojah paranjah ha haar harr Mudjar brouhaha ha-ha lahar sa-ha takhaar pakeha Zohar Omaha satyagraha surbahar aha puha hoo-ha ha ha

la lah lar mela Kumbh Mela Alar tolar fasola hoop-la houp-la agra la tra-la-la ooh-la-la sala clat Villar y Villar fleadh Mylar verglas Kevlar saola cervelat lila Ela blah Kullah galah Hezbollah foulard la-la fa-la Shangri-La fah far nenuphar

Sofar sol-fa Afar afar tarfa Cesolfa cafard maa ma mah maar mar montelimar Weimar grandma Shammar Fermat jacamar pattamar Panama Bislama grandmamma Nibmar tintamarre beach-la-mar mamma chamar timar simar Ga gah gar agar-agar Naga

Magar gaga khidmutgar Kashgar poligar bedeguar budgerigar Bulgar hagigah seegar nougat cigar var elinvar perminvar Invar cultivar shalwar halva Avar invita Minerva samovar Kosovar ava sheva Lochinvar bolivar cha tcha char cha-cha bancha da

dha dah gaydar radar Dada talukdar deodar zamindar chokidar la-di-da foujdar sodar amildar tahsildar lidar hospodar nakhoda silladar jamadar hadada taberdar chobdar disdar ta-da defterdar sheristadar dafadar mudar subadar doodah la-di-da courida rissaldar Adar sardar Pasdar

rah shikara tra-ra rah-rah kra registrar UNRWA sephira bajra gra foie gras Mardi gras shaughraun baccarat Aymara apsara Asherah bra Paraacu tara tantara agora Masorah Bora haphtarah hurrah temura sura tara baa ba barre bah bar

baba isallobar isobar spinnbar drawbar handlebar mimbar sambar goombah durbar cinnabar Malabar coolabah Karabagh re-bar kasbah caba Rajya Sabha fubar subah unbar debar embar goombah sis-boom-bah Pooh-Bah Kuba disbar crossbar za tsar quasar Kwanzaa baiza nazar

- kala-azar Khazar alcazar mazar bazaar hussar bizarre huzza thar Gatha Cathar pasear moya jowar sah collapsar kvutza Dreyfusard Camisard osar pulsar paisa naya paisa ahimsa commissar cortegrage manegrage beige page bocage placage

frottage pinotage ecotage cabotage sabotage grattage marcottage montage debitage reportage repchage espionage badinage griffonage mnage plage cerclage persiflage camouflage decalage fuselage bricolage moulage collage staffage gavage sondage entourage mirage barrage enfleurage tirage orage effleurage moyen-ge dressage

massage corsage blancmange courge Lagrange Limoges gamboge Nuits St Georges concierge auberge raj garage range strange estrange grange mid-range maskinonge ronge impinge stinge whinge twinge swinge hinge unhinge challenge slinge minge

scavenge dinge ringe orange springe cringe scringe astringe perstringe restringe fringe infringe syringe binge harbinge singe sponge scunge lunge plunge implunge replunge splunge blunge gunge grunge lounge scrounge henge Stonehenge woodhenge venge revenge sprenge flange phalange

Falange gange peenge dolorifuge rouge tige prestige guige luge rouge guaiac elegiac dioch ache paik opaque spake cake carcake pomfret-cake shortcake pancake johnny-cake Banbury cake nocake Eccles cake take out-take wapentake intake offtake retake

overtake undertake uptake partake out-take betake give and take retake stake steak sweepstake mistake Salisbury steak shake sheikh handshake ashake nake snake rattlesnake wake quake quaich lyke-wake aquake late-wake kittiwake wide-awake awake leathwake jake hake haik lake laik splake

claik Mortlake Eastlake flake snowflake glaik slake slaik fake faik tophaike make matchmake remake unmake remake smaik headache rake raik crake pipkrake corncrake muckrake scraich outrake strake straik colerake vraic Drake fire-drake mandrake scaledrake sheldrake break-

brake break parbreak outbreak inbreak barley-break off-break outbreak make-and-break housebreak unrake bake toothache sake keepsake Chrissake namesake forsake och yock yok pock kapok yapok epoch belle poque coque cock macock princock stopcock pet-cock monocoque poppycock turkeycock

pillicock billycock angekok gorcock bawcock shuttlecock spitchcock Hitchcock spatchcock woodcock judcock weathercock maracock peacock meacock lobcock bib-cock acock uncock mocock tock tick-tock sintok stock nostoc linstock penstock alpenstock rimestock vestock estoc castock overstock unstock destock restock

shoch shock intershock nock knock monadnock snock wok KWOC twoc Miwok manioc jock bubbly-jock Hockhoc hough hock hollyhock Mohock post hoc ad hoc loq. loch lough lock firelock havelock gavelock pendeloque plock charlock clock picklock o'clock fetlock

schlock stenlock genlock moloch warlock forelock oarlock floc flock Shylock hemlock matchlock gridlock wedlock deadlock padlock Sherlock interlock fetterlock bloc block monobloc Jo block plummer-block Kohs block unblock interlock enlock unlock slock moc mock amok bemock smock torgoch

voc. Litvak choc chock kazachoc doc dock passion-dock pondok boondock Modoc opodeldoc burdock Mdoc postdoc undock pelandok roc rock croc crock Duroc Yurok frock smock-frock unfrock defrock siroc shamrock grok Ragnarok rackarock broch brock pibroch baroque

ceroc Plymouth Rock bock springbok klipbok rietbok rooirhebok steinbock steenbok voorbok sjambok rooibok bontebok rhebok bosbok grysbok blesbok sock conch conk tonk honky-tonk stonk shonk wonk honk Lonk plonk clonk slonk gonk donk zedonk pronk cronk

tronc tronk bronc bonk zonk Inc. ink PINC Pink rose-pink propinque Deptford pink spink kink unkink dekink skink tink rinky-tink stink wink twink tiddlywink hoodwink chewink swink jink link plink clink bobolink blink interlink Link unlink slink

fink vink mink gink chink dink rinky-dink rink prink trink shrink preshrink drink overdrink brink bink zinc think unthink rethink underthink unthink bethink unbethink forethink forthink rethink misthink pen and ink sync cinque sink countersink oink unk punk

cypherpunk cyberpunk spunk unk-unk skunk nunk quidnunc junk hunk bohunk lunk plunk plunkety-plunk clunk klunk flunk funk monk chipmunk gunk begunk chunk dunk Podunk adunc crunk trunk shrunk drunk bunk debunk rebunk thunk sunck sunk countersunk

ankh Yank spank skank tank stank shank sheepshank scrimshank redshank wank twank swank hank lank Planck plank unplank clank clink-clank flank outflank blank point-blank palank slank mank afanc chank dank rank prank crank trank Maitrank franc

frank brank lophobranch pterobranch tectibranch lamellibranch nudibranch marsipobranch elasmobranch opisthobranch prosobranch brank enrank disrank bank stopbank mountebank land-bank landbank risbank unbank embank rusbank thank arc ark park toparch Moorpark hipparch eparch impark Hyde Park Luna Park depark

dispark spark cark decarch macaque heptarch pentarch politarch acritarch Boeotarch enomotarch Batak Stark Aristarch shark Rorschach narc nark Poulsen arc monarch irenarch herenach anarch ethnarch konak snark wark quark leptoquark squark Asiarch tricliniarch polyarch chiliarch patriarch matriarch

mysteriarch pluriarc Syriarch gymnasiarch symposiarch ecclesiarch heresiarch taxiarch hark lark Clark clerk titlark exilarch scholarch skylark phylarch woodlark mudlark sabota lark talak diarch triarch marc marque Mach mark nomarch pock-mark bookmark Ostmark Westmark earmark benchmark Rentenmark Denmark

polemarch telemark hallmark Deutschmark trade mark landmark sirmark countermark watermark demarch Bismarck remarque remark demark re-mark dismark sitzmark oligarch navarch aardvark chark Kipchak dak dhak dark endarch bedark squirearch trierarch tetrarch hierarch hydrarch xerarch bark cuprea bark shagbark

Alabarch Winter's bark unbark embark imbark re-embark disembark tumbak debark disbark Ozark mesarch Kazakh Kazak cosaque arc sark exarch dhansak ook Yuk Volapuumlk cuck cook vetkoek tuk-tuk shtook stook shook nook schnook Inuk gerenuk Chinook Hooke

hook tenterhook unhook look taluk outlook inlook forelook overlook overlook uplook outlook forelook rajpramukh chook Pomeranchuk caoutchouc doek kopdoek Uduk fonduk heyduck rukh rook crook acrook cleruch Kurukh Uruk Yuruk brook Donnybrook Pembroke abrook book chapbook

pocketbook textbook yearbook copybook dybbuk logbook handbook nebbuk order book overbook trabuch boobook passbook sook nainsook enlink sprink overthink tunc apotropaic Incaic archaic Sadducaic trochaic alcaic voltaic deltaic Altaic Cyrenaic nucleic ribonucleic Palaic laic formulaic

ricinoleic azelaic Ptolemaic Aramaic Romaic Hermaic faradaic spondaic Judaic algebraic Hebraic Mithraic Thebaic prosaic stanzaic mosaic saic paradisaic Pharisaic pic pick syncopic microscopic ultramicroscopic submicroscopic orthoscopic orthostereoscopic pseudoscopic macroscopic hygroscopic hydroscopic telescopic isotopic topic ectopic scotopic

homotopic heterotopic metopic photopic Sinopic Cyclopic diaphototropic diageotropic tropic diaheliotropic monotropic isotropic isentropic nootropic subtropic hydropic anthropic neanthropic palaeanthropic theanthropic philanthropic Ethiopic myopic Aesopic monocarpic nitpick biopic typic monotypic isotypic polytypic hippic Callippic Philippic adipic Canopic

gopik sympathicotropic thermotropic barotropic anisotropic tropic paraheliotropic azeotropic hypophysiotropic lyotropic heliotropic lipotropic psychotropic phototropic neurotropic hydrotropic geotropic polytropic vulpic Olympic rampick epic orthoepic priapic Water Pik Sepik toothpick Yupik tupik unpick spic spick aspic naik muzhik kick

phakic Enochic autarchic monarchic oligarchic tetrarchic hierarchic stichic psychic sidekick isopachic scacchic stomachic Bacchic Turkic miskick tic tick nepotic despotic oncotic narcotic dichotic psychotic Scotic epiphytotic mitotic amitotic melanotic hypnotic sphenotic glottic epulotic Nilotic zealotic metamorphotic

anastomotic demotic zymotic thermotic osmotic homoiosmotic indigotic monozygotic dizygotic dicrotic tricrotic necrotic nephrotic hidrotic hydrotic fibrotic parotic carotic escharotic rhinocerotic orotic sclerotic neurotic erotic auto-erotic homo-erotic cerotic robotic exotic bathotic orthotic opisthotic chaotic amniotic semiotic idiotic

patriotic unpatriotic homokaryotic heterokaryotic prokaryotic eukaryotic embryotic enzootic epizootic meiotic miotic diotic biotic abiotic macrobiotic epibiotic antibiotic gnotobiotic prebiotic quixotic Coptic dichoptic scoptic entoptic monoptic synoptic panoptic hydroptic psoroptic optic styptic polyptych ecliptic anaglyptic glyptic apocalyptic

iatraliptic elliptic diptych cryptic procryptic tryptic triptych lithontriptic uptick peptic eupeptic dyspeptic sceptic analeptic nympholeptic thymoleptic neuroleptic epileptic sylleptic proleptic protreptic septic aseptic antiseptic synaptic haptic aspartic cathartic artic octic elenctic planktic Antarctic holarctic Arctic nearctic

palaearctic subarctic tick-tick oligomictic mictic polymictic apodictic ictic deictic endeictic epideictic pectic cachectic peritectic eutectic synectic hectic apoplectic symplectic eclectic catalectic acatalectic dicatalectic hypercatalectic dialectic ephectic smectic demodectic anorectic orectic cathectic atactic tactic syndiotactic isotactic syntactic

asyntactic catallactic stalactic malolactic galactic lactic prophylactic climactic didactic chiropractic practic ataractic diazeuctic shtick rhapontic pontic Propontic quantic orthodontic gerontic Phlegethontic ontic deontic anacreontic quintic anthelmintic oxyntic argentic lentic identic authentic inauthentic unauthentic Atlantic transatlantic sycophantic

elephantic hydromantic mantic romantic necromantic unromantic geomantic semantic gigantic Cervantic pedantic frantic quadrantic marantic antic rachitic conchitic bronchitic Cushitic tympanitic lenitic Sinitic granitic politic unpolitic impolitic anaclitic clitic enclitic proclitic protolytic catalytic analytic haemolytic spasmolytic Glagolitic

electrolytic pyrolytic paralytic carolitic miarolitic lytic anxiolytic spherulitic vagolytic poikilitic syphilitic mellitic graphitic mephitic Memphitic Hamitic Semito-Hamitic Hamito-Semitic Semitic palmitic hermitic Levitic troglodytic hypocritic hypercritic critic diacritic epicritic nephritic Nigritic Negritic dendritic heretic Ugaritic sybaritic diphtheritic

arthritic neuritic pleuritic neritic porphyritic Safaitic Sinaitic Saitic Meroitic parasitic pilotaxitic eutaxitic lotic photic aphotic Votic protic aprotic polyprotic pterotic rhotic otic aeronautic nautic quartic Baltic cultic Celtic diastaltic peristaltic systaltic phytic catechetic ricketic peripatetic dietetic

zetetic autogenetic phenetic phonetic frenetic tonetic kinetic optokinetic genetic ontogenetic monogenetic heterogenetic pyrogenetic exogenetic syngenetic epigenetic polygenetic endogenetic orthogenetic splenetic Venetic Sinetic limnetic magnetic diamagnetic ferromagnetic gyromagnetic speromagnetic paramagnetic kennetic planetic synergetic energetic apologetic Getic Gangetic

strategetic exegetic Lettic diphyletic homiletic phyletic monophyletic polyphyletic athletic Japhetic prophetic alphametic Baphometic gametic heterogametic homogametic metic rhythmetic emetic anti-emetic mimetic psychotomimetic epithymetic hermetic cosmetic arithmetic Helvetic geodetic syndetic asyndetic eidetic syncretic paretic aporetic hysteretic catheretic

heuretic diuretic theoretic uretic saluretic pyretic apyretic analphabetic diabetic prediabetic pathetic idiopathetic antipathetic sympathetic unsympathetic parasympathetic empathetic apathetic nomothetic prothetic bathetic thetic hypothetic protothetic parenthetic synthetic polysynthetic epenthetic polythetic prosthetic synaesthetic anaesthetic pre-anaesthetic aesthetic inaesthetic unaesthetic

somaesthetic hyperaesthetic etic abietic poetic unpoetic Noetic dianoetic dietic poietic ascetic copacetic poliorcetic hepatic astatic anastatic aerostatic rheostatic orthostatic static ecstatic hypostatic haemostatic electrostatic hydrostatic isostatic epistatic majestatic systatic eustatic aplanatic fanatic morganatic Carnatic venatic aquatic

Hattic platic palatic volatic villatic prelatic apophatic cataphatic phatic aliphatic emphatic lymphatic symptomatic asymptomatic automatic semi-automatic stomatic Instamatic systematic unsystematic diplomatic undiplomatic problematic unproblematic emblematic apochromatic monochromatic orthochromatic metachromatic grammatic lipogrammatic epigrammatic dramatic melodramatic undramatic psychodramatic

aromatic somatic glossematic psychosomatic polysomatic metasomatic mathematic pitmatic idiomatic axiomatic rheumatic empyreumatic zygomatic chromatic isochromatic panchromatic polychromatic heterochromatic dichromatic stromatic acroamatic nematic onymatic kinematic cinematic phonematic animatic noematic categorematic theorematic thematic monothematic dithematic athematic pathematic sematic

episematic aposematic judgematic trichromatic achromatic traumatic atraumatic stylagalmatic dalmatic climatic primatic ensimatic dogmatic undogmatic ptygmatic stigmatic astigmatic anastigmatic enigmatic phlegmatic synallagmatic pragmatic polypragmatic catagmatic stemmatic spermatic hypodermatic schematic haematic rhematic microsmatic macrosmatic miasmatic numismatic prismatic merismatic

charismatic schismatic spasmatic plasmatic symplasmatic apotelesmatic U-matic neumatic pneumatic screwmatic asthmatic proceleusmatic vatic sylvatic Mithridatic Hippocratic aristocratic democratic undemocratic orocratic Socratic pediocratic theocratic isocratic mesocratic idiosyncratic pancratic Nostratic turbostratic quadratic biquadratic operatic erratic inerratic serratic hieratic

katabatic anabatic batik adiabatic isodiabatic ecbatic attic ischiatic Asiatic Palaeo-Asiatic Afro-Asiatic Eurasiatic Eleatic muriatic nitromuriatic phreatic Adriatic Hanseatic acroatic viatic triatic sciatic leptokurtic platykurtic tick-a-tick lunatic komatik arithmetic pertechnetic laetic cretic Rhaetic rhetic acetic naphthaleneacetic diacetic

therapeutic psychotherapeutic hermeneutic probouleutic mutic propaedeutic scorbutic maieutic halieutic pharmaceutic latreutic toreutic ricky-tick stich stick gnostic diagnostic prognostic agnostic acrostic walking-stick tungstic lopstick chopstick lipstick slapstick sextic potstick monostich unstick canstick papistic pistic statistic lexicostatistic dramatistic

chrematistic filio-pietistic artistic inartistic scientistic impressionistic monistic harmonistic humanistic agonistic synchronistic pianistic Hellenistic opportunistic linguistic sociolinguistic interlinguistic metalinguistic paralinguistic prelinguistic synergistic logistic psychologistic syllogistic phlogistic antiphlogistic dyslogistic simplistic monopolistic evangelistic vitalistic criminalistic finalistic anomalistic formalistic novelistic

naturalistic pluralistic ballistic probabilistic dualistic cameralistic realistic materialistic familistic stylistic sophistic fistic hemistich atomistic mystic euphemistic trismegistic Slavistic relativistic cladistic modistic distich palaeocrystic patristic tristich hypocoristic Eucharistic characteristic uncharacteristic floristic meristic futuristic heuristic touristic myristic sphairistic

eristic truistic cystic narcissistic catacaustic caustic diacaustic encaustic apolaustic fiddlestick maulstick drumstick fustic rustic matchstick orchestic majestic gestic telestic telestich domestic undomestic transvestic agrestic isosbestic spastic palinspastic epispastic antispastic stochastic sarcastic fantastic monastic pleonastic nastic dynastic

gymnastic plastic hypoplastic homoplastic heteroplastic poroplastic neoplastic thermoplastic esemplastic cataclastic anaclastic clastic pyroclastic volcaniclastic siliciclastic glaistig monoblastic scholastic gelastic elastic inelastic anelastic photoelastic Silastic onomastic toponomastic mastic Bitumastic docimastic orgastic ergastic holophrastic periphrastic drastic hudibrastic peirastic

orgiastic hygiastic encomiastic autoschediastic symposiastic ecclesiastic unenthusiastic enthusiastic chiastic pentastich tetrastich anapaestic apneustic acoustic psychoacoustic Stick unstick bestick Schick Nick knick trombenik arsenic Danic japonic geoponic Lapponic Taconic itaconic laconic draconic conic iconic Tychonic aniconic

Glyconic gluconic atonic hypertonic supertonic Platonic Neoplatonic tonic diatonic planktonic tectonic architectonic morphotectonic lactonic galactonic hypotonic monotonic electrotonic isotonic syntonic Metonic semitonic Brittonic oxytonic protonic Miltonic Skeltonic Teutonic plutonic canonic jonick clonic malonic mevalonic colonic Philonic

allophonic homophonic microphonic quadraphonic diaphonic radiophonic stereophonic monophonic stentorophonic electrophonic polyphonic sulphonic Typhonic symphonic euphonic phosphonic Solomonic Salomonic monic harmonic inharmonic enharmonic anharmonic philharmonic disharmonic pathognomonic antimonic mnemonic Nimonic hegemonic demonic gnomonic pulmonic sermonic eudemonic pneumonic

agonic pelargonic glottogonic isogonic endergonic exergonic Slavonic ovonic Adonic sardonic arachidonic algedonic hedonic anachronic chronic diachronic monochronic isochronic synchronic panchronic tartronic electronic isoelectronic psychotronic technetronic vibronic macaronic Saronic uronic glycuronic glucuronic hexuronic hyaluronic Neronic ironic myronic

Byronic Aaronic Pharaonic carbonic bubonic azonic mesonic chthonic gnathonic Gothonic Brythonic pythonic propionic nepionic Napoleonic thermionic Ingvaeonic radionic histrionic embryonic isethionic Ionic isoionic bionic thionic polythionic dithionic ethionic psionic hypersonic supersonic masonic ultrasonic infrasonic sonic mesaxonic

Saxonic transonic ambisonic Nelsonic subsonic Carnic zarnich splanchnic picnic pyknic isopycnic technic psychotechnic monotechnic pyrotechnic eotechnic polytechnic subbotnik sputnik Vietnik chetnik neatnik beatnik nicotinic Latinic platinic diactinic quinic alginic aclinic baroclinic clinic monoclinic isoclinic polyclinic triclinic

pollinic laevulinic Finnic finick sulphinic Dominique neuraminic fulminic ethacrynic erinnic rabbinic Sinic cynic succinic inosinic nonic phonic dornick Raskolnik pinic kainic vinic gymnic limnic chinovnik Narodnik ibotenic Prutenic oncogenic psychotogenic rachitogenic protogenic mutagenic cyanogenic organogenic criminogenic

carcinogenic allogenic hypo-allergenic lachrymogenic leukaemogenic orogenic erogenic fusogenic pathogenic lysogenic abiogenic cariogenic cryogenic biogenic radiogenic videogenic psychogenic lactogenic photogenic autogenic phytogenic acetogenic ionogenic monogenic trophogenic morphogenic spasmogenic non-comedogenic pedogenic icterogenic ulcerogenic electrogenic iatrogenic neurogenic pyrogenic hydrogenic

pythogenic phytopathogenic exogenic isogenic polygenic tumorigenic authigenic oxygenic phonogenic endogenic trigenic transgenic eugenic dysgenic splenic galenic linolenic selenic Hellenic Panhellenic epagomenic phrenic schizophrenic kynurenic irenic axenic pantothenic callisthenic asthenic hypersthenic sthenic Saracenic arsenic panic tympanic Hispanic

mechanic volcanic vulcanic botanic satanic tannic tetanic Britannic Titanic stannic Trajanic Magellanic melanic penicillanic Aristophanic manic Alemannic Romanic Normannic germanic manganic organic inorganic homorganic Vannic galvanic photogalvanic Sudanic uranic transuranic tyrannic oceanic interoceanic transoceanic Lucianic neanic

sophianic Cyprianic Hadrianic rubeanic Ossianic Messianic Jeremianic cyanic hydrocyanic saturnic returnik genic unhygienic selenic philhellenic phenic perrhenic zenick naphthenic scenic usnic refusenik ethnic Punic supertunic tunic neptunic Munich runic kinnikinnick Isnik snick peacenik wick KWIC quick

pickwick twick outwick inwick bailiwick sheriffwick Herdwick Brunswick ichthyic micrologic psychologic ontologic tautologic metalogic technologic analogic horologic astrologic neologic mythologic pathologic logic genealogic geologic curiologic theologic illogic eulogic agogic psychagogic mystagogic isagogic ischiorrhogic lethargic fungic imagic

kojic georgic orgic Belgic nostalgic pelagic ellagic magic tragic haemorrhagic thaumaturgic liturgic energic adrenergic synergic panurgic allergic peptidergic theurgic lysergic strategic lipoic anechoic teichoic echoic isatoic heptoic pantoic Stoic prostanoic ethanoic methanoic retinoic nonoic epiploic penicilloic

cleidoic caproic valproic pleochroic xanthochroic Troic pteroic heroic mock-heroic unheroic Euboic phanerozoic azoic protozoic Cenozoic Proterozoic hydrazoic zoic azoic Palaeozoic cryptozoic Neozoic Mesozoic benzoic prozoic hic hick lick sialic Catholic uncatholic Roman Catholic Anglo-Catholic scalic Gaelic salic

colic taurocholic melancholic gastrocolic thioglycollic bucolic apostolic unapostolic isapostolic phenolic shopaholic chocoholic alcoholic workaholic foodaholic Mongolic helvolic petrolic frolic rollick hyperbolic metabolic catabolic anabolic parabolic diabolic carbolic ecbolic amphibolic embolic symbolic shambolic rosolic vitriolic Aeolic Tagalic

garlic pilgarlic click klick metacyclic cyclic acyclic monocyclic microcyclic macrocyclic encyclic polycyclic alicyclic pericyclic tricyclic bicyclic schlich shashlik bashlik killick dactylic gentilic anilic anthranilic guanylic adenylic protophilic halophilic osmophilic lyophilic nucleophilic osmiophilic thermophilic hydrophilic cytidylic thymidylic

uridylic caprylic acrylic modacrylic methacrylic Cyrillic umbilic exilic methylic basilic dicarboxylic salicylic imbecilic cholic folic hydraulic aulic flic flick hylic Anglic selamlik haremlik tiglic telic Pentelic jelick angelic evangelic melic melick Mountmellick Gadhelic mandelic psychedelic gibberellic

relic rhopalic vocalic postvocalic intervocalic prevocalic univocalic alkalic didascalic smart alec talik tantalic Italic metallic monometallic symmetallic bimetallic phallic ithyphallic cephalic brachiocephalic megalocephalic microcephalic macrocephalic mesocephalic encephalic anencephalic brachycephalic dolichocephalic plerocephalic orthocephalic megacephalic malic malik Gallic pyrogallic

podalic vandalic paralic Uralic Hannibalic phthalic thallic naphthalic terephthalic sialic ensialic salic oxalic niccolic pashalic Daedalic polystelic pimelic velic blik niblick emblic public republic Red Republic spondulick slick souslik Sam Slick trophic dystrophic apostrophic ageostrophic monostrophic geostrophic philosophic

sophic theosophic beatific scientific unscientific mortific omnific somnific signific magnific unific hieroglyphic diaglyphic prolific improlific optimific gravific vivific salvific lapidific petrific tenebrific febrific vaporific soporific terrific honorific dolorific colorific calorific frigorific sudorific horrific mirific permirific tabific

morbific deific pacific specific regiospecific conspecific intraspecific ossific sensific stereospecific felicific pulsific lucific chemoautotrophic metatrophic oligotrophic lecithotrophic symbiotrophic luteotrophic prototrophic autotrophic mammotrophic gonadotrophic heterotrophic saprotrophic neurotrophic sebotrophic polytrophic eutrophic anthropomorphic metamorphic anamorphic pleomorphic orthomorphic morphic hypidiomorphic

theomorphic homoeomorphic idiomorphic theriomorphic zoomorphic mechanomorphic monomorphic homomorphic zygomorphic paedomorphic heteromorphic geomorphic isomorphic mesomorphic epimorphic polymorphic hemimorphic dimorphic trimorphic Orphic Delphic puffick benefic venefic malefic peristrephic Efik mafic maffick edaphic traffic photographic autographic cinematographic chronographic electronographic

panographic epistolographic holographic stylographic homolographic homographic demographic orographic paragraphic orthographic graphic geographic hagiographic videographic choreographic stereographic psychographic telephotographic monographic thermographic pneumographic lithographic tachygraphic polygraphic telegraphic seraphic Sapphic Kufic mick comic atomic monatomic subatomic orthotomic diatomic triatomic

dichotomic polyatomic Pentomic anomic economic socio-economic uneconomic autonomic gastronomic agronomic taxonomic nomic bionomic eunomic loxodromic dromic ptarmic alexipharmic brahmic arrhythmic logarithmic rhythmic eurhythmic isorhythmic shikimic synonymic metronymic patronymic matronymic inimic pantomimic mimic gimmick gnomic hyperchromic bathochromic

chromic achromic hypochromic photochromic dichromic trichromic orthodromic antidromic bromic tetrasomic leptosomic monosomic polysomic nullisomic disomic trisomic formic ophthalmic rhymic thymic alexithymic ogmic stummick chemic systemic portosystemic gennemic polemic femic academic endemic pandemic epidemic anthemic kamik potamic

pteroylglutamic glutamic mefenamic cinnamic dynamic biodynamic thermodynamic haemodynamic electrodynamic hydrodynamic isodynamic psychodynamic photodynamic thalamic monothalamic Islamic Panislamic agamic monogamic gamic heterogamic epigamic polygamic pre-adamic muramic ceramic aceramic carbamic psammic tranexamic balsamic Permic monospermic hypodermic endermic poikilothermic

thermic diathermic homoiothermic exothermic endothermic Sodomic leukaemic epistemic anaemic monophonemic paranemic nemic plectonemic phonemic diphonemic haemic thelemic morphemic dimorphemic bimorphemic tagmemic emic racemic semic proxemic monosemic cosmic microcosmic osmic strabismic seismic aseismic plasmic marasmic Numic pneumic

humic Kumyk hypnagogic demagogic pedagogic yogic Pelasgic vic octavic favic Slavic motivic Menshevik Bolshevik civic uncivic quinovic pelvic pyruvic chick tchick pea-chick dabchick yamstchik dikh Dick Arcadic Vedic spodic anodic monodic synodic melodic spasmodic ergodic cathodic

methodic odic periodic aperiodic hydriodic Hesiodic iodic periodic prosodic rhapsodic episodic Lombardic dik-dik Indic syndic Wendic Zendik Netherlandic Zetlandic Rolandic Icelandic arachidic fatidic Benedick niddick Sahidic Dravidic Davidic juridic iridic iridic elaidic fluidic EBCDIC acidic fusidic

rhodic odic sodic Nordic Smalcaldic heraldic scuddick paramedic medic decadic Sotadic monadic Cycladic palladic Helladic nomadic Agadic Chadic sporadic faradic ischiadic polyadic Troadic dyadic tsaddik herdic encyclopedic Posturepedic orthopaedic comedic Medic medick tolfraedic logaoedic molybdic Asdic

pudic Ludic Thamudic rick wrick Bohairic climacteric Limerick agaric maverick cadaveric luderick plethoric etheric madreporic choric oratoric toric rhetoric historic ahistoric prehistoric nitrohydrochloric hydrochloric caloric pyloric cataphoric endophoric exophoric Thesmophoric pyrophoric phosphoric pyrophosphoric orthophosphoric metaphosphoric sophomoric

trimoric Pythagoric categoric allegoric paregoric Doric meteoric theoric prick pinprick capric cupric crick koringkriek picric trich trick matric catoptric dioptric catadioptric scioptric lectric electric photoelectric magneto-electric thermoelectric pyroelectric hydroelectric ferroelectric piezoelectric isoelectric dielectric anthropocentric metacentric paracentric

centric acentric eccentric heliocentric Europocentric selenocentric phallocentric homocentric homocentric logocentric egocentric geocentric concentric saturnicentric jovicentric patricentric pericentric barycentric planetocentric Anglocentric dicentric mantric vitric citric nitric obstetric hypermetric anthropometric psychometric econometric stylometric orometric ultrametric parametric barometric orthometric

metric isodiametric geometric biometric volumetric stereometric trigonometric monometric granulometric pyrometric hygrometric isometric conductimetric planimetric gravimetric perimetric symmetric antisymmetric axisymmetric asymmetric trimetric stasipatric veratric psychiatric chemiatric paediatric geriatric psychogeriatric physiatric theatric iatric idolatric axonometric gastrotrich Matric strick

orchestric gastric hypogastric monogastric digastric stearic xeric theoric ceric hippuric purpuric mercuric Dioscuric barbituric neuric fulminuric acholuric telluric intratelluric sulphuric persulphuric Zurich uric pleuric fluoric hydrofluoric Pyrrhic empiric metempiric satiric satyric butyric spagyric panegyric lyric motoric

tauric Noric perchloric chloric lauric boric Hathoric auric chivalric nephric Afric epeiric telechiric oneiric magnetogyric Cymric Ugric quadric hypochondric cylindric schmendrik theandric baldric hydric monohydric isohydric polyhydric sulphydric dihydric Tudric piperic Hisperic skerrick amphoteric esoteric Terek

icteric neoteric exoteric neurenteric enteric myenteric dysenteric trieteric steric isosteric hysteric generic congeneric subgeneric cleric valeric belleric ferric ferrosoferric teleferic peripheric aspheric atmospheric stratospheric spheric metameric inductomeric electromeric poromeric isomeric antimeric polymeric Homeric dimeric mesmeric numeric

alphanumeric derrick oberek suberic glyceric saccharic glucaric Tartaric pyrotartaric itatartaric glutaric Dinaric Amharic talaric fumaric margaric Megaric daric Pindaric hyperbaric barbaric isobaric Balearic rhetoric deuteric choleric turmeric diederik brick limbric Cimbric Cumbric cambric fabric lubric rubric

mythopoeic allogeneic syngeneic maleic linoleic oleic bick stibic claustrophobic phobic lyophobic hydrophobic saprobic strobic aerobic anaerobic ascorbic orbic sorbic orthorhombic rhombic limbic plumbic columbic alembic dithyrambic galliambic mimiambic iambic pythiambic terebic syllabic asyllabic monosyllabic polysyllabic parisyllabic

imparisyllabic octosyllabic disyllabic trisyllabic decasyllabic hendecasyllabic pentasyllabic urbic acerbic Mozarabic Arabic amoebic pubic cubic LASIK phasic monophasic diphasic biphasic metaphysic physic psychophysic phthisic Keswick magnesic Distalgesic mesic Friesic music thick hypothec Gothic Gathic pollakanthic oenanthic xanthic

hapaxanthic Pythic ornithic protolithic monolithic granolithic megalithic lithic eneolithic heliolithic epipalaeolithic palaeolithic eolithic neolithic mesolithic mythic Scythic Sothic anorthic ethic psychopathic protopathic pathic homoeopathic idiopathic neuropathic antipathic sympathic spathic feldspathic gnathic alethic Bewick sic sick tetrabasic

basic monobasic polybasic dibasic tribasic bibasic glossic fossick virtuosic Nasik scombrotoxic toxic vasculotoxic oxic nalidixic ataxic syntaxic ataraxic intrinsic extrinsic forinsec forensic turnsick filicic melissic silicic abscisic oxytocic inosic banausic felsic calcic alsike lovesick prussic prusik

geodesic potassic sodipotassic classic postclassic neo-classic Preclassic thalassic Massic boracic Jurassic thoracic sebacic Triassic Permo-Triassic Persic kinesic seasick mucic pyromucic erucic oke oak yoke yolk inyoke unyoke misyoke poke shitepoke mopoke spoke handspoke bespoke coke

coque coak Nanticoke decoke scoke toke toque stoke roanoke snoke joke hoke scoloc cloak uncloak ventriloque maul oak bloke colloque breloque sloke folk kinfolk womenfolk gentlefolk kinsfolk Moke smoke asmoke besmoke equivoque provoke invoke convoke evoke revoke

advoke choke artichoke unchoke doke okey-doke roke roque proke croak stroke in-stroke thunderstroke keystroke Sheffer's stroke stroke droke broke she-oak boke bolk land-boc turkey oak Garry oak soke soak asoak orc ork auk york New York pork pawk Spork

calk caulk cork cauk cawk uncork torque talk uptalk by-talk stalk stork nork snork walk sleepwalk quark quawk cakewalk diquark squawk by-walk sidewalk jauk hawk sparhawk make-hawk shite-hawk mollyhawk Mohawk sparrowhawk tomahawk Cooper's hawk goshawk lawk slawk

fork pickfork pitchfork Morton's fork mawk mollymawk gawk chalk dork rauque rauk crawk scraugh drawk bork futhorc Sauk colk volk dolk tjalk ilk thilk milk foremilk Liebfraumilch bilk silk polk defalk baulk pulk skulk hulk sheer-hulk

bulk sulk elk spelk stelk whelk welk calccalque orichalc Muschelkalk talc catafalque yike pike garpike turnpike rampike ranterpike spike marlinspike handspike unspike kike tyke hike chi-hike hitchhike like snail-like sic-like what-like un-Christlike sonlike manlike

unmanlike workmanlike unworkmanlike womanlike ungentlemanlike unsportsmanlike ladylike everylike fellowlike warlike lawlike lifelike homelike unhomelike hoglike suchlike godlike friendlike unlawyer-like look-alike workalike fatherlike motherlike scholarlike sound-alike sealike wiselike alike truthlike unlike belike mislike dislike fyke mic mike

dike dyke Klondike bull-dike vandyke Reich skrike trike strike thunderstrike overstrike restrike shrike grike Friedreich bike sike psych outpsych oik toich hoick yuck puck cuck tuck muktuk Kentuck untuck stuc stuck shuck ramgunshoch knuck

Ronuk splacknuck Canuck juck huck Huk luck pluck cluck mukluk potluck wanluck gluck chuck-a-luck Saltash luck unluck fuck muck Nipmuck schmuck mucky-muck Kalmuck high-muck-a-muck muck-a-muck guck chuck woodchuck duck duk-duk bonduc shelduck decoy-duck Bombay duck Donald Duck ruck cruck

truck struck thunderstruck zumbooruk buck roebuck hawbuck sawbuck ryebuck kumbuk jumbuck zambuk reedbuck nubuck thuck suck honeysuck howk gowk chowk padouk rouk drowk yech pec pech peck OAPEC henpeck kopek OPEC ryepeck spec speck

kenspeck spanspek bespeck keck tec tech biotech Toltec Zapotec Yucatec discothegraque Tequistlatec Mazatec Aztec cinematheque Dip. Tech. pantec Polytec Vo-Tech stech Huastec mesteque Mixtec Tamashek neck nek swan-neck wryneck rooinek redneck fennec Tlapanec rubberneck sneck heck Lech

lek pleck Palekh dalek cleck fartlek fleck cromlech bleck sleck feck mech schmeck Olmec geck checkcheque Czech check haacuchacekek countercheck overcheck recheck cross-check deck codec quarterdeck overdeck bedeck rec reck wreck shipwreck spreagh creagh trek

traik streck tenrec freck grecque dreck varec breck beck pinchbeck geelbek crombec limbeck lebbek Purbeck rebec xebec Uzbek Quebec zek exec sec parsec voetsek rent-seck cosec permsec cusec demi-sec acyak yack Votyak Armagnac cognac

hunyak frontignac Russniak Koryak Gilyak coulibiac yackety-yack PAC Pak pack isopach gopak Kara-Kalpak wool-pack calpac valpack tripack sillapak Tetra Pak shoepack unpack impack prepack spack six-pack cack ipecac tach tack tick-tack pontac Zantac chittack tac-au-tac nunatak hackmatack

attack Blu-tack untack stack smokestack bivouac shack Ushak ramshack knack carnac pontianak knick-knack poonac popinac linac almanac Totonac moonack snack snicker-snack Wac Waac whack wack KWAC quack quack-quack Arawak thwack bethwack swack Inupiaq Ostyak maniac ecumaniac

morphomaniac logomaniac brainiac ammoniac demoniac simoniac Cluniac orgiac iliac heliac coeliac genethliac salmiac paroemiac umiak krakowiak prosodiac cardiac Kodiak zodiac theriac Sibiriak Syriac Variac hypochondriac celeriac Dionysiac aphrodisiac antaphrodisiac anaphrodisiac symposiac Isiac jack skipjack whip-jack flapjack

muntjac manjak sanjak supplejack hijack crackerjack natterjack new jack whisky jack cross-jack hack tacamahac lac lakh lack plaque plack claque clack portulac Monbazillac Polack Morlach flak flack flicflac Vlach kakkerlak novolak black self-black alack shellac kulak slack kayak

kyack Dyak triac mac mack Tarmac Micmac yashmak Pomak tokamak Pacamac sumac Soumak smack vac medevac casevac Slovak Czechoslovak SAVAK chack solonchak sulindac Kodak Recordak NASDAQ rack wrack Laverack sprack crackcraic crack crick-crack ricrac gimcrack

trac track tric-trac multi-track peritrack amtrac sidetrack Ratrac Yurak borak drach drack serac yarak Bacharach ceterach anorak tamarack sandarac azedarac Sazarac brak brack barnbrack amphibrach tribrach shabrack bric-agra-brac Labarraque thrack backbac back payback way-back sway-back

playback spring-back humpback snap-back kickback cut-back outback setback scatback hunchback thornback turnback greenback roorback piggyback bobac drawback stickleback saddleback tailback whaleback pull-back callback fall-back calambac tombac comeback hogback giveback switchback hardback diamondback hold-back red-back feedback paperback

huckaback quarterback underback Jindyworobak razor-back zwieback aback tabac skew-back ubac Shabak moss-back passback a-horseback horseback leaseback zac ziczac Anzac Prozac newzak Muzak thack HUAC couac sac sack Cossack knapsack snapsack farsakh Barsac Sasak rucksack ransack corsac

woolsack Pesach Vesak haversack cul-de-sac erk irk yerk verneuk perk pirk kirk steenkirk Dunkirk turk stirk shirk nerk work wirework firework stop-work quirk make-work stockwork clockwork twirk cutwork outwork network fretwork ironwork stonework journey-work handiwork

by-work framework patchwork woodwork groundwork handwork roadwork leadwork leadwork counterwork waterwork underwork awork interwork overwork underwork outwork inwork unwork rework waxwork guess work jerque jerk lirk lurk firk merc murk smirk gurk chirk dirk burke berk hauberk

zerk cirque semicirque berserk champac rottack datuk bittock puttock Kathak futtock buttock hattock mattock dattock Batak dustak toisech monarch hieromonach Kilmarnock pinnock winnock finnoc dunnock jannock Susquehannock bannock coronach eunuch bulwark pollack Walach mollock rowlock

ballock bollock raploch sarlac bullock pillock tilak willock hillock sillock dholak lilac mullock kedlock pellock skelloch Poltalloch hallock gallack gralloch gablock hoolock Norfolk Suffolk stomach hummock slummock cammock shammock hammock mammock drammock havoc putchock wretchock piddock

ruddock paddock shaddock haddock sourock tvorog thurrock Khirbet Kerak parrock carrack tarock tarrock barrack arrack bourock kebbuck wazzock Beothuk Newark tussock fussock mussuck cassock hassock lassock eke pic peke pique peak peek demi-pique forepeak apeak repique

speak Valspeak Oldspeak overspeak Newspeak outspeak inspeak bespeak forespeak forspeak misspeak keek teak Ostpolitik pratique problematique pneumatique antique verd-antique critique boutique steek mystique plastique chic chronique ortanique veronique technique unique biunique sneak weak wheek week kweek

squeak pipsqueak tweak tweek Tajik leak leek clique cleek inleak gleek bleak oblique anglique Belleek Lalique sleak sleek feak meek unmeek smeek geek cheek Ladik wreak reek creak creek screigh screak skreek streak streek bestreak shriek

freak phreak Greek fenugreek tugrik un-Greek breek barrique perique Saryk beak stickybeak debeak grosbeak physique bezique theek caique Sikh seek cacique uke yuke puke cuke heptateuch Octateuch Pentateuch nuke nuque huke duke archduke grand duke rebuke

pook spook kook tuque snoek snook juke jouk Seljuk luke fluke Mameluke Shilluk Tillamook gook gobbledegook douc bundook spruik drouk peruke Sarouk bouk sambuk chibouk zouk gazook bashi-bazouk sook Suk souk Tosk mosque frosk kiosk

bosk ask casque cask task ponask hask lasque lask flasque flask Erlenmeyer flask masque mask antimasque Bergamasque unmask brasque bask abask tsk barack brusque brusk lentisk panisc whisk lisk odalisque obelisk basilisk flisk glisk fisc fisk lutefisk

disc Secchi disc Nipkow disc Risc risk tamarisk frisk asterisk brisk urisk bisque francisc torsk Norsk Russonorsk Russenorsk cusk tusk huske husk unhusk lusk fusk subfusc musk dusk rusk busk Orcagnesque soldatesque Giottesque blottesque gigantesque Rembrandtesque grotesque Runyonesque

Bunyanesque Japanesque Ortonesque Tristanesque Whitmanesque Romanesque Schumannesque Sheridanesque Audenesque Webernesque Pythonesque Verlainesque Villonesque Giorgionesque Indianesque Chopinesque Puginesque Peruginesque Stalinesque gaminesque Rodinesque Poussinesque Michelangelesque rocambolesque Raphaelesque Tiepolesque burlesque Rackhamesque desk Praedesque Leonardesque Tudesque Alhambresque picaresque Pateresque Pinteresque

plateresque Turneresque Moresque humoresque Churrigueresque sculpturesque picturesque unpicturesque Duumlreresque Barbaresque Thurberesque Renoiresque satyresque chivalresque arabesque Kafkaesque Ouidaesque Hemingwayesque Browningesque Goyaesque statuesque Lincolnesque Chaplinesque Lutyenesque Verrocchiesque Disneyesque Correggiesque Daliesque Macaulayesque Hardyesque Poe-esque Junoesque ask Pasch fantasque Mongasque

Basque mollusc damask piet quiet inquiet unquiet disquiet Wyatt lyart diet riot ryot eight ait eyot yate nuncupate aucupate constipate mancipate emancipate remancipate participate infanticipate anticipate dissipate forcipate inculpate disculpate exculpate discrepate deturpate syncopate

extirpate dunderpate pate palpate pupate spate crispate cate khet opacate truncate detruncate obtruncate demarcate exarchate manducate educate coeducate miseducate carucate uneducate dislocate evocate averruncate auspicate authenticate decorticate excorticate hereticate hypotheticate urticate tosticate prognosticate phlogisticate dephlogisticate sophisticate

desophisticate confusticate rusticate domesticate undomesticate fantasticate plasticate scholasticate masticate sonicate fornicate tunicate communicate intercommunicate excommunicate catholicate triplicate complicate implicate supplicate replicate quintuplicate duplicate reduplicate quadruplicate plicate explicate tectosilicate silicate sorosilicate spiflicate vellicate divellicate certificate sanctificate pontificate

vivificate pacificate specificate forficate defecate formicate osmicate vindicate contra-indicate indicate syndicate mendicate medicate premedicate dedicate predicate radicate eradicate abdicate adjudicate dijudicate prejudicate loricate imprecate deprecate apricate intricate disintricate metricate extricate suricate affricate prevaricate divaricate imbricate fabricate

prefabricate lubricate rubricate syllabicate hypothecate intoxicate disintoxicate detoxicate exsiccate extrinsicate vesicate desiccate translocate inculcate defalcate falcate spicate baccate saccate furcate altercate collocate allocate bifurcate suffocate provocate convocate invocate equivocate advocate reciprocate embrocate placate vacate fucate mucate

truncate locate relocate mislocate skate expiscate confiscate inviscate offuscate obfuscate coruscate tate tait optate co-optate cryptate septate pernoctate punctate impunctate coarctate dictate reluctate eructate pectate delectate humectate lactate tractate amputate permutate potentate reorientate retentate orientate misorientate

disorientate fermentate dementate dentate edentate tridentate bidentate ostentate sustentate commentate precipitate palpitate crepitate decrepitate capitate decapitate nictitate quantitate sanitate perequitate cogitate recogitate excogitate interdigitate digitate indigitate vegetate revegetate flagitate agitate sagittate gurgitate ingurgitate egurgitate regurgitate fugitate

volitate militate stabilitate habilitate rehabilitate debilitate impossibilitate facilitate imbecilitate limitate imitate levitate gravitate suppeditate expeditate meditate premeditate interpretate irritate exorbitate hebetate habitate dubitate hesitate inusitate felicitate suscitate resuscitate necessitate capacitate incapacitate decapacitate recapacitate acetate diacetate triacetate

rotate facultate auscultate saltate guttate curtate annotate dissertate scutate commutate mutate tte-agra-tte nictate dictate spectate lactate rotate notate dotate counterrotate nutate mutate state costate prostate tungstate upstate outstate downstate dehonestate cristate co-State out-of-state degustate incrustate crustate

incrustate testate intestate hastate apostate interstate devastate para-state understate instate reinstate unstate constate estate gestate restate misstate evacuate actuate inactuate accentuate situate tumultuate infatuate invirtuate sinuate insinuate attenuate extenuate superannuate valuate evaluate re-evaluate devaluate revaluate disambiguate

individuate eventuate graduate punctuate mispunctuate fluctuate effectuate habituate perpetuate menstruate nait cyanate isocyanate polyisocyanate decanate protonate perfectionate conditionate proportionate disproportionate impassionate rationate halogenate sulphonate coronate decarbonate resonate ruthenate arsenate dissonate assonate personate impersonate lanate connate Parnate

incarnate incarnate reincarnate pre-incarnate excarnate alienate embryonate importunate coadunate neonate supinate resupinate pinnate tripinnate bipinnate echinate cachinnate machinate pectinate patinate catenate concatenate platinate gelatinate Latinate nicotinate agglutinate haemagglutinate conglutinate deglutinate repristinate festinate destinate predestinate procrastinate obstinate

inquinate exsanguinate marginate emarginate originate paginate compaginate vaginate invaginate evaginate saginate devirginate demyelinate pollinate reclinate selenate desalinate decaffeinate raffinate comminate nominate denominate cognominate agnominate dominate predominate abominate eliminate criminate incriminate recriminate discriminate brominate culminate fulminate geminate

ingeminate effeminate seminate inseminate disseminate decontaminate contaminate sufflaminate interlaminate laminate delaminate foraminate deaminate terminate exterminate germinate verminate acuminate luminate illuminate transilluminate ruminate ferruminate rejuvenate iodinate incardinate subordinate ordinate coordinate mandarinate glycerinate doctrinate indoctrinate urinate fluorinate chlorinate

peregrinate carinate marinate defibrinate bombinate resinate ruinate ratiocinate succinate vaccinate invaccinate revaccinate lancinate vaticinate fascinate deracinate assassinate hallucinate concinnate donate pronate zonate pinate quinate binate cognate designate predesignate impregnate pre-impregnate magnate agnate adnate perennate tannate annate

ternate triternate biternate opinionate Italianate supernate diaconate intonate alternate titanate detonate externate consternate fractionate compassionate nitrogenate hydrogenate dehydrogenate oxygenate hyperoxygenate deoxygenate reoxygenate complanate explanate sulphonate hyphenate antimonate pulmonate emanate odonate mucronate uranate carbonate hydrocarbonate polycarbonate bicarbonate

hibernate dispersonate lenate crenate rhenate lunate donate innate ornate stagnate weight wait quaite makeweight propinquate appropinquate antiquate eliquate adequate torquate equate liquate twaite lightweight heavyweight overweight middleweight hundredweight counterweight welterweight featherweight underweight await overweight thwaite unweight

clypeate utopiate opiate expiate tracheate brachiate spatiate expatiate sagaciate ingratiate satiate provinciate nunciate potentiate differentiate dedifferentiate presentiate licentiate instantiate distantiate circumstantiate substantiate consubstantiate unsubstantiate transubstantiate propitiate initiate officiate beneficiate vitiate negotiate associate disassociate consociate dissociate fasciate

tertiate appreciate depreciate cruciate excruciate interlineate lineate delineate miniate calumniate laniate homogeneate Uniate illaqueate effigiate arpeggiate Tegeate collegiate emolliate nucleate enucleate affiliate filiate forisfamiliate humiliate ciliate reconciliate conciliate domiciliate spoliate foliate defoliate exfoliate oleate ebulliate palliate

talliate retaliate malleate galeate permeate vindemiate premiate aviate obliviate lixiviate subserviate alleviate deviate abbreviate imbreviate obviate eluviate brecciate radiate irradiate compendiate incendiate dimidiate ideate intermediate mediate remediate repudiate tripudiate laureate appropriate malappropriate misappropriate disappropriate impropriate expropriate

procreate recreate patriate repatriate expatriate elutriate materiate seriate parturiate centuriate infuriate muriate luxuriate deliriate excoriate victoriate storiate equilibriate opprobriate fimbriate inebriate trabeate ecstasiate glaciate emaciate asphyxiate annunciate enunciate denunciate renunciate nauseate excalceate discalceate inchoate choate inchoate

hate haet hait apartheid late lait violate Merthiolate Marshalate crenellate flagellate silicoflagellate pedicellate malate alate decollate plate electroplate contemplate vamplate copperplate omoplate replate nomenclate lineolate variolate hariolate calceolate overpopulate populate unpopulate depopulate repopulate copulate stipulate restipulate

manipulate vapulate inoculate flocculate deflocculate deoculate articulate coarticulate reticulate gesticulate paniculate adminiculate vehiculate matriculate immatriculate vesiculate fasciculate calculate precalculate miscalculate peculate speculate jaculate ejaculate maculate oraculate circulate rulate inosculate osculate masculate emasculate absquatulate capitulate recapitulate spatulate

gratulate congratulate postulate expostulate fistulate pustulate crenulate granulate degranulate lunulate exululate pullulate repullulate ululate lingulate strangulate triangulate stimulate simulate dissimulate formulate reformulate tremulate emulate accumulate cumulate tumulate jugulate regulate irregulate deregulate coagulate ovulate nodulate modulate undulate

pendulate stridulate acidulate sporulate serrulate conglobulate discombobulate infibulate mandibulate tribulate perambulate ambulate circumambulate preambulate nebulate obnebulate tabulate intabulate fabulate confabulate encapsulate decapsulate peninsulate insulate uninsulate etiolate immolate bullate oppilate depilate epilate papillate interpellate trachelate scintillate hyperventilate

ventilate cantillate titillate petillate scutellate mutilate postillate distillate adenylate invigilate strigillate sigillate sugillate annihilate assimilate dissimilate mammillate dephosphorylate acrylate fibrillate stabilate assibilate sibilate exsibilate bombilate nubilate enubilate obnubilate jubilate methylate demethylate oscillate decarboxylate salicylate refocillate vacillate

cholate folate prolate conflate exsufflate insufflate afflate perflate sufflate inflate conflate deflate reflate cucullate stellate umbellate flabellate gallate vallate multivallate circumvallate extrapolate appellate interpolate machicolate percolate intercalate escalate de-escalate tantalate apostolate constellate castellate dinoflagellate aurothiomalate generalate

correlate binoxalate pixelate insolate morcellate isolate tessellate desolate chelate subchelate blate oblate ablate sublate alate decollate gelate solate collate elate regelate delate relate irrelate interrelate belate prolate dilate fellate translate mistranslate slate legislate Skiddaw slate Stonesfield slate fate

fte caliphate sucralfate persulphate sulphate bisulphate scyphate superphosphate phosphate inhiate striate prolongate elongate fungate mate helpmate checkmate irrumate inmate intimate legitimate illegitimate ultimate estimate underestimate misestimate animate inanimate reanimate disanimate exanimate collimate sublimate hiemate lachrymate approximate

decimate racemate co-mate chromate monochromate dichromate bichromate bromate formate reformate sui-mate stalemate palmate totipalmate selfmate primate dephlegmate gemmate gemmate automate glutamate desquamate cyclamate acoelomate coelomate amalgamate meprobamate consummate perosmate osmate despumate humate inhumate exhumate plumate cremate

formate summate mismate casemate messmate gate gait outgate profugate centrifugate conjugate assubjugate subjugate corrugate prorogate ingate litigate vitilitigate mitigate fatigate instigate fustigate investigate castigate renegate abnegate colligate profligate delegate relegate allegate obligate remigate suffumigate fumigate levigate

pernavigate navigate circumnavigate irrigate variegate congregate segregate desegregate aggregate disaggregate disgregate togate dogate promulgate tailgate evulgate algate Vulgate divulgate somegate lich-gate lidgate floodgate expurgate propagate Watergate runagate sejugate objurgate homologate divagate extravagate pervagate indagate surrogate adrogate

interrogate derogate arrogate obrogate subrogate abrogate billingsgate agate Newgate Taranaki gate negate legate ligate religate thus-gate clavate captivate encaptivate objectivate activate radioactivate inactivate reactivate deactivate titivate motivate demotivate cultivate aestivate elevate salivate insalivate recidivate passivate bovate ovate

solvate valvate incurvate recurvate denervate excavate innovate innervate renovate enervate aggravate conservate coacervate ovate novate solvate date iodate retardate post-date exudate fecundate inundate emendate mandate trepidate lapidate dilapidate antedate liquidate infrigidate solidate consolidate reconsolidate validate invalidate

convalidate intimidate ingravidate candidate depredate fluoridate exheredate mithridate encapsidate oxidate deoxidate elucidate illucidate dilucidate cordate chordate caudate urochordate ecaudate decaudate pedate accommodate incommodate disincommodate discommodate molybdate gradate denudate update postdate mandate predate sedate predate misdate rate

desperate exasperate presbyterate itinerate marmorate camerate equiponderate subodorate protuberate prate spruit crate creaght execrate consecrate unconsecrate deconsecrate reconsecrate desecrate fulcrate tartrate concentrate deconcentrate reconcentrate contrate perpetrate interpenetrate penetrate impenetrate compenetrate arbitrate calcitrate recalcitrate citrate infiltrate filtrate

exfiltrate nitrate denitrate impetrate titrate straight strait prostrate premonstrate demonstrate remonstrate orchestrate ministrate administrate registrate flustrate perlustrate lustrate frustrate fenestrate sequestrate castrate superstrate illustrate substrate prostrate unstraight frustrate castrate certiorate ameliorate meliorate deteriorate suppurate epurate purpurate

mercurate micturate triturate maturate supersaturate tellurate sulphurate figurate configurate prefigurate transfigurate inaugurate fulgurate indurate obdurate saturate desaturate depurate obturate urate inspirate butyrate evirate restaurate chlorate lorate laurate phorate borate orate aurate deaurate freight lyrate aerate de-aerate

greatgrate great ingrate redintegrate integrate reintegrate disintegrate denigrate immigrate emigrate conflagrate deflagrate peragrate ungrate regrate migrate remigrate transmigrate susurrate quadrate carbohydrate hydrate dihydrate dehydrate rehydrate ferrate serrate pharate magnoperate operate cooperate equiparate depauperate corporate incorporate

concorporate attemperate obtemperate separate evaporate vituperate recuperate superate respirate asperate aspirate edulcorate decorate dedecorate doctorate expectorate exenterate obliterate alliterate transliterate iterate reiterate adulterate deuterate mensurate exonerate incinerate minorate pignorate impignorate intenerate generate progenerate ingenerate degenerate regenerate

venerate remunerate refrigerate verbigerate exaggerate pejorate tolerate exhilarate discolorate accelerate decelerate lophophorate proliferate vociferate desulphurate perforate phosphorate agglomerate glomerate conglomerate commemorate memorate concamerate connumerate numerate enumerate invigorate revigorate overrate asseverate perseverate structurate moderate ponderate preponderate underrate

desiderate federate confederate ruderate irrorate perorate corroborate liberate deliberate collaborate elaborate overelaborate aberrate verberate reverberate exuberate commiserate incarcerate exarate cancerate viscerate eviscerate exulcerate ulcerate lacerate dilacerate macerate lucubrate elucubrate vertebrate obtenebrate disequilibrate celebrate concelebrate calibrate terebrate

cerebrate librate equilibrate adumbrate obumbrate vibrate narrate overrate underrate clathrate curate uprate first-rate downrate berate serrate pro-rate irate gyrate second-rate third-rate derate re-rate disrate maleate bate bait barbate makebate incubate intubate titubate stereobate pogey bait cohobate globate

lobate trilobate bilobate probate limbate plumbate cad-bait perturbate masturbate stylobate conglobate reprobate approbate exacerbate acerbate rebate abate rabate unbait debate rebate libate denizate dialysate lysate perfusate diffusate photosynthate xanthate recreate miscreate discreate striate create concreate increate

uncreate sate exossate elixate luxate methotrexate malaxate condensate overcompensate compensate dispensate intensate condensate sensate insensate inspissate hydrolysate cromoglycate decussate incrassate malversate glyphosate tergiversate extravasate nitrosate fixate sensate pulsate yacht talayot Vegliote Wiyot pot Pott stink-pot

swankpot jackpot hotpot dashpot tinpot panpot honey-pot talipot galipot gallipot hodgepot beau-pot hotchpot pepper-pot hydropot teapot capot stewpot repot spot tosspot sunspot Koplik's spot eyespot despot G-spot bespot cot sheepcot marcot monocot apricot massicot dicot dovecot boycott

cocotte Scot wainscot mascot Penobscot tot Hottentot stot shot shott - pot-shot slingshot slung-shot upshot snapshot earshot foreshot bloodshot undershot overshot unshot not knot topknot Tarbuck knot whatnot Hotnot forget-me-not touch-me-not wall-knot Stafford knot inknot unknot have-not snot what

wat wot watt quat aliquot loquat diquat kumquat paraquat Pequot squat squatt asquat doodly-squat twat nowhat phwat OFwat somewhat swat swot Siceliot stradiot jot hot scald-hot red-hot lot plot Plott marplot complot applot complot clot in-lot

melilot ocelot flot Oflot Nilot monoglot polyglot diglot triglot heptaglot tessaraglot sandlot firlot eschalot cachalot angelot blot Southern blot allot calotte shallot belote culotte sansculotte slot fylfot motte mot motmot filemot guillemot bergamot got saligot ergot gavotte

hotshot outshot dot microdot Wyandot peridot glaucodot rot wrot Prot trot trit-trot jog-trot foxtrot frot grot rhinocerot garrotte bot knowbot robot cancelbot chatterbot sot assot besot shaped pear-shaped unshaped undraped opt epopt Copt topped unstopped

hopped lopped adopt unpropped uncropped dropped co-opt pipped unshipped hipped lipped unclipped eucalypt undipped crypt decrypt encrypt decrypt script postscript manuscript conscript inscript transcript nondescript proscript adscript superscript prescript rescript subscript transcript conscript descript prescript stripped

zipped unzipped unhoped sloped unroped unwarped sculpt unhelped piped typed wiped unwiped striped dompt prompt shrimped pumped jumped humped lumped assumpt transumpt consumpt empt kempt unkempt tempt attempt contempt dirempt exempt pre-empt unstamped undamped cupped rupt

bankrupt abrupt corrupt incorrupt uncorrupt interrupt erupt irrupt prerupt disrupt ept kept unkept stepped inept swept upswept down-swept unswept yclept nympholept unslept adept inadept 'cept sept concept transept percept intercept precept intercept except accept incept discept

apt usucapt uncapped tapped untapped napped knapped unsnapped periapt gapped adapt preadapt rapt trapped untrapped strapped enrapt unwrapped inapt unapt coapt usurped excerpt jelloped developed undeveloped underdeveloped beneaped pooped hooped looped unlooped unclasped at art

willyart part outpart forepart tripart rampart counterpart apart depart impart compart dispart spart carte khat cart kart quart - hock-cart coup-cart go-cart go-kart Leichhardt ikat zakat agra la carte SCART skat tax-cart tat tart Huweitat patart start upstart redstart

astart upstart outstart restart naat nat Iliat Jat heart hart sweetheart cow-heart unheart lat clart blart salat fart mart supermart jumart kramat smart outsmart unsmart ghat bogart savate chart Gantt chart simo chart dart indart heemraad Bundesrat Gujarat

Sherarat Herat baht Bart Ziebart abaht fine art kiaat kyat Sart assart essart unslaked straked ring-straked unraked baked uncocked concoct decoct recoct stocked unstocked unshocked locked unlocked doct undocked ectoproct crocked zonked inked tinct instinct extinct

instinct distinct indistinct undistinct contradistinct linked unlinked cinct precinct succinct discinct precinct subjunct dispunct expunct inunct conjunct adjunct injunct conjunct inconjunct disjunct defunct trunked shanked unplanked unthanked sanct sacrosanct takht infarct marked unmarked unbarked hooked unhooked

looked unlooked inextinct unchinked picked Pict pict unpicked depict subject ticked wicked object subject unsubject conflict afflict inflict conflict relict derelict unlicked delict trafficked perfect unperfect imperfect preterimperfect pluperfect preterpluperfect polymict convict ex-convict convict evict dict

Benedict maledict addict verdict interdict edict addict interdict contradict retrodict predict pricked unpricked strict district astrict overstrict constrict restrict derestrict Vehmgericht yolked yoked unyoked poked dumpoked spoked uncloaked vogt smoked unsmoked unprovoked unchoked talked torqued hawked

forked biforked mulct whelked piked spiked unspiked striked tucked untucked plucked reluct duct viaduct product conduct malconduct safe-conduct misconduct ventiduct aqueduct caliduct oviduct adduct spermaduct educt adduct product induct conduct reconduct misconduct deduct reduct circumduct obduct

abduct subduct construct superstruct instruct misinstruct construct reconstruct misconstruct destruct self-destruct obstruct deobstruct substruct usufruct eruct pecked pect henpecked specked spect prospect circumspect incircumspect uncircumspect suspect aspect retrospect aspect prospect suspect expect introspect inspect respect disrespect

architect protect overprotect detect obtect necked wry-necked red-necked connect interconnect disconnect project traject reject eject abject adject interject project traject inject eject deject reject object subject disject lect dialect collect complect idiolect intellect genuflect inflect deflect

reflect neglect Recollect collect recollect misrecollect re-collect elect delect predilect prelect pre-elect select unselect reselect preselect confect Hall effect by-effect side-effect Seebeck effect Sabatier effect Compton effect Meissner effect Miller effect Magnus effect affect defect sub-prefect prefect affect perfect suffect disaffect infect disinfect

confect effect Hawthorne effect maleffect defect refect humect provect invecked convect checked unchecked pandect decked undecked rect Utrecht arrect porrect correct incorrect uncorrect overcorrect undercorrect resurrect insurrect unrecked erect direct indirect suberect misdirect sect insect transect quinquesect

vivisect intersect intersect exsect insect transect dissect resect trisect bisect act packed pact compact impact epact unpacked impact compact incompact tact contact intact stacked enact re-enact swacked jacked unhacked unslacked fact artefact ventifact benefact petrefact olfact

autodidact gedact redact cracked uncracked tract contract pre-contract subcontract entr'acte attract protract contract pre-contract subcontract detract retract subtract stract extract abstract extract distract abstract substract cataphract infract diffract refract charact interact cataract tesseract bract peract sway-backed

hunchbacked saddlebacked red-backed unbacked transact exact inexact inact disenact react overreact coact retroact interact counteract overact re-act worked quirked unworked stomached agriproduct by-product peaked streaked beaked unmasked tusked husked unhusked musked opiate parsley-piert inexpiate tetrabranchiate

opisthobranchiate prosobranchiate lophobranchiate perennibranchiate nudibranchiate dibranchiate brachiate bracteate ebracteate insatiate Spartiate licentiate consubstantiate initiate officiate vitiate noviciate patriciate associate sociate consociate cruciate craniate lineate delineate laciniate contorniate Smyrniote cuneate fastigiate orgeat royet foliot nucleate anucleate enucleate

binucleate affiliate perfoliate foliate trifoliate palliate Italiot malleate galliot Massaliot aculeate osmiate landgraviate Soviet Cheviot deviate abbreviate gladiate radiate irradiate glochidiate nidiot dimidiate vidiot idiot intermediate mediate immediate remediate ideate laureate loriot Cypriot appropriate inappropriate malappropriate

misappropriate propriate timariot ocreate patriot compatriot expatriate seriate curiate centuriate succenturiate infuriate muriate baccalaureate aureate vicariate secretariat voluntariate commentariat proletariat salariat variate bivariate commissariat heriot Iscariot lariat Mariotte chariot inebriate Buriat labiate bilabiate chalybeate roseate axiate

discalceate prussiate ut Piyut put stay-put output input Rajput off-put kaput throughput unput cut-out Yakut Inuktitut stratiote coyote Roumeliote Suliote Corfiote Moreote foot hotfoot polt-foot Lundyfoot pussyfoot crowfoot forefoot tenderfoot Madura foot crow's-foot afoot underfoot splay-foot

goosefoot Torgut chut Gesolreut Cesolfaut Cefaut soot washed unwashed caboshed moustached branched inched pinched punched hunched unquenched entrenched bushed untarnished ungarnished unvarnished finished unfinished diminished undiminished unpunished unfurnished whisht wisht inextinguished distinguished indistinguished undistinguished unwished

unpolished unaccomplished unpublished unfished unblemished malnourished unperished uncherished borscht hushed husht uncrushed fleshed unfleshed Resht unrefreshed undashed unabashed sashed unchurched supergiant giant hiant pliant unpliant compliant client reliant olefiant affiant fiant defiant riant scient brilliant

carpent arpent occupant preoccupant flippant trippant participant anticipant dopant torpent discrepant strepent serpent repent stupent astringent stringent refringent ringent pungent tangent vacant locant clinquant practicant orticant urticant communicant excommunicant supplicant replicant applicant significant consignificant insignificant sacrificant

contra-indicant indicant mendicant claudicant mordicant premedicant dedicant predicant nigricant fabricant lubricant toxicant intoxicant vesicant desiccant peccant impeccant Bacchante invocant piquant secant cosecant coruscant patent statant supernatant contranatant natant denatant blatant latent dilatant optant reptant acceptant octant

reluctant irreluctant reductant expectant inexpectant respectant protectant annectent disinfectant humectant surfactant extractant reactant executant adjutant viripotent remontant accountant mountant repentant representant precipitant palpitant competent incompetent omnicompetent strepitant appetent inappetent nictitant latitant penitent impenitent equitant incogitant vegetant

agitant volitant militant confitent comitant concomitant intermittent unintermittent intromittent remittent interpretant irritant exorbitant habitant inhabitant dubitant visitant hesitant oscitant excitant solicitant febricitant incapacitant potent unipotent equipotent pluripotent nilpotent idempotent prepotent flotant portent important unimportant resultant exultant

consultant saltant renitent vertant invertant revertant inadvertent cunctipotent totipotent multipotent omnipotent ignipotent magnipotent plenipotent bellipotent armipotent ventripotent impotent combatant retreatant disputant nutant mutant sextant constant inconstant Michaelis constant instant Protestant unprotestant distant equidistant resistant resistent existent non-existent

inexistent coexistent assistant persistent impersistent insistent consistent inconsistent subsistent contestant decongestant restant poste restante substant out-patient in-patient patient unpatient impatient facient stupefacient calefacient putrefacient febrifacient sorbefacient rubefacient sensifacient trenchant ancient assentient sentient insentient consentient presentient extinguishant projicient

objicient perficient proficient sufficient insufficient unsufficient self-sufficient efficient inefficient coefficient deficient totient quotient negotiant singultient discutient codominant luminant consequent inconsequent obsequent subsequent frequent sequent agent reagent inter-agent minargent margent argent sergeant attingent contingent constringent cotangent plangent

diligent negligent intelligent unintelligent indigent exigent intransigent cogent gorgeaunt interfulgent fulgent effulgent refulgent profulgent emulgent indulgent vigent pageant turgent detergent emergent convergent divergent urgent assurgent surgent insurgent resurgent regent bejant sejant violent nonchalant vinolent flagellant tremolant

equivalent inequivalent ambivalent benevolent malevolent prevalent indolent redolent libellant excellent pre-excellent insolent inhalant octavalent tetravalent valent monovalent non-valent multivalent univalent polyvalent quadrivalent covalent zerovalent divalent bivalent surveillant assailant equipollent prepollent tollent cholent contemplant callant graveolent opulent

corpulent crapulent inoculant flocculent gesticulant matriculant truculent feculent muculent luculent osculant petulant flatulent gratulant lutulent postulant pullulant coagulant anticoagulant pendulant nidulant fraudulent avirulent puberulent noctambulant ambulant purulent virulent florulent pulverulent rutilant pestilent vigilant pugilant sterilant jubilant

macilent vacillant axillant dolent condolent olent appellant interpellant propellant repellent divellent maltalent stoop-gallant gallant topgallant fore-topgallant ungallant transcalent statuvolent dedolent tremblant resemblant coolant infant polyphant elephant triumphant retirement acquirement requirement virement payment repayment clamant raiment hangment

scapement escapement escarpment shipment equipment encampment development maldevelopment estrepement garment varment sarment estrangement infringement fakement embankment understatement statement affreightment rebatement abatement batement allotment ballottement lotment apartment department compartment ejectment enactment enchantment appointment disappointment ointment contentment resentment

presentment fitment commitment tapotement deportment comportment assortment shaftment ditement inditement indictment frightment excitement incitement hutment abutment butment revetment abetment treatment entreatment maltreatment recruitment agistment adjustment maladjustment vestment investment disinvestment arrestment lineament endearment amerciament cerement document monument

emolument argument tegument integument indument instrument assythement embranchment entrenchment retrenchment ambushment bushment astonishment garnishment finishment punishment extinguishment languishment accomplishment embellishment stablishment establishment affamishment ravishment impoverishment nourishment malnourishment refreshment enlightenment malapportionment government malgovernment misgovernment abandonment imprisonment attainment

entertainment infotainment docutainment edutainment deraignment cantonment dinmont atonement alignment malalignment confinement refinement overrefinement designment assignment consignment internment adjournment concernment unconcernment discernment environment ravinement allurement lurement orpiment sepiment dissepiment presentiment sentiment travestiment accompaniment liniment contenement muniment regiment

jolliment complement compliment decomplement implement supplement habiliment biliment micro-element aliment embodiment hardiment condiment pediment impediment sediment rudiment depriment concrement increment decrement recrement excrement detriment nutriment diriment worriment herriment merriment vehement approximant engagement disengagement lodgement dislodgement enlargement

changement arrangement malarrangement derangement management knowledgement acknowledgement encouragement discouragement disparagement abridgement obligement judgement prejudgement ledgement moment formant informant dormant withdrawment accouplement trinklement tracklement settlement resettlement dissettlement battlement entanglement newfanglement devilment tablement entablement tremblement troublement rabblement hustlement

impalement distilment wish-fulfilment controlment epaulement instalment forestalment irreconcilement embroilment annulment concealment feoffment enfeoffment pigment depigment figment augment segment antepagment fragment pavement lavement involvement achievement movement approvement improvement enjoyment employment unemployment overemployment underemployment parchment enrichment catchment attachment

detachment hatchment impeachment preachment oddment secondment commandment intendment amendment mendment needment endowment clement inclement flammant interment disinterment preferment averment measurement admeasurement medicament predicament rejectament additament hereditament irritament betterment accoutrement testament tournament ornament tenement parliament parliament loculament

filament armament disarmament firmament Poupart's ligament ligament disfigurement wonderment fundament adamant paludament temperament sacrament arbitrament atrament jurament delirament ferrament parament decorament libament encumberment dismemberment worserment agreement disagreement enjambment amazement mazement divertisement advertisement chastisement aggrandizement gisement disguisement advisement

appeasement easement amusement jument doment espacement casement encasement placement replacement emplacement displacement embracement abasement basement embossment piercement enhancement advancement commencement encoppicement enforcement reinforcement endorsement enticement scarcement impressment assessment passement worsement amercement mercement reversement embarrassment empiecement increasement

inducement exconjugant litigant mitigant iligant delegant elegant inelegant obligant fumigant intriguant congregant segregant torgant taggant termagant noctivagant solivagant mundivagant extravagant interrogant arrogant provant adjuvant convent relevant irrelevant pursuivant evolvant evolvent dissolvent resolvent solvent insolvent plumbosolvent connivent

survivant advent levant savante savant curvant fervent observant inobservant unobservant manservant servant movant couchant pratchant merchant cadent aidant retardant guardant regardant ardent impudent despondent respondent correspondent co-respondent fondant frondent demandant obtundent inundant redundant irredundant abundant superabundant

exundant reboundant appendant propendent pendant pendent dependant dependent independent codependent interdependent impendent attendant tendant tendent intendant superintendent pretendant splendent transplendent resplendent defendant ascendant transcendent descendant candent mandant overconfident confident inconfident diffident provident improvident evident inevident president

vice-president resident non-resident possident oxidant Occident accident incident coincident incoincident dissident precedent explodent rodent accordant inaccordant concordant discordant mordant mordent trident strident rident bident eident pedant verdant decadent sedent excedent succedent retrocedent antecedent decedent precedent student

inconcludent prudent imprudent jurisprudent aspirant operant vituperant expectorant reiterant adulterant sonorant itinerant ignorant generant regenerant belligerent co-belligerent refrigerant tolerant intolerant accelerant different indifferent unindifferent odoriferant vociferant deferent preferent referent efferent afferent deafferent perforant cormorant reverent unreverent

irreverent moderant equiponderant preponderant odorant deodorant corroborant deliberant roborant verberant reverberant protuberant extuberant exuberant jazerant torrent warrant horrent abhorrent latrant intrant entrant re-entrant penetrant recalcitrant titrant remonstrant Premonstrant ministrant administrant registrant sequestrant querent gerent vicegerent coherent

incoherent inherent adherent perseverant maturant fulgurant obscurant durant comburent urent insurant jurant vorant spirant tyrant sempervirent virent godparent grandparent parent declarant flagrant vagrant fragrant infragrant integrant disintegrant immigrant emigrant in-migrant migrant transmigrant undercurrent occurrent intercurrent currant

current blackcurrant incurrent concurrent decurrent recurrent precurrent procurrent redcurrant excurrent demurrant quadrant hydrant deterrent aberrant errant knight errant inerrant apparent inapparent transparent intransparent farrant arrant cooperant iterant exhilarant colourant decolourant commorant nurturant equilibrant celebrant terebrant vibrant titubant

absorbent sorbent decumbent procumbent disturbant complaisant rasant recusant cognizant incognizant proposant sclerosant rousant peasant pleasant unpleasant displeasant pheasant Spithead pheasant Reeves pheasant present preterite-present omnipresent bezant wisent damage-feasant malfeasant accusant diffusant naissant Renaissant subnascent adjacent superjacent interjacent unadjacent

jacent circumjacent prejacent subjacent complacent obeisant relaxant accent Vincent reticent irreticent fatiscent reminiscent indehiscent glissant munificent omnificent magnificent beneficent maleficent reviviscent puissant impuissant nocent docent pulsant demulcent convulsant maledicent lactescent frutescent delitescent adultescent lutescent suffrutescent evanescent

juvenescent luminescent rejuvenescent senescent spinescent liquescent deliquescent pinguescent jessant rigescent turgescent pallescent opalescent incalescent alkalescent somnolescent convalescent middlescent adolescent obsolescent violescent mollescent caulescent acaulescent rufescent tumescent intumescent fremescent flavescent effervescent ingravescent candescent incandescent lapidescent iridescent viridescent

suppressant depressant accrescent crescent increscent decrescent excrescent petrescent vitrescent putrescent nigrescent glabrescent phosphorescent arborescent fluorescent virescent revirescent tabescent pubescent prepubescent rubescent erubescent albescent quiescent acquiescent acescent marcescent incessant uncessant glaucescent passant depascent repassant nascent enascent renascent

perceant recursant versant conversant innocent decent indecent undecent recent absent adducent producent abducent tralucent lucent noctilucent relucent translucent paint warpaint repaint overpaint unpaint depaint bepaint impaint repaint taint attaint unattaint quaint acquaint pre-acquaint disacquaint plaint complaint

faint feint maint spraint straint constraint unconstraint distraint restraint saint ensaint unsaint besaint ayont pont parapente Hellespont planktont gouvernante want quant symbiont muishond diplont haplont font epibiont Stormont piedmont gamont rodomont Vermont monophyodont polyphyodont lophiodont taeniodont

diprotodont lophodont heterodont scolecodont secodont placodont thecodont glyptodont polyprotodont monodont dicynodont conodont triconodont cyprinodont cynodont selenodont bunodont hypsilophodont bilophodont dilambdodont symmetrodont machairodont taurodont creodont hybodont labyrinthodont restaurant sporont schizont myzont chorizont aunt dbutante entente shan't naunt

plant implant interplant overplant underplant supplant implant replant transplant displant explant homotransplant explant alant slant aslant gant chant enchant disenchant grant regrant Sarn't usucapient sapient percipient impercipient suscipient excipient incipient insipient concipient recipient sitient conscient inconscient

dissentient allicient officiant lenient supervenient intervenient convenient inconvenient disconvenient prevenient advenient mugient naiant chatoyant larmoyant clairvoyant foudroyant buoyant flamboyant salient mollient emollient suppliant nucleant resilient consilient transilient dissilient valiant dormient permeant proviant servient subservient deviant gradient

superradiant radiant irradiant fodient audient impedient expedient inexpedient mediant contragredient ingredient transgredient obedient disobedient procreant recreant miscreant nutrient aperient experient scaturient parturient furiant infuriant esurient luxuriant scripturient prurient deliriant haurient commorient orient vicariant contravariant variant invariant

covariant contrariant segreant inebriant ambient circumambient resiant inscient renunciant transient intransient omniscient nauseant deforciant nescient prescient insouciant punt munt schrund Sonderbund evacuant pascuant fluctuant intuent constituent substituent issuant continuant insinuant genuant diluent eluent contribuent confluent influent

mellifluent diffluent profluent circumfluent defluent refluent effluent affluent superfluent transfluent tonitruant menstruant obstruent irruent congruent incongruent reboant courante quint wunderkind skint tint monotint mezzotint aquatint stint quinte quint squint asquint suint Septuagint hint lint splint darlint

clint flint skinflint glint elint mint varmint spearmint peppermint calamint SIGINT vint dint forint print footprint microprint lithoprint enprint prettyprint offprint imprint thumbprint overprint preprint reprint overprint offprint imprint out of print reprint preprint misprint sprint bint won't

wont don't taunt ataunt jaunt haunt flaunt aflaunt romaunt gaunt vaunt avaunt daunt pint cuckoo-pint oint point turning-point knickpoint pinpoint pourpoint pour-point standpoint counterpoint appoint fore-appoint disappoint viewpoint outpoint repoint McBurney's point noint anoint joint adjoint unjoint

conjoint disjoint aroint punt cunt stunt shunt exeunt hunt witch-hunt ahunt mahant Berkeley hunt lunt blunt dunt runt prunt sprunt crunt scrunt strunt front storefront forefront bifront afront affront upfront out front out-front confront Granth grunt brunt bunt

sunt count 'count viscount recount account recount recount miscount discount discount fount mount tantamount catamount paramount remount amount surmount unmount demount remount dismount pent ypent repent spent unspent kent pschent tent content malcontent attent intent content

uncontent miscontent discontent detent stent ostent extent distent anent fornent went frequent orient reorient misorient disorient gent hent Lent sklent asklent glent relent slent fent ament comment document foment complement compliment implement supplement aliment loment torment

ferment ament sapperment lament ferment foment unmeant piment dement cement Keene's cement Parker's cement torment augment segment coagment fragment defragment Ghent vent intervent convent invent reinvent event prevent circumvent subvent dent indent indent ident rent sprent rack-rent brent

arrent bent inbent unbent resent present represent misrepresent re-present ensient cent scent ascent assent sent accent succent unsent concent consent descent dissent precent per cent absent ant pant cant incant decant predikant recant scant descant askant descant

extant shant nant lant gallant hierophant sycophant gallivant Levant commandant confidant rant drant brant Rembrandt courant Corybant trabant drabant corposant Sant pissant burnt unburnt poignant ebullient erumpent rampant Bacchant unrepentant consentant exercitant appurtenant sustenant permanent covenant

uncovenant revenant resonant consonant inconsonant dissonant grandisonant horrisonant absonant complainant Oberleutnant Oberstleutnant supercontinent continent incontinent subcontinent pertinent impertinent agglutinant abstinent originant vaginant disciplinant dominant predominant subdominant prominent eliminant discriminant imminent culminant fulminant eminent supereminent pre-eminent examinant

Slater determinant determinant germinant illuminant ruminant ordinant urinant recombinant hallucinant opponent proponent ponent deponent imponent component exponent disponent predisponent tonant sonant binant remnant benignant malignant indignant resignant oppugnant repugnant pregnant impregnant regnant stagnant joinant pennant terre-tenant undertenant

tenant tenent untenant lieutenant subtenant planont alternant secernent immanent remanent emanant impermanent altisonant mellisonant misdemeanant propinquant delinquent insequent resequent loquent fatiloquent sanctiloquent multiloquent magniloquent grandiloquent dulciloquent eloquent ineloquent infrequent equant unguent contrahent sanguinolent superexcellent trivalent scrupulant

succulent esculent expostulant ululant stimulant simulant temulent tremulant undulant turbulent scintillant sibilant conjubilant volant volent silent expellent talent somnolent insomnolent altivolant suaveolent sealant semblant embouchement Dandie Dinmont element experiment scandent sederunt Celarent email ombrant preterlabent accumbent cumbent incumbent

superincumbent recumbent lambent pursuant suant ensuant perfluent interfluent fluent truant suant peent dtente oont ghoont Oort yurt arcuate acuate infatuate sinuate attenuate superannuate undergraduate postgraduate hanepoot Tourte graduate Udmurt it pit poppet poppit hoppet

moppet carpet cockpit pipit Richard's pipit skippet tippet snippet whippet trippet frippet incipit sippet precipit forpet pulpit Woolpit shilpit kumpit limpet crumpet trumpet strumpet crampet puppet scuppet decrepit yappet tapet tappet lappet parapet spit lockspit turnspit cesspit

kit glaikit pickpocket pocket impocket cocket bycoket hocket locket mocket docket sprocket crocket retro-rocket sky-rocket brocket brockit rocket socket tunket Tlingit trinket junket plunket sunket blanket up-market down-market hypermarket supermarket Newmarket market lookit picket spicket Identikit

ticket stickit snicket wicket clicket smicket pricket balm-cricket cricket ricket thicket porket tucket bucket sucket pecket snecket fecket becket packet empacket tacket nacket strait-jacket Eisenhower jacket leather-jacket pea-jacket jacket placket clacket flacket bracket racket rackett backet sacket

Burkitt circuit short circuit short-circuit hallockit skit bosket casket casquet disjaskit flasket lasket basket frisket brisket biscuit musket forjeskit gasket tit coal-tit tomtit fustet Inuit Jesuit bejesuit trekschuit huet-huet floruit shit dipshit lynchet planchet tranchet freshet ashet

jackshit nit knit lionet falconet coronet baronet bonnet sonnet garnet Garnett barnet bayonet pinnet spinet martinet tinnet Plantagenet linnet infinite definite indefinite minute cabinet tabinet binit innit basinet sinnet cornet hornet inornate signet cygnet magnet diamagnet

electromagnet punnet whodunit runnet pennet tenet genet jennet dennet rennet benet bennet Gordon Bennett ennit senate sennet sennit planet gannet pomegranate granate granite burnet orcanet jaconet biggonet dragonet repunit cunit Dobson unit unit unknit snit posnet sarsenet Whit

wit quit banquet acquit requit squit twit want-wit nitwit inwit tewhit languet godwit te-wit peewit De-Witt outwit tu-whit jit parget silajit nidget widget fidget midget digit forgett gorget budget pledget Paget gadget trajet elegit eejit bouget

legit illegit poet hit mishit lit. lit angelet bandelet umbellet collet wallet kinglet winglet ringlet droplet quintuplet sextuplet quadruplet triplet opelet template templet couplet Caplet chaplet applet tuplet duplet split starlet starlit varlet Dalit spongelet clit

trinklet anklet sparklet hooklet pikelet spikelet necklet hacklet circlet quamoclit platelet Partlet tartlet martlet Bartlett gauntlet pointlet frontlet mantelet notelet portlet fortlet swiftlet cutlet nutlet outlet fruitlet wristlet earlet piculet rotulet veinulet annulet lunulet amulet cumulet

rivulet barrulet pullet bullet veinlet finlet tonlet runlet sunlit greenlet moonlet moonlit spillet skillet tillet quillet willet jillet fillet millet billet ridgelet flit offlet pamphlet leaflet stylet twilit eyelet islet singlet omelette gimlet domelet camlet Hamlet

samlet goglet piglet giglet reglet nervelet toilet cullet culet mullet surmullet gullet roundlet howlet owlet pellet palette pallet callet scallet schalet mallet gallet valet sallet sterlet murrelet Miquelet chatelet castelet featherlet coverlet osselet gablet goblet marblet

niblet giblet riblet triblet driblet doublet tablet herblet haslet culet Eng. Lit. unlit slit bracelet crosslet castlet lancelet corslet taslet fit phit prophet profit unprofit disprofit soffit outfit photofit benefit Brock's benefit whiffet Tophet forfeit comfit discomfit tuffet

buffet haffet surfeit counterfeit uncounterfeit overfit underfit leafit refit unfit befit refit misfit misfit ringgit mitt comet Mahomet vomit domett grommet armet Schmidt limit delimit prelimit maumet pelmet helmet plumbet plummet grummet summit emmet semmit dammit

permit hermit remit transmit permit commit intermit pretermit fewmet plumet manumit omit intromit emit immit demit remit admit readmit submit transmit smit git hogget logit target margate garget jigget nugget mugget drugget daggett baggit significavit indicavit

affidavit cessavit minivet swivet blivit Glenlivet privet trivet grivet rivet unrivet civet cognovit velvet covet brevet brevit davit vervet kiewiet chit watchet crotchet rochet manchet tipitiwitchet carriwitchet fitchet hatchet latchet bratchet ratchet merchet dit conduit incondite

Chindit pundit bandit plaudit audit geddit accredit credit discredit edit post-edit pre-edit subedit adit rit writ letteret preterite Margaret favourite unfavourite velveret leveret porret torret floret forrit culprit interpret misinterpret sprit bowsprit floweret crit Prakrit haematocrit

hypocrite secret Sanskrit electret whitret portrait attrit spirit inspirit dispirit skirret tirrit frit coffret pomfret grit egret livret turret worrit terret wherret herit inherit disinherit lerret ferret merit demerit barret tartaret lanneret banneret gorgeret riveret tabaret

brith Brit labret tabret rowet bowet Clintonite sobeit albeit howbeit bit bitt wabbit hobbit gobbet obit barbet titbit skibbet gibbet flibbertigibbet prohibit inhibit cohibit adhibit libbet ribbit zibet exhibit probit post-obit orbit de-orbit rarebit Evans gambit gambit

ambit debit Stabit habit posthabit inhabit cohabit jackrabbit drabbet rabbet rabbit Babbitt cucurbit turbit wait-a-bit Forstner bit cubit woubit zit opposit juxtaposit contraposit posit postposit oviposit deposit reposit exposit closet requisite prerequisite perquisite exquisite intervisit visit howgozit

groset opposite composite incomposite decomposite apposite inapposite muset skuett intuit bewet Yuit schuit flewet bluet sluit cruet suet cit sit posset cosset losset assumpsit non assumpsit esparcet fixit exit tsitsith Quonset lancet pouncet transit implicit complicit explicit

explicit inexplicit solicit licit elicit illicit deficit corset faucet Dorset Tilsit dulcet gusset russet Roxbury russet cresset tasset tacit facet fascet basset tercet verset lucet doucet op. cit. loc. cit. resit oat yote pote compote capote cote coat

sheepcote greatcoat waistcoat turncoat happi-coat petticoat whirlicote matchcoat surcoat overcoat undercoat entrecocircte pea-coat Succoth uncoat scote tote diptote triptote asymptote monoptote stoat shoat note footnote keynote connote denote quote unquote misquote geelhout rooihout lote loth matelote

plote clote zopilote papillote float afloat overfloat gloat pardalote bloat slote phot isophote telephote redingote mote moat barmote portmote swanimote witenagemot micklemote hallmote locomote promote emote immote gemot remote demote gote goat scapegoat amastigote promastigote nanny-goat

pterygote apterygote zygote homozygote heterozygote vote devote dote anecdote lepidote epidote thermantidote antidote table d'hocircte rote sprote sprout troat groat throat cutthroat Sciote boat haybote R-boat cockboat track-boat tilt-boat faltboat catboat gunboat jolly-boat hedgebote stow-boat keelboat fly-boat

steamboat hag-boat E-boat U-boat York boat ice-boat azote Onazote creosote aught ought ort Porte port outport davenport teleport sallyport stolport Coalport airport comport import reimport purport aport apport purport support deport report misreport import reimport comport

sport passport export re-export transport spoilsport export re-export transport disport besport court forecourt Palm Court out-of-court skort base-court escort escort taught tought tort taut torte untaught contort retort bistort extort distort short cold-short red-short naught nought Argonaut

fearnought UFOnaut dreadnought responaut aquanaut cosmonaut Juggernaut astronaut aeronaut canaut bonaght do-nought snort wart quart masterwort bruisewort thwart overthwart athwart overthwart swart haught cohort dehort adhort flaught fire-flaught onslaught fought fort Piedfort counterfort mort amort alamort

cavort dort daut wrought rort straught distraught fraught unfraught overwrought inwrought unwrought bort abort resort exhort thought aforethought forethought overthought underthought unthought misthought sought sort consort assort unsought consort re-sort missort difficult Malt volte volt

cobalt SALT persalt somersault gestalt proletkult kilt tilt atilt stilt wilt quilt jilt hilt lilt milt gilt guilt parcel-gilt bergylt built inbuilt unbuilt silt polt poult colt tolt sholt jolt holt moult smolt volt archivolt millivolt

revolt dolt bolt wring-bolt scarp-bolt shackbolt dogbolt thunderbolt unbolt spalt walt halt springhalt stringhalt fault default smalt galt gault vault dalt Balt exalt superexalt Terry Alt salt Seignette salt basalt assault pepper-and-salt desalt ult catapult cult occult incult

penult antepenult singult tumult kidult adult indult bult result exult insult insult consult jurisconsult sowlth pelt pelt bepelt spelt Celt kelt Anglo-Celt skelt shelt welt swelt felt Nordenfelt Karrenfeld melt smelt gelt veld Roosevelt lowveld middleveld

highveld Strandveld sandveld svelte belt Van Allen belt Kuiper belt unbelt Lonsdale belt celt alt asphalt pissasphalt Schwarzschild poult pfft oft toft Lowestoft waft loft cock-loft aloft croft Moorcroft overcroft undercroft Ravenscroft thoft soft aft taft shaft layshaft haft

daft raft craft kraft kingcraft handicraft warcraft aircraft witchcraft woodcraft handcraft rotorcraft mothercraft graft engraft draft draught indraught overdraft overdraught withdraught baft abaft fore and aft randkluft skift tift Stift shift makeshift unshift Lamb shift redshift snift whift wift

squiffed swift lift clift uplift slift smift gift begift rift strift shrift Festschrift grift drift spindrift spoondrift adrift thrift wastethrift wanthrift thrift unthrift ZIFT sift delft yuft tuft candytuft stuffed unstuffed muffed chuffed ruffed gruft eft

weft heft left cleft klepht aleft copyleft infeft uninfeft deft reft theft chaft raft leafed hoofed unroofed ite daubreite Sarabaite ranciite Saite Kingite wyomingite Irvingite rodingite strengite yite pight copiapite marsupite polypite mendipite phlogopite sopite

spite woodspite respite despite phengite phalangite kite kyte trachyte Rockite zincite nordmarkite brookite Yiddishkeit myrmekite larvikite barkevikite halotrichite trichite neotocite Melchite kolbeckite riebeckite isopachyte posnjakite charnockite phenakite lanarkite greenockite whitlockite malachite Zadokite Euchite skite samarskite perovskite

Theopaschite Traskite blatherskite tite tight biotite breithauptite partite octopartite multipartite quinquepartite quadripartite tripartite bipartite impartite sexpartite helictite tektite smectite impactite stalactite steatite goniatite permutite bismutite kaersutite brochantite argentite laumontite piemontite huntite cementite orientite cervantite tennantite beudantite

appetite pittite monetite magnetite Hittite mimetite hatchettite albitite Kensitite cobaltite smaltite thortveitite ratite goethite urtite apatite watertight enstatite carbonatite carnotite simetite migmatite pegmatite haematite convertite Encratite pyrrhotite hieratite ceratite albertite spessartite lutite uptight tungstite wuumlstite holmquistite

transvestite bastite proustite troostite foyaite smythite Cushite brushite gobshite nite night knight kyanite syenite haughtonite Manhattanite Marcionite strontianite oceanite pigeonite stephanite aphanite amblygonite morganite palagonite aragonite javanite olivenite hiddenite rhodonite Jordanite maldonite edenite uranite amazonite Masonite

impsonite arsenite jamesonite thomsonite samsonite arfvedsonite fergusonite smithsonite Janeite rumaumlnite Saturday night prehnite dufrenite thranite Lihyanite larnite gahnite pisanite fortnight polianite luxullyanite Simeonite vivianite obsidianite thorianite Gibeonite malaysianite polylithionite alunite bowenite shonkinite echinite pectinite serpentinite platinite austenite

penninite uraninite porphyrogenite diogenite phosgenite maskelynite gadolinite holinight franklinite koechlinite catlinite kaolinite melinite selenite kentallenite josephinite sylvinite vanadinite cancrinite encrinite vitrinite arenite bismuthinite succinite axinite euxenite Wisconsinite hercynite cryoconite tonite shoshonite patronite zonite forenight californite bornite

pinite kainite twi-night finite transfinite indochinite crinite langbeinite Samnite belemnite gelignite lignite polymignite autunite gunite dunite midnight radknight bytownite braunite sennight stannite Johannite mannite Danite kernite sternite Ebionite saponite zinkenite glauconite vulcanite taconite menaccanite aconite cummingtonite

babingtonite tectonite bentonite billitonite titanite tungstenite Tristanite alstonite yesternight Canaanite bournonite Mennonite koenenite hydrogenite digenite cyclonite montmorillonite beryllonite mylonite Xylonite melanite porcellanite allanite ceylonite wulfenite manganite antimonite sillimanite ilmenite colemanite limonite Simonite Yemenite ammonite ilsemannite laubmannite

hausmannite sylvanite caledonite molybdenite geocronite nontronite Maronite Heracleonite freieslebenite laangngbanite torbanite torbernite ebonite monzonite tanzanite Athonite Gilsonite moissanite essonite basanite philippinite Kenite famatinite taenite lenite Selenite meneghinite calcarenite scenite stibnite tonite tonight overnight neptunite unite tyuyamunite

reunite unknight nighty-night benight ignite good night unite disunite snite Tobias night lance-knight white wite wight quite milk-white monchiquite requite twite lintwhite lily-white Hepplewhite bobwhite thwite off-white Krems white Cremnitz white komatiite Capernaite Gurneyite baddeleyite tholeiite Paisleyite Mosleyite soddyite Darbyite

bixbyite Dizzyite eclogite augite zygite tergite melanophlogite Tokyoite crocoite benitoite dichroite tephroite pyroxferroite sporozoite zoite hyte height hight Fahrenheit a-height behight lite light hyalite cryolite rhyolite siallite cosmopolite metropolite anthropolite opalite petalite crystallite tonalite carnallite marmolite

tremolite wavellite rhodolite uralite powellite kobellite Russellite laylight daylight daubrelite tolite plight hoplite lamplight aplite starlight marlite cochlite nakhlite heteroclite spotlight sepiolite fayalite Ismaelite Loyolite miliolite ophiolite indialite variolite idrialite marialite iolite vermiculite ventriculite tentaculite novaculite

granulite nummulite ovulite spherulite globulite lazulite microlite microlight Vitrolite ijolite sunlight moonlight Samuelite oolite propylite campylite geikielite tillite Vinylite phosphuranylite ureilite argillite troilite leadhillite melilite apophyllite ganophyllite lithiophilite toxophilite triphylite molybdophyllite anthophyllite phyllite homilite Carmelite Millite

mirabilite Monothelite Dyothelite illite proselyte kalsilite chessylite Coalite roscoelite lowlight windolite thoreaulite flyte flight inflight to-flight preflight spilite skylight stylite twilight highlight wehrlite limelight mullite Scotchlite torchlight fetch-light Drummond light side-light Stellite Parnellite stillwellite hellite adamellite mellite

covellite larderellite monticellite halite polyhalite pearlite perlite scapolite Bakelite sarcolite niccolite indicolite armalcolite laccolite acolyte datolite graptolite troctolite pectolite tantalite stromatolite agalmatolite satellite chiastolite socialite thomsenolite danalite retinalite actinolite phonolite kornelite manganolite stylolite Pre-Raphaelite ganomalite Armalite

augelite huumlgelite theodolite kinetheodolite thunderlight lepidolite crocidolite sodalite siderolite corallite saprolite natrolite electrolyte polyelectrolyte australite meteorolite hetaerolite staurolite foralite aerolite fibrolite Israelite elaeolite zeolite Hanbalite amphibolite cristobalite thrombolite kimberlite rubellite pisolite roselite scorzalite topazolite Ephthalite Naxalite

chrysolite sassolite Peelite pelite scheelite relight blite blight alight polite unpolite impolite ultralight thulite cellulite unlight delight relight slite sleight slight fight bryophyte sciophyte ophite taaffeite spermatophyte dermatophyte gametophyte saprophyte microphyte nanophanerophyte neophyte lithophyte mesophyte infight

zoophyte epiphyte Wycliffite chamaephyte griphite gryphite Josephite anthropomorphite hemimorphite sulphite hyposulphite hydrosulphite tuffite graphite phreatophyte Hanafite helophyte thallophyte sporophyte therophyte prochlorophyte hydrophyte charophyte psephite prizefight phosphite loumlllingite langite pyroxmangite mite might midshipmite atacamite marmite acmite itacolumite

rhythmite Joachimite Hashemite hieronymite Vegemite thelemite polydymite tridymite Prozymite Azymite domite chromite magnesiochromite somite palmite stalagmite sparagmite gummite Shemite Hamite samite psammite termite boehmite thermite Williamite catamite diatomite Geronomite dynamite dolomite Harlemite willemite Adullamite Palamite calamite

thalamite Elamite Islamite Wadhamite sodomite Adamite pre-adamite mottramite hellgrammite hedrumite epsomite maghemite Nicodemite Semite bismite heumite humite smite gyte enargite koettigite kinzigite freibergite limburgite annabergite rammelsbergite harzburgite Areopagite hedenbergite norbergite dugite suevite jeremejevite Mariavite invite Ninevite

sylvite Servite Muscovite stishovite Stakhanovite moldavite uvarovite cleveite Levite invite uninvite disinvite evite dite dight jadeite podite howardite thenardite Thamudite erudite inerudite recondite legrandite hornblendite endite pentlandite portlandite cleavelandite heulandite Redmondite bertrandite impedite expedite lyddite lydite

turbidite Recordite cordite wardite Araldite smaragdite Luddite steadite verdite coxopodite epipodite lampadite synodite troglodyte mallardite morphodite lansfordite horsfordite skutterudite scorodite extradite mophrodite hermaphrodite chondrodite andradite molybdite rhabdite Studite rudite indite indict undight benedight bedight rite write

right wright stromeyerite diorite granodiorite syenodiorite rectorite Hutterite glauberite geyserite playwright typewrite upright cuprite sprite spright hauerite linarite krait nacrite picrite micrite eucrite trite contrite epitrite nitrite attrite meteorite garnierite nerite sclerite lechatelierite mugearite cordierite cerite

hippurite purpurite tellurite fulgurite danburite ledeburite lazurite azurite shright downright neurite saussurite pleurite fluorite missourite copyright iodargyrite cerargyrite pyrargyrite miargyrite Stagirite porphyrite iodyrite itabirite madreporite norite kutnahorite chlorite labradorite thorite fiorite millwright wheelwright fright tephrite nephrite

affright chalcopyrite pyrite Warerite calaverite achondrite chondrite alexandrite cylindrite dendrite handwrite archimandrite anhydrite octahedrite tetrahedrite ferrite barite haidingerite dumortierite Himyarite peperite evaporite yperite ankerite anchorite cocorite Walkerite melanterite cassiterite laterite elaterite forsterite websterite brewsterite witherite Minorite

zeunerite tenorite krennerite turnerite wernerite huumlbnerite lunarite grunerite boulangerite dolerite specularite millerite pantellerite sphalerite phosphorite epimerite Homerite Amorite margarite antigorite silverite Thatcherite mesosiderite siderite herderite kaumlmmererite Labourite sybarite Wilburite Taborite ferberite Nazarite Lazarite kieserite ozocerite Nasserite

bright Staybrite Fulbright ignimbrite Santobrite aright overwrite underwrite erythrite forthright outright hereright unwrite unright orright foreright all right rewrite miswrite 'sright Rebeccaite uintaite danaite stilleite Eblaite javaite ilvaite Judahite Karaite Shiite tritheite bite byte bight backbite frostbite

Moabite chalybite sorbite stilbite albite coquimbite plumbite columbite Hawcubite Rechabite Jacobite Barnabite coenobite kilobyte trilobite iddingsite bronzite martensite inesite vogesite andesite mariposite anglesite williamsite reevesite dufrenoysite descloizite halloysite resite monazite chamosite schreibersite chabazite gibbsite composite thight

plinthite acanthite chalcanthite chloanthite anorthite orthite Sethite perthite idolothyte Hamathite Morasthite cite site sight bediasite bastnaumlsite dacite delafossite phillipsite Glassite Foxite hanksite Marxite fuchsite mixite essexite bauxite hexite ulexite exite yahrzeit kunzite wurtzite tarnowitzite quartzite swartzite

outsight histiocyte megakaryocyte pollucite leucocyte monocyte melanocyte myelocyte reticulocyte lymphocyte phaeochromocyte phagocyte heterosite microcyte macrocyte onsight insight unsight oocyte pitticite magnesite molysite scolecite Monophysite Dyophysite pumicite Leavisite sericite variscite plebiscite pituicyte lewisite polocyte foresight dulcite felsite

calcite ophicalcite aurichalcite eyesight zoisite Hussite gaylussite hindsight Nesite hessite Kassite adipocyte marcasite pinacocyte plasmatocyte pistacite hoernesite granulocyte Douglasite pallasite amosite kamacite plasmacyte plumosite pargasite oversight epidosite porocyte dyscrasite ostracite cerussite boracite Hieracite oligodendrocyte spherocyte hyperparasite

parasite kleptoparasite holoparasite jarosite anthracite erythrocyte polybasite anorthosite outasight andalusite Lucite leucite pyrolusite brucite excite overexcite de-excite incite unsight desight recite misrecite out of sight re-site quoit dacoit toyte stoit hoit exploit exploit moit doit introit droit

maladroit adroit putt put put-put lilliput occiput sinciput cajuput cut short-cut nut-cut incut anicut linocut offcut woodcut overcut intercut overcut undercut short cut uncut scut cross-cut tut stut shut unshut nut physic-nut doughnut walnut coquilla nut kipper-nut

coconut peanut knut chestnut horse chestnut jut hut glut englut slut phut phut-phut mutt smut besmut gut catgut degut ruth rut prut strut astrut brut butt but sackbut scuttlebutt abut rebut unwatched unarched pitched unstitched switched

fitched unapproached unreproached debauched touched untouched crutched pouched slouched tetched far-fetched bepatched undispatched unattached detached undetached semi-detached unhatched unlatched unmatched scratched unscratched unthatched perched unimpeached outout layout pout pop-out cop-out drop-out moor-pout wipe-out step-out

sleep-out a-pout spout waterspout bespout take-out shake-out breakout knockout lockout cookout lookout walk-out blackout scout schout tout opt-out fit-out shut-out let-out get-out set-out stout 'thout shout washout unshout knout nowt rain-out line-out run-out turnout clean-out Arnaut

snout toe-out mahout lout bailout plout clout pull-out inlaut anlaut fallout flout umlaut glout ablaut auslaut gout rig-out dugout devout indevout undevout chout doubt dought dout fade-out standout hand-out down-and-out hold-out rideout lead-out read-out redoubt misdoubt

rout sprout kraut sauerkraut weinkraut trout tore-out grout dilligrout drought derout bought bout layabout knockabout walkabout roustabout turnabout roundabout gadabout nearabout stirabout rouseabout raceabout about round about whereabout spark out thought-out without all out out and out in and out throughout pass-out miss-out

et yet niet vignette rillettes layette paupiette lorgnette paillette pet salopette escopette pipette scalpette tempte spet courgette ket shochet songket netiquette etiquette coquette coquet jockette moquette roquette croquette tankette banquette banket barquette piquet briquette bilboquet

snackette maquette diskette tte Tet septet octet quintet motet quartet sextet sestet stet trebuchet flchette pochette brochette planchette tranchette fourchette couchette mouchette net piannet savonette ring-net scoop-net toilinet robinet bobbinet rabinet stow-net telnet Cellnet drag-net lave net

carcanet alkanet lansquenet internet ballonet remanet burgonet Intranet extranet Ethernet mignonette castanet jeannette colonnette sermonette organette wagonette maisonette canzonet reinette pianette clarionet marionette cunette tournette crpinette spinet stockinet martinet mountainet satinette poplinette Moulinette moulinet minette orguinette

kitchenette midinette crinet serinette clarinet benet Kabinett cassinette bassinet tonette nonet solenette dinette vanette lunette brunet whet wet non liquet unwet sweat asweat Viet get jet tri-jet scramjet ramjet suffragette georgette siscowet het superhet let Lett pistolet

plet septuplet nonuplet splet raclette royalet triolet inlet oreillet flet Rufflette voilette sellette epaulette serpolet roitelet re-let tablette espagnolette pantalette flageolet galette novelette nouvellette cassolette poulette corselette ailette outlet roulette unlet aiguillette landaulet re-let sublet fet

nymphet mofette nymphette staffette MOSFET met calumet cermet Tagamet kismet unmet palmette fumet allumette get gett go-get forget overget unget beget unbeget misbeget baguette vet olivet Gravette revet corvette navette curvet revet cuvette buvette eprouvette debt

verdet cadet indebt semi-det vedette godet ladette ret formeret spret imaret tret sulphuret biuret carburet fret aigrette vinaigrette regret chevrette poudrette fleuret spinneret minaret Stenorette solleret swimmeret arboret tabouret dosseret bret vergobret umbrette ambrette soubrette arte

operette slipperette superette bergerette washerette usherette pinarette majorette collarette cigarette featurette launderette lazaret purserette threat moirette pierrette figurette burette carburet curette voiturette Tourette fleuret amourette Syrette barrette bet quodlibet zerumbet Tebet alphabet analphabet abet barbette Shin Bet

courbette Tibet marmoset gazette grazet croisette noisette amusette rousette rosette roset marquisette anisette dandizette frisette grisette chemisette musette epithet antithet lafayette ringette statuette minuet undergraduette silhouette pirouette oubliette serviette storiette historiette gloriette winceyette proette Sleeperette duet

Couette chouette set sett tacet hic jacet phototypeset upset quick-set quickset cotset Mandelbrot set outset Julia set photoset thermoset onset inset boneset sunset videlicet salicet non-licet coset photo-set foreset falset offset photo-offset wadset Knesset asset letterset Solacet Mummerset somerset

avocet underset Exocet subset cassette musicassette lacet forset overset underset terracette tressette fossette upset thickset dancette inset pincette unset reset beset foreset offset rascette reset pre-set poussette atat pat pit-a-pat repat expat spat cat

vacat Kit-cat meerkat magnificat pussy-cat Sno-cat snowcat Chilkat polecat tom-cat rooikat wildcat gibbed cat scat muscat requiescat tat diktat aegrotat Hallstatt latitat habitat rat-tat statstad stat heliostat potentiostat coccidiostat Photostat coelostat appestat humidistat manostat Simmerstat thermostat

aerostat hydrostat rheostat orthostat that for that Nat gnat manat Scot Nat Inupiat caveat exeat Croat hat Arhat high-hat tin hat Gainsborough hat lat plat plait Platt unplait splat flat aflat blat slat fat phat marrowfat Jehoshaphat defat fiat matte

mat matt Rotissomat monochromat format reformat automat diplomat laundermat dichromat trichromat Laundromat GATT gat SOGAT vat gallivat vivat avadavat cravat chat chit-chat whinchat stonechat dat concordat samizdat rat prat Pratt dandiprat sprat physiocrat educrat monocrat Republicrat

autocrat plutocrat aristocrat technocrat democrat bureaucrat theocrat thalassocrat scrat muskrat tratt ziggurat mushrat jurat frat drat nacarat water-rat brat Surat bat dingbat orbat tittlebat combat wombat numbat acrobat Sebat Daubenton's bat Natterer's bat rabat at-bat rabat Leisler's bat zat

owzat ASAT langsat Intelsat Comsat togt flocht wandought waught Maastricht aucht bought Gaeltacht pert malapert apert spirt spurt expert inexpert sexpert curt skirt outskirt sturt shirt red shirt T-shirt inert snirt snurt whort wort lungwort

dropwort starwort quirt milkwort squirt hartwort tentwort saltwort spearwort honewort swallowwort hazelwort pilewort felwort mugwort ragwort sandwort woundwort cudwort madwort setterwort liverwort thoroughwort ribwort Johnswort jert hurt unhurt splurt flirt gill-flirt Sigalert blirt blurt alert Seyfert

girt ungirt begirt vert blipvert convert invert antevert advert pervert controvert introvert retrovert extravert extrovert avert pervert unpervert intervert extrovert introvert invert convert unconvert reconvert evert revert overt divert advert animadvert obvert subvert chert chirt dirt

desert dessert indesert exert cert outsert insert navicert assert reassert exsert insert concert preconcert disconcert dissert panchayat principate caput episcopate patriarchate matriarchate uneducate dislocate sophisticate domesticate canonicate fornicate excommunicate multiplicate triplicate complicate implicate replicate applicate

octuplicate quintuplicate contortuplicate sextuplicate duplicate induplicate conduplicate reduplicate subduplicate quadruplicate umbilicate exsufflicate pullicate overdelicate delicate indelicate certificate pontificate significate syndicate dedicate predicate radicate intricate muricate affricate divaricate imbricate intoxicate siket plicate Reichert ducat Sidcot placcate achate

trifurcate bifurcate Glenurquhart equivocate advocate reciprocate doocot lemniscate ascot stipitate precipitate digitate necessitate portate ortet dilatate cushat affectionate conditionate inconditionate unconditionate notionate proportionate unproportionate disproportionate extortionate appassionate passionate unpassionate impassionate compassionate dispassionate fortunate unfortunate misfortunate personate

impersonate impanate discarnate excarnate stellionate importunate tribunate paripinnate imparipinnate septenate pectinate palatinate illatinate agglutinate festinate predestinate obstinate quinnat marginate emarginate immarginate unoriginate declinate nominate innominate predominate abominate discriminate indiscriminate bigeminate effeminate triumfeminate incontaminate uncontaminate staminate laminate

examinate terminate conterminate interminate determinate indeterminate undeterminate predeterminate acuminate illuminate ruminate pulvinate inordinate subordinate insubordinate ordinate coordinate superordinate pre-ordinate disordinate testudinate peregrinate combinate turbinate runcinate uncinate circinate concinnate designate indesignate signate impregnate dunnart pennate septennate genet

Danaert bannat quaternate alternate subalternate companionate subdiaconate permanganate manganate incoronate membranate abnet blawort antiquate adequate inadequate stalwart wallwort Linguet collegiate ultraviolet violate violet inviolate striolate chocolate flagellate disconsolate cancellate isolate desolate solod multiplet scarlet charlotte harlot

foliolate trifoliolate lanceolate urceolate depopulate stipulate exstipulate oculate avunculate apiculate spiculate straticulate articulate particulate multarticulate inarticulate denticulate reticulate testiculate geniculate corniculate unguiculate forficulate vermiculate appendiculate matriculate muriculate auriculate orbiculate aciculate vesiculate tentaculate ejaculate maculate immaculate inoperculate

operculate deoperculate tuberculate emasculate spatulate postulate pustulate mucronulate echinulate campanulate granulate annulate exannulate catenulate multungulate solidungulate ungulate notoungulate subungulate triangulate simulate accumulate cumulate ligulate ovulate undulate tabulate tintinnabulate tubulate subulate rosulate spathulate capsulate consulate insulate punctulate

immolate nunlet mutilate sigillate annihilate assimilate lorilet penicillate verticillate copilot Pilate pilot islot aglet appellate skelet stellate helot prelate zealot palate bivallate ballot interpolate percolate constellate haustellate segolate tessellate velate Soxhlet Khilafat profert comfort recomfort discomfort

dowfart effort lingot ingot squamate hamate ramet commot marmot optimate intimate legitimate illegitimate penultimate antepenultimate ultimate guesstimate estimate overestimate misestimate animate inanimate exanimate approximate proximate stomate microclimate acclimate climate stigmate consummate summat unconsummate gamut hierogrammate deplumate

foumart yoghurt loggat conjugate spigot gigot colligate profligate delegate obligate frigate congregate segregate aggregate riggot bigot vulgate legate legget faggot magot maggot bragget braggart agate virgate theologate analogate surrogate derogate Harrogate abrogate jugate bijugate ovate pivot

divot derivate culvert private covert discovert lovat wevet trevat incurvate recurvate renovate sievert wichert cuspidate pyramidate lirate priorate depauperate corporate incorporate unincorporate concorporate temperate intemperate distemperate preparate separate inseparate disparate desperate aspirate doctorate inspectorate protectorate electorate

coelenterate obliterate literate aliterate illiterate preliterate presbyterate adulterate inveterate pastorate commensurate incommensurate generate ingenerate degenerate undegenerate regenerate unregenerate irregenerate morigerate perforate glomerate fanglomerate conglomerate intemerate camerate inamorate numerate innumerate invigorate moderate immoderate ponderate preponderate considerate inconsiderate

odorate federate confederate deliberate indeliberate elaborate inelaborate overelaborate incarcerate ziarat consecrate unconsecrate cultrate impetrate rostrate magistrate fenestrate cerate accurate inaccurate barbiturate indurate pandurate obdurate saturate unsaturate curate vigintivirate sextumvirate quadrumvirate triumvirate septemvirate quinquevirate levirate quorate inquorate

morat sororate deaurate pirate Epirot gyrate integrate quadrate quadrat cedrat sperate parrot Poll-parrot carat caret carrot claret marrot garret cooperate decorate iterate masterate scelerate imperforate agglomerate desiderate irrorate lacerate glabrate vertebrate invertebrate evertebrate terebrate decerebrate Murut

Piat teart nobbut Robert hackbut Tibert celibate halibut filbert gilbert talbot culbut albert dealbate Lane's Prince Albert Lambert gabbart abbot perturbate turbot sherbet burbot acerbate Cuthbert desert Stuart Mary Stuart eluate tuart Quixote concert condensate Narragansett inspissate marquisate

decussate incrassate eat Pete peat three-peat repeat compete spirochaete polychaete lorikeet oligochaete parakeet skete skeet mesquite teat petite sheat sheet sternsheet foresheet spreadsheet neat ookinete geneat wheat weet buckwheat massecuite tweet peetweet weet-weet suite sweet

meadowsweet bitter-sweet toot sweet unsweet mansuete en suite exegete munjeet vegete heat desuperheat overheat reheat superheat overheat reheat preheat lite leat leet pleat locuplete deplete replete complete incomplete spleet cleat Paraclete homilete fleet overfleet gleet exolete obsolete bleat

athlete lite delete sleat sleet feat suffete effete defeat mete meat meet helpmeet sweetmeat inmeat palmiet gamete heterogamete unmeet mincemeat forcemeat aquavit cheat recheat escheat toad-eat commandite reate concrete shotcrete inconcrete silcrete calcrete accrete concrete decreet

secrete excrete discrete discreet indiscrete indiscreet treat undertreat entreat metrete retreat maltreat retreat mistreat street Downing Street Throgmorton Street Bow Street Threadneedle Street Wall Street Leadenhall Street high street by-street Wardour Street Grub Street estreat Harley Street Carnaby Street afreet greet regreet Masorete terete marguerite beat

beet upbeat downbeat offbeat dead-beat browbeat hebete abeat umzimbeet mesite carte-de-visite thete agonothete thesmothete logothete aesthete overeat cete seat Ossete back seat mysticete ammocoete Docete ascomycete streptomycete basidiomycete actinomycete pyrenomycete hyphomycete zygomycete myxomycete oomycete phycomycete gasteromycete saccharomycete

Malecite facete unseat conceit misconceit deceit receipt reseat mothed unearthed lethed toothed gag-toothed ute pute depute depute repute disrepute impute compute dispute cute prosecute execute persecute electrocute acute penacute peracute subacute scute TEWT tute

Teut prostitute constitute reconstitute institute destitute restitute substitute statute astute newt comminute hermeneut diminute cornute minute solute archlute involute Aleut volute solute dilute confute refute mute mewt malamute permute commute Harmon mute deaf mute transmute argute butte bute

beaut retribute attribute attribute tribute contribute distribute redistribute exute nasute nonsuit hirsute pursuit versute nonsuit unsuit coot bandicoot babacoote scoot toot butut rooty-toot chute shute shoot - pot-shoot inshoot offshoot watershoot overshoot undershoot parachute bumbershoot overshoot undershoot

upshoot outshoot snoot jute hoot cahoot tarryhoot lute loot plute cloot flute hohlflute waldflute suabe flute glute deglute convolute circumvolute revolute devolute evolute obvolute resolute irresolute dissolute absolute ablute pollute depollute galoot revolute salute unlute elute Paiute

Tangut moot Lamut smout goutte outshoot route root proot tap root recruit beetroot arrowroot lopez-root fruit grapefruit groot Histadrut autoroute brute bruit Brut imbrute cheroot sherut uproot outroot Kashrut enroot unroot en route re-route disroot boot fire-boot taboot

jackboot marabout freeboot taboot unboot zoot mazut suit zoot suit G-suit unbiased st psst paste puff-paste impaste spaced taste foretaste foretaste distaste snaste waste waist radwaste haste overhaste post-haste unhaste laced unplaced strait-laced unlaced faced splatter-faced

po-faced double-faced full-faced self-faced shamefaced chaste unchaste traist graced unbraced baste lambaste surbased compost riposte cost oncost Pentecost abacost accost gjetost geognost glasnost teleost periost kinkhost lost glost unlost mossed harmost prevost uncrossed frost Leidenfrost rime-frost

permafrost defrost landdrost embossed mysost alongst 'mongst amongst angst incorpsed collapsed Piast past mainpast antepast bypast unsurpassed repast forepassed sparsed caste cast karst typecast outcast downcast forecast simulcast offcast roughcast tricast broadcast rebroadcast overcast undercast overcast

undercast upcast outcast downcast recast precast miscast last Elastoplast unclassed blast sandblast fast lockfast sit-fast setfast rootfast shamefast handfast holdfast steadfast unsteadfast soothfast nefast mast topmast fore-topmast foremast durmast ghast dodgast flabbergast aghast vast 'vast avast

devast contrast contrast brassed 'twixt atwixt betwixt fixed unfixed mixed unmixed sixte text context teletext protext hypertext pretext subtext pretext Fastext next perplexed unperplexed inflexed deflexed vexed sexed sext unsexed taxed untaxed waxed unrelaxed pierced unpierced

scienced valanced unbalanced licensed unlicensed gainst wanst advanced nuanced experienced inexperienced unexperienced uninfluenced inst. unconvinced unbeknownst pounced unannounced pronounced unpronounced unrenounced undispensed pretenced against uncondensed incensed unsensed Nernst uncircumstanced unsilenced unreverenced ist Hebraist prosaist essayist pissed

papist escapist rapist harpist Philippist emancipist typist tempest orthoepist trappist Rappist therapist theophilanthropist deepest hypaspist garagist phalangist kist Lakist stockist Lockist catechist jokist Yorkist monarchist anarchist masochist pietist dietist varietist statist speculatist latest apocalyptist catabaptist Anabaptist

baptist hemerobaptist Bonapartist Chartist artist protoctist Perfectist unpractised computist scientist adventist presentist seicentist dentist irredentist necromantist noncurantist infinitist phonetist relativitist portraitist synthetist prosthetist Scotist unnoticed protist flautist Wafdist latticed nepotist hypnotist Donatist diplomatist dogmatist stigmatist pragmatist

emblematist suprematist grammatist epigrammatist dramatist melodramatist spermatist numismatist pneumatist Rogatist egotist separatist literatist comparatist exegetist decretist pharmaceutist absolutist lutist fruitist mostest vacuist Jesuist casuist sensuist farthest furthest schist revanchist tachist Fascist monarcho-fascist Zionist revisionist exclusionist illusionist

mechanist tobacconist Platonist Miltonist beatenest lutenist Tatianist isolationist relationist preformationist segregationist renovationist inspirationist restorationist punctuationist variationist sensationist Marcionist reductionist destructionist selectionist perfectionist sectionist interactionist expansionist traditionist exhibitionist intuitionist portionist impressionist secessionist Passionist evolutionist Lucianist misogynist religionist

co-religionist symphonist organist protagonist antagonist tritagonist questionist modernist hedonist Stercoranist ironist Sorbonist urbanist Jansenist Vanist feuilletonist monist honest unhonest dishonest harnessed unharnessed pianist Jovinianist alienist Priscillianist Orleanist Julianist orpheonist Marianist communist Alpinist Martinist Latinist femininist Leninist

monogenist philogynist Origenist Stalinist masculinist Hellenist feminist determinist chauvinist hyper-Calvinist Calvinist rabbinist Rubenist vaccinist tonist cornist columnist Mennist tanist internist earnest overearnest opinionist unionist Italianist timpanist tympanist accompanist campanist Hispanist volcanist vulcanist botanist ultramontanist Dantonist Mennonist

canonist Galenist colonist polyphonist harmonist womanist Romanist simonist sermonist mnemonist humanist phillumenist deuteragonist agonist machinist Genist plenist Neptunist opportunist inopportunist whist wist Ubiquist Nyquist colloquist ventriloquist Utraquist acquist twist atwist intertwist entwist untwist interlinguist linguist monolinguist

neo-linguist unwist copyist lobbyist atheist gist jist Boulangist strategist oligist imagist nostalgist liturgist synergist apologist escapologist salicologist psychologist batologist monologist Indianologist menologist vinologist rhodologist leprologist astrologist horologist garbologist pathologist mythologist ologist neologist semiologist ideologist cereologist physiologist

theologist Gypsyologist heresiologist zoologist biologist mixologist epilogist syllogist analogist dialogist suffragist legist agist Francoist Titoist soloist egoist Averroist Barrowist hist list dialist trialist sciolist pharmacopolist monopolist evangelist televangelist melancholist physicalist localist vocalist pronatalist fatalist mentalist instrumentalist

capitalist metallist catalyst epistolist provincialist essentialist specialist segregationalist sensationalist conventionalist traditionalist emotionalist nationalist rationalist institutionalist personalist nominalist tonalist finalist panellist annalist analyst journalist unalist flagellist minimalist maximalist formalist tremolist legalist novelist survivalist modellist medallist logodaedalist literalist

unilateralist pastoralist structuralist moralist pluralist libellist parabolist herbalist cruciverbalist universalist playlist malist vitraillist Venizelist simplist Khlyst cyclist loyalist royalist Port-Royalist idealist imperialist materialist serialist memorialist realist unrealist populist scrupulist inoculist oculist speculist masculist summulist noctambulist funambulist

nebulist fabulist intellectualist ritualist sensualist spiritualist mutualist pointillist pugilist nihilist canophilist homilist Familist possibilist probabilist Gaullist Paulist stylist Anglist glist foilist Lullist parallelist trellised ballist ignicolist pastellist socialist mineralist generalist naturalist non-naturalist federalist neutralist hydrolyst arcubalist

symbolist dualist duellist disablist Zaghlulist enlist re-enlist Brahms and Liszt delist fist sophist Wycliffist selfist surfaced monographist deipnosophist gymnosophist philosophist tosafist mist myst Ramist psalmist rhythmist alchemist Soroptimist optimist intimist legitimist unanimist polemist lachrymist pessimist Thomist gnomist conformist

nonconformist reformist preformist timist Summist chemist Wykehamist dichotomist anatomist atomist economist monogamist polygamist sodomist schemist extremist unmissed bemist demist pedagogist Zogist druggist slavist harvest Slavist positivist intuitivist relativist negativist recidivist passivist Jehovist fauvist ovest ovist reservist

bonavist Guesdist sadist modest immodest Ronsardist prejudiced unprejudiced Girondist Stundist jaundiced latifundist Gassendist propagandist Bollandist lapidist orchidist Arnoldist heraldist eldest chiropodist monodist melodist comedist psalmodist Labadist Methodist rhapsodist encyclopedist nudist feudist Eudist rudist wrist Piarist diarist

upperest separist Eucharist Redemptorist interest disinterest voluntarist monetarist unitarist militarist motorist votarist utterest preterist seminarist luminarist tenorist adiaphorist memorist humorist allegorist vigorist Everest naturist structurist solidarist arborist citharist chorist florist afforest de-afforest reafforest disafforest forest deforest

reforest disforest Mekhitarist Guevarist phenocryst sacrist trist tryst psychiatrist centrist psychometrist belletrist metrist patrist matrist subtrist tutiorist querist aorist verist dearest theorist figurist purist impurist manicurist statuarist Intourist tourist jurist satirist panegyrist lyrist petaurist Maurist aurist

frist irised Stancarist Robespierrist Marist grist liquorist cantarist luxurist millenarist mannerist aquarist plagiarist spagyrist ocularist secularist singularist colourist aphorist Homerist Gomarist amorist numerist rigorist scripturist futurist terrorist Labourist herbarist herborist Lazarist equilibrist Octobrist Septembrist Decembrist Dekabrist

tenebrist uprist deist pantheist polytheist monotheist tritheist theist nullibist cambist gambist Tubist Spinozist desist resist photoresist exist post-exist inexist coexist re-exist pre-exist amethyst mythist ewest cystcist sist cyst racist solipsist Marxist sexist laxist nematocyst monocyst

defensist sensist mosaicist syntacticist vorticist kineticist Atticist technicist Hispanicist mechanicist unicist logicist cholecystsimplicist Biblicist publicist dynamicist lyricist physicist synthesist mythicist ethicist exorcist lessest progressist worsest Spartacist fantasist pharmacist supremacist abacist lithocyst oecist assist persist excyst

insist encyst consist subsist oast postpost outpost signpost sternpost Intelpost impost Freepost suppost repost dispost coast Pancoast west coast toast Milquetoast hoast host most topmost upmost farmost backmost latemost utmost outmost nearmost rearmost inmost downmost sternmost

lowmost foremost middlemost almost highmost hindmost endmost midmost headmost Predmost uppermost uttermost outermost lattermost farthermost southermost furthermost innermost undermost ghost Holy Ghost roast broast sclerosed boast hypocaust holocaust horst inhaust forced faust infaust unenforced unforced undivorced addorsed

exhaust whilst discalced iced heist hist sliced fist poltergeist priced unpriced Christ Antichrist mistryst joist hoist foist moist voiced unvoiced boist undiscussed vetust venust just adjust unjust lust wanderlust fust must gust degust august disgust dust

stardust sawdust Dryasdust adust undust bedust rust crust shortcrust duricrust piecrust encrust trust Totten trust entrust untrust mistrust distrust thrust upthrust overthrust upthrust out-thrust inthrust bust bundobust robust combust sussed midst amidst oust joust roust frowst browst

est pest rinderpest impest kest test Schilling test contest protest Queckenstedt test Woumlhler test pretest retest Ames test attest protest contest detest retest pretest obtest pryddest nest hang-nest Penest funest west quest conquest reconquest inquest acquest request bequest Colly-west galley-west

Mae West out West bewest nor'-west Wild West north-west south-west gest jest digest almagest suggest decongest ingest congest egest digest indigest predigest hest alkahest behest lest arbalest molest celeste Marie Celeste bleu celeste fest talkfest manifest immanifest Saumlngerfest gabfest professed unprofessed

infest unconfessed guest barghest unguessed vest invest reinvest disinvest unvest devest divest revest chest rest wrest disinterest prest imprest suppressed unsuppressed unpressed depressed unimpressed adpressed unexpressed crest polychrest tressed trest stressed unstressed distressed wanrest addressed undressed

unredressed breast redbreast robin redbreast abreast arrest threst uprest unrest best second-best zest unpossessed cest palimpsest incest unprocessed recessed cinaste sarcast dicast Hesychast fantast poetast peltast gymnast pancratiast orgiast elegiast chiliast scholiast encomiast Phantasiast gymnasiast ecdysiast symposiast

ecclesiast enthusiast phragmoplast symplast protoplast chromoplast coroplast chloroplast osteoclast bioclast iconoclast idoloclast port-last agelast hypergelast blast idioblast ectoblast myeloblast epiblast colloblast ameloblast massed neuromast gassed yrast metaphrast paraphrast bast bombast bombast diaskeuast erst uncursed worst knackwurst

blutwurst leberwurst erbswurst hearst hurst unrehearsed first emersed immersed versed verst wurst bratwurst unversed co-versed Weisswurst burst outburst inburst sunburst outburst to-burst inburst thirst athirst locust dynast ballast deballast breakfast Oslo breakfast August provost terraced unharassed embarrassed

unembarrassed east yeast piste anapaest visagiste batiste artiste Creditiste queest least unreleased feast smell-feast modiste reest priest archpriest unpriest triste ungreased beast hartebeest wildebeest north-east south-east deceased theopneust induced reduced unreduced unused juiced langouste auguste roost

roust unroost boost completist yere year seven year fernyear goodyear yester-year wander-year to-year New Year pire pear peer pier pir diapir tilapia rapier photocopier copier tapia atypia polypier rippier cornucopia kakotopia ectopia heterotopia subtopia Utopia Eutopia

dystopia quadrantanopia protanopia tritanopia deuteranopia sinopia stanhopea diplopia cyclopia nyctalopia hemeralopia cecropia emmetropia esotropia ametropia hypermetropia polyopia amblyopia presbyopia myopia hyperopia aprosopia grappier sepia appear reappear disappear croupier rupia outpeer compear compeer spear speer Shakespeare speer

kier Kir aphakia fakir psychomachia lysimachia naumachia lochia rockier bronchia funkia amelanchier branchia takyr hakea clarkia macchia koilonychia paronychia onychia kochia aristolochia rudbeckia hackia petechia synechia Bashkir pickeer skire skeer perovskia seraskier tear teer

tier cottier partier hamartia orthodontia prosthodontia frontier kentia marchantia tradescantia astrantia presbytia leschenaultia protea Bhotia courtier shortia pernettya poinsettia chocolatier wheatear meteor sepetir pamphleteer privateer butea luthier charioteer infanteer orienteer santir volunteer rocketeer marketeer racketeer musketeer

sonneteer muleteer profiteer targeteer gazetteer haltere stere steer isostere pistia Philistia postea polymastia understeer asteer oversteer Moustiers austere smithier clothier shear sheer chechia rosacea plank sheer condictio opuntia procidentia differentia notitia bichir rochea fascia Kir-Shehr

cashier tabasheer minutia Shia fetisheer cashier near latania Ruritania titania tutania miscellanea narcomania decalcomania onomatomania potichomania nymphomania graphomania dromomania metromania satyromania methomania mania oniomania empleomania scribbleomania morphiomania Pocomania kleptomania plutomania monomania flagellomania megalomania islomania melomania

typhomania egomania etheromania pyromania dipsomania leishmania statuomania Anglomania Pennsylvania hemicrania Urania plebania gazania zizania vesania eudaimonia Christiania strychnia Fournier puschkinia sclerotinia tinea martynia actinia quinia Virginia bauhinia interlinear linear collinear non-linear rectilinear mixtilinear curvilinear trilinear bilinear

vinea salvinia Fourdrinier robinia zinnia lacinia garcinia gloxinia vaccinia succinea Abyssinia ursinia yersinia bocconia aniseikonia zirconia hypertonia sympathicotonia catatonia vagotonia claytonia Washingtonia wellingtonia Rhizoctonia myotonia hypotonia miltonia dystonia alstonia houstonia bignonia koinonia mahonia escallonia paulownia valonia

paraphonia aphonia euphonia ammonia pneumonia pleuropneumonia vigonia begonia gorgonia trigonia anhedonia Vidonia boronia danthonia tacsonia watsonia mansonia cornea daphnia romneya insomnia insignia saprolegnia kleptolagnia algolagnia moneyer bania denier pannier latanier ratanhia tannia sparmannia dhania hernia vernier

centenier macrauchenia taenia eugenia gillenia catamenia bergenia gymnadenia gardenia quantophrenia paraphrenia schizophrenia hebephrenia torenia xenia myasthenia asthenia hypersthenia psychasthenia neurasthenia sarracenia senior Encaenia anear caponier buccaneer moskeneer pontoneer auctioneer specksioneer electioneer pensioneer cannoneer gonfalonier wellanear chiffonier

timoneer souvenir Saldanier palfrenier petunia junior munia dyspareunia pioneer mountaineer mutineer scrutineer engineer domineer veneer carabineer well-near paneer sneer usnea were weir queer quere were sweer jeer odynophagia omophagia polyphagia dysphagia menorrhagia metrorrhagia mohajir

steatopygia vigia apologia paralogia pseudologia eulogia stayer weigher toea player Appleton layer Kennelly layer Heaviside layer bilayer interlayer monolayer underlayer jambalaya layer purveyor surveyor conveyer kurveyor cinquedea aldea Verdea forayer prayer gastraea raja soothsayer sayer coir metanoia

paranoia noia sequoia metasequoia hoya loir employer caloyer epiloia cherimoya avoyer cholla destroyer daboia boyer oyer soya here hear menhir overhear cohere decohere inhere unhear adhere rehear mishear lere lear leer episcopalia palea orientalia

genitalia Bacchanalia Saturnalia lachenalia paraphernalia Matronalia personalia marginalia terminalia alalia glossolalia palilalia echolalia Westphalia galea regalia dahlia vedalia Centralia penetralia aralia pastoralia generalia azalea inter alia Pharsalia sponsalia collier Grim the Collier jollier chou moellier sarplier passacaglia battalia talea walia

rosalia realia terraglia clear cochlea trochlea trochlear chanticleer nuclear post-nuclear mononuclear polymorphonuclear polynuclear thermonuclear pre-nuclear subnuclear unclear antlia cattleya punctiliar monilia juvenilia haemophilia claustrophilia biophilia scopophilia spasmophilia paedophilia necrophilia neophilia familia familiar unfamiliar overfamiliar bougainvillea grevillea

notabilia memorabilia imponderabilia ILEA conciliar melancholia magnolia foliar strephosymbolia asymbolia solea saintpaulia browallia haulier fleer pilea achylia gangliar neuroglia buddleia ruellia turcopolier stapelia eutrapelia sprekelia quelea spigelia camellia bromelia ectromelia pimelea cimelia symmelia phocomelia psychedelia aurelia

abelia lobelia polythelia phacelia sphacelia blear pistoleer chevalier cavalier gondolier chandelier bandolier pedalier electrolier canceleer gaselier peculiar acalculia sterculia mulier romulea thulia luculia aboulia delire Cordelier fusilier mislear fere fear feer Sophia ghaffir eucryphia kniphofia

dystrophia morphia dysmorphia rauwolfia Montgolfier Philadelphia greffier tafia Taffia Mafia agraphia paragraphia dysgraphia raffia afear affeer kefir interfere ratafia effeir sphere heliosphere tectosphere tektosphere lithosphere mesosphere in-sphere noosphere planisphere hemisphere Magdeburg hemisphere barysphere turbosphere circumsphere troposphere

coccosphere photosphere stratosphere protonosphere ionosphere ozonosphere asthenosphere atmosphere chromosphere thermosphere ensphere unsphere mere Mir Mesopotamia lamia macadamia zamia hyoscyamia arrhythmia shmear Kashmir epimere skimmia bulimia Sendzimir kerseymere cassimere anomia eunomia hyperchromia hypochromia enantiodromia peperomia capsomere

kalmia ophthalmia xerophthalmia veltheimia cyclothymia mummia premier bamia aspermia panspermia azoospermia hyperthermia hypothermia metamere lipaemia leukaemia ischaemia phosphataemia azotaemia anaemia melanaemia Cooley's anaemia ketonaemia tyrosinaemia spanaemia Bohemia hobohemia alkalaemia aphemia dysphemia oligaemia academia sapraemia hydraemia paroemia bacteraemia

tularaemia irideremia erythraemia uraemia viraemia lithaemia polycythaemia sicklemia pyaemia hyperaemia thalassaemia toxaemia anoxaemia galactosaemia septicaemia cosmea crocosmia anosmia parosmia anorgasmia hypsarrhythmia costumier exonumia cashmere chimere emir smear besmear gear laygear dog-ear jagir billbergia Yukaghir ungear

veer pavia pavior cavea Tarvia envier trivia Elzevir synovia fovea salvia clivia levier clavier Synclavier Retrovir hevea kavir laveer glendoveer Paul Revere uvea juvia Revere revers brevier severe persevere cheer chir Doccia welwitschia encheer

dere dear deer Arcadia stadia nadir madia cardia tachycardia voir dire gaillardia bouvardia richardia gerardia reindeer India West India kiddier chlamydia belvedere tigridia aniridia sympodia custodier melodia arthrodia spathodea cordia praecordia killdeer lloydia wild deer giardia cyclopedia encyclopedia kennedya

paratragoedia hypermedia media axiomata media redia acedia grenadier brigadier halberdier bombardier endear undear commandeer midear idea rear quarrier warrior phantasmagoria Pasionaria guarea labaria aria ochrea gematria Kshatriya Hodegetria nutria destrier superior washeteria anterior cafeteria groceteria ulterior

koelreuteria posterior exterior wisteria hysteria listeria leycesteria vallisneria lapageria progeria Egeria theileria feria inferior krameria alstroemeria cryptomeria latimeria platymeria plumeria echeveria sansevieria Siberia gaultheria diphtheria eria glyceria neisseria opera seria vaunt-courier vancourier courier avant-courier Fourier spuria curia

rectus in curia ischuria phosphaturia haematuria pneumaturia azoturia nocturia melituria anuria alkaptonuria phenylketonuria melanuria ketonuria albuminuria proteinuria Muria aciduria holothuria polyuria bacteriuria pyuria dysuria glycosuria pentosuria lactosuria injuria fourrier bandurria hydrargyria phillyrea porphyria myriaaporia scoria oscillatoria septoria

Victoria centaurea storier noria limnoria gloria peloria lampadephoria exophoria esophoria phoria euphoria dysphoria doria thoria cusparia araucaria urticaria matricaria persicaria cercaria metacercaria serpentaria dentaria militaria setaria saponaria pulmonaria sanguinaria laminaria tornaria linaria lunaria talaria vitellaria malaria

pedicellaria calceolaria utricularia scrophularia ligularia uvularia adularia radiolaria fritillaria sigillaria Hilaria filaria armillaria stellaria stigmaria varier calvaria Commandaria cineraria area miliaria olearia out-of-area spurrier currier scurrier hurrier furrier drear hypochondria calandria hydria achlorhydria perrier kerria terrier

ferrier burier carrier tarrier harrier farrier Maria marrier garrya barrier interior fimbria shambrier arear arrear career gonorrhoea logorrhoea serir anarthria diarrhoea logodiarrhoea chorea Sydenham's chorea uprear sufuria bere beer bier trabea lobbyer Della Robbia tibia gibier shillibeer

sibia cobia Islamophobia triskaidekaphobia cremnophobia xenophobia panophobia aquaphobia epistolophobia ochlophobia homophobia logophobia agoraphobia leprophobia symmetrophobia claustrophobia ailurophobia cyberphobia mysophobia phobia Scotophobia scotophobia photophobia arachnophobia Anglophobia ergophobia necrophobia hydrophobia obeah euphorbia cumbia cimbia gambier suburbia exurbia Sabir

nubia ectasia keratectasia fantasia enhypostasia anhypostasia euthanasia aplasia hyperplasia metaplasia hypoplasia heteroplasia neoplasia dysplasia glazier aphasia antonomasia paronomasia hypochromasia polychromasia hyperchromasia metachromasia phlegmasia akrasia theocrasia euphrasia grazier choisya lewisia afrormosia crosier rosier osier zoysia woodsia

tillandsia razzia rodgersia hypalgesia halesia mesia freesia vriesia parrhesia framboesia kinaesthesia synaesthesia radiesthesia telaesthesia paraesthesia dysaesthesia hypaesthesia hyperaesthesia Wazir ageusia Parousia gerusia vizier deinothere isothere Cynthia lithia stichomythia palaeothere forsythia chalicothere anthracothere uintathere pinnothere anoplothere

pyrothere promethea calathea cere sere sear seer echinacea eucrasia dyscrasia diglossia triglossia dossier teichopsia achromatopsia anopsia hemianopsia metamorphopsia micropsia macropsia hemiopsia polydipsia eclampsia pre-eclampsia apepsia eupepsia dyspepsia thapsia tarsia tarsier intarsia mahseer polysarcia anoxia loxia

banksia asphyxia panmixia ixia cachexia pleonexia alexia dyslexia anorexia bulimarexia orthorexia rhexia pyrexia apyrexia aprosexia ataxia apraxia neurapraxia echopraxia dyspraxia ataraxia bilharzia crazia bartsia priviligentsia intelligentsia strelitzia gleditsia eschscholtzia rickettsia deutzia semuncia uncia hortensia Valencia estancia

financier fancier akathisia dystocia prosopagnosia simultanagnosia agnosia anosognosia celosia kausia nausea sidalcea prisere Landseer Messier cassia parnassia quassia glacier megasea brassiegrare persea overseer pecia patissier akinesia subsere plumassier caboceer synusia seir adipocere sincere insincere unsincere mounseer

financier plancier pyongaio naio geniopleioplioleiomeiomyocryostriobiobio thiodithioIo puku kotuku tukutuku buchu Bunraku to into unto ready-tomunicipio Scorpio spongiofinocchio branchio-

archaeoorchiovecchio Verdicchio radicchio oscheoischiodifficilior lectio enantiositioproteopatio buteo Subbuteo gluteoluteoosteofellatio facioratio mustachio pistachio ex officio calcaneodanio cranioammonioRoneo owney-oh corneobalneoamnioamnio Sanio pernio hernio-

ingenio unio plagioadagio angioreligioGorgio arpeggio solfeggio agio kayo MalayoMeo mayo carabao cicisbeo paseo arroyo boyo rollio seraglio nucleopapilio punctilio dactyliopulvilio billy-o ileoiliociliopolio folio portfolio infolio imbroglio roleo

rosolio oleooleo olio teleopalaeopalliointaglio malleomaleo Gallio heliohelio coeliobibliofabliau curculio julio ophiohomoeomimeo Romeo daimyo cameo premio hagiofluviocapriccio braggadocio carpaccio radioradio cardiofloripondio Indio video

idiopresidio roadeo rodeo audioaudio ideomedio medioPortastudio studio preludio scenario Polisario impresario dacryohistrio arteriobacterioetaerio therioseriocurio sulphureoureoempirioporphyrio vireo chorioconservatorio oratorio historioarborio Oreo vario ovario-

Lothario stereostereo Ferio karyobarrio areoequilibrio vibrio embryoembryo proembryo pre-embryo tenebrio cabrio labioGubbio tibioLibyorubio physiophysio phthisioichthyorancio glaciointernuncio nuncio pro-nuncio homuncio sociocalcioconfessio hysterica passio tercio senecio

plesiovisuocontinuo helluo triduo zoospathe scathe staithe nathe swathe enswathe lathe mathe maythe rathe bathe embathe withwithe with cutwithe inwith wherewith cothe loathe clothe underclothe overclothe enclothe unclothe beclothe

betroth kithe tithe hithe lithe lythe blithe slithe writhe sithe scythe teethe sheathe unsheathe bequeath wreathe freath breathe overbreathe inbreathe imbreathe interwreathe enwreathe beath seethe stoothe smooth unsmooth booth tollbooth soothe posh

sposh cosh tosh McIntosh mackintosh nosh washwash quash backwash squash squish-squash musquash whitewash outwash wish-wash Siwash Pugwash awash overwash swash swish-swash josh cohosh losh splosh cloche closh galosh slosh mosh gosh dosh frosh grosz caroche

Boche bosh Stellenbosch kibosh brioche tache moustache harsh Marsh badmash csardas Beth Hamidrash Kizilbash dubash gouache scronch stanch planch flanch blanch maunch ranch cranch branch olive branch anabranch disbranch inch pinche pinch skinch winch quinch squinch

linch lynch clinch unclinch flinch valinche finch bullfinch chaffinch chinch scrinch Grinch cinch paunch staunch haunch launch flaunch relaunch relaunch raunch scranch graunch punch sarpanch counterpunch keypunch scunch hunch lunch clunch glunch munch dunch runch crunch

scrunch trunch brunch bunch kench tench stench wench quench marquench squench clench unclench blench wrench trench entrench intrench retrench French Anglo-French drench bedrench bench disbench ganch mulch halch pushpush tiddlypush octopush cush cush-cush tush

shush whoosh Ingush kiddush bush ambush planche avalanche carte blanche pervenche tranche mensch mensh Romansh pish papish japish apish poppish toppish foppish sharpish hippish Popish mopish wimpish limpish impish lumpish mumpish dumpish frumpish grumpish vampish

dampish uppish snappish Lappish sheepish Waspish drawish kish snakish lakish rakish stockish inkish monkish Frankish sparkish sharkish bookish blokeish mawkish puckish peckish brackish Yerkish Turkish smirkish peakish sneakish freakish Greekish skish duskish Basquish latish slatish Scottish

Walter Scottish sottish Kentish skittish British dotish cultish ooftish whitish lightish Sodomitish sluttish ruttish loutish goutish pettish martinettish Lettish fetish fretish cattish fattish rattish brutish shish kittenish heathenish Danish tonish astonish monish admonish preadmonish premonish donnish tarnish

garnish ungarnish disgarnish varnish revarnish knish Gutnish linish finish Finnish melpomenish womenish minish diminish dronish corniche Cornish warnish swinish fineish roinish punish Hunnish downish plenish replenish fennish Rhenish renish Spanish planish clannish mannish vanish evanish banish

furnish unfurnish disfurnish burnish womanish Romanish greenish whish wish relinquish vanquish squish wishtonwish extinguish distinguish contradistinguish languish anguish unwish swish monkeyish wallowish yellowish lowish hish devilish palish snailish Salish polish unpolish depolish demolish abolish accomplish complish

Japlish snarlish nabocklish ticklish littlish bullish illish Polish soulish smallish Gaulish flysch wildflysch stylish Amerenglish English pre-English Spanglish Janglish Yinglish gullish owlish hellish relish disrelish embellish girlish churlish publish republish stablish establish re-establish disestablish mulish foolish

delish slish fish crayfish spoffish offish kingfish lungfish klipfish lumpfish calfish starfish garfish stockfish weakfish whitefish sheat-fish mutton-fish sunfish killifish jellyfish oafish dwarfish cuttlefish sablefish wolfish shellfish elfish selfish unselfish wifish scomfish hog-fish hagfish huffish uffish

toadfish swordfish scald-fish mudfish raffish gefilte fish sea-fish overfish jewfish dryish lamish qualmish squalmish scrimish Skokomish gnomish homish Snohomish Romish Squamish rummish flemish blemish famish rammish Amish skirmish squeamish Rhemish commish fumish hoggish doggish piggish Whiggish jiggish

priggish riggish roguish sluggish muggish waggish haggish Luxemburgish slavish Slavish wolvish elvish thivish dovish lavish ravish enravish dervish peevish thievish dish poddish soddish woodish goodish cavendish Wendish standish Netherlandish blandish uplandish outlandish brandish fiendish Yiddish modish

childish unchildish widish reddish eddish Kaddish caddish faddish radish horseradish Kurdish Stender dish Swedish pseudish prudish Petri dish viperish pokerish waterish vinegarish vigorish ogreish tigerish poverish impoverish liverish feverish gibberish tovarish wearish moorish whorish moreish Irish Anglo-Irish fairish

marish garish bearish airish nourish overflourish flourish perish cherish out-parish parish marish currish vapourish lickerish liquorish brish cowish howish bish scabish babish yobbish snobbish mobbish bobbish Kababish Sorbish cubbish snubbish rubbish nebbish furbish refurbish Lubish posish

aguish Jewish bluish trueish duncish missish niceish loosish goosish skosh rogan josh guilloche gauche Roche bullsh sculch mulsh welsh melsh ush namaycush tush whush sqush hush hush-hush lush plush flush blush ablush maiden's blush slush

mush smush gush rush crush outrush onrush inrush downrush bulrush frush grush brush tar-brush scratch-brush underbrush toothbrush thrush Kurrichane thrush Hobthrush White's thrush uprush outrush inrush nesh flesh parfleche enflesh unflesh horseflesh goose-flesh feis profesh mesh weldmesh

synchromesh intermesh enmesh immesh dagesh Letzeburgesch sandesh cregrache fresh afresh unfresh refresh thresh sheshbesh sesh secesh ash pash pish-pash calipash cache cash Transcash Wakash encash tash potash succotash sabretache soutache stash gnash panache Grenache Nash

snash hash rehash rehash lash plash whiplash splash splish-splash clash clish-clash backlash flash eyelash calash goulash unlash slash fash mash mishmash quamash gamash stramash gramash plumach Chumash smash Renshaw smash gash Malagash Kuvasz dash slapdash spatterdash balderdash

haberdash berdache rondache bedash rash crash trash gytrash Midrash brash cornbrash thrash ferash bash kourbash calabash ragabash abash squabash sash wersh SMERSH shamash Rosh Hodesh Thiersch capeesh quiche schottische postiche pastiche hashish baksheesh ouananiche

leash maleesh fiche microfiche godemiche Songish creesh babiche papoosh capuche skoosh polatouche cartouche shahtoosh baba ganoush swoosh hoosh gamahuche sloosh mouche gobemouche douche ruche cruche kurus farouche barouche hooroosh pabouch babouche tarboosh croquembouche grozing-iron cramp-iron

Pian Chian Kayan Transkeian Ciskeian cation carbocation styan anion oxyanion gorgoneion Uruguayan Paraguayan Chipewyan Hawaiian tiring-iron Ohian dandelion sea lion Thalian lion Lyon brandiron andiron gridiron fire-iron pryan prion trian hydrion zwitterion Orion pereion Zion Isaian malathion

parathion tew-iron ion iron cyan scion sion 'n an bunion bullion civilian Melvillian Husserlian Ambrosian Peloponnesian Polynesian Salesian capon schepen shapen misshapen gloppen parpen sharpen shippon mislippen trypan Rippon copen open reopen unholpen ripen sump'n

dampen gowpen weapon leopon happen unhappen mishappen rappen oversteepen cheapen overdeepen deepen aspen occasion equation persuasion suasion dissuasion Australasian pervasion invasion evasion abrasion dermabrasion corrasion allision collision elision prodelision television subdivision Stratovision Vistavision supervision provision vision

envision division indivision misdivision revision prevision misprision subrision irrision derision excision incision concision decision indecision recision rescission precisian precision imprecision circumcision abscision plosion implosion explosion eclosion corrosion erosion plungeon Persian Kanesian magnesian ferromagnesian cohesion incohesion inhesion

adhesion lesion Ephesian contusion collusion prolusion prelusion perfusion superfusion profusion suffusion fusion infusion confusion effusion defusion diffusion rediffusion re-fusion transfusion occlusion malocclusion inclusion conclusion inconclusion reclusion seclusion exclusion Ponzo illusion allusion elusion illusion delusion disillusion protrusion intrusion

detrusion retrusion obtrusion extrusion untaken mistaken unmistaken unshaken awaken waken Jamaican bacon lochan docken Brocken Moroccan bokken Lincoln Incan inken shrunken drunken fordrunken sunken Ibicencan Sri Lankan Oaxacan hearken Marcan darken endarken bedarken kraken Petrarchan barchan Kamchatkan

crooken mechoacan Cyrenaican Scotican panopticon stereopticon idioticon Vatican Apollonicon harmonicon pantechnicon Dominican Senecan Copernican quicken Mahican diacatholicon silicon Anglican pelican evangelican Helicon Gallican Oerlikon Publican republican licken pemmican chikan dicken Armorican thunderstricken stricken African pan-African Eurafrican

hurricane American Amerikan un-American pan-American Anglo-American Meso-American New Mexican barbican suburbican Rubicon thicken Texican lexicon Mexican Corsican sicken pocan spoken outspoken unspoken foretoken token betoken foretoken Hokan broken unbroken ywroken oaken Okun soken storken Minorcan Majorcan Mallorcan

silken gyrfalcon falcon lichen liken outsucken hamesucken sucken achkan pechan pekan Uto-Aztecan decan reckon misreckon beckon Arawakan wakon blacken slacken Saramaccan bracken rackan backen querken Hyrcan malacon malacostracan barracan Tanganyikan pecan Martiniquan Dominican weaken Mohican meeken

deacon subdeacon Puerto Rican Neorican Costa Rican beacon Mozambican Belisha beacon toucan huchen flookan Luccan Lucan antelucan boucan Oscan Faliscan priscan Variscan Franciscan San Franciscan Etruscan Athapaskan Alaskan Madagascan Gascon Nebraskan quieten disquieten laten phaeton Sudeten straighten straiten greaten Paretan

Orvietan Satan melocoton cotton shotten whatten unforgotten gotten ungotten unbegotten only-begotten misbegotten misgotten rottan rotten Huntington Whittington Bedlington Remington Skevington Kensington Baralipton Brompton mercaptan hapten partan Spartan carton tartan tarten hearten enhearten dishearten kindergarten sauerbraten barton

entoproctan Yankton picoplankton plankton nekton lectern haqueton montan quintan badminton fronton stenton Lenten menton Beneventan Manton capitan kitten Honiton maneton Salernitan twitten whitten cosmopolitan metropolitan Neapolitan tropicopolitan megalopolitan Toletan flittern skeleton litten fitten Mahometan Palermitan mitten

asyndeton polysyndeton Gaditan typewritten puritan impuritan Samaritan Britain Briton written unwritten bewritten Occitan cittern Dakotan Croton oaten tauten shorten foreshorten quartan quartern Wharton foughten forfoughten Morton chorten boughten simpleton singleton doubleton subaltern Stilton Wilton Milton molten

Doulton dalton salten sultan melton swiften Sefton chieftain Titan tighten whiten heighten lighten enlighten slighten Hierosolymitan Crichton Triton frighten brighten embrighten righten glutton mutton begrutten push-button button unbutton Trouton outen Sowetan Getan jetton fletton Breton threaten

Tibetan paten patten pattern manhattan platen flatten latten slattern fatten harmattan ratton batten baton Saturn loghtan curtain encurtain uncurtain burton certain uncertain Pinkerton charlatan sphyrelaton automaton Sheraton neaten wheaten sweeten unsweeten wormeaten meeten Olivetan Cretan Eteocretan

beaten unbeaten moth-eaten Eton uneaten seton Teuton Newton homoeoteleuton pluton gluten moutan rambutan postern Boston kingston capstan Pinxton sextan sexton Laxton piston christen Charleston brimstone Augustan yestern teston Weston western north-western south-western guesten pastern trailbaston baston

eastern north-eastern south-eastern Ribston maythen withen swithen writhen southen northern southern leathern heathen wreathen smoothen Aurignacian Tayacian syncopation extirpation occupation inoccupation preoccupation nuncupation constipation obstipation increpation mancipation emancipation anticipation participation dissipation palpation usurpation crispation pacation altercation

collocation bilocation allocation translocation suffocation vacation provocation convocation equivocation advocation revocation avocation reciprocation embrocation truncation demarcation embarkation debarkation manducation education coeducation maleducation location relocation dislocation vocation invocation evocation haruspication decortication urtication prognostication sophistication rustication mastication ultrasonication

fornication communication excommunication plication multiplication triplication complication implication supplication replication application inapplication quintuplication sextuplication duplication conduplication reduplication quadruplication explication umbilication silication vellication publication republication gleification dezincification sanctification fructification objectification rectification pontification quantification identification notification fortification mortification

immortification stultification beatification gelatification ratification stratification gratification desertification certification beautification twistification mystification justification testification saponification personification carnification technification salinification vinification ammonification delignification consignification signification adsignification magnification panification planification organification unification reunification sanguification spargefication qualification disqualification jollification

mollification simplification exemplification amplification nullification salification tumblification mummification ramification humification Slavification vivification revivification postmodification modification commodification lapidification nidification solidification edification re-edification ludification horrification caprification electrification vitrification petrification metrification mercurification purification thurification glorification negrification terrification generification sclerification

verification suberification scarification clarification membrification deification reification syllabification lithification ossification detoxification relexification latensification intensification silicification falsification specification pacification classification gasification worsification versification diversification mucification defecation spaghettification dimication formication revivication indication vindication contra-indication revendication claudication mordication pedication

medication dedication predication eradication abdication judication dijudication adjudication comprecation imprecation deprecation metrication affrication perfrication prevarication divarication imbrication fabrication syllabication ubication toxication intoxication exsiccation excecation vesication desiccation inculcation defalcation furcation interlucation coruscation piscation confiscation obfuscation Labanotation constatation

natation connotation annotation dissertation assertation preiotation dilatation optation co-optation temptation reptation acceptation disceptation captation coaptation adaptation maladaptation pernoctation punctation cunctation coarctation dictation colluctation reluctation eructation expectation delectation affectation contrectation jactation lactation ablactation mactation retractation computation imputation

amputation deputation reputation disreputation sternutation volutation salutation confutation refutation commutation permutation potation compotation denotation quotation rotation autorotation alimentation sedimentation pigmentation segmentation ornamentation frumentation presentation malpresentation re-presentation assentation placentation percontation implantation transplantation orientation contentation ostentation mentation documentation

argumentation instrumentation complementation fomentation augmentation fragmentation fermentation cementation indentation representation cantation incantation decantation precantation plantation immantation sustentation frequentation commentation lamentation confrontation co-precipitation precipitation palpitation crepitation capitation decapitation vectitation jactitation motitation latitation infinitation sanitation insanitation equitation cogitation

precogitation excogitation indigitation vegetation agitation gurgitation volitation militation debilitation rehabilitation facilitation velitation imitation limitation illimitation delimitation castrametation invitation disinvitation evitation levitation cavitation gravitation venditation meditation premeditation exhereditation interpretation irritation transfretation exorbitation habitation cohabitation inhabitation dubitation depositation

transitation visitation hesitation cetacean oscitation excitation concitation licitation pollicitation felicitation solicitation mussitation resuscitation recitation exercitation notation flotation votation dotation mutarotation contra-rotation teleportation importation deportation exportation transportation asportation scortation quartation inquartation hortation cohortation dehortation exhortation sortation occultation

auscultation exaltation exultation insultation saltation consultation citation incitation exploitation sexploitation blaxploitation guttation curtation flirtation foetation superfetation disputation nutation mutation transmutation dismutation perscrutation outstation substation devastation station protestation forestation gustation degustation crustacean incrustation testacean testation contestation intestation

attestation detestation gestation circumgestation molestation infestation manifestation prestation vastation impanation connation conation intonation alternation subalternation detonation consternation disproportionation planation pediplanation explanation profanation hyphenation emanation humanation coronation incoronation hibernation cybernation gubernation ozonation methanation Athanasian impersonation nation carnation

incarnation pre-incarnation reincarnation tarnation alienation adunation coadunation phonation donation enation pinnation supination resupination spination cachinnation machination pectination incatenation concatenation isoagglutination agglutination festination destination predestination obstination miscegenation imagination invagination inclination declination reclination commination nomination denomination agnomination domination

abomination recrimination indiscrimination discrimination culmination fulmination gemination ingemination semination insemination dissemination contamination lamination examination transamination termination indetermination predetermination determination extermination germination pregermination vermination invermination illumination rumination venation invination divination rejuvenation nundination ordination inordination incoordination deordination coordination

foreordination superordination pre-ordination subordination insubordination disordination peregrination combination recombination turbination ruination ratiocination consarcination vaccination inscenation calcination fascination assassination hallucination condonation pronation zonation ornation condemnation damnation cognation Ignatian contignation malignation indignation designation resignation signation consignation assignation obsignation

impugnation impregnation stagnation nunation crownation vernation eburnation diurnation lunation appropinquation liquation eliquation adequation inadequation perequation Hawking radiation X-irradiation Haitian contemplation duplation insufflation slumpflation inflation disinflation conflation efflation deflation stagflation reflation taxflation ablation oblation sublation palatian compellation appellation

intrapolation interpolation spallation colation machicolation decollation percolation intercalation escalation metalation constellation installation castellation gelation flagellation exflagellation halation inhalation fallacion Galatian volation revelation contravallation correlation solation exhalation consolation insolation cancellation isolation tessellation desolation Latian violation ultraviolation olation

collation population depopulation copulation stipulation manipulation epulation inoculation exoculation inarticulation coarticulation articulation lenticulation reticulation graticulation gesticulation geniculation vermiculation pandiculation matriculation vesiculation calculation peculation speculation ejaculation maculation tuberculation circulation rulation osculation musculation capitulation recapitulation intitulation spatulation pennatulacean

gratulation congratulation postulation expostulation ustulation granulation pullulation ululation triangulation strangulation stimulation simulation dissimulation emulation cumulation accumulation regulation thermoregulation osmoregulation coagulation ovulation nodulation modulation demodulation undulation glandulation nidulation adulation serrulation infibulation tribulation ambulation noctambulation deambulation perambulation obambulation

tabulation intabulation tintinnabulation confabulation insulation angulation immolation prolation elation illation horripilation compilation depilation interpellation expilation dealkylation acceptilation scintillation ventilation titillation acetylation scutellation mutilation distillation congelation regelation sugillation anhelation annihilation dissimilation assimilation malassimilation mammillation cavillation obvelation delation

relation autocorrelation phosphorylation prelation irrelation corelation interrelation defibrillation fibrillation jubilation oscillation floccillation pixilation vexillation vacillation dilation stellation fellation lallation vallation circumvallation translation legislation counterreformation automation desquamation proclamation conclamation declamation reclamation acclamation exclamation disclamation inflammation confirmation

malconformation information disinformation defamation reformation affirmation transformation amalgamation Sauromatian consummation imbalsamation claymation Sarmatian cumacean impostumation inhumation deplumation irrumation intimation illegitimation legitimation ultimation estimation misestimation disestimation animation Japanimation inanimation transanimation collimation sublimation cremation concremation incremation lachrymation approximation

decimation formation conformation malformation deformation re-formation preformation palmation Dalmatian limation summation gemmation infirmation exhumation propagation noctivagation evagation corrugation astrogation surrogation interrogation derogation supererogation subrogation abrogation gaishen prolongation elongation conjugation Rogatian rogation prorogation litigation mitigation defatigation instigation

fustigation investigation castigation negation denegation renegation abnegation legation ligation colligation delegation deligation relegation allegation alligation obligation fumigation suffumigation levigation navigation irrigation aurigation variegation congregation segregation aggregation promulgation purgation compurgation expurgation virgation nugation incavation excavation innovation innervation

enervation renovation lavation depravation aggravation reservation preservation observation inobservation malobservation conservation acervation coacervation starvation ovation novation captivation activation photoreactivation transactivation motivation cultivation aestivation elevation superelevation deprivation derivation Novatian salvation nivation privation curvation incurvation excurvation nervation recordation

backwardation incommodation accommodation gradation progradation retrogradation degradation aggradation degradation Dacian dation retardation denudation exudation desudation insudation fecundation undation inundation exundation foundation commendation recommendation emendation trepidation dilapidation cuspidation liquidation infrigidation consolidation reconsolidation diffidation predation depredation fluoridation exheredation

sedation oxidation autoxidation elucidation trucidation laudation collaudation defraudation nidation radicidation infeudation subinfeudation subfeudation transudation sudation execration consecration obsecration Carpocratian impetration latration concentration eventration penetration arbitration filtration infiltration ultrafiltration exfiltration titration nitration illustration Austrasian prostration premonstration demonstration

remonstration ministration administration fenestration defenestration registration preregistration misregistration claustration exclaustration lustration perlustration frustration sequestration castration substration in-migration conflagration deflagration integration disintegration malintegration denigration immigration emigration migration transmigration exprobration lucubration elucubration vertebration celebration calibration cerebration libration equilibration

vibration adumbration demembration aration operation cooperation maloperation pre-operation electroporation equiparation corporation incorporation reparation preparation impreparation separation evaporation pervaporation vituperation recuperation inspiration transpiration suspiration desperation respiration aspiration exasperation trickeration decoration iteration reiteration literation alliteration obliteration alteration adulteration

trilateration blateration restoration mensuration commensuration narration exoneration itineration ignoration generation cogeneration degeneration regeneration superregeneration veneration conjuration refrigeration morigeration aggeration exaggeration pejoration Horatian toleration intoleration ploration imploration exploration declaration exhilaration prefloration coloration decoloration discoloration acceleration proliferation vociferation

perforation imperforation moration conglomeration admiration rememoration commemoration Amerasian inamoration numeration enumeration denumeration figuration configuration prefiguration transfiguration pulveration asseveration perseveration structuration inculturation moderation immoderation ponderation thunderation desideration consideration inconsideration sideration federation confederation adoration irroration peroration corroboration liberation

deliberation subarrhation aberration elaboration verberation reverberation tuberation immiseration commiseration incarceration exaration ulceration exulceration maceration Thracian curation oration melioration amelioration deterioration suppuration depuration procuration obscuration enculturation acculturation maturation prematuration prematuration obturation murmuration disfiguration auguration inauguration fulguration induration

obduration carburation admensuration objuration puncturation saturation neuration duration adjuration abjuration expiration photorespiration perspiration deliration eviration ceration serration proration instauration restauration deploration defloration spiration inquiration gyration Amratian susurration perturbation imperturbation masturbation syllabation probation improbation reprobation approbation exacerbation

incubation humicubation accubation intubation titubation extubation lobation jobation dealbation libation prelibation Sabbatian conurbation gleization recusation accusation splenization solmization causation steatization marketization magnetization uralitization graphitization dedolomitization commoditization lateritization yotization deratization hepatization radappertization somatization pneumatization desertization discretization ionization

pionization lyonization oceanization organization inorganization keratinization indigenization nephelinization salinization hominization solemnization endenization vulcanization tectonization canonization colonization decolonization solonization harmonization malorganization villagization depalatalization foetalization crystallization terminalization signalization encephalization renormalization nivellization visceralization realization subtilization fertilization civilization incivilization virilization

sterilization mobilization decartelization chaptalization socialization cephalization tyndallization permineralization generalization centralization symbolization embolization improvisation jarovization yodization Finlandization fluoridization hybridization characterization sedentarization arborization metrization radurization sectorization laterization secularization polarization molarization solarization valorization revalorization copolymerization vulgarization gregarization maderization tuberization

politzerization saucerization Briticization xanthation Asian arcuation evacuation expunctuation actuation accentuation inaccentuation situation invultuation infatuation continuation discontinuation sinuation insinuation attenuation extenuation superannuation valuation evaluation devaluation revaluation individuation graduation punctuation interpunctuation fluctuation habituation perpetuation mutuation menstruation februation expiation

expatiation differentiation propitiation initiation negotiation sociation consociation dissociation fasciation speciation depreciation appreciation inappreciation cruciation excruciation lineation delineation interlineation columniation intercolumniation prestigiation ampliation enucleation filiation affiliation humiliation reconciliation irreconciliation conciliation spoliation despoliation foliation defoliation prefoliation palliation taliation

retaliation malleation thaliacean vindemiation aviation alleviation deviation abbreviation illuviation vadiation radiation eradiation irradiation Cerenkov radiation modiation ideation digladiation mediation remediation reintermediation disintermediation repudiation laureation propriation impropriation expropriation appropriation procreation recreation decreation recreation seriation scoriation storiation gloriation variation

covariation confarreation diffarreation fimbriation inebriation trabeation caseation neoglaciation interglaciation deglaciation faciation emaciation raciation renunciation abrenunciation enunciation denunciation annunciation pronunciation association inchoation striation Eurasian fissuration Phaeacian creation cassation decussation conversation tergiversation malversation aversation intravasation fixation affixation prefixation

luxation annexation vexation taxation pretaxation laxation relaxation decompensation compensation dispensation condensation sensation incensation presensation pulsation Alsatian cessation cassation Lusatian washen swaption adoption option conniption Egyptian ascription superscription scription proscription inscription transcription conscription description prescription circumscription incircumscription

adscription subscription resorption absorption malabsorption persorption sorption physisorption adsorption desorption gumption rumblegumption rumgumption rumption resumption presumption assumption sumption transumption consumption subsumption ademption redemption exemption emption coemption pre-emption abruption corruption incorruption uncorruption interruption ruption inruption eruption irruption

proruption disruption obreption correption surreption ereption irreption subreption perception imperception apperception interception contraception susception introsusception intussusception exception acception inception conception reconception preconception misconception deception reception preception subception caption manucaption usucaption recaption contraption excerption discerption Martian coction

concoction decoction intinction extinction distinction indistinction contradistinction subdistinction interpunction compunction expunction inunction adjunction junction injunction conjunction sejunction subjunction disjunction function Bessel function perfunction function schlicht function defunction malfunction dysfunction unction sanction infarction stiction affliction infliction dereliction fiction scientifiction

crucifixion prefixion science fiction transfixion emiction conviction eviction postdiction addiction interdiction contradiction diction retrodiction indiction benediction malediction valediction prediction jurisdiction astriction striction constriction restriction obstriction friction auction fluxion influxion effluxion solifluction defluxion adduction production reproduction preproduction traduction

introduction manuduction retroduction induction superinduction conduction eduction deduction reduction photoreduction oxidoreduction seduction circumduction obduction abduction subduction transduction sexduction microinstruction deconstruction instruction construction malconstruction reconstruction misconstruction destruction obstruction substruction ruction liposuction suction exsuction introspection retrospection inspection protection

detection annexion connection Scott connection unconnection disconnection adjection interjection projection trajection introjection injection ejection dejection rejection bijection surjection abjection objection subjection insubjection complexion by-election flexion genuflexion retroflexion inflection anteflexion deflection reflection irreflection neglection perlection collection recollection irrecollection

re-collection bolection lection election intellection predilection relection prelection pre-election selection preselection affection perfection imperfection disaffection infection superinfection confection defection refection profection transfection provection convection evection advection correction Yates' correction resurrection insurrection rection erection direction indirection misdirection subsection

intersection section exsection insection venesection vivisection dissection resection cross-section paction impaction compaction taction Schmidt reaction faction stupefaction benefaction liquefaction assuefaction expergefaction calefaction malefaction tumefaction madefaction vitrifaction petrifaction putrefaction rarefaction labefaction rubefaction olfaction satisfaction dissatisfaction redaction attraction protraction

traction contraction detraction retraction subtraction extraction distraction abstraction fraction infraction effraction diffraction refraction transaction exaction action inaction reaction abreaction retroaction interaction minchen puncheon scuncheon luncheon truncheon pancheon falchion pincushion cushion sponsion responsion strontian stanchion nuncheon perpension

propension pension suspension attention hypertension inattention tension hypotension intension intention contention detention retention pretension irretention protension detension pre-tension obtention sustention ostension extension distension abstention gentian prehension comprehension incomprehension uncomprehension reprehension apprehension inapprehension preapprehension misapprehension declension defension

mention dimension supervention intervention contravention invention convention reconvention prevention circumvention obvention subvention indention Terentian Laurentian Mezentian ascension sencion accension Vincentian transcension consension descension dissension condescension recension presension expansion scansion mansion McMansion Apician suspicion unsuspicion extraposition appetition

Tappertitian hydrostatician mathematician arithmetician Titian dietitian optician partition equipartition quadripartition tripartition compartition repartition dialectician tactician syntactician practician dentition dedentition sentition antiscion petition competition repetition Kittitian politician theoretician mortician sortition beautician deglutition superstition statistician plastician mechanician inanition

exinanition Phoenician Syrophoenician monition admonition premonition technician munition ammunition inition lenition illinition definition indefinition demnition cognition precognition ignition pre-ignition agnition recognition irrecognition derecognition Bernician unition punition premunition tribunitian logician theologician magician largition demolition volition ebullition abolition

coalition Cilician Paulician fission photoemission permission commission decommission intermission pretermission hydrodynamician vomition academician compromission expromission extramission mission manumission omission intromission emission immission demission remission dormition admission Hermitian submission transmission dismission addition perdition prodition tradition extradition erudition

decondition vendition rendition condition recondition precondition edition expedition dedition sedition audition subaudition reddition deperdition Priscian attrition patrician obstetrician electrician Beatrician nutrition innutrition malnutrition denutrition contrition metrician geometrician detrition meretrician Nigritian Hebrician apparition deperition disparition rhetorician preterition

Mauritian futurition theorician micturition parturition quiritian indorsation ratihabition inhibition prohibition redhibition bibition imbibition exhibition ambition overambition counterposition position opposition proposition postposition anteposition oviposition malposition composition decomposition imposition superimposition supposition presupposition deposition preposition apposition superposition interposition juxtaposition

contraposition reposition pre-position exposition transposition disposition indisposition transition inquisition requisition derequisition acquisition perquisition disquisition physician metaphysician musician ethician exspuition circuition intuition fruition coition tuition scission exition discission desition abscission potion Taliacotian nicotian Oscotian Nova Scotian notion prenotion

lotion Photian memomotion micromotion amotion commotion locomotion promotion motion emotion remotion demotion premotion Goshen devotion indevotion Cappadocian Languedocian Venedotian groschen ocean Boeotian interocean apportion proportion disproportion portion overcaution caution incaution precaution precaution torchon torsion intorsion contortion

detorsion retorsion retortion extorsion extortion distortion abortion Volscian propulsion pulsion retropulsion repulsion impulsion compulsion expulsion perculsion emulsion Orimulsion avulsion convulsion evulsion revulsion divulsion percussion repercussion succussion concussion discussion jussion hushion Prussian prushun Russian rushen White Russian Malo-Russian

Belorussian Borussian Laotian profession confession oppression suppression pression depression repression impression compression decompression recompression expression discretion indiscretion freshen refreshen aggression progression introgression retrogression ingression degression regression digression egression transgression possession prepossession assession supersession intercession procession cession

session accession de-accession succession retrocession circumincession concession decession recession precession secession obsession passion impassion compassion satispassion dispassion Wakashan fashion unfashion disfashion K ration ration deration ashen Propertian aspersion dispersion occursion incursion concursion recursion discursion excursion tertian detersion

Cistercian abstersion inertion mersion emersion immersion submersion Walden inversion aversion perversion interversion controversion extraversion extroversion version introversion retroversion inversion conversion reconversion eversion anteversion reversion ambiversion diversion animadversion obversion subversion transversion desertion exertion inexertion coercion assertion insertion Capetian

Lutetian Svanetian Venetian Tahitian suppletion depletion repletion impletion completion incompletion deletion Demetian Helvetian Servetian Rhodesian accretion concretion decretion secretion Lucretian excretion Grecian Rhaetian Bichon Noetian Ossetian Laputian lilliputian locution illocution prolocution circumlocution elocution allocution perlocution interlocution

prosecution execution inexecution malexecution consecution persecution prostitution constitution reconstitution institution destitution restitution substitution diminution Aleutian dilution Confucian redargution contribution retribution attribution misattribution distribution maldistribution redistribution Penutian ablution pollution volution convolution deconvolution involution circumvolution revolution intervolution evolution

devolution obvolution resolution solution exsolution exolution dissolution re-solution absolution St Lucian elution crucian Rosicrucian Rhoosian Venerean myogen cajan Cajun contagion Bajan sojourn largen goujon histogen telogen zymogen hexogen donjon Injun Melungeon dungeon endungeon antigen cultigen wigeon religion

irreligion midgern badigeon florigen Harijan oxygen yojan Trojan Georgian Belgian bludgeon curmudgeon gudgeon dudgeon humdudgeon trudgen sturgeon gurjun chirurgeon burgeon surgeon pnicogen chalcogen glycogen aulacogen peptogen photogen mitogen kratogen teratogen mutagen gestagen progestogen ionogen porphobilinogen fibrinogen

hallucinogen carcinogen cocarcinogen cyanogen alunogen collagen viologen halogen plasmalogen allergen morphogen phosphagen endogen tolerogen orogen nitrogen Trimetrogen oestrogen sclerogen pyrogen androgen parahydrogen hydrogen orthohydrogen kerogen habergeon pathogen exogen taxogen Norwegian Galwegian Glaswegian legion region Guatemalan fallen

matfellon offen often soften antiphon stiffen unstiffen striffen Solenhofen ibuprofen orphan hyphen siphon toughen roughen Laufen deafen Kievan colophon antistrophon oxybaphon Pampangan Rarotongan longan mongan Santo Domingan Schengen Pangan manganhoungan markswoman Gallegan pagan Manchegan Sagan logan

pogamoggan toboggan Yahgan jargon argan Michigan shenanigan wanigan Wigan polygon mulligan hooligan ptarmigan cardigan korrigan Oregon spriggan Lestrigon larrigan Balbriggan hogan hogen pokelogan slogan Hogen Mogen brogan rogan centimorgan morgan morgen De Morgan Demogorgon gorgon organ Stalin organ Hammond organ

Feulgen tigon suggan augen tikinagun rolwagen wagon chiliagon flagon lagan lagen snapdragon flap-dragon dragon Pendragon Lycurgan decagon quindecagon dodecagon glucagon heptagon septagon martagon octagon pentagon nonagon Phenergan analogon tetragon suffragan paragon tarragon barragon tarbagan hexagon sexagon

isogon Piegan vegan Rodriguan loogan shaven haven maven craven graven raven aven Stypven starven Javan daven unforgiven given ungiven scriven driven wan-thriven unthriven scovan stoven Villanovan interwoven woven hoven cloven Moldovan Malvern sylvan silvern elvan elven

wyvern liven enliven Ivan coven stoven sloven overgovern govern misgovern oven steven sweven heaven inheaven leaven eleven Devon seven AK- cavern encavern tavern raven cordovan Padovan Genevan yester-even eveneven uneven good-even proven unproven Hesvan Appalachian

larchen Panchen richen sputcheon scutcheon escutcheon inescutcheon Chechen Gretchen hurcheon Chibchan commixtion Christian post-Christian unchristian antichristian pre-Christian exhaustion combustion question suggestion auto-suggestion decongestion ingestion reingestion congestion egestion digestion indigestion menhaden laden Toledan unladen maiden unmaiden hodden

modern downtrodden trodden untrodden sodden unsodden pardon cardan harden unharden garden Dolly Varden Dardan Coloradan bombardon wooden quarrenden bounden Mandan abandon bourdon oppidan swidden hidden unhidden Soledon euroclydon iulidan lidden myrmidon midden Floridan hagridden bedridden guridon harridan

ridden unridden forbidden Seleucidan platycodon loaden loden unloaden cordon waywarden churchwarden warden jordan Gordon Wimbledon gulden beholden misbeholden golden engolden bolden embolden olden milden eldern Wealden fielden widen enwiden Leyden guidon hoyden asudden sudden louden browden

leaden Armageddon deaden witereden redden gladden gladdon madden Abaddon sadden lurdan guerdon reguerdon overburden overburden burden unburden disemburden faburden disburden apodan mylodon Muhammadan lysarden cotyledon monocotyledon dicotyledon acotyledon boustrophedon reeden Eden Anthony Eden Willesden Ramsden Dresden Houdan

Barbudan thysanopteran dipteran siphonapteran veteran cateran pogonophoran hexameron Lutheran cladoceran sporran Warren foreign apron patron matron quercitron citron custron Southron anuran Huron anomuran Honduran Andorran siren rhododendron pauldron cauldron decahedron dodecahedron cuboctahedron pentahedron chiliahedron rhombohedron heron

Karren marron covert-baron barren baron court-baron Aran arain cimarron megaron clachan spleuchan carbon radiocarbon hydrocarbon chlorofluorocarbon graben gibbon ribbon Columban Gumban ambon ebon turban rurban suburban urban interurban exurban Theban Lisbon Reuben scazon blazon deblazon emblazon

Valaisan brazen raisin liaison lozen gossan pasan Tarzan Kansan Arkansan citizen denizen endenizen benison wizen hisn malison mizzen orison prison unprison imprison furison grison disinherison disherison Spinozan lederhosen Mosan chosen dozen frozen unfrozen fausen dizen bedizen

greisen horizon crimson encrimson damson Maghzen counterpoison poison unpoison empoison cloison foison cater-cousin cozen cousin dozen Munchausen Nordhausen hausen advowson basan menazon Amazon Pisan weazen geason treason reason unreason off-season season unseason mid-season Syracusan Ragusan leviathan

agnathan lengthen strengthen unstrengthen lathen autochthon mithan sithen python earthen Jonathan marathon Jacobethan Tudorbethan Elizabethan Ibizan youthen luthern diapason caisson Marquesan overhasten hasten Freemason mason chasten basin bason Thompson yepsen parson squarson glassen fasten unfasten Mapharsen

arson sarsen Wilcoxon coxswain alloxan Oxon mixen vixen Texan woodwaxen waxen Port Jackson Klaxon flaxen Saxon West Saxon Anglo-Saxon mesaxon Watson Whitsun tutsan Stetson Sarakatsan Jacob Evertsen Pearson Soumlrensen Swainson sponson Johnson pinson Linson Finsen Hutchinson Heath Robinson scoinson Bunsen

tenson Stensen Nansen Hansen Johansson sternson jettison venison unison Nisan Nissen aglisten glisten listen cavesson madison unchristen herisson caparison parison comparison garrison engarrison stonemason gambeson diocesan Mosan Formosan Vallombrosan boatswain bosun Porson hoarsen whoreson Nancy Dawson bauson

Michelson Nielsen Stillson Wilson bolson telson Nelson keelson Josephson Tyson hyson Meissen vison Ferison bison Fresison Thomson jimson stemson Samson waveson moisten bemoisten Knudsen medicine Richardson cowson delicatessen Smith # Wesson lessen lesson messan waitperson unperson foreperson person

spokesperson statesperson draughtsperson worsen urson Peterson Keresan Saracen piecen Thiessen Hobson-Jobson dobson Gibson Jacobson loosen unloosen Dusun ane eigne pane pain frangipane propane tropane champaign terpane counterpane campaign elecampane champagne spane cane cain Pantocain Novocain

amethocaine dodecane tridecane procaine alkane heptadecane decane Percaine Nupercaine lignocaine phenacaine holocaine lidocaine tetracaine sarbacane cocaine marocain Cockaigne arcane chicane skein triptane heptane octane isooctane hentriacontane tramontane ultramontane montane transmontane cismontane adamantane Beltane phytane chevrotain huitain

cetane attain pertain appertain entertain ascertain butane maintain contain detain retain obtain stain sextain pristane elastane overstain sustain distain bestain destain abstain prochain nain nonane pregnane catenane transrhenane inane wane wain twain atwain cordwain Charles's Wain swain

Jane hain lane laen lain capellane plane plain quadruplane panplain convertiplane peneplain sesquiplane pediplane pediplain sailplane volplane triplane biplane terreplein monoplane aquaplane aeroplane hydroplane enplane emplane complain deplane explain stilpnomelane kraak porselein flane by-lane silane madeleine chatelaine

chatelain psilomelane blain chilblain delaine Harriet Lane poulaine slane slain fane feign fain diaphane isophane triphane glaucophane collophane Holophane Cellophane allophane cymophane hydrophane profane Sinn Fein salangane mane Maine main mortmain melomane ptomaine Almain pearmain prismane amain tamein

ouster-le-main domaine humane inhumane domain romaine Romayne immane demesne legerdemain remain chow mein gaingain ungain regain vane vain vein Alfvn vervain paravane intervein invein devein chain jack-chain cinchocaine interchain interchain enchain unchain Dane deign lindane supermundane

supramundane ultramundane extramundane mundane antemundane chlordane transpadane ordain unordain foreordain preordain disdain reign rain rein sprain crane train quatrain vitrain entrain detrain strain house-train oestrane astrain overstrain unstrain constrain distrain restrain re-strain sterane durain enflurane borane

diborane frayn chamfrain refrain spirane graine grain ingrain filigrane millegrain grosgrain migraine ingrain Cassegrain drain dodecahedrane clarain interreign souterrain phosphorane riverain suzerain brain hare-brain membrane Jacob's membrane Nasmyth's membrane arraign moraine Lorraine unrein deraign terrain vicereine bane

plumbane mirbane urbane inurbane ratsbane quinzaine quatorzain fusain Toulousain douzaine thane thegn urethane polyurethane halothane methane ethane sane seine sain eicosane fossane siloxane sixain hexane Gammexane heptacosane heneicosane tricosane non-sane insane douccedaine onon kaon

lycaon Reggeon rayon Klingon yon Sauvignon mignon pintildeon Roussillon sabayon tignon 'pon tarpon Pantopon protypon gipon ippon yaupon pompon tampon step-on Omnopon prosopon upon thereupon whereupon coupon jupon Oraon concon genethliacon racon lock-on ancon non-con

salpicon emoticon eteostichon onomasticon diaconicon eirenicon etymologicon catholicon replicon Comecon vidicon sericon plumbicon Eidophusikon orthicon neo-con walk-on icon sycon psychon magcon eulachon ostracon recon chaconne Yukon leucon recon crim. con. mod con ex-con scone mascon ascon krypton lepton

Felapton parton penton santon magneton molleton soliton mirliton graviton polariton positon exciton photon moton proton roton chiton niton trichophyton phyton triton rhyton craton peloton Tetragrammaton negaton sabaton hyperbaton piton Teton potamogeton muton futon mouton croucircton bouton

wonton cretonne toston neuston thon rishon cabochon nonxoanon diazinon phonon euphonon trigonon Syntocinon magnon phenon xenon Maintenon gonfanon hapax legomenon noumenon olecranon ninon anon guenon wanwan won ajowan sewan swan tachyon hydrodictyon himation osteon inion

gonion nucleon simoleon helion stomion skyrmion fermion thermion nummion logion tardyon pyramidion pedion orarion thymiaterion virion troparion carry-on baryon vibrion embryon gnathion prosthion ostracion axion musion John tonjon demijohn Van John Prester John whisky john Laocooumln follow-on epiploon heroon

protozoon zoon spermatozoon epizoon myelon sialon Hypalon cannelon palaeencephalon myelencephalon telencephalon diencephalon parencephalon mesencephalon halon Dralon Zyklon regulon Pavulon propylon dipylon papillon diachylon abutilon Vinylon vanillon epsilon stolon eidolon roll-on Solon Orlon Teflon mouflon Skylon nylon

paranatellon moellon salon Perlon etalon statolon echelon prosencephalon cephalon encephalon metencephalon rhinencephalon thalamencephalon rhombencephalon decathlon heptathlon pentathlon tetrathlon quadrathlon triathlon biathlon Ceylon Fon phon chiffon morphon Sylphon Typhon nymphon balafon pion Shingon angon mon maun Kakiemon

pseudisodomon etymon hegemon norimon gnomon come-on mnemon semon plasmon smon musmon gone Dagon log-on doggone argon enneagon amblygon woebegone trogon foregone trigon bygone rhagon parergon samogon begone forgone Slavon elevon toyon don lophiodon diodon radon heliodon

hyperoodon Cupidon Pyramidon codon side-on pedon chaetodon mastodon monodon iguanodon pteranodon zeuglodon celadon coryphodon Mogadon tetrodon dimetrodon Toxodon loxodon espadon udon hyperon percheron epoophoron paroophoron photoblepharon ephemeron saron isochron micron omicron macron Dacron plastochron tron Skiatron

waitron perceptron photoelectron electron selectron pliotron isotron intron semantron magnetron hemelytron elytron parametron phasitron positron excitron transitron sheltron nitron ignitron krytron betatron thetatron phanotron cyclotron mellotron orgasmatron omegatron negatron synchrotron thyratron rhumbatron mesotron neutron calutron alabastron

cistron klystron moneron interferon paturon linuron pleuron fleuron moron oxymoron antidoron boron thoron neophron nephron toxicodendron dendron liriodendron hadron marron vigneron operon Acheron hapteron archenteron enteron mesenteron quiteron deuteron longeron erigeron taileron aileron polaron oophoron fanfaron

pomeron nychthemeron tierceron mousseron turron tauon neon hydrelaeon pheon paromoeon preon prion Freon bon-bon phason Malmaison Kyrie eleison Barbizon cabezon transposon retrotransposon boson Borazon meson pi-meson blouson radiothon synthon walkathon sellathon readathon anacoluthon muon gluon knock-on mid-on

head-on whereon soupccedon hexon exon taxon axon meson Poisson limaccedon sissonne ourn cowan towan lauan Palauan gowan rowen yarn rope-yarn dayan jampan kirpan khan Kahn mikan lucarne incarn skarn tarn Pathan Shaitan Khotan soutane

starn Baluchistan Seistan Dagestan Kurdistan Kabistan Shan sharn Kushan ishan Kashan nan Pangasinan Punan susuhunan Kuan guan gwan ta chuan Szechuan macdoine surwan jawan dewan Bhagwan durwan skokiaan calean jann Lohan berghaan Isfahan korhaan flane chalan uhlan

umfaan toman Kirman tuman Hanuman Oman saman liman garn kalgan Feraghan chagan Shangaan kurgan tzigane likkewaan Sivan Shirvan Svan machan dhan darn goldarn Sudan kran saffraan bodhraacun Alcoran buran Koran Qumran ban barn infobahn Reeperbahn autobahn

cabane caban azan hazzan Laysan Yuan yuan baviaan douane San Khoisan Khorassan kisan Jungian Schellingian usucapion apian Messapian malapropian Menippean Philippian Mississippian Popean hypopyon Tikopian Utopian cornopean Fallopian Salopian Trollopian bupropion ectropion entropion Ethiopian Aesopian

scorpion morpion Tompion Olympian Impeyan pompion callithumpian Gallithumpian campion tampion lampion champion rampion Strepyan Menapian trappean dupion Guadeloupian Thespian synthespian Caspian Lagrangian Etesian Blakeian Moldo-Wallachian Wallachian selachian Pneumatomachian batrachian Noachian Hitchcockian Peacockian Lockean Prufrockian Algonkian Maeterlinckian

Villafranchian Plutarchian Monarchian Lamarckian Bismarckian Offenbachian Bachian Eutychian Pickwickian Micoquian Archilochian Colchian Rilkean Reichian Kentuckian Dvorhacekaacukian Czechoslovakian Balzacian eusuchian Seljukian pseudosuchian Tarskian Stravinskian saurischian ornithischian Tchaikovskian Malinowskian Dostoevskian Chomskyan Mussorgskian Lobachevskian Euphratean Southcottian Sahaptian Urartian Barthian

Herbartian Mozartian amphictyon Vectian Exucontian Xenophontean strontian Wundtian Gwentian Kantian Atlantean Dantean Byzantian Comtian Hazlittian protean Fortean Humboldtian Rooseveltian Swiftian Whitgiftian Keftian Flaubertian Piagetian Hymettian Rossettian Donizettian Montserratian Fichtean Brechtian Sickertian nemertean Goethean Robertian Gilbertian Schubertian

lacertian Gutian chondrostean Lisztian Philistian Themistian rhipidistian fustian rumfustian Procrustean Faustian Thyestean Theophrastian Erastian bastion Hephaestian Proustian Scythian West Lothian Southeyan Galsworthian Wordsworthian Flacian Samothracian Croatian Lawrentian salientian Dinantian Sulpician Ordovician Corycian Henrician Theodotian Grotian Tsimshian Milesian

Araucanian Sicanian volcanian Vulcanian Hyrcanian Lucanian Scanian Tripolitanian Mauritanian Lusitanian Titanian Tristanian Twainian Melanian Madrilenian stephanion Turfanian Panamanian Alcmanian Romanian Sandemanian Tasmanian Euganean Pennsylvanian Transylvanian Jordanian Transjordanian Ukrainian Mediterranean superterranean subterranean Pomeranian varanian Uranian Turanian Iranian

Indo-Iranian terranean Qatabanian Obanian Albanian Lithuanian Justinianian Sassanian Carnian Patjitanian Larnian Oceanian Wulfrunian Ruskinian Plotinian Photinian Vatinian scleractinian Constantinian Valentinian Palestinian Augustinian Vestinian Paninean quinion Tarquinian Darwinian Godwinian Virginian Carthaginian Plinian Minyan Arminian Rosminian Guinean Patavinian

Herzegovinian Kiriwinian Calvinian Tuvinian Sardinian hirudinean peridinian Palestrinian Sabinian Hoabinhian Pacinian Cassinian Socinian Eleusinian Abyssinian Hercynian Marrucinian Lapponian Laconian draconian Tsakonian Baconian Lincolnian Franconian Viconian Tychonian Chattertonian Chestertonian Latonian Platonian Catonian Ottonian Cottonian Washingtonian Ellingtonian Wellingtonian

Clactonian Torontonian Antonian Curetonian Hamiltonian Muggletonian Grumbletonian Miltonian Waltonian Daltonian Ultonian Cheltonian Huttonian Mertonian Girtonian Newtonian Plutonian Palmerstonian Winstonian Princetonian Estonian Wolstonian Gladstonian Shoshonean Stenonian Memnonian Pannonian Zenonian Erewhonian Polonian Apollonian Catalonian Diabolonian Solonian Thessalonian chelonian

Babylonian Scillonian Trophonian demonian Vandemonian Lacedaemonian Saint-Simonian Simonian pogonion Patagonian Paphlagonian Tobagonian Lestrigonian gorgonian pavonian Slavonian favonian Livonian Devonian Aberdonian Huntingdonian Dundonian bandoneon Guidonian Caledonian Torridonian Siddonian Chalcedonian Macedonian Snowdonian Eldonian Sidonian Cronian Febronian Cameronian Ciceronian

Pyrrhonian Neronian Tironian Varronian Gibbonian Serbonian Amazonian Zonian Arizonian chthonian Marathonian Bathonian Melanchthonian struthonian Aonian Lycaonian Sicyonian Pacchionian Ixionian Ionian Jeffersonian Emersonian Soanean Empsonian Parsonian Oxonian Exonian Nixonian Jacksonian Saxonian Watsonian Robertsonian Stevensonian Johnsonian Jonsonian Parkinsonian

Hutchinsonian Bensonian Tennysonian Grandisonian Addisonian Morisonian Garrisonian Ausonian Mendelssohnian Wilsonian Nelsonian Thomsonian Bergsonian Hudsonian Richardsonian Dobsonian Smithsonian Usonian Californian Bornean Siphnian Daphnean Wittgensteinian Einsteinian Holsteinian Quinean Kleinian Carolinian Semainean metalimnion monimolimnion mixolimnion hypolimnion epilimnion Lemnian Pramnian

amnion interamnian Paelignian Sidneian Brownian millennian Hellenian Achaemenian Wrenian Mitannian Johannean Riemannian franion banyan Indianian Louisianian quaternion Saturnian ternion quinternion Falernian Vernean Malvernian Blackburnian Swinburnian eburnean Melburnian Tyburnian Hibernian Shirburnian Siryenian Tolkienian Samosatenian Hentenian Goclenian Veblenian

Magdalenian selenian Orleanian St Helenian Fenian Pergamenian Armenian Limenian Beethovenian Puccinian Drydenian Greeneian Tyrrhenian sirenian Cyrenian Athenian parthenian Ruthenian Racinian Rossinian Mazzinian Icenian Messenian Bosnian Mancunian Neptunian reunion disunion Junian Tahunian Cameroonian Hoxnian Algonquian Zimbabwean pelagian semi-Pelagian

ichthyophagian magian Carolingian Carlovingian Merovingian Lotharingian Thuringian Varangian Iapygian callipygian Ortygian Stygian Ogygian Phrygian Cantabrigian crossopterygian Coleridgian Fuegian Euchologion horologion neologian mythologian theologian atheologian Lloyd-Georgian Swedenborgian strategian collegian Perugian Rugian Pompeian Biscayan Ghanaian Norweyan Heian Malayan

Himalayan Pelan crayon port-crayon Eritrean Hebraean rayon Waughian Trubetzkoyan Tolstoyan Iroquoian moyen doyen episcopalian Sardanapalian Paleyan vocalion Tantalean tantalian Castalian Bacchanalian ranalian Walian rhynchocephalian Stymphalian Pygmalion mammalian regalian sesquipedalian Daedalian Idalian Australian Westralian Uralian Disraelian Sibelian

alien Salian vesalian Thessalian Messalian Apollyon solion Dalecarlian Pascalian Stahlian Transvaalian Stendhalian Saalian hypomochlion Proclian cyclian Hartleian epyllion kilian vespertilian lacertilian reptilian Antillean postilion Castilian Virgilian Lylian allophylian Wulfilian Millian Emilian Sevillian Abbevillian Chilean Churchillian crocodilian

dicondylian mandilion Sebilian Mobilian Azilian Brazilian Basilian exilian post-exilian pre-exilian Ilian Massilian caecilian Sicilian napoleon Polian Walpolian pompoleon scolion scholion Anatolian pactolian Warholian Mongolian Podolian Strombolian Aeolian Paulian Valliscaulian Daulian Pylian Rylean Zwinglian paraganglion ganglion Novanglian

Anglian scullion Catullian Lullian rullion rumbullion Ritschlian Bodleian Liverpudlian Pellian triskelion stellion Chellean Shelleyan Herschelian Sitwellian Orwellian Cromwellian Creswellian Roumelian gemellion Ravelian machiavellian Botticellian Torricellian Pirandellian Morellian Sorelian Sabellian tabellion perduellion Pantagruelian Circumcellion Russellian Purcellian scallion

rapscallion rascallion Natalian battalion talion pantaleon Eyetalian Marshallian tenaillon galleon Corallian Kirlian merlion Pelion Haeckelian Aristotelian cornelian spigelian Sahelian aphelion parhelion perihelion Mephistophelean Ophelian chameleon Melian myrmeleon Hegelian Delian Mendelian Handelian Mingrelian Karelian aurelian abelian obelion

anthelion Elian Raelian Carolean Apulian Getulian Romulian Thulean Acheulean Julian cerulean Boolean Friulian Ghassulian Huxleyan Wesleyan firn Paphian Nabokovian Falstaffian Halafian Graafian Wicliffian Radcliffian Riffian Whorfian polymorphean Ollendorffian Wolfian Bardolphian Wolffian Woolfian Christadelphian Philadelphian Delphian gumpheon

Memphian ruffian saffian Natufian Mesopotamian Bahamian Ramean Samian Opimian Hieronymian simian prosimian Neonomian antinomian Eunomian acromion meibomian wormian Anselmian Durkheimian camion syngameon Permian vermian Bohemian anthemion Chorasmian Erasmian isthmian Humean Crimean Malpighian Brobdingnagian Trisagion Schoenbergian Warburgian

Strindbergian Lesghian Pelasgian Batavian octavian Shavian Scandinavian subclavian Flavian Moldavian Belgravian Moravian avian Pavian Shtokavian Harveian Slavian Yugoslavian Latvian oblivion Bolivian Maldivian Racovian Chekhovian Rachmaninovian Snovian Jovian Marlovian Pavlovian Harrovian Thoreauvian Borrovian Varsovian Nassauvian Sylvian Turgenevian

Gorbachevian Servian Menevian Suevian Tel Avivian diluvian Scandihoovian alluvion Luwian antediluvian Vitruvian Peruvian Nehruvian Vesuvian Stracheyan Ipswichian Crocean Nietzschean Acadian Akkadian Arcadian Orcadian circadian Leucadian Canadian Grenadian Hadean Palladian gammadion ultradian infradian steradian radian Badian Barbadian podeon

prosodion Teilhardian Leopardian Stoppardian monotocardian Ricardian Kierkegaardian guardian Harvardian Dalradian Kabardian badian Saadian Sardian Amerindian Indian West Indian East Indian Palaeo-Indian Anglo-Indian Plains Indian Burgundian Poundian Kandyan Scandian Fennoscandian Shandean Netherlandian Gandhian Andean endaspidean exaspidean quotidian Euclidean non-Euclidean mixolydian

Lydian Basilidian ophidian solifidian nullifidian Numidian Gideon Gallovidian Dravidian Ovidian pridian Wilfridian microsporidian floridean Floridian meridian ex-meridian Collyridian viridian iridian enchiridion diploidion ascidian proboscidean Chalcidian Falcidian obsidian custodian collodion nickelodeon melodeon Vodian Rhodian Herodian Cambodian odeon

sodian accordion tordion Wardian Vicwardian Edwardian Claudian Laudian Stratfordian Straffordian Oxfordian Gordian Prigordian audion Arnoldian Garibaldian Wildean Schwenkfeldian Khaldian Vivaldian Rimbaldian Whitefieldian Bloomfieldian Chesterfieldian Phidian Verdian Sogdian Freudian post-Freudian pre-Freudian hyoidean Whiteheadian Chadian Trinidadian Conradian Monteverdian

encyclopedian tragedian comedian Median Archimedean Nemedian Alfredian Mazdaean Bermudian Ludian quarrion morion Cyprian Rastafarian Omarian Elgarian Trinacrian Locrian polymicrian dacryon Sartrean Bactrian Maharashtrian spintrian Septentrion Nitrian Amphitryon Solutrean Austrian Zarathustrian histrion Istrian lacustrian rupestrian orchestrion equestrian

sylvestrian pedestrian Cestrian Novocastrian Lancastrian Zoroastrian Neustrian Napierian Popperian Shakespearian Hesperian Aterian Schumpeterian acroterion Paterian presbyterian psalterian psalterion criterion Wertherian asterion Lancasterian Websterian Mousterian Wernerian Faulknerian Venerian Wagnerian Jennerian Peutingerian Algerian Nigerian Keplerian Spenglerian Scriblerian alerion

gallerian valerian Wallerian Mahlerian Muumlllerian Adlerian Whistlerian Luciferian Namierian Sumerian Cimmerian Cromerian mesmerian Tragerian Xaverian Hanoverian Oliverian Severian Cuvierian Fletcherian Harderian Swiderian siderean Meyerbeerian Weberian Celtiberian Iberian Tiberian Liberian Siberian Palaeo-Siberian Tauberian mezereon metatherian therian eleutherian

prototherian etherean eutherian Zairean Spencerian Spenserian Chaucerian saucerian Scourian purpurean spurion decurion Mercurian turion centurion Asturian silurian tellurian tellurion lemurian Ligurian Shaftesburian Arthurian holothurian Saussurean fluorian Manchurian durian Etrurian Missourian satyrion Tyrian martyrion Styrian Illyrian dasylirion

Porphyrian Zyrian Assyrian Sirian Syrian Singaporean porion chorion senatorian purgatorian Salvatorian oratorian Muratorian Taurean Taurian Victorian suctorian refectorian stentorian Territorian praetorian historian prehistorian consistorian Nestorian baccalaurean Tylorian Malorian Fomorian marmorean Patmorean Baltimorean Bangorian Gregorian Ivorian Ecuadorian

Salvadorean Labradorian Dorian Epidaurian Thermidorian Isidorian brimborion thorian archosaurian saurian Isaurian Osirian Parian riparian Tocharian Carian Icarian vicarian suburbicarian Madagascarian Euskarian libertarian celibatarian Sabbatarian Tartarean Tartarian strictarian sectarian tractarian parliamentarian sacramentarian Ontarian packetarian Trinitarian Binitarian planetarian

inhumanitarian humanitarian sanitarian Quaternitarian Unitarian communitarian ubiquitarian vegetarian lacto-vegetarian Sagittarian inequalitarian equalitarian utilitarian futilitarian proletarian totalitarian inegalitarian egalitarian societarian uniformitarian majoritarian authoritarian charitarian plebiscitarian necessitarian Voltairean fruitarian Hypsistarian Canarian planarian ranarian Winebrennarian alcyonarian centenarian predestinarian octogenarian

septuagenarian nonagenarian quinquagenarian quadragenarian sexagenarian Apollinarian disciplinarian millenarian premillenarian seminarian platitudinarian latitudinarian valetudinarian veterinarian doctrinarian senarian Adessenarian lunarian Aquarian antiquarian ubiquarian Delawarean appendicularian Baudelairean salarian cancellarian campanularian plumularian tubularian radiolarian jubilarian Kolarian aularian turbellarian Trustafarian grammarian

neogrammarian Marian palmarian Hungarian gregarian vulgarian Bulgarian Megarian Bavarian salivarian ovarian hebdomadarian Badarian ultracrepidarian cnidarian abecedarian Kaffrarian agrarian librarian stercorarian madreporarian barbarian cibarian Grimbarian Caesarean rosarian zoantharian Arian Aryan Ripuarian apiarian vestiarian Semi-Arian Indo-Aryan monomyarian diarian

breatharian lapsarian postlapsarian superlapsarian supralapsarian infralapsarian prelapsarian sublapsarian necessarian nodosarian Ingrian Ugrian Ob-Ugrian Hurrian mitochondrion Mondrian Alexandrian Osiandrian synedrion Mauryan pterion Sauveterrian plerion ferrian Daguerrean Pierian carrion monokaryon dikaryon clarion orpharion synaxarion Thackerayan contrarian Tupperian Cantabrian

Cimbrian Cumbrian Northumbrian Southumbrian Umbrian Osco-Umbrian Cambrian Precambrian Calabrian Swabian Fabian gabion Arabian Sorabian Bessarabian Sabian Libyan triphibian amphibian Namibian Jacobian macrobian Grobian Sorbian Albion plumbean plumbian Columbian excambion Senegambian Gambian Zambian Grubean Webbian Serbian Eusebian

Lesbian Nubian Cornubian Danubian Kashubian Piranesian nasion chalazion Malaysian Gelasian Rabelaisian Valaisian Abkhazian Keynesian Hopkinsian Dickensian Mertensian Devensian Burnsian Dionysian Tunisian Elysian Frisian Parisian Lombrosian Berliozian Smilesian Wellsian Jamesian Brahmsian Holmesian Tardenoisian Belizean Miesian Guisian Hobbesian

Stubbsian Pepuzian Marcusian Carthusian Malthusian vauclusian Susian Carpathian Carpathian Karmathian Galbraithian Parthian Hogarthian osteichthyan Corinthian Cerinthian apocynthion pantheon Xanthian Pythian Asquithian lithian Smithian Meredithian orthian Sethian Promethean Reithian Vanbrughian Metastasian triplasian Knossian colossean Colossian Molossian ceratopsian

Vepsian Capsian Pepysian Tasian Tarsian Laplacian Marsian Knoxian Marxian Texian Syntaxian Naxian Praxean Yeatsian Batesian Pestalozzian Leibnizian Pfalzian Olonetsian Keatsian Debussyan Slovincian Premonstratensian Complutensian Romanensian Tironensian castrensian circensian epinician epinicion Lycian Ulyssean Mysian Leavisian Periscian Powysian

Lewisian Phocian Maglemosian Magosian Theodosian Procion crocean dulcian Paracelsian celsian halcyon myxophycean Joycean Wodehousian Gaussian Straussian Hessian Borgesian Patripassian Picassian Circassian Parnassian thalassian Mercian Haversian Decian Teresian Thebesian Assisian Venusian Phaleucian Seleucian traducian Lusian Petrobrusian homoousian

Homoousion heteroousian homoiousian Homoiousion menadione phenindione Tridione glutathione scun veldskoen remskoen eupione perlemoen shogun Irgun tuchun Wing Chun Tabun tsun Ohioan Papuan Ryukyuan gargantuan Smectymnuan Peguan leguan Nicaraguan triduan Paduan tourn Don Juan kameeldoorn Nauruan Priscoan

dipnoan Tanoan manganoan Minoan Panoan Idahoan blowen lowan Samoan Chicagoan Goan Sangoan growan ferroan rowan rohun protozoan metazoan pelmatozoan scyphozoan sporozoan parazoan anthozoan mesozoan bryozoan heliozoan hydrozoan mesozoon polyzoan Athoan eoan Rousseauan eninin

inn papain tein elain ouabain Yin Pinyin tiyin PIN chopin drop-in kingpin Turlupin linchpin pippin Newtown pippin tip-in whippin thyrotropin heliotropin orpine sculpin hairpin step-in terpin chincapin lycopin galopin terrapin philanthropine Stolypin sleep-in underpin lupin Russell lupin unpin

safety pin spin isospin Crispin overspin despin spongin kin lakin Dakin break-in lock-in shubunkin Rankine pipkin limpkin pumpkin bumpkin napkin parkin takin catkin look-in munchkin pankin mankin sweetikin cutikin bootikin spiniken minikin dunniken pannikin cannikin manikin mannequin

spillikin billiken sillikin ramekin chicken chicken brodekin bodikin baudekin larrikin lambrequin missikin calkin talk-in walk-in Mallorquin morkin bulkin malkin tzolkin welkin grimalkin huffkin barmkin simkin rumkin bumkin mutchkin Stechkin dodkin bodkin zecchin Perkin jerkin firkin merkin

gherkin nipperkin latterkin sooterkin manakin slammakin Plasmochin ribaudequin kilderkin baldachin akin thakin interleukin tokkin skin joskin sheepskin swanskin griskin siskin foreskin moleskin oilskin sealskin lambskin pigskin buskin gaskin unskin tin biotin notatin captain Sahaptin freemartin marten

Martin baum marten sartin Benedictine pectin lectin avermectin ivermectin prolactin actin karyotin volutin diablotin serpentin Observantine quintain intine muntin fountain mill-mountain catamountain mountain Rocky Mountain plantain Plantin Dilantin lamantin diamantine humantin legantine precipitin kinetin ubiquitin mucoitin chondroitin bulletin

melittin parietin palmitin tripalmitin Duvetyn ferritin Penbritin fraxetin Chloromycetin phenacetin quercetin sit-in chitin phaeophytin phytin cut-in shut-in let-in cretin phloretin Setine statin angiostatin cisplatin Latin un-Latin matin satin bouquetin nystatin penatin Bridgettine gelatin ballotin ommatin chromatin

heterochromatin thaumatin haematin indigotin legatine travertine sclerotin keratin zeatin barbotine Norbertine pisatin isatin rishitin secretin etin Rasputin cutin falutin highfalutin rutin detin Austin Calixtine extine Trappistine munjistin Augustine intestine progestin destine clandestine edestin predestine elastin genuine

Methuen Bedouin shin washin stellacyanin anthocyanin cyanin plastocyanin haemocyanin agglutinin haemagglutinin glutenin sapogenin linen feminine unfeminine oryzenin artemisinin melatonin serotonin pelargonin chaperonin ronin daphnin kinin tachykinin bradykinin linin lignin run-in genin hecogenin rennin tannin Mec Vannin saponin

meconin saligenin Veganin diosgenin pollenin sporopollenin melanin manganin sporonin pyronin sirenin peonin opsonin renin whin win wynn rawin Darwin quin Algonquin harlequin pamaquin Plasmoquine sequin Pasquin twin pinguin penguin anguine sanguine exsanguine consanguine ensanguine lutein nuclein

olein ossein gin reagin margin naringin malengin engine woodpigeon pidgin pigeon smidgen origin algin imagine pre-imagine virgin gaijin allantoin hydantoin phenytoin toe-in tretinoin ganoin ligroin heroine heroin fibroin benzoin Owen Garryowen hin lin linn ptyalin hyaline

myelin capeline crystallin crinoline noradrenaline lanolin angelin enkephalin nepheline formalin cameline ermelin javelin porcelain colin hollin englyn capelin poplin discipline indiscipline compline chaplain carline gyre-carline marline marlin Franklin prostacyclin cyclin Mechlin ratline westlin kaolin aureolin idrialin

lupulin ranunculin reticulin tuberculin masculine unmasculine betulin inulin triungulin figuline coagulin calmodulin globulin lactoglobulin immunoglobulin tubulin insulin pullen conchiolin dunlin subtilin musteline vanillin profilin bromelin Kerguelen resilin brazilin haematoxylin pyroxylin oxacillin ampicillin penicillin phenethicillin methicillin amoxycillin

pangolin bowline rombowline paulin tarpaulin gaulin porphobilin urobilin simlin homelyn drumlin kremlin gremlin metheglin teraglin ravelin mullein maudlin tantadlin tellin vitellin gibberellin isabelline fluellen sachaline phallin purpurogallin purlin merlin Surlyn cipolin Zeppelin francolin decalin mescaline escaline

Ventolin santalin Ritalin monellin adrenalin banjolin met-enkephalin cephalin tourmaline chevaline mandolin gridelin amygdalin magdalen leprolin Tetralin lotaustralin trifluralin tropaeolin phaseollin phaseolin zibeline chamberlain synthalin Paxolin kylin blin hobgoblin goblin muslin maslin moulin violin Stroh violin Berlin fin

Finn coffin encoffin boffin laugh-in yellowfin tiffin olefin griffin biffin Josephine dystrophin porphin dauphin endorphin dolphin Risso's dolphin delphin elfin alfin puffin cuffin nuffin studmuffin ragamuffin muffin McGuffin chromaffin perfin argentaffin seraphin paraffin Mickey Finn oxathiin thyine waringin

tanghin Min heimin ommin brahmin silumin Duralumin lactalbumin parvalbumin seralbumin albumen albumin conalbumin wimmin womyn Muslimin maximin specimen merbromin metformin phenformin fulmine ulmin primine zymin thymine Prostigmin cumin admin. lamin famine gamin stramin examine re-examine determine

overdetermine underdetermine predetermine germin vermin ermine sycamine tryptamine provitamin vitamin estamin benjamin cobalamin sudamen lepromin suramin theremin haemin sporidesmin plasmin thamin legumin ovalbumin lumine illumine Viet Minh jasmine gin Fagin noggin hoggin log-in scroggin oggin bargain piggin

biggin laggin begin flavin riboflavin acriflavine Poitevin griseofulvin pinosylvin Kelvin covin scovin Mordvin replevin levin chevin Sevin spavin ravin bavin savin Angevin alevin vesuvin Qin Chin tchin Cochin dotchin capuchin kinchin kitchen catechin urchin teach-in Kachin

chin-chin din gliadin fade-in Blondin calamondin Girondin din-din morindin secundine prostaglandin delphinidin Butazolidin kallidin avidin viridin meperidine hesperidin strophanthidin boden tyrocidin gramicidin smaragdine haematoidin celloidin phalloidin Aladdin properdin verdin muscadine Bernardine paladin emodin lead-in intermedin Preludin

hirudin boudin rin fiorin aspirin pacifarin luciferin tamarin culverin navarin mandarin suberin alizarin Catherine Maclaurin florin ribophorin sarin crin mepacrine scrin trin quatrin Truman doctrine Monroe doctrine doctrine spectrin tetracosactrin Pituitrin citrine citrin Socotrine trinitrin dextrin maltodextrin gastrin

oestrin stearin cerin purpurin Mathurin aneurin burin urine papyrin porphyrin mirin porin cephalosporin Komacrin korin aurin epinephrine norepinephrine Neo-Synephrine ribavirin saponarin grin sinigrin peregrine chagrin Montenegrin agrin sovereign furrin murrhine murrain Paludrine chondrin alexandrine endrin salamandrine

meandrine Sanhedrin aldrin dieldrin cyanohydrin ninhydrin Methedrine pterin transferrin serin linamarin scoparin heparin saccharin tartarin victorin nectarine Patarin uterine laminarin gorgerin pelerine warfarin perforin Palmerin Samorin coumarin dicoumarin margarin savarin aventurine tambourin mianserin pbrine abrin Atebrin

fibrin thrin resmethrin haemerythrin permethrin pyrethrin Pybuthrin moochin kallikrein zein orcein bin sabin dobbin wake-robin robbin robin bobbin shinbin tibbin inhibin haptoglobin haemoglobin sulphaemoglobin leghaemoglobin methaemoglobin globin myoglobin corbin psilocybin thrombin prothrombin nubbin gubbin dubbin Portakabin

cabin rabbin jacobin Maugrabin prasine sasine rosin phlorizin rhizine glycyrrhizin hoisin resin Highgate resin muezzin meclozine sulphazin chlorpromazine sarrazin seisin disseisin thin strophanthin fucoxanthin siphonoxanthin violaxanthin xanthin lecithin nuthin sewin Bruin ruin within all in in and in herein therein

wherein synsin niacin actomyosin novobiocin bacitracin bathorhodopsin rhodopsin opsin trypsin pepsin erepsin steapsin verocytotoxin vivotoxin sapotoxin aflatoxin ochratoxin tocsin toxin autotoxin bungarotoxin digitoxin saxitoxin linoxyn digoxin pyridoxine ferredoxin rubredoxin dioxin Prolixin polymyxin bixin auxin teguexin

alexin exine relaxin fraxin karrozzin rebbitzin hoatzin ve-tsin Tientsin bacteriocin myosin leucosin tylosin eosin garancin Wisconsin angiotensin monensin capsaicin rifampicin Tok Pisin tunicin colicin subtilisin salicin melissin Ephesine clavecin viscin soricine hypericin sericin ceresin daunorubicin doxorubicin byssine

pocosin Pitocin oxytocin crocin prodigiosin resorcin orcin dulcin elsin selsyn nisin glycin lysin vancomycin streptomycin gentamicin spectinomycin kanamycin rifamycin paromomycin oleandomycin spiramycin Terramycin tobramycin viomycin virginiamycin Aureomycin lincomycin valinomycin puromycin daunomycin neomycin Myocrisin Sanocrysin tyrothricin ricin

myricin khamsin torgsin vasopressin Pitressin marcassin fantassin assassin sasin versin brank-ursine moccasin bocasin tournasin mephenesin prunasin folacin myrosin turacin nigrosine kerasin characin prazosin indomethacin mucin doucin unsin own pone prepone propone postpone depone repone galpon

expone dispone gaon cone acone serpenticone silicone aglycone bicone dracone pinacone Seger cone tone peptone Physeptone spironolactone lactone microtone thiopentone Pantone semitone baritone barytone pentobarbitone barbitone phenobarbitone hexobarbitone butobarbitone quinalbarbitone paroxytone proparoxytone oxytone methohexitone dulcitone metacetone acetone

ditone tritone sacaton monotone overtone undertone orthotone duotone ketone diketone pretone atone overtone intone pre-intone untone stone fire-stone spar-stone carstone bakestone clinkstone slickstone check-stone sleekstone potstone whetstone ironstone Caen stone whinstone cornstone rhinestone dunstone sunstone turnstone moonstone

histone holystone mifepristone roestone grindle stone millstone gallstone tilestone milestone oilstone felstone limestone camstone tombstone flagstone ragstone pitchstone touchstone grindstone sandstone St Bees Sandstone Coade stone toadstone lodestone through-stone water-stone Rosetta stone dolostone boulderstone keystone freestone dhu stone through-stone unshown none nown

known ionone ubiquinone anthraquinone menaquinone naphthoquinone quinone plastoquinone semiquinone propanone rotenone zearalenone propafenone unknown butyrophenone unbeknown Joan hone ochone lone loan clone polyclone cyclone anticyclone lupulone humulone lin-lan-lone flown high-flown high-lone juglone chalone tropolone pinacolone triamcinolone

methaqualone Nandrolone mesterolone trenbolone prednisolone lee-lone overblown unblown alone palone Cologne Pat Malone Motilon coloacun Sloane phone diaphone francophone magnetophone anglophone mlophone isophone polyphone telephone variphone heckelphone sulphone Trimphone Dictaphone Vitaphone Linguaphone stylophone xylophone mellophone allophone homophone

gramophone radio-gramophone megaphone Vodafone chordophone microphone electrophone aerophone telegraphone hydrophone vibraphone marimbaphone sousaphone lithophone saxophone answerphone sarrusophone lusophone Freefone moan chromone hormone neurohormone parathormone daimon allomone kairomone pheromone bemoan ongon epigone orgone agon hormogone spermogone vigogne

trigone flavone carvone fenchone downmolindone cupidone Phenidone pyrrolidone primidone povidone quinacridone troxidone godown methadone condone upside down Rhocircne rone roan wyerone ethisterone prone crone brachistochrone oestrone ponasterone androsterone interneurone neurone aleurone pyrone styrone groan grown ingrown

undergrown ungrown mavrone drone quinhydrone ladrone chaperon testosterone progesterone coumarone camaron cicerone chicharron throne flavanthrone indanthrone enthrone disenthrone dethrone disthrone porron tiburon vellon bone Beaune herring-bone backbone marrowbone wishbone jawbone knuckle-bone whalebone umbone aitchbone trombone zone

cortisone hydrocortisone prozone ozone dithizone Evzone methisazone phenylbutazone sulphinpyrazone hydrazone semicarbazone osazone antichthon menthone xanthone menaphthone Sierra Leone leone disown sone son sewn sown dapsone naloxone hexone naltrexone prednisone osone dexamethasone unsewn unsown aune awn yourn

yawn porn pawn impawn supawn spawn corn acorn popcorn einkorn unicorn longicorn barley-corn lamellicorn Capricorn amelcorn pilcorn off-corn tricorn bicorn puckaun peppercorn leprechaun pibcorn scorn torn tawn shorn Norn Norn warn worn Quorn outworn unworn forewarn

forworn sworn unsworn horn longhorn inkhorn peck horn basset-horn waldhorn althorn tinhorn alpenhorn coehorn flugelhorn krummhorn slughorn stag-horn gemshorn dehorn saxhorn hartshorn lorn lawn flawn lovelorn forlorn faun fawn griffaun morne Mon morn mourn to-morn cromorne gawn

Leghorn dawn omadhaun adorn prawn Dublin Bay prawn fraughan drawn withdrawn unwithdrawn undrawn brawn thrawn born bourn bawn dearborn inborn stillborn Osborne suborn unborn reborn misborn thorn buckthorn blackthorn hawthorn sorn wedeln buln-buln kiln vuln danaine

pine Paranaacu pine porcupine Jeffrey pine propyne Norfolk Island pine vulpine Alpine subalpine transalpine cisalpine rapine muscicapine octopine antilopine pteropine lupine supine opine Huon pine repine propine forpine resupine spine vespine albespine kine kain alkyne Ampakine psittacine tine matutine microtine schalstein

turpentine serpentine argentine infantine clementine Florentine Tarentine pontine transpontine dracontine Trapezuntine Moguntine pentane Picentine Tridentine Trentine Surrentine Vicentine Diophantine elephantine chryselephantine adamantine Levantine Byzantine eglantine valentine Plautine univoltine bivoltine humboldtine smaltine ortstein nemertine Tiburtine lacertine vespertine

palatine serotine Arretine Theatine Albertine butyne untine stein Zechstein Frankenstein Gravenstein tonstein Einstein Ernestine Philistine Celestine amethystine Holstein Palestine laurustine thine shine sinh sunshine gegenschein moonshine ashine outshine beshine nine canine ranine hominine Fescennine asinine pennine

stanine Johannine Antonine saturnine pavonine buteonine Leonine benign whine wine tarwhine equine twine port-wine intertwine intertwine entwine untwine gwine dwine bethwine swine sparteine pitheciine gyne Jain coonjine epigyne bullgine monogyne glossophagine meliphagine androgyne hyne line wireline

opaline nickeline saxicoline crotaline petaline crystalline servaline isohaline saline Apolline pipeline tump-line spline cline miogeosyncline syncline geosyncline monocline homocline microcline isocline incline anticline geanticline pericline jack-line miogeocline incline misincline disincline decline recline procline contline gantline outline

milioline baculine vituline penduline Ursuline mainline online in-line unline Schoumlnlein Manueline Catiline inquiline aquiline fringilline cameline Ghibelline sibylline Maginot Line hambro-line Pauline cauline lifeline byline hairline airline slimline ram line streamline Hindenburg line Fraumlulein touch-line ground-line sideline headline Siegfried Line

vitelline ralline thalline limicoline alkaline interline water-line metalline microcrystalline polycrystalline underline amygdaline coralline Caroline caballine bubaline feline meline slabline align interline moline malign underline dealign misalign penny-a-line offline reline sline fine confine Rudolphine serrefine superfine affine

Loch Fyne confine unconfine define predefine refine trephine overrefine mine carmine calcimine Wilhelmine countermine Teller mine calamine undermine kalsomine undermine iridosmine S-mine vine avine grapevine kistvaen keelivine bovine ovine corvine alvine nervine cervine rucervine aberdevine provine divine undivine

chine dine dyne sardine velodyne heterodyne nundine hirundine amandine Hildebrandine celandine viridine Aldine turdine metadyne incarnadine anodyne superheterodyne neutrodyne chlorodyne indign condign rhine rine icterine adulterine estuarine caprine crine cancrine exocrine Sepulchrine eccrine apocrine amacrine endocrine

trine accipitrine prometryne Petrine lutrine Strine lacustrine ferine Tigurine azurine monorhine shrine enshrine unshrine sciurine murine platyrrhine sapphirine strepsirhine taurine chlorine glirine tigrine viverrine errhine viperine leporine calcarine acarine saccharine catarrhine pomatorhine intrauterine ponerine pomarine gregarine

papaverine turnverein riverine vulturine atherine rhinocerine anserine passerine brine colubrine bine carbine concubine Holbein Columbine combine woodbine Sabine turbine colobine combine uncombine recombine design resign labyrinthine terebinthine hyacinthine amaranthine xanthine ethyne sine syne sign sin oscine

suboscine tsine festucine monosign Alphonsine ensign piscine calycine formicine myrmicine plurisign lumbricine narcissine cosine porcine calcine quercine hircine versine ursine countersign limacine haversine internecine V-sign semnopithecine Kernig's sign Stellwag's sign assign undersign reassign lang syne versed sine gosain sinsyne consign

reconsign re-sign cairn theirn bairn somntalapoin coign coin quoin join adjoin enjoin unjoin conjoin rejoin surrejoin sejoin rejoin subjoin misjoin disjoin loin sirloin tenderloin eloign purloin foin sainfoin Moine frankalmoign almoign sagoin

groyne groin etaoin Assiniboine essoin unpun spun homespun tonne ton tun pultun kiloton megaton stun shun 'shun none nun one anyone everyone no one someone jun arjun hon Hun balun Sally Lunn fen fun tangun mon

mun Gunn gun popgun shotgun barngun machine-gun tommy-gun Lyle gun handgun unbegun Martha Gunn done dun underdone undone run out-run inrun overrun underrun overrun underrun outrun forerun rerun bun sunn son sun grandson christen right-down hoedown

pawn town uptown in-town Germantown Motown Tamla Motown Miltown downtown out-of-town noun pronoun renown lown clown gown disgown down play-down step-down shake-down breakdown knock-down look-down crackdown back-down countdown sit-down Piltdown meltdown let-down set-down washdown evendown sundown

turn-down showdown go-down drawdown tumbledown pull-down touchdown hold-down eiderdown swansdown adown Southdown up and down run-down siddown rown crown encrown uncrown becrown decrown discrown frown drown brown embrown Sam Browne boun en yen san-hsien yen-yen wen-yen Doyenne pen

unpen wen jen sagene ken henequen shuriken mill-ken misken ten pecten tiretaine La Tegrane Sten then shen Duchenne when wen anywhen everywhen nowhen somewhen gen hen kohen moorhen turkeyhen daker-hen peahen fat hen glen psoralen fen pizotifen tamoxifen diphen-

Nurofen dictamen putamen stamen clinamen flamen gravamen foramen duramen examen ramen agnomen praenomen dolmen culmen limen tegmen remen catechumen volumen sumen lumen crumen rumen amen kyogen Ogen again doyenne den denn wren bren paren Karen ben

Steuben Zen Hizen cayenne t'ien sicilienne olienne julienne cracovienne varsovienne tragdienne comedienne equestrienne Valenciennes n-p-n sen senn Shinkansen Sen-Sen samisen Sun Yat-sen Vincennes Mersenne anan ann minyan panpagne panne pan warming-pan tarpan pitpan Evipan

marzipan cocopan taipan tampan sampan deadpan catapan tragopan japan stewpan tupan trepan Peter Pan span spick-span outspan overspan outspan inspan spick and span can cancan coon-can indican florican jerrycan Shotokan ryokan peptidoglycan glycan astrakhan glucan Spokane scan tan Powhatan

vernis martin fructan galactan constantan suntan fan-tan ran-tan sorbitan caftan rattan deutan orang-utan than shan nan mannan Yenan WAN zaguan Tavastian Somervillian Evian ASEAN Han LAN Gobelin plan Marplan Dalton plan rataplan replan Klan clan Lochlann Ku Klux Klan pustulan

Acrilan prolan flan xylan ichoglan portolan Catalan melphalan gamelan jambolan Milan Ameslan Fan panfan levallorphan Stefan tryptophan sarafan refan refan man Pac-Man minuteman amtman iron man trainman Selsdon man poor man Sallee-man Everyman snowman middleman God-man wild man rideman zaman

merman superman ataman timberman G-man pre-man overman underman unman old man dead man reman disman gasman Gan ghan Afghan yataghan mazagan van Schwann Ativan caravan levan pavane divan Dan yakdan pindan shandrydan Hamadan Ramadan randan redan sedan ran

cran scran Fortran Metran dextran furan shoran loran pyran gran furfuran laminaran trimaran bran pangeran catamaran Saran leguleian ban Ray-Ban yangban kanban Caliban Taliban corban Zyban Martaban Iban sesban partisan tisane artisan tripartisan bipartisan bartizan courtesan

Parmesan xanthan Queen Anne pian Cheyenne san fairy ann san piperoxan dioxan trioxan oursin Rilsan Elsan glucosan fructosan pentosan Nganasan laevulosan Salvarsan hexosan erne earn urn yearn yern pern pirn epergne spurn kern kirn curn nebenkern terne tern

turn litoptern upturn nocturne nocturn out-turn Comintern inturn sempitern gittern topsy-turn taciturn Kattern counter-turn Buggins' turn attorn overturn quatern upturn about-turn Sauternes intern unturn eterne return non-return altern re-turn stern sextern morgenstern astern extern inurn quern adjourn

hern learn outlearn unlearn foumlhn fern girn churn dern durn moderne burn Braeburn heartburn sunburn Tyburn overburn unburn casern cothurn lierne CERN concern unconcern decern discern secern lucerne lucern anun Tongan ingan Roentgen antrustion

gestion wanion opinion pinion champignon dominion minion Vinyon lorgnon munnion trunnion grunion onion Kenyan companion canyon communion intercommunion excommunion union trade union hallion tatterdemalion pillion skillion cotillion septillion octillion quintillion vigintillion centillion tortillon sextillion stillion bastillion nonillion

squillion jillion vermilion million gillion pavilion modillion trillion quadrillion carillon orillion billion tourbillion gazillion bazillion zillion decillion cullion mullion strangullion slubberdegullion slumgullion hellion rebellion selion pallion Italian stallion medallion Mayan Illinoian Illinoisan Caucasian artesian Cartesian Melanesian

Indonesian Micronesian Austronesian Macaronesian Silesian Friesian Andalusian Galician crpon lippen enripen tympan grimpen lumpen lampern crampon sappan saucepan pinken Akan archon notarikon bickern siccan Sican volcan dolcan Balkan Vulcan tacan zircon archdeacon Tuscan Della Cruscan Tarascan Orpington

Washington Lushington Wellington skimmington lamington Warrington tripton pupton phytoplankton nannoplankton potamoplankton acton kirtan wanton lintern Minton Staunton bunton canton Jack-o'-lantern lantern Nicolaitan sumpitan witan Tripolitan syndeton bittern Minnesotan Pendleton Upper Voltan Galton saltern Saltoun shiften Widmanstaumltten jeton

tarlatan ciclatoun Photomaton Laputan luton tungsten Wheatstone Unstan penistone phlogiston sacristan cistern Gladstone sebesten seston Thurstone Wollaston undeception coevolution ironen Canaan Illanun Botswanan Sranan Indianan Saanen finnan paralipomenon epiphenomenon phenomenon prolegomenon perispomenon stonen Usonan thornen Sinon

pennon teaze-tenon Tenon Lloyd Morgan's canon canon cannon colcannon Montanan Shannon fanon saffranon Burkinan Perbunan Iowan Okinawan powan Oldowan taguan Antiguan Eustachian anagen bioregion Utahan takhtrawan strawen smahan Brehon violon ortolan gonfalon neencephalon Venezuelan Galen pollan pollen

gollan Tlaxcalan macfarlane mesclun Siculan hortulan woollen Anguillan mamelon Millon villan villain villein Sevillan morillon Babylon billon monoxylon colon isocolon semicolon Tortolan stolen swollen Angolan streptosolen solan solen pylon symphylan silen upsilon leglen raglan Lucullan mullen

Sullan sullen Atellan Snellen felon paddymelon watermelon melon Magellan avellan selentalon chalon shallon Lallan gallon ballan Alan Allen merlon castellan myrobalan collembolan Esalen Caslon yulan kulan Doolan colon Taslan purslane griffon agraphon Schlieffen Tungan wireman

fireman cayman Stayman Haman layman velamen Zeeman intercommon common uncommon discommon hangman midshipman shipman nepman chapman Karman jaman harman dhaman brahman Raman saman wakeman lockman linkman markman sokeman Walkman pikeman packman jackman hackman Turkman Turkmen workman

Whatman footman Pitman titman portman draughtman lawrightman hetman batman postman postman Hoastman Ostman Spearman shearman Indiaman decuman acumen bitumen tire-woman laywoman workwoman Englishwoman Irishwoman Welshwoman journeywoman countrywoman yeowoman forewoman gentlewoman noblewoman Scotchwoman merwoman superwoman washerwoman kinswoman

oarswoman saleswoman tradeswoman herdswoman woman old woman spokeswoman stateswoman Scotswoman huntswoman draughtswoman horsewoman landswoman dragoman henchman trenchman Frenchman Bushman Scottishman Englishman Irishman Welshman freshman Leishman tinman Steinmann lineman Feynman penman Orkneyman journeyman regimen liveryman countryman Jerseyman Quartodeciman

stasimon persimmon simmon 'simmon liegeman yeoman Turkoman toman showman nomen cognomen Jomon Oklahoman Dahoman foeman Roman omen Soman Norman Anglo-Norman lawman foreman Mormon oarman gentleman ungentleman rifleman Ringelmann Immelmann fugleman nobleman councilman Mussulman Tolman dolman Pullman

Pelman Hoffmann Hofmann Timon hymen molimen squareman chairman swigman gigman phlegmon ragman Neumann summon resummon Scotchman watchman Dutchman truchman churchman Low Churchman High Churchman dodman woodman hoodman goodman landman husbandman roadman sideman Stedman gadman freedman seedman ploughman gemman

leman lemon caman shaman Mammon backgammon gammon daman Alabaman sammen salmon termon Sherman german germen germon cousin-german pan-German firman Birman Burman Tibeto-Burman sermon Ottoman waterman peterman trencherman fisherman cinnamon Chinaman Solomon cyclamen telamon hielaman coolamon draegerman

overman underman landammann Andaman alderman abdomen postabdomen yarraman Dobermann Wassermann Piman pentstemon callistemon cacodemon agathodemon daemon demon eudemon freeman Riemann seaman semen tubman Bosman kingsman gangsman steersman reinsman kinsman linesman Downsman talisman chrismon oarsman rentalsman salesman

islesman gamesman doomsman magsman dragsman tradesman woodsman ombudsman bondsman roundsman landsman lodesman swordsman infieldsman fieldsman bridesman sidesman headsman leadsman herdsman synodsman beadsman seedsman screwsman Cuman numen ichneumon superhuman preterhuman human inhuman unhuman prehuman subhuman transhuman energumen

hegumen legumen Yuman Rouman cerumen rampsman passman cocksman locksman marksman spokesman tacksman smacksman cracksman statesman Scotsman pointsman huntsman portsman sportsman Boltzmann loftsman craftsman draftsman draughtsman batsman Mannesmann Lewisman horseman iceman wandsman houseman desman pressman stressman policeman

lithsman biggen dogan eigenBergen Marheshvan witchen Grenadan post-modern lardon Nevadan schradan Clarendon linden sindon London undern tendon pandan Ugandan formedon soldan Whieldon Wogdon lycoperdon solenodon siredon gyron hymenopteran homopteran heteropteran chiropteran microchiropteran megachiropteran hemipteran tetarteron

Lateran polyplacophoran onychophoran vestimentiferan poriferan adiaphoron sorren Saharan Navarran Sepulchran natron latron Sumatran Metatron trochotron ravanastron plastron periastron seron ophiuran xiphosuran thysanuran Tervueren Zephiran girran Sonoran Biafran saffron environ Charon hairen Holmgren Sjoumlgren sovran chevron squadron

tendron philodendron chawdron chaldron heptahedron octahedron pyritohedron tetrahedron icosahedron hexahedron tetrahexahedron scalenohedron trapezohedron polyhedron perron Terran cupferron serran yarran garron Walcheren dermopteran dermapteran Nichiren Severan diatessaron monotessaron epimeron Libran katavothron plethron Zengakuren brochan octopean octopian Parthenopean

Cyclopean European Indo-European Mittel-European paean paeon peon Tarpeian pampean Achaean Archaean Manichaean Herodotean Pherecratean Nabataean Teian gigantean Theocritean Democritean Tacitean Heraclitean Tyrtaean Glyconean kafenion hymenean Hasmonean Dodonean Pyrenean Tanzanian Demosthenean Nyon arachnean Mantinean monogenean digenean Linnaean

Mytilenaean Minaean Mycenaean Sinaean Wrenean hypogean epigean Augean Tegean Aegean Fijian pleon Sophoclean Berkeleian Periclean Hyblaean Gelalaean Tyrolean Harleian Herculean spelaean Aeschylean Praxitelean Galilean jubilean Sisyphean Orphean Panomphaean Anomoean Ptolemaean Aramaean Homoean Cumaean Idumean Nemean pygmaean

Cadmean Muskogean Kampuchean Kuchaean Medicean Sadeian antipodean Sotadean spondean Vendean pandean Mandaean Euripidean Maimonidean Parmenidean Thucydidean Hebridean Assidean Chaldean Idaean Judaean Petrean Korean Protagorean Pythagorean Anaxagorean Subarian Cytherean Mysorean epicurean Hyperborean empyrean Toynbeean Jacobean plebeian Meliboean

Chalybean Phoebean Caribbean Sabaean amoebean Gerzean Matthean Lethean aeon pareoean Jussiaean Tennessean Cocceian Sadducean lyncean Spencean Laodicean Pharisaean Phocaean Nicaean Dircaean Thesean Bourbon auburn stubborn bourbon Cuban netizen tuan Vanuatuan Tuvaluan duan Niuean Siouan Wilson

ene ean thebaine yean pean peen scopine chopine pilocarpine scarpine kornerupine Philippine nifedipine carbamazepine propene tropine opine scorpene alpeen crepine terpene sesquiterpene diterpene reserpine lycopene gnoscopine octopine sinapine atropine clozapine lysopine kippeen spalpeen spean aubergine tagine

keen Antiochene alkene achene pinkeen nankeen unkeen palanquin buckeen jackeen Skene skean damaskeen praskeen vasquine basquine teen dietine bottine bromocriptine ergocryptine Benedictine poshteen brilliantine shipentine galantine brigantine quarentene quarantine pentene dentine barquentine aconitine polytene emetine apoprotein

protein nucleoprotein apolipoprotein alphafetoprotein Ovaltine asphaltene Gilbertine dessiatine nicotine Tricotine astatine guillotine mexiletine pellotine ballotine tomatine harrateen nitratine carotene creatine Robertine libertine fluoxetine spessartine ketene patine nougatine ratine ratteen mutine butene trutine subroutine eighteen poteen stotin

umpteen tartine perrotine seventeen karanteen tontine nineteen pantine canteen velveteen voteen fourteen saltine fifteen retene lateen gattine sateen thirteen routine sixteen stean steen Sixtine sextine langoustine genistein Antiphlogistine pristine vincristine bezesteen Sistine cystine mustine Praenestine celestine

Triestine vinblastine mangosteen costean sestine toluene trinitrotoluene sheen Shin Wimshurst machine matachin machine kiddushin arshin drisheen dasheen methionine ethionine cyanine phthalocyanine siphonein guanine strychnine mavourneen retinene creatinine quinine arginine delphinine adenine sabinene shoneen ecgonine Kathleen Mavourneen

bawneen pinene bufotenine solanine alanine phenylalanine limonene laudanine safranine thyronine threonine mezzanine traneen boneen Benin wean wheen ween quean queen oxamniquine cuckquean mefloquine primaquine unqueen Visqueen Tween 'tween go-between atween tween between in-between overween tiswin cysteine

coniine gene jean Palaeogene heterogene Neogene melongene epigene polygene primigene indigene hygiene hypogene supergene oncogene homogene Thermogene asparagine phosgene sagene pangene hygeen shaheen lean lien violine nopaline orciprenaline scalene squalene valine plene Crimplene spleen praline clean-

clean tetracycline oxytetracycline doxycycline unclean Clavioline annulene primuline induline azulene azuline Cosmoline propylene polypropylene amitriptyline protriptyline nortriptyline maprotiline acetylene polyacetylene phenylene rosaniline aniline theophylline methapyrilene perylene Terylene parylene methylene polymethylene ethylene polyethylene perhexiline Vaseline methacholine choline

Urecholine Scoline proline Vilene Trilene xylene glean citrulline trigonelline philhellene Hellene Nalline phenolphthalein allene crpecr__peline Tripoline trampoline picoline silkoline arecoline terbutaline quinoline isoprenaline morpholine bengaline pemoline bandoline acrolein pyrroline parolein phenanthroline tolazoline rosaline quinazoline propantheline naphthalene

quinoxaline Mysoline messaline gasoline baleen lene colleen Kulin madrilene Mix-Hellene Malines Stambouline mousseline phene Fian nalbuphine isophene propoxyphene etorphine apomorphine morphine diamorphine diacetylmorphine caffeine Dolophine nalorphine seraphine sphene phosphene phosphine propadiene butadiene diene leukotriene triene mesne

mean mien thiamine hyoscyamine amine monoamine diamine esthiomene harmine spodumene ketimine propylenimine imine bromine hydroxylamine salmine cymene pyridostigmine physostigmine ammine spermine octopamine dopamine ergotamine protamine ketamine amphetamine methamphetamine dexamphetamine etamine glutamine histamine tripelennamine arsphenamine methenamine scopolamine

phentolamine squalamine penicillamine prolamine mecamylamine carbylamine triethylamine melamine bellarmine gallamine Dramamine indamine rhodamine imipramine tranylcypromine mepyramine Coramine auramine tyramine fluvoxamine Pyribenzamine pyrimethamine glycosamine glucosamine galactosamine nitrosamine hexosamine amene cumene demean misdemean bemean tamine gamine ramin gean

carrageen taggeen beguine beguine staggeen Wien trypaflavine flavine proflavine olivine ergonovine Slovene mauveine margravine sleeveen supervene intervene ravine contravene convene reconvene prevene advene dene dean iodine muscardine zidovudine gismondine brigandine quindene indene undine Visitandine almandine osmundine

pempidine ranitidine cytidine phenetidine cimetidine lutidine histidine toluidine guanidine diguanidine quinidine sanidine chrysoidine collidine tolidine pyrrolidine phencyclidine procyclidine propylidene vinylidene polyvinylidene xylidine ethylidene pyrimidine thymidine azidothymidine semidine propamidine pentamidine amidine diamidine spermidine acridine neuridine uridine pyridine

piperidine pteridine phenanthridine pyrrolizidine pethidine guanethidine arsedine chlorhexidine codeine Roedean Perigourdine crapaudine pholcodine grenadine Granadine subdean Ladin gradine Aberdeen gaberdine sardine Beth Din blondine sourdine mujahidin bedene medine shadine dudeen rhine rean pierine cadaverine glycerine preen neoprene

isoprene methoprene impregn tacrine Hippocrene quinacrine screen smokescreen microscreen Stevenson screen bescreen treen vitrine nitrene ergometrine latrine lettrine strene yestreen Sequestrene sylvestrene serine purine sturine neurine murein fluorene fluorine dourine aegirine Palmyrene chorine taurine chlorine pyrene Cairene

styrene polystyrene Sparine sengreen gangrene green wintergreen evergreen shagreen ungreen Jamie Green gaudy-green Gretna Green zinnober green sea-green Guignet's green Hooker's green Scheele's green grass-green oleandrine Benzedrine conhydrine ritodrine orphenadrine ephedrine Dexedrine eserine clarine arene piperine muscarine victorine Rogerene oleomargarine fullerene tremorine

oxotremorine submarine horse-marine figurine wolverine ivorine Gadarene tubocurarine helleborine berberine Nazarene nitroglycerine tangerine careen speakerine terrine santorin superterrene subterrene pistareen smithereen margarine marine moreen aquamarine ultramarine transmarine Hagarene candareen tambourine Berberine mazarine threne phenanthrene Indanthrene erythrine

tureen serene boreen gyrene sireen terrene hauumlyne betaine theine bene bean bein Calabar bean buckbean stibine inhibine stilbene might-have-been would-have-been tonka bean sieva bean terebene vidarabine Ignatius's bean has-been Maghrebine crubeen shebeen caubeen gombeen mombin telecabine zine diazine triazine phenothiazine

azine organzine benzene benzine fanzine andesine phenelzine ketazine perphenazine phenazine fluphenazine Stelazine hydralazine phthalazine phosphazene limousine simazine promazine magazine pyridazine trimeprazine tartrazine phenmetrazine atrazine Thorazine pyrazine hydrazine piperazine trifluoperazine prochlorperazine procarbazine bombazine promethazine oxazine webzine armozeen

magazine cuisine usine bismuthine terebenthene fluoranthene xanthene ornithine polythene naphthene methene ethene hypersthene Hallowe'en scene seen hyoscine Miocene casein oscine narceine glassine arsine ergotoxine phloxine pyroxene thyroxine oxine Parkesine Rexine taxine Salk vaccine vaccine Sabin vaccine fuchsine Palaeocene

Pliocene inosine Eocene pentazocine epicene cytisine corticene Plasticine Tunisine kalicine culicine Ivicene vicine colchicine precocene adenosine Picene picein Nicene glycine lysine chrysene seldseen conessine putrescine Essene myrcene Versene oncosine sarcosine cytosine Pleistocene guanosine Holocene thylacine damascene

Oligocene fluorescein tyrosine kerosene ferrocene parascene dibenzanthracene anthracene trichothecene leucine isoleucine brucine melusine unseen piscine unforeseen fascine obscene oppugn repugn impugn lacune tune Neptune opportune inopportune attune untune importune detune retune mistune unhewn triune commune

discommune commune intercommune immune dune tribune picayune reune poon harpoon lampoon spoon teaspoon runcible spoon coon cocoon patacoon racoon barracoon saccoon rockoon carcoon Jakun tycoon puccoon schoon toon katun Wintun ducatoon saskatoon platoon ratoon batoon cartoon Pakhtun

pontoon spontoon spittoon musketoon bosthoon stoun festoon sashoon noon forenoon afternoon good afternoon midnoon woon swoon aswoon June majoon jejune disjune hoon hun cohune lune loon apolune plenilune demilune semilune puftaloon doubloon pantaloon shalloon galloon balloon saloon

Walloon buffoon typhoon Moon honeymoon half moon Keemun ramoon goon lagoon dragoon Rangoon Chuumln fortune infortune befortune misfortune dun vodun rigadoon Brigadoon cardoon bridoon sordun rune roon roun prune croon kroon patroon poltroon shagroon spadroon gadroon quadroon

gombroon gambroon caroon picaroon macaroon octoroon tosheroon tenoroon maroon vinegarroon scandaroon terceroon boon abune Gaboon baboon Mills # Boon zoon soon bassoon contra-bassoon gossoon monsoon ure pure purpure Simon Pure guipure depure impure coupure cure epicure sinecure manicure

pedicure SACEUR overcure undercure procure postcure liqueur secure insecure precure obscure clair-obscure reduplicature voiture noctua projecture prefecture abbreviature calenture jointure pretenture mantua confiture cloture wafture aperture crispature truncature caricature nunciature ornature declinature titulature prelature celature premature

coverture couverture abature cubature ossature mature postmature immature batture couture embosture Joshua hachure conure tournure zonure gymnure manure inure dasyure hure cannelure craquelure tubulure silure soilure pelure anomalure allure colure velure coiffure mure Langmuir armure Raumur

Saumur countermure immure demure mastigure ligure jaguar nervure gravure pyrogravure rotogravure photogravure dure rondure roundure tamandua decidua ordure perdure endure obdure bure buer cynosure frisure langsuir paradoxure licensure commissure poor Mirzapur Jaipur spoor contre-jour

adjure toghe tour tur vacatur Fraktur contour detour retour Cook's tour stour dastur sure assure reassure preassure cocksure debouchure embouchure ensure insure reinsure unsure koh-i-noor Mudjur abjure objure kohua mahua lure

loure lur clour fluor doublure pelure velour moor Dartmoor blackamoor paramour amour unmoor vaumure Parfait Amour smoor Exmoor kieselguhr Uigur gur striature Bahadur pandour tandoor Siddur pompadour dour engendrure parure poa

feijoa malcoha koa toa-toa atour toa tower stoa stower Shoah shower Genoa quinoa anoa noa Noah taihoa follower keitloa blower loa lower moa mower outgoer Goa goer foregoer forgoer widower proa toheroa grower harrower varroa thrower

rower boa bower balboa jerboa oosewer shiur boor veeboer tambour topinambour gebur disour merveille du jour huzoor soor propoxur vavasour masoor Cro-Magnon chignon Smillon St Emilion bouillon soucouyant accouchement denouement divertissement

kalanchoe kohekohe blowy lowy Moi Bowie gnarly softly diddly coulis cowy froughy bowie spewy Dewey dewy cooee kukui curucui Brahui blooey bluey mooey chopsuey age page rampage rampage cage lochage ribcage encage

stage forestage upstage teenage wage swage assuage phage macrophage prophage mage archimage gage gauge greengage engage re-engage pre-engage disengage Pirani gauge rage overage marage outrage saxifrage enrage middle age underage New Age sage Osage podge hodgepodge stodge wodge

swadge Hodge lodge plodge splodge horologe blodge dislodge fodge dodge rog bodge parge sparge targe taj large enlarge marge lithomarge samaj charge surcharge hypercharge super-charge supercharge overcharge undercharge overcharge undercharge encharge uncharge recharge discharge discharge

Swaraj esraj bargebarge litharge sarge saj mange change interchange counterchange interchange rechange exchange arrange rearrange prearrange derange allonge tinge linge elenge constringe befringe lozenge accinge expunge dispunge axunge avenge besprenge stoppage loppage kippage

equipage slippage scrippage trippage pipage stumpage estampage steppage scrappage wrappage seepage lockage dockage socage linkage shrinkage truncage tankage carucage pickage stickage soakage corkage truckage wreckage package pre-package shackage trackage sackage in-leakage leakage boscage tidge proprietage freightage

pottage cottage septage sartage agiotage adjutage footage parentage pontage wantage vantage advantage disadvantage stintage mintage vintage frontage ventage percentage hospitage hermitage heritage inheritage floatage anecdotage sacerdotage dotage colportage portage shortage overvoltage voltage vaultage waftage lightage outage

curettage pilotage culvertage curatage narratage metage eatage scutage fruitage rootage wastage hostage demi-ostage lastage mastage postage vestige escuage viduage nidge appanage cartonnage orphanage wagonage scavenage patronage baronage parsonage personage wainage cranage drainage thanage carnage spinach libertinage

chiminage concubinage vicinage nonage tronage cornage aulnage ulnage linage coinage tonnage dunnage runnage empennage brennage pannage tannage lodemanage manage mismanage granage furnage vernage villeinage commonage screenage snidge squidge sandwich interlanguage metalanguage paralanguage interlanguage language meta-metalanguage prelanguage

messuage lineage bailliage foliage ferriage verbiage towage stowage spindleage vassalage haylage treillage college knowledge acknowledge disacknowledge foreknowledge kentledge tribulage Woolwich pupillage pillage spillage cartilage sortilege curtilage tutelage tillage pastillage stillage permillage privilege village Potemkin village sacrilege putrilage

grillage ensilage mucilage tollage stallage haulage smallage pilage mileage silage spoilage soilage ullage sullage pelage smellage tallage thirlage spermalege freelage assemblage kalij fidge wharfage stuffage roughage leafage triage midge pommage homage scrimmage pilgrimage image primage Gummidge

chummage scrummage rummage summage damage endamage ramage fumage plumage smidge foggage mortgage remortgage luggage baggage burgage pavage selvage salvage rivage lovage scavage lavage ravage gilravage savage servage cleavage chevage voyage pondage vagabondage bondage windage poundage groundage

appendage standage bandage cordage abordage bordage scaffoldage faldage hidage voidage pedage adage ridgy-didge ridge pipperidge pepperidge cooperage anchorage vicarage winterage porterage quarterage waterage tutorage fosterage pilferage telpherage overage coverage beverage average leverage labourage harbourage porridge forage

borage flowerage partridge cartridge arbitrage peerage steerage arrearage murage moorage storage oarage sorage fridge ossifrage suffrage lairage langrage courage encourage disencourage discourage demurrage terrage disparage undercarriage carriage miscarriage frankmarriage intermarriage marriage sperage hangarage seigniorage Kimmeridge haemorrhage

teacherage pasturage sewerage bridge Schering bridge Tunbridge drawbridge Cambridge umbrage overbridge abridge overbridge Bailey bridge Oxbridge ridge cowage garbage cribbage cabbage herbage verbage cubage tubage visage envisage disvisage prisage spousage brewage sewage bossage sausage dosage pesage message presage

passage brassage surplusage embassage usage misusage doge porge George forge reforge gorge engorge regorge disgorge bilge effulge promulge emulge divulge indulge overindulge bulge oblige disoblige pudge nudge snudge squdge judge adjudge

forejudge forjudge prejudge misjudge kludge bludge sludge sludge fudge smudge trudge grudge begrudge drudge budge gouge edge kedge tej wedge swedge hedge ledge pledge frank-pledge repledge impledge repledge cledge pinledge fledge gledge allege sledge

veg Reg. reg fore-edge dredge feather-edge unedge sedge Adj. padge cadge hajj Al-Hajj fladge fadge madge badge rebadge purge Pride's Purge spurge asperge expurge scourge thaumaturge dramaturge deterge absterge snurge splurge merge Mailmerge emerge immerge

re-emerge submerge gurge verge converge diverge dirge urge serge surge upsurge exsurge insurge resurge re-surge squeege liege seege siege besiege huge deluge lactifuge regifuge solifuge vermifuge ultracentrifuge centrifuge febrifuge refuge subterfuge stooge smoodge roodge

Scrooge scrouge bouge yeo yo skeo jalapentildeo varguentildeo Luisentildeo al segno dal segno bagnio madrontildeo Quitentildeo Madrilentildeo El Nintildeo yo-yo comboloio kabeljou tomatillo Tempranillo tornillo tabardillo caudillo Cortaillod geo ocotillo Ijo noyau poh po pouw topotopo

stoppo Hoppo tropo troppo ma non troppo oppo metacarpocarpoda capo Gestapo napoh SWAPO sapo katipo matipo plenipo gippo jippo hippohippo lipoZippo hopo Vopo troponiopo colpotypotaipo typo hypohypo compo rumpo tempo up-tempo

a tempo campo depot Grepo capo capot chapeau crapaud apopinsapo kakapo entrepocirct anthropoFesapo pepo sheep-o shippo el cheapo repo ipoh apropos unapropos malapropos Schupo Expo coko kou macaco Buteyko shako Draco ThracotocoJocko

choco trochoparroco morocco barocco sirocco tarocco zoco socko bronchobronco oncopinko stinko Wingco pachinko rhynchozincozinco junco bunco tenko flamenco Ibicenco blanco calamanco FrancoKoranko banco in banco punto banco saltimbanco sancho Yakouml paco icaco

taco starko guanaco Tiahuanaco narconarco guaco huaco mako korimako makomako kaikomako cheechako babaco suzuribako sarcopachuco palo blanco Fourcault apicotampico opticopracticosemanticopoliticopolitico criticoportico corticotheoreticopoeticohepaticomathematicoaleatico mysticomistico

fantastico ecclesiasticoshikho conicoonychoSinicomechanicologicotheologicomagicotragicodolichocoquelicot silicocalico mallecho philosophicomagnifico pacifico comicochemicomyrmecoZydeco medicomedico historicopatrico trichotricot empiricoJericho clericoAmericoharicot metaphysicophysico-

musicomusico mythicoethicosympathicothicko toxicolexicovesicoClassico thoracicopersico poco rococo cocoa coco kho-kho kokko toco oronoco loco locofoco moco moko moco-moco moko-moko smoko Ngoko Baroco iroko boko kiboko Kioko macauco orchowilco

milko telco chalcoTobralco salchow tychotaiko glycophycomycomaiko cervicodichocricotrichopsychopsycho Armco stucco buccobucko pukeko gecko deco dekko recco echo re-echo secko cacotacho squacco whacko wacko Jacko Morlacco

phacocrakow tobacco bacco Turcoturco stercokokako intonaco malacopharmacofondaco coracobatrachoturaco thoracopicopekoe picot lukiko matico Tico rosso antico gynaecobeccafico fico koromiko Graecobarrico thecoecomucotuco-tuco glucoMameluco leuco-

Foucault osso bucco Pernambuco basuco roscoe pisco disco Morisco rubisco cisco Barbaresco Romanesco UNESCO Tedesco fresco alfresco Moresco Somasco borasco churrasco Tabasco barbasco ascofiasco finnesko toe tow duplicatopotato NATO awheto JATO lobulatoquadratoPareto

lobatomeatoOrvieto potto marzacotto ScotoWatteau glottoblotto lotto motto contrafagotto ridotto grotto erotorisotto Otto optoopto atiptoe tiptoe Egyptocryptocrypto klepto leptostreptomercaptosynaptoesparto staccato marcato spiccato pizzicato moscato tetarto-

agitato spianato ostinato illuminato isolato martellato gelato stufato pomato tomato animato lagarto legato obbligato fugato stiacciato castrato vibrato literato inamorato moderato evirato rabato rubato macchiato sforzato piblokto proctooctonyctooryctotectohectoperfecto trek-tow insurrecto

rectorecto ectogalactolactofractoX-acto steatoputto Pashto conto tonto odontopronto frontobrontogerontoontotrapunto pinto spinto tinto Shinto punto junto conjunto argentolento portamento mentomento Papiamento pronunciamento pimento pentimento divertimento

Risorgimento memento rifacimento trecento seicento quattrocento settecento cinquecento ottocento bento entopimiento assiento cento pantopanto canto bel canto tanto atlantomanto manteau portmanteau Esperanto coranto santo tippy-toe occipitopettitoe parietoditto tritopyretoBritoorbitorabbit-o

subito koto scotototo Polyfoto telephoto microphoto photophoto motomoto con moto Hashimoto protorotoroto otoSoto tautotorteau quarto autoauto mistletoe molto cobaltoBaltoindulto ulto Malto contralto alto Rialto salto phytorighto

sitocytofemtocuttoe zucchetto quartetto organetto cornetto Lettostiletto braziletto palmetto lagetto ghetto larghetto traghetto cavetto fianchetto concetto neutretto stretto allegretto libretto vaporetto feretto amaretto amoretto lazaretto Tibetotempietto duetto bassetto terzetto falsetto statochteau

annatto Plateau mulatto onomatonematogateau ritratto stratomoratto bateau attoconcerto cyrtowapato hepatothanatopalatopaletot stomatochromatosomatothaumatospermatodermatohaematopneumatoundertow keratoteratoceratopitot ketocoquito mosquito Miskito bonito

sanbenito neato kinetohornito incognito magnetomagneto graffito sgraffito gametoveto liberum veto ranchito Negrito cigarito Rhaetoburrito acetoSEATO mycetoTeutodeutoshuto prosciutto tenuto ritenuto sostenuto Pluto risoluto cornuto scruto coteau stow costoantipasto basto

sexto decimo-sexto histobollito misto Christoaristo cystogusto pesto manifesto presto impasto tasto capotasto blastomastoacoustobestow though tho although sho show posho Washo rancho Sancho galanty show sideshow Nasho basho raree-show tab show yusho

outshow foreshow Noh no naow know cyanotrypanomechanoMartenot tetanosiphonotrigonoorganogalvanouranoarsenorelleno volcano planoplano flore pleno DanoRaynaud terreno sereno anoripieno tonneau tectonomonomono gonoDonau chrono-

hypnopiano Giuoco Piano Sevillano Ilocano Carnot Meccano chicano Mexicano capitano gitano guano Tejano altiplano poblano llano RomanoRomano mano a mano oregano Montepulciano Sudanosoprano mezzo-soprano zebrano Marrano Soberano Murano Serrano Cinzano Peano Christianoboliviano Trebbiano paisano splanchno-

pycnotechnotechno immunoradioimmunochoanoactinoretinoplatinoLatinokeratinowinnow Finnopentomino monomino domino tromino tetromino polyomino Jacqueminot laminoaluminominnow sordino adenourinoparthenoinoKono tonomohonono no-no phonophono kimono kakemono

okimono sonopornoporno corno Mezzogiorno spinokinoechinoTaino Festino wino clinoklinosalinolino gynoChinorhinorhino Sinocynogymnolimnorhamnolignodunno tenostenosteno genoblennomenomeno phrenoxeno-

Pano Hispanotitanostannonanonano planoGermanopiano forte-piano Pernod Mebyon Kernow sternoSterno journo inferno Hibernoroentgenopompano tympanoJapanoiconobotanotitanomelanomelano Zingano manganoavgolemono demonopneumonoHuguenot medano membranomethanoPinot

Pineau Pilipino Filipino pepino tarocchino keno kino Gambia kino stracchino maraschino Latino concertino photino andantino Valentino gravitino flautino duettino lutino sopranino pianino wino splenoglenoGrignolino Angeleno Los Angeleno Bardolino Borsalino leno phenopheno fino sphenoaminopalomino

iminovenopulvino mochaccino chino cappuccino bocconcino ladino duodenoguanidino con sordino ladino neutrino San Pellegrino adrenopadrino peperino pecorino tenorino solferino merino amorino peacherino renozorino vetturino virino beano albino Urbino zenozino oenoEno gluino lieno-

casino cassino coenoethnoUNO montuno Juno jejunoruno numero uno traineau don't-know unknow beknow foreknow misknow snow besnow whoa woa woe wough wo aquo quid pro quo status quo distinguo linguoSwoe Joe jo Zhou majo myringo-

banjo Tojo mojo dojo rego sijo manoao uh-oh hoe ho aparejo paho tasajo Saho Swinhoe righty-ho coho Moho boho Soho Arapaho tuckahoe Navajo mahoe heigh-ho gung-ho what ho tally-ho oho yo-ho to-ho ho ho soho heave-ho

yo-heave-ho gee-ho see-ho lo low pyelohyalomyelosialocrystalloencephalosingle-o tremolo talohalo enhalo Scheiner's halo Uraloapollo pollo collow wallow swallo swallow jollo holohollo holo hollow follow criollo singlo diplotriplohaplo-

Monte Carlo regalo barlow clo' clo Caboclo cyclowhitlow matelot matlow alveolopapuloscapulooculoauriculoSiculovesiculotuberculomusculogranulocumuloregulo jugulomodulo glomerulovestibulomandibulofunambulo capsulotupelo pillow poikilokilodactyloptiloeuraquilo

tranquillo willow hillo syphilophilophylloamylospondylopeccadillo armadillo trillo grillo Negrillo tamarillo cigarillo furbelow billow maxillopolo kolo rotolo stolo palolo Makololo Lolo cholo Barolo bolo cocobolo Nebbiolo solo orlo floe flow outflow onflow

inflow interflow overflow underflow contraflow reflow aflow interflow overflow underflow outflow conflow inflow reflow pilocheilochylokyloe tylostylostylo NilohyloLi-Lo milo xyloxylo silo AngloAnglo glow Day-Glo trogloalpenglow counterglow aglow

nullo sullow paolo yellow brocatello moscatello Martello vitelloprunello Punchinello ritornello stornello jello Bargello yoke-fellow Robin Goodfellow phellofelloe fellow good fellow melo mellow scrivello cello violoncello ponticello reticello modello bordello saltarello albarello morello portobello bellow rebellow manzello

niello duello callow tallow metalloshallow linaloe halohallow unhallow dishallow phalloFallot fallow mallow marshmallow Fanagalo GalloRogallo alloaloe sallow furlough Merlot tangelo zocalo piccolo violino piccolo nicolo trabaccolo Italocattalo omphaloBuffalo cephalobeefalo

zufolo pongelo bungalow bangalow pomelo bummalo gigolo brigalow megaloovolo pedalo Realo bibelot tombolo cymbalo rumbelow cembalo clavicembalo diabolo sabalo oxalopelokilo telohilo filo blow retablo fly-blow by-blow pueblo tableau overblow alow hallo hello

hullo tapaculo yuloh rouleau below pailou sloe slow forslow go-slow foe pho faux propho trophoboffo buffo info lophomofo oafo morphomorpho sulphotyphoFIFO scyphonympho lymphoscruffo reffo scaphoLIFO UFO tartufo

Senufo rufophosphopongo spongoNiger-Congo Congo Kongo Kikongo Ningre Tongo oblongoMongo mondongo drongo rongo-rongo bongo pingo salpingompingo stingo meningojingo camerlingo lingo olingo Fingo sphingoflamingo dingo Mandingo gringo laryngopharyngoteporingo eryngo

syringobingo zingo fungo mungo Marengo kango tango contango Shango quango guango parafango fango mango samango fandango charango cundurango bango Sango mho mo mow squamomamo Commo nomohomoSidamo Brahmo lucumo schmo Eskimo cntimo

ultimo Geronimo limo epididymocentesimo centsimo proximo fortissimo altissimo prestissimo pianissimo generalissimo illustrissimo octodecimo sextodecimo duodecimo po-mo Pomo tomo duomo homo slomo major-domo promo chromoKromo chromo bromobromo omonormopulmoulmo ophthalmochymozymo-

thymosphygmoanemomemo Demo camo whammo mammogamoammo psammospermocanto fermo dermothermoentomodynamodynamo thalamoparamo chemonemo haemoFrelimo primo supremo semocosmoosmoseicentismo gismo machismo turismo verismo seismoFapesmo

pasmo plasmoarithmotu-mo pneumosumo trumeau desmosyndesmogo Gallego pichiciago galago ustilago tussilago imago dago solidago suffrago grego vorago Winnebago Sebago lumbago plumbago sago sapsago logo doggo wrongo stop-go pargo supercargo cargo escargot

botargo Nago largo margo farrago virago embargo Argo argot Asiago sargo ginkgo not-go outgo let-go get-go latigo vertigo oligooligo chigoe windigo indigo thioindigo fons et origo fingrigo pterygopogo Ogopogo hogo mogo Wagogo go-go Gogo a gogo sorgo

vulgo NALGO hidalgo fidalgo pygoserpigo lentigo impetigo loligo vitiligo GIGO intertrigo porrigo prurigo zygostegoLego preggo alter ego Virgo ergoergo Tantum ergo Papago archipelago oesophagopego jerepigo Oswego amigo ego superego sego ago overgo undergo

lanugo Hugo albugo Yugo colugo mugo tamarugo aerugo outgo bego no-go forego forgo stop-and-go touch and go leggo misgo vo. voe concavoflavoPavo octavo centavo Slavobravo arvo zemstvo gingivoprovo ovogalvo salvo nervoServo-

servo pivo laevorelievo alto-relievo mezzo-relievo basso-relievo espressivo provo nouveau bravo shiveau nitchevo art nouveau derecho gazpacho nacho muchacho quebracho mucho poncho honcho carpincho ancho pasticcio chocho gaucho libeccio Romanaccio macho braccio Tz'u Chou doe dough

doh iodobarricado ambuscado carbonado bastinado grenado tornado cladoToledo reformado renegado dado Alfredo gambado sadopodosourdough strappado avocado Bocardo cardo stoccado sticcado incommunicado Mikado mercado pintado aficionado Barnardo amontillado stifado mado fumado guardo muscovado

bravado vardo hacendado Trinidado soldado reconcentrado estrado Sangrado desperado dorado El Dorado Hirado bardo frizado cruzado zapateado passado reposado palisado camisado weirdo goodo Pondo condo secondo tondo mondo rondo rondeau Kavirondo commando window Indorotundo segundo kendo

tendotendo crescendo decrescendo stringendo ulendo reddendo procedendo inquirendo zendo endoinnuendo diminuendo arguendo fricandeau rallentando trascinando calando tremolando parlando Rolando allargando ritardando whiskerando accelerando bandeau sforzando smorzando Sandow forzando rinforzando scherzando glissando lepidorapido bushido

widow chuck-will's-widow grass widow comedo iridopteridoMacedosiddow podo toado Jodo Komodo Quasimodo dodo rhodorhodo milordo ordo boldo soldo dildo waldo aldocnidoFido amidoimidodido choroidoYeddo pedomeadow Edo eddo caddow foreshadow

overshadow shadow enshadow unshadow beshadow foreshadow saddo pyinkado tournedos quomodo cathodopaedotorpedo Bangalore torpedo speedo aikido lido Medocredo teredo Tenthredo uredo libido albedo Ido tuxedo molybdorhabdokudo incudotestudo pseudopseudo shakudo scudo escudo

menudo judo ludo peludo vo-do-deo-do tae kwon do do-se-do Bordeaux radeau roe rho wro row proterogutturohetero ureterouteroinferoblepharovigoro glycerovisceroporoporo Poro sporotaureau tomorrow morrow good-morrow borrow reborrow zorro sorrow pro-

pro coprosanpro impro lamproappro saprorepro cuprocupro karo taro saguaro claro Tupamaro Garo charro bizarro Pesaro cro crow sacrosynchrosynchro picroludicrogorcrow pilcrow Velcro ultramicromicromicro semimicropsychroscarecrow scald-crow

necromacromacro acroacrow mucro John Crow Royston crow Jim Crow scrow escrow trow natropotro spectroelectroelectro theatroCointreau introintro ventrocentrocilantro yttroelytrotro-tro nitronitro LAUTRO outro petrometro retroretro quatro

siratro iatroneutrorostroAustrodextroextrosinistromaestro gastroastrobistro gyro pierrot hero sclerosphaerospheromeromiro escudero Ovaherero Iberoxerozero therobracero ceroserocero inro corn-row Genro neuroenduro Politbureau

bureau uroEuroEuro chiaroscuro pleuropleuro fluorolouro fourreau ofuro duro waipiro papyroargyroporphyrocirrohedgerow ro-ro toro staurojoro chloropyloroMoro borothoroaurofroe fro piet-my-vrou nephroAfroAfro uphroe to-fro

to and fro pyropyro spirochirotiro oneiroguiro gyrogiro gyro autogiro hieroviroenviro Biro thyroSyrocaballero pampero vaquero forastero campanero Montonero habanero llanero dinero hornero leggiero bandolero bolero guerrillero Pharaoh faro mero primero

ranchero tapadero embarcadero saladero potrero pedrero sombrero torero Herero cruzeiro aeropalo de hierro grow allegro hygroagroaggro Negro intergrow overgrow Ugrooutgrow ungrow regrow vrouw furrow burro burrow unburrow quadro Avogadro chondrowindrow cylindrodendroandro-

hydrohydro anhydrodihydrodehydropedro Sancho Pedro Dom Pedro vedro kero pteroteru-tero sterro ferromeropuchero serow yarrow sparrow tarot tarrow narrow wharrow rest-harrow harrow farrow marrow wheelbarrow barobarrow arrow temporolaparogaspereau boccaro picaro

puckerow saccharoenteroanteroheterolaterodeuteroposterohysterophanerobudgerow Zingaro femoroFigaro bigarreau Jivaro guacharo siderosideroOtshi-herero korero tuberolazzaro eleutheroperfluororiroriro bro dobro vertebrocerebrofibrofibro vibroombroCambrogabbro

Sherbro rubroarow bordereau throwthroe thro throw upthrow arthrodownthrow erythrooverthrow urethrooverthrow upthrow out-throw downthrow maduro Munro Savile Row re-row EuropaeotracheoKuroshio pneoneowhio geopleoLeo guyot mangeao Judaeocrio-

Krio trio griot brio con brio rheorio Ibibio theoeobo beau bow lavabo gazabo yobbo obbo peep-bo carbogarbo rainbow angwantibo stibokobo hobo lobo gobo stroboWanderobo Bobo oboe corbeau theorbo Sorbo bilbo

Silbo bulboelbow steelbow tae-bo tribosybow combo tombo thromborhombobombo miombo akimbo himbo limbo gumbo-limbo bimbo jumbo mumbo-jumbo plumbolumbonelumbo gumbo dumbo rumbo bumbo umbo tembo Bembo tambo jambo flambeau malambo mambo gambo

Ovambo crambo rambo ambo sambo Igbo tubboe phlebojabot abo sabot turboturbo slurbow merbau sub verbo Serbobonobo Shipibo cribo grebo gazebo placebo lesbo jazzbo overbow tubobubo embow timbo crossbow oxbow nasogallinazo vaso-

rseau azogonzo ginzo benzogarbanzo damoiseau pomposo strepitoso maestoso corozo doloroso amoroso penseroso bozo rebozo affettuoso gracioso capriccioso mysterioso curioso furioso arioso schizoaviso proviso adviso rhizoincisorazzo diazodiazo triazomestizo sleazo Mizo

chorizo piezopiezo muso ouzo gnathoacanthoxanthoanthoornitholithomythoorthoortho litho photolitho stethometho pathosympathoopisthoduoduo fluoLuo Todd-AO ryo cheerio ier-oe whizzo soe soh

so sault seau sew sow Sceaux peso Thraso say-so nosoglossomosso concerto grosso lollo rosso hypsocalypso dipso apso metatarsotarsotoxotoxohydroxoperoxooxomixomyxomyxo auxoconvexoexoaxoSaxowhatso terrazzo schizo

orzo scherzo nutso intermezzo mezzo palazzo Fatso Gatso paparazzo pitso tocusso happen-so alphonso so-and-so whenso misochrysogiocoso Sendero Luminoso squamosonitrosooloroso oh-so virtuoso Mafioso Corso torso dorsoalso anisolysophysoisowhereso Samsoe whomso

Russogadso yeso Teso gesso mesoespresso ricasso tasso thalassosado-maso sargasso contrabasso basso traverso verso whitherso oversew curassow leasow chamiso miso oversow undersow curaccedao whoso huso occlusoLusoCrusoe Robinson Crusoe trousseau unsew morceau Glou-morceau Meursault

yore your yaw signor sentildeor senhor po' pore porr pour paw sapor outpour serpaw downpour polypore millepore madrepore paw-paw pawpaw Quapaw forepaw palampore Salempore raupo outpour downpour rapport spore diaspore cat's-paw urediniospore teliospore zygospore

microspore zoospore merispore parthenospore teleutospore megaspore chlamydospore myxospore core chore cor khor corps Kaw caw dcor encore marcor markhor manticore kwashiorkor Halalcor ichor albacore macaw mucor decore score scaur scaw Apgar score underscore underscore tore

to tor torr tau taw imperator sartor Choctaw lector Stentor mentor centaur hippocentaur onocentaur Bucentaur cantor Washita absolvitor Seto stertor Minotaur Wichita tewtaw guarantor store in-store Nestor restore shore sho shor shaw longshore pshaw kickshaw

rickshaw hawkshaw nearshore heronshaw foreshore trishaw scrimshaw cumshaw ashore bashaw cushaw onshore inshore offshore nor' nornor knorr naw gnaw Karnaugh Mackinaw huskanaw athanor unau begnaw ignore snore waugh war waw quar squaw musquaw

williwaw wah-wah psy-war Chippewa postwar man-of-war pre-war Confiteor lectio difficilior theor excelsior jaw lockjaw jaw-jaw pi-jaw whore haugh hoar haw yaw-haw haw-haw yeehaw hee-haw abhor lor' lore law plore deplore implore splore explore

fahlore chlorclaw folklore propachlor dew-claw declaw outlaw mishla Danelaw in-law inlaw unlaw common law similor Parkinson's law floor flaw scofflaw upfloor isoflor by-law glore byrlaw roquelaure blore tremblor temblor Say's law Poynings' Law Lachmann's law Grassmann's Law Wien's law Kohlrausch's law Henry's law Lenz's law

Charles' law Boyle's law Snell's law Gresham's law Graham's law Grimm's Law Bode's law Verner's Law Fechner's law Sievers' law appellor galore bailor unlaw pre-law Raoult's law slaw Walras' law Gay-Lussac's law Talbot's law coleslaw Kirchhoff's law Zipf's law overslaugh foreforfore faugh for four Roquefort spermatophore ionophore lophophore osmophore

iodophor rhizophore rasophore doryphore UNPROFOR odoriphore therefore wherefore ephor scolopophore synoptophore odontophore photophore ommatophore pneumatophore guanophore pinafore luminophore ctenophore semaphore mastigophore chondrophore myrrhophore afore guffaw heretofore before komfoor petit four more moar mor maw claymore trenchmore

Baltimore Growmore sycamore tuckamore hackamore mattamore sophomore whiggamore sagamore Timor furthermore evermore nevermore forevermore any more smore gore nagor obligor Prigord rigor fulgor pylagore gewgaw engore vau insectivore detritivore carnivore omnivore frugivore folivore herbivore livor

chore chaw dor door daw jackdaw outdoor without door heliodor toreador condor windore indoor within-door landau mandor Komondor cuspidor Fructidor Utilidor humidor corregidor corridor Messidor battledore moidore roncador picador stuccador matador conquistador in-a-door commodore stevedore

parador Labrador troubadour gobdaw jib-door USDAW adore visitador cargador commendador comprador pudor trapdoor capeador pandore mandore bandore Thermidor provedore roar raw wraw prore uproar crore craw craw-craw scraw outroar straw jackstraw windlestraw bedstraw staneraw furor

frore drawdraw wire-draw overdraw underdraw withdraw indraw undraw misdraw ree-raw braw aroar outroar bore boar Boer Bohr baw usquebaugh hellebore LIBOR wildbore Dukhobor counterbore rebore Machzor cognizor devisor bezoar thaw unthaw overawe

sore soar saw pareiasaur whipsaw fretsaw enaliosaur ichthyosaur plesiosaur pliosaur dromaeosaur scelidosaur Arkansas sensor eyesore jigsaw tussore Nassau rhynchosaur pelycosaur Chickasaw anthracosaur nothosaur carnosaur dinosaur tyrannosaur ankylosaur pachycephalosaur elasmosaur coelurosaur hadrosaur pterosaur ornithosaur mosasaur mesosaur

Esau see-saw Mysore lessor resaw gurry sore pial spial tial stylohyal applial supplial phial defial myal myall vial viol redial dial redial misdial prial decrial pretrial trial mistrial rial sial aiel tresaiel besaiel swingle Sprengel

spaniel staniel Daniel Daniell novendial ambrosial ecclesial papal caple staple staple maple popple copple topple stopple estoppel hopple thropple metacarpal carpal carpel decuple sescuple septuple octuple quintuple centuple sextuple quadruple supple skipple multiple submultiple tipple stipple

maniple nipple swipple fipple Oedipal cripple becripple triple tripple gripple dripple aripple thripple ripple Peter principle Matthew principle principle principal manciple participle municipal sipple copal nopal opal warple pilpul palpal scalpel stipel disciple condisciple example sample ensample pimple

wimple dimple crimple rimple simple unsimple fee simple crumple uncrumple scrumple frumple rumple ante-temple temple entemple Shirley Temple stemple Semple cample trample ample thermocouple couple koppel uncouple decouple discouple supple graupel tepal repple depple sepal scapple pineapple Whitechapel chappal

chapel dapple scrapple strapple grapple sorb-apple apple chess-apple sapple purple empurple curple hirple syncopal horoscopal episcopal archiepiscopal sinople unpeople kinspeople people peepul unpeople depeople repeople dispeople spokespeople steeple wheeple cupel duple subduple scruple gospel huspil piacle

maniacal simoniacal ammoniacal genethliacal heliacal prosodiacal dandiacal zodiacal theriacal paradisiacal rakel epochal cockle pinochle grockle katonkel kinkle skinkle tinkle tincal tinchel twinkle periwinkle winkle Rip Van Winkle finkle dinkel sprinkle besprinkle crinkle trinkle strinkle wrinkle unwrinkle inkle nuncle

siphuncle peduncle crunkle truncal furuncle runkle carbuncle escarbuncle uncle vibratiuncle tinkle-tankle wankle Wankel fankle prankle crinkle-crankle crankle rankle ankle caruncle asparkle sparkle monarchal darkle barkle dbcle patriarchal matriarchal sarcle hallucal tukul Mosaical apical microscopical topical intertropical

tropical neotropical subtropical typical atypical stereotypical untypical pickle mispickel haruspical synecdochical monarchical tetrarchical hierarchical psychical sympotical idiotical autoptical optical elliptical sceptical particle article dialectical tactical syntactical practical unpractical impractical monticle lenticle conventicle denticle identical canticle ferntickle

political apolitical unpolitical metapolitical metropolitical analytical sodomitical hermitical Levitical hypocritical hypercritical supercritical critical diacritical uncritical subcritical Jesuitical Thersitical cortical nautical vortical toploftical catechetical genetical magnetical energetical exegetical arithmetical geodetical reticle theoretical heretical nomothetical hypothetical parenthetical synthetical

antithetical poetical dapatical statical hypostatical fanatical lunatical emphatical systematical lemmatical grammatical ungrammatical mathematical axiomatical judgematical dogmatical pragmatical pneumatical piratical sabbatical viatical sciatical vertical cuticle litaneutical pharmaceutical nutraceutical tickle postical statistical humanistical twistical logistical sophistical unsophistical mystical

rustical rumbustical testicle majestical fantastical ecclesiastical acoustical stickle conical biconical tonical Skeltonical canonical uncanonical physiognomonical harmonical acronychal chronicle chronical ironical histrionical thrasonical technical psychotechnical Raney nickel clinical finical dominical adminicle rabbinical sinical cynical cornicle galenical ecumenical irenical

Xenical Senecal arsenical panicle mechanical iatromechanical unmechanical physicomechanical photomechanical botanical satanical puritanical organical tyrannical sanicle vernicle pumpernickel kupfernickel scenical tunicle funicle nickel Nicol snickle topological anthropological psychological ecological ontological tautological monological chronological achronological unchronological technological

analogical homological cosmological horological astrological neological mythological pathological logical dialogical abiological prebiological alogical genealogical geological teleological bacteriological unphysiological physiological theological biological heterological zoological illogical prelogical georgical magical tragical liturgical metallurgical surgical strategical stoical heroical pollical follicle

hyperbolical parabolical diabolical symbolical encyclical cyclical umbilical soulical caulicle pellicle angelical evangelical unevangelical helical calicle calycle biblical philosophical unphilosophical scientifical pontifical magnifical hieroglyphical pacifical typographical orthographical graphical autobiographical geographical hagiographical fickle comical heroi-comical anatomical economical uneconomical

astronomical rhythmical unrhythmical inimical coxcombical domical chemical biochemical semiochemical radiochemical petrochemical agrichemical topochemical physico-chemical photochemical allelochemical alchemical polemical academical remicle Wykehamical dynamical amical vermicle cosmical wavicle clavicle cervical chicle synodical methodical unmethodical immethodical periodical rhapsodical syndical

appendicle appendical pendicle fatidical juridical veridical causidical podical nodical caudicle pedicle paramedical medical premedical radicle radical tragedical oratorical pictorical rhetorical historical unhistorical unmetaphorical categorical allegorical arborical prickle electrical ventricle tetrical obstetrical hodometrical metrical diametrical stoichiometrical geometrical

volumetrical micrometrical isometrical immetrical trimetrical symmetrical monosymmetrical asymmetrical matrical theatrical utricle trickle strickle empirical satirical panegyrical lyrical auricle curricle cylindrical hysterical clerical spherical hemispherical numerical bricole rickle vehicle globical orbicle cubicle cubical lackadaisical quizzical hyperphysical metaphysical

physical psychophysical iatrophysical unphysical whimsical musical unmusical immusical revusical mythical ethical ickle ossicle Popsicle dropsical farcical paradoxical lexical indexical syntaxical intrinsical nonsensical fancical tricycle bicycle icicle vesicle vesical classical post-classical unclassical neoclassical pre-classical fascicle versicle versical

sicle sickle yokel local unlocal illocal uxorilocal patrilocal matrilocal virilocal focal afocal parfocal confocal varifocal trifocal bifocal intervocal vocal unvocal univocal trochal zocle socle paucal snorkel faucal pikel haikal Michael lumbrical monocycle epicycle unicycle hemicycle pericycle

Exercycle Krebs cycle cycle psychal recycle yuckle puckle puckle knuckle huckle muckle chuckle truckle bruckle ruckle parbuckle buckle buccal unbuckle honeysuckle suckle peckle kenspeckle speckle bespeckle keckle teckel shekel heckle Meckel deckle spreckle freckle Seckel Szekel Spackle

cackle tackle untackle hopshackle ramshackle shackle unshackle hibernacle tabernacle quackle hackle macle mackle sprackle crickle-crackle crackle grackle rackle ransackle opercle hurkle novercal in-circle semicircle circumcircle circle encircle gephyrocercal conceptacle receptacle spectacle pentacle tentacle habitacle obstacle monocle

monachal barnacle pinnacle binnacle binocle tenacle cenacle manacle unmanacle immanacle pharmacal multivocal equivocal unequivocal covercle coracle oracle reciprocal irreciprocal miracle thoracal spiracle tubercle faecal treacle intrathecal nuchal ducal archducal grand-ducal coucal mascle wrap-rascal rascal meniscal obeliscal

fiscal discal mariscal paschal varietal tetel parastatal statal sheitel natal postnatal antenatal perinatal prenatal fatal inundatal datal pratal substratal ratal ratel pottle tottle squattle twattle wattle glottal isoglottal axolotl mottle dottle sprottle crotal throttle rottle Woulfe bottle

bottle Klein bottle glyptal septal katel cartel katil startle Nahuatl martel dartle stratal octal punctal edictal ictal bidialectal rectal anorectal colorectal fractal Kwakiutl Nembutal quantal fontal periodontal horizontal ontal plantal pintle skintle quintal wintle trigintal lintel pointel

contrapuntal superfrontal frontal postfrontal prefrontal gruntle disgruntle buntal balibuntal paribuntal thiopental continental epicontinental intercontinental gentle ungentle lentil ornamental unornamental fermental momental firmamental fundamental nidamental temperamental sacramental mental developmental compartmental departmental documental monumental instrumental environmental sentimental unsentimental

regimental complemental complimental supplemental elemental incremental detrimental experimental judgemental segmental intersegmental suprasegmental fragmental interdental dental transcendental descendental occidental accidental incidental coincidental bidental trental parental uniparental biparental rental oriental placental implacental cental pantle cantle scantle hantle atlantal

mantle mantel unmantle immantle dismantle quadrantal santal centripetal occipital paroccipital tricipital bicipital compital capital Capitol stirpital spittle hospital spittle spital kittle kittel skittle tittle genital primogenital congenital urinogenital urogenital orogenital pregenital unital knittle snittle acquittal thwittle

whittle wittol interdigital digital vegetal sagittal post-coital precoital skeletal do-little little belittle parietal biparietal societal comital vice-comital Amytal committal transmittal victual sprittle hypocrital Terital marital premarital brittle embrittle barbital phenobarbital secobarbital antorbital orbital postorbital suborbital cubital

subtotal total sum total teetotal subtotal notal votal sacerdotal dotal crotale crotal rotal sclerotal equirotal portal cautel snortle quartal thwartle hortal mortal immortal premortal vortal chortle sortal boltel pightle surtitle subtitle title entitle disentitle untitle betitle mistitle

requital phytal intravital vital dital detrital recital cuttle scuttle shuttle guttle ruttle buttle prebuttal supersubtle subtle suttle unsubtle pettle petal depetal kettle nettle fettle metal pot-metal semi-metal plymetal Mumetal mettle metal misch metal Muntz metal ettle settle unsettle

resettle pattle spattle teonanacatl cattle tittle-tattle tattle swattle atlatl chattel prittle-prattle prattle sprattle scrattle brattle rattle berattle battle battel embattle spurtle kirtle curtal turtle snirtle whortle wortle hurtle myrtle post-pubertal prepubertal intersertal nepotal palatal mediopalatal stomatal

pivotal pubertal tapetal tweetle wheetle leetle foetal metel chital decretal retreatal Beatle beetle betel Colorado beetle setal ericetal scutal scutel refutal pootle cuittle tootle footle brutal rootle intercostal costal pentecostal wastel hostel sextal pistol listel pedestal distal

forestal microcrystal polycrystal Xtal crystal Bristol postal bicoastal Borstal Augustal crustal festal vestal agrestal pastille pastel instinctual unintellectual sign-manual manual individual spatial mystacial intraglacial glacial postglacial englacial neoglacial preglacial palatial prelatial interfacial interfacial orofacial facial bifacial

primatial interracial racial multiracial bi-racial abbatial nuptial post-nuptial antenuptial prenuptial preceptial partial unpartial impartial velt-marshal land-marshal marshal martial Marshall court martial court-martial equinoctial bushel vicontiel stanchel provincial comprovincial extraprovincial quincuncial internuncial equipotential pluripotential potential sentential penitential existential

subsistential exponential sequential consequential inconsequential unconsequential subsequential tangential intelligential pestilential silential cadential prudential jurisprudential tendential confidential providential evidential credential recredential residential presidential precedential torrential conferential inferential differential deferential referential preferential interferential reverential presential influential uninfluential sapiential

expediential obediential sciential essential quintessential inessential reminiscential unessential coessential superessential instantial circumstantial uncircumstantial substantial consubstantial insubstantial unsubstantial transubstantial supersubstantial financial concordantial interstitial solstitial justicial seneschal initial simplicial gentilitial official superficial inofficial unofficial surficial artificial inartificial pontificial

carnificial beneficial maleficial sacrificial comitial primitial novitial judicial injudicial prejudicial indicial unjudicial extrajudicial pre-judicial altricial exitial precocial social asocial unsocial antisocial dissocial prosocial faucial special especial threshel cashel raschel tertial inertial commercial infomercial controversial uncontroversial Moygashel

fetial preputial fiducial crucial trucial lionel embryonal occasional equational provisional visional divisional archidiaconal occupational educational vocational implicational stratificational rotational presentational representational invitational gravitational irrotational progestational undenominational denominational relational translational transformational congregational segregational observational vibrational operational preoperational

inspirational punctuational ideational recreational variational conversational sexational sensational optional exceptional preconceptional functional eufunctional dysfunctional fictional frictional connectional interjectional inflectional omnidirectional unidirectional bidirectional intersectional sectional factional fractional transactional intentional unintentional extensional dimensional tridimensional bidimensional conventional unconventional practitional

volitional salicional additional traditional conditional unconditional biconditional positional propositional transitional intuitional notional motional emotional unemotional devotional proportional unproportional disproportional portional professional unprofessional paraprofessional confessional congressional processional recessional obsessional passional international supranational national multinational binational rational arational

irrational birational constitutional institutional substitutional regional orthogonal isogonal polygonal trigonal organal octagonal pentagonal tetragonal agonal diagonal triagonal hexagonal dihexagonal matronal contra-seasonal seasonal arsenal interpersonal personal tri-personal impersonal decanal ruridecanal fanal veinal anal shrapnel grapnel panel carnal

tarnal charnel darnel isopycnal cracknel outnal meridional obsidional septentrional portunal communal spinal spinel machinal sentinel serotinal retinal matinal intestinal destinal inguinal marginal submarginal uliginal original unoriginal aboriginal paginal imaginal virginal disciplinal palinal nominal multinominal uninominal phenomenal

denominal pronominal trinominal binominal cognominal adnominal surnominal prenominal abdominal regiminal subliminal liminal criminal discriminal isochimenal geminal trigeminal bigeminal feminal seminal staminal laminal terminal conterminal coterminal germinal cacuminal numinal voluminal Luminal ruminal ginnel cardinal nundinal libidinal ordinal

subordinal Medinal latitudinal longitudinal testudinal encrinal poitrinal Quirinal turbinal vaccinal vaticinal officinal vicinal medicinal internecinal tonal atonal pantonal chordotonal monoclonal polyclonal Monel chronal patronal coronal interneuronal intrazonal zonal azonal trizonal cornel spinal proprio-spinal matutinal vaginal reginal

diaclinal geosynclinal monoclinal isoclinal synclinal anticlinal geanticlinal periclinal affinal final vinal polyvinyl crinal trinal doctrinal rhinal urinal binal kimnel hymnal simnel autumnal columnal spignel signal regnal polytunnel tunnel tonel funnel gunwale gunnel Chunnel trunnel runnel nounal

crownal kennel unkennel fennel vennel crenel panel empanel impanel cannel flannel fannell channel scrannel branle annal supernal colonel kernel paternal grandpaternal maternal grandmaternal fraternal saturnal ternal turnel nocturnal diuturnal internal eternal sempiternal coeternal sternal external hesternal

journal paraphernal infernal girnel Avernal vernal hibernal hodiernal diurnal lucernal tympanal eikonal Bacchanal diaconal subdiaconal octonal tetanal antiphonal mangonel noumenal ammonal digonal ditrigonal ditetragonal juvenal coronal isochronal synchronal petronel veronal contubernal penal teanel weanel venal duodenal

suprarenal renal tribunal unal jejunal narwhal rorqual Sibbald's rorqual prequel equal inequal unequal coequal sequel setwall interlingual metalingual lingual monolingual multilingual unilingual ambilingual trilingual bilingual prelingual ungual gromwell bridewell bejel fodgel archangel angel Protevangel ridgel cudgel becudgel

withdrawal mohel molal visitable direful poffle coffle waffle offal rijsttafel falafel piffle skiffle tiffle sniffle Wiffle whiffle jiffle apocryphal riffle siffle torfle tifle stifle nifle trifle rifle cyphel nymphal triumphal scuffle shuffle snuffle huffle kerfuffle curfuffle

fuffle muffle enmuffle unmuffle duffle truffle ruffle unruffle buffle rebuffal TEFL trefle yaffle caffle snaffle faffle maffle gaffle daffle paraffle raffle baffle purfle pantofle whoofle souffle espial denial dial pongal Mongol dongle pingle atingle tingle Christingle

stingle shingle twingle swingle jingle gingall hingle lingel intermingle mingle commingle immingle dingle pringle springle espringal cringle Kriss Kringle tringle laryngal pharyngal ringle bingle zingel ingle surcingle cingle single pungle jungle fungal bungle spangle bespangle rectangle pentangle

tingle-tangle intertangle tangle entangle unentangle disentangle twangle twingle-twangle wangle recipiangle jingle-jangle jangle fangle fingle-fangle newfangle triangle mangle mangel gangle adangle dangle fandangle dingle-dangle sprangle trangle strangle quadrangle brangle embrangle rangle wrangle leangle bangle Angle guemal ramal

bepommel trommel hamel Priamel custumal kuumlmmel optimal septimal intimal minimal animal gimmal hiemal lachrymal proximal maximal pessimal centesimal infinitesimal planetesimal nonagesimal quadragesimal sexagesimal vigesimal trigesimal millesimal decimal duodecimal vicesimal simul domal somal paranormal orthonormal normal anormal

decinormal binormal subnormal abnormal formal informal conformal uniformal mormal primal sympto-thermal pommel pummel hummel dummel grummel bummel wadmal whemmel gemel hemmel camel stammel shammel enamel Battersea enamel hamel lamel mammal gamel trammel entrammel strammel Schrammel rammle rammel

amel samel spermal dermal hypodermal exodermal endodermal thermal diathermal hydrothermal geothermal isothermal haemal limail extremal baptismal planetismal dismal abysmal strabismal seismal isoseismal brumal espiegle paigle finagle plagal vagal tragal bagel coggle toggle shoggle woggle hornswoggle joggle

pedagogal synagogal goggle boondoggle broggle boggle Knoevenagel jargle gargle chagal argle-bargle argle argal argol Portugal centrifugal febrifugal conjugal piggle vectigal niggle sniggle squiggle wiggle swiggle jiggle higgle giggle prodigal warrigal scriggle striggle friggle griggle madrigal wriggle

rigol fogle aasvogel mogul Vogul bogle ogle algal pygal dasypygal zygal puggle tuggle snuggle juggle huggle honey-fuggle fuggle muggle smuggle guggle struggle ruggle raggle-taggle naggle snaggle wiggle-waggle waggle wagel haggle gaggle daggle straggle draggle bedraggle raggle

Tergal gurgle virgal burgle theologal astragal septifragal spiegel teagle Stiegel Verreaux's eagle Kleagle preterlegal paralegal legal illegal veigle inveigle gregal regal riegel viceregal porbeagle beagle eagle spread eagle spread-eagle fugle fugal bugle bugle kugel jugal subjugal frugal portacaval

postcaval precaval naval navel wavel novel hovel grovel carval carvel larval marvel emmarvel varvel rondavel arval festival aestival carnival mournival snivel swivel shrivel shrivel frivol drivel rivel thivel Parseval rouncival civil uncivil oval valval negatival imperatival

adjectival de-adjectival substantival infinitival genitival transitival nival gingival ogival survival revival deprival arrival corrival rival outrival derival co-rival passival scovel shovel kevel tevel dishevel nevel Abney level water-level level unlevel daredevil devel devil bedevil revel bevel cavel

cavil snavel javel clavel gavel disgavel chavel overtravel overtravel travel gravel ravel unravel nerval minerval preserval serval interval equaeval weevil longeval upheaval poll-evil primeval grandeval reprieval retrieval shrieval evil medieval coeval receival removal approval disloyal Palais Royal

swatchel experiential stitchel twitchel switchel mitchel futchel twatchel hatchel dratchell satchel knaidel hadal ladle cradle tradal gradal dreidel mollycoddle coddle toddle niddle-noddle noddle twaddle twiddle-twaddle twaddle Twaddell waddle swaddle remodel model remodel spokesmodel doddle stroddle bodle

fardel wandle fondle rondel spindle kindle enkindle rekindle tindal Tyndall shindle twindle yarnwindle garnwindle dwindle whindle windle swindle Mindel dindle trindle grindle brindle rindle bindle fundal profundal trundle rundle bundle unbundle poundal roundel pendle Kendal trendle

sendle sendal Zuckerkandl candle scandal standel panhandle manhandle handle mishandle Zinfandel Coromandel vandal dandle sandal dirndl centipedal piddle cuspidal kiddle tiddle quiddle twiddle whiddle widdle liddle infidel fiddle pyramidal dipyramidal bipyramidal middle flummadiddle paradiddle taradiddle diddle-

diddle striddle iridal griddle driddle riddle unriddle fluidal proboscidal apsidal yodel podal nodal intermodal modal multimodal unimodal polymodal bimodal caudle chordal caudal maudle dawdle tidal lunitidal co-tidal bridle bridal ridel seidel idle idol sidle virucidal septicidal

loculicidal homicidal viricidal tumoricidal suicidal trochoidal conchoidal phacoidal sphenoidal botryoidal poloidal colloidal sigmoidal Goidel lambdoidal saccharoidal haemorrhoidal toroidal spheroidal rhomboidal trapezoidal puddle spuddle cuddle scuddle studdle nuddle huddle fuddle befuddle muddle guddle ruddle buddle peddle pedal

heddle intermeddle meddle medal treadle treddle threadle reddle paddle spaddle caddle scaddle staddle fiddle-faddle faddle maddle daddle skedaddle spraddle astraddle straddle raddle addle upsaddle offsaddle side-saddle saddle unsaddle curdle hurdle girdle Goumldel engirdle begirdle antipodal apodal

decadal citadel synodal hebdomadal hundredal pentapedal tripedal bipedal teedle needle tweedle tweedle wheedle daedal credal beadle paludal feudal udal kyoodle poodle canoodle noodle snoodle flapdoodle doodle whangdoodle croodle strudel caboodle boodle chiral achiral retiral corporal temporal

atemporal spatio-temporal intemporal extemporal puerperal vesperal cockerel pickerel suckerel mackerel cotterel coterell dotterel dipteral peripteral doctoral predoctoral sanctoral pectoral electoral prefectoral sectoral parenteral literal littoral quadriliteral triliteral biliteral guttural contralateral lateral collateral multilateral unilateral equilateral inequilateral

quadrilateral ipsilateral trilateral bilateral pastoral mensural fissural mineral teneral vicar-general governor-general major-general general States General veneral funeral procedural peripheral tafferel gomerel admiral vice admiral femoral ephemeral patellofemoral intercameral cameral unicameral bicameral nychthemeral numeral superhumeral humeral humoral hoggerel doggerel

cheverel several scriptural unscriptural sculptural structural interjectural conjectural contractural cultural multicultural bicultural supernatural connatural preternatural supranatural contranatural natural non-natural unnatural featural futural postural textural dodderel ponderal sideral federal confederal ruderal sudoral liberal illiberal puberal isotheral rhinoceral

carceral visceral tesseral maceral coral quarrel laurel forel Vermoral moral amoral unmoral immoral balmoral borrel sorrel maral sacral sepulchral acral Peakrel peytral spectral theatral pointrel ventral biventral paracentral central excentral non-central epicentral penetral perimetral symmetral diametral

arbitral mitral poitrel storm petrel petrel petrol triquetral retral neutral wastrel costrel nostril rostral lamellirostral austral dextral minstrel sinistral magistral mistral plaustral claustral cloistral custrel palustral lustral campestral rupestral kestrel orchestral fenestral trimestral sylvestral ancestral castral Monastral

gastral cadastral astral oestral scleral feral spheral Verel ceral seral figural inaugural fulgural procural neural epineural intramural extramural mural dural epidural Ural jural pleural plural epipleural crural equicrural rural sural satyral squirrel triumviral poral sporal choral

restoral binaural horal floral loral goral sororal roral auroral oral aural monaural adoral peroral aboral soral spiral gyral viral krel mayoral mongrel gangrel staumrel integral striatonigral bharal scoundrel mandrel bedral octahedral dioctahedral tetrahedral anhedral polyhedral dihedral

trihedral cathedral Ferrel merrill primaveral verrel apparel disapparel parrel carrel carol barrel barrel unbarrel conferral referral transferral demurral droitural seignoral behavioural post-doctoral enteral nemoral labral vertebral invertebral cerebral acerebral libral timbrel whimbrel tumbrel umbral membral cambrel

gambrel muliebral rubral cleithral hypaethral semivowel rowel embowel shauchle trachle bauchle occupiable deniable undeniable multipliable appliable suppliable pliable unpliable impliable compliable flyable alliable liable reliable unreliable rectifiable identifiable notifiable certifiable justifiable unjustifiable modifiable verifiable satisfiable viable

inviable dyeable triable triobol friable invaluable unvaluable sheet cable cable timetable water-table tea-table table retable Round Table monostable astable metastable stable instable unstable bistable nabal label fible-fable fable gable babel able enable re-enable unable reable disable sable sabal

cobble nobble knobble squabble wobble Chandler wobble jobble conjobble hobble moble gobble gobble bobble obol allowable dowable tabl marble enmarble immarble Mona marble garble barbal barbel copyable expiable inexpiable pitiable unpitiable dutiable differentiable associable delineable payable unpayable impayable

playable unplayable ungainsayable unemployable irreconciliable conciliable talliable malleable unmalleable immalleable amiable unamiable irremeable permeable semipermeable impermeable enviable repleviable irrepleviable leviable imperviable deviable remediable irremediable appropriable variable invariable unvariable buriable marriable fanciable merciable voluble revoluble resoluble irresoluble

soluble insoluble dissoluble indissoluble re-soluble valuable irrevoluble chasuble evacuable rescuable issuable inarguable knowable unknowable sewable tangible kibble imperscriptible inscriptible prescriptible imprescriptible contemptible corruptible incorruptible uncorruptible perceptible imperceptible susceptible insusceptible unsusceptible deceptible receptible discerptible indiscerptible partible impartible

incoctible ductible conductible deductible irreductible destructible indestructible protectible intellectible perfectible imperfectible defectible indefectible appetible compatible incompatible incontrovertible invertible convertible inconvertible indivertible irresistible existible inexhaustible combustible incombustible suggestible contra-suggestible digestible indigestible comestible hinnible exponible disponible cannibal Hannibal

discernible indiscernible undiscernible impunible nibble snibble quibble inexpungible fungible intangible frangible infrangible refrangible irrefrangible colligible negligible intelligible unintelligible eligible ineligible corrigible incorrigible dirigible exigible legible illegible unimmergible insubmergible gullible delible indelible fallible infallible alible dissolvible resolvible

chibol vendible unvendible descendible mandible fluidible corrodible incorrodible audible inaudible credible incredible edible inedible eludible ineludible dibble reperible horrible pribble cribble scribble scribble bescribble thurible fribble gribble turrible dribble terrible inferrible thribble bibble ribible evasible visible

invisible divisible indivisible undivisible imprevisible risible derisible decomposible corrosible plausible implausible feasible infeasible unfeasible defeasible indefeasible fusible infusible confusible diffusible conclusible persuasible suasible inevasible possible unpossible impossible compossible incompossible cognoscible incognoscible docible flexible inflexible reflexible sponsible

responsible irresponsible vincible invincible convincible inconvincible tensible ostensible inostensible extensible inextensible distensible prehensible comprehensible reprehensible irreprehensible apprehensible inapprehensible fencible defensible indefensible sensible insensible unsensible expansible concupiscible amissible permissible impermissible incommiscible inamissible miscible omissible immiscible remissible irremissible

admissible inadmissible submissible transmissible indicible forcible enforcible fermentescible insuppressible irrepressible impressible unimpressible compressible incompressible inexpressible vitrescible putrescible imputrescible gressible intransgressible immarcescible accessible inaccessible concessible passible impassible irascible submersible insubmersible introversible conversible eversible reversible irreversible incoercible produceable

producible unproducible unreproducible irreproducible inducible deducible reducible irreducible inconclusible lucible crucible protrusible ciboule vignoble coble noble unnoble ennoble ignoble global Froebel roble corbel warble bauble libel belibel intertribal tribal Bible wamble wimble-wamble timbal nimble wimble limbal

fimble gimbal dimble thimble cymbal symbol clavicymbal cumble scumble tumble rough-and-tumble rumble-tumble stumble humble-jumble jumble jumbal humble unhumble fumble mumble mum-mumble chumble dumble crumble scrumble grumble drumble drumble thrumble rumble bumble umbel atremble tremble resemble assemble

reassemble pre-assemble disassemble semble dissemble skimble-skamble scamble shamble hamble famble gamble gambol cramble scramble unscramble descramble bramble peramble ramble amble preamble foible pubble stubble nubble knubble Hubble gubble double redouble scrubble trouble grubble rubble hubble-bubble abubble

bubble pebble treble rebel pibble-pabble scabble shable jabble gibble-gabble gabble dabble bedabble prabble scribble-scrabble scrabble ribble-rabble grabble drabble bedrabble brabble rabble bibble-babble babble wirble herbal verbal deverbal preverbal burble papable capable incapable escapable inescapable shapable unshapable

unstoppable droppable worshipable mancipable participable imparticipable ropeable culpable inculpable palpable impalpable unpickupable suppable tappable unflappable inextirpable episcopable developable keepable dupable ungraspable drawable unchallengeable vengeable pacable takable unmistakable shakeable unshakeable unslakable makable unmakable unlockable unshrinkable drinkable thinkable

unthinkable unsinkable unbankable remarkable unremarkable manducable educable ineducable uneducable undrinkable unpickable suspicable despicable practicable unpracticable impracticable domesticable masticable communicable incommunicable excommunicable multiplicable replicable applicable inapplicable duplicable explicable inexplicable modificable sacrificable trafficable inimicable amicable medicable immedicable predicable

impredicable eradicable irradicable ineradicable extricable inextricable fabricable locable smokable unsmokable vocable revokable likeable unlikeable dislikeable strikable peccable impeccable insecable packable placable unplacable implacable workable unworkable collocable provocable invocable unequivocable revocable irrevocable evocable speakable unspeakable cascabel comfortable

uncomfortable discomfortable educatable hatable manipulatable isolatable untranslatable illustratable rateable debatable acceptable inacceptable unacceptable adaptable inadaptable inevictable predictable unpredictable ineluctable expectable respectable unrespectable disrespectable indetectable injectable collectable unelectable delectable indelectable tractable intractable untractable retractable irretractable actable unactable

reputable disreputable executable statutable unstatutable refutable irrefutable contributable indistributable merchantable warrantable unpaintable unprintable accountable unaccountable countable uncountable insurmountable unsurmountable demountable unpreventable presentable irrepresentable tenantable lamentable precipitable hospitable inhospitable marketable equitable inequitable cogitable incogitable vegetable profitable unprofitable

domitable indomitable inimitable illimitable imitable transmittable evitable inevitable creditable increditable discreditable hereditable interpretable irritable inirritable heritable inheritable unmeritable veritable charitable uncharitable habitable inhabitable uninhabitable dubitable indubitable undubitable intransitable resuscitable acetable potable impotable notable quotable floatable votable

supportable insupportable unsupportable portable unportable reportable transportable mainmortable shiftable unshiftable delightable indictable excitable inexcitable cuttable irrebuttable redoubtable pettable wettable lettable unforgettable gettable regrettable settable pattable uncome-at-able palatable unpalatable unrepeatable completable incompletable unmeetable treatable unbeatable eatable uneatable

deputable imputable computable incomputable disputable indisputable inexecutable permutable commutable incommutable mutable immutable transmutable unrecruitable scrutable inscrutable suitable unsuitable tasteable wastable Whitstable constable Dunstable listable resistible irresistable gustable ingustable testable contestable incontestable detestable prestable satiable insatiable unsatiable

washable unstanchable unquenchable justiciable punishable dispunishable inextinguishable distinguishable indistinguishable undistinguishable perishable imperishable negotiable sociable insociable unsociable dissociable appreciable inappreciable unexceptionable objectionable unobjectionable actionable conscionable unconscionable pensionable unmentionable proportionable impressionable unimpressionable fashionable unfashionable irrationable abominable governable ungovernable

questionable unquestionable pardonable unpardonable treasonable reasonable unreasonable seasonable unseasonable listenable unlistenable personable unattainable maintainable unmaintainable obtainable unobtainable sustainable inexplainable trainable unrestrainable irrestrainable alienable inalienable unalienable inagglutinable winnable imaginable unimaginable disciplinable indisciplinable nominable innominable denominable eliminable ineliminable

discriminable laminable examinable terminable interminable determinable indeterminable undeterminable exterminable germinable convenable medicinable intonable inclinable declinable indeclinable linable finable definable indefinable mineable combinable designable damnable designable inoppugnable inexpugnable pregnable impregnable punnable runnable un-pin-downable tenable untenable renable scannable

returnable unreturnable companionable commonable machinable amenable convenable incunable tunable untunable equable inequable unequable indissociable interchangeable changeable unchangeable exchangeable manageable unmanageable knowledgeable negligeable marriageable unmarriageable unbridgeable violable inviolable isolable scalable unscalable available unavailable unassailable saleable unsaleable resaleable

contemplable manipulable inoculable articulable calculable incalculable circulable triangulable stimulable formulable regulable coagulable incoagulable unkillable willable assimilable inenubilable monosyllable polysyllable octosyllable hyperdisyllable tetrasyllable hendecasyllable syllable disyllable trisyllable incontrollable uncontrollable consolable inconsolable unconsolable irreconcilable inappellable untellable unsellable preallable

interpolable unappealable peelable irrepealable unreelable semblable dissemblable schoolable rulable laughable effable ineffable affable unfathomable tameable untameable unnameable unreclaimable irreclaimable blameable unblameable framable estimable inestimable illachrymable imperformable formable conformable inconformable unconformable disconformable deformable indeformable reformable unreformable irreformable

unfilmable unclimbable hummable flammable inflammable uninflammable customable redeemable irredeemable presumable consumable inconsumable subjugable litigable mitigable immitigable fatigable defatigable indefatigable investigable colligable delegable obligable navigable unnavigable innavigable irrigable segregable huggable propagable irrefragable abrogable unfatiguable savable unsavable cultivable

uncultivable liveable unlivable forgivable unforgivable dissolvable resolvable unresolvable irresolvable solvable insolvable unsolvable salvable survivable revivable indeprivable derivable lovable unlovable reservable observable inobservable unobservable unbelievable irrelievable irretrievable imperceivable conceivable inconceivable unconceivable deceivable receivable movable unmovable immovable removable

irremovable provable unprovable irreprovable improvable unimprovable watchable approachable inapproachable unapproachable unreproachable irreproachable untouchable matchable unmatchable unsearchable unimpeachable teachable unteachable unreachable persuadable unpersuadable impersuadable indissuadable tradable gradable biodegradable dependable independable undependable expendable commendable unmendable vendable understandable ununderstandable

formidable informidable biddable oxidable inoxidable roadable laudable illaudable gildable slidable ridable unridable decidable undecidable unavoidable voidable pleadable leadable readable unreadable perspirable imperspirable inquirable desirable undesirable vaporable operable inoperable interoperable incorporable comparable incomparable uncomparable temperable preparable reparable

irreparable separable inseparable evaporable vituperable recuperable irrecuperable superable insuperable respirable irrespirable pleasurable unpleasurable leisurable measurable commeasurable unmeasurable immeasurable treasurable inconquerable unconquerable motorable filterable alterable inalterable unalterable inutterable unutterable commensurable incommensurable mensurable immensurable honourable dishonourable vulnerable invulnerable

generable ingenerable venerable mannerable irremunerable tolerable intolerable indecipherable undecipherable sufferable insufferable unsufferable preferable irreferable perforable imperforable admirable memorable unmemorable immemorable numerable innumerable denumerable favourable unfavourable disfavourable pulverable recoverable unrecoverable irrecoverable indiscoverable inseverable indisseverable picturable unpicturable culturable

ponderable imponderable considerable inconsiderable unrememberable irrememberable commiserable miserable exorable inexorable answerable unanswerable barrable execrable penetrable impenetrable arbitrable demonstrable indemonstrable ministrable registrable frustrable infrustrable hearable figurable saturable insaturable procurable curable incurable manurable perdurable durable endurable indurable unendurable

storable restorable deplorable inexplorable adorable irrepairable wearable declarable bearable unbearable integrable disintegrable manoeuvrable quadrable inerrable parable sparable inenarrable arable inarable inferable transferable intransferable demurrable colourable pasturable agreeable unagreeable disagreeable seeable foreseeable probable equiprobable improbable scribable describable

indescribable undescribable bribable clubbable imperturbable indisturbable grazeable erasable inerasable cognizable incognizable opposable unopposable insupposable posable decomposable indecomposable transposable disposable closable despisable organizable unrecognizable irrecognizable localizable unrealizable irrealizable devisable advisable inadvisable unadvisable inoxidizable prizeable metrizable polarizable sizeable

unsizeable appeasable inappeasable unappeasable squeezable pleasable seizable irrecusable excusable inexcusable confusable diffusable usable losable unlosable oathable renewable unrenewable subduable uneschewable doable undoable construable inconstruable suable sewable unreplaceable irreplaceable ineffaceable untraceable irretraceable insurpassable unsurpassable passable unpassable unrepassable

irrepassable impassable taxable compensable dispensable indispensable incondensable noticeable unmissable replevisable irreplevisable serviceable unserviceable purchasable intarissable forceable enforceable unenforceable incessable intraversable conversable peaceable unpeaceable nebel feeble enfeeble gibel Siebel ensemble tubal bubal rouble nasal orinasal prenasal witch hazel

hazel phrasal frazil schnozzle nozzle snozzle swazzle mozzle shemozzle schlimazel dozzle spike-bozzle sozzle schnitzel donzel pizzle squizzle twizzle swizzle fizzle mizzle chisel crizzle frizzle grizzle drizzle zizel sizzle interposal proposal supposal deposal reposal disposal hosel losel

menopausal causal acausal premisal disguisal supervisal uprisal reprisal isel incisal damsel streusel puzzle bepuzzle nuzzle snuzzle fuzzle muzzle muzzle unmuzzle guzzle spousal espousal tousle housel mousle carousal chesil bezzle bezel embezzle razzle-dazzle adazzle dazzle bedazzle frazzle

brazil razzle basil mangel-wurzel wurzel teasel weasel measle diesel easel recusal excusal hypotenusal refusal snoozle foozle bamboozle debamboozle ouzel brothel zenithal alecithal bethel ethel athel lethal parabasal basal apostle jostle glossal hypoglossal colossal ichnofossil nannofossil fossil

dossal dossel throstle copsole fore-topsail skepsel parcel Newcastle castle metatarsal tarsometatarsal tarsal warsle varsal noxal pixel forecastle Weichsel Texel nexal plexal wraxle transaxle axle axal axel spritsail quetzal pretzel platzel tiercel sponsal consul proconsul tonsil chancel

tinsel auncel studding-sail stunsail Munsell gunsel counsel council discounsel pencel pencil utensil commensal mensal sensal cancel precancel handsel gansel rancel epistle Nissl twistle twisel whistle wissel fissle cacomistle mistle missal dismissal pedicel gristle bristle barbicel abyssal

hypabyssal thowthistle thistle Sicel scissel dickcissel callosal squamosal petrosal morsel dorsal ensorcell tolsel sisal plimsoll corpuscle pussel tussle hustle muscle mussel brustle rustle Russell Jack Russell arbuscle abustle bustle groundsel pestle TESL nestle wessel vessel Horst Wessel chessel

deasil pressel trestle wrestle passel tassel detassel duniwassal hassle rear-vassal vassal envassal dispersal succursal nursle hirsle hirsel rehearsal demersal quaquaversal traversal versal universal reversal transversal birsle ursal kiepersol tattersall reesle eassel occlusal ale ail Yale

pale pail scolopale propale impale spale kale lang-kale percale scale skail upscale Likert scale Beaufort scale downscale Mercalli scale wholescale marquois scale unscale descale tale tael tail day-tale long-tail springtail ringtail bangtail whiptail cocktail rat-tail yellowtail fishtail aventail pintail pen-tail

ventail fantail tenmantale swallowtail portail tickle-tail tattle-tale draggle-tail squirrel-tail tell-tale hightail pigtail wagtail ragtail dovetail red-tail detail retail bobtail entail disentail curtail fee tail stale foxtail cat's-tail rat's-tail horsetail shale shail nail hangnail clout-nail thumbnail agnail treenail

hobnail unnail tenaille snail whale wale wail ca'ing whale quail squail in-wale sperm whale dwale sei whale bewail swale jail enjail hale hail inhale exhale flail faille fail jeofail martingale nightingale farthingale galingale yaffingale male mail blackmail Ishmael greenmail

airmail camail fermail vermeil female email dismail gale Gael planigale abigail regale Fine Gael vale vail veil travail fortravail paravail avail countervail surveil disavail enveil unveil prevail dale Chippendale rundale Groenendael Vierendeel Wensleydale Corriedale Swaledale Airedale amygdale

Scamperdale Clydesdale Nithsdale rail rayl trail contrail entrail disentrail monorail frail Ofrail fife-rail taffrail grail sangrail engrail drail Pedrail head-rail Motorail Braille brail Israel nonpareil serail churel derail bale bail corbeil bael embale grisaille sale sail

staysail wassail topsail foresail wholesale off-sale lugsail chevesaile parasail asail assail oversail resale resail ol Romagnol Guignol Grand Guignol Poll pol gossypol Interpol Teepol colcol. coll col guaiacol phthiocol Sokol chloramphenicol eschatocol glycol Acol glycocoll

protocol pinacol schol Priscol raskol lactol ethambutol pentitol mannitol xylitol erythritol threitol sorbitol ribitol resitol hexitol inositol dulcitol maltol phytol metol atoll amatol ketol VTOL STOL V/STOL stanol Rohypnol Nitinol retinol quinol clioquinol eugenol luminol rhodinol

carbinol cannabinol resorcinol orcinol phloroglucinol minol ethchlorvynol propanol Tylenol mestranol zeranol methanol ethanol stenol phenol bisphenol isoproterenol enol AWOL quoll geraniol borneol oestriol sclareol Ichthyol Nujol manool linalool alcohol gasohol loll xylol pyrogallol salol santalol sotalol

atenolol oxprenolol propranolol timolol metoprolol tol-lol propofol oestradiol diol triol thiol moll muscimol formol thymol paracetamol salbutamol ichthammol Komsomol protargol argol Algol hypergol Lugol googol vol catechol doll Barbie doll aldol Panadol glycerol carvacrol quinestrol stilboestrol hexoestrol

sterol viosterol nerol tol-de-rol styrol hydrol pipradrol fenoterol furfurol boteroll clenbuterol sitosterol lanosterol ergosterol cholesterol stigmasterol tocopherol kaempferol calciferol ergocalciferol Pomerol Demerol dicoumarol Faverolle erythrol chaebol Cobol SNOBOL phorbol dennebol tetrobol benzol podzol resol menthol Lithol

naphthol sol taxol planosol Inceptisol Entisol cortisol Ultisol Vertisol plastisol farnesol Mollisol pergelisol Alfisol Aridisol Oxisol Spodosol Lysol TESOL latosol organosol regosol entresol girasol aerosol hydrosol parasol creosol cresol Eusol Delasol towel jowel howel vowel

dowel trowel bowel disembowel disbowel sowel jarl seyal gayal parle imparl carl pakhal tical musicale pokal locale buscarl Pascal taal hartal Frankenthal Simmental Rosenthal puntal Cantal Santal Emmental Neanderthal tarentaal portal Tzeltal gnarl knarl Internationale

rationale banal monal tunal snarl snick-snarl ensnarl wharl poil toile kotwal qawwal gharial kinjal harl nahal mahal Zahal halal farl marl Amal shamal hammal romal gall pedregal Sahiwal Petzval dhal darl Kjeldahl Widal rale kraal austral

mayoral temporale corral pastorale lingua geral morale chorale terral timbale speisesaal real corial dhyal sal mussal provenccedale Provenccedal participial troupial marsupial pharyngeal hypopharyngeal syringeal phalangeal tracheal brachial antebrachial bronchial branchial ultimobranchial monarchial parochial ischial lacteal popliteal

perichaetial puteal luteal parosteal ostial celestial supercelestial subcelestial agrestial forestial bestial moustachial minutial domanial cranial geranial pineal pectineal interlineal lineal rectilineal unilineal curvilineal patrilineal matrilineal finial dominial vineal colonial neo-colonial monial harmonial sanctimonial antimonial testimonial patrimonial

matrimonial ceremonial baronial balneal somnial septennial octennial vigintennial centennial sesquicentennial quasquicentennial tricentennial bicentennial tercentennial quatercentennial quinquennial millennial post-millennial premillennial novennial quadrennial perennial triennial biennial sexennial decennial duodecennial vicennial Domdaniel penial genial homogeneal heterogeneal ungenial congenial incongenial

uncongenial primigenial splenial menial hymenial venial xenial cuneal colloquial ventriloquial exequial laryngeal velopharyngeal vestigial effigial coccygeal collegial Nel Baal loyal illoyal goyal surroyal royal unroyal pennyroyal nucleal filial unfilial grandfilial ileal pallial Belial neuroepithelial epitaphial samiel

monomial multinomial uninomial polynomial trinomial binomial cnemial vindemial endemial gremial oblivial convivial trivial quadrivial lixivial Novial synovial jovial colluvial diluvial intrapluvial pluvial interfluvial fluvial alluvial eluvial illuvial stadial perradial radial cardial mondial prandial postprandial anteprandial preprandial

iridial presidial sympodial custodial allodial melodial enarthrodial cordial precordial primordial stapedial intermedial medial remedial predial preludial ideal unideal beau ideal real patrial sinuatrial vitriol industrial trimestrial bimestrial pedestrial superterrestrial subterrestrial terrestrial imperial material immaterial arterial hyparterial eparterial

bacterial colleterial presbyterial psalterial monasterial posterial ministerial interministerial magisterial mysterial manerial venereal funereal managerial ferial peripherial sidereal ethereal metethereal cereal serial uniserial biserial purpureal curial mercurial centurial manurial urial virial seignorial corporeal incorporeal enchorial repertorial reportorial

Mercatorial piscatorial natatorial dictatorial visitatorial saltatorial gestatorial examinatorial combinatorial repugnatorial venatorial senatorial gubernatorial equatorial grallatorial prefatorial purgatorial lavatorial laboratorial oratorial imperatorial improvisatorial accusatorial viatorial proprietorial scriptorial sartorial doctorial tinctorial pictorial auctorial reductorial suctorial inspectorial tectorial electorial

prefectorial vectorial rectorial sectorial factorial executorial cantorial monitorial volitorial auditorial editorial decretorial territorial exterritorial inquisitorial visitorial motorial advertorial praetorial tutorial storial textorial consistorial manorial honorial Floreal loreal phosphoreal armorial marmoreal memorial immemorial categorial sororial boreal arboreal

Preboreal oriel fossorial uxorial responsorial tonsorial agrimensorial censorial sensorial scansorial gressorial insessorial cursorial riparial vicarial secretarial sectarial notarial seminarial glareal malarial Marial ovarial Prairial areal aerial ariel actuarial estuarial nitro-aerial diarial subaerial adversarial commissarial bursarial hypochondrial

burial equilibrial funebrial super-real surreal unreal labial bilabial tibial proverbial adverbial connubial beal neurohypophysial cervisial symposial roseal mesial bathyal interglacial hypaxial epaxial syntaxial adaxial paraxial axial monaxial uniaxial coaxial triaxial biaxial abaxial uncial carnassial Sercial

cupule lunule pendule pullpull tapul push-pull aul jokul karakul spongiole tracheole bronchiole bracteole petiole ostiole cineole foliole strophiole radiole capriole centriole arteriole gloriole aureole oriole variole ovariole carriole dariole manul wool eis wool lambswool cotton wool vacuole

full - selfful - lifeful playful wrongful songful meaningful worshipful unworshipful hopeful unhopeful helpful unhelpful sleepful loopful powerful unpowerful jarful vengeful revengeful wakeful thankful unthankful wreckful wrackful workful stomachful rebukeful hateful fateful grateful ingrateful ungrateful potful startful artful

destructful suspectful respectful unrespectful irrespectful disrespectful neglectful tactful vauntful pointful eventful uneventful resentful unresentful witful fitful sportful overthoughtful thoughtful unthoughtful shiftful spiteful despiteful lightful delightful undelightful sprightful frightful rightful unrightful doubtful undoubtful forgetful fretful regretful threatful

hurtful deceitful undeceitful snootful fruitful unfruitful tasteful distasteful wasteful ghastful wistful listful tristful lustful gustful disgustful trustful mistrustful distrustful restful unrestful feastful tearful fearful cheerful uncheerful sorrowful loathful wishful refreshful gashful bashful unbashful painful unpainful plainful

gainful ungainful disdainful skinful sinful unsinful moanful mournful panful manful yearnful earnful teenful tuneful untuneful bountiful plentiful pitiful unpitiful dutiful undutiful beautiful unbeautiful folliful bellyful widdiful weariful pensiful fanciful merciful unmerciful shoful woeful lawful unlawful orful

awful scuttleful needleful wailful baleful skilful unskilful wilful unwilful doleful soulful guileful laughful eyeful overcareful careful uncareful prayerful shameful harmful stormful timeful jugful behoveful loveful nieveful joyful unjoyful watchful unwatchful reproachful guardful regardful disregardful mindful unmindful

remindful handful bodeful tideful dreadful gladful sadful speedful needful unneedful overmasterful masterful wunnerful wonderful sobful praiseful easeful museful overfull faithful unfaithful wrathful healthful mouthful deathful worthful mirthful youthful truthful untruthful soothful rueful chock-full graceful ungraceful disgraceful

sexful senseful remissful forceful remorseful unremorseful resourceful voiceful houseful distressful successful unsuccessful purposeful peaceful unpeaceful useful unuseful hangul Iatmul simool omul gul bull bulbul John Bull sul visual casual arcual pascual perceptual conceptual preceptual precinctual prepunctual

intellectual affectual tactual actual conventual percentual accentual auditual unspiritual ritual obitual situal virtual textual contextual continual bimanual annual triannual biannual soliflual fuel vidual dividual unindividual residual tribual televisual photovisual intersexual parasexual sexual asexual psychosexual monosexual homosexual

heterosexual unsexual pan-sexual unisexual ambisexual ambosexual bisexual transsexual mensual supersensual censual sensual unsensual consensual processual usual unusual eventual tissual shewel gradual punctual unpunctual effectual ineffectual counterfactual contrafactual factual contractual spiritual habitual perpetual commutual mutual mutuel cruel

menstrual postmenstrual premenstrual gruel koel nowel muisvoeumll ilill yill pill neuropil pupil spill overspill kill ronquil Jekyll Danakil overkill underkill skil skill unskill til 'til till exemptile sectile Thermolactyl Largactil hermodactyl pterodactyl dactyl artiodactyl

monodactyl perissodactyl syndactyl polydactyl didactyl tractile intractile tormentil pontil quintile ventil dentil trotyl tortile ramtil exsertile portatile gumbotil baetyl utile inutile sutile rutile coutil intill until still apostil postil pistil standstill instil unstill distil bestill shill

nil nill proguanil succinyl wornil vinyl pennill marmennill anil Sernyl Tofranil manille will quill jonquil tranquil squill pasquil twill poor-will whippoorwill pinswell unwill self-will goodwill free will swill gill jill propargyl argil strongyle vigil strigil sigil aspergill

pugil knawel louping-ill hill dunghill uphill downhill molehill sand-hill Windmill Hill Sam Hill lil lill mersalyl Phil fill scotophil polychromatophil xanthophyll mesophyll infill prophyll ocnophil fuchsinophil eosinophil sildenafil spermophile logophile underfill leprophil sclerophyll chlorophyll basophil refill overfill infill

fulfil overfulfil refill mil mill amil armil sawmill windmill Tamil uramil vermil verapamil Drinamyl benomyl Bogomil per mil gill ville vill bidonville venville anvil titivil Decauville Rhovyl chervil Baskerville Hooverville vaudeville Townsville dullsville Squaresville endsville Seville chill

archil kanchil orchil dill lepospondyl spondyle temnospondyl condyle epicondyle mandil idyll minoxidil Placidyl codille odyl daffodil Tenby daffodil affodill Bobadil spadille rille rill femerell glyceryl lauryl prill April krill trill pentryl citril nytril tetryl shrill frill grille

grill chargrill vril Bovril scurrile drill tendril spandrel mandrill espadrille quadrille tredrille peril imperil chrysoberyl beryl aril scopperil Soneryl carbaryl brill fibril myofibril nombril umbril thrill athrill arctophile bill stabile waybill labile cock-bill spoonbill sibyl locomobile

mobile sparrow-bill sorbile bulbil twibill habile unhabile gerbil cross-bill crossbill waxbill manzil Brazil fusil Kizil thill sylsill dossil hydroxyl metalaxyl axil Tzotzil Vitreosil glycosyl stencil sensile spancel verticil emissile codicil mofussil gracile Serpasil Prontosil uracil

alguacil pusill ole pole poll maypole Gallup poll bibliopole octupole sextupole quadrupole stunpoll rantipole multipole doddypoll quadripole lodge-pole dipole catchpole redpoll tadpole turcopole monopole metropole pinjrapol cole coal kohl Kol pratincole charcoal clear-cole caulicole limicole Bovey coal

muscicole borecole caracole skol tole toll quintole phenetole sotol skatole citole stole sextole extol pistole shoal Knole noll knoll Seminole jobbernowl jowl cajole hole whole holl loophole gunk-hole pothole shot-hole linnet-hole porthole rat-hole buttonhole pinhole pigeon-hole

downhole dene-hole hidey-hole glory-hole swallow-hole jaw-hole high-hole dream-hole water-hole gnamma hole keyhole foal in-foal mole moul septimole dipyridamole osmole goal in-goal vole Huichol dole dhole dol dhol girandole indole farandole condole role roll squatarole glycerole prole scroll

enscroll inscroll escroll troll patrol decontrol control uncontrol stroll ragman roll pyrrole virole safrole logroll droll squadrol barcarole escarole counter-roll profiterole rigmarole fumarole banderole azarole fusarole casserole parole parol uproll enrol unroll Sheol creole bole boll bowl

obole sobole amphibole rocambole carambole triazole imidazole azole methimazole indazole thiabendazole metronidazole niridazole tetrazole pyrazole co-trimoxazole oxazole isoxazole thole anethole cabriole sole soul console insole turnsole camisole rissole typhlosole ensoul unsoul console orle all orl

awl y'all yawl pall Paul pawl appal tappal impall epaule spall spawl call caul cawl cockall catcall pachycaul amplexicaul jackal leptocaul overcall incall recall becall miscall scall tall shortall stall laystall uninstall forestall homestall wormstall install

forestall withal wherewithal schorl shawl wall whorl waul quarl hickwall squall outwall inwall stonewall woodwall side-wall gadwall caterwaul enwall brinjal know-all hall haul Whitehall outhaul inhaul keelhaul overhaul overhaul Vauxhall box-haul bankshall fall backfall pitfall shortfall

rainfall onfall infall downfall windfall landfall waterfall overfall overfall to-fall befall misfall maul bemaul small gall Gaul Bengal Donegal save-all devall chawl end-all holdall bradawl wrawl sprawl asprawl crawl acrawl scrawl bescrawl trawl cure-all dare-all drawl

overall coverall brawl thrall enthral disenthral we-all be-all ball bawl fireball trap-ball football paintball spitball racket-ball corn-ball buckyball volleyball stow-ball snowball lowball korfball puffball highball eyeball handball Skeeball b-ball mothball screwball emball baseball do-all miaul overall

saxaul isle aisle pile stockpile micropyle aeolipyle propyl woodpile prosopyle compile spile quile chyle kyle alkyl tile coleoptile heptyl reptile herptile partile coctile octyl fictile ductile inductile trajectile projectile subjectile supellectile erectile insectile tactile lactyl

protractile contractile retractile fractile refractile fluviatile serpentile mercantile infantile pontile quantile pentyl gentile Ventile percentile centile pantile mesityl acetyl motile immotile protyle quartile trityl fertile infertile unfertile aquatile volatile involatile vibratile umbratile saxatile chrysotile pulsatile versatile

ketyl cetyl futile butyl ilmenorutile stile style Stijl diastyle hostile textile sextile bissextile pycnostyle turnstile epistyle peristyle systyle prostyle distyle decastyle octastyle cyclostyle amphiprostyle substyle eustyle instyle De Stijl restyle Nile plutonyl uranyl anile nonyl ethynyl zirconyl

juvenile carbonyl penile phenyl diphenyldiphenyl biphenyl senile West Nile while wile erstwhile meanwhile umquhile somewhile dwile wait-a-while awhile erewhile worthwhile oleyl vagile fragile agile pantoyl fumaroyl heil lisle tolyl xylyl silyl allyl diallyl mecholyl file lyophile

bibliophile nucleophile Hellenophile Anglophile thermophile paedophile heterophile zoophile Indophile profile discophile xenophile Hispanophile halophile homophile extremophile gramophile ailurophile Negrophile hydrophile serrefile colombophile enfile defile befile rank and file mile amyl chromyl formyl camomile smile guile gyle argyle beguile

unbeguile vile Weyl servile revile audile crocodile cacodyl aedile rile Reil capryl Laetrile acrylonitrile nitrile nitryl ceryl sulphuryl puerile furyl virile styryl Fair Isle idryl sulphydryl sterile aryl furfuryl phosphoryl febrile afebrile bile stabile mobile immobile strobile

debile Kabyle nubile visile abseil jezail resile naphthyl ethyl methyl polymethyl dimethyl trimethyl diethyl triethyl enisle sile acyl pipsyl alkoxyl indoxyl nitroxyl carboxyl methoxyl ethoxyl hexyl flexile exile axile ribosyl reconcile pensile tensile extensile distensile prehensile

expansile salicyl melissyl fissile domicile missile dodecyl decyl scissile tosyl docile indocile glycyl myricyl decile cessile sessile facile nitrosyl cresyl asile fusile protrusile ensile oil spoil unspoil despoil coil Ruhmkorff coil supercoil uncoil recoil toil entoil

etoile estoile noil train-oil Hoyle fusel oil foil cinquefoil septfoil hydrofoil tin foil caprifoil milfoil trefoil quatrefoil aerofoil Fianna Faacuil sixfoil sexfoil moil palm oil turmoil bemoil gargoyle voile choil Daacuil stand oil roil scroyle petroil stroil broil charbroil embroil disembroil

boil parboil garboil aboil reboil Dippel's oil soil subsoil assoil besoil cull scull skull popskull numskull stull null annul disannul hull monohull multihull ahull lull Elul mull mulmull gull seagull Sabine's gull dull bedull trull sumbul sull

owl yowl cowle cowl scowl jowl howl foul fowl garefowl wildfowl waterfowl peafowl afoul befoul gowl dowl prowl growl cue-owl Tengmalm's owl sowl el ell Pre-Raphael yell Pell sapropel lapel propel depel repel impel compel

rappel spell expel unspell dispel bespell misspell evangel kel quel kell lumachelle skell tell Tactel intel Pentel apartotel OFtel patel brocatelle moschatel muscatel bagatelle bretelle artel clientele pointelle dentelle hotel floatel motel botel foretell immortelle Vittel

retell coutel mistell coastel stell Prestel barbastelle shell soft-shell eggshell hardshell tortoiseshell oyster-shell rachel echelle Rochelle inshell unshell Gros Michel knell pimpernel Inconel quenelle fontanelle villanelle jargonelle organelle personnel cyanelle Fresnel ritournelle ulvospinel Brinell ritornel lunel snell

well say-well quell Bakewell Rockwell Norman Rockwell ecuelle fare-you-well downwell Greenwell ne'er-do-well Cromwell dwell speedwell indwell Boswell do-well unwell downwell farewell swellswell Maxwell overswell gel jell plastigel aerogel hell rakehell sahel inhell parallel fell Grenfell mel

mell columel oxymel Philomel bchamel oenomel calomel hydromel caramel pell-mell mamelle jumelle smell vell kvell Machiavel volvelle caravel tavelle Tavel nouvelle nutshell del dell aludel hydel asphodel cadelle frikkadel Muscadelle sardelle rondelle hirondelle chandelle cordelle bordel

orchestrelle pipistrelle Clifden nonpareil picarel becquerel chanterelle aquarelle morel saurel tourelle naturelle ex rel. belle bel Bell bonnibel decibel lowbell dumb-bell jebel Isabel Jezebel Dowsabel mirabelle bluebell qualup bell debel rebel Cencibel Nobel pig-bel gabelle gazelle demoiselle Moselle Mam'selle

vielle kyrielle noel Nowel cell sell Rouget cell voxel involucel lioncel onsell Tencel pennoncel lenticel Hadley cell radicel rubicelle photocell Renshaw cell sickle-cell Tricel filoselle Kupffer cell nacelle oversell undersell carousel marcel excel superexcel outsell pucelle encell unsell micelle resell

pre-sell alorignal pal Lupercal caracal decal metical lo-cal mescal hexobarbital acetal kotal nital ketal Natal shall Seconal ethanal retinal Tuinal Pergonal sulphonal piperonal methanal canal waal tal qual lall methylal salal fal-lal malmall Samal

plasmal grand mal pall-mall petit mal gal egall Val Taceval chal Kamchadal picral citral neral chloral furfural falderal chaparral bal sambal atabal cabal ghazal Pentothal pentathol Bual salle sal glyoxal earl tilleul perle Peulh pearl pirl purl

Mikimoto pearl mother-of-pearl impearl curl uncurl becurl skirl tirl shirl knurl whirl querl squirl twirl awhirl swirl aswirl herl hurl furl unfurl merle mirl murl girl gurl playgirl Gibson girl schoolgirl amuse-gueule Teddy girl virl chirl churl dirl birle

birl burl thirl familial amotivational adrenal osmolal sewellel ural hymeneal genial peroneal hypogeal epigeal riel empyreal port-a-beul variceal tewel newel renewal dual duel subdual jewel enjewel bejewel crewel construal eel peal peel spiel kinderspiel

appeal unpeel repeal spele speel spiel glockenspiel bonspiel kriegspiel Ouled Nail keel cyul vakeel skeel teal teil atteal cockatiel genteel ungenteel stele steal steel dictyostele unsteel meristele Castile bastille sheel shiel neal kneel cochineal anele anneal chenille

vanille manchineel Marchal Niel wheal weal wheel weel squeal tuile cartwheel atweel pin-wheel stern-wheel Pelton wheel commonweal aiguille awheel aweel enwheel sweal Ferris wheel jheel congeal uncongeal hele heal heel self-heal unhele leal allele feal feel fiel forefeel meal

flockmeal oatmeal wheatmeal fistmele inchmeal limb-meal schlemiel piecemeal veal reveal muncheel deal deil halfendeal fordeal somedeal urodele interdeal diel ordeal misdeal reel creel screel streale streel lamper-eel Kuril unreel Bhil Dormobile snowmobile automobile abele dishabille zeal

Ziehl sele seal seel ceil tar-seal myelocele myelocoele hydrocele difficile imbecile Weddell seal varicocele counter-seal bubonocele epiplocele myelomeningocele underseal hydrocoel tahsil enseal unseal conceal reseal yule pule stipule papule maculopapule spule floccule locule vocule spicule monticule

lenticule denticule reticule poeticule graticule Tschermak's molecule molecule macromolecule vermicule lodicule ridicule radicule aedicule ventricule scrobicule orbicule fascicule versicule corcule animalcule secule macule saccule tentacule nucule floscule opuscule corpuscule ramuscule bascule groupuscule minuscule majuscule tulle noctule

punctule ductule plantule titule intitule spatule tractatule setule mutule pustule frustule pinnule spinule gallinule disseminule zonule faunule venule renule granule saponule whewl petiolule pilule umbellule cellule mule mewl squamule formule gemmule plumule Moscow mule gule ligule virgule

propagule ovule valvule nodule module glandule plastidule schedule reschedule hierodule porule sporule spherule globule lobule barbule conciliabule vestibule nebule tabule tubule lazule capsule encapsule Bowman's capsule Spansule Poole pool pul mill-pool whirlpool ampoule ampul Liverpool Pontypool spool

cesspool unspool cool supercool supercool school old school unschool preschool tool kittul Tarantulle stool joint-stool toadstool faldstool enstool destool shool trisul joule fool damfool befool tomfool mool gool ghoul ispaghul cagoule burghul dool rule Laporte rule strool curule

drool chondrule ferule ferrule glomerule brool zebrule Simpson's rule Gloger's rule jarool overrule unrule misrule Ponsonby rule boule buhl boul chebule babul chiule sool scaife SHAEF waif chafe enchafe straif safe unsafe vouchsafe Coolgardie safe offoff pay-off

play-off drop-off tip-off coff cough - kinkcough take-off break-off Markov pick-off Kalashnikov immensikoff Korsakoff scoff toff lift-off cut-off let-off get-off set-off Molotov cast-off blast-off gonoph spin-off run-off turn-off stroganoff Nassanoff snoff waff quaff Benioff show-off go-off van't Hoff

sail-off cloff pull-off Wolof fall-off peel-off Sylow sloff Oblomov goff BOGOF doff stand-off hand-off lead-off prof trough pentrough shroff boff rub-off philosophe on-off in-off mid-off soph theosoph morosoph 'arf calf carf mooncalf in-calf scarf boxcalf

epitaph tritaph cenotaph staff tipstaff pikestaff distaff primstaff understaff Jacob's staff snarf coiff swarf halfhaaf half behalf larf laugh chaff daff strafe syngraph Graf graff graph skiagraph diagraph sciagraph bibliograph mimeograph pluviograph autoradiograph ballistocardiograph cardiograph ideograph

choreograph phraseograph rayograph heliograph radiograph X-radiograph stereograph helicograph psychograph pictograph hectograph pantograph radioautograph kymograph seismograph ergograph pseudograph micrograph petrograph lithograph isograph Stevengraph epigraph tachygraph integraph Multigraph polygraph telegraph telligraph calligraph serigraph marigraph shadowgraph pistolgraph digraph trigraph

topograph typograph apograph tachograph pneumotachograph cryptograph Dictograph hyetograph photograph microphotograph phonautograph telautograph vortograph autograph chromatograph cinematograph monograph harmonograph chronograph laminagraph phonograph telephonograph klydonograph coronagraph sonograph stenograph holograph oscillograph stylograph profilograph tellograph allograph nomograph homograph thermograph plethysmograph

pneumograph logograph hodograph periodograph vaporograph polarograph photomicrograph spectrograph meteorograph spirograph chirograph hierograph hydrograph paragraph accelerograph chromolithograph hythergraph stethograph opisthograph Petersen graph van de Graaff saraf giraffe barf zarf poof woof wough swoof buffe efif piff spiff

skiff tiff caitiff plaintiff pontiff stiff restiff mastiff Schiff niff sniff Pecksniff whiff quiff skew-whiff iff jiff caliph bailiff spliff cliff Wharncliffe gliff glyph petroglyph diglyph triglyph monotriglyph ditriglyph anaglyph hieroglyph opisthoglyph miff gif viff kerchief

handkerchief neckerchief coverchief mischief difdiff Riff snelskrif wastrife hairif griffe griff hippogriff logogriph Grenzbegriff midriff cauldrife sheriff eriff serif sans serif tariff biff ziff Joseph syph munsif massif oaf toph rechauffe loaf sugar loaf goaf rouf

heterotroph limitrophe prototroph auxotroph orfe orf corf wharf dwarf swarf morph homoeomorph seymouriamorph myomorph enantiomorph theriomorph zoomorph hystricomorph ectomorph endomorph pseudomorph heteromorph neomorph nothomorph skeuomorph isomorph mesomorph polymorph allelomorph anthropomorph pythonomorph palynomorph mygalomorph allomorph homomorph

lagomorph gynandromorph pteromorph golf Wolff Rolf wolf werewolf aardwolf sylph gulf engulf sulphelf pelf skelf shelf mantelshelf Guelph delf monodelph selfself asself do-it-yourself ourself itself ownself unself oneself meself yourself thyself myself himself

herself his-self stife Nife knife jackknife penknife race-knife wife alewife goodwife midwife old wife housewife life low-life wildlife mid-life 'slife fife rife wakerife strife loosestrife umph oomph nymph paranymph lymph wumph humph galumph triumph trumph

grumph harrumph bumf sumph camphwoomph uff puff mullipuff puff-puff bepuff Cuff fisticuff handcuff scuff tuff tough tuff-tuff teuf-teuf stuff unstuff nuff 'nough enough snuff whuff wuff huff luff pluff clough fluff bluff slough fuff

muff guff chuff chough chuff duff huff-duff ruffe ruff rough scruff truff shruff gruff woodruff dandruff overruff through enrough buff rebuff sough ouph howff langlauf dowf sowff eff Kondratieff Tokarev teff chef ganef jeff

aleph clef Kislev deaf ref treff UNICEF afpaff caff Decaf scaff bathyscaphe Taff staph pristaf naff niff-naff kenaf Waaf waff haff sclaff tragelaph faff MAFF gaffe gaff shandygaff giff-gaff chiffchaff daff bedaff RAF raff

riff-raff agraffe draff paraph carafe baff piaffe erf kerf curf scurf turf Astroturf nerf woonerf langue de boeuf serf surf enserf kief tief aperitif leitmotiv metif motif sheaf neif hanif leaf lief out-relief bas-relief make-belief palm leaf

fig-leaf interleaf tea leaf overleaf relief belief unbelief misbelief disbelief fief feoff subfief enfeoff re-enfeoff subinfeoff chief reef reif mutessarif kreef screef grief brief debrief sharif hatti-sherif Tenerife kharif beef thief outfangthief infangthief seif oof ouf

yoof pouf spoof coof Tartuffe whoof woof hoof tunhoof ale-hoof behoof loof kloof witloof aloof goof shadoof roof proof rustproof foolproof splinter-proof waterproof weatherproof approof reproof reproof disproof pent-roof groof unroof vance-roof pie pi maggot-pie

battalia pie occupy preoccupy Woolton pie sampi magpie Walapai Yavapai pak pai fidget pie apple-pie banoffi pie spy espy I-spy kye kai chi cock-eye sockeye pink-eye Sakai buckeye Soka Gakkai pacay makai passacaille rocaille Skye sky ensky tietie tye

Tai Thai habutai titi mai tai Eyetie Iti Getae matai intertie dziggetai Massagetae curriculum vitae Chagatai untie pad thai Mao-tai sty Modistae lachryma Christi Fasti thy shy nye nigh decani Kurnai surnai co-domini Anno Domini Gemini interesse termini dramatis personae Yanktonai anigh

lanai kunai moon-eye Adonai deny well-nigh snye sny wye wai why kahawai twikowhai towai Wai-Wai somewhy Paraguay korowai forwhy swy aye-aye hie high hi vaalhaai ahigh overhie shanghai elhi lie lye Lai

goggle-eye kali ply multiply apply supply misapply oversupply duply reply triply imply comply lazuli lapis lazuli morbilli coli Tolai wall-eye fly mayfly frit-fly stonefly burrel-fly Lobel's catchfly medfly gadfly butterfly overfly shoo-fly shoofly mydas fly gley cancelli ally alkali

Acephali underlie Lorelei ally jai alai overlie underlie July down-lie rely belie sly fie phi tawhai argufy typify torpefy pulpify tepefy happify stupefy obstupefy monkeyfy Turkify Scottify partify artify sanctify unsanctify presanctify fructify objectify subjectify rectify

daintify quantify plentify identify misidentify entify prettify pyritify citify notify fortify refortify mortify stultify acetify interstratify stratify gratify ratify beatify certify decertify beautify unbeautify brutify twistify mystify demystify justify testify plastify Frenchify fishify saponify bonify personify

impersonify dispersonify carnify minify divinify resinify sinify tonify stonify ozonify cornify hornify finify omnify solemnify indemnify damnify malignify lignify dignify undignify ignify signify consignify presignify magnify demagnify manify humanify sanify insanify lenify unify reunify liquefy pinguefy

qualify unqualify disqualify jollify mollify diabolify oversimplify simplify exemplify amplify preamplify vilify probabilify Anglify uglify nullify stellify jellify salify steelify mummify ramify tumefy humify vivify revivify speechify preachify ladyfy modify remodify premodify fecundify dandify lapidify nidify

rigidify solidify humidify dehumidify giddify fluidify acidify codify muddify edify re-edify disedify crudify etherify torrefy historify horrify micrify electrify countrify gentrify vitrify devitrify nitrify denitrify petrify unpetrify metrify putrefy nutrify purify impurify thurify scorify storify glorify

disglorify aurify scarify rarefy transmogrify nigrify chondrify terrify verify saccharify scarify clarify lubrify deify reify babify shabbify syllabify verbify rubify prosify palsify jazzify lithify mythify youthify ossify Gypsyfy glassify detoxify relexify denazify intensify densify sensify silicify

falsify emulsify dulcify calcify decalcify Russify specify pacify opacify classify declassify massify gasify versify diversify crucify lo-fi trophi hi-fi fie-fie sci-fi affy defy satisfy dissatisfy mai mi my maimai haere mai guy Kashgai nannygai nilgai

gilgai gilguy anthropophagi assegai Nogay Songhai laogai vie Vai travail didie dye dai dy Tasaday Tendai Sendai Jedi red-eye dinky-die bedye bobsy-die rye rai wry in fieri pry spry kray cry outcry outcry

decry hue and cry scry descry tritri try mistry suppressio veri samurai a posteriori a priori fry stir-fry refry certiorari dry Swanndri sun-dry adry overdry drip-dry flos ferri caravanserai brei awry terai marae serai surai perai karahi GI biby-

bye bi by buy lay-by up-by alibi go-by bye-bye bimeby rambai mimiambi stand-by rabbi rock-a-bye hushaby lullaby aby forby over-by overbuy Debye passer-by nearby hereby in-bye cheerie-bye bye-bye thereby whereby goodbye by and by pass-by quasiquasi

bull's-eye Ghilzai Yusufzai Rinzai banzai thigh scye sigh sai psi Masai xi ox-eye san ts'ai cat's-eye pe-tsai tou ts'ai wu ts'ai bonsai Canes Venatici prophesy suggestio falsi Datisi nisi Vici desai polizei Versailles assai yare yeah yeh jer yair

corsetiegrare jardiniegrare criniegrare meuniegrare lavaliere son et lumiegrare Gruyegrare boutonniegrare Mniegrare tuyegrare pare pear pair ship-repair au pair compegrare impair ampere milliampere Cooper pair douzeper repair prepare unprepare unrepair disrepair impair compare spare despair care don't-care Denticare Medicare

overcare scare tare tear hectare solitaire mousquetaire parterre pied-agra-terre demi-caractegrare parlementaire cordon sanitaire proletaire secretaire stare stair astare upstare sepiostaire there their share ploughshare porte-cochegrare torchegrare nare ne'er luminaire opinionnaire millionaire Vigenere stationnaire

commissionaire concessionaire legionnaire questionnaire debonair ordinaire extraordinaire doctrinaire snare ensnare wereware where wear quare square unsquare chi-square Smith Square knitwear bloatware software outwear earthenware Martinware stoneware onewhere anywhere Raffaelle ware everywhere nowhere hollow-ware somewhere liveware Crouch ware

podware wide-where Tupperware Delaware Elers ware aware unaware outwear unware beware elsewhere swear manswear unswear forswear sorbetiegrare premiegrare hare hair Herr maidenhair mohair Berenice's Hair mynheer unhair dehair horsehair lair Clare clair declare filler flare

flair aflare glare aglare glair blare capillaire fare phare fair wayfare Playfair Mayfair workfare infare fanfare warfare illfare welfare fieldfare thoroughfare affair laissez-faire unfair forfare charg d'affaires misfare mare mayor Khmer Mon-Khmer nightmare mormaor bche-de-mer

coco-de-mer Frimaire Brumaire chare chair Merlin chair Eames chair armchair Roorkee chair dare bayadegrare Frigidaire solidaire rare prayer crayer contrair confregrare numeraire brer bare bear ber forebear off-bear bugbear Camembert cudbear threadbare abear overbear downbear

forbear teddy bear tourtiegrare beneficiaire salonniegrare cordeliegrare Vendemiaire soufriegrare derriegrare plombiegrare whilere mid-air corsair Sancerre commissaire mm um Clapham adatom smitham biorhythm isorhythm polyrhythm logarithm antilogarithm algorithm rhythm fathom pashm petersham sestertium Dodgem mythologem

Brummagem crotalum cimbalom skelm barfam korrigum microcosm macrocosm megacosm wasm bosom unbosom embosom Zolaism Mazdaism Mithraism archaism faradaism Judaism Hebraism Sabaism Mosaism prosaism Couism Pharisaism priapism papism escapism traumatotropism thigmotropism tropism heliotropism haptotropism phototropism

galvanotropism inotropism morphotropism chemotropism geotropism neurotropism malapropism polytypism Olympism anatopism sinapism psilanthropism theanthropism groupism catechism synechism Wilkism tychism psychism monopsychism panpsychism Turkism monachism monarchism anarchism synecdochism masochism sado-masochism Blanquism pietism statism mithridatism Anabaptism baptism tripartism Vansittartism

etatism Chartism idiotism immediatism matriotism patriotism pithiatism giantism scientism pedantism indifferentism moderantism tarantism serventism romantism gigantism obscurantism immanentism transvestitism Jesuitism paramagnetism magnetism diamagnetism biomagnetism palaeomagnetism ferromagnetism geomagnetism ferrimagnetism Ubiquitism poetism splittism phyletism Quietism mimetism Semitism hermetism

hermaphroditism favouritism syncretism fortuitism Scotism photism autism alphabetism cultism finitism heightism satellitism parasitism fattism nepotism despotism narcotism hypnotism illuminatism Donatism automatism metachromatism chromatism monochromatism metasomatism somatism traumatism dogmatism astigmatism pragmatism Suprematism agrammatism dramatism schematism rheumatism egotism

ergotism wegotism privatism conservatism corporatism moderatism democratism erotism auto-erotism Sabbatism exotism defeatism Docetism mutism absolutism brutism casteism transvestism euphuism sensuism Hinduism altruism Congruism Scythism revanchism fetishism Yiddishism tachism Fascism Zionism divisionism revisionism illusionism Americanism tokenism mechanism

Platonism Satanism puritanism Miltonism daltonism patternism putanism Teutonism plutonism adaptationism presentationism subordinationism isolationism relationism operationism restorationism situationism sensationism reductionism connectionism selectionism perfectionism interactionism exhibitionism intuitionism impressionism post-impressionism neo-impressionism expressionism secessionism evolutionism religionism symphonism euphonism paganism neopaganism

Reaganism Morganism organism micro-organism antagonism Slavonism Christianism modernism hedonism Cobdenism Stercoranism Lutheranism uranism Parkinsonism Ibsenism nanism Danism iconism monism Peronism bonism manism pianism Velikovskianism Rayonism Pygmalionism alienism Tertullianism Indianism histrionism Zoroastrianism epicureanism utilitarianism Marianism Sabianism Malthusianism

communism Perkinism actinism voltinism Latinism libertinism Leninism Darwinism Neo-Darwinism Godwinism Goldwynism polygenism Owenism Molinism Stalinism masculinism Hellenism phenomenism feminism ecofeminism terminism determinism indeterminism luminism illuminism chauvinism Calvinism Odinism Michurinism Jacobinism vicinism Brownism Sun Yat-senism Japanism Ptainism unionism

nihilianism Italianism Hispanism volcanism vulcanism laconism Neoplatonism Atenism ultramontanism Montanism Titanism saturnism Gladstonism onanism melanism hyphenism cyphonism Buchmanism Rachmanism womanism Romanism Pelmanism shamanism Germanism pan-Germanism Boehmenism demonism polydaemonism eudemonism ecumenism Newmanism humanism inhumanism Weismannism agonism galvanism

Byronism isochronism synchronism prochronism metachronism anachronism parachronism diachronism Pyrrhonism Europeanism Eonism McLuhanism Undinism Marinism Neptunism opportunism Yahwism somniloquism ventriloquism Utraquism opiism monkeyism Trotskyism Simultaneism Tapleyism fideism voluntaryism entryism vicariism Puseyism atheism McCarthyism ditheism meningism savagism liturgism

synergism psychologism portmantologism neologism theologism sociologism biologism antilogism syllogism episyllogism prosyllogism paralogism dialogism jism Lysenkoism echoism Titoism jingoism egoism pleochroism trichroism dichroism Castroism heroism ptyalism myalism trialism sciolism evangelism mechanicalism syndicalism localism vocalism fatalism fundamentalism mentalism

instrumentalism elementalism orientalism capitalism hospitalism teetotalism vitalism petalism individualism spatialism provincialism existentialism resistentialism essentialism Justicialism initialism officialism Congregationalism observationalism operationalism sensationalism functionalism sectionalism intentionalism conventionalism traditionalism intuitionalism emotionalism professionalism internationalism nationalism rationalism irrationalism regionalism personalism communalism

nominalism phenomenalism tonalism finalism paternalism externalism parajournalism journalism photojournalism Nagualism triumphalism nephalism mongolism anomalism animalism formalism Kemalism legalism regalism novelism survivalism Mendelism vandalism modalism idolism literalism unilateralism pastoralism cameralism structuralism liberalism moralism pluralism integralism Powellism universalism

tailism malism alcoholism simplism Carlism cataclysm colonialism neo-colonialism idealism imperialism materialism immaterialism serialism territorialism surrealism realism unrealism photorealism stibialism populism botulism formulism intellectualism ritualism virtualism textualism sensualism gradualism factualism spiritualism mutualism gentilism pointillism infantilism pugilism nihilism

symphilism servilism virilism stabilism perfectibilism fallibilism impossibilism mobilism immobilism miserabilism probabilism holism wholism Gaullism traulism mercantilism stylism Carlylism gargoylism troilism ebullism clientelism parallelism Fidelism psellism Butskellism socialism statuvolism generalism preternaturalism naturalism non-naturalism federalism neutralism tribalism symbolism

embolism catabolism metabolism anabolism diabolism hyperbolism dualism sophism Wycliffism Sisyphism pacifism amorphism anthropomorphism metamorphism morphism homoeomorphism zoomorphism monomorphism homomorphism paedomorphism heteromorphism isomorphism epimorphism polymorphism automorphism endomorphism Orphism selfism sapphism Khrushchevism catastrophism diastrophism philosophism psephism Caodaism momism

optimism intimism legitimism minimism unanimism animism euphemism dysphemism pessimism Thomism nomism metachromism bromism conformism reformism transformism chemism Benthamism atomism economism dynamism Islamism Synchromism extremism acosmism cosmism pedagoguism yogism favism Zhdanovism Slavism Panslavism nativism descriptivism inductivism reductivism

constructivism objectivism subjectivism collectivism activism positivism intuitivism transitivism relativism negativism incivism passivism civism fauvism rotativism atavism iodism Vedism sadism Poujadism Buddhism Girondism propagandism solidism fluidism Laudism post-Fordism Luddism faddism monadism Fordism hermaphrodism faradism Methodism encyclopedism Medism

Muridism nudism lyrism monetarism presbyterism epicurism heurism humorism naturism solidarism etherism Porro prism biprism pentaprism prism Schopenhauerism Marrism chrisom chrism lettrism meteorism volunteerism hetaerism probabiliorism meliorism verism Fourierism theorism aneurysm tellurism purism tourism satirism Illyrism lathyrism porism

Dorism apriorism Blairism integrism ouvrierism charism behaviourism Crokerism neoterism esoterism mycterism voluntarism militarism motorism aspheterism Wertherism Pasteurism asterism millenarism mannerism spoonerism plagiarism Majorism pejorism Taylorism Poplarism particularism secularism singularism formularism aphorism gongorism mesomerism isomerism metamerism euhemerism

mesmerism gargarism rigorism vulgarism algorism Krugerism bovarism structurism adventurism Fletcherism futurism Naderism literarism terrorism ecoterrorism Labourism barbarism Lutherism Spencerism Flibrism erythrism Taoism Maoism voltaism Krishnaism ultraism Manichaeism asteism Shiism weism symbolo-fideism deism monoideism pantheism polytheism monotheism

henotheism kathenotheism tritheism theism allotheism autotheism strabism Hobbism plumbism syllabism monosyllabism Arabism pan-Arabism abysm cubism Spinozism sizeism speciesism xanthism erethism tuism blueism truism untruism ism laicism racism nosism solipsism narcism classism paradoxism orthodoxism Marxism bruxism Rexism

sexism heterosexism paroxysm Nazism Syriacism sensism mosaicism epicism Scotticism auto-eroticism scepticism Kenticism romanticism pedanticism witticism hypercriticism criticism Briticism vorticism geneticism theoreticism poeticism fanaticism grammaticism mathematicism pragmaticism atticism mysticism neo-plasticism scholasticism technicism finicism Hispanicism mechanicism organicism Hibernicism

logicism Stoicism solecism Cilicism Anglicism Gallicism pacificism nemesism historicism empiricism lyricism Iricism esotericism merycism physicism Gothicism mythicism narcissism classicism neoclassicism Jocism exorcism falsism psittacism rhotacism iotacism metacism anatocism itacism lambdacism ostracism synoecism Graecism schism bradyseism seism

diapasm spasm sarcasm chasm phantasm pleonasm chiliasm Syriasm enthusiasm overenthusiasm nucleoplasm ectoplasm protoplasm ergastoplasm piroplasm neoplasm ooplasm periplasm symplasm cytoplasm metaplasm cataplasm endoplasm plasm proplasm cataclasm iconoclasm phasm miasm orgasm besom brougham tiresome playsome gaysome opossum

blossom longsome tripsome deepsome picksome frolicsome tricksome sixsome likesome Huxham worksome irksome eightsome flotsam lightsome unlightsome delightsome jetsam hurtsome fearsome loathsome lithesome overburdensome winsome dinsome lonesome ownsome handsome hansom unhandsome transom ransom alyssum lissom heavisome crissum

wearisome worrisome foursome awesome ticklesome nettlesome ugglesome quarrelsome troublesome untroublesome wailsome halesome fulsome wilsome chillsome wholesome unwholesome Folsom dolesome toilsome healsome laughsome lifesome eyesome gamesome hugsome ugsome lovesome noisome gladsome furthersome timorsome humoursome venturesome laboursome cumbersome

lumbersome leesome healthsome toothsome gruesome aim kame tame aspartame entame untame shame ashame name nickname eke-name forename byname surname to-name misname whame wame squame hame Niflheim lame claim quitclaim non-claim acclaim proclaim declaim reclaim disclaim

exclaim flame aflame inflame blame fame acesulfame infame defame disfame maim game make-game Kim's game dame hippodame rame frame enframe unframe deframe grame mazame same selfsame Pom tiddly-om-pompom pom-pom comSovnarkom sitcom satcom CARICOM rom-com

intercom wiederkom Tom roto-tom tom-tom Uncle Tom bonhomme phenom plombe aplomb glom aandblom shalom Coulomb momme mom Dom prom EPROM stromb from CD-ROM bomb aam arm yarm palm parm napalm copalm calm kaimakam becalm Hohokam naam

withernam fanam qualm dwalm jam harm sulham larm Kolam Islam alarm salaam olam gholam farm blanchfarm fee-farm feu-farm ma'am malm marm school-marm imam smarm charm encharm uncharm becharm discharm dam yard-arm gendarme round-arm side-arm vidame firearm

pram forearm shalgram dram overarm underarm haram neram Bairam balm barm embalm Nizam gisarme tharm enarm inarm unarm forearm rearm disarm psalm municipium Microscopium Telescopium opium europium sepium marsupium gametangium phalangium sporangium brachium xenodochium sisyrinchium

eponychium hedychium epitrichium echium ischium strontium satellitium tritium syncytium protium sclerotium consortium cymatium perichaetium ostium periosteum cerastium solatium spermatium pancratium hieracium hospitium interstitium capillitium lutetium technetium podetium praeputium calcaneum titanium nuculanium germanium suppedaneum succedaneum caput succedaneum cranium

pericranium uranium geranium hahnium pycnium actinium protactinium virginium perigynium triclinium pollinium gadolinium illinium delphinium dockominium condominium tri-dominium quadrominium minium aluminium seminium uredinium erineum vaccinium tirocinium toponium androconium conium meconium syconium zirconium trautonium plutonium polonium euphonium phosphonium

ammonium cuprammonium stramonium harmonium telharmonium charmonium testimonium limonium polemonium pandemonium pelargonium hormogonium spermogonium carpogonium oogonium archegonium perigonium positronium nitronium hydronium coronium erythronium pancuronium carbonium parazonium diazonium methonium suxamethonium onium ionium muonium oxonium hydroxonium stratum corneum californium hafnium

einsteinium omnium septennium quinquennium millennium quadrennium triennium biennium sexennium decennium lectisternium splenium solenium selenium helenium hymenium rhenium xenium ruthenium proscenium senium hyposcenium presenium dubnium neptunium deliquium colloquium requiem patagium propatagium contagium plagium choragium eryngium gonangium synangium

microsporangium mesangium uropygium vestigium fastigium pterygium horologium eulogium collegium florilegium refugium Graham rhopalium dentalium galium soralium uralium embolium tropylium lilium milium Krilium trillium beryllium resilium ileum ilium supercilium cilium psyllium verticillium penicillium scholium pinoleum linoleum folium

trifolium bifolium dolium petroleum tetrazolium oleum meditullium stellium tetrevangelium Protevangelium bdellium subsellium pallium Vitallium gallium Valium ballium thallium allium hypotrachelium berkelium telium parahelium helium orthohelium nobelium endothelium mesothelium epithelium neuroepithelium Sealyham mycelium promycelium mausoleum simulium nebulium

thulium silphium epithalamium prothalamium lamium praseodymium neodymium didymium encomium tomium stomium chromium phormium holmium cadmium fermium premium prooemium gelsemium osmium seaborgium trivium quadrivium bivium lixivium kurchatovium mendelevium colluvium diluvium impluvium compluvium effluvium defluvium alluvium eluvium pediluvium

stadium vanadium palladium caladium osphradium radium myocardium epicardium pericardium indium latifundium minifundium antependium compendium scandium scolopidium propidium stichidium glochidium ommatidium deltidium cystidium fastidium pycnidium gonidium ctenidium conidium venidium pygidium pilidium stylidium clostridium nephridium diagrydium sporidium sarcosporidium

hesperidium antheridium cryptosporidium sphaeridium iridium peridium platiniridium osmiridium rubidium cymbidium ethidium idiom oidium miracidium basidium coccidium pyxidium oncidium aecidium stillicidium viscidium cecidium isidium subsidium lycopodium notopodium chenopodium stylopodium lobopodium podium monopodium filopodium pseudopodium neuropodium rhizopodium epipodium

lamellipodium propodeum sympodium spodium custodiam allodium melodium plasmodium rhodium odeum odium sodium taxodium monosodium precordium rutherfordium primordium exordium cypripedium tedium intermedium medium epimedium soredium uredium epicedium tripudium preludium proprium teucrium natrium atrium yttrium parametrium myometrium hypogastrium

mesogastrium epigastrium improperium elaterium bacterium mycobacterium archaebacterium corynebacterium myxobacterium osmeterium apodyterium presbyterium psalterium deuterium interministerium magisterium nerium meitnerium pomoerium elasmotherium megatherium sivatherium hyracotherium moeritherium clavicytherium cerium curium epineurium tellurium masurium anthurium collyrium delirium emporium rhynchosporium archesporium

cladosporium corium repertorium eupatorium natatorium sanatorium inhalatorium crematorium conservatorium sudatorium exploratorium moratorium scriptorium olfactorium tentorium preventorium digitorium vomitorium odditorium auditorium territorium lubritorium motorium praetorium haustorium castoreum portiforium triforium bohrium ciborium nielsbohrium thorium mesothorium aspersorium infusorium suspensorium

sensorium appressorium puparium sanatarium septarium nectarium lactarium serpentarium armamentarium unguentarium planetarium sanitarium mortarium conarium oceanarium pollinarium plenarium dolphinarium rhinarium lunarium aquarium seaquarium intercalarium solarium avicularium velarium samarium spermarium germarium parovarium salivarium ovarium vivarium tepidarium frigidarium viridarium

sudarium sacrarium honorarium itinerarium cinerarium terrarium syllabarium barium columbarium herbarium fusarium rosarium glaciarium leprosarium necessarium spacearium hypochondrium perichondrium scolopendrium polyandrium puerperium Lariam Librium equilibrium Donnan equilibrium disequilibrium opprobrium sisymbrium manubrium embothrium labium prolabium stibium amphibium coenobium

colobium epilobium rhizobium niobium euphorbium columbium nelumbium cambium procambium terbium ytterbium erbium dichasium gymnasium trimnasium Elysium symposium dysprosium trapezium magnesium caesium indusium museum hypanthium lithium dilithium cyathium promethium in contumaciam hyraceum axiom lawrencium francium lycium epimysium indicium

calcium potassium hassium gynoecium paramecium apothecium thecium perithecium aecium cwm kumkum shtoom proteome stereome num-num whoom vacuome triplum slum choom drawing-room Purum bridegroom mare liberum mare clausum vacuum continuum individuum triduum residuum Wuumlrm mutuum menstruum premenstruum

rehoboam jeroboam waboom spekboom keurboom disselboom kokerboom witteboom kaffirboom emimhakim mukim skim TIM guttatim gradatim verbatim seriatim septime victim lactim shittim legitime stim shim nim paynim hyponym heteronym houyhnhnm minim Blenheim denim toponym

hypernym eponym cryptonym antonym autonym metonym mononym synonym anonym homonym pseudonym acronym anacronym meronym paronym Ethanim cu-nim whim quim swim aswim gim gym poem proem him hymn Elohim limb limn plim Plym millime olim forelimb flim

glim musellim prelim Muslim olim dislimn slim teraphim seraphim mim Vim dim bedim yordim rim interim prim trimethoprim crim scrim trim untrim betrim shrim Purim frim grim pilgrim megrim winterim pichurim brim abrim Bim azyme sym-

sim maxim halutzim quindecim sim-sim Massim ohm pome comb honeycomb curry-comb trichome cockscomb coxcomb tome myotome leptome microtome odontome mycetome harmotome dermatome ultramicrotome sclerotome plagiostome peristome mestome plastome cyclostome merostome nome gnome metronome gastronome genome

misnome home heaume holm hom Stockholm stay-at-home at-home harvest home loam cloam phyllome glome gloam telome foam Styrofoam afoam befoam mome megohm dome Dom radome rhytidome rhabdom Rome roam chromcrome chrome stereochrome polychrome Nichrome trichrome bichrome

phytochrome metachrome monochrome Solochrome ommochrome Mercurochrome phaeochrome stroam olistostrome plerome drome palindrome Marfan's syndrome Sheehan's syndrome Patau's syndrome Horner's syndrome Werner's syndrome Asperger's syndrome Froumlhlich's syndrome Reye's syndrome Down's syndrome syndrome prodrome hadrome hippodrome velodrome aerodrome brome rhizome soam som dictyosome schistosome

phagosome phagolysosome episome polysome peroxisome liposome autosome trypanosome monosome hydrogenosome chromosome informosome phragmosome rhapidosome microsome tetrasome spherosome ribosome mesosome corm scaum tawm storm thunderstorm bestorm shawm meerschaum norm enorm warm lukewarm lew-warm swarm aswarm haulm

glaum form ostreiform platform iodoform microform Cominform planform napiform scopiform pupiform spongiform trochiform natiform septiform punctiform tectiform lentiform sagittiform lotiform multiform guttiform stigmatiform stratiform retiform setiform scutiform restiform membraniform raniform boniform pampiniform gelatiniform coryneform turbiniform coniform

omniform panniform tympaniform campaniform maniform graniform lageniform reniform funiform uniform ununiform linguiform unguiform proteiform ciconiiform cuneiform ciliiform aliform oculiform calculiform tuberculiform cumuliform tentaculiform moniliform anguilliform mammilliform villiform morbilliform soliform piliform styliform filiform gangliform scutelliform stelliform flagelliform

lamelliform flabelliform umbelliform spiraliform cuculiform granuliform squamiform mummiform remiform mammiform vermiform cucumiform oviform naviform claviform podiform fundiform ascidiform proboscidiform cordiform vaporiform scalpriform vitriform mitriform putriform rostriform hypocrateriform puriform securiform muriform panduriform pyriform cirriform tauriform moriform infusoriform

spiriform lyriform variform aeriform laniariform cochleariform turriform cylindriform dendriform hydriform scalariform molariform tuberiform cribriform libriform fibriform dolabriform malleiform deiform scobiform cymbiform cubiform nasiform vasiform incisiform fusiform labyrinthiform cyathiform gruiform limaciform plexiform sacciform lanciform unciform ensiform pisciform

onisciform caliciform variciform falciform piciform pisiform lumbriciform acinaciform gasiform perciform diversiform bursiform medusiform luciform cruciform eruciform life-form triform by-form biform salverform chloroform terraform preform perform outperform underperform inform misinform unform conform nonconform efform deform reform re-form

preform transform disform transform maum gorm gaum cairngorm dorm kolm film Pliofilm biofilm microfilm unfilm olm walm culm stulm elm yelm schelm whelm overwhelm underwhelm helm tarnhelm unhelm dishelm wych elm realm chyme mesenchyme isocheim

time thyme playtime springtime oft-time oftentime one-time undern-time meantime any time maritime flexitime aforetime beforetime lifetime by-time sometime ragtime old-time bedtime seed-time wintertime xenotime summertime overtime mistime styme pastime Guggenheim lime Lyme climb clime quicklime overclimb birdlime

sublime unlime slime mime archimime pantomime chime dime paradigm rime rhyme riding rhyme prime reprime reprime crime rat-rhyme monorhyme off-rhyme grime begrime para-rhyme berhyme zyme ribozyme isozyme isoenzyme enzyme apoenzyme proenzyme abzyme cyme yum yum-yum come

cum outcome oncome income downcome offcome overcome overcome succumb upcome income recumb become unbecome misbecome forecome forthcome scum offscum tum separatum tum-tum rum-tum stum numb num benumb snum Presidium absinthium hum humhum ho-hum Van der Hum lum plumb

plum coco-plum Carlsbad plum glum slum fum fee-faw-fum mum gum algum slumgum gum-gum subgum York gum ungum degum vum chum dumb dumb-dumb dumdum rumdum mokaddam Tweedledum rhumb rum crumb crum scrum strum humstrum grum drum kettledrum humdrum Brum

thrum pium bum stumblebum thumb bethumb some sum dim sum em milliegrame kemb hyporchem Hazchem septemMontem vintem contemn pro tem stem diastem meristem them wem gem engem begem phloem hem mayhem ahem clem Flem phlegm ylem

periblem fem mem marmem dem diadem modem anadem condemn REM prem trem categorem per diem sierozem chernozem speleothem epithem apothem apophthegm pee em sem Snowcem yam cocoyam Pam temazepam nitrazepam flurazepam lorazepam oxazepam diazepam Spam cam cham

Nicam kim-kam SECAM webcam Steadicam scam TAM lactam syntagm tam-tam ram-stam sham shim-sham chunam Suriname wham plusquamwhim-wham wigwam jamb jam jimjam log-jam enjamb ram-jam ham Abraham lamb lam clam sock-lamb Pismo clam clam flam oriflamme flimflam

glam melam Mipolam triazolam glulam in-lamb slam fam propham Oxfam mam hammam gam phanerogam isogam cryptogam resurgam phaenogam cham dam damn goddam post-dam commendam grandam saaidam sham-damn Edam Schiedam predamn ram rhamn pram cram scram tram

trim-tram stram strim-stram thiuram shram Wishram disulfiram Pyroceram diaphragm epiphragm ziram thiram gram skiagram Venn diagram diagram vectorcardiogram phonocardiogram ideogram phraseogram heliogram radiogram stereogram mareogram psychogram pictogram hectogram ionogram polysomnogram scalogram scintillogram kymogram isogram pigeongram engram tangram

epigramme epigram scintigram planigram organigram polygram milligram telegram tephigram fluigram lexigram microprogram programme deprogramme reprogram mailgram digram trigram lipogram stripagram cryptogram partogram cartogram pentagram photogram lettergram metagram chromatogram histogram fathogram monogram harmonogram chronogram phonogram anagram hologram

kilogram oscillogram parallelogram nomogram tremogram thermogram pneumogram logogram periodogram polarogram interferogram neurogram hierogram ethogram hexagram kissogram dram drachm melodrame fluidram didrachm tridrachm am-dram octadrachm picloram DRAM panoram SRAM bam shazam exam samsam Samsam cheongsam resam

Assam perm deperm sperm angiosperm gymnosperm skerm term turm short-term post-term preterm worm wireworm lingworm ringworm tapeworm red tapeworm silkworm squirm jointworm flatworm mawworm lugworm ragworm woodworm lindworm roundworm threadworm cad-worm lobworm deworm germ herm firm

affirm reaffirm disaffirm infirm unfirm confirm unconfirm reconfirm chirm derm ectoderm echinoderm exoderm mesoderm epiderm pachyderm periderm placoderm ostracoderm endoderm Waldenstroumlm Boehm berm therm endotherm microtherm isogeotherm exotherm isotherm hekistotherm diasyrm 'em um Rockingham Nottingham

Birmingham gingham thingum mridangam william-nilliam William americium androecium wampum guaiacum vade-mecum Occam nincom dinkum trinkum bunkum prinkum-prankum crinkum-crankum crankum practicum ponticum plasmolyticum viaticum stickum laconicum doronicum technicum panicum Wickham tillicum colchicum modicum polytrichum hypericum capsicum kokum

hokum locum oakum welcome unwelcome talcum posticum circumagallochum periostracum taraxacum caecum skookum tucum molluscum verbascum diatom denotatum testatum petrolatum postulatum pomatum ultimatum commodatum datum striatum bottom postscriptum descriptum symptom perceptum septum post-partum antepartum prepartum significatum

nominatum determinatum signatum designatum relatum concordatum adstratum superstratum stratum substratum desideratum erratum satem punctum sanctum dictum tectum infectum rectum latus rectum compactum factum post factum abstractum quantum centum pilentum tomentum consolamentum fermentum momentum ramentum mentum indumentum stabilimentum cementum

omentum tegmentum post eventum centum per centum phantom bantam pulpitum post coitum adytum propositum compositum placitum totem totum factotum teetotum notam notum quotum scrotum post-mortem ante-mortem pre-mortem autumn multum infinitum definitum item plebiscitum quaesitum Mohini-attam logatom atom Euratom ageratum

tapetum pinetum combretum sulphuretum arboretum catasetum fruticetum equisetum salicetum sputum scutum Wrotham diasystem Giorgi system nephsystem Taylor system Torrens system system Postum accustom disaccustom custom frustum suggestum post festum shisham nasturtium nemathecium polygonum origanum organum laudanum arcanum verumontanum solanum regium donum

bonham hypnum khanum granum Barnum dunam platinum buccinum succinum trigonum magnum bonum mediastinum tablinum linum ptilinum antirrhinum glucinum damnum Solignum lignum interregnum sphagnum magnum landnam venom envenom unvenom pannam grannam grannom per annum sternum episternum laburnum Burnham viburnum

alburnum tympanum sparganum ladanum molybdenum labdanum olibanum galbanum lanthanum sagapenum plenum duodenum fraenum jejunum solstitium stratagem boojum hem haham dirham paspalum dracocephalum ornithogalum Jerusalem Balaam Salem madapollam pollam intercolumn column wallum solemn unsolemn exemplum peplum replum

Malayalam Harlem slalom excipulum simpulum poculum inoculum vinculum spiculum diverticulum reticulum geniculum curriculum cubiculum subiculum ossiculum speculum tentaculum sustentaculum supernaculum hibernaculum gubernaculum tenaculum retinaculum propugnaculum vibraculum oraculum baculum pre-operculum operculum furculum tuberculum osculum crepusculum vasculum capitulum

scutulum ergastulum fraenulum cingulum Triangulum protegulum coagulum jugulum pendulum vestibulum suffibulum infundibulum pabulum acetabulum cunabulum incunabulum tintinnabulum Fulham aspergillum drosophyllum podophyllum epiphyllum guillem chillum spirillum vexillum sensillum golem idolum hordeolum solum whilom hilum phylum xylem asylum

siglum bedlam hoodlum Pelham capitellum clitellum scutellum rostellum haustellum flagellum blellum phellem vellum Nippon vellum labellum flabellum Parabellum bellum post-bellum ante-bellum cribellum cerebellum sacellum vulsellum scallom mallam vallum corallum alum tantalum tropaeolum scybalum guillaume velum coelom Caelum

problem emblem Pablum optimum minimum Maunder minimum simillimum xeranthemum helianthemum mesembryanthemu m chrysanthemum maximum pessimum amomum infimum osteospermum lithospermum cardamom opobalsamum xylobalsamum sesamum supremum extremum begum sagum ogham Targum borborygm sorghum amalgam tergum jugum ovum sempervivum sevum

sachem modom rodham Sodom urkingdom kingdom popedom dukedom Christendom condom quondam corundum carborundum corrigendum addendum reddendum pudendum dedendum referendum habendum definiendum explicandum tandem explanandum determinandum cancellandum manipulandum nil desperandum memorandum randem random avizandum oppidum hippiedom polypidom halidom

smiddum nodum loadum officialdom Sardoodledom thraldom beldam seldom unseldom dogdom smeddum macadam tarmacadam prick-madam madam trip-madam Adam dirdum poppadam martyrdom motordom masterdom ledum freedom sedum wisdom unwisdom pittosporum helipterum marjoram Taghairm rhabarbarum scalprum simulacrum ambulacrum sacrum

lockram fulcrum buckram involucrum veratrum thalictrum spectrum plectrum electrum centrum tantrum zygantrum antrum vitrum ngultrum philtrum dertrum utrum nostrum colostrum rostrum angstrom organistrum calamistrum sistrum haustrum claustrum maelstrom lustrum ligustrum sequestrum castrum emplastrum hippeastrum oestrum Bayes' theorem

Thevenin's theorem theorem serum ashram durum jorram hydrargyrum prothyrum decorum indecorum schola cantorum snip-snap-snorum quorum jorum cockalorum lorum foram forum Frisesomorum victor ludorum variorum wolfram harum-scarum larum marum garum arum Sarum ingram vagrom pogrom grogram fogram turrum Muharram murram

Durham syndrum conundrum clerodendrum epidendrum panjandrum doldrum carom marram falciparum saccharum omnium gatherum labarum labrum candelabrum cerebrum Vibram malabathrum barathrum pyrethrum brecham ommateum prytaneum peritoneum perineum athenaeum Niam-Niam geum hypogeum heracleum propylaeum nymphaeum meum stomodaeum Mithraeum rheum

ephebeum codiaeum gynaeceum coliseum no-see-em Lyceum album sebum lookism numinosum Gotham anthem zythum caput mortuum omasum abomasum possum Leadbeater's possum odontoglossum emblossom gypsum Epsom buxom responsum sensum fidei-commissum dorsum balsam dulsome helichrysum yessum decemsargassum gersum sursum-

eme Eem regime hakim scheme Ponzi scheme team teem SWAT team centime semanteme santim steam esteem overesteem misesteem disesteem neem moneme spasmoneme unineme toneme intoneme archiphoneme morphoneme diaphoneme phoneme morphophoneme kineme ceneme treponeme mastigoneme queme squeam noeme

haem leam cleam fleam gleam agleam Kilim feme pheme Polypheme morpheme grapheme philosopheme blaspheme meme enthymeme tagmeme sememe phememe episememe deme deem apodeme academe prosodeme adeem redeem misdeem rheme ream supreme harem cream ice-cream scream diatreme

monotreme stream slipstream astream upstream extreme on-stream unstream downstream midstream plereme monorheme unireme quinquereme quadrireme trireme bireme dream daydream adream breme bream Ray's bream beam quickbeam whitebeam hornbeam sunbeam abeam viseme theme phonaestheme seme seam seem glosseme

pralidoxime oxime lexeme syntaxeme taxeme analcime triseme raceme interseam enseam beseem unbeseem misbeseem misseem spume impostume costume neume inhume exhume volume relume fume perfume legume resume presume assume reassume preassume transume consume subsume spoom coomb

coom Qum khoum catacomb tomb toom hecatomb entomb disentomb untomb womb enwomb whom loom plume filoplume unplume deplume emplume nom de plume flume heirloom glume gloom begloom bloom abloom embloom illume sloom simoom voom doom doum foredoom foredoom

room rheum smoke-room stateroom chetrum mushroom ante-room foreroom frum by-room grume groom vroom bedroom powder-room brume broom enrheum boom kaboom zoom bazoom soum Teague Taig beaumontage fainaigue plague vague stravaig yogh pogge cog precog

incog tog photog tautog stog shog nog nig-nog stenog snog snog wog polliwog golliwog physiog jog jog-jog ajog hog hedgehog quahog groundhog road-hog log dialogue trialogue catalogue monologue Tagalog clog eclogue backlog unclog beclog putlog ideologue

myriologue theologue melologue isologue duologue epilogue antilog vinylogue monopolylogue polylogue PROLOG prologue flog apologue Decalogue protologue waterlog specialogue analogue homologue grammalogue magalogue travelogue slog footslog fog pettifog befog biog mog smog gog psychagogue galactagogue secretagogue plutogogue

mystagogue grinagog synagogue emmenagogue sialagogue phlegmagogue demagogue pedagogue hydragogue goosegog agog mummichog dog hangdog sheepdog bandog bulldog pye-dog coydog watchdog water-dog overdog underdog sea dog hot dog red dog rog prog sprog scrog trog etrog ostrog frog leap-frog befrog

grog brog Dannebrog pirog sheogue bog embog phizog sog Bundestag Ibanag pygarg darg Prague saag pig guinea-pig in-pig tig tyg Wittig zaftig Raschig nig pfennig snig whig wig twig earwig periwig WYSIWYG unwig bewig

swig jig thingumajig rejig jig-a-jig rejig kilhig lig Zelig therblig fig MiG smig gig fishgig twirligig whirligig Sheela-na-gig whizgig fizgig vig dig shindig Leydig infra dig rig wrig prig sprig trig outrig strig runrig thimblerig frig grig

brig unrig big Liebig zig Danzig thig Sig. cig sig pogue cogue togue pishogue Tir-na-nog collogue Moog vogue rogue comrogue drogue drog brogue prorogue pirogue bogue disembogue orgue org spaug morgue dawg cyborg reorg

ugg ug pug scug tug stug nug snug jug hug lug plug Rawlplug unplug glug slug fug mug almug smug vug chug dug rug trug shrug frug drug prodrug Struldbrug bug ladybug doodlebug humbug jitterbug

debug thug sug egg yegg peg JPEG toothy-peg MPEG mumble-the-peg unpeg keg skeg muskeg pasch-egg teg steg neg sneg leg cleg jackleg blackleg bootleg proleg foreleg fleg hyleg gleg jockteleg mid-leg meg nutmeg tittymeg mathemeg

Gheg thalweg reg preg prepreg Tuareg dreg beg sanjakbeg filibeg Lambeg beglerbeg seg outseg agag yag spag cag scag tag sontag Teltag ragtag dibatag stag shag nag knag tutenag snag wag quag scallywag wig-wag

swag jag hag lag greylag clag rolag flag Oflag Stalag blag Gulag slag fag Mag magg scanmag cagmag gag lallygag hewgag vag dag rag sprag Krag crag scrag shrag nuragh ballyrag toerag frag tagrag shag-rag drag

brag Bragg shab-rag red rag bag ditty-bag shag-bag windbag sandbag unbag debag Dorothy bag gasbag zag zigzag Vo-Ag Min of Ag sag erg simurg berg burg Marburg lushburg Battenberg Nymphenburg Heisenberg Spitzenberg Weissenberg Trendelenburg Toggenburg Leonberg Coburg Warburg Heidelberg

inselberg Homburg Romberg Hamburg Nuremberg Rydberg Rube Goldberg Svedberg osnaburg Michelsberg Jarlsberg Williamsburg Strasbourg iceberg Venusberg exergue peag wampumpeag gigue fatigue fantigue squeteague renege league colleague klieg colleague enleague blitzkrieg sitzkrieg intrigue brigue Jug fugue

droog zug pave unpave impave spave cave concave biconcave encave excave tave stave palstave shave nave knave beknave wave waive quave microwave Rossby wave behave misbehave lave clave conclave enclave laticlave autoclave enclave exclave glaive slave

enslave beslave fave rave deprave crave trave architrave grave Hargrave margrave dyke-grave Rhinegrave landgrave burgrave Palsgrave engrave drave brave embrave thrave save sev of yom tov Pavlov rav improv hereof thereof whereof Sov calve carve

tarve starve moshav suave halve lulav Slav Yugoslav marv varve grave Graves Zouave spiv Tiv participative applicative justificative exsiccative sustentative gravitative habitative connotative dissertative stative seminative native recreative nomenclative isolative lative collative prolative elative illative

translative consummative segregative innovative dative concentrative reverberative ulcerative incubative approbative recreative creative uncreative adoptive proscriptive inscriptive transcriptive descriptive loco-descriptive prescriptive absorptive resumptive presumptive assumptive transumptive consumptive subsumptive redemptive pre-emptive corruptive eruptive disruptive subreptive perceptive unperceptive imperceptive

interceptive contraceptive susceptive exceptive inceptive conceptive deceptive receptive preceptive unreceptive irreceptive captive adaptive inadaptive maladaptive octave extinctive instinctive distinctive indistinctive undistinctive contradistinctive injunctive conjunctive subjunctive disjunctive subdisjunctive adjective afflictive inflictive fictive convictive addictive contradictive vindictive benedictive

maledictive predictive jurisdictive restrictive irrestrictive adductive productive unproductive reproductive traductive introductive inductive conductive deductive reductive seductive abductive superstructive instructive constructive reconstructive destructive obstructive perspective prospective extrospective expective introspective retrospective inspective respective unrespective irrespective protective detective connective

projective injective ejective objective subjective intersubjective inflective reflective irreflective neglective allective collective elective intellective selective stereoselective permselective affective perfective imperfective infective effective ineffective defective refective invective convective corrective resurrective directive impactive factive stupefactive benefactive liquefactive calefactive

putrefactive rarefactive olfactive semelfactive attractive unattractive tractive detractive retractive subtractive extractive abstractive refractive active radioactive inactive unactive reactive coactive proactive retroactive vasoactive hyperactive interactive overactive nunciative initiative associative sociative opiniative ampliative palliative obviative radiative irradiative variative

enunciative renunciative executive consecutive inconsecutive diminutive dissolutive attributive contributive retributive distributive plaintive attentive inattentive tentive intentive contentive retentive irretentive fermentive argumentive inventive uninventive preventive adventive pendentive incentive disincentive substantive evacuative continuative insinuative valuative evaluative punctuative inchoative

partitive factitive quantitive appetitive petitive repetitive competitive investitive divestitive to-infinitive infinitive definitive indefinitive cognitive recognitive genitive primogenitive progenitive lenitive punitive intropunitive impunitive unitive forgetive vegetive fugitive volitive primitive imprimitive dormitive venditive auditive impeditive traditive additive interpretive

secretive nutritive innutritive preteritive caritive prohibitive exhibitive appositive oppositive juxtapositive contrapositive suppositive positive diapositive postpositive prepositive photopositive compositive transpositive expositive acquisitive inquisitive disquisitive intuitive unintuitive fruitive cognoscitive intensitive hypersensitive sensitive radiosensitive insensitive photosensitive transitive intransitive ditransitive

capacitive locomotive automotive electromotive motive manumotive magnetomotive ponderomotive protonmotive emotive immotive remotive votive supportive sportive tortive retortive extortive abortive excitive incitive furtive assertive unassertive insertive occupative nuncupative locative provocative unprovocative vocative invocative evocative demarcative educative communicative

incommunicative uncommunicative multiplicative reduplicative implicative explicative significative qualificative impredicative eradicative judicative indicative vindicative predicative deprecative fricative desiccative siccative talkative precative optative expectative deputative tentative frequentative fermentative documentative argumentative augmentative preventative presentative representative unrepresentative voluntative quantitative entitative

cogitative incogitative vegetative qualitative comitative limitative imitative meditative authoritative inauthoritative unauthoritative interpretative charitative dubitative usitative notative denotative rotative portative hortative adhortative exhortative assortative facultative consultative saltative excitative putative reputative imputative disputative commutative mutative transmutative constative gustative

potestative manifestative agglutinative imaginative unimaginative nominative denominative dominative carminative discriminative indiscriminative terminative determinative illuminative ordinative combinative ratiocinative donative splenetive explanative sanative alternative opinionative gubernative colliquative appreciative inappreciative revelative contemplative copulative stipulative manipulative articulative speculative singulative stimulative

simulative emulative accumulative cumulative regulative similative appellative correlative relative unrelative irrelative corelative palative allative perlative superlative super-superlative semblative babblative ablative legislative calmative estimative approximative normative afformative performative formative informative reformative preformative transformative exclamative amative affirmative infirmative

confirmative interrogative derogative prerogative investigative obligative aggregative negative photonegative legative purgative ergative privative derivative preservative observative conservative degradative mandative recordative laudative sedative operative postoperative inoperative cooperative uncooperative peroperative preoperative corporative incorporative temperative separative evaporative vituperative decorative

obliterative alliterative reiterative alterative generative degenerative regenerative remunerative unremunerative refrigerative perforative memorative numerative federative confederative corroborative liberative deliberative restorative pejorative explorative lucrative penetrative impenetrative demonstrative undemonstrative ministrative administrative illustrative ameliorative meliorative suppurative curative maturative indurative durative

plurative integrative imperative reparative preparative comparative narrative declarative iterative figurative prefigurative desiderative rebarbative probative improbative combative perturbative disturbative deverbative dispositive causative accusative fixative laxative relaxative dispensative intensative pulsative compulsative conversative adversative suppletive incompletive expletive decretive discretive

prosecutive constitutive restitutive substitutive evolutive resolutive costive contrastive resistive exhaustive inexhaustive combustive tempestive intempestive suggestive decongestive ingestive digestive indigestive festive infestive restive aestive shive Univ wiv live olive outlive unlive relive give forgive overgive ungive misgive

thanksgive chiv div tardive gerundive recidive maladive ex div Ziv opposive amusive sieve assuasive persuasive unpersuasive suasive dissuasive replacive pervasive invasive evasive abrasive embracive reflexive irreflexive responsive corresponsive unresponsive irresponsive pensive suspensive expensive inexpensive dispensive tensive intensive

pretensive protensive ostensive extensive coextensive prehensive comprehensive incomprehensive reprehensive apprehensive inapprehensive offensive inoffensive defensive dimensive ascensive sensive descensive expansive permansive fissive permissive commissive intermissive missive omissive emissive remissive irremissive submissive insubmissive unsubmissive transmissive dismissive subsecive plosive

implosive explosive inexplosive corrosive erosive extorsive plausive propulsive pulsive repulsive impulsive compulsive expulsive emulsive convulsive divulsive divisive derisive incisive decisive indecisive undecisive precisive repercussive discussive tussive jussive lessive adessive oppressive inoppressive insuppressive pressive depressive repressive impressive

unimpressive compressive expressive inexpressive unexpressive crescive aggressive unaggressive progressive unprogressive improgressive introgressive retrogressive ingressive degressive regressive digressive transgressive abessive possessive essive inessive superessive supersessive intercessive processive excessive successive unsuccessive concessive recessive obsessive passive mediopassive impassive compassive

massive pursive dispersive cursive incursive decursive recursive precursive discursive excursive detersive inversive conversive eversive diversive subversive transversive coercive purposive internecive cohesive incohesive adhesive inadhesive collusive prelusive effusive diffusive musive inducive conducive abusive occlusive inclusive conclusive inconclusive

reclusive seclusive exclusive unexclusive allusive elusive illusive delusive disillusive protrusive intrusive obtrusive inobtrusive unobtrusive extrusive cove alcove scove stove Soyer stove wove Jove hove behove clove fauve mauve guimauve goave gove dove rove trove Shroveshrove

mangrove grove drove torve wharve swarve volve intervolve deconvolve involve convolve evolve devolve revolve circumvolve obvolve dissolve redissolve resolve unresolve absolve solve wolve shelve whelve twelve helve delve selve valve Kingston valve multivalve univalve inequivalve

bivalve salve archive skive stive shive knive connive wive unwive swive jive gyve ogive hive beehive live declive proclive alive unalive belive slive five Argive survive revive chive dive endive rive deprive scrive descrive contrive

strive shrive drive microdrive on-drive off-drive outdrive hyperdrive overdrive overdrive Harrow drive arrive thrive misthrive derive shove love luv Strangelove Dr Strangelove glove true-love unlove belove dislove guv dove stock dove turtle-dove stickadove rove bove above over and above

lev maglev Rev. rev cregrave pav satnav have lav vav Tisha b'Av sav perv curve outcurve incurve Laffer curve recurve incurve recurve Phillips curve tirve nerve unnerve enerve innerve swerve lurve MIRV verve veuve derv hors d'oeuvre deserve

undeserve reserve preserve unreserve observe disserve serve LISTSERV conserve re-serve subserve of out of ollamh Eve eave peeve keeve recitative steeve sheave nieve gneeve weave interweave inweave heave upheave leave cleave cleve make-believe interleave interleave

relieve believe unbelieve misbelieve disbelieve ticket of leave sleave sleeve shirtsleeve vive qui vive achieve mischieve deave div Khedive reave reeve reprieve screeve scrieve portreeve retrieve Congreve greave grieve aggrieve brieve breve semibreve bereave beeve theave thieve naive perceive

apperceive misperceive conceive preconceive misconceive deceive undeceive receive Yishuv snoove juve hoove interfluve move commove emove remove premove mismove prove approve disapprove reprove improve misimprove re-prove disprove cruive groove engroove poi charpoy teapoy sepoy

koi coy kantikoy didicoi Khoikhoi decoy McCoy kikoi toy toi-toi noy Tannoy annoy Senoi Verneuil woy Iroquois joy overjoy enjoy hoy hobbledehoy ahoy bhoy loy hoi polloi ploy deploy redeploy employ

re-employ misemploy cloy accloy alloy zircaloy permalloy saveloy Nitralloy stalloy polloi convoy envoi envoy cunjevoi travois travoy Savoy Norroy troy octroy stroy destroy Kilroy Fauntleroy Kamilaroi bavaroy corduroy Gilderoy duroy Rob Roy viceroy boy

buoy playboy carboy white boy Bevin boy nun-buoy hautboy tallboy schoolboy tomboy sandboy herd-boy cowboy maccoboy thataboy attaboy b-boy staboy Peck's bad boy Teddy boy borzoi soy paduasoy massoy coq au vin dedans Boursin poussin huh uh-huh uh-uh aitch

nache rache tanh pH potch hotchpotch scotch hopscotch notch watch stopwatch sasquatch swatch hotch plotch splotch blotch rotche crotch botch archarch parch starch larch march countermarch rear-arch uparch inarch unarch enarch overarch

putsch butch conche itch pitch monopitch kitsch titch stitch whip-stitch tent-stitch Kat stitch kettle-stitch hemstitch overstitch unstitch niche nitch knitch Greenwich snitch which wich witch quitch squitch twitch Sandwich Cesarewitch bewitch switch hitch clove hitch unhitch lich

clitch flitch glitch slitch fitch mitch smitch tsarevich Zeldovich Nimzowitsch chich ditch rich Norwich pritch scritch stritch ostrich estriche estrich shritch eldritch carritch enrich cowitch bitch sumbitch sitch poach coach stoach loach roche roach counter-approach

approach reproach croche cockroach accroach encroach broach brooch abroach sotch porch scorch torch nautch debauch pilch filch milch zilch culch gulch kelch quelch squelch belch stalch cutch scutch touch retouch hutch clutch declutch

glutch slutch mutch much overmuch insomuch inasmuch forasmuch smutch besmutch Dutch crutch grutch thrutch such nonsuch nonesuch ouch pouch couch Winnipeg couch uncouch snouch slouch scaramouch smouch vouch avouch crouch grouch debouch etch spetch ketch

sketch tetch quetch lech letch cletch fletch fetch prefetch vetch quetsch kvetch retch wretch stretch overstretch outstretch patch Peyer's patch dispatch catchcatch seecatch tache attach detach natch snatch bandersnatch hatch quickhatch nuthatch latch splatch klatch

potlatch drawlatch toolache unlatch slatch match clapmatch rematch overmatch undermatch rematch mismatch smatch gatch rache ratch cratch scratch scritch-scratch bescratch fratch dratch brach caratch Bach batch ambatch thatch unthatch perch Kerch curch lurch smirch besmirch

church unchurch Low Church High Church birch search research ensearch research kolach orache each peach appeach impeach speech misspeech keech teach unteach misteach queach leach leech pleach impleach cleach fleech bleach sleech meech smeech reach preach unpreach

screech outreach overreach breach breech overreach outreach forereach beach beech Palm Beach beseech pooch hooch klootch mooch smooch scrooch spired uninspired tired untired retired unretired wired acquired required unrequired Pleiad unfired unadmired hamadryad dryad undesired

aid aide sexcapade escapade gallopade croupade unpaid spade cade parkade Medicaid decade motorcade brocade cockade stockade blockade arcade undecayed barricade cavalcade succade cascade ambuscade rodomontade staid stade unstayed unstaid shade lampshade beshade moutonned marinade flanconade

tamponade gasconade cottonade cannonade colonnade esplanade lemonade dragonnade grenade serenade carronade fanfaronade Robinsonade bastinade harlequinade pasquinade marinade wade unweighed swayed suade suede Ultrasuede persuade unswayed dissuade jade hade laid lade clade phylloclade glade everglade accolade marmalade

blade twayblade escalade overlade unlaid unlade enfilade defilade delayed undelayed grillade fusillade slade fade maid made nomade mermaid bridesmaid Teasmade pomade unmaid unmade old maid undismayed housemaid nursemaid gade renegade brigade embrigade vade Honved navaid pervade invade

evade nightshade dade Band-Aid alidade rayed raid unprayed steak raid trade off-trade balustrade pilastrade Noraid 'fraid afraid unafraid comrade grade upgrade downgrade centigrade plantigrade saltigrade tardigrade posigrade prograde unguligrade intergrade pronograde retrograde orthograde intergrade prograde degrade regrade

disgrade braid abrade upbraid parade corrade masquerade tirade gambade orangeade limeade gingerade sade harquebusade passade palisade pavisade torsade crusade odd od yod pod sciapod brachiopod myriapod branchiopod pantopod monopod pseudopod heteropod rhizopod copepod unipod polypod

amphipod pelecypod elasipod tripod lycopod decapod octopod stomatopod cephalopod chilopod stomapod tetrapod gastropod theropod pauropod sauropod prosauropod pteropod arthropod pleopod lobopod ornithopod orthopod hexapod isopod pea-pod spod cod ostracod peasecod cultus-cod tod fantod shod slipshod unshod

nod nid-nod snod wad quad quod squad swad jod hod lod plod clod allod ephod mod god demigod semigod migod eisteddfod dod hodmandod rod prod sprod scrod escrod trod con-rod polyrod Cuisenaire rod Nimrod ramrod brod Panhard rod

Aaron's rod bod ichabod Izod sod pronged unkinged winged red-winged ringed stringed unstringed tongued lunged unbunged unhanged fanged powered unpowered coward towered flowered ard bayard yad yard shipyard dockyard jackyard barnyard vineyard montagnard cavayard

foreyard kaleyard steelyard farmyard graveyard woodyard noyade Scotland Yard pard camelopard sparred card becard crockard flancard postcard Picard Tremcard jacquard placard anacard saccade frescade discard scarred discard unitard leotard petard dynamitard retard ritard boutade ustad starred croustade

unstarred shard nard spikenard communard Reynard canard chiffonnade promenade carbonade milliard goliard calliard galliard hard die-hard jihad lard shovelard bollard rmoulade baselard mallard remolade scalade interlard Goulard roulade pelade ballade poulard fard mard brackmard chamade guard

arriegrare-guard rearguard vanguard safeguard lifeguard Scotchgard blackguard counterguard avant-garde unguard regard disregard court of guard fougade pass-guard horse guard boulevard levade couvade Savoyard chard Scatchard Dard estrade shradh kamerad dageraad piperade charade bigarade barred bard bombard Longobard Langobard unbarred

aubade bombard dizzard grisard Scheherazade lancepesade raad Briard sard Hansard mansard brassard faccedade prasad glissade vozhd hinged unhinged unrevenged eared yeared sheared sheered quinquenniad weird wanweird spayad layered uncleared palliard unleared misleared unfeared ungeared

unendeared photoperiod period myriad beard Bluebeard Aaron's beard goat's-beard prick-eared diode triode pud should would wood barwood pockwood Blackwood whitewood lightwood essenwood Nicaragua wood Hollywood Bollywood Wedgwood eagle-wood sandalwood talwood plywood harewood camwood wormwood cog-wood logwood dogwood

Dagwood touchwood matchwood wildwood Redwood peckerwood Pakkawood Trincomalee wood rosewood Hopton wood piney wood hood popehood parenthood knighthood priesthood nationhood personhood ownhood sonhood manhood womanhood daintihood lustihood likelihood lonelihood livelihood hardihood gentlehood selfhood godhood childhood worldhood rufter-hood sisterhood fatherhood

motherhood brotherhood neighbourhood youthhood Robin Hood monkshood sexhood falsehood Talmud good do-good ungood Subud underclothed unclothed untithed scythed mouthed tut-mouthed unsheathed unbreathed unsmoothed viand ironed unopened jocund rubicund fecund infecund unreckoned millisecond ohnosecond second split-second

facund unenlightened unlightened buttoned unbuttoned threatened unthreatened patterned unpatterned uncurtained unsweetened cushioned intentioned undermentioned unmentioned dimensioned commissioned missioned conditioned unconditioned proportioned unproportioned misproportioned unportioned passioned impassioned fashioned unfashioned old-fashioned augend legend unstiffened ligand brigand provand provend

misgoverned unleavened fortuned unquestioned unhardened abandoned unburdened reverend irreverend back-berand errand Garand ribband riband prebend wizened unimprisoned dozened unpoisoned thousand weasand unseasoned unstrengthened unfastened unchristened bausond pained unentertained unattained uncontained self-contained stained sustained unsustained unstained unfeigned

refained maned veined chained unchained unordained trained untrained strained unstrained unconstrained restrained unrestrained grained ingrained undrained hare-brained unreined yond beyond pond millpond tapespond voicespond despond respond correspond Kond second abscond wand metewand ell-wand keeshond blond fond

overfond Mond Garamond beau monde Gond dog-goned rond ronde frond Gironde bond vagabond sonde radiosonde ionosonde rawinsonde reprimand allemande command countermand demand remand reprimand Roumlrstrand bandh Vallhund dachshund bergschrund bund plunderbund substituend seconde pinned pind unpinned skinned

unskinned tinned tind wind twinned whirlwind trade wind woodwind side-wind upwind downwind margined engined unimagined ahind undisciplined finned mind unexamined determined indetermined undetermined ermined tamarind strind Amerind unruined exscind rescind prescind abscind impound toned undertoned untoned stoned

mappemonde roaned zoned unzoned pre-owned corned horned laund maund unadorned kind womenkind womankind gavelkind personkind unkind mankind humankind wined wind wynd withywind interwind withwind upwind enwind unwind rewind hind behind lined inclined streamlined blind moon-blind snow-blind

sand-blind purblind purblind unlined find affined unconfined undefined refined unrefined mind nemmind mastermind remind undivined rind crined unshrined grind Gradgrind regrind regrind bind sukebind spellbind bearbind hidebind inbind unbind embind combined uncombined designed undesigned resigned sind

undersigned unsigned poind uncoined unjoined groined verecund inverecund iracund secund tund orotund rotund contund obtund extund fund refund effund refund refund immund gunned Burgund redund gerund bund pudibund moribund furibund cogitabund cummerbund unsunned pound shippound decompound

overcompound compound propound compound overcompound decompound Lob's pound lispound expound stound astound renowned wound unwound swound hound greyhound horehound hell-hound found profound confound dumbfound refound mound downed redound round crowned uncrowned go-around ground playground background foreground overground

underground aground underground unground wraparound Sensurround Sellenger's round around surround enround unround all round bound inbound spellbound hidebound rebound abound overbound superabound overabound earthbound unbound rebound embound outward-bound resound sound ultrasound infrasound unsound re-sound missound end penned pend

vilipend floccipend stipend compend append perpend propend depend interdepend prepend impend spend forspend overspend underspend suspend expend dispend misspend unkenned tend repetend convertend invertend attend intend superintend contend pretend protend portend subtend stend ostend extend coextend

overextend distend minuend shend wend subtrahend prehend comprehend reprehend apprehend misapprehend lend resplend on-lend blend blende hornblende pitchblende interblend lease-lend fend offend defend forfend by-end mend amend commend recommend discommend emend fag-end vend dividend addend rend

referend trend fore-end friend backfriend unfriend befriend bend carrick bend sagbend overbend overbend unbend Zend Townsend Wallsend up-end weekend tail-end dead-end finger-end rope's end scend send godsend ascend incend transcend descend condescend pand japanned repand compand spanned expand

re-expand canned Yarkand modificand radicand multiplicand Scand unscanned tanned cryptand stand grandstand overstand understand misunderstand upstand outstand withstand gainstand graduand NAND ordinand initiand hand backhand shorthand wash-hand aforehand forehand beforehand behindhand overhand underhand underhand left hand right hand

first hand near hand unhand offhand sleight of hand second hand third hand land planned unplanned outland wasteland westland simuland metroland Maryland Speenhamland gland Cowper's gland bord-land old land hideland plough-land hinterland platteland Gondwanaland overland lea-land bland scabland aland dry land maximand summand unmanned propagand

dhand deodand rand strand magistrand astrand grandgrand integrand operand doctorand honorand krugerrand brand firebrand off-brand surturbrand von Willebrand band rope-band platband trainband roband salband contraband Saraband Ku-band disband Pazand NOT AND sand quicksand pavisand ampersand turned unturned

returned unreturned sterned unlearned unearned concerned unconcerned undiscerned and opinioned companioned uncompanioned millioned holland upland Lapland houppelande garland engarland Lakeland Pentland Portland Shetland eastland marshland mainland inland Greeneland Greenland moorland lowland troland Roland Rowland Norland foreland

highland West Highland Ryeland island off-island Rhode Island New England yardland woodland Newfoundland husbandland Midland Sunderland Cumberland New Zealand eland Queensland Iceland Matara diamond diamond dromond almond jordan almond gourmand osmund osmund Argand adherend hand-habend proband husband teind sheened fiend ravined unscreened

marined untuned wound rewound Mahound mooned unpruned uncured steward assured unassured uninsured lourd gourd gourde toward froward bourd id. id danaid Thebaiumld Yid sayyid poppied copped uncopied mormoopid lipid sipid insipid phacopid torpid hecatomped

limpid lasiocampid tepid lepid trepid intrepid vapid rapid sapid turpid elapid Cupid stupid stoopid proctotrupid hispid cuspid tricuspid bicuspid phalangid kid naked unkid crooked picked wicked glochid psocid orchidorchid alkyd percid bruchid skid dytiscid tid

incrispated truncated uneducated unauthenticated corticated sophisticated unsophisticated undomesticated tunicated uncomplicated silicated dedicated loricated imbricated falcated spicated digitated unagitated qualitated premeditated unpremeditated understated stated unstated estated sinuated superannuated individuated graduated ungraduated unpunctuated coronated embryonated pinnated pectinated unoriginated

invaginated undenominated undiscriminated monobrominated polybrominated uncontaminated laminated unterminated ruminated pulvinated uncoordinated monochlorinated polychlorinated columnated unimpregnated pre-impregnated pennated opinionated unhyphenated crenated antiquated torquated unweighted estropiated tritiated insatiated undifferentiated unsubstantiated initiated uninitiated fasciated opiniated nucleated mononucleated polynucleated piliated

foliated pileated gangliated intagliated galeated impermeated unalleviated undeviated radiated asteriated storiated historiated floriated thoriated fimbriated trabeated lithiated inviolated alated plated vitriolated unpopulated loculated spiculated articulated lenticulated reticulated folliculated vermiculated pediculated calculated sacculated uncirculated granulated annulated lunulated

strangulated angulated triangulated unstimulated nummulated flammulated irregulated nodulated immodulated undulated lobulated tubulated uninsulated vesiculated dentellated mammillated bosselated ocellated pixilated cucullated castellated isolated tessellated cellated lated related unrelated belated stellated fated elongated unconsummated semi-palmated conjugated unmitigated variegated

togated larvated uncultivated elevated curvated iodated undated cuspidated unliquidated unaccommodated undated unconsecrated unpenetrated nitrated undemonstrated fenestrated illustrated uncastrated saturated unsaturated polyunsaturated fluorated integrated hydrated unincorporated separated saccharated unobliterated unadulterated unremunerated perforated imperforated uncelebrated serrated elumbated unabated

unbated unbaited unrebated miscreated striated uncreated uncompensated ansated spissated potted spotted unspotted cotted cottid shotted knotted unknotted plotted clotted proglottid sansculottid slotted dotted uveoparotid parotid carotid rhinocerotid unrotted sarcoptid unadopted scripted unprompted untempted uncorrupted interrupted uninterrupted

unadapted parted departed triparted biparted unstarted hearted great-hearted soft-hearted light-hearted stout-hearted broken-hearted downhearted hollow-hearted hard-hearted kind-hearted uncharted unconcocted addicted uncontradicted restricted unrestricted uninstructed unconstructed unreconstructed unobstructed fructed suspected unsuspected unexpected unrespected unprotected undetected obtected connected inconnected

unconnected disconnected pleuronectid dejected unsubjected complected retroflected uninflected unreflected collected uncollected unelected affected unperfected unaffected uninfected invected uncorrected undirected dissected impacted contracted uncontracted distracted undistracted abstracted fracted unacted footed segmented warranted unwarranted painted unpainted unattainted tainted

untainted acquainted unacquainted sainted wanted unwanted unplanted pintid stinted unstinted squinted minted printed wonted unwonted unhaunted undaunted appointed pointed unpointed jointed unjointed disjointed stunted unhunted affronted unaccounted uncounted mounted unmounted unrepented tented contented uncontented malcontented undocumented

experimented unornamented lamented unfermented demented augmented uninvented precedented unprecedented dented indented unindented tridented unrepresented scented mantid Quadrantid covenanted uncovenanted untenanted talented ootid trumpeted pitted ricketed nitid witted quick-witted qualitied unforfeited fitted limited unlimited illimited uncommitted unintermitted

unremitted unadmitted targeted uncredited inedited rhabditid spirited tephritid unmerited emerited prohibited uninhibited uninhabited unhabited unsolicited citied uncoated noted unnoted unquoted moted devoted throated unsupported ported unreported intorted retorted thoughted sorted malted intilted stilted unbolted vaulted unconsulted

welted unmelted belted unbelted lofted shafted gifted ungifted unsifted tufted united unrequited whited sun-lighted flighted scolytid unlighted delighted uninvited detrited unaffrighted turrited sited excited unsighted uncited quesited capernoited doited cutted nutted unrebutted spouted clouted undoubted pailletted

petted sweated jetted fetid indebted phosphuretted hatted plaited unplaited slatted matted ratted caryatid unshirted uncontroverted retroverted unperverted inverted unconverted undiverted lacertid unconcerted propertied impanated chromatid spermatid hydatid spirated oribatid repeated unrepeated sheeted superheated incompleted uncompleted vermetid

untreated unseated conceited unconceited putid reputed indisputed undisputed disubstituted cornuted convoluted involuted voluted muted dutied undistributed polluted unpolluted undiluted unrecruited rooted unrooted booted unsuited tasted wasted waisted Hampstead blasted masted worsted twisted untwisted listed unlisted fisted

ham-fisted misted unharvested interested uninterested disinterested wristed unresisted cystid posted inexhausted unexhausted Volstead unadjusted maladjusted undusted crusted untrusted untested uncontested indigested undigested unmolested dermestid vested crested red-breasted plastid noctuid nid lucanid ranid pycnogonid procyonid Samanid hackneyed

unhackneyed arachnid tachinid tintinnid staphylinid hominid prehominid vinnied littorinid gyrinid Giacobinid opilionid papilionid vespertilionid tenebrionid honeyed moneyed penide canid evanid varanid serranid learned unaccompanied uncompanied Draconid braconid Sargonid phoronid Leonid Oceanid tabanid hyaenid sciaenid lycaenid whid

quid liquid unliquid illiquid equid SQUID pinguid languid tracheid proteid araneid tettigoniid blenniid saturniid cepheid reduviid Nereid sclereid otariid hesperiid gobiid euphausiid Perseid aged overaged sphingid carangid frigid rigid fulgid algid turgid synergid energid solpugid solifugid

antherozoid zoid hid mujtahid lid annelid chrysalid passalid catocalid stolid squalid olid solid unsolid cichlid Euclid priapulid serpulid sipunculid trombiculid brotulid linguatulid terebratulid tragulid pompilid mutillid mustelid lilied amaryllid ylid Marsilid syllid psyllid eyelid unsullied olenellid

tetractinellid coccinellid jellied gelid yellow-bellied terebellid sabellid bellied pallid calid nymphalid valid invalid pyralid hepialid natalid Ozalid felid Bielid unlid slid 'slid fid aphid pedatifid multifid bipinnatifid tyroglyphid triffid trophied sylphid didelphid trifid bifid syrphid myctophid

tupaiid omomyid pongid mid Niamid Fatimid timid pentastomid myzostomid tummied mummied aramid pentatomid triatomid catostomid chironomid pelamyd pyramid tarsonemid plasmid phasmid amid tumid humid desmid gid dogged Maggid rugged jagged cragged ragged vid. vid Pegrare David unenvied

livid vivid bovid corvid fulvid ivied beloved pavid impavid gravid avid scurvied perfervid fervid praefervid cervid Safavid ruvid crutched wretched shaded unpersuaded jaded gadid traded graded degraded unaided podded rodded bodied unbodied retarded guarded unguarded unregarded

unbarded bearded wooded hooded wanded fronded uncommanded winded long-winded short-winded brinded aminded minded weak-minded absent-minded unminded simple-minded high-minded broad-minded uncompounded unfounded grounded ungrounded rounded unrounded bounded unbounded unsounded suspended unattended unintended pretended extended inextended incomprehended splendid

undefended unrecommended unfriended unbended unended undescended maldescended expanded candied candid uncandid backhanded forehanded overhanded underhanded handed cack-handed short-handed left-handed right-handed heavy-handed high-handed ham-handed two-handed landed stranded branded sanded diamonded unhusbanded wounded unwounded katydid propanidid lidded unlidded

acridid gridded loaded demoded dismoded ixodid corded chorded unrecorded unrewarded unlorded sworded sordid gilded ungilded unbuilded infolded moulded unmoulded scalded unchilded welded melded ungelded shielded fielded tided unguided misguided provided unprovided divided undivided rided sided lopsided

decided undecided voided studied unstudied blooded muddied unclouded unshrouded unwedded headed hotheaded light-headed unheaded muddle-headed pigheaded stag-headed hard-headed round-headed leaded unleaded sledded threaded unthreaded unbedded madid curded ungirded macropodid unimpeded unneeded weeded unheeded reeded seeded unseeded

included unconcluded intruded rid pierid undraperied historied rhipiphorid ephemerid torrid horrid florid forehead caprid sacred epacrid acrid hatred geometrid eupatrid putrid strid unwearied forwearied Timurid silurid furied murid pagurid lurid lampyrid satyrid mormyrid mirid virid Taurid

storied storeyed unstoried plasmodiophorid orphreyed Lyrid irid Osiride varied invaried unvaried grid diagrid worried hurried unhurried kindred bedrid viperid clerid viverrid serried sparid peracarid married marid unmarried arid acarid eurypterid stellerid salaried memoried gammarid fulgorid ivoried

bassarid scabrid colubrid hybrid monohybrid dihybrid penaeid lygaeid rheid scarabaeid bid biddy-bid ibid. morbid tabid crabbed rabid turbid verbid carabid rebid cebid forbid overbid underbid rubied outbid iproniazid isoniazid pansied posied palsied isocarboxazid hyolithid mermithid syngnathid

superfluid fluid semifluid Condy's fluid muid Druid suid miacid cossid molossid roscid hippoboscid sarcopside phalaenopsid dropsied capsid anapsid synapsid therapsid diapsid marcid coccid flaccid rancid probenecid unpolicied lycid formicid viscid inviscid tortricid theraphosid phocid chalcid alcid mysid

chrysid cerambycid cussed muscid vanessid blessed unblessed monacid jassid oxyacid Hasid placid hydracid superacid Abbasid acid antacid polyacid amino acid diacid triacid subacid cursed ursid fantasied Ramessid sphecid Seleucid mucid deuced lucid pellucid dilucid translucid staged

waged unwaged swaged engaged unengaged disengaged middle-aged supercharged uncharged undischarged unchanged challenged managed languaged unlanguaged unacknowledged privileged imaged unabridged ridged gorged ungrudged wedged ledged unfledged unedged unpurged submerged ode antipode hemipode epode megapode Spode code

zincode opcode sarcode postcode manucode locoed placode encode decode toad toed heptode in-toed pentode nematode trematode cestode shoad node tacnode platinode palinode staminode spinode dynode threnode anode internode Heberden's node crunode woad waywode herpolhode polhode load lode

lodh payload implode explode displode backload stipulode phyllode offload unhallowed reload overload unload reload mode i-mode thermode neodamode commode incommode discommode agra la mode outmode goad vaivode voivode cladode unshadowed road rode electrode centrode tetrode inroad Nesselrode railroad

Tyrode byroad parode corrode sarod Euston Road erode crossroad geode baud bode abode forebode embowed cathode hydathode KO'd sewed nosode rhapsode hexode exode episode mesode oared fiord cord chord concord whipcord monochord manichord polychord clavichord misericord

clarichord harpsichord glassichord trichord record decachord heptachord octachord pentachord notochord stomochord Primacord Novachord tetrachord urochord hexachord accord disaccord uncord concord record pre-record Bedford cord discord discord unstored ward rearward award toward untoward reward sward jimber-jawed hoard horde

lord laud applaud warlord landlord Randlord overlord unlawed unlord milord belord belaud ford afford maud remord gaud Gawd vaude fraud defraud broad abroad maraud board bord bawd springboard ashipboard shipboard clapboard starboard larboard garboard backboard skateboard

outboard pasteboard washboard dashboard laminboard inboard stern-board snowboard shovelboard millboard switchboard mitch-board matchboard cardboard soundboard sideboard mortarboard weatherboard keyboard tea-board freeboard seaboard aboard abord over-the-board overboard earth-board debord above-board preboard disboard saxboard smorgasbord unthawed sord sword

back-sword rippled principled unprincipled uncrumpled frampold coupled uncoupled dappled purpled unpeopled steepled wrinkled unwrinkled sparkled unchronicled cuckold unbuckled speckled fleckled spreckled tackled ramshackled unshackled spectacled bespectacled pinnacled unmanacled wattled mottled bottled mantled untitled scuttled metalled

settled unsettled scattald writhled menald awald Tynwald whiffled rifled unrifled ruffled unruffled purfled shingled springald jungled rectangled unentangled old-fangled newfangled bedangled rangled pommelled enamelled goggled springald puggled rivelled unrivalled shevelled dishevelled scroddled spindled brindled handled unhandled

puddled unmeddled unsaddled emerald laurelled moralled muralled spiralled FitzGerald herald hareld unbarrelled embowelled tabled labelled unlabelled abled disabled marbled ungarbled ribald umbelled undissembled scrambled troubled untroubled scrabbled syllabled hazeled grizzled wrizzled muzzled unmuzzled unhouseled ramfeezled measled

uncounselled scaled unscaled tailed long-tailed ring-tailed cock-tailed rat-tailed swallow-tailed hobnailed unnailed mailed veiled accolled unbowelled gnarled marled garled woolled unspilled unskilled untilled willed quilled self-willed filled unfilled unfulfilled milled gilled gild guild overgild engild ungild begild

rilled quadrilled build jerry-build overbuild in-build unbuild rebuild sild old olde unpolled cold acold overcold ultracold scold told untold stoled threshold wold Cotswold holed hold shorthold commonhold copyhold stranglehold freehold ahold uphold withhold behold household leasehold

fold sheepfold frankfold pinfold infold millionfold multifold manyfold manifold twifold trifold bifold thousandfold blindfold hundredfold scaffold interfold overfold enfold unfold mould iron-mould remould unmould remould gold marigold Jonagold scrolled uncontrolled inrolled bold overbold forold souled sold

unsouled unsold unconsoled auld yauld spald spauld uncalled unrecalled scald skald walled galled bald Archibald piebald skybald skewbald tiled homostyled heterostyled wild undefiled mild unbeguiled vild child grandchild unchild Rothschild unreconciled oiled unspoiled moiled doiled boiled

unboiled soiled unhulled ould jowled eld yeld fjeld speld unspelled undispelled keld stelled shelled sheld unshelled weld swelled held hand-held unparalleled Ziegfeld ganzfeld meld unsmelled geld Danegeld heregeld wergeld belled pearled bepearled curled uncurled whirled world

underworld Third World this world Ostwald kobold eild yield foryield peeled unpeeled unrepealed keeled steeled unsteeled shield enshield unannealed unaneled wheeled weald wield uncongealed heeled heald hield field Springfield outfield infield Enfield Canfield old field Sheffield chesterfield afield Smithfield

upfield left field downfield midfield misfield unrevealed chield bield sealed unsealed unconcealed unguled muled scheduled non-scheduled supercooled unschooled woold engouled unruled eyed ide pied unoccupied preoccupied polypide cock-eyed skied tied tide peptide polypeptide dipeptide tripeptide Gut-tide

nucleotide Hollantide eventide protide wintertide phosphatide staurotide untied betide shide nide cyanide isocyanide arsenide diguanide biguanide actinide selenide Vynide antimonide ozonide lanthanide moon-eyed snide wide nationwide worldwide ureide methysergide hide Hyde metaldehyde formaldehyde acraldehyde furfuraldehyde paraldehyde

valeraldehyde glyceraldehyde furaldehyde aldehyde acetaldehyde Naugahyde unhide Lide metallide kaylied halide Plaid applied unsupplied ophicleide Heracleid nuclide macrolide gallanilide acetanilide syphilide bolide wall-eyed glide glyde on-glide off-glide alkalide allied collide elide slideslide backslide landslide overslide

raphide partified sanctified unsanctified rectified unrectified unidentified fortified mortified stiltified stratified certified uncertified unbeautified mystified justified unjustified dignified undignified signified unified unliquefied qualified unqualified mummified unmodified dottrified unpetrified glorified rarefied unterrified pansified unfalsified unclassified crucified sulphide

hydrosulphide disulphide unaffied confide diffide phosphide unsatisfied dissatisfied amide polyamide diamide succinimide megimide cetrimide glutethimide imide polyimide ethosuximide bromide lactamide acetamide tolbutamide sulphonamide monamide ethionamide nicotinamide niacinamide cyanamide acrylamide nialamide formamide thalidomide sodamide metoclopramide loperamide carbamide

tolazamide nikethamide tryparsamide frusemide guide teleguide misguide vide Levied provide unprovide disprovide divide redivide subdivide chide iodide sodide ride wride glyceride sleigh-ride pride tried electride nitride outride untried stride astride overstride bestride telluride fluoride sulpiride chloride

dichloride boride fried gride hag-ride dried sun-dried hydride anhydride saccharide monosaccharide polysaccharide disaccharide trisaccharide isomeride override ivoride bride arride override outride deride reride hydroxide bide carbide phaeophorbide abide Ubaid azide hydrazide semicarbazide reside preside methide ethide

pop-eyed goggle-eyed side fireside wayside boss-eyed ringside topside diopside upside depside epoxide alkoxide pentoxide protoxide butoxide monoxide phenoxide nitroxide tetroxide peroxide ethoxide methoxide oxide sesquioxide dioxide trioxide murexide Stateside withoutside nearside nucleoside ganglioside stevioside nematocide Ironside

slickenside yonside withinside downside burnside vulpicide lapicide episcopicide molluscicide insecticide serpenticide menticide parenticide infanticide giganticide parasiticide nematicide spermaticide raticide liberticide foeticide pesticide senicide tyrannicide cyanicide fungicide algicide regicide stillicide filicide silicide felicide siblicide pediculicide homicide Barmecide

femicide spermicide germicide avicide ovicide sororicide matricide patricide fratricide bactericide tauricide arboricide uxoricide perdricide parricide acaricide deicide herbicide verbicide urbicide parasuicide suicide piscicide offside nitroprusside woodside landside roadside broadside bedside glycoside glucoside waterside genocide nemacide riverside

overside underside pseudocide globoside seaside aside alongside excide backside outside onside incide inside coincide decide undecide beside offside subside paired unprepared unrepaired impaired caird scared unsquared haired unhaired laird braird columned bosomed untamed ashamed

unashamed unshamed agnamed undernamed unnamed unclaimed unreclaimed irreclaimed uninflamed defamed maimed unframed bombed armed palmed unharmed charmed uncharmed unarmed skimmed limbed rimmed untrimmed honeycombed uncombed foamed domed normed platformed ununiformed unperformed informed uninformed unformed unconformed deformed

reformed unreformed malformed unhelmed untimed unlimed rimed unrimed unrhymed numbed unplumbed gummed ungummed thrummed thumbed summed unwemmed unhemmed condemned fremd hammed damned undamned wormed unconfirmed bottomed accustomed unaccustomed uncustomed venomed steamed unredeemed unstreamed undreamed volumed perfumed

consumed unconsumed untombed plumed unplumed beplumed bloomed unclogged waterlogged sogged wigged twigged unwigged sprigged unrigged toged lugged plugged slugged legged tagged shagged snagged jagged hagged magged scragged smaragd zigzagged unfatigued unpaved staved shaved waved

unsaved calved long-lived short-lived unlived involved undissolved resolved unresolved irresolved valved unwived lived unrevived underived unloved outcurved decurved nerved deserved undeserved reserved unreserved unobserved unserved sheaved leaved relieved unrelieved sleeved unreprieved grieved aggrieved unperceived unconceived undeceived

unreceived unmoved removed unremoved proved unproved unreproved unimproved grooved polypoid lipoid hypoid trappoid octopoid scolopoid cyclopoid anthropoid lupoid vespoid epitrochoid conchoid scincoid sarcoid mineralocorticoid gynaecoid helicoid myrmecoid ericoid lumbricoid cercopithecoid vocoid trochoid cricoid psychoid placoid

percoid plerocercoid pinacoid eunuchoid thylakoid coracoid anthracoid scolecoid sphecoid pithecoid fucoid mucoid palaeoniscoid meniscoid obeliscoid viscoid discoid molluscoid tactoid factoid contoid odontoid lentoid allantoid elephantoid demantoid planetoid granitoid chloritoid parasitoid parotoid speltoid deltoid cytoid mattoid chromatoid

nematoid haematoid prismatoid rheumatoid teratoid magnetoid histoid cystoid blastoid mastoid fatuoid tetanoid organoid coronoid nanoid monoid hypnoid arachnoid choanoid terpenoid echinoid retinoid platinoid quinoid Stalinoid masculinoid delphinoid hominoid feminoid staminoid albuminoid adenoid cyprinoid fibrinoid cannabinoid resinoid

carcinoid myxinoid vaccinoid conoid clinoid crinoid ganoid sturnoid Lapponoid solenoid montmorillonoid melanoid calanoid balanoid Tasmanoid humanoid proteinoid ctenoid arytenoid glenoid sphenoid alisphenoid disphenoid pyrenoid opioid scorpioid clupeoid stromateoid osteoid histioid nucleoid lophioid cardioid placodioid bacterioid formicarioid

embryoid gobioid ichthyoid struthioid tarsioid unenjoyed zooid ooid loid hyaloid myeloid petaloid metalloid crystalloid nepheloid encephaloid Mongoloid paraboloid squaloid colloid aneuploid monoploid heteroploid polyploid diploid triploid haploid octoploid pentaploid tetraploid mixoploid hexaploid euploid unemployed cycloid hypocycloid

epicycloid nucloid uncloyed varioloid naviculoid tuberculoid celluloid erysipeloid cotyloid nautiloid strongyloid phylloid amyloid strobiloid tholoid styloid meloid palmelloid bdelloid phalloid thalloid alkaloid satelloid omphaloid amygdaloid mineraloid coralloid Australoid spiraloid hyperboloid peloid keloid tabloid unalloyed sloid xiphoid

paratyphoid typhoid lymphoid scaphoid pyoid hyoid stylohyoid mylohyoid spongoid fungoid spatangoid cymoid pygmoid sigmoid dermoid sesamoid leukaemoid prismoid merismoid plasmoid ethmoid mesethmoid desmoid indigoid pterygoid phugoid void ovoid avoid devoid gadoid trendoid Rhodoid lambdoid Veddoid turdoid

rhabdoid roid echiuroid amberoid rubberoid toroid cancroid ochroid pomacentroid centroid astroid undestroyed meteoroid micrometeoroid steroid oxosteroid norsteroid spheroid hemispheroid chimaeroid theroid lemuroid neuroid siluroid porphyroid choroid sauroid nephroid spiroid viroid parathyroid thyroid aroid tigroid Negroid droid

chondroid cylindroid dendroid android hydroid sparoid scaroid stromatoporoid jasperoid acaroid saccharoid bacteroid hysteroid somasteroid asteroid aneroid Polaroid stelleroid haemorrhoid diphtheroid labroid fibroid zebroid gabbroid erythroid geoid scarabaeoid globoid rhomboid cuboid lensoid trapezoid rhizoid Melanesoid sleazoid fusoid

ornithoid lithoid Malthoid feldspathoid ellipsoid grapsoid toxoid suffixoid prefixoid myxoid schizoid suspensoid cissoid emulsoid dispersoid thyrsoid cirsoid sinusoid medusoid pud spud cud khud scud stud bestud nud hud lud plud flood blood 'sblood beblood slud

fud mud Yomud dud rudd rud crud bud 'sbud rosebud thud sudd sud nowed loud cloud stacken-cloud thundercloud overcloud encloud uncloud becloud aloud vowed unavowed dowd proud unproud crowd overcrowd stroud shroud enshroud unshroud Froude

highbrowed ed. yed Samoyed ped quadruped multiped pinniped uniped soliped maxilliped cheliped palmiped semi-ped plumiped capriped fissiped moped parallelepiped triped biped octoped monoped Hesped unsped ked sked ted stead onstead Ofsted homestead midstead roadstead oersted

instead bestead bested shed campshed woodshed bloodshed watershed non-sched ned sned corsned oued wed coed head steephead lunkhead thickhead bulkhead hothead crappit-head jolt-head flat-head masthead spearhead maidenhead pinhead kirkin-head jerkin-head skinhead go-ahead bountihead lustihead likelihead seemlihead

hardihead negro-head sorehead well-head drumhead egghead godhead hard-head Roundhead scald-head deadhead redhead copperhead jolter-head hammerhead loggerhead niggerhead figurehead blunderhead dunderhead chowderhead pre-head subhead hogshead nag's-head ahead overhead youthhead pier-head unhead behead Medusa's head sheep's head Turk's head cross-head lead

led naled gled unlead unled sled fed Med premed ged Mitnagged dead undead read redd red gossipred spread widespread aspread overspread outspread dispread bespread cred Socred tread undertread retread overtread undertread untread retread shred mired dread

bread bred waybread shortbread inbread shewbread gingerbread thoroughbred underbred inbred unbred crossbred rose-red infrared thread unthread unread Turkey red bed hotbed whitbed Murphy bed childbed vartabed feather bed slugabed pissabed abed interbed unbed embed Z zed Enzed Op-Ed Dip. Ed.

Cert. Ed. said NSAID foresaid unsaid adad add Umayyad pad Eupad spad cad dodecad nicad cycad decad duodecad ecad scad tad heptad octad UNCTAD pentad distad shad Upanishad monad gonad sanad sternad leptomonad maenad Olympiad

asclepiad spartakiad Schubertiad gwyniad ennead decenniad polyad chiliad Iliad Neread oread vicariad columbiad mesiad Pythiad ogdoad Galahad lad plaid clad ironclad polyclad Alclad triclad unclad yclad glad blad fad lymphad fidfad naiad jeremiad dyad triad Thyad

mad meshumad proximad nomad Mahamad hebdomad bemad gad egad begad chad dad aoudad grandad hodad crawdad doodad Seguridad bedad rad peripherad prad trad ventrad tetrad Strad grad undergrad postgrad adrad farad laterad brad bad duad superadd

sad hexad dorsad mesad Mossad spurred unspurred Kurd curd turd stobard unstirred shirred - potsherd nerd word nayword foreword byword watchword reword misword password jird herd unheard gooseherd furred fyrd preferred unpreferred merd immerd gird engird

ungird begird verd rerd brerd smobarrbrobard smobarrrebrobard bird burd songbird mockingbird kingbird hangbird qua-bird blackbird mutton-bird sunbird honey-bird ladybird snowbird ho-ho bird widow-bird dial-bird rifle bird halberd hum-bird oozlum bird yardbird sugarbird poeuml-bird third surd absurd poniard whinyard

tenured Spaniard lanyard halyard unpapered unstoppered wappered tempered untempered ill-tempered distempered unhampered peppered shepherd jeopard leopard dhrupad leisured measured unmeasured immeasured schnockered snockered unconquered stinkard blinkard stunkard Dunkard drunkard tankard brocard fleckered chequered unchequered whiskered dottered

unsceptred gartered chartered unchartered undoctored vectored sectored unentered uncentred self-centred dotard quartered watered unwatered spalted haltered mitred unshuttered guttered lettered unlettered unfettered tattered untutored costard bastard registered vistaed encloistered uncloistered custard lustred mustard bustard dastard unwithered

mothered unmothered unsmothered untethered feathered ungathered synod cornered Ward-Leonard mannered unmannered gurnard wayward upward vaward awkward abackward backward frontward leftward rightward outward westward north-westward south-westward eastward north-eastward south-eastward rearward oceanward heavenward onward mountainward inward sunward downward

vanward sternward norward overforward forward straightforward thenceforward henceforward thraward poleward hellward schoolward offward selfward skyward fromward homeward Romeward woodward windward groundward landward midward worldward sideward headward redward Edward afterward thitherward whitherward hitherward polarward riverward leeward seaward

northward forthward southward deathward earthward injured uninjured unsoldiered perjured pollard collared collard Lollard vanillaed billard particoloured varicoloured versicoloured tricoloured bicoloured rose-coloured coloured uncoloured self-coloured dullard ballad salad Waldorf salad wafered Thetford Hereford Stableford Rumford Camford Stamford Waterford

Rutherford Oxford ahungered hungered enhungered anhungered melamed armoured scammered Muhammad humoured boggard sugared niggard figured infigured unfigured sluggard beghard staggard haggard laggard favoured ill-favoured quivered undelivered covered uncovered unrecovered undiscovered unsevered beavered natured ill-natured good-natured pictured

structured unconjectured spitchered Richard pochard orchard pilchard cultured uncultured featured unpastured textured goddard doddered unhindered uncalendared thundered bog-standard standard substandard inconsidered unconsidered ordered unordered shouldered ridered unpowdered laddered cantred hundred out-Herod laboured unlaboured astarboard tribade lombard

timbered untimbered unencumbered uncumbered unnumbered membered unremembered cupboard stubbard Hubbard lubbard scabbard tabard wizard blizzard lizard gizzard vizard izard izzard guisard visored unvisored buzzard hazard haphazard mazard mazzard method id pede centipede millipede cirripede velocipede

impede stampede speed overspeed expede Godspeed keyed teaed steed bastide arachide knead need kneed - in-kneed weak-kneed snead weed mayweed knapweed chickweed milkweed tweed oarweed chaffweed joe-pye weed ragweed richweed pondweed bindweed cudweed seaweed Swede flixweed heed shahid

lead lied ringlead plead interplead implead replead clead fleed gleed invalid bleed bebleed mislead slead volkslied feed infeed overfeed underfeed mead meed Mede Ganymede semed remede Magen David deed indeed misdeed read reed rede creed screed stackfreed

greed agreed reread breed brede outbreed interbreed inbreed crossbreed aread jerid murid unread reread misread bead jumble-bead kaid seed cede gape-seed lopseed retrocede linseed aniseed proceed mawseed coleseed supersede intercede proceed exceed accede succeed retrocede incede

concede antecede recede precede secede deseed recede squabbed barbed unbarbed nibbed ribbed bilobed robed unrobed orbed uncircumscribed undescribed unbribed stubbed clubbed undubbed shrubbed webbed unwebbed scabbed shabbed uncurbed unperturbed imperturbed undisturbed herbed unfazed amazed

bemazed raised unpraised uncleansed lensed squizzed opposed unopposed supposed unsupposed uncomposed disposed indisposed undisposed closed unclosed undisclosed tuberculosed zoomorphosed rosed stylopized unsystematized unadvertised sclerotized unbaptized lichenized unmechanized organized inorganized unorganized unrecognized uncanonized unhumanized unchristianized Trubenized localized

preglottalized uncrystallized tanalized unnaturalized unrealized uncivilized Tebilized adrenalized undisguised blackavised advised unadvised surprised unprized polarized Sanforized unpasteurized authorized unauthorized sized uncriticized uncircumcised unexercised undersized unsized poised unpoised unhoused lesed reesed diseased seized unseized unaccused unconfused

skewed 'tude quietude inquietude disquietude tude senectude juventude lippitude torpitude decrepitude turpitude promptitude plumptitude ineptitude aptitude inaptitude sanctitude senectitude correctitude rectitude exactitude inexactitude plentitude lentitude fortitude multitude altitude platitude latitude co-latitude gratitude ingratitude attitude beatitude certitude

incertitude vastitude finitude infinitude definitude indefinitude omnitude magnitude plenitude pinguitude consuetude mansuetude assuetude longitude solitude amplitude similitude dissimilitude verisimilitude parvitude servitude pulchritude nigritude Negritude hebetude habitude desuetude spissitude solicitude vicissitude dulcitude celsitude necessitude lassitude crassitude stewed

nude continued unsinewed denude leud Quaalude hastilude prelude valued unvalued pluri-valued collude feud subinfeud intermewed subdued unsubdued exude thewed pseud transude Likud shoed shood intertissued unshoed snood lewd occlude include conclude reclude preclude seclude exclude postlude

unglued interlude allude elude illude delude food Frankenfood mood Thamud dude rood rude prude jurisprude crood crude screwed protrude intrude detrude pultrude obtrude extrude shrewd brood bude Mahsud

pai kau scow Tao taw Swatow capitao kowtow thou I-Thou knowe now hinau Maranao naow enow erenow whau wow powwow wow-wow bow-wow jiao jow Bajau howe hagrao hau how anyhow silly-how

everyhow know-how nohow somehow Hau Hau warehou cahow Lao low plough trench-plough snowplough Rotherham plough clow allow balao disallow pilau slough Mao mow maomao Mau Mau mau-mau MuumlllerThurgau lobby-gow hoosegow vow avow disavow

ciao chow chow-chow dow dhow Spandau endow disendow Rao row prow frough Frau frow yuffrouw hausfrau drow tamarau brow lowbrow highbrow eyebrow Warao purau tow-row gherao bough bow dazibao overbow thou Miao

miaow yeow sough sow seigneur Richelieu milieu prie-dieu voyeur sieur Monsieur croque-monsieur perpurper pirr purr spur cockspur larkspur hotspur voyageur arbitrageur rongeur Kerr curr cur cregravecoeur occur percur claqueur incur

concur recur skirr scur excur terterr tirr turr trotteur prosateur secateur restaurateur saboteur littrateur raconteur inter disinter deter auteur hauteur rapporteur stir astir bestir Pasteur shirr hocheur pasticheur accoucheur Loucheux knur entrepreneur

cow raurekau worricow bullamacow pikau nikau

whirr squirr her hurr bateleur Bangla flurr siffleur blur bleu cordon bleu deblur bricoleur couleur quatre-couleur slur fir fur mainferre coiffeur infer confer reconfer defer refer prefer befur transfer transfer mermurre

myrrh mer mirr murr demur smur aver chirr churr Chartreux sabreur birr burr bur clot-bur Bathurst bur aberr Noogoora burr deburr poseur tirailleur oo-er sursir connoisseur nossir chasseur masseur susurr Tonga longer inyanga ashtanga

Nyungar Wappinger pinger stinger Flushinger winger outswinger inswinger jimswinger swinger Haflinger slinger Schroumldinger dinger humdinger klipspringer springer stringer thuringer Ringer wringer Meistersinger zinger Minnesinger singer ponga lunger stengah tanger Maoritanga inanga onhanger hangar hanger dassievanger double-ganger

ganger lammervanger Hardanger voetganger wallbanger banger karanga yuh yer quillaja Maitreya abaya titihoya upya sapucaia snekkja vestiture investiture nritya depositure chaitya tao-tieh matje sepurture armature Vaisya Feinne Malaguentildea seignior zampogna campagna pupunha polynya caipirinha yajna

Bologna hryvna gunyah chikungunya bunya-bunya Kenya Kenyah tenure non-tenure Britannia lasagne pintildea La Nintildea Tigrinya Monsignor vicuntildea aliyah galabiya kabaragoya bowyer lawyer Penang lawyer sawyer failure polje Tripolye scaglia Montilla willya lechuguilla bombilla hellier espalier alure parakeelya candelilla

armadilla Jicarilla guglia khaya hiya Maya havier haviour behaviour malbehaviour saviour livier grandeur verdure Sankaracharya acharya sarvodaya toquilla tortilla keffiyeh ouguiya Oriya dahabeeyah achondroplasia achalasia brazier jizya artemisia ambrosia amnesia analgesia ecclesia Silesia anaesthesia thermanaesthesia thuja

puya alleluia hallelujah thuya lasya tonsure diaper wallpaper sandpaper Ingres paper newspaper paper unpaper nordcaper caper hag-taper taper tapir Morse taper shaper japer gaper vapour skyscraper scraper draper sapa poppa popper koppa copper topper stopper gurgeon stopper unstopper

shopper knopper wapper whopper hopper grasshopper lopper chopper Dopper proper unproper improper sharecropper cropper eavesdropper dropper teeny-bopper sopper papa macrocarpa scarper sharper harper jipijapa DARPA voorloper looper kipper Yom Kippur skipper Lulworth skipper shipper gallinipper juniper nipper snipper

equipper whipper swipper jipper klippe clipper flipper calliper lipper slipper chipper dipper tripper stripper ripper zipper coper scopa land-loper interloper megalopa loper sloper moper dopa levodopa troper groper roper oupa opah soaper sopor NATSOPA pauper torpor

panorpa warper milpa hydrapulper felix culpa gulper kelper scalper catalpa gryllotalpa talpa BALPA salpa sandpiper piper Maris Piper stiper sniper wiper hyperhyper viper Russell's viper pinstriper striper comper stomper swamper romper whimper crimper simper pumper stumper jumper plumper

clumper lumper slumper dumper bumper tub-thumper thumper martemper attemper temper contemper obtemper mistemper distemper pamper camper scamper tamper stamper hamper unhamper clamper lamper vamper damper tramper amper Keuper cuppa cupper scupper crupper upper rere-supper supper pepper

salt-and-pepper stepper schlepper leper lepper prepper whakapapa cappa kappa caper capper kapur Phi Beta Kappa wire-tapper tapa tapper kidnapper napa Nappa napper knapper snipper-snapper whippersnapper schnapper snapper plapper clapper klapper flapper palapa lappa lapper vappa didapper dive-dapper dapper

crapper trapper understrapper strapper grappa rapper wrapper sapper hyperper kurper Sherpa usurper hanaper potwalloper developer galloper mandapa monotropa peeper shopkeeper wicket-keeper timekeeper keeper housekeeper tepa steeper nipa neper weeper sweeper lipa leaper sleeper creeper reaper reeper

Mizpah pupa prepupa stupor kukupa cooper pooper-scooper stupa snooper Hupa hooper whooper Strandlooper chalupa looper super-duper trooper trouper moss-trooper grouper rype BUPA supersouper super prosper RoSPA clasper chutzpah whisper Hesper Vespa vesper jasper asper sneck-drawer

drawer embrasure rasure erasure Laurasia dopiaza incisure imposure composure discomposure exposure pre-exposure disposure overclosure closure enclosure foreclosure disclosure exclosure danger endanger stranger estranger granger hydrangea ranger whinger swinger wharfinger scavenger porringer harbinger singer sponger plunger

lunger phalanger pleasure unpleasure displeasure leisure commeasure measure unmeasure admeasure mismeasure treasure entreasure azure magnesia nemesia brisure seizure kerundertaker taker partaker skaapsteker Sheikha shaker conacre nacre naker quaker simulacre laker portulaca faker watchmaker match-maker

matchmaker Jamaica shoemaker maker pacemaker peacemaker daker moonraker breaker ice-breaker housebreaker bareca raker baker wiseacre stavesacre ekaacre cloaca sacre rosaker saker cocker stocker shocker knocker quokka jocker clocker blocker locker mocha mocker chocker docker Lincoln rocker

rocker knickerbocker bocca saltimbocca oka ocker soccer Ponca concha conker conquer reconquer stonker honker plonker Dzongkha land-junker Yunca tinker stotinka stinker winker jinker clinker blinker minke vinca Dinka Mandinka drinker thinker Inca inker sinker younker punkah

kunkur junker hunker clunker lunker spelunker Dunker trunker bunker mossbunker unco pediunker sunker Zenker spanker canker sheet anchor Tanka tanker shanker wanker janker hanker flanker chancre pranker kukumakranka lingua franca barranca rancour scowbanker Yarra-banker banker maasbanker anker anchor

disanchor Sanka shapka parka parker sparker kakar pataca cachaca sharka sharker huaca haka harka polacre marker medaka bidarka jararaca Rakah Kabaka barker Ngbaka anasarca hyposarca moussaka Rathke Sitka jutka Nootka puka kooka cooker Captain Cooker kanuka manuka

Hanukkah hookah hooker onlooker inlooker looker booker sambuca succah matryoshka babushka kishke sharashka rubashka jinker opanka spanker sedanca burka Romaika yikker nitpicker picker side-kicker kikar kicker erotica exotica hepatica natica pragmatica sciatica urtica tikka ticker swastika

spitsticker phantastica plastiqueur sticker shicker japonica Terra Japonica santonica shonicker moniker harmonica electronica veronica arnica Dominicker Seneca Wernicke tunica nicker snicker whicker Wicca wicker majolica mezza-majolica sollicker replica plica clicker Mannlicher basilica silica flicker angelica gallica licca

licker liquor slicker photographica vomica nux vomica vicar Baedeker melodica materia medica dicker paprika pricker tricker esoterica erica areca ricker arabica cubica bicker musicker tsuica icker Siksika vesica brassica sicca sicker unsicker poker coca coker koker Sigatoka toco

manitoka stoker joker sloka maloca phoca smoker choker croaker stockbroker Broca broker roker oca Oka ochre EOKA tapioca mediocre carioca soca soaker yorker porker corker corkir stalker Minorca jaywalker walker Matthew Walker mahorka hawker orca gutkha sepulchre

Khalkha yarmulke ilka polka pulka Salpausselkauml calcar ensepulchre Stavka pica pika piker spica spiker styca balalaika laika liker mica formica duiker Maxwell's duiker striker lorica myrica dumka zubrowka troika perestroika yucca yakkha pukka pucker pataka tucker Molucca

felucca mucker chukka chucker UCCA trucker lumpsucker seersucker bloodsucker sucker succour vodka ploshchadka von Gierke Yekke woodpecker pecker manteca Reinecke necker zamacueca cueca weka leccer Mecca Cheka checker chequer exchequer hendecadodecadecadecker undecaVoortrekker trekker

brekker wrecker Lubecker Quebecker Rebekah Ekka ekker yacca yakka yacker paca packer alpaca stacker Saka kanaka knacker greywacke illywhacker waka wacke wacker Hakka hacker flacker Malacca lacquer polacca phytolacca sifaka macca makar machair smacker dacker nutcracker

cracker tracker tracker karaka maraca Schwabacher asarabacca bacca backer nerka networker worker lurker furca Gurkha charka mazurka Karnataka Jataka spinnaker unaker stomacher abaca massacre kopiyka speaker mastika sneaker squeaker Mochica chica dika krieker Ringerike eureka tariqa

beaker dimorphotheca spermatheca theca bibliotheca hypotheca pinacotheca rhamphotheca ootheca caique sika seeker oiticica babka sabkha Yizkor Nazca nucha involucre melaleuca sambuca euchre proseucha pooka motuca Stuka shuka snooker blucher palooka Lucca lucre noctiluca vinchuca molly-dooker farruca

eruca verruca Tumbuka bazooka posca mosker bosker oscar schapska tasker masker masquer asker tsatske britzka propiska whisker Morisca polska tuskar tusker husker flusker Musca puttanesca cadilesker Moresca esker ayahuasca Alaska lascar Madagascar marasca ter psychiater

waiata proprietor syncopator pater evocator sophisticator masticator fornicator communicator multiplicator supplicator replicator applicator duplicator explicator significator qualificator sacrificator purificator scarificator pacificator trafficator vindicator indicator pedicator predicator judicator prevaricator fabricator lubricator desiccator mystificator provocator advocator cater locator

Mercator piscator tractator deputator disputator commutator adjutator commentator prestidigitator agitator imitator visitator annotator dilatator dissertator potator tater cunctator dictator spectator sectator rotator argumentator cantator notator mutator scrutator protestator stater stator testator continuator valuator sequenator resonator impersonator

intonator supinator salinator nominator denominator dominator discriminator examinator terminator determinator illuminator divinator buccinator fascinator propugnator impanator alternator detonator gubernator donator martineta pronator signator equator exequatur waiter expiator brachiator initiator negotiator appreciator foliator aviator deviator abbreviator radiator

irradiator gladiator intermediator mediator impropriator Centuriator variator annunciator denunciator contemplator plater nomenclator stipulator manipulator joculator articulator calculator peculator speculator circulator stimulator simulator dissimulator emulator accumulator regulator ovulator modulator undulator wobbulator funambulator perambulator tabulator insulator immolator scintillator

ventilator stabilator vexillator interpolator percolator escalator inhalator travelator isolator oblata coleta muleta revelator collator terra sigillata delator relator dilater dilator translator legislator slater triumphator faitour estimator sublimator lachrymator epitomator monochromator mehtar mater pia mater imprimatur dura mater litigator alligator

obligator navigator compurgator propagator corrugator interrogator geta gaiter gator negater negator legator purgator inactivator cultivator elevator excavator Traxcavator Rotavator jetavator innovator ruddervator conservator novator levator ovator emendator commendator depredator viewdata data mandator laudator corporator literator conjurator

crater arbitrator traitor prostrator demonstrator ministrator administrator sequestrator illustrator procurator obturator dimensurator aspirator instaurator frater freighter confrater grater regrater operator cooperator incorporator preparator separator recuperator inspirator respirator decorator generator regenerator tacho-generator refrigerator explorator stellarator accelerator reperforator

numerator moderator liberator reverberator vibrator multivibrator narrator curator jurator aurata gyrator incubator reprobator abator albata improvisator totalizator eta archiater viator creator dispensator peseta saeter glossator taxator pulsator potter spotter terracotta cotta cottar cotter ricotta titter-totter teeter-totter

totter knotter snotter squatter swatter jotter hotter plotter clotter blotter pelota slotter gotta dotter trotter rotta otter sotter phoenicopter helicopter copter hymenopter horopter ornithopter orthopter diopter Gupta Anaglypta crypta scripter scriptor descriptor sculptor insculptor prompter sumpter

tempter redemptor pre-emptor upter heptaproprioceptor photoreceptor tangoreceptor pressoreceptor exteroceptor interceptor sceptre exceptor acceptor inceptor unsceptre receptor preceptor interoceptor captor recaptor chapter adapter velociraptor Utahraptor raptor pintildeata Zapata parter departer toccata imbroccata charta quatre piccata Magna Carta

batata Tatar Tartar cantata frittata starter Karnata serenata sonata caponata chipolata taramasalata Vater martyr Stabat Mater megalomartyr mitsumata uchimata protomartyr fermata Alma Mater garter alpargata charter anudatta dartre darter udatta Vertebrata Invertebrata paratha tarata inamorata rata pro rata errata

ciabatta barter niata Radiata riata IATA passata cassata doctor undoctor proctor pro-proctor octaokta pollinctor sphincter functor plankter Sakta Pictor lictor victor convictor interdictor predictor constrictor Richter miltsiekte psykter adductor traductor introductor ductor inductor conductor semiconductor

abductor transductor instructor destructor obstructor spectre inspector protector detector connector notonecta nectar projector injector ejecta ejector rejector objector hector plectre deflector reflecter reflector collector elector prelector selector preselector perfecta superfecta re infecta defector trifecta odorivector vector pseudovector

convector corrector rector erector director pro-rector sector dissector prosector impactor tactor vlakte benefactor malefactor cofactor factor protractor tractor contractor detractor retractor extractor refractor varactor campylobacter azotobacter acetobacter exacta exacter exactor actor reactor character theatre interlocutor

executor co-executor contributor retributor distributor outputter putter adjutor coadjutor footer gomashta Tanaiste carpenter exigenter warranter warrantor painter pentecontapenteconter triacontarencontre wanta wanter Vermonter dreikanter planter subchanter chanter enchanter Vedanta Giunta pinta twinter inwinter winter midwinter

splinter linter minter inventar printer thrinter interinter sinter palacsinta aunter misaunter saunter pinta pointer West-Pointer jointer punter junta tuft-hunter hunter Gunter chunter dunter Grantha grunter marabunta bunter Geiger counter countercounter countour encounter re-encounter rencounter yenta

pentakente tenter stenter stentor magenta schlenter lentor polenta ejectamenta rejectamenta impedimenta tormentor segmenter interventor venter preventer residenter indenter circumferentor renter presenter presentor representer enterenter re-enter scienter hypocentre apocentre incentre epicentre Emergicenter urgicenter Surgicenter metacentre

percenter placenta centre accentor succentor soft centre concentre encentre incentor uncentre dissenter precentor decentre panter almucantar trochanter canter decanter instanter tam-o'-shanter mishanter plantar infanta elephanta manta Levanter tranter maranta ranter banter anta antre Santa yerba santa covenanter spanakopita

accipiter trumpeter per capita chapiter Jupiter pitta pitter spitter pocketa marketer Nantucketer racketer skitter competitor titter institor monitor premonitor definitor recognitor genitor primogenitor progenitor janitor nitta snitter quitter squitter twitter atwitter twitter whitter witter subintelligitur orthodigita sagitta

jitter splitter clitter flitter aglitter glitter pelleter blitter lytta litter slitter profiter taffeta tuftaffeta apheta fitter mekometer psychometer tachometer viscometer dilatometer optometer Comptometer conductometer deflectometer reflectometer stactometer olfactometer refractometer photometer rotometer Tintometer pitometer magnetometer cathetometer densitometer

sensitometer haemocytometer consistometer plastometer planometer manometer monometer harmonometer volumenometer galvanometer chronometer pyranometer ozonometer auxanometer strainometer hedonometer phonometer actinometer inclinometer salinometer illuminometer odynometer tonometer clinometer vinometer cyclometer nephelometer intervalometer bolometer alcoholometer coagulometer pupillometer scintillometer oscillometer Nilometer profilometer

milometer velometer coulometer psophometer nephometer roughometer graphometer dynamometer thermometer katathermometer atmometer rhythmometer anemometer stalagmometer creamometer strabismometer seismometer aggregometer ergometer oedometer pedometer odometer speedometer udometer micrometer psychrometer spectrometer penetrometer infiltrometer nitrometer hygrometer Launder-Ometer hydrometer porometer Weatherometer accelerometer

phorometer interferometer tenderometer barometer Fortin barometer katharometer Tellurometer fluorometer respirometer butyrometer pyrometer spirometer tribometer piezometer bathometer stethometer ometer tacheometer absorptiometer potentiometer goniometer radiogoniometer geometer ebulliometer heliometer pyrheliometer pluviometer fluviometer stadiometer radiometer gradiometer audiometer eudiometer rheometer variometer eriometer

stereometer tensiometer foolometer Fade-Ometer riometer drosometer tensometer extensometer densometer opisometer sympiesometer transmissometer gasometer campimeter konimeter planimeter limiter stabilimeter gravimeter dimeter turbidimeter trimeter perimeter vaporimeter isoperimeter evaporimeter saccharimeter dolorimeter polarimeter solarimeter colorimeter calorimeter odorimeter fluorimeter passimeter viscosimeter

tasimeter plessimeter velocimeter scimitar oximeter pleximeter porosimeter tensimeter densimeter dosimeter pulsimeter lysimeter heptameter octameter pentameter Rotameter voltameter dynameter tetrameter penetrameter parameter ammeter milliammeter permeameter diameter semidiameter hexameter promittor remitter transmitter neurotransmitter riveter servitor vitta chitter expenditor

auditor proveditor creditor editor inedita subeditor traditor Mirditeuml verditer interpreter critter nritta fritter svarita heritor inheritor apparitor ritter writter arbiter inhibitor orbitar presbyter archipresbyter excubitor bitter embitter proposita ovipositor depositor repositor prepositor compositor exposita expositor dispositor

inquisitor requisitor disquisitor visitor catheter ita iter ytter Exeter solicitor publicitor compulsitor capacitor cursitor exercitor sitter sapota poter Lakota Dakota scoter nota quota flota floater bloater vallota electromotor neuromotor fusimotor excitomotor vasomotor perceptuo-motor pulmotor trimotor locomotor

optomotor dynamotor promoter promotor motor voter chota doter rota rotor Savonius rotor boater iota biota Minnesota colporteur Piesporter supporter portaporta porter reporter importer sporter transporter cauter Dobos Torte ripsnorter snorter forequarter headquarter jerkwater quarter cutwater shearwater freshwater

rainwater polywater Javelle water bywater pomewater Poland water underwater rose-water Teeswater underwater water unwater midwater dewater holy water manslaughter slaughter fautor mortar rere-dorter granddaughter daughter dorter oughta aorta Malta lavolta voltavolta balter realtor kilter tilter philtre filter infilter

poulter coulter moulter boulter palter Walther walter halter falter faulter defaulter superaltar Gibraltar altar alter salter psalter adulter consulta pelta pelter spelter kelter helter-skelter skelter Morrison shelter Anderson shelter Shelta shelter vuelta welter swelter Klinefelter felter melter smelter

delta belter Winterhalter alter sesquialter salta lofter crofter softa shafter laughter rafter afterafter hereafter poofter woofter shifta shifter snifter swifter lifter slifter drifter dufter EFTA Caphtor NAFTA BAFTA Taita titre nitre nighter igniter lamplighter highlighter

gauleiter lighter prizefighter fighter mitre Vita subauditur typewriter scriptwriter underwriter baryta righter reiter writer Nerita chirayta biter pituita coaita exciter excitor huerta stoiter reconnoitre mahoitre ploiter loiter goitre tangata pata putter dupatta sputter Connecticutter woodcutter cutter

scutter stutter shutter unshutter Nutter splutter clutter aflutter flutter whata schmutter mutter gutta gutter guttur chutter swartrutter rutter butter rebutter surrebutter thutter utter pouter spouter scouter touter shouter plouter lauter strouter grouter router outta outa outer

petapetter bruschetta tetter pancetta netter weta sweater cabaletta letter violetta mantelletta burletta feta fetter enfetter unfetter metaMeta go-getter malagueta getter fughetta anchoveta naveta debtor vendetta codetta stretta operetta barretter retter carburettor biretta abettor better

bettor embetter mozzetta tazetta sinfonietta tragedietta comedietta Henrietta arietta outsetter onsetter setter upsetter yatter manyatta pitter-patter patter patha patha spatter bespatter catatroposcatter scatter bescatter tatter sceatta shatter natter gnatter snatter swatter hatter platter splatter clitter-clatter clatter

flatter blatta blatter latter mulatta slatter hamfatter subject-matter object-matter shmatte matamata parramatta matter smatter gatter regatta chitter-chatter chatter spratter Maratha ratter Batta batter atta attar atter satyr laagte flichter teuchter flaughter coperta kurta hurter Spitzfloumlte frankfurter

upconverter downconverter inverter invertor converter evertor reverter Transverter deserter Lacerta taupata matata donator condemnator senator tregetour idolater physiolater zelator elater balata comforter declinometer informator shamateur amateur predator orator autocrator pro-curator conspirator comparator declarator barrator amphitheatre stylobata

excusator Struwwelpeter Lapita PETA pita petre peter saltpetre nepeta repeater copita Akita chaeta keta skeeter anteater teeter partita Peshitta manzanita incognita granita UNITA tweeter lotus-eater fajita heater hectolitre millilitre Lolita veleta corallita salita litre fetor voltmeter

hectometre centimetre multimeter altimeter millimetre telemeter intoximeter taximeter decimetre opacimeter yawmeter micrometre worm-eater kilometre lumeter meta metre meter sampaguita vita cheetah toad-eater dita detur fire-eater preterpraetor propraetor secreta secretor excreta Arita sentildeorita margarita rhetor ureter

amrita leadbeater beta beater zeta zita theta rho-theta eta eater raita seta seater physeter masseter rasceta casita subterABTA microcomputer pewter computer transputer prosecutor persecutor collocutor prolocutor locutor cicuta institutor tutor emphyteuta neuter valuta fewter commuter

muta uta pooter accoutre barracouta kuta cuiter cooter couter likuta scooter battuta tooter sharpshooter shooter Herrnhuter hooter blooter luter foutre footer mootah mooter fruiter freebooter souter suitor taster waster slaister praepostor impostor Costa coster paternoster hosta

Gloucester foster snollygoster langosta starosta roster zoster Auster songster swingster ringster youngster gangsta gangster bangster popster sharpster tipster whipster hipster hipster Dumpster dempster ampster shepster shepstare tapster pastor caster castor plaster beplaster Alastor laster paymaster ringmaster

shipmaster barmaster taskmaster rittmaster scoutmaster postmaster schoolmaster fagmaster surmaster quartermaster burgomaster overmaster master past master passed-master grand master remaster Mixmaster snallygaster alabaster disaster oxter Pinkster funkster prankster shickster trickster jokester juxtahuckster truckster praetexta Poindexter dexter ambidexter exta

baxter whitster litster sportster maltster beatster puszta Worcester monster bemonster Loch Ness monster spinster Westminster Kidderminster minster Axminster punster funster dunster penster fenster scenester orchestre episcotister subminister minister prime minister administer maladminister subminister sinister canister ganister banister lanista genista

twister twistor linguister Wistar whister register enregister deregister pre-register misregister agistor magister hister polyhistor klister clyster fillister glister blister beblister ballista lister philister sophister Mr mister thermistor druggister harvester vista Winchester Manchester Ilchester Sanfedista chorister forester

crista barrister arista wrister turista neuristor thyristor varistor bistre transistor resistor koeksister mort d'ancestor sister spacistor poster coaster toaster roaster sewster pollster holster upholster reupholster bolster Ulster Elster shyster Rittmeister spinmeister kapellmeister dyester Christer dryster gamester homester

mimester hamster teamster deemster seamster doomster gigster dragster hoister cloister uncloister roister oyster Olympia oyster locusta grihastha lacklustre supercluster cluster fluster bluster lustre luster delustre muster remuster duster crusta Lincrusta thruster rustre filibuster buster robusta rodster roadster

speedster ouster yester pesta pester protester protestor testa tester nester cuesta quester questor sequester wester nor'-wester sou'wester suggester suggestor jester egesta leste Leicester celesta festa fester semester trimester Avesta Zend-Avesta vesta sylvester chester prester ester polyester

fiesta siesta ancestor sester schoolmaster pasta medicaster politicaster criticaster grammaticaster shikasta dum casta cytaster catasta poetaster Shasta canasta canaster monaster pinaster solaster pilaster verticillaster philosophaster cremaster theologaster gaster cadastre Rasta raster aster piastre cotoneaster oleaster diaster Stokes' aster

burster Lancaster hanaster baluster autopista keister fashionista Sandinista quaestor proquaestor leister Paulista barista easter Somocista lobster mobster fibster tubster webster dabster Wooster brewster rooster booster overture the pother fother rother bother lather father forefather grandfather

father farther rather nouther plunther tither thither anywhither nowhither somewhither whither wither swither hither behither blither lither slither dither zither norther mauther tither neither either tother another nother 'nother wuther stepmother foremother grandmother mutha mother smother

druther brother co-brother ruther other souther tether untether nether aweather weather whether wether heather pleather whitleather leather feather get-together together altogether feijoada blather slather gather ingather forgather regather rather further sheather breather soother pisha paysha acacia

pistacia malacia facia geisha sabbatia Alsatia cosher tosher squasher washer swasher Shropshire Hampshire pasha akasha Falasha tamasha moksha Berkshire fixure jinricksha Yorkshire yaksha plexure contraflexure flexure deflexure stancher brancher rancher incher launcher buncher trencher bencher pen-pusher

pusher tusche tatpurusha gorbuscha Lincolnshire Devonshire stancher plancher affenpinscher pinscher amentia dementia respondentia censure Constantia pisher adventitia justiciar finisher extinguisher wisha Englisher publisher militia kingfisher contrafissure fissure fisher comitia travisher Yiddisher disher perisher Orisha Derbyshire kosher

nicotia scotia clocher brochure Portia Ayrshire Loamshire poisha blusher slusher musha musher crusher Russia rusher usher Bedfordshire Staffordshire Cheshire acupressure overpressure pressure impressure compressure tressure fresher refresher thresher Kasha oboe da caccia flasher lasher slasher masha masher smasher

dishdasha haberdasher dasher thrasher rasher basha subashi tertia sesquitertia inertia Lancashire Worcestershire alopecia shisha rondeletia godetia atresia montbretia aubrietia Katyusha fuchsia hibakusha na opener reopener falconer frightener patana sweetener stationer probationer confectioner pensioner tensioner practitioner

petitioner commissioner missioner conditioner portioner reversioner executioner safener antiphoner summoner wagoner scrivener governor taverner ravener evener moderner pardoner coroner warrener foreigner pembina prisoner dozener parcener coparcener fastener listener decener Trakehner Seatainer entertainer maintainer container detainer retainer

Portainer scena cordwainer planar planer coplanar cantilena mainour veiner chena ordainer trainer strainer drainer Lorrainer Terena yerba buena Shiv Sena conner Mashona nonawanna wonner swanner gonna goner Riccadonna belladonna Madonna donner doner prima donna seconda donna honour dishonour Sonne

shimiyana Sevillana Hinayana Mahayana Yana uddiyana campana katakana macana kana Tucana Afrikaner tykhana gymkhana Turkana thana tanna tartana lantana capitana gitana sultana Curtana Rosh Hashana Wapishana banana zenana nana Twana marijuana guana iguana Gondwana bwana parwanah Batswana

Tswana Setswana parmigiana pozzolana Maulana mana manyogana nagana hiragana caragana garner martingana dogana fata morgana nirvana Sylvaner darner Shardana pacarana guarana maharana gharana mussurana Rana Okhrana piranha Majorana cabana ikebana ana perpetuana scrapiana Qiana nicotiana lawsoniana omniana

liana shamiana dhyana boxiana poinciana dulciana wichuraiana ruana Lippizaner wickner muckna tridacna partner copartner Gartner vintner centner etna Patna tuna koruna Sunna Mishnah Hare Krishna choana inner pinna pinner spinner spinor trichina cyneSkinner retina patina platina

Latiner tinner Shinner whinner winner congener indigena bigener Jina milliner Dubliner finner domina tormina stamina interlaminar lamina laminar examiner terminer determiner predeterminer alumina beginner kitchener modena lardiner dinner loriner mariner Rinne sarcina maxina mediciner sinner Johne

ponor kona cinchona Ancona stoner Shona bywoner Jonah loner Barcelona Bellona mona Pomona cremona Tarragona yanggona spadona dona donor krona kroacuna krone trona corona Verona Tairona ozoner zona exoner owner canzona persona spawner by-corner catercorner corner

warner horner infauna epifauna avifauna piscifauna herpetofauna fauna mourner sauna Zoumlllner ulna ulnar piner spina Shekinah Niersteiner nicotina spartina cortina Steiner Scheiner shiner quinquina winer vagina sagina angina Ludwig's angina Regina incliner jetliner Metroliner Carolina salina liner

spirulina tellina finer confiner refiner hemina mina mynah miner minor diviner pulvinar china diner paludina Schreiner Shriner zebrina carina globigerina farina riner designer smilacina Lucina Pitcairner limner numnah alumna columna columnar intercolumnar Sumner lemna guvner tsarevna

joiner amboyna essoiner punner cunner scunner tonner tunner stunner oner pargana gunner chunner dunner doner outrunner forerunner underrunner runner pardner gardener echidna ordinar Radnor sundowner downer crowner posaune penner reim-kennar contratenor counter-tenor tenor rectenna antenna Gehenna

henna Vienna sienna Terra Sienna duenna Sehna senna Japanner spanner canna canner alcanna scintiscanner scanner tanner platanna nana planner alanna lanner fanner manna manner manor Havana savannah vanner channer bandanna Korana rabanna banner hosanna anaanna ipecacuanha

Pollyanna joanna goanna Diana Santa Ana sannah mainpernor terna ternar turner cisterna learner parapherna furner Smyrna taverna dharna burner epanajacana smetana actioner vahana zingana commoner almoner sermoner Wagener meshugener samprasarana karana hebona asana poena philippina scorpaena

subpoena druzhina kina quina keener marikina coquina catena toccatina sonatina scarlatina cavatina concertina TINA phlyctena cantina rhytina sestina Chianina in-betweener weaner lagena gena Wandjina melongena tahina plenar cleaner Euglena santolina phalaena semolina galena javelina solenoMessalina

doline melaena mustafina saphena Traminer meaner pashmina demeanour misdemeanour zygaena avener intervener veena vena wiener novena convener corvina kachina denar deaner molendinar phagedaena medina barracudina Greener arena signorina pepperina Incaparina ocarina ballerina prima ballerina marina tromba marina erythrina

tsarina muraena pandurina casuarina karabiner verbena amphisbaena Zener maizena ozaena rendzina thenar terebinthina hyena dracaena retsina Atsina piscina oficina visna Pilsner propugner lacuna lacunar tuna tuner cassumunar Buna Una Poona puna Cuna kuna Ticuna schooner swooner

kahuna kabloona superlunar calluna interlunar mezzaluna luna lunar solunar soli-lunar semilunar novilunar sublunar Doona induna crooner Abuna bhuna yokozuna mizuna sooner Meissner Reisner Reissner Kiowa hyawa Tewa rewarewa paua kawakawa pohutukawa Yukawa tawa chihuahua Mazahua

Masarwa hiaqua sasanqua Namaqua siliqua madoqua chautauqua aquaaqua sub-aqua Griqua haniwa pipsissewa Showa Korwa interlingua lingua Lengua nigua tagua piragua Quechua Tonkawa Karankawa Ottawa Tiwa pesewa Kiswa strontia substantia stager teenager tween-ager screenager

Naja wager neuronophagia major Sar-Major sergeant-major podger codger todger stodger snodger lodger dodger roger bodger dowager turbocharger charger maharaja Yuvaraja raja Toradja manger changer Sloane Ranger neckinger pottinger conynger ginger stallenger balinger austringer murenger derringer injure messenger

passenger conjure BarcaLounger Nyanja cangia Kanjar khanjar ganja Manganja munja cottager vintager integer manager widger villager veliger homager armiger imager scavager claviger forager ostreger loggia soldier unsoldier prosopalgia odontalgia otalgia notalgia nostalgia mastalgia omalgia podalgia gastralgia

nephralgia arthralgia neuralgia causalgia myalgia Niger obliger judger bludger drudger ledger Leger sledger dredger Beja spadger cadger badger agger perjure merger demerger verger thunbergia urger potager tanager sockdolager astrologer horologer mythologer physiologer theologer physostegia Ouija tetraplegia

paraplegia monoplegia hemiplegia quadriplegia diplegia aquilegia meeja aqua regia procedure puja juger whittawer phwoah wire-drawer withdrawer Rioja kangha paha tanekaha tinaja Fatihah johar aloha mohur alforja Shilha gratiola viola dialler variola gospeller hospitaller victualler

teetotaller hosteler epistoler hoveller shoveler shoveller leveller reveller gaveller traveller modeller middler libeller parabola chiseller Methuselah chancellor vice-chancellor pro-vice-chancellor counsellor councillor penciller whistler yayla palar akela scala scalar scaler pseudoscalar prescaler talar tailer tailor Taylor nailer

kwela vihuela Waler whaler jailer inhaler shillelagh malar travailer chela tjaele trailer karela derailleur bailer ala alar sailer sailor chrysocolla collar choler white-collar osteocolla ichthyocolla sarcocolla scholar ayatollah chuckwalla squalor potwaller pani-wallah pattawalla wallah-wallah Wallawalla wallah

holla holler dollar dolour rix-dollar arolla corolla azolla olla sollar stapler poplar Lombardy poplar Moplah Doppler tippler tripla tripler examplar sampler templar exemplar coupler phainopepla Kepler frapler octapla hexapla nyala pala palar parlour impala caller mancala tala

thaler challah haler Sinhala trehala Oglala halala Maler gala Lingala cigala alcavala Transvaaler Habdalah cabbala tambala Saale licuala koala masala garam masala sala Marsala rissala vizsla tinkler sprinkler sparkler pickler tickler stickler chuckler swashbuckler buckler suckler Tecla

heckler bottler bez-antler pantler antler Hitler titler cutler butler sutler settler settlor cotsetla tattler rattler battler turtler epistler alveolar striola popular unpopular copula scopula tipula stipula stipular manipular discipular scapula scapular serpula multocular monocular trinocular binocular

senocular jocular locular bilocular ocular uniocular subocular avuncular spicula spicular particular quinquarticular synapticula articular lenticular denticular reticular vorticular cuticula cuticular testicular gesticular canicular funicular genicular pinguicula vehicular follicular silicula vermicular navicula navicular ovicular radicular appendicular perpendicular

slantindicular pedicular cicatricula matricula matricular ventricular utricular febricula auricula auricular biauricular curricular orbicular corbicula acicula acicular sicula ossicular vesicula vesicular fascicular Vulpecula specular pinguecula molecular monomolecular unimolecular polymolecular bimolecular intramolecular vallecula fecula trabecula nubecula secular unsecular

opacular spectacular tentacular sustentacular vernacular tabernacular placula facula macula Dracula oracular piacular saccular opercular furcula furcular tubercular circular semicircular subucula floscular oscular crepuscular corpuscular muscular avascular intravascular vascular rotula plantula tarantula capitular titular situla spatula sextula

fistula fistular blastula membranula retinula inula zonula vaginula campanula cannula penannular planula granular ranula annular paenula lunula lunular stellular libellula cellular acellular unicellular alula scrofula infula lingula singular ungula septangular octangular rectangular pentangular multangular quinquangular obliquangular

quadrangular angular equiangular triangular primula simular formula formular palmula nummular hamular tumular ligula jugular tegula regula regular stereoregular irregular spergula virgula virgular ovular valvula uvula uvular nodular modular undular pendular calendula glandular radula morula spirula ferula

glomerular globular lobular vestibular fibula mandibular hyomandibular thuribuler preambular nebula nebular vocabular tabular fabular tubular clausula spathula fossula grossular consular Septinsular peninsula peninsular insula insular tissular tessular massula crassula pula ampulla Kevenhuller fuller Rosenmuumlller Muumlller Muller

rasgulla ancestrula gastrula florula aglomerular juxtaglomerular parula marula bulla buller thula prosula acushla macushla ashlar caterpillar papilla pupillar pillar spiller kokila rachilla killer Rototiller flotilla pulsatilla tutelar tiller potentilla scintilla mantilla distiller schiller Manila manilla vanilla

coronilla manzanilla Aquila squilla willer Rohilla nemophila drosophila gypsophila cafila filler Polyfilla similar consimilar unsimilar dissimilar verisimilar mammillar alchemilla sinsemilla Miller armilla mamilla bismillah agila Megillah diervilla Niderviller fovilla mandevilla villa chinchilla orchilla chowchilla entepicondylar sapodilla

granadilla serradilla sabadilla cedilla codilla pteryla fibrilla perilla sarsaparilla cascarilla camarilla gorilla guerrilla barilla thriller zorilla cypsela basilar scilla Scylla psylla axilla axillar paxilla maxilla premaxilla ancilla scagliola polar poller poler apolar monopolar multipolar unipolar dipolar

bipolar circumpolar Coca-Cola cola Pepsi-Cola tola stola canola Pianola Shinola granola boffola mola molar Moler premolar osmolar Gola golah Pongola plugola vola volar mandola vandola Victrola controller comptroller stroller steamroller logroller patteroller Savonarola roller hirola virola

bolar bowler barbola carambola tombola Ebola Cambozola Gorgonzola payola minneola nucleolar hemiola viola Moviola fasciola peola sola solar lunisolar salsola caller stallar staller hauler faller mauler mandorla crawler trawler aula Montrealer twiffler whiffler riffler rifler muffler

primipilar tiler substylar astylar styler mahaila hyla hilar Delilah filar bifilar miler Rottweiler strobila shingler jingler strangler wrangler angler tummler gumlah Tamla higgler juggler smuggler kegler reg'lar haggler straggler burglar Ziegler spoiler broiler boiler reboiler oiler

Euler flesh-colour Technicolor versicolour self-colour bicolour watercolour rose-colour overcolour colour encolour decolour discolour sculler nulla-nulla nulla nullah lulla mullah muller Gullah medullar medulla cruller sulla toddler swaddler chandler swindler laumlndler handler handler tiddler fiddler diddler idler

pedlar medlar bedlar saddler hurdler girdler needler taula jowler howler fowler growler a cappella alla cappella propeller repeller speller cella rathskeller storyteller patella panatela stracciatella teller tarantella mitella sittella scutella scutellar stellar Steller fenestella castellar canella fustanella gentianella

legionella villanella salmonella soldanella citronella Petronella membranella zanella panzanella prunella sal-prunella quinella selaginella fraxinella flagellar nigella heller velella Rockefeller fella fellah feller goodfella lamella lamellar mellah columella tremella smeller shigella novella telenovela reticella Valpolicella mitchella mortadella

candela predella umbrella exumbrella corella terrella pasteurella chlorella zoochlorella Cinderella mozzarella tiarella lirella tabella glabella Falabella clarabella Isabella sabella rubella umbella rosella zooxanthella klebsiella paella Viyella salt-cellar ocellar nassella sella cellar seller marcella vorticella varicella vulsella

tessella Sassella palla pallah pallor calla Calor talha inshallah mashallah Galla talegalla vallar valour Allah boobyalla Rualla pearler purler curler twirler Hurler Ertebobarlle cupola tricolour frottola tarentola pajala Dongola harmala kamala polygala pergola serigala arugula taovala

uvala bachelor gondola oropendola mandala amygdala neurula pyrola caroller foveola areola aureola rubeola roseola falbala hyperbola jeweller pansala russula spieler pealer peeler speeler chela keeler tequila skeeler parentela stela stelar machila sheela sheila sequela wheeler weigela

Monongahela HeLa Gila heeler feeler Miehle mealer Vela vila velar interdealer dealer cedrela sonerila reeler belah Ila Selah sealer concealer tabler stabler cobbler nobbler knobbler wobbler hobbler marbler kiblah warbler Dartford warbler Cetti's warbler Savi's warbler tumbler trembler scrambler

rambler tabla doubler nabla drabbler babbler muzzler tesla bobby-dazzler gongoozler gula gular intercooler kula Kulah cooler schooler jhula hula Fulah moolah choola doula torula ruler sakabula bamboula massoola hostler ostler Wechsler gusle hustler Nessler wrestler

wafer cockchafer chafer trefa UEFA coffer goffer proffer profer offa offer staffer laugher titfer woofer gufa granfer polypifer dapifer Piffer rotifer conifer foraminifer signifer niffer sniffer aquifer squiffer umbellifer valvifer differ Apocrypha thurifer spirifer Lucifer crucifer

shofar chauffeur Fraunhofer loafer gofer gopher sofa chauffer wolfer pilfer sulphasulpha sulphur telpher alfalfa pedalfer alfa alpha typha hypha lifer schreierpfeife rauschpfeife Pfeiffer Fifer scypha cipher encipher decipher undecipher nympha camphor chamfer Puffa puffer scuffer

stuffer snuffer huffer guffer duffer buffer suffer vorlaufer heifer hasenpfeffer zephyr Kafir Kaffir Jaffa gaffer chaffer zaffre piaffer furfur surfer metaphor typographer lexicographer psychographer cartographer monographer hymnographer scenographer morphographer mimographer cosmographer logographer rhyparographer chirographer iambographer lithographer

mythographer geographer bibliographer Hagiographa hagiographer choreographer historiographer autobiographer doxographer pseudepigrapha polygrapher calligrapher skiagrapher sciagrapher philosopher Kieffer Kupferschiefer khalifa synaloepha FIFA feoffor sharifa reefer ephah nuphar ufer tufa twofer stufa loofah goofer chufa doofer opera buffa phosphor fierasfer

conga conger tonga wonga-wonga wonga jonga tic-polonga donga Ronga taonga Tsonga panga pa'anga tjurunga caatinga cotinga jacutinga muninga anhinga Telinga malinger linga linger forefinger finger moringa alcheringa seringa syringa bubinga kainga barasingha younger punger sitatunga

ahunger hunger ironmonger warmonger scaremonger woodmonger costermonger munga monger peacemonger drungar cowabunga pengouml renga wambenger panga mbaqanga khanga kanga tanga Nanga kwanga wanga clangour malanga galanga languor langur manga vanga chimichanga anger sangar doonga chama

testamur Shema squama disclaimer Vehme trama pommer comma myocomma momma bomber somma sommer Shibayama Parma palmer kaama karma magatama retama shama Nama jama Yokohama Tashi Lama lama llama Larmor Dalai Lama farmer agama dhamma dharma Ndama grama docudrama

monodrama melodrama psychodrama drama ramarama Brahma Motorama panorama cyclorama diorama myriorama Balmer armour panchakarma dakhma chacma drachma mahatma curcuma lucuma posthuma enantiomer papauma summa surma epimer collenchyma parenchyma sclerenchyma aerenchyma prosenchyma Yakima skimmer intima penultima antepenultima

multimer ultima latimer timor ashimmer shimmer cinema enema anima unimer swimmer gimmer interpolymer polymer copolymer prepolymer skelpie-limmer flimmer rubinglimmer aglimmer glimmer limma limmer penthemimer hephthemimer gimmer ependyma dimmer primer krimmer trimmer Strimmer dendrimer brimmer Zimmer exanthema

eczema excimer dulcimer Quinquagesima Quadragesima Sexagesima Septuagesima decima Bessemer simmer Poma lipoma vipoma beachcomber trachoma Koma coma comber sarcoma osteosarcoma lymphangiosarcom a reticulosarcoma tecoma thecoma glaucoma leucoma haematoma teratoma scotoma hamartoma mycetoma stoma glioblastoma medulloblastoma shomer

melanoma noma seminoma neurinoma carcinoma tokonoma misnomer Stockholmer Oklahoma homer diploma loma myeloma tuberculoma granuloma lymphogranuloma papilloma syphiloma staphyloma condyloma lymphoma ecchymoma psammoma plasmoma gomer zygoma vomer hybridoma leproma chroma stroma hygroma prodroma enchondroma ecchondroma cylindroma

theobroma fibroma aroma pteroma pleroma atheroma romer scleroma xeroma neuroma boma coloboma Lag b'Omer diazoma xanthoma ouma omer deciduoma osteoma meningioma lymphangioma haemangioma polyoma mesothelioma glioma myoma metasoma trypanosoma pyrosoma soma myxoma prosoma korma torma norma warmer

swarmer Platformer performer forma former informer conformer reformer pro forma transformer mauma dormer trauma ormer Colmar Passe Colmar fulmar tilma Takelma palmar diapalma talma halma alma arapaima timer wisenheimer Rudesheimer limer Jemima chimer dimer primer tryma trimer rima

rimer rymer ecthyma sima cyma dogma ptygma stigma physostigma enigma migma sterigma kerygma sigma parapegma smegma bregma regma tagma syntagma quagma stalagma magma phragma agma zeugma incomer downcomer newcomer cummer comer scummer stummer jama hummer plumber

flummer slummer mummer gumma gummer drummer rummer bummer breastsummer summar summer midsummer stemma stemmer gemma hemmer plasmalemma analemma lemma dilemma neurilemma trilemma cremor tremor maremma emmer emma yammer tammar stammer enamour katzenjammer jammer tilt-hammer yellowhammer ninny-hammer

sledgehammer water-hammer hammer clamour glamour beglamour lamber slammer mamma mammer gamma gammer digamma dammar crammer programmer grama grammar rammer disenamour tsamma spermasperma termer termor determa Sturmer wormer terra firma murmur remurmur scrofuloderma scleroderma derma hypoderma syrma

hakama jicama tucuma protoma octamer tritoma protomer rotamer tautomer metamer Lutomer customer elastomer melastoma monomer astronomer ionomer anomer telomer conformer oligomer panchama Aceldama anathema gossamer isomer diastereoisomer stereoisomer photoisomer Pima schema teamer steamer diastema blastema Nabeshima

protonema epiphonema nema panglima emblema Lima limer lemur FEMA femur hyphaema oedema lymphoedema myxoedema papilloedema prima creamer screamer streamer sclerema epicheirema terza rima parabema bema Nzima enanthema erythema seriema noema empyema sema seamer emphysema nosema coprosma diosma

schisma platysma alisma melisma nomisma charisma xysma rusma klezmer plasmodesma phantasma petasma toxoplasma plasmaplasma ureaplasma mycoplasma symplasma melasma xanthelasma erythrasma miasma chloasma chiasma puma tumour Krukenberg tumour stumer neuma pneuma neurohumour humour ill humour good humour perfumer Yuma

consumer Sukuma Wasukuma jumar huma bloomer loomer duma doomer struma rumour kuruma empyreuma boomer mazuma satsuma asthma yager Jaeger jaumlger fanega jaeger telega maigre vega Strega rutabaga eagre saga saiga scogger Wagga jogger hogger logger

slogger pettifogger fogger dogger whinger carga targa Partaga Naga Swarga anlage vorlage laager lager dagga Onondaga raga tumbaga Aga saga jirga sugar meshuga muduga Nishga benga Sanga vinegar senega nigga nigger snigger doojigger jigger rejigger alegar

ligger figure lay figure configure reconfigure refigure prefigure transfigure misfigure disfigure omega vigour invigour digger Schmitt trigger outrigger trigger beeregar frigger rigger rigour phansigar yoga hatha yoga raja yoga Saratoga toga heretoga Conestoga choga drogher daroga oga ogre soga inaugur

maugre auger augur massasauga sauger Missisauga brolga pilger wilga mulga vulgar bulgur Trafalgar alga realgar taiga tiger liger gigastriga Auriga biga nuggar hugger plugger lugger slugger hugger-mugger mugger drugger rugger bugger Strowger Winnipegger kegger skegger

negasquegger legger megamega Megger regur beggar eggar egger stagger snagger quagga wagger swagger jagger flagger lagger slagger fagger Maga Chagga Wachagga Kichaga dagga dagger ragga saggar turgor peshmerga virga durgah Vegeburger Luxembourger Limburger hamburger

lamburger Wuumlrttemberger Nuremberger burger burgher Salzburger Johannisberger onager Malaga geropiga lettiga Shiga neger galega leaguer beleaguer meagre viga bodega Riga quadriga bigha eager overeager Pisgah Cayuga solpuga kuge cougar ajuga Luger beluga muga guga sastruga ruga

sevruga verruga paver cava caver staver shaver semiquaver demisemiquaver quaver waver waiver swaver haver clish-ma-claver claver off-flavour flavour glaver laver slaver favour disfavour graver engraver Mareva aver saver savour hover bovver kawakawa cava kava calver

Carver guava Java halver Balaclava lava-lava palaver lava larva fava bean marver cadaver gandharva brava ava cassava piassava dissava mikva Bodhisattva kiver skiver vetiver stiver ashiver shiva shiver miniver aquiver quiver Oliver pilliver flivver caliver liver deliver

redeliver sliver giver thanksgiver sandiver up-river river Swan River down-river Red River Ross River hangover popover wrap-over takeover make-over look-over walkover cover zelkova thwart-over leftover cut-over stover pushover turnover supernova Villanova Casanova nova ANOVA bossa nova Hova Jehovah clover pullover

spillover roll-over hold-over dover trover drover rover overover out-over all over moreover crossover Passover corver sorva volva revolver resolver wolver chilver quicksilver sylva silver besilver desilver culver hulver vulva ulva elver selva valva valvar quacksalver salver

salvor Valsalva skiver conjunctiva stiver Saiva oliva saliva guyver survivor viva viver reviver revivor diver dyvour screwdriver driver river triumvir duumvir septemvir decemvir quindecemvir undercover cover covert encover uncover recover re-cover discover rediscover shover plover glover

lover muvver bruvver uver dvandva louvre never clever endeavour forever ever whatever whenever soever whatsoever whensoever wheresoever whomsoever howsoever whithersoever whosoever whencesoever whatsomever whensomever wheresomever howsomever whomever whichever wherever however whoever assever sever dissever staver javver

haver claver slaver beslaver contrayerva fervour conferva preserver observer server Vaishnava baklava pavlova helluva tandava pareve jacopever peever kiva yeshiva Geneva genever weaver weever jiva heaver cleaver sackalever lever levir cantilever misbeliever sleever Pontiac fever Oroya fever fever

scarlet fever enfever viva overachiever underachiever diva retriever griever riva reaver beaver bever Casseiver Siva transceiver receiver transreceiver uva Tuva manoeuvre outmanoeuvre Heimlich manoeuvre Hoover mover remover prime mover approver prover improver mitzvah bar mitzvah bat mitzvah duplicature dictature

supernature nature unnature ill nature good nature denature renature disnature Weight Watcher watcher wotcher hotcha scobberlotcher gotcha rocher botcher scripture sculpture insculpture scalpture rupture disrupture Lepcha piscicapture capture recapture rapture enrapture departure starcher kwacha marcher alla marcia muchacha Piastraccia archer

tincture entincture lincture cincture encincture puncture acupuncture venepuncture puncture juncture conjuncture disjuncture picture depicture impicture stricture macrostructure microstructure superstructure ultrastructure infrastructure substructure structure destructure restructure biotecture architecture conjecture lecture facture manufacture machinofacture contracture fracture Colles fracture foliature

butcher tainture monture Vinchaceka doncher aventure bonaventure venture adventure peradventure misadventure misventure denture indenture debenture mancia gyttja pitcher divestiture garniture miniature microminiature geniture primogeniture progeniture ultimogeniture secundogeniture furniture twitcher forfeiture discomfiture micher chicha expenditure ditcher portraiture

nutriture dowitcher decumbiture poacher coacher scorcher torture lorcha sepulture pilcher Wiltshire ostreoculture monoculture apiculture stirpiculture menticulture viticulture horticulture viniculture vegeculture pomiculture vermiculture aviculture silviculture pluviculture arboriculture floriculture puericulture agriculture sericulture mariculture urbiculture pisciculture horsiculture citriculture sericiculture

aquaculture permaculture terraculture subculture culture kulchur unculture multure vulture belcher kurdaitcha simchah putcher kutcha scutcher toucher spoucher coucher voucher vouchor sketcher fletcher gletcher Lecher treacher stretcher breccia betcher flycatcher oystercatcher focaccia viscacha stature vernaccia dacha scratcher

gutta-percha percher kercher nurture lurcher gertcha bircher searcher researcher handkercher plicature judicature neckercher signature modenature nomenclature maculature musculature vasculature filature tablature entablature legislature discomforture ligature curvature incurvature candidature temperature contemperature distemperature literature magistrature quadrature serrature fixature

speecher teacher bleacher feature defeature disfeature tub-preacher preacher creature screecher reacher Chibcha puture future paulo-post-future moocher cachucha suture posture imposture composture pasture depasture affixture fixture prefixture intermixture mixture commixture immixture admixture premixture intertexture texture contexture moisture

gesture vesture investure purpresture kheda wader persuader suaeda fader alameda Veda Ayurveda Rig-veda trader oudstryder Schrader Ada aida Seder crusader podder codder todder clodder fodder dodder caballada yada pada taccada cadre khadar cicada retarder tostada

bastarda panada empanada monarda tornada Cunarder bajada harder gelada larder enchilada intifada hammada ramada armada shimada Haggadah Garda regarder Theravada chadar intrada autostrada tarada Rada arder ardour posada woulder wooder do-gooder garuda Buddha seconder lavender chavender

attainder remainder yonder ponder preponder transponder responder anaconda Gioconda hypochonder Golconda shonda nonda squander wander forwander honda ramonda marimonda bonder sonder Lahnda slander commander Alexander Munda pindar pinder tinder sidewinder Powindah winder hinder cylinder flinder calendar

calender uncalendar calinda Linde provender morinda sarinda cinder transgender launder maunder sidewinder winder hinder blinder pathfinder finder minder reminder grinder spellbinder binder joinder enjoinder rejoinder surrejoinder misjoinder panda rotunda wonder plunder blunder Lunda lounder profunda osmunda

chunder dunder bandar bunder shahbandar floribunda gazunder thunder underunder over-under asunder sunder pounder compounder flounder founder dumbfounder grounder rounder bounder sounder scolopender suspender tender intender untender pretender extender agenda gender engender splendour lender slender offender

fender defender Venda vender vendor videnda credenda prender surrender render orenda bender fazenda weekender tienda encomienda hacienda ascender tacenda sender descender panda pander compander candour dittander bystander understander stander scrimshander gynander Rwanda Trobriander backhander hander left-hander

right-hander Saarlander Uitlander outlander patlander Finlander Shanghailander glander Waterlander Munsterlander Netherlander overlander solander lander filander philander gerrymander calamander salamander pomander scamander germander omander propaganda Baganda bergander gander Muganda Uganda Luganda vanda dander blandander brander Aranda jacaranda

veranda Miranda bander Umbanda zander oleander meander coriander sander sandur palisander goosander muckender Hollander bilander Polander highlander islander Virgin Islander Solomon Islander Englander colander palander Zealander goonda kidder coloquintida asafoetida whydah glidder slidder Andromeda midder gravida multigravida primigravida

secundigravida candida didder Florida ridder bidder reseda lucida camera lucida consider reconsider coda vocoder Skoda Toda shoder loader pagoda railroader roader odour malodour soda palmcorder camcorder chorda cauda recorder Sursum corda una corda warder Anton Piller order Wetmore order lauder counter-order suborder

bordar border order unorder counter-order reorder misorder disorder sworder sawder sordor scalder St Kilda Matilda tilde wilder bewilder gilder guilder shipbuilder builder polder impolder shoulder unshoulder stockholder stadtholder copyholder shareholder freeholder holder upholder borsholder householder scaffolder folder

moulder smoulder boulder solder stalder Bretwalda chalder alder spelder skelder melder Van Gelder Griselda elder yielder outfielder infielder fielder spider nidor Oneida Snider Haida glider slider guider Mollweide provider divider outrider stridor rough-rider rider eider Topsider port-sider

Tynesider offsider sida cider sider outsider insider decider orterde numdah lambda moider voider broider embroider pada pudder shudder judder mudder rudder Kitchen rudder budda udder Sudder gunpowder piepowder Dover's powder powder bepowder James's powder scowder howdah Gouda chowder crowder

yedda yedder pedder shedder header heder Vedda Cheddar spreader bedder Edda edder padder khaddar stadda hadda Claddagh gall bladder bladder ladder Jacob's ladder madder dada dadder adder purdah murder girder Schroumlder birder Canada Kannada forwarder hundreder ambassador speeder

ringleader interpleader pleader bleeder leader feeder Amidah olla podrida breeder reader reeder corrida cedar seeder Bethesda Tudor Bermuda barracuda picuda excluder remuda Broeder wirer firer vapourer opera multipara nullipara primipara secundipara fripperer tempera emperor pepperer retinospora

Diaspora measurer treasurer vice-treasurer usurer conqueror caterer Trichoptera Hymenoptera Lepidoptera Neuroptera Orthoptera Coleoptera Hemiptera Diptera charterer winterer panterer taratantara totara fauterer poulterer adulterer sesquialtera et cetera patera fruiterer fosterer zostera upholsterer gatherer gunnera venerer rhizophora exophora epiphora

amphora canephora cataphora anaphora epanaphora lithodipyra malingerer ephemera camera in camera infirmarer woomera Niagara waverer deliverer recoverer lecturer manufacturer adventurer larderer wanderer thunderer warderer murderer verderer labourer yarborough Scarborough harbourer chamberer lumberer habara gerbera cithara phytophthora plethora

drosera lonicera chelicera viscera sorcerer tessera worserer guayabera eyra capoeira schnorrer Illawarra horror tomorrer agora begorra orra copra lepra khapra rupicapra suprascourer flowerer bauera para sparrer caracara Bokhara toxocara kara chinkara hircarra cascara mascara solfatara

tuatara satara tara jacitara speronara carbonara Nara narra sayonara marinara guara gurdwara Yoshiwara Tsukahara Sahara singhara Ishihara vihara afara wamara Gemara Samarra Mara marah marrer Connemara fiumara Tarahumara mulgara vara Yogacara tarara sharara capybara imambara Lugbara

houbara Izarra Ara tiara curiara okra fiacre hiera picra shikra chokra Lycra chakra buckra accra calyptra matra Sumatra Electra contracontra per contra Gros Ventre intradicentra yantra Swatantra tantra mantra dielytra ultraultra glossopetra tetratetra triquetra Brahmaputra

bumiputra chabutra sutra Kama Sutra Cosa Nostra Shastra extraextra orchestra ministrer registrer aspidistra fenestra minestra Olestra palaestra ristra goodyera sucupira sipeera lempira spearer kutira statera hetaera steerer monstera scorzonera hearer sclera schliere lira chimera gerah Trevira madeira

oenothera era phylloxera gopura kura Khaskura durra asura UNRRA purpura camera obscura datura coloratura angostura textura maclura fuumlhrer mura bravura dura Endura podura caesura Kamakura sakura acciaccatura appoggiatura imprimatura Kommandatura tourer fioritura tessitura vettura Ashura shura Jura

juror pleura menura goura gandoura koura kaboura tamboura sura surah katsura tityra wirra wirrah hegira tirra-lirra ephyra mirror sirrah sentildeora senhora signora pakora Kora corah tora Torah Simchat Torah totora storer Eleonora menorah warrer hora flora multiflora

grandiflora passiflora sophora amora Camorra mora gorah angora DORA rhodora pandora fedora Tuscarora roarer aurora bora bombora ora aura rangiora psora ixora infratephra leptospira tayra naira guira spirogyra lyra palmyra almirah cordillera chara ciguatera lavatera

platytera sharer habanera squarer renguerra solera wayfarer seafarer dulcamara ranchera pintadera caldera parera pareira demerara sword-bearer bearer riviera bhangra CAMRA tughra nigra mogra Dogra pellagra podagra Viagra Tanagra chaulmoogra Segravres livre wurra murra demurrer gurrah thirdborough

kookaburra Peterborough burra burgh borough thoroughthorough quadra tundra Cootamundra scolopendra calandra solandra Cassandra schizandra pachysandra clepsydra exedra sidra hydra Legendre piedra ephedra cathedra poudre paramoudra Sudra outscourer yerra teraterra terrar terror Volterra perahera here

primavera viverra error sierra serra parapara sparrer chara sharrer jarrah mojarra bungarra samarra arrha arrah Spoumlrer interrer stirrer transferrer transferor demurrer Deipara habeas corpora Tirthankara Swakara Ephemeroptera Isoptera waterer Dussehra honourer gesnera injera conjuror sora cholera

schefflera phalera cofferer endophora gongora Damara armourer dummerer remora samara kumara mandragora swayamvara alchera broderer borderer Barbara Svetambara Digambara ewerer jeera Syrah genre cobbra dobra palabra zabra palpebra vertebra sternebra algebra terebra cobra FIMBRA penumbra sinumbra

umbra cembra zambra hebra zebra abracadabra sabra Libra Aqua Libra Grevy's zebra Burchell's zebra Akubra lubra zubr clethra urethra abura bandura surra ea Panagia epopoeia prosopopoeia pharmacopoeia onomatopoeia Cassiopeia melopoeia rhythmopoeia mythopoeia rupiah Latakia trachea karakia kea pekea

skier kahikatea pukatea galatea hutia yautia sinfonia avania orthopnoea apnoea hyperpnoea dyspnoea linnaea Panathenaea dulcinea imbuya Pangaea Hygeia ohia fleer achillea synaphea fiar morphoea nymphaea amir ipomoea todea elodea almadia cypraea furcraea maestria Sangria signoria pulperia

taqueria leucorrhoea trattoria osteria Sharia rancheria menorrhoea polymenorrhoea amenorrhoea dysmenorrhoea alfilaria galleria salumeria Santa Maria Tia Maria Ave Maria seborrhoea pizzeria rhea ria rya urea thiourea xanthorrhoea spiraea Jacobaea beer zea apatheia barathea althaea zoea polizia panacea malvasia cuirassier

seah see-er ossia theodicaea caber tabor neighbour good neighbour Leber labour belabour Weber draba sabre cobber knobber swabber nutjobber jobber clobber slobber beslobber dobber robber Deely-bobber bobber oba jaboticaba harbour aufgabe indaba araba barber Barbour Ali Baba

arbor arbour Subtiaba casaba aucuba succuba pronuba coluber Yoruba turba zingiber jibba gibber jibber calibre libber gibber grimgribber ribber winebibber Toba tober October jojoba lobar dagoba arroba peroba coscoroba bona-roba algarroba araroba robur soba sober unsober

Micawber catawba torba carnauba Glauber dauber imbauba sauba Kolbe bulbar Melba alba copaiba Khyber liber fibre subscriber briber cyberceiba cyber antechamber chamber comber scomber saxotromba ombre sombre macumba timbre timber untimber kalimba Limba limber unlimber

xylorimba marimba Zimba simba cucumber cumber encumber disencumber uncumber discumber scumber Peclet number Schmidt number Nusselt number Stanton number Ludolph's number Prandtl number Strouhal number Weber number number Clumber calumba Columba lumbar lumber slumber rumba Northumber umbre umber susumber September member immember remember unremember

misremember disremember dismember November Bemba ember December Wakamba Kamba camber timbre tamber shamba Tupinamba clamber Lamba mamba gamba viola da gamba caramba amber liquidambar samba sambar moomba agba snubber jubba hubba-hubba clubber landlubber blubber beblubber lubber slubber beslubber

dubba scrubber indiarubber grubber rubber bubba pickelhaube rebbe yabba yabber jabber bonny-clabber clabber blabber slabber gabber grabber aba Abba Abbe yerba disturber girba reverber Berber Kaaba mastaba wallaba shillaber jellaba calaber cordoba peba gleba amoeba entamoeba

acanthamoeba myxamoeba Guebre guariba zareba tuba tuber Wagner tuba suber tacouba couba scuba shuba suba Nuba juba Luba goober simarouba rubor dilruba uberTaser tristeza Salmanazar blazer chalaza lazar laser phasor transphasor maser mazer stargazer impresa

raiser razer razor azawasser rozzer kaza plaza flaser sprazer alcarraza Abaza calabaza stanitza Pulitzer seltzer bonzer Windsor cadenza credenza influenza para-influenza affluenza panzer Kansa stanza bonanza kwanza extravaganza organza merganser elisor fizzer guereza rizzar scissor

yowza opposer poser composer hosier closer mimosa rugosa bulldozer hopperdozer dozer flindosa prosa trouser groser ponderosa terra rosa boza spongiosa neoza hawser colza pulza Kaiser solutizer appetizer organizer synchronizer ozonizer conyza way-wiser wiser analyser fertilizer tranquillizer stabilizer

microanalyser equalizer breathalyser ELISA miser guiser televisor supervisor improviser provisor visor unvisor deviser divisor prizer vaporizer Septembrizer coryza riser coleorhiza mycorrhiza peziza staticisor synthesizer sizar incisor subsizar mamzer hamza Gamza poiser buzzer sadza towser wowser Mauser

mouser rouser bowser Nebuchadnezzar shime-waza Balthazar Oropesa teaser Ebenezer genizah sneezer squeezer tweezer Mona Lisa tortfeasor geyser geezer visa lespedeza freezer riza beezer Caesar seizer Empusa musa medusa user misuser yakuza snoozer loser doozer Scenicruiser cruiser mezuza

spatha tirshatha lather godfather Martha panther pyracantha anther polyantha smithiantha everywhither cither quotha norther author co-author caltha maltha naphtha aphtha hyther godmother souther maranatha bertha golgotha sheather ether polyether diether skua skewer hewer feuar

viewer reviewer Dewar ewer pursuer sewer Timucua Nuer wooer hooer lehua punalua wrongdoer doer undoer brewer througher sewer soor sepacer spacer caser placer laser facer mesa macer vasa stern-chaser chaser tracer bracer embracer racer

beisa acer tosser josser fossa fossor mosser dosser sprosser papirosa gipser capsa by-passer passer Bahasa Lhasa Wilhelmstrasse sarsa msasa coxa sarcococca noxa Loxa moxa paradoxer chionodoxa boxer oxaoxer shiksa elixir fixer myxa mixer Kluxer adnexa

hexaplexor flexor exataxer Metaxa patzer tazza schwartze petuntse Faenza Switzer Wurlitzer spritzer tamburitza tsaritsa howitzer scamorza waltzer kreutzer matzo gutser schnauzer karezza Hidatsa piazza pizza Tietze piercer pittancer sequencer intelligencer remembrancer sponsor responsor tonsor

lancer gandy dancer dancer prancer answer reanswer conveyancer pincer oncer bouncer suspensor spencer dispenser Ricci tensor tenser tensor extensor fencer defensor mensa condenser ENSA incenser censer censor sensor vulpanser Drawcansir cancer necromancer ansa tapicer pisser zopissa kissar kisser

practiser mantissa justicer nyssa lyssa melissa officer artificer expromissor fidepromissor promissor purchaser harissa vibrissa sarissa cicer mariposa Xhosa mucosa Tosa Maglemose samosa margosa dosa greengrocer grocer Mater Dolorosa palmarosa serosa virtuosa curiosa courser forcer saucer balsa khalsa

hilsa propulsor pulser ulcer palsa salsa spicer shicer Schmeisser dghaisa disa ISA gricer Mimamsa thrimsa pusser fidejussor trusser Hausa yessir TESSA contessa vanessa plessor lesser professor confessor Messer suppressor pressor depressor repressor vasopressor compressor stressor aggressor

dresser dogaressa possessor antecessor predecessor processor microprocessor assessor intercessor cesser successor concessor Macassar antimacassar potassa NASA nassa Panthalassa Lassa Massa gasser kirschwasser goldwasser Hadassah rasse Nyasa purser cursor precursor worser mercer versor reverser vice versa bursa bursar

Ursa filacer amphimacer releaser greaser producer transducer anchusa juicer occlusor Appaloosa lallapaloosa illusor katharevousa detrusor roosa rusa babirusa bhoosa ye pea pee chick-pea yippee calipee Tempe burpee epopee matapi pee-pee tepee cap-agra-pie escapee Sturt's desert pea coupee

whoopee p-n-p elpee VIP wampee rappee rupee ki quay key thankee maquis pubarche turnkey titoki trochee troche ditrochee palkee Woodruff key Hindki hinaki chromakey didache kiekie alfaqui raki Cherokee marquee maqui sou markee Manichee ski water-ski monoski

tea tee te ti literati stacte abruptio placentae sede vacante trite typothetae roti sortie saltee lignum vitae aqua vitae arbor vitae ruttee Veneti hypate parhypate manatee titi Agnoetae picotee donatee narratee settee Therapeutae VAT preceptee repartee abductee contractee patentee warrantee

guarantee presentee absentee affrontee tipiti muffetee committee goatee devotee importee cuttee suttee debtee settee tutee bootee trustee bustee en travesti mustee testee vestee thee prithee shea Sidhe she bukshi munshi tarkashi specie chichi Vichy Hubshee K'ang-Hsi

buckshee banshee garnishee hachis knee ne ranee sarnie aborigine jinnee kundalini Menominee yogini Shoshone negroni Temne koine Marcomanni vitremanie cuttanee Mussolini aknee Guarani Tupi-Guarani detainee trainee nominee ordinee vaccinee assignee donee pawnee Shawnee Chinee essoinee

returnee snickersnee whee wee we puy appui tu quoque twee Twi etui reduit peewee pewee kiwi wee-wee wi-wi Sewee ennui swee prima facie facetiae reliquiae Shafii exuviae spurii amicus curiae torii gee jee congee congee khanjee

pongyi sooranjee gidgee perigee isagoge ogee double-gee squilgee Belgae hajji hypogee apogee hypallage selvagee squeegee gee-gee ajee coccagee soogee-moogee soogee soojee engagee chargee bargee refugee pongee anti-g hully gee obligee burgee pg subjee skewgee diploe meloe

he spahi towhee bohea tee-hee he he lea lee Lie leigh li ley Adlie plea rempli pali Akali Thakali Diwali clee tlachtli tsatlee Thermopylae galilee mobile jubilee Holi flea flee hyle glee mallee escartelee phascogale

potamogale shiralee blee Chablis alee appellee tahali skilligalee fleur-de-lis libellee bailee Wan-Li wagon-lit belee valiha fee lay-fee frank-fee lucifee saphie burfi feoffee raffee Rafi mee me mi bonhomie cathiodermie mneme Otomi Elami mammee Bemi

lassy me gee ghee ragee lungi Muskogee interrogee whangee Targui Portuguee luggee muggee thuggee vee peccavi Humvee rapakivi ivi vis-agra-vis tirrivee TV teevee topchee lychee chillumchee bobachee Geechee chi-chi chevachee wei ch'i chincherinchee debauchee T'ai Chi

vouchee dedee spondee dispondee bindi Nandi mendhi Yezidi chordee Culdee mala fide voidee Quadi chickadee touladi pedee sidi kiskadee custodee mahmudi Udi pardi retardee guardee secondee Dundee vendee sendee standee grandee fiddlededee Tweedledee Chaldee LED

Midi LSD reree gaucherie flacherie puggaree grasserie warree prepree pre Monoprix Capri Grand Prix spree shikari Koshare Pahari lari parlyaree jowari cree machree cushla-machree decree Wood Cree Plains Cree scree tree bourtree bully-tree bo-tree whippletree manteltree

rannel-tree axle-tree planer-tree geiger tree tea-tree ti-tree B-tree retree shastri chess-tree Shri Tishri taraire horae boree free carefree unfree gree Negri filigree pedigree verdigris greegree agree disagree degree purree dree kauri kedgeree Chambry bree Brie Tenebrae eye-bree

debris abri rapparee karree chickaree dichoree honoree joree filaree referee preferee stingaree dungaree sangaree bain-marie bummaree jigamaree rigaree shivaree jamboree three choree wari goree siree transferee be bee maybe nabi tullibee Maghribi bawbee humble-bee bumble-bee

should-be would-be gadbee Maccabee used-to-be Mazhabi Maugrabee scarabee bibi a-be to-be unbe zee jalousie bowsie sabzi razee bourgeoisie petite bourgeoisie booboisie chimpanzee cognizee devisee fusee thee drawee employee employe advowee evacuee sea see si

ploce tupsee dalasi Farsi Marsi Sarcee look-see thitsi Sadducee Pharisee marshalsea Nailsea tulsi muscae paramese mese fricassee Yamasee undersea seesee asea Tennessee oversea oversee Jaycee placee Parsee unsee besee foresee divorcee sycee emcee Dead Sea lessee ABC

nabe mesolabe astrolabe angareb babe obob yob cob kob kincob corn-cob scob stob nob knob hob-nob hobnob snob quab squab swab job McJob hob lob glob blob slob fob mob demob gob begob

dob rob prob. prob throb athrob berob bob nabob thingumabob abob gazob sob arb carb methiocarb pirimicarb bicarb Kitab nawab coarb Polab garb serdab mihrab barb toubab rhubarb phenobarb cassab naib memsahib Tib nib

snib squib guib gib jib Hib sahib lib splib glib ad lib fib gib dib rib crib scrib Trib frib Dogrib drib Carib spare-rib bibb bib Abib zibib sib obe tobe Job lobe globe conglobe englobe

claustrophobe Negrophobe hydrophobe mobe daube robe probe milliprobe saprobe microbe scrobe strobe garderobe wardrobe chifforobe enrobe unrobe disrobe orb inorb warb forb daub bedaub shrab zorb absorb reabsorb disorb Sorb resorb adsorb desorb stilb

bulb alb galbe kibe gibe jibe gybe vibe scribe circumscribe ascribe superscribe exscribe proscribe inscribe transcribe conscribe escribe describe misdescribe rescribe prescribe subscribe undersubscribe tribe diatribe paedotribe bribe imbibe rhomb Trombe bombe nimb corymb

excamb choliamb choriamb iamb diiamb gamb dithyramb pub cub tub stub nub knub snub hub club shlub flub blub slub fub Chubb chub dub dub-a-dub rub-a-dub flubdub overdub undub rub crub scrub underscrub trub shrub

subshrub grub mully-grub drub bub Beelzebub hubbub syllabub subsub ebb peb neb zineb maneb neb-neb sneb web spiderweb cobweb unweb pleb mahaleb bleb celeb deb reb cubeb ab abb cab kab vocab scab

tab Cantab stab shab nab knab benab tabnab jab hijab doab hab rehab lab flab conflab blab lablab Lib-Lab slab fab confab prefab mab gab nash-gab dab smear-dab rab crab krab scrab frab grab Petersen grab drab

brab baobab kebab shish kebab doner kebab rebab superb kerb curb uncurb turb perturb sturb disturb gerbe herb blurb slurb verb proverb adverb preverb reverb reverb burb suburb Serb exurb acerb abJacob syllab cherub carob

scarab Mozarab Arab dweeb tanjib Hebe plebe glebe feeb ephebe grebe Maghrib Beeb cube Necker cube Rubik's cube tube test-tube Nixie tube Geissler tube Tobin's tube Morris tube hydrolube skoob Kashube jube jujube lube rube droob boob haboob Marseillaise

peise pes lipase replicase laccase ukase dioptase transcriptase reductase pectase galactase lactase synthetase maltase phytase cytase invertase anatase phosphatase hydratase dehydratase mutase Taka-diastase diastase elastase chaise post-chaise naze manes pectinase arginase transaminase recombinase tyrosinase Pronase streptokinase

kinase hexokinase tannase nitrogenase hydrogenase dehydrogenase oxygenase proteinase polonaise mayonnaise Barnaise wase longways slopeways straightways slantways leastways slaunchways sunways anyways edgeways paleways always endways sideways lengthways crossways protease nuclease permease haze lase laze plagioclase periclase oligoclase

anorthoclase orthoclase euclase inulase cellulase coagulase amylase phosphorylase carboxylase glaze on-glaze overglaze underglaze overglaze broderie anglaise deglaze catalase hydrolase blaze ablaze emblaze bordelaise malaise phase faze in-phase polyphase prophase interphase metaphase prometaphase telophase Laves phase lyase Bolognese mase

maze maize primase zymase lactamase mizmaze amaze smaze gaze stargaze ligase agaze daze days gang-days nowadays neuraminidase prolidase glucosidase peroxidase oxidase a-days hollandaise bedaze raise raze res transferase prase praise chrysoprase appraise overpraise reappraise unpraise bepraise

imprese dispraise craze polycrase idocrase sucrase scraze maturase mores phrase fraise periphrase metaphrase holophrase paraphrase rephrase gyrase graze hydrase dehydrase saccharase pectinesterase luciferase diaphorase isomerase polymerase braise braze abrase upraise erase baze baize bumbaze transposase synthase

liaise cossaise Oz pos 'cause cos kolkhoz sovkhoz sovnarkhoz because schnozz was tiswas mozz tongs Keating's Weatings beestings evenings innings mornings chitlings cutlings mostlings hidlings sidelings outscourings ours parse pars tars bourgeoise framboise

bavaroise genoise vichyssoise Laz blahs Mars vase churidars burkundaz triose melibiose cellobiose stachyose proteose foliose Thammuz clothes underclothes sextans gurgeons summons avens crivvens sivvens quarrons pinsons ramsons abducens Romanes reins pons wanze mons frons

bronze Tobin bronze bonze St Trinian's canions Orleans New Orleans sowens kittle-pins up Jenkins gee whillikins slickens thumbikins 'sbodikins dickens Sadie Hawkins galligaskins Doctor Martens widdershins winze quinze wellawins Collins manavilins starbolins larbolins ablins ermines juggins muggins bins nobbins Rubens dibstones nones Jones

Davy Jones lazybones sawbones Napier's bones one's Barisal guns Down's ens Serpens TENS locum tenens impatiens definiens gens lens cleanse uncleanse volens benzpersiennes trans implicans significans Octans determinans idem sonans signans explanans Langhans Langerhans cancellans glans banns cancrizans sans pinions

opponens Weejuns Tollens Whillans Piscis Volans commons discommons darkmans resummons Siemens Huygens orans environs baudrons smithereens oons afternoons eftsoons is walkies tizz antes certes rheumatiz aborigines sunnies tennies whizz quiz obsequies squiz gee whiz swizz gizz jizz

his hizz Buckley's willies sherryvallies toolies phiz fizz hafiz Buck's Fizz Ms mis miz rammies kermes Kara-Kirghiz kok-saghyz vis viz stovies chizz laches Arches riches Natchez diz Windies Indies undies frizz Colleries biz zizz elevenses Moses sizz

gipsies aixies kickseys exes Mrs falsies lesses MSS molasses 'lasses a-pieces pose appose oppose superpose interpose counterpose juxtapose propose contrapose suppose presuppose postpose depose repose impose superimpose compose photocompose decompose discompose prepose transpose s'pose expose

overexpose underexpose dispose indispose predispose cose coze viscose toze heptose fructose galactose lactose pentose melitose melezitose maltose Ventose those chose nose monose raffinose erinose arabinose rhamnose diagnose misdiagnose mannose septanose turanose prognose woodwose joes hose trunk-hose

marloes close cloze parclose parclose enclose unclose preclose foreclose disclose sedoheptulose lactulose xylulose cellulose laevulose ribulose ankylose pilose xylose gloze bellows All Hallows gallows lign-aloes gulose metamorphose moze Mohs famose mirligoes Nivose doze bulldoze aldose adoze rose

prose croze sucrose Dalcroze tetrose dextrose Provins rose Penrose alpenrose primrose saccharose Sepharose guelder rose tuberose tea rose brose Athole brose erythrose Marie Rose old rose ramanas rose threose sorbose bilboes ribose thrombose lyxose hexose yours yaws pause diapause menopause stratopause turbopause

tropopause andropause cause concause taws quatorze hawse lors applause clause Santa Claus subclause Orrefors all fours gauze Mavors without doors within doors outdoors indoors out-of-doors Peierls Naples apples sapples Pockels shackles crottels kittles trattles battels annals unequals Raffles shingles

strangles oodles collywobbles numbles umbles measles duxelles consols Brussels kayles 'Snails Marseilles hols arles Pils Mills fewtrils goles balls whiles nouvelles dalles crewels Mules gules McNaughten rules Rafferty rules Queensberry rules archaize Judaize Hebraize pize Philippize episcopize despise

hierarchize catechize Turkize monachize monarchize peptize objectize pectize Sovietize mediatize deputize necrotize scientize serpentize potentize unprotestantize documentize fragmentize parchmentize pedantize studentize warrantise spirantize quantize gigantize instantize gallantize appetize packetize Jesuitize infinitize divinitize phonetize magnetize demagnetize monetize

demonetize granitize sanitize unitize digitize poetize proselytize pelletize Coslettize graphitize prioritize syncretize securitize pyritize negritize subitize synthetize athetize hypersensitize sensitize hyposensitize photosensitize desensitize amortise finitize parasitize peripatize expertize narcotize decatize apostatize hypostatize hypnotize volatize prelatize phosphatize

mathematize automatize axiomatize legitimatize cinematize diplomatize monochromatize aromatize acclimatize dogmatize stigmatize pragmatize emblematize lemmatize diagrammatize epigrammatize dramatize melodramatize spermatize symptomatize systematize unproblematize anathematize schematize rhematize thematize schismatize arithmetize pneumatize rheumatize egotize privatize reprivatize advertise readvertise operatize

corporatize democratize erotize sabbatize diazotize anaesthetize cretize absolutize baptize unbaptize anabaptize rebaptize chastise affranchise franchise enfranchise disfranchise fetishize Englishize kyanize lionize ionize deionize disillusionize siliconize republicanize Americanize mechanize Platonize skeletonize puritanize Miltonize sultanize tetanize patternize Teutonize

sectionize propositionize evolutionize revolutionize rehalogenize symphonize euphonize jargonize morganize gorgonize organize reorganize antagonize Slavonize modernize matronize ironize decarbonize urbanize personize paynize Indianize pedestrianize deproletarianize communize decommunize immunize premunize serpentinize platinize gelatinize Latinize keratinize mutinize glutinize luteinize

scrutinize Darwinize pollinize Stalinize de-Stalinize kaolinize masculinize Hellenize feminize effeminize defeminize vitaminize bituminize luminize illuminize divinize Calvinize rejuvenize attitudinize platitudinize serenize rabbinize resinize enthronize solemnize precognize recognize eternize externize Hibernize unionize Italianize Japanize hispanize vulcanize Laconize

preconize quaternize botanize lactonize fraternize westernize fractionize canonize uncanonize homogenize androgenize hydrogenize dehydrogenize oxygenize mutagenize colonize silanize hyphenize commonize harmonize disharmonize womanize romanize Normanize simonize Germanize sermonize demonize humanize unhumanize dehumanize Haussmannize disorganize agonize galvanize Christianize

unchristianize de-Christianize synchronize desynchronize micronize patronize Neronize tyrannize Europeanize carbonize ozonize deproteinize routinize marinize cognize recognize agnize wise longwise stepwise likewise colloquize soliloquize ventriloquize straightwise slantwise pointwise flatwise guestwise leastwise slaunchwise sunwise spanwise anywise contrariwise edgewise

nowise palewise scalewise alwise pairwise timewise somewise endwise sidewise otherwise lengthwise unwise crosswise thiswise elsewise harveyize atheize gise strategize intelligize liturgize synergize energize de-energize apologize psychologize tautologize monologize homologize etymologize mythologize demythologize remythologize neologize geologize theologize

zoologize biologize epilogize syllogize analogize paralogize dialogize eulogize lethargize heroize zeroize jumboize lyse dialyse papalize opalize evangelize melancholize grammaticalize medicalize declericalize lexicalize glocalize localize delocalize focalize vocalize devocalize glycolyse glottalize sentimentalize unsentimentalize segmentalize orientalize overcapitalize undercapitalize

capitalize decapitalize hospitalize digitalize totalize immortalize vitalize devitalize metallize catalyse palatalize brutalize epistolize crystallize individualize spatialize partialize deprovincialize initialize officialize specialize despecialize operationalize sensationalize functionalize sectionalize fractionalize conventionalize traditionalize internationalize nationalize denationalize renationalize rationalize derationalize institutionalize

regionalize personalize depersonalize dispersonalize encarnalize marginalize nominalize decriminalize finalize signalize canalize channelize analyse internalize eternalize externalize journalize vernalize penalize Mongolize animalize decimalize normalize formalize thermalize legalize novelize scandalize vandalize infidelize modalize idolize medallize feudalize detemporalize literalize

demineralize remineralize funeralize scripturalize structuralize unnaturalize disnaturalize liberalize moralize pluralize ruralize Powellize obelize marbleize cannibalize sensibilize detribalize parabolize verbalize respectabilize nasalize fossilize universalize alcoholize de-alcoholize manyplies cyclize spaniolize hispaniolize royalize trivialize cordialize idealize vitriolize industrialize deindustrialize

reindustrialize imperialize materialize dematerialize rematerialize serialize territorialize memorialize realize unrealize derealize labialize delabialize ridiculize miraculize tuberculize formulize nodulize nebulize capsulize decreolize visualize decasualize conceptualize intellectualize actualize despiritualize ritualize decontextualize contextualize sexualize desexualize sensualize unsensualize spiritualize mutualize

demutualize coalize pupillize gentilize infantilize subtilize volatilize fertilize devolatilize underutilize utilize reutilize hostilize tranquillize homilize similize civilize uncivilize decivilize sterilize stabilize destabilize labilize permeabilize solubilize insolubilize mobilize immobilize demobilize jubilize creolize stylize parallelize monopolize demonopolize gospelize

alkalize tantalize photolyse satellize deracialize socialize equalize caramelize lateralize mineralize overgeneralize generalize naturalize federalize demoralize desacralize electrolyse centralize decentralize petrolize neutralize pyrolyse spiralize hydrolyse paralyse denaturalize metagrobolize symbolize embolize metabolize diabolize hyperbolize naphthalize dualize vegetablize slize

anthropomorphize metamorphize apostrophize philosophize unphilosophize theosophize manumise rhythmize optimize victimize legitimize delegitimize anonymize synonymize desynonymize minimize polemize euphemize maximize racemize uniformize dichotomize scotomize symptomize epitomize itemize anatomize atomize customize economize Vietnamize dynamize infamize sodomize macadamize compromise

surmise volumize demise premise guise disguise undisguise Slavize renovize objectivize subjectivize collectivize substantivize transitivize relativize televise passivize supervise improvise Levi's devise revise previse advise misadvise disadvise disenfranchise iodize galliardize periodize gormandize merchandise propagandize aggrandize liquidize tragedize

hybridize fluidize oxidize deoxidize reoxidize acidize subsidize spheroidize shepherdize jeopardize bastardize melodize magadize standardize sherardize methodize rhapsodize encyclopedize Medize preludize rise diarize vectorize militarize parameterize spheterize humorize allegorize naturize suberize etherize sororize prise prize mainprize enterprise

apprise apprize surprise reprise forprise emprise comprise misprize disprize hypocrise psychiatrize electrize theatrize geometrize symmetrize cicatrize idolatrize meteorize linearize nuclearize denuclearize familiarize interiorize exteriorize theorize sulphurize carburize decarburize sunrise satirize panegyrize porphyrize Dorize defamiliarize vaporize depauperize

depauperize temporize contemporize extemporize grangerize Parkerize saccharize tartarize martyrize factorize characterize winterize demilitarize notarize motorize cauterize adulterize rhetorize historize rasterize pressurize depressurize laminarize mannerize plagiarize Taylorize tolerize popularize unpopularize depopularize particularize secularize unsecularize vernacularize circularize singularize

regularize schillerize polarize depolarize solarize colourize decolourize bowdlerize valorize devalorize revalorize bachelorize velarize desulphurize aphorize phosphorize dephosphorize isomerize polymerize depolymerize summarize memorize glamorize deglamorize mesmerize demesmerize vulgarize pythagorize desilverize pulverize denaturize picturize miniaturize pasteurize texturize moisturize

tenderize slenderize odorize deodorize terrorize barbarize debarbarize herbarize herborize authorize disauthorize sorcerize mercerize equilibrize septembrize arise uprise syllabize disyllabize Arabize sympathize empathize size Marxize excise outsize sensize francize laicize Turkicize Scotticize eroticize scepticize romanticize politicize depoliticize

hypercriticize criticize poeticize depoeticize fanaticize grammaticize mathematicize Atticize statisticize mysticize plasticize technicize sinicize Hispanicize Hibernicize logicize stoicize uncatholicize Anglicize de-Anglicize italicize gallicize publicize rhythmicize polemicize phonemicize rhetoricize historicize electricize lyricize metaphysicize hypothesize Gothicize synthesize parenthesize mythicize

demythicize ethicize de-ethicize classicize exorcize eclaircise circumcise fantasize rhotacize hypostasize ecstasize metamorphosize emphasize overemphasize de-emphasize re-emphasize oversize undersize ostracize exostracize Jazzercise Boxercise exercise overexercise sexercise dancercise Graecize assize oversize capsize excise incise desize resize abscise

downstairs upstairs downstairs theirs everywheres unawares unwares James combs alms side-arms Sherlock Holmes Wilms times oft-times oftentimes sometimes betimes crimes clumse mums crumbs jams pyjams rams Williams diddums Fanny Adams pussums Wemyss meseems dooms Higgs fustilugs

fegs brandenburgs Ticklenburgs jougs Waves ourselves yourselves theirselves themselves hives fives vives eaves Jeeves greaves poise equipoise counterpoise overpoise avoirdupois unpoise toise noise Johnson noise Illinois erminois turquoise hoise froise lamboys coz scuzz wuz

huzz fuzz muzz doz. fruz buzz abuzz Aids odds jods Mods emerods hards Falklands calends wounds zounds mends amends Hollands Newlands mids Rhodes towards Reynolds milds Spitalfields ides 'sides upsides solemnsides besides Lloyd's suds adze

nads billiards innards longwards upwards ass-backwards straightwards shortwards outwards inwards downwards moonwards lateralwards polewards homewards sidewards afterwards Chiltern Hundreds Mill's Methods needs Leeds Baily's beads spouse espouse touse house outhouse unhouse rehouse louse blowze blouse mouse smouse dowse

rouse drowse browse arouse carouse bouse yez lapis Ruy Lopez les fez mezz res prez des res Geez sez Simon Says topaz spaz spazz taz poetaz razzmatazz Spetsnaz jazz razz Shiraz prochloraz pizzazz whenas whereas strippeuse

hers trembleuse Virgouleuse furze charmeuse chartreuse diseuse as strongers lumpers champers jodhpurs jeepers honkers bonkers pinkers hunkers jankers starkers zookers camiknickers knickers Vickers uckers crackers ackers flitters fitters headquarters afters Deiters Peters partners allus Bofors

pyjamas preggers spaggers ravers Divvers estovers vivers divers cleavers levers vivres bombachas mallenders Flanders alexanders sanders Flinders sallenders Ghiordes head and shoulders alferez bejabers jabbers scissors trousers pincers Messrs ease pease stapes talipes stipes per stirpes herpes appease

trapeze catechise culverkeys marquise Sarkese Lucchese tease Achates fidus Achates nates lates vates striptease penates Pilates praemunientes atlantes velites fomites litotes Booumltes ephialtes echites stalactites tympanites draconites chernites phragmites barytes sorites pyrites ascites tagetes diabetes Gilbertese Piedmontese

Vermontese governmentese Maltese expertise inexpertise DTs agonistes sphragistes cerastes these semispecies ochlospecies intraspecies subspecies species nese neeze Lexiphanes Camenes Diogenes oscines Johannes manganese hippomanes achimenes Nipponese Japanese Macanese Arakanese Cantonese Khotanese Manhattanese Bhutanese translationese Yunnanese Hunanese

Taiwanese Milanese Ceylonese Romanese Aragonese Javanese Achinese Sundanese Sudanese Veronese Lyonnese Leonese Lebanese Johnsonese Guianese Guyanese Saigonese Szechuanese Viennese Irianese Sienese Goanese Tonkinese Pekingese Balinese Brooklynese Ticinese Modenese Torinese Cassinese Livornese Shanghainese Chinese Pitcairnese Amboinese Bernese

sneeze weese wheeze torques squeeze tweeze facies canities superficies sanies colluvies ingluvies pluries paries Jeez compages ambages Rhages meninges striges asperges Boanerges gurges psychologese sociologese heeze lease lese lees tales please displease esplees Damocles Hercules Achilles

Mephistopheles anopheles isosceles glease Apelles Camaldolese Nepalese vocalese vocalise Marshallese initialese officialese journalese Sinhalese Congolese Cingalese Bengalese Senegalese valise Togolese malease sleaze feaze feeze Diotrephes defease mease meese mise comes limes alkermes vermes kameez chemise Vietnamese

Annamese Harlemese academese Assamese Siamese Sikkimese remise Surinamese Burmese Katangese Kirghiz Portuguese vease vise Dives Genovese Genevese cheese sub-cheese Hyades Hades Eumenides Hesperides Lindabrides Vaudese sordes bona fides mala fides strongyloides chuddies antipodes parastades nomades rhagades Archimedes Kamares

Camestres congeries Pickering series Brackett series Paschen series Lyman series series Seres Pfund series Natatores freeze frieze deep-freeze unfreeze defreeze intra vires ultra vires caries nares Aries teres Passeres breeze Tabriz Kanarese merese merise Navarrese Ferrarese Nicobarese Makasarese Zairese Madurese Timorese cerise scabies

tabes rabies ribes Seabees pubes Still's disease Isle of Wight disease Bornholm disease pullorum disease Minamata disease Borna disease Gaucher's disease Hirschsprung's disease Parkinson's disease Addison's disease Thomsen's disease Carrion's disease Hodgkin's disease Crohn's disease Riggs's disease Whipple's disease Little's disease Weil's disease Lou Gehrig's disease Graves' disease Milroy's disease Simmonds' disease Pompe's disease Ritter's disease Perthes disease Alzheimer's disease Schilder's disease Peyronie's disease

Pick's disease Marek's disease Rubarth's disease Bright's disease Steinert's disease Christmas disease Chagas' disease disease nepenthes strobilanthes cacoethes lues Kiplingese unease Genoese Faeroese Marie Louise misease seize heartsease menses Albigenses Waldenses Ulysses fauces Pisces Coma Berenices fasces faeces praeses overseas officese reseize disseise obs

pobs PIBS nibs dibs dubs mulligrubs trillibubs nabs habdabs urbs ooze use accuse incuse recuse scuse excuse contuse debiteuse news hypotenuse fuse perifuse affuse perfuse superfuse interfuse suffuse infuse confuse effuse diffuse refuse circumfuse surfuse

defuse transfuse muse mews cornemuse amuse bemuse guze abuse disabuse overuse underuse enthuse reuse misuse disuse trampoose twos snooze whose hoose lose secluse flews blues jalouse schmooze Ghuzz Oghuz choose roose ruse cruise cruse scruze trouse

trews groose druse bruise broose debruise peruse reperuse booze Goliath haith faith unfaith wraith graith saithe Sabaoth coth cloth sackcloth cerecloth backcloth sailcloth oilcloth care-cloth samcloth Lancaster cloth hammer-cloth green cloth moth shipton moth behemoth Goth Visigoth

Moeso-Goth Ostrogoth wrath froth broth alembroth umboth Rehoboth length wavelength alength strength depth path warpath bypath sparth scarth wath hearth lath condylarth math lattermath garth rath Baath bath sitz bath eighth width hundredth

eleventh seventh thousandth plinth nemathelminth helminth platyhelminth labyrinth terebinth synth hyacinth jacinth colocynth absinth ninth month tenth anthcoelacanth tragacanth amianth perianth hydranth amaranth chrysanth millionth eighteenth seventeenth nineteenth Juneteenth fourteenth fifteenth thirteenth sixteenth steenth greenth

pith Lapith turpeth kith dainteth bountith poortith stith zenith withe with upwith outwith forthwith swith eightieth seventieth ninetieth twentieth fortieth fiftieth thirtieth sixtieth lith monolith regolith microlith eolith oolith Multilith oxylith stromatolith trilith tallith lopolith

coccolith laccolith otolith phytolith peristalith megalith pisolith batholith myth epimyth smith Nasmyth locksmith blacksmith whitesmith tunesmith coppersmith silversmith Granny Smith gith frith grith brandreth Hollerith bara brith sith Scyth oath quoth unquoth loath blowth sloth moth wroth

troth zeroth growth outgrowth ingrowth intergrowth overgrowth undergrowth both azoth north benorth warth swath swarth forthforth fourth thenceforth henceforth severalth fulth illth spilth tilth filth stealth wealth commonwealth health unhealth coolth fifth

twelfth stith rithe dryth warmth gloomth roomth breadth scouth mouth warmouth wry-mouth megamouth routh south sowth besouth ethsheth Pedro Ximenez Paneth isopleth choropleth shibboleth methmeth death 'sdeath breath inbreath haroseth path homoeopath

sociopath psychopath spath plectognath chaetognath snath slath math polymath aftermath strath bath earth inearth worth wanworth unworth money-worth pennyworth Woolworth money's-worth unworth firth mirth girth dearth berth birth stillbirth afterbirth rebirth misbirth unearth halfpennyworth

Whitworth twopennyworth Polwarth stalworth Tamworth Weymouth Yarmouth Plymouth altazimuth azimuth Klamath mammoth vermouth bismuth Lambeth sabbath eath monteith sheath ensheath neath aneath underneath beneath heath leath meith smeeth Hadith wreath spreath uneath youth couth

uncouth tooth picktooth axle-tooth dog-tooth dog's tooth Bluetooth stooth luth lewth sleuth fouth ruth crwth truth untruth 'strewth sooth forsooth sixth Esth euewe you yu yew piugra pew piopio piupiu spew Q cue queue kyu

thank-you curlicue cardecu barbecue Susie-Q POSSLQ ecu ratamacue bar-b-q Ryukyu miscue skew Fortescue fescue Chewings fescue rescue askew tue tew impromptu Keftiu statue virtue battue intue stew pneu nu new avenue split-new span-new detinue retinue continue recontinue

discontinue sinew unsinew Cornucornu genu menu venue revenue Madison Avenue anew spander-new ingnue ennew renew brand-new SNU shoyu Kuo-yu hue hew clerihew Jehu luuml lieu lew W pushmi-pullyu purflewe Verdelho Kirschner value value devalue revalue disvalue purlieu

curlew feu few phew whew morphew flamfew nephew curfew featherfew feverfew subfeu meu mu mew Bartholomew emu transmew smew ague redargue argue Pegu Montague Montagu view navew purview interview preview overview surview revue review eye view preview

due dew fondue sundew honeydew residue mildew cadew adieu overdue dew endue undue vendue bedew perdu subdue dbut imbue thew Kikuyu IOU non-U pursue ensue pooh shapoo hapu shypoo wompoo Ogpu coypu Kickapoo kokopu pakapoo

peekapoo pooh-pooh hoopoe napoo campoo shampoo bijou coo coup hokku tunku otaku raku cuckoo Klaas's cuckoo juku manicou holoku temmoku Korku haiku cu koniaku gagaku nunchaku Obaku sodoku contrecoup jacu hapuku puku kuku Barcoo urucu pirarucuacu

sabicu pacu surucucu roucou totoo to two tou - set-to mange-tout OCTU on to onto Sintu hantu lean-to been-to manitou Motu Police Motu boutu puttoo tattoo tatu vatu surtout atwo potoo cockatoo Leadbeater's cockatoo tattoo thitherto hitherto

gnatoo makutu too-too tutu Hutu Basotho Sotho Sesotho passe-partout Timbuctoo hereto gentoo Bantu virtu too-too stew shoe shoo chou Shinshu atishoo tissue issue overissue reissue snowshoe k'ai shu gumshoe samshoo cachou cashew kletterschuh fichu unshoe ts'ao shu

moo shu horse-shoe horseshoe gnu Morenu Ainu KANU SWANU Vishnu tauhinu Hoochinoo Manu inconnu tamanu parvenu canoe John Canoe dtenu whoo woo Wu ewhow tu-whoo yew biniou senryu Ju Jew sapajou kinkajou carcajou ju-ju

juju ou who hoo hoo yahoo tohu-bohu sadhu ballahou yoo-hoo mohoohoo huhu yahoo wahoo Lahu ballyhoo boohoo loo plew poilu clue clew unclew flue flu nagelfluh sufflue glue glew igloo unglue shrdlu lanterloo Portaloo

pillaloo whillaloo ormolu blue Silverblu Nattier blue indigo blue sky-blue powder blue Thnard's blue Littler's blue Reckitt's blue calloo tolu Waterloo halloo calalu vergaloo boogaloo vindaloo tooraloo baloo hullabaloo Port Salut Tulu lulu Zulu ulu Sulu ululu shilloo gardyloo salud slew phoo

fou mafoo siafu tofu samfu snafu Lifu foo-foo kung fu bayou snew congou kungu moue moo mou shmoo tinamou karamu muu-muu goo degu kagu fogou tegu Telugu fugu goo-goo ragout burgoo rendezvous shivoo

parleyvoo chew catechu fitchew choo-choo Manchu Teochew eschew do bundu Hindu jeet kune do Urdu teledu haldu Bedu Xanadu amadou redo ado to-do overdo underdo pudu kudu hoodoo voodoo doo-doo derring-do nardoo make-do outdo wandoo undo

Skidoo billet-doux didgeridoo fordo doodle-doo redo misdo rue roo rew roux sprue crue Kru crew ecru accrue screw corkscrew thumbscrew unscrew true untrue strew construe misconstrue bestrew bebeeru tumatakuru kuru guru Samburu shrew beshrew chiru

jabiru frou-frou Nehru grue grew grugru burru drew quadruAndrew Meru Nantgarw wallaroo loup-garou kereru broo brew Hebrew imbrue munyeroo flopperoo Karoo puckeroo buckaroo jackaroo potoroo twisteroo smasheroo jillaroo gillaroo kangaroo cockamaroo switcheroo wanderoo buroo through-

through breakthrough walk-through see-through follow-through pass-through Uhuru ruru Guaycuru hurroo candiru yarooh tereu boo bow babu Malibu caribou kombu tumbu Limbu Tembu tamboo-bamboo shabu-shabu jigaboo bugaboo marabou zebu peekaboo taboo rubbaboo boo-boo yah boo yaboo urubu

tickety-boo itzebu ombuacu bamboo zoo razoo canezou kanzu kudzu uguisu kazoo wazoo rannygazoo razoo bazoo Zou-Zou sue sou xu sew Sioux tsu Watsu nembutsu ju-jitsu keiretsu kotatsu shiatsu ti-tzu shih-tzu Clarenceux sissoo poutassou kabassou

teesoo Lisu tayassu lasso mossoo bussu babassu Susu tiramisu qinghaosu pongy kingy stingy wingy swingy lingy mingimingi springy stringy zingy thingy tonguey longie lungy tangi tangy shangy collieshangie twangy hangie hangi slangy Zuntildei tailye

spulyie cuir-bouilli bouilli calliope scrapie scrapy grapy poppy Shirley poppy photocopy xerocopy koppie copy miscopy toppie toppy shoppy wappie hoppy floppy jalopy loppy sloppy moppie moppy choppy doppie proppy croppy stroppy droppy soppy vaaljapie parthenocarpy okapi

charpie sharpie harpy yippie pipi pippy tippy Xanthippe nippy snippy whippy gippy cacoepy hippy clippie lilipi illipe lippy slippy chippy dippy cydippe trippy strippy zippy municipy recipe mississippi kopi homotopy topi Hopi slopey slopy mopy dopey

ropy soapy tawpie enthalpy gilpy pulpy kelpie palpipipy stereotypy stenotypy typey snipy swipey stripy stompie swampy klompie skimpy wimpy gympie crimpy scrimpy impi simpy yumpie stumpie stumpy jumpy humpy glumpy lumpy slumpy dumpy scrumpy frumpy

grumpy rumpy bumpy sumpy kempy hempy scampi vampy yuppie hush-puppy bumble-puppy puppy cuppy guppie guppy duppy buppie uppie peppy kepi orthoepy preppy epiyappy pappy kappie tapis shaganappi nappy snappy slap-happy happy unhappy flappy lappie chappie

chappy crappie crappy scrappy strappy drappie sappy purpie chirpy apocope syncope wicopy pericope metoposcopy autoscopy ophthalmoscopy culdoscopy necroscopy spectroscopy gastroscopy meteoroscopy hieroscopy gonioscopy radioscopy cryoscopy episcope Naskapi skiascopy isotopy tittupy onomatopy atopy Lenape canopy Penelope agape

prototropy monotropy ionotropy allotropy aeolotropy morphotropy enantiotropy pleiotropy thixotropy negentropy entropy epitrope satrapy extropy therapy heliotherapy radiotherapy physiotherapy psychotherapy chemotherapy hydrotherapy brachytherapy organotherapy auriculotherapy pelotherapy zomotherapy lycanthropy cynanthropy philanthropy zoanthropy misanthropy peepy opepe steepy weepie weepy

sweepy heapy sleepy deepie creepie creepy strepie Praesepe kewpie NUPE poopy scoopy Pintupi Tupi stoopy snoopy woopie loopy troopie groupie droopy soupy waspie waspy wispy crispy rangy stingy dingy bingy spongispongy scrungy grungy bougie

stakey shaky snaky wakey-wakey flaky laky trachybraky rachireiki achy epoch pocky cocky toki stocky jabberwocky jockey hockey lochy locky gnocchi moki mocky rocky oche chopsocky shonky wonky honky klonkie donkey zonkey zonky pinkie

pinky kinky tinktinkie stinky kalkoentjie twinkie sakawinki winky slinky dinky drinkie drinky inky moorpunky punkie punky spunkie spunky nunky junkie junky hunky clunky flunkey funky Sykes's monkey powder-monkey monkey unkie Yankee Yanqui hanky-panky kankie tanky catananche swanky

hanky lanky manky cranky tranky orobanche Sankey teriyaki eparchy parkie parquet parky sparky decarchy kakaki khaki kaki heptarchy octarchy hecatontarchy pentarchy Taki-Taki autarchy autarky plutarchy sharky gynarchy menarche saganaki snarky polyarchy patriarchy matriarchy souvlaki malarkey larky

diarchy triarchy nomarchy timarchy rumaki oligarchy navarchy charqui Ladakhi darky Squirearchy trierarchy tetrarchy hierarchy rakhi Iraqi thearchy Okazaki duarchy archikeyaki Kawasaki sake saki sarky Schottky cookie kooky soetkoekie stookie nooky hookey hooky looky Gurmukhi rookie

rooky bookie droshky piroshki hinky Chinky steentjie epiky pickie piccy picky patiki tiki tickey ticky sphairistike plasticky parastichy Stickie stick sticky dashiki finicky panicky psychopannychy nickey quickie doohickey hickey pelike Maliki mickey micky holluschickie dicky callitriche

tricky rauriki hystericky brickie bricky rickey bicky tisicky physicky thickie icky yolky pokie pokey poky hokey-pokey spoky hokey-cokey hinoki joky hoki hokey locie folky smoky goky choky stroky karaoke Okie oaky Yorkie porky pawky corky talkee-talkee

handie-talkie talkie talky walkie-talkie horkey forky mawky gawky chalky rawky milky silkie silky bulky sulky selky talcy alky pikey piky spiky vaatjie crikey rooibaadjie ikey psyche dovekie yucky Kentucky plucky lucky unlucky happy-go-lucky mucky chuckie chucky

ducky buckie ucky sucky pecky specky techie tameletjie checky deckie trekkie brekkie recce rooibekkie ecce teppan-yaki Yaqui sukiyaki pachypackie Paki ticky-tacky tachytakkie tacky sirtaki shacky medrinaque Abnaki wacky ake-ake Jacky hackee hackie lackey vacky

cracky brachybaccy tai-sabaki ackee sackie perky Turki turkey Taunton turkey worky herky-jerky jerky lerky murky smirky birkie paparchy schipperke arrhenotoky thelytoky Maconochie konaki monarchy synarchy panarchy anarchy entelechy gigantomachy iconomachy monomachy logomachy tauromachy theomachy symmachy stomachy

hummocky sciamachy synecdoche piki peaky speakie sneaky squeaky weakie weaky cliquey cock-a-leekie leaky sleeky cheeky streaky shrieky freaky kakariki reeky tzatziki ololiuqui Yuki yuky spooky Kuki fluky saluki kabuki tambookie bouzouki Suzuki banzuke adzuki uki sukey

sambaquiacu bosky netsuke Reformatsky Sierpinski buttinsky kolinsky jansky whisky plisky frisky risky Przewalski Minkowski Romanowsky Stanislavsky tusky husky lusky musky dusky Russki busky marrowsky Sobieski pesky kromesky Esky pulaski ASCII brewski piety propriety impropriety insobriety

ebriety inebriety notoriety variety contrariety nullibiety anxiety sobriety tatie pinnatiweighty Kuwaiti platy jubilate slaty matie matey maty palmatipratie batey Ate eighty Porta Potti potty spotty manicotti biscotti Scottie scotty Tottie totty stotty knotty snotty quattie

whittie-whattie Swati hottie plotty zloty borlotti motty dotty grotty botty ryotti vingty numpty humpty dumpty humpty-dumpty umpty empty volupty septiDarapti charter-party chapatti partiparty purparty flokati tagnicati Frascati tarty Mewati hearty unhearty Amati basmati smarty

frate karate glitterati digerati Gujarati abate arty coati noctihincty nyctidicty mukti svarabhakti hekte Sakti facty gaiety deputy tutti chayote footy sruti sooty Kharoshti certainty uncertainty serjeanty frumenty seventy suddenty quaranty warranty guaranty fainty dainty

suzerainty wanty monte monty auntie shinty quintiflinty lintie minty sovereignty inti teosinte jaunty vaunty ninety pointy jointy punty scrunty affronty viscounty county vice-county Mountie bounty diapente tenty twenty genty aplenty plenty lente lentamente largamente denti-

al dente perentie centisente pantie canty Khanty Alicante scanty concertante dilettante Ashanti shanty Rosinante volante vigilante Fante Mezzofanti pockmanty spumante Xavante dante andante in flagrante meranti pococurante bezanty anteantiante anti Chianti commonty teenty coontie Trimurti

laity ipseity wapiti hoppity tappity-tappity serendipity uppity capite pity bepity pockety persnickety rickety kitty quotity sanctity quantity disquantity nonentity identity entity titty vastity ouistiti chastity inchastity oustiti innocuity circuity shitty Latinity femininity sanguinity consanguinity virginity salinity

masculinity affinity finity infinity confinity indefinity feminity Patavinity divinity trinity concinnity inconcinnity vicinity solemnity indemnity benignity malignity dignity indignity condignity indigenity lenity serenity terrenity seniti obscenity volcanity inanity profanity humanity inhumanity Romanity organity vanity mundanity urbanity

inurbanity Christianity sanity insanity paternity compaternity quaternity maternity fraternity confraternity diuturnity eternity sempiternity coeternity aeviternity taciturnity alternity externity modernity amenity impunity opportunity inopportunity importunity community munity immunity autoimmunity unity triunity disunity nitty propinquity longinquity antiquity iniquity

obliquity ubiquity equity inequity witty unwitty fidgety digitigoety egoity polity isopolity quality equality inequality Bell's inequality jollity frivolity volatility fertility infertility versatility ductility futility infantility gentility subtility utility inutility hostility anility juvenility senility tranquillity agility fragility

nihility humility civility incivility servility scurrility sterility puerility virility ability capability stickability acceptability adaptability inadaptability respectability tentability vegetability notability excitability stability instability sociability inability unability runability tunability equability hability matriculability conformability amability flammability solvability gradeability fecundability

loadability roadability penetrability impenetrability durability agreeability probability equiprobability improbability disability liability permeability variability volubility solubility nobility immobility imperceptibility susceptibility perfectibility incompatibility infallibility debility credibility incredibility horribility terribility visibility plausibility feasibility possibility impossibility flexibility responsibility sensibility insensibility

fissibility transmissibility torsibility passibility innascibility mobility morbility exility facility docility imbecility solity vility nullity fidelity infidelity principality municipality vocality technicality pontificality locality natality fatality orientality mentality instrumentality sentimentality hospitality inhospitality totality mortality immortality vitality brutality conventionality

proportionality disproportionality nationality rationality irrationality commonality banality personality tonality penality originality criminality venality cardinality polytonality tritonality bitonality finality signality externality animality normality subnormality formality egality regality legality illegality rivality nodality modality sodality feudality neutrality corporality temporality

literality laterality generality morality immorality niggerality severality naturality liberality illiberality orality plurality causality lethality visuality casuality actuality virtuality textuality individuality dividuality sexuality sensuality eventuality punctuality factuality spirituality mutuality bestiality nuptiality partiality impartiality provinciality potentiality essentiality substantiality

artificiality officiality sociality speciality cordiality ideality reality imperiality materiality irreality territoriality triality duality universality credulity incredulity sedulity garrulity slitty fitty impiety satiety insatiety nimiety mediety ubiety dubiety society comity vomity enmity optimity intimity legitimity ultimity sanctanimity

synonymity magnanimity anonymity unanimity equanimity pusillanimity longanimity parvanimity sublimity dimity proximity enormity abnormity informity conformity nonconformity inconformity unconformity disconformity uniformity deformity supremity extremity calamity amity samiti infirmity subcommittee plumetis plumetty Mitty novity suavity insuavity nativity relativity

negativity narrativity captivity reluctivity productivity conductivity objectivity subjectivity collectivity selectivity activity radioactivity inactivity retentivity permittivity transitivity motivity resistivity festivity acclivity proclivity declivity incendivity privity lascivity transmissivity passivity diffusivity velvety calvity longevity levity brevity cavity concavity pravity

depravity gravity antigravity curvity protervity moiety twitchety witchetty hatchety chitty quoddity commodity incommodity discommodity oddity tardity jucundity jocundity injucundity fecundity infecundity rotundity oro-rotundity profundity insipidity cupidity stupidity vastidity quiddity liquidity rigidity frigidity callidity stolidity validity invalidity

solidity insolidity tumidity humidity avidity aridity horridity viridity morbidity fluidity superfluidity acidity fixidity lucidity plaudite heredity saditty surdity absurdity nudity crudity ditty sonority minority majority sorority authority seniority juniority meliority superiority interiority posteriority exteriority inferiority priority

pretty-pretty pretty unpretty sprity spritty mediocrity alacrity kriti lithotrity purity impurity security insecurity obscurity maturity immaturity prematurity futurity sulphurity surety spirity jequirity rarity integrity tensegrity gritty nitty-gritty asperity prosperity co-prosperity alterity austerity posterity dexterity ambidexterity sinisterity

legerity celerity ferity temerity verity severity sincerity insincerity procerity parity scissiparity imparity disparity exemplarity clarity multipolarity popularity particularity secularity circularity singularity regularity irregularity insularity polarity capillarity pupillarity hilarity similarity vulgarity charity solidarity barbarity arity linearity familiarity

peculiarity subsidiarity tenebrity celebrity muliebrity crebrity insalubrity salubrity multeity paneity spontaneity cotemporaneity synchroneity personeity homogeneity inhomogeneity femineity omneity metalleity velleity deity corporeity incorporeity aureity perseity seity aseity haecceity inseity gaseity saprobity probity improbity rubbity superbity acerbity

ubity bitty itty-bitty acuity vacuity perspicuity fatuity gratuity perpetuity fortuity annuity tenuity continuity incontinuity discontinuity ingenuity disingenuity strenuity contiguity ambiguity exiguity viduity dividuity assiduity superfluity congruity incongruity itty pomposity jocosity precocity varicosity mucosity viscosity ventosity carnosity

glutinosity luminosity ruinosity spinosity vinosity crinosity aquosity callosity scrupulosity ridiculosity gulosity nebulosity fabulosity velocity villosity animosity formosity dumosity plumosity zygosity rugosity nervosity docity nodosity reciprocity irreciprocity atrocity monstrosity tenebrosity corporosity onerosity generosity ferocity numerosity tuberosity mulierosity

serosity porosity gibbosity verbosity unctuosity anfractuosity impetuosity flatuosity virtuosity sinuosity tortuosity otiosity graciosity sententiosity vitiosity preciosity speciosity ingeniosity litigiosity religiosity hideosity vitreosity seriosity curiosity incuriosity furiosity cariosity ebriosity dubiosity speciosity piosity varsity fixity connexity perplexity complexity

convexity laxity propensity tensity intensity protensity extensity immensity density condensity Egypticity tacticity facticity authenticity vorticity verticity mysticity rusticity domesticity elasticity viscoelasticity volcanicity vulcanicity canonicity synchronicity ionicity technicity tonicity ethnicity unicity quadruplicity multiplicity triplicity simplicity insimplicity complicity

duplicity evangelicity catholicity felicity infelicity helicity publicity scientificity atomicity rhythmicity modicity periodicity impudicity mendicity pudicity electricity bio-electricity thermoelectricity eccentricity lubricity historicity sphericity syllabicity ubicity laicity basicity toxicity paucity raucity falsity nicety benedicite scarcity necessity needcessity capacity

incapacity overcapacity rapacity opacity procacity perspicacity efficacity dicacity tenacity pertinacity minacity pugnacity soliloquacity loquacity sequacity salacity emacity sagacity fugacity nugacity vivacity mendacity audacity mordacity feracity veracity voracity inveracity multiversity university polyversity diversity adversity obesity cecity caducity

klendusity city floaty camalote loti motey mogote dhoti dotey doty crotey throaty bobotie peyote paughty porty sporty Corti tortie shorty naughty noughty warty swarty haughty forte forty panforte pianoforte dorty rorty sotie hockelty difficulty faculty subtlety

seneschalty specialty nationalty personalty penalty menalty commonalty mesnalty sheriffalty novelty shrievalty disloyalty temporalty admiralty severalty mayoralty frailty malty cobaltiloyalty royalty viceroyalty realty casualty spiritualty cruelty owelty kiltie guilty unguilty jolty spaulty walty faulty vaulty balti

salty multiculti multiSheltie swelty melty Balti altifealty newelty safety wafty lofty toplofty softie shafty crafty draughty rafty shufti shifty nifty snifty swiftie fifty giftie drifty thrifty unthrifty tufty mufti hefty lefty neifty nightie Whitey

wighty whity flighty Blighty slighty mighty almighty God Almighty Aphrodite righty rumtinaivety hoity-toity puttee putty cutty scutty tutty nutty jutty smutty gutty chutty scrutty rutty butty pouty foughty gouty doughty droughty rowty outy yeti pettipetit

petty scarpetti netty Manetti sweaty jetty Sylheti cappelletti letty confetti humetty spaghetti machete chetty fretty Negretti Betty parmacetty SETI patty kati catty scatty tattie tatty natty gnatty Hatti platyplaty flattie fatty malfatti chatty Marathi ratty

batty champerty purty shirty qwerty dirty thirty certie property jupati vanaspati pernickety lickety dunducketty Hecate rickety-rackety kinety plenarty chocolatey billet centrality pommetty enomoty polysomaty mamoty spiggoty peggotty faggoty maggoty poverty entirety diathermaneity contemporaneity heterogeneity liberty puberty

prepuberty uberty stewarty dancett mesatiipiti teety paranete nete sweetie Otaheite Tahiti sleety graffiti meaty treaty entreaty rete spermaceti ensete shabti ushabti shawabti cutie duty beauty Camberwell beauty pooty pampootie cootie cootie patootie snooty fluty footy gomuti

muti agouti fruity tutti-frutti rooty booty Mbuti tamboti suity pastie pasty tasty wasty overhasty hasty prosty frosty drostdy starosty nasty masty vasty boxty planxty sixty mixty-maxty honesty dishonesty amnesty twisty majesty lese-majesty fisty misty travesty modesty

immodesty foresty sacristy Christie palma Christi touristy wristy cystipostie Post Toastie hostie ghosty tystie feisty foisty moisty lusty unlusty fusty musty gusty dusty crusty trusty rusty poustie gousty frowsty testy westie westy chesty resty zesty pasty seismonasty

epinasty nasty galvanoplasty vaginoplasty meloplasty heteroplasty mammaplasty pederasty Asti bloodthirsty thirsty dynasty yeasty reasty bhisti kathi stithy withy lithy smithy loathy swarthy slithy mouthy thankworthy markworthy noteworthy trustworthy untrustworthy laughworthy airworthy loveworthy roadworthy unroadworthy seaworthy

praiseworthy newsworthy worthy unworthy spaceworthy smoothie ex facie Swadeshi tai-otoshi noshi Quashee squashy wishy-washy washy swashy tokoloshe sloshy Ustashi pishashi marshy bimbashi yuzbashi branchy ranchy Munchi raunchy punchy munchie scrunchy bunchy Frenchy culchie pushy cushy stooshie

tsutsugamushi bushy conchie tranch rikishi squishy swishy Englishy fishy dishy maharishi rishi rubbishy Cauchy karoshi Roshi Bolshie imshi plushy lushy slushy mushie mushy gushy grushie brushy fleshy Bangladeshi wareshi nashi plashy splashy flashy mashie togidashi trashy

ashy tsugi ashi weeshy deeshy urushi maki zushi nigiri zushi sushi styany bryony irony fippenny company company in-company twopenny threepenny thruppenny monotony neoteny litany gluttony tetany atony phylogeny progeny misogyny polygeny cacophony Scophony homophony heterophony stereophony theophany pleophony

epiphany Tiffany antiphony polyphony symphony telephony diaphony euphony garganey organy tyranny barony ebony oligopsony larceny Saxony cany planimeinie lilangeni veiny grainy brainy rainy Bahraini zany yonnie compony cramponny astony nonny-nonny Swanee swannie swanny Johnny porte-monnaie

gyronny bonny halfpenny Stepney jeepney biryani nimbu-pani mopane carney carny Americani Kutani Karitane Rajasthani starnie Hindustani Pakistani Unani dewani sherwani Azerbaijani glarney blarney Fulani Killarney mani Omani Yawelmani Tehrani maharani Nasrani barney mezzani ani cockney mockney

Orkney pyrotechny mnemotechny hackney acne Macartney Witney jitney chutney polyembryony muni Sunni tournee tourney Sapiny pinnipinny spinney skinny pectiniectene mountainy platinimutiny scrutiny tinny destiny predestiny shinny piccaninny ninny squinny whinny winny monogyny polygyny

whipperginny jinny hinny linhay finny rockahominy hominy dominie brahminy miminy-piminy niminy-piminy niminy Jiminy postliminy crimine feminie ignominy dominee domine miniMinnie mini Guinea vinny kwedini Trini findrinny sophrosyne cinecine zabaglione yoni taglioni pone pony cony

Marconi Montefiascone rigatoni toni Tony panettone Tortoni stoney stony cockernony spinone polony cannelloni provolone boloney abalone violone phoney tafone spumoni gony Ngoni kongoni Marangoni Bodoni dhoney eledone crony minestrone drony padrone pepperoni macaroni chitarrone cicerone lazzarone

bony gobony Oni arpeggione conversazione pleione canzone cassone yawny pornie porny corny mulligatawny tawny horny lawny scrawny brawny thorny sawney mavrodaphne daphne piney piny spinispiny tiny sunshiny shiny twiny whiny winy digyny Heinie liny miny

gynae viny briny nerine Myxine helxine eleusine Romney omnichimney Romney calumny Progne ligniinsigne punny sea-cunny tunny honey funny unfunny ship-money token-money pin-money baldmoney money gunny dunny runny bunny sonny sunny rodney kidney Sydney townee

towny downy brownie pinchpenny pennipenni penny Kilkenny tenn jenny blenny fenny dunnamany many veny benni benny any sene frangipani kokanee canny ca'canny uncanny tannie Mitanni shanny hootenanny nanny stephane fanny mannie pandanny cranny scranny trannie

tranny granny ranny attorney enurny journey gurney byrnie ERNIE timpani tympany accompany Konkani balcony botany botony palaeobotany geobotany syntony tantony Anthony dittany prytany betony metatony rhatany ontogeny monogeny organogeny morphogeny geomorphogeny homogeny heterogeny orogeny epeirogeny geogeny

dissogeny colony villainy Polony felony miscellany chatellany apophony monophony colophony aegophony radio-telephony diaphanie manganiRomany harmony inharmony disharmony lucumony sanctimony antimony McTimoney testimony palimony alimony acrimony patrimony matrimony agrimony querimony ceremony parsimony simony Yemeni anemone hegemony

lemony emony Gethsemane scammony Tammany agapemone eudemony oecumene mahogany cosmogony heterogony geogony theogony dissogony telegony agony sphendone quiddany Alderney chalcedony isochrony synchrony irony chevronny peony monopsony penescaloppine tankini monokini zucchini bikini skene bucatini vodkatini ballotini

teeny Martini spaghettini crostini sheeny konini queenie tweeny linguine weanie wienie weeny Sweeney sweeny genie wahine malihini cannellini galeeny tortellini paraselene capellini silene stelline Bellini Ruffini meanie visne fettuccine porcini Houdini greenie greeny tagliarini beanie Tetrazzini

Walt Disney esne imparsonee puisne puny tuny muni uniuni spoony Tricouni toonie Garshuni swoony Cluny loonie loony Moonie moony Nguni suni pigsney Jawi halawi Malawi Sahrawi quinqueexequy obsequy colloquy stultiloquy soliloquy ventriloquy pectoriloquy obloquy

muriqui equisesquilechwe Tiwi iiwi Zimbabwe cagey stagy Meiji agey podgy stodgy squodgy sindonology splodgy mystagogy anagogy dodgy bodgie alhagi bhaji Argie rotge mangy longiKermanji manjee Purkinje mingy lozengy punji cunjie fungibungee

alkekengi basenji bostangi satranji strategy squidgy widgie elegy apophyge effigy prodigy ridgy syzygy auxology koji shoji apagoge paragoge gorgy orgy histology Golgi tulgey Belgie cardialgy cephalalgy gamgee pudgy smudgy budgie wedgie hedgy fledgy veggie edgy cadgy

comitadji Sharawaggi alhaji tragithaumaturgy dramaturgy clergy zymurgy stigmergy chemurgy virgie micrurgy hierurgy siderurgy theurgy liturgy synergy energy synenergy anergy apology topology tropology anthropology palaeoanthropology carpology typology bumpology cacology malacology pharmacology psychopharmacolo gy oncology conchology ecology

autecology palaeoecology technicology synecology gynaecology genecology codicology trichology musicology toxicology lexicology phycology mycology psychology neuropsychology metapsychology parapsychology ecotoxicology muscology scatology piscatology eschatology pareschatology thanatology onomatology chromatology bromatology somatology traumatology telmatology climatology primatology nematology dermatology symptomatology haematology

sematology numismatology pneumatology rheumatology teratology geratology narratology battology glottology Egyptology cryptology proctology planktology sanctology oryctology dialectology insectology Sovietology Scientology sedimentology placentology ontology palaeontology odontology gerontology neontology deontology mantology gigantology herpetology planetology cosmetology dittology otology protology tautology

heortology phytology cytology parasitology Tibetology cetology plutology agrostology textology Christology aristology pestology tegestology campanology volcanology vulcanology iconology lichenology oceanology phonology morphophonology morphonology demonology organology chronology synchronology glottochronology tephrochronology dendrochronology geochronology urbanology personology neurypnology splanchnology ichnology technology

biotechnology psychotechnology terotechnology arachnology immunology penology quinology molinology selenology palynology phenology menology phenomenology criminology seminology graminology terminology phrenology carcinology hymnology limnology ethnology palaeoethnology runology haplology philology vexillology carphology nephology morphology geomorphology promorphology psephology graphology ufology potamology

entomology nomology homology pomology victimology etymology epistemology polemology gnomology ophthalmology enzymology sphygmology gemmology spermology thermology cosmology orismology seismology logology laryngology otolaryngology fungology algology zygology bugology monadology methodology codology Indology pedology kidology orchidology iridology pseudology micrology necrology

macrology patrology spectrology petrology metrology astrology gastrology agrology dendrology hydrology acarology lepidopterology martyrology characterology gastro-enterology heterology morology Homerology numerology culturology futurology orology horology meteorology serology urology neurology chorology pyrology chirology hierology virology aerology garbology amphibology tribology

symbology pathology palaeopathology psychopathology phytopathology neuropathology helminthology anthology ornithology lithology mythology orthology ethology teuthology ology naology archaeology hamartiology deltiology mataeology aetiology osteology crustaceology phytosociology neology craniology araneology geology photogeology liturgiology teleology speleology biospeleology sophiology epidemiology semiology

hagiology fluviology radiology cardiology audiology ideology rheology choreology bacteriology soteriology criteriology venereology Assyriology storiology historiology malariology Mariology agriology stereology mereology karyology embryology semasiology phraseology physiology psychophysiology phthisiology gnosiology ecclesiology museology theology atheology palaeoichthyology pantheology physico-theology glaciology

onomasiology axiology praxeology missiology sociology stasiology kinesiology oology noology zoology palaeozoology protozoology stoicheiology myology triology bryology biology radiobiology sociobiology microbiology psychobiology gnotobiology ponerology posology nosology glossology toxology doxology paradoxology reflexology sexology brachylogy antilogy festilogy palilogy polylogy

amphilogy dilogy trilogy sylloge metallurgy aretalogy analogy enallage mammalogy tetralogy paralogy mineralogy allergy genealogy genethlialogy eulogy anthropophagy mycophagy monophagy xerophagy geophagy ichthyophagy romaji koradji lethargy exergy Nashiji choregy periergy fugie euge Fuji oenochoe echoey toey

showy nowy snowy Joey pahoehoe mahoe hoey willowy yellowy tallowy evoe shadowy doughy beroe rowy mahimahi pakihi vriddhi takahe kamahi opihi tarakihi bahuvrihi monopoly oligopoly properly Gallipoli principally simoniacally melancholy hierarchically psychically idiotically syntactically

practically diacritically genetically magnetically energetically hypothetically synthetically statically emphatically systematically mathematically axiomatically dogmatically pragmatically logistically rustically majestically fantastically tonically harmonically histrionically satanically organically Hibernically pathologically theologically tragically strategically stoically heroically parabolically symbolically scientifically magnifically pacifically graphically

uneconomically rhythmically dynamically cosmically synodically methodically periodically rhapsodically rhetorically historically electrically obstetrically metrically volumetrically isometrically theatrically hysterically physically intrinsically locally solemncholy rascally mentally sentimentally teetotally mortally metally philately systole individually eventually partially essentially substantially officially superficially

socially specially especially occasionally constitutionally personally finally equally hydrocephaly micrencephaly porencephaly exencephaly anomaly protanomaly normally formally argali gravelly orderly sigmoidally muddly severally morally hazelly whistly Yalie paly capercaillie ceilidh triticale scaly orbitale shaly snaily quale ukulele

banjulele gaily regale daily traily centrale sanctorale Rayleigh Israeli bailie bailey aly radiale Maioli polyPolly poly accolle cholecollie colly skolly tolley nolle peely-wally wally wolly jolley jolly Joly trolly-lolly loblolly lolly poplolly folie folly

molly moly golly volley dolly prolly trolley trolly brolly ollie cockyolly longly strongly wrongly kingly unkingly feelingly seemingly accordingly includingly wooingly langley shapely unshapely sharply quadruply multiply triply simply rumply supply haply panoply deeply hourly Malayali

Pali parley Kathakali Carley Gurkhali thali Santali cor pulmonale nasospinale finale biennale snarly kotwali qawwali Rajmahali Molale tamale Somali Mali marly Svengali Charlie wourali sprat-barley barley bialy Sahli strangely Shockley twinkly wrinkly monkly frankly sparkly clerkly politicly

tickly quickly prickly trickly sickly likely unlikely shackly hackly sprackly drackly 'zackly weakly weekly tri-weekly biweekly quietly stately lately greatly motley partly perfectly strictly directly indirectly exactly immediately importantly constantly instantly consequently subsequently momently evidently indifferently

apparently presently faintly saintly unsaintly jointly gently incontinently eminently pregnantly truantly minutely Whitley littly fitly portly courtly uncourtly shortly softly tightly fortnightly nightly knightly unknightly whitely lightly slightly uprightly spritely sprightly rightly unrightly sightly unsightly subtly

stoutly devoutly outly nettly flatly rattly fortunately alternately desperately sweetly featly minutely costly lastly fastly ghastly vastly honestly whistly istle mostly ghostly justly lustly firstly priestly unpriestly beastly yearly biyearly lineally linearly nearly royally clearly peculiarly

merely cheerly dearly ideally materially memorially really unreally sincerely masculy raguly barruly tubulipulley woolly hopefully thankfully unmanfully womanfully awfully wilfully faithfully fulyie fully patchouli cockabully Bulli bully loathly sneakishly wishly Englishly fleshly freshly gashly Laura Ashley

lionly openly certainly slovenly heavenly evenly maidenly unmaidenly matronly mainly humanely inhumanely gainly ungainly suttinly sovereignly inly alonely lonely only finely divinely sonly sunly wen li Henle cleanly uncleanly Stanley manly unmanly Osmanli wantonly slatternly commonly womanly

unwomanly ungentlemanly humanly queenly unqueenly cleanly uncleanly meanly greenly purely obscurely actually maturely sexually poorly surely mutually lilly-pilly happily unhappily shakily silkily luckily tackily skilly matily tactily ectrodactyly daintily kantele wittily prettily Maithili mightily sal volatile hypertely

utile tilly Chantilly tortilly hastily nastily lustily stilly worthily pushily punily willy-nilly twilly willy-willy whilly willy nilly-willy gingili angili gillie hilly jollily lonelily sillily holily atamasco lily seemlily kindlily piccalilli lily Loddon lily Snowdon lily scripophily cartophily ornithophily notaphily

filly Caerphilly homily thymele similisimile facsimile dissimile subfamily family ramillie contumely milliplaguily gillie heavily bevilly scurvily wili Chile chilli chilly bodily hardily woundily handily dandilly giddily readily greedily Piccadilly dilly daffadowndilly wirily momentarily voluntarily

ordinarily summarily secondarily necessarily gorily frilly merrily verily literarily cantabile rockabilly bilibilly busily easily fusilly strengthily toothily gooeyly racily cicely icily seseli crusily silly largely holly aioli poley poly roly-poly Koli coley coaly coly atole

Sertoli shoaly anole holey holy unholy hollowly yellowly fellowly lowly slowly foley amole guacamole moley moly mouly rangoli Acholi choli shadowly proly narrowly de Broglie posole ravioli soulie Nepali puckauly shawlie squally waly whally wally pully-hauly mauley

smally gally Bengali sprawly scrawly drawly bawley saulie sorely illy wholly solely safely waffly schiffli wifely housewifely snuffly pily kylie aquamanile wily highly slyly phyle Ismaili smiley sedile drily Riley wryly membrum virile squarely warely fairly rarely

barely singly jungly tangly gangly namely samely primly grimly homely timely untimely cumbly comely uncomely humlie gumly drumly Bramley termly seemly unseemly vaguely coggly niggly wiggly wriggly Ugli ugly plug-ugly wiggly-waggly scraggly draggly shoogly googly respectively

irrespectively objectively transitively indubitatively protensively successively inclusively inexclusively lively unlively lovely unlovely moiley doily boilie oily soily Takulli cully nullinully mully gully-gully gully hully gully dully sully richly muchly unchurchly laidly gradely godly ungodly cowardly hardly

goodly fondly spindly kindly unkindly woundly roundly friendly unfriendly grandly secondly husbandly towardly affectedly undoubtedly tiddly twiddly fiddley fiddly ridley inadvisedly idli enforcedly podley untowardly lordly unlordly wildly mildly otherworldly worldly unworldly widely idly buirdly medley

chance-medley deadly dreadly redly gladly madly radly badly sadly shepherdly dastardly inwardly niggardly sluggardly needly dowly Pauli scowly jowly haole rauli Kelly whip-tom-kelly Ned Kelly skelly tagliatelle teletele telly shelly nelly gwely wely welly gelly jelly

rakehelly helihelly Uphellyfelly chaud-mell smellie smelly velly deli rellie pot-belly yellow-belly slow-belly gorbelly underbelly belly Delhi belly vermicelli pally teocalli scally tally shilly-shally bonallie soapolallie doolally tomalley galley gally tilly-vally cavally valley reveille trevally dilly-dally

dally sugarallie ralli rally hyawaballi silverballi bally juriballi alley ally salie sally pearly curly skirlie tirlie quirley twirly wurley whirly curly-wurly hurley hurly ferly murly girlie gurly girly-girly hurly-burly Burley burly early surly conicopoly Trichinopoli duopoly

tripoli leisurely measurely broccoli allicholly martyrly winterly scytale quarterly daughterly palterly utterly outerly prothetely latterly meeterly masterly asystole sisterly unsisterly westerly Castalie diastole easterly fatherly northerly motherly unmotherly brotherly unbrotherly southerly south-southerly weatherly furtherly innerly allenarly

crenell mannerly unmannerly gingerly soldierly scholarly unscholarly particularly pasilaly polarly hungerly deuteranomaly formerly summerly mygale cardiomegaly beggarly overly loverly everly evilly featurely inorderly unorderly disorderly elderly literally laterally generally naturally paroli neroli neighbourly unneighbourly tauroboly Hanbali

epiboly amphiboly lumberly emboly lubberly metaboly hyperbole miserly jewelly sarcelly sapele pili keelie steely campanile nealie wiliwili wheelie kahili Swahili Kiswahili feely mealie mealy kamachili dele Mallaby-Deeley freely reely Tebele Matabele mabele Ndebele Sindebele fusilli seely

unseely stably ably knobbly wobbly wibbly-wobbly obley marbly ghibli scribbly terribly possibly sensibly nobly wambly wimbly-wambly crumbly trembly assembly shambly scrambly nubbly knubbly doubly bubbly Webley trebly personably measurably probably unprobably Paisley mizzly grisly grizzly Risley

wisely measly muesli monthly bimonthly deathly earthly unearthly youthly soothly tewly newly muley viewly duly unduly Thule puli coolie douroucouli machicoulis schooly toolie tule stoolie hooley hooly Schermuly mooli Mouli goolie muvule doolie troolie truly brulzie

throughly ruly wanruly unruly Kabuli boule Tchambuli hule niaouli guayule parsley solemniously previously imperiously seriously notoriously variously princely mistressly gristly closely grossly nicely precisely scarcely pussley expressly inversely purposely felicitously spaciously speciously famously raphe coffee

toffee Everton toffee moffie offy laughy chaffy woofy spiffy tiffy niffy sniffy squiffy jiffy Liffe miffy diphyriffy xiphiiffy salsify trophy strophe pansophy Sophy homoeomorphy geomorphy wolfy Delphi knifey wifie scyphilymphy imphee comfy uncomfy amphi-

puffy Cuffee toughie stuffy snuffy huffy fluffy scruffy roughie ruffy roughy buffy scaffy Taffy NAAFI waffie Daffy graphy scurfy turfy furphy Murphy surfie Hanafi staphylorrhaphy mycotrophy pogonotrophy paedotrophy amyotrophy syntrophy atrophy hypertrophy eutrophy apostrophe exstrophy epistrophe

antistrophe dystrophy systrophe catastrophe anastrophe topography vapography prosopography lipography typography cacography zincography lexicography chalcography psychography discography photography macrophotography cinematography chromatography zeugmatography glyptography cryptography cartography placentography palaeontography planetography dittography autography aortography polyautography thoughtography phytography plutography iconography

palaeooceanography oceanography planography phonography monography organography steganography chronography uranography auxanography ultrasonography ionography ichnography stenography selenography venography resinography pornography linography hymnography scenography ethnography metallography crystallography mineralography symbolography holography haplography pupillography sigillography stylography xylography glyphography morphography lymphography

tomography pantomography nomography demography thermography cosmography pneumography logography pseudography reprography micrography photomacrography petrography astrography hydrography orohydrography heterography orography horography xerography urography chorography pyrography chirography hierography phlebography xography pathography lithography stereolithography autolithography photolithography mythography orthography spatiography geography

biogeography zoogeography lymphangiography phytogeography palaeography heliography bibliography hagiography xeroradiography seismocardiograph y videography choreography arteriography historiography physiography museography heresiography zoography biography psychobiography autobiography flexography orchesography epigraphy brachygraphy tachygraphy stratigraphy biostratigraphy lithostratigraphy planigraphy polygraphy calligraphy serigraphy pasigraphy lexigraphy

telegraphy radio-telegraphy kamagraphy mineragraphy skiagraphy orthodiagraphy sciagraphy philosophy mysteriosophy theosophy leafy sherifi beefy Ife Newfie hoofy goofy oofy Sufi wongi dinghy Feringhee imbongi mungy bangy kitenge dengue sengi tangi parangi sarangi flamy cockamamie gamy

premie samey pommy commie commis tommy mommy Yami palmy tatami ude-gatame Unami tsunami qualmy Mwami swami salami Yanomami umami smarmy agami origami macram pastrami Brahmi ude-garami gourami balmy barmy army Sami acme arrhythmy eurhythmy alchemy shimmy

toponymy eponymy hyponymy metonymy teknonymy synonymy homonymy jimmy eleme gimme scrimmy lipothymy immy simi Komi tsurikomi homie homey loamy foamy domy stereochromy omee cleome stormy horme formy gaumy dormy filmy ophthalmy salmi thymy stymie Hymie blimey

gorblimey Limey limy slimy grimy rimy pygmy yummy pommey scummy tummy nummy plummy lumme lummy slummy mummy gummy chummy dummy crummie crumby crummy scrummy Brummie rummy thumby chemimeltemi stemmy chemmy gemmy jemmy hemiphlegmy lemme

semi-demidemidemy tremie gremmie Emmy hemi-demi-semidemi-semisemisemi sem tammy whammy jammy hammy clammy lammie mammy gammy damme Grammy ramiramie rammy bammie sammie sammy ram-sammy monospermy polyspermy dispermy wormy Fermi Murmi vermitaxidermy

diathermy endothermy thingummy gerocomy occamy sagakomi pulpotomy dichotomy trichotomy leucotomy keratotomy tractotomy autotomy pogonotomy notamy scalenotomy Potawatomi cyclotomy colotomy plasmotomy vagotomy laryngotomy valvotomy protome gastrotomy nephrotomy sclerotomy neurotomy lobotomy phlebotomy lithotomy pubiotomy episiotomy zootomy myotomy topectomy

polypectomy pulpectomy lipectomy lumpectomy discectomy keratectomy septectomy ostectomy mastectomy pneumonectomy splenectomy laminectomy turbinectomy penectomy laryngectomy embolectomy colectomy thymectomy pneumectomy appendectomy stapedectomy rhytidectomy iridectomy antrectomy vitrectomy gastrectomy nephrectomy endarterectomy hysterectomy oophorectomy neurectomy gyrectomy tubectomy sympathectomy ileectomy gangliectomy

lobectomy vasectomy hypophysectomy appendicectomy bursectomy epitome anatomy latomy atomy septostomy colostomy gastrostomy ostomy economy autonomy plutonomy organonomy taphonomy astronomy gastronomy agronomy heteronomy phoronomy aeronomy teleonomy zoonomy taxonomy isonomy antinomy taxinomy pathognomy physiognomy ignomy metagnomy enemy anomie

anomy visnomy eunomy elemi infamy blasphemy syngamy apogamy hercogamy autogamy cleistogamy plastogamy geitonogamy monogamy homogamy chasmogamy plasmogamy endogamy paedogamy porogamy heterogamy deuterogamy oogamy exogamy misogamy isogamy polygamy digamy trigamy bigamy pantagamy sodomy Academy monodromy lampadedromy arame

jessamy sesame Open Sesame shikimi steamie steamy gleamy meemie preemie creamy screamy streamy agrimi dreamy REME beamy zeme monosemy polysemy seamy spumy fumy plumy gloomy halloumi lumidoomy roomy rheumy pribumi sumi swelp me plaguy craigie toggy

timenoguy tiddy oggy loggy foggy moggy smoggy demagogy pedagogy goggie doggy froggy groggy soggy pungy Yagi suffragi argy-bargy Lurgi piggy tiggy wiggy piggy-wiggy jiggy spriggy ciggy yogi hatha yogi pogey pogy cogie stogie shogi hoagie logie logy killogie

fogy Somogyi unit vogie dogie pierogi bogie bogey ogi porgy corgi wilgie Tavgi puggy stuggy bluggy luggie muggy druggy ruggy buggy peggy leggy schmegegge geggie preggy eggy staggie staggy shaggy naggy snaggy quaggy haggy flaggy faggy maggie

craggy scraggy draggy raggy Baggie baggy zigzaggy saggy lurgy diallage waragi kriegie boogie-woogie rockaboogie boogie sugi pavy spavie cavie cave cavy shavie navy wavey wavy slavey agave Davy poldavy gravy alla breve jarvey Mohave Harvey enclav

larvisaperavi ave envy skivvy tivy tantivy mivvy givey chivvy divi-divi divvy privy bivvy civvy covey Provie oviMalvi silvipelviskelvy shelvy melvie salvy moulvi skivie ivy Kenilworth ivy covey lovey lovey-dovey dovey nevvy superheavy heavy

top-heavy replevy levee levy bevy bevvy pavvy navvy lavvy savvy curvicurvy scurvy topsy-turvy nervy Muscovy Pahlavi pallavi anchovy peavey nievie deevy juvie movie groovy Scotchy notchy Tamagotchi mezza voce starchy Fibonacci naartjie shakuhachi vivace huarache

Archie mariachi Chukchi Kekchi Mapuche Guanche Taranchi chinchy Comanche pichi pitchi pitchy titchy nitchie twitchy triplice semplice Medici ditchy trichi minnerichi richie bitchy itchy shibuichi poachy viva-voce voce viva voce elchee kimchi touchy archduchy duchy grand duchy slouchy

grouchy sketchy tetchy leveche stretchy Apache patchy snatchy toloache Apalachee scratchy batchy hibachi churchy peachy Campeachy queachy caliche preachy reechy obeche Yuchi acouchi Kikuchi hootchy-kootchy penuche Baluchi muchi smoochy water-souchy mischty cady shady glady landlady

blady lady milady spokeslady fady maedi maravedi O'Grady poddy toddy shoddy poopnoddy niddy-noddy hoddy-noddy noddy Passamaquoddy squaddie squaddy waddy swaddy hoddy-doddy doddy Proddy rhody Paschen body Donovan body antibody anybody unibody everybody busybody Pappenheimer body Russell body overbody underbody

Peabody Schaumann's body dogsbody body Barr body unbody embody re-embody disembody out-of-body Oddi soddy cowardy Bacardi cardie cadi tardy wadi cote-hardie foolhardy hardy unhardy lardy Sephardi Mahdi mardy gardy guardy vardy lardy-dardy irade bardee Saayindimac weirdie beardie woodie

woody hoodie goody-goody goody organdie christendie pondy wandy jaguarundi kindy shindy windy Hindi lindy indiindie West Indy Sindhi Makonde Maundy windy jundy fundi barramundi salmagundi gundi Grundy sebundy undy Whit Sunday woundy effendi Mende trendy bendy yandy

Pandy spandy sugar-candy candy Yarkandi shandy Nandi handy unhandy mandy houghmagandie handy-dandy jack-a-dandy Dandie dandy jim-dandy brandy jaborandi randy bandy-bandy bandy Ngbandi Zande sandhi sandy Normandy burgundy woundy goondie kiddie tiddy rigwiddy widdy tragedy perfidy comedy

tragicomedy remedy midiMIDI middy giddy diddy chickabiddy biddy accidie subsidy polypody toady tody custode palinody staminody petalody phyllody grody roadie sody Geordie lordy gaudy bawdy higgledy-piggledy Imam Bayildi jildi mouldy goldy oldie garibaldi wildie haldi alcalde

laldy Grimaldi yieldy wieldy unwieldy alcaide tidy untidy snidey bona fide vide didy bridie sidy Toidey ploidy puddy spuddy cuddy scuddy understudy study restudy nuddy bloody unbloody muddie muddy fuddy-duddy cruddy ruddy buddy howtowdie howdie howdy cloudy

Goudy dowdy pandowdy crowdie rowdy Saudi pediteddy steady rocksteady unsteady neddy heady leady predy spready makeready thready ready reddy unready unredy already Haredi eddy paddy caddie caddy taddy haddie plaidie gladdie faddy grandaddy Nobodaddy daddy

bradykabaddi Purdey curdy sturdy wanwordy wordy hurdie hirdy-girdy hurdy-gurdy paloverde birdie monopody dipody tripody jeopardy pentapody hexapody bastardy custody monody hymnody threnody melo-tragedy melody malady psalmody corrody parody nobody somebody rubbedy Methody prosody rhapsody speedy

needy tweedy weedy deedy greedy reedy Mulready bidi cedi seedy nudie Judy Yahudi foodie foody camoudie moody powldoody broody marudi boodie wiry fiery diary priory friary papery japery vapoury drapery sloppery foppery pipery polypary slippery

unslippery frippery popery mopery tropary trumpery extempore empery peppery sleepery coopery apospory lingerie injury treasury usury jacquerie fakery Comstockery mockery crockery rockery drinkery mountebankery cookery rookery picory hickery-pickery shickery tunicary pohickory formicary chicory trickery apothecary pothecary

hypothecary bibliothecary Terpsichore jiggery-pokery porkery succory peccary precary hackery dietary proprietary nuncupatory publicatory justificatory qualificatory vindicatory imprecatory vesicatory placatory catery stultificatory mystificatory testificatory edificatory purificatory pacificatory statary gustatory gestatory disciplinatory viaggiatory escalatory revelatory anovulatory translatory sublimatory

ultimatory estimatory innovatory elevatory datary illustratory separatory gyratory incubatory improvisatory pottery Godwottery lottery scriptory redemptory peremptory preceptory succinctory perfunctory emunctory victory contradictory maledictory valedictory reproductory introductory manuductory inductory deductory protectory nectary trajectory refectory rectory directory ex-directory

lactary phylactery factory manufactory calefactory olfactory satisfactory unsatisfactory dissatisfactory refractory expiatory propitiatory initiatory aleatory reconciliatory conciliatory interlocutory locutory statutory salutary insalutary tributary contributory retributory distributary lientery serpentary promontory momentary pigmentary fragmentary inventory sedentary dysentery mesentery placentary

splintery printery vauntery effrontery testamentary parliamentary unparliamentary reglementary sacramentary mockumentary documentary instrumentary vestimentary regimentary complementary complimentary supplementary elementary alimentary sedimentary rudimentary segmentary dentary unguentary voluntary involuntary commentary skittery petitory tittery monitory premonitory admonitory bonitary definitory finitary

recognitory dignitary monetary genitory primogenitary planetary humanitary Vanitory sanitary insanitary punitory premunitory unitary ubiquitary twittery olitory solitary suppletory paramilitary military unmilitary proletary societary vomitory limitary dormitory fumitory cavitary plauditory auditory hereditary additory abditory secretary quiritary territory

inhibitory exhibitory presbytery suppository depositary depository repository expository dispository inquisitory requisitory pituitary transitory plebiscitary coterie protonotary notary locomotory votary rotary cautery watery slaughtery desultory psaltery adultery subsultory excitory nuttery buttery forgettory shattery flattery mancipatory participatory repertory

raspatory avocatory provocatory invocatory evocatory manducatory masticatory supplicatory applicatory certificatory significatory dedicatory judicatory indicatory deprecatory prevaricatory desiccatory precatory mercatory revocatory piscatory natatory facilitatory potatory laevorotatory dextrorotatory scortatory hortatory exhortatory consultatory saltatory invitatory citatory excitatory sternutatory salutatory

protestatory negotiatory comminatory fulminatory terminatory minatory combinatory donatory inclinatory declinatory condemnatory damnatory indignatory signatary signatory co-signatory obsignatory senatory explanatory sanatory appreciatory consolatory parlatory manipulatory articulatory speculatory ejaculatory circulatory osculatory gratulatory stimulatory regulatory undulatory perambulatory ambulatory deambulatory

tabulatory depilatory ventilatory stillatory distillatory dilatory condolatory constellatory oblatory offertory prefatory lachrymatory informatory reformatory crematory proclamatory declamatory exclamatory inflammatory infamatory defamatory amatory chrismatory interrogatory derogatory delegatory obligatory rogatory negatory legatary purgatory nugatory salvatory lavatory preservatory observatory

conservatory gradatory mundatory commendatary commendatory emendatory mandatary mandatory trepidatory laudatory predatory feudatory subfeudatory sudatory respiratory regeneratory refrigeratory liberatory elaboratory reverberatory exploratory moratory laboratory oratory under-secretary procuratory curatory juratory inspiratory migratory feretory preparatory narratory declaratory vibratory probatory

libatory reverbatory accusatory excusatory dispensatory sensatory pulsatory expulsatory completory expletory decretory secretory persecutory executory elocutory tutory restitutory minuterie resolutory overmastery mastery phalanstery baptistery phrontistery magistery history psychohistory prehistory mystery consistory upholstery herstory monastery electuary estuary January

manuary lathery withery slithery dithery mothery heathery leathery feathery washery partiary plenipotentiary sententiary penitentiary sequentiary silentiary evidentiary residentiary obedientiary justiciary fishery beneficiary judiciary smashery haberdashery tertiary fiduciary embryonary provisionary visionary televisionary stationary geostationary probationary perfunctionary functionary

functionary dictionary lectionary confectionary confectionery sectionary fractionary reactionary pensionary conventionary mansionary volitionary missionary traditionary notionary portionary cautionary convulsionary impressionary processionary cessionary passionary reversionary institutionary substitutionary revolutionary evolutionary religionary legionary regionary novenary questionary extraordinary coronary coparcenary vicenary

octonary septenary tinnery shinnery sanguinary enginery originary paginary quinquagenary imaginary sexagenary pollinary interdisciplinary disciplinary molinary culinary liminary postliminary seminary proseminary laminary luminary ordinary latitudinary platitudinary valetudinary veterinary doctrinary urinary genito-urinary mercenary unmercenary donary winery finery refinery

vinery nunnery septennary venery decennary tannery stannary granary quaternary turnery pulmonary quingentenary septcentenary quincentenary sesquicentenary tercentenary quatercentenary sexcentenary machinery quingenary septuagenary denary greenery scenery sexenary tricenary sublunary orangery villagery imagery savagery messagery forgery soldiery drudgery potagerie

menagerie perjury chirurgery surgery psychosurgery microsurgery polycarpellary epistolary chancellery fritillary gillery scullery medullary greenery-yallery gallery monocarpellary intercalary wafery chafery scoffery plerophory periphery leafery miry Hungary ironmongery Montgomery homoeomery shimmery polymery primary nummary plumbery flummery mummery rummery

summary memory emery fermery infirmary customary uncustomary creamery rosemary perfumery vagary toggery hoggery doggery sugary piggery subcategory category vinegary wiggery allegory snuggery huggery skulduggery druggery thuggery gregory beau gregory staggery shaggery waggery jaggery zigzaggery knavery slavery bravery

savory savoury unsavoury shivery olivary salivary livery delivery ovary silvery Calvary vivary ivory uncovery recovery discovery reverie slavery servery thievery witchery debauchery lechery treachery camaraderie secondary legendary prebendary quandary recipiendary grindery thundery boundary referendary lapidary solidary

sliddery dromedary gaudery spidery embroidery sculduddery powdery decadary hebdomadary hundredary prudery extemporary funerary supernumerary cowrie avowry dowry tayberry blaeberry snobbery slobbery robbery bobbery youngberry hackberry blackberry Glastonbury whinberry Bunbury nanberry cranberry anbury strawberry farkleberry huckleberry hurtleberry

angleberry tilbury bilberry mulberry bribery columbary umbery dogberry hagberry shrubbery Woodbury hindberry loadberry scald-berry Bradbury slabbery turbary Canterbury Waterbury syllabary naseberry raspberry gooseberry Shrewsbury Aylesbury Bloomsbury razzberry janizary misery rosary supervisory provisory divisory advisory Japanesery collusory

smithery plethory suasory tracery glossary responsary responsory chancery suspensory dispensary ostensory defensory incensory sensorisensory rotisserie commissary promissory dimissory emissary remissory dismissory rescissory grocery sorcery falsary propulsory impulsory compulsory expulsory derisory mousery pessary possessory intercessory accessory

tracasserie cursory precursory discursory nursery mercery anniversary transversary adversary vavasory necessary unnecessary patisserie prelusory infusory inclusory exclusory lusory elusory illusory delusory haori corrie py korry torry tammie norie quarry whare swarry lorry MORI gorry torori sorry opry gossipry

lamprey osprey towery showery flowery floury loury bowery Campari sparry kalamkari uakari Jokari phulkari askari muscari Qatari tarry Crostarie starry kanari Carbonari ryotwary maguari Marwari patwari Shinwari sowarry Mewari pujari brinjarry mehari Bihari Mata Hari palarie Rastafari

safari tamari terramare marie Mari Imari gharry vari charivari charry Pindari urari curare Sherari barry Zanzibari ambari schryari saouari aracari sari kukri mimicry ochry psychiatry neuropsychiatry orthopsychiatry podiatry fratry phratry executry Maharashtri carpentry serpentry ancientry pageantry

infantry elephantry tormentry Coventry pedantry pleasantry chantry wintry vintry up-country in-country down-country low-country country post-entry gentry entry re-entry out-sentry sentry pantry mantri gantry tenantry gallantry truantry puppetry coquetry parquetry marquetry musketry Jesuitry poetry toiletry anthropometry stichometry

psychometry cytophotometry optometry olfactometry lichenometry trigonometry chronometry geochronometry phonometry Mahometry allometry colometry stylometry morphometry iodometry astrometry barometry horometry orthometry stoichiometry geometry sociometry biometry isometry gasometry altimetry planimetry alkalimetry gravimetry iodimetry acidimetry titrimetry perimetry bathymetry symmetry dissymmetry

asymmetry telemetry cemetery voltammetry photogrammetry targetry vitry deviltry poultry paltry sultry choultry peltry sweltry mitry Navaratri volumetry patrimatrigrammatolatry statolatry plutolatry iconolatry monolatry onolatry symbololatry logolatry bardolatry idolatry necrolatry astrolatry martyrolatry pyrolatry symbolatry epeolatry Mariolatry

ecclesiolatry harlotry zealotry stereometry bigotry barratry stewartry pastry puff pastry wastry maistry extry sextry spinstry tapestry ministry linguistry registry sophistry palmistry chemistry biochemistry radiochemistry stereochemistry spectrochemistry petrochemistry topochemistry photochemistry immunochemistry thermochemistry geochemistry floristry forestry aplustre vestry revestry

ancestry fantastry synastry industry apiary topiary peri peery vespiary tracheary bokmakierie Valkyrie teary ostiary vestiary revestiary bestiary officiary retiary balneary laniary pecuniary impecuniary praemunire quaere query aweary weary unweary forweary stagiary congiary faery colliery miliary milliary

homiliary biliary mobiliary auxiliary superciliary ciliary domiciliary Evangeliary whigmaleery bleary leery feirie Kashmiri saimiri smeary aviary alveary breviary veery cheery presidiary subsidiary corrodiary dearie nitriary dreary Dundreary miserere beery apocrisiary hosiery Wegener's theory theory eerie eyrie sirih

cassiri decury mercury penury augury koori kuri bistoury century Englishry Irishry Welshry falconry deaconry blazonry emblazonry Freemasonry masonry Savonnerie henry canonry felonry almonry yeomanry Ripuary curie promptuary sumptuary voluptuary sanctuary mulctuary actuary pituri portuary mortuary tumultuary

statuary Venturi textuary vestuary quaestuary fury residuary beurr usuary euryossuary Manipuri pot-pourri urucuri dasturi juryjury Jewry houri pluriloerie moory matagouri amphigouri obituary mutuary tandoori February brewery zedoary Missouri piri-piri piripiri pirrie daiquiri hara-kiri

kierie Walkyrie whirry panegyry porphyry puriri pory chorikori centaury commendatore satori tori Tory yakitori sumotori clerestory storey story Hori hoary outlawry cauliflory flory glory vainglory lory Milori gory dory John Dory hunky-dory Rory furore zori oary

ory millefiore Moriori theory saury Montessori nopalry chapelry hostelry castelry chivalry rivalry devilry revelry cavalry vassalry jewellery midwifery housewifery gallimaufry orphrey palfrey belfry comfrey clamjamphrie Godfrey spiry expiry inquiry maire dairi scary Laetare starey canary nary

wary unwary hairy clary flary glary lairy fairy costmary Mary mayory boongary fegary varivary vairy chary dairy prairie siserary Rarey aery airy hungry angry thumri bottomry aggry every purry spurrey curry hurry-scurry scurry worry Hurri

hurry plurry flurry lurry slurry furry Murray murrey gurry ghurry dhurrie surrey quadripadre compadre merchandry Landry sundri indri laundry sundry foundry shandry spanandry monandry polyandry misandry husbandry surquidry bidri tawdry bawdry heraldry ribaldry wizardry hazardry

Lowry Maori kopa Maori chowry ourie periperry Tom-and-Jerry knobkerrie Kerry skerry terry sherry equerry wherry jerry houhere blerry ferriferry mere merry unmerry Very cherry cutcherry whipsy-derry derry bayberry lingonberry loganberry boysenberry oso-berry whortleberry dingleberry tummelberry

marlberry Dogberry veitchberry cloudberry checkerberry Worcesterberry berry bury unbury beriberi nessberry Seri serry parry overcarry karri carry miscarry tarry guarri harry Larry intermarry marri marry unmarry remarry dismarry garri glengarry shooldarry seigneury spurry whirry slurry firry

furry vurry burry seigniory signory nobiliary strangury stipendiary incendiary intermediary infomediary caduciary napery creperie apery pro tempore tepary monkery pickery hickory mickery smokery spreaghery vaccary dukery joukery piscary cottery Tartary martyry artery sectary consectary sagittary jittery pellitory

prohibitory motory otary saltery consultory nitery incitory guttery rettery cattery hattery battery assertory fruitery sextary evangelistary luxury stationery antiphonary chicanery swannery spinnery preliminary consuetudinary concubinary eleemosynary nonary ornery quinary minery trinary binary hymnary signary joinery gunnery

millenary bimillenary panary cannery ternary ternery millionary catenary centenary octocentenary tricentenary bicentenary nongenary plenary duodenary deanery senary unary superlunary lunary antiquary reliquary cassowary plagiary dodgery conjury cudgerie budgeree Wiradjuri vitellary raillery alary corollary exemplary cutlery epulary

scapulary cartulary chartulary capitulary titulary singulary formulary nummulary tumulary patibulary vocabulary tabulary constabulary bullary papillary capillary pupillary pillory tutelary artillery distillery pugillary Hilary phyllary mammillary armillary vexillary bacillary cilery axillary intermaxillary premaxillary ancillary polaricajolery molary

volary drollery xylary jonglery jugglery burglary boilery gullery pedlary saddlery growlery owlery celery calorie salary Tuileries sealery diablerie foolery sulphury angary farmery gendarmerie armory armoury lachrymary symmory lormery palmary chummery gemmery glamoury mammary gramarye spermary calamary

loomery buggery beggary carvery livery severy archery butchery petchary hatchery del credere commandery zamindari minauderie abecedary feudary sudary temporary contemporary cotemporary literary honorary itinerary vulnerary numerary orrery naucrary contrary subcontrary arbitrary petrary registrary horary cinerary library corroboree

Barbary barberry grubbery herbary Szary chinoiserie Cesare usufructuary ewery leprosery buxarry saucery spicery accessary brasserie bursary goosery peerie tawhiri colibri fibry gimbri aumbry cabri Guthrie test pani puri bhelpuri puri tsukuri kasturi Kanuri yowie dowie zowie

vygie sennachie Niobe gaby cry-baby baby sassaby tsessebi pobby cobby nobby knobby squabby swabbie jobbie hobby lobby mobbie gobby dobby bobby Lyngby tabi awabi Punjabi Wahabi Darby Derby kohlrabi barbie Babi wasabi might-be renminbi kunbi

gourbi gibby oribi ribby toby Yaghnobi globy mauby goby dobe dhobi dobey proby Obie obi corbie orby Dolby astilbe trilby bilby combie zombie Nimby muhimbi malimbi bilimbi jumby brumby nembie pamby namby-pamby ambiDigby rugby cubby

tubby stubby nubby snubby hubby chubby rubby-dubby dubby scrubby shrubby grubby rubby bubby subbie kebbie webby debby yabby cabby scabby tabby shabby nabbie flabby gabby dabby crabby grabby drabi rabbi abbey Kirby curby herby Jacobi wannabe

upsy-daisy Transvaal daisy crazy jalfrezi Bel Paese possie pozzy cossie Aussie Ozzie karzy kamikaze Stasi Ashkenazi Swazi ghazi Swansea quinsy squinsy linsey gaberlunzie McKenzie shenzi euthanasy frenzy Nyamwezi enfrenzy Wanyamwezi Wabenzi jasey pansy hazy tansy glazy gansey lazy Guernsey mazy teensy Sangiovese Namaqualand daisy tizzy quizzy lackadaisy whizzy up-a-daisy Lizzie daisy fizzy Livingstone daisy Barnaby coenoby Wallabee wallaby Araby heebie-jeebie Hebe Galibi phoebe freebie quisby Frisbee wigsby busby tubinewbie looby rose-a-ruby ruby booby sneaksby

vizy dizzy trizzie frizzy overbusy busy zizzy posey posy COHSE cosy nosy Lozi Silozi mosey dozy prosy rosy bosie causey gauzy linsey-woolsey palsy impalsy Bell's palsy ballsy palsy sizy malmsey whimsy flimsy slimsy mimsy clumsy mumsy noisy

cramoisy malvoisie SCSI scuzzy fuzzy-wuzzy wuzzy fuzzy tuzzy-muzzy muzzy woodsy pudsy tousy blowzy lousy sprowsie frowzy drowsy rousie lezzy prezzie Tassie snazzy jazzy zazzy kersey Jersey New Jersey durzi euphrasy peasy teasy Japanesey kneesie queasy wheezy sleazy

pachisi cheesy breezy easy uneasy overeasy fubsy newsie Nuzi newsy Jacuzzi woozy floozie choosy doozy crusie boosy Uzi oozy mothy frothy wrathy bothy lengthy strengthy lathy nepenthe rhodanthe pithy withy polymythy wrothy filthy stealthy wealthy

healthy unhealthy feelthy Abernethy deathy breathy bathyearthy anthropopathy psychopathy allopathy allelopathy hydropathy naturopathy neuropathy osteopathy homoeopathy theopathy antipathy sympathy empathy telepathy apathy eupathy dyspathy chrestomathy timothy opsimathy sagathy teethy heathy Lethe wreathy youthy toothy

pewy sinewy newie Hughie viewy U-ey poui pooey cucuy ptui ratatouille tui feng-shui hokonui Bernoulli hui hooey Louis gluey louis looey pfui phooey GUI gooey screwy Drambuie sooey pacey spacy patesi homoplasy lacy facy meisie

prcis theocrasy racy basiposse Naussie flossy glossy lossy phossy mossie Mossi mossy prossie rossie bossy kongsi popsy autopsy biopsy mopsy necropsy hydropsy dropsy whoopsie kipsie tipsy gypsy hypsilithotripsy limpsy dimpsy prosopolepsy catalepsy pyknolepsy epilepsy

narcolepsy acatalepsy nympholepsy parablepsy poopsie sannyasi Khasi classy glassy farcy adivasi darcy grassy brassy poxy epoxyepoxy coccycoxy alkoxytoxiphenoxyphenoxy foxie foxy moxie heterodoxy paradoxy orthodoxy doxy proxy hydroxypolyhydroxydihydroxyperoxycarboxy-

azoxyethoxymethoxyoxydeoxybonxie booksy pixie pyxie nixie asphyxy myxy dixie tricksy folksy pauxi druxy rheopexy colopexy kecksie poplexy apoplexy cataplexy dexy Prexy sexy heterotaxy syntaxy epitaxy topotaxy ataxy eutaxy taxi waxy jacksie laxy

maximaxi orthopraxy ataraxy braxy galaxy potsy totsy hotsy-totsy Barotse tsotsi Skoptsi bankruptcy Nazi neo-Nazi artsy Tutsi tootsy footsie paramountcy antsy schitzy glitzy ditzy ritzy bitsy itsy-bitsy Polovtsy nutsy gutsy Betsy tsetse patsy curtsy cutesy rootsy

idiocy intermediacy mediacy immediacy Quincy pussy wussy pliancy cliency occupancy preoccupancy flippancy discrepancy pungency vacancy significancy insignificancy mendicancy impeccancy piquancy patency latency reluctancy expectancy inexpectancy accountancy precipitancy competency appetency militancy intermittency exorbitancy habitancy inhabitancy hesitancy oscitancy

solicitancy potency pluripotency prepotency exultancy renitency impotency constancy inconstancy instancy distancy persistency insistency consistency inconsistency patiency impatiency proficiency improficiency sufficiency insufficiency self-sufficiency efficiency inefficiency deficiency delinquency loquency radio-frequency frequency infrequency sequency agency inter-agency sergeancy contingency plangency

intelligency exigency cogency indulgency detergency emergency vergency urgency insurgency regency equivalency excellency insolency valency corpulency flatulency infancy sycophancy vehemency dormancy clemency inclemency demency diathermancy vagancy elegancy extravagancy relevancy solvency vivency levancy fervency observancy conservancy couchancy cadency

retardancy ardency impudency despondency redundancy pendency equipendency dependency independency tendency intendancy superintendency ascendancy presidency residency concordancy stridency decadency pudency recrudency itinerancy tolerancy indifferency adherency flagrancy vagrancy fragrancy currency errancy apparency transparency intransparency titubancy succumbency incumbency decumbency

disturbancy adjacency complacency displacency reticency displicency magnificency nascency innocency decency indecency recency lucency translucency poncey donsie sonsy unsonsy chancy wanchancy unchancy Sansi fritiniency conveniency inconveniency buoyancy resiliency prosiliency valiancy radiancy expediency inexpediency recreancy miscreancy pruriency oriency

transiency constituency captaincy tinsey wincey dauncy sprauncy flouncy rouncy pensy Tallensi nancy fancy sciomancy osteomancy alectryomancy theomancy psychomancy scatomancy necromancy pyromancy lithomancy belomancy lecanomancy scapulimancy cartomancy onomancy capnomancy coscinomancy axinomancy spatulamancy pegomancy spodomancy lampadomancy rhabdomancy catoptromancy

gastromancy cleromancy aleuromancy tephramancy chiromancy tyromancy gyromancy egromancy hydromancy geomancy crithomancy arithmancy romancy kusimanse poignancy incontinency pertinency impertinency obstinancy squinancy eminency inordinancy opponency malignancy pregnancy pseudopregnancy regnancy tenancy lieutenancy locum-tenency pernancy temulency fluency truancy undergraduacy pissy

extispicy haruspicy Kissi Scottice corticistatice courtesy palingenesy poesy hissy policy impolicy anglice Palissy gallice culiciprophecy misy missy hitty-missy selenodesy odyssey geodesy theodicy umfundisi disciprissy hypocrisy secrecy pleurisy heresy clerisy Orissi sissy Kaposi inkosi

nocisub voce sacerdocy paucihorsie horsy forcy dorsisaucy marshalcy seneschalsy minstrelsy Chelsea calcispicy nicey dicey pricey icy pussy hussy lassi fussy unfussy mussy gussy sussy cassis housey housey-housey mousy Jessie Jesse messy decidressy

jakkalsbessie arsey cassie tassie chassis khalassi lassie lacis kamassi massy Malagasy gassy dassie chaprassi Madrasi brassie sassy Percy pursy nursey alerce gramercy mercy controversy reversi reversis topsy-versy arsy-versy vicey-versey Circe papacy episcopacy monepiscopacy archiepiscopacy complicacy delicacy

efficacy inefficacy graphicacy intricacy equivocacy advocacy fantasy bretessy discourtesy apostasy psychostasy isostasy ecstasy testacy intestacy eustasy importunacy obstinacy squinacy effeminacy determinacy indeterminacy inordinacy subordinacy pharmacognosy geognosy Mennecy panace lunacy adequacy inadequacy symploce articulacy inarticulacy immaculacy jealousy

prelacy fallacy automacy pharmacy polypharmacy contumacy optimacy intimacy legitimacy illegitimacy ultimacy docimasy diplomacy monochromasy dichromasy trichromasy primacy supremacy diathermacy argosy delegacy legacy conjugacy privacy candidacy retiracy literacy illiteracy inveteracy itineracy degeneracy numeracy innumeracy moderacy immoderacy federacy

confederacy leprosy popocracy shopocracy snipocracy corpocracy gynaecocracy ptochocracy ergatocracy stratocracy statocracy kleptocracy partocracy pigmentocracy pedantocracy gerontocracy plantocracy meritocracy autocracy plutocracy kakistocracy aristocracy cottonocracy monocracy technocracy Robinocracy pornocracy gynocracy ochlocracy millocracy dulocracy psephocracy timocracy democracy pluto-democracy slavocracy

landocracy metrocracy bureaucracy hierocracy snobocracy ocracy gyneocracy polyocracy theocracy mobocracy thalassocracy pantisocracy isocracy mesocracy idiosyncrasy eucrasy magistracy accuracy inaccuracy obduracy procuracy curacy conspiracy oracy piracy terracy invertebracy celibacy embassy abbacy reprobacy androsace fleecy greasy phoresy reasy

nucimuciWatusi Senussi juicy lucy goosey goosy loosey-goosey soosy pious bacchius palimbacchius lias mias dryas bias eyas ace pace pais half-pace carapace apace outpace space Hilbert space hyperspace superspace interspace cyberspace subspace interspace case

suitcase smear-case staircase percase encase uncase naice lace staylace place plaice fireplace landing-place out-place commonplace anyplace everyplace noplace by-place someplace outplace unplace deplace replace reimplace Portland Place transplace misplace displace braaivleis Lovelace interlace interlace strait-lace enlace unlace

Lille lace face inface chitty-face Boniface double-face biface shameface interface overface outface about-face enface efface deface full face mace grimace chase stern-chase steeplechase enchase rechase Chevy Chase dace race rei trace retrace re-trace mill-race milreis grace scapegrace bongrace aggrace

engrace begrace malgrace disgrace landrace brace vantbrace rere-brace vambrace unbrace embrace base bass diabase octobass polybase wambais surbase counterbass lunabase contrabass thorough bass abase bouillabaisse debase double-bass rosace ambs-ace os oss chaos naos pronaos poss topos

tripos compos epos cos kos coss stichos Catholicos icoseicostoss dartos syrtos Santos Thanatos stoss nostos custos asbestos strychnos parichnos stamnos kernos lichanos temenos cognosce precognosce hydramnios polyhydramnios joss hoss loss dolos tholos peplos schloss

floss gloss isogloss Pangloss bugloss melos coloss fosse phos skyphos moss nomos dromos enophthalmos exophthalmos buphthalmos hirmos Thermos demos cosmos gos Goss Logos dichlorvos doss intrados extrados Barbados reredos calvados parados kudos MS-DOS Ross pseudoperipteros pros-

pross non-pros nolle-pros nol-pros crosscrosse cross outcross across intercross lacrosse uncross becross polocrosse double-cross recross criss-cross Christ-cross albatross matross meros Eros loutrophoros metanephros mesonephros pronephros pharos huevos rancheros saros dross monopteros carosse kaross kouros speos boss

melkbos ovibos taaibos rooibos kankerbos suikerbos renosterbos mebos emboss pathos bathos benthos pithos mythos ethos soss Hyksos jackanapes traipse pops copse scops TOPS protoceratops triceratops monops klops Cyclops stylops megalops psy-ops nephrops hydrops merops zosterops

lithops Sharps whoops yips amidships midships gyps eclipse Phillips Apocalypse ellipse MIPS Chips thrips Snopes corpse yipes cripes timps glimpse dimps numps clumps mumps ramps princeps Veps seps quadriceps forceps triceps biceps apse chaps schnapps synapse

snaps perhaps lapse prolapse collapse elapse illapse delapse relapse prolapse pettichaps p'raps craps traps turps stirps SERPS scolops oops arse pass bypass handpass overpass underpass overpass surpass outpass let-pass unpass impasse repass sparse carse tass

smart-arse gravitas caritas springhaas Laplace class subclass outclass first class middle class second class third class declass looking-glass isinglass glass hourglass galloglass Claude Lorraine glass wineglass Plexiglas cheval-glass Plyglass eyeglass handglass water-glass fibreglass palas farce volte-face maas mas meshugaas fougasse kvass

kavass rooi-aas ras rass Weierstrass grass twaa-grass knotgrass flote-grass spear-grass St Augustine grass sennegrass sparrow-grass tor-grass ripple-grass Mitchell grass ryegrass Wimmera ryegrass lyme-grass witch-grass hoppergrass Ravenna grass gama grass Landsborough grass zos-grass Madras brass barse baas oubaas jakes ox pox smallpox

Cox Box and Cox toxBotox detox detox shox nox equinox Magnox binocs lox goldilocks phlox fox kit-fox MOX vox volvox heterodox Olbers' paradox paradox Russell's paradox orthodox unorthodox redox prox. Xerox ure-ox aurochs ferox urochs box soapbox jukebox pouncet-box

ditty-box matchbox bandbox sandbox pepperbox Jack-in-the-box econobox abox homeobox embox Pandora's box esox yonks Bronx salpinx spinks bentincks pilliwinks jinx jynx lynx sphinx Sphynx minx phorminx syrinx larynx pharynx hypopharynx oropharynx methinks quincunx hunks fenks lanx phalanx

Manx branks Parkes narks can-hooks Crookes zooks pix pyx Paralympics metapsychics gnotobiotics orthoptics pleoptics synectics tactics phonotactics syntactics lexotactics orthodontics prosthodontics semantics metapolitics politics geopolitics astronautics aeronautics tettix cytogenetics Callanetics phenetics psychophonetics cybernetics Dianetics kinetics genetics

epigenetics psychogenetics immunogenetics energetics cynegetics exegetics prosthetics poliorcetics aerostatics statics psychostatics electrostatics hydrostatics biosystematics informatics bioinformatics melodramatics mathematics metamathematics geomatics kinematics phonematics telematics stemmatics numismatics pneumatics aerobatics hermeneutics paedeutics maieutics toreutics Styx ekistics statistics biostatistics stylostatistics

linguistics psycholinguistics interlinguistics paralinguistics logistics criminalistics ballistics biolistics cladistics patristics slimnastics Pooh-sticks catacoustics diacoustics knicks nix hydroponics jasponyx tectonics morphotectonics stereophonics mnemonics gnomonics eudemonics mechatronics optronics electronics olfactronics psychotronics moletronics Ebonics onyx nucleonics avionics radionics cryonics

bionics ultrasonics sonics pnyx phonics fornix eugenics euphenics irenics euthenics biomechanics mechanics humanics vernix sardonyx phoenix Unix Braxton Hicks nectocalyx calix salix bollix prolix Horlicks flix kylix calyx pompholyx superhelix helix anthelix gulix fix postfix infix antefix

significs dermatoglyphics crucifix simulfix pemphix suffix videographics psychographics affix prefix affix postfix infix unfix confix prefix transfix mix economics micro-economics macro-economics softnomics bionomics ergonomics proteomics eurhythmics genomics admix dynamics biodynamics thermodynamics aerodynamics hydrodynamics psychodynamics epistemics phonemics

morphemics tagmemics premix trageremics remix proxemics osmics intermix Bombay mix commix inmix unmix immix admix remix premix civics silvics cervix spadix harmolodics appendix sandyx fluidics radix logopaedics orthopaedics oryx patrix fornicatrix indicatrix imitatrix testatrix donatrix dominatrix consolatrix

matrix fundatrix administratrix quadratrix separatrix generatrix curatrix oratrix procuratrix mediatrix dispensatrix imperatrix victrix protectrix tectrix rectrix directrix tractrix executrix genetrix progenitrix servitrix inheritrix meretrix solicitrix tortrix obstetrics obstetrix scientometrics econometrics stylometrics cliometrics biometrics psychometrics jurimetrics hippiatrics

paediatrics bariatrics ephebiatrics theatrics negotiatrix prosecutrix bostryx varix stericks sferics spherics larix archaeopteryx apteryx Streptothrix callithrix aquarobics aerobics bombyx microphysics metaphysics pataphysics physics biophysics psychophysics petrophysics astrophysics geophysics skeezicks bioethics six Posix coccyx Sussex Wessex Essex

kinesics forex yoaks coax Stokes nokes hoax corks Guy Fawkes maux firebox calx falx yikes highstrikes yoicks hoicks tux aw-shucks luxe lux Ku Klux Benelux flux outflux conflux influx efflux afflux superflux Magnaflux reflux de luxe mux ducks dux

redux rux crux trucks waesucks exx ex yex apex antapex torpex specs extispex haruspex Perspex kecks kex brekekekex Tex latex videotex suffrutex dentex Teletex cortex Gore-Tex vortex vitex Semtex Cordtex Pertex vertex intertex frutex Lastex

connex annexe Kleenex prenex annex disannex hex pollex sextuplex quadruplex multiplex nulliplex triplex exciplex metroplex diplex decomplex complex incomplex simplex Supplex quadplex apoplex perplex unperplex nuplex duplex complex scolex flex systoflex retroflex circumflex reflex deflex reflex

ilex silex supellex telex culex pontifex carnifex spinifex forfex sphex Mex cimex remex rumex Tex-Mex vex convex biconvex silvex Rolodex index de-index Soundex Spandex podex codex caudex Sephadex Rex Prex Bitrex Lurex murex Durex Pyrex NIREX

mirex sirex carex grex interrex imbrex Stabex obex vibex ibex narthex dbx sexsex unisex intersex unsex de-sex axe ax pax Tampax hapax pickaxe tax syntax surtax overtax mastax larnax pinax Fornax wanax opopanax snax wax

AWACS Geraldton wax woodwax thorow-wax beeswax paxwax taxwax banjax coax lax curtal-axe poleaxe gonyaulax flax toadflax smilax gravlax galax parallax relax fax carfax Filofax Halifax Ceefax max minimax Omnimax varimax climax anticlimax limax Imax Panamax vivax dachs

kordax addax rax storax borax thorax pneumothorax styrax hyrax Mandrax Serax Lochaber-axe anthrax bombax Saxe sax scramasax sterks circs rollocks hallux prehallux flummox lummox maxixe Snooks gadzooks United States othergates Bates Scots swats plotz Schwarz analects

putz lutz schmutz kibbutz emblements St Clements faints breitschwanz fiants Guumlnz blintze chintz yentz tendenz Residenz Lorenz Lorentz pants Nantz crants Liederkranz voetstoots Wurtz its Spitz rickets schiz Tauchnitz Leibniz quits garlits glitz Seidlitz strelitz blitz fitz

woofits shegetz slivovitz ritz spritz fritz kibitz blewits Lausitz groats Cinque Ports quartz Helmholtz krummholz miltz waltz schmaltz smalts schmelz outshifts nights erminites lights Seitz fahlerz Yokuts nuts klutz futz guts whatabouts whereabouts Popovets Nenets Enets solonetz

barometz ATS stats LATS congrats bats batz dingbats ansatz ersatz Walschaerts nerts Hertz wootz hoots roots boots pierce capias Aesculapius clypeus copious Scorpius impious asclepias stupeous empierce transpierce archeus tierce lacteous bounteous plenteous piteous unpiteous

impiteous dispiteous despiteous Proteus porteous galimatias duteous beauteous unbeauteous pluteus luteous hiccius doccius nuncius nuntius sericeous socius tertius supervacaneous percutaneous instantaneous momentaneous consentaneous dissentaneous spontaneous coetaneous subitaneous simultaneous cutaneous subcutaneous castaneous miscellaneous porcellaneous intraneous extraneous membraneous araneous

temporaneous contemporaneous cotemporaneous extemporaneous circumforaneous extra-foraneous terraneous cyaneous sanious carneous pectineus sanguineous consanguineous ferrugineous scitamineous stamineous ignominious stramineous gramineous vimineous fulmineous testudineous nonius felonious symphonious euphonious ineuphonious harmonious inharmonious unharmonious disharmonious sanctimonious antimonious acrimonious querimonious ceremonious

unceremonious simonious parsimonious idoneous ultroneous erroneous corneous calumnious ligneous pyroligneous igneous allogeneous genius monogeneous homogeneous inhomogeneous unhomogeneous heterogeneous ingenious splenius selenious pergameneous arsenious pecunious impecunious terraqueous aqueous subaqueous obsequious exsanguious congius Regius joyous alias trollius nauplius

nucleus pronucleus Equuleus punctilious materfamilias atrabilious bilious ileus supercilious coleus melancholious magnolious oleous pileus melleous malleus galliass contumelious locus ceruleus fierce Morpheus Cepheus squameous dochmius nimious eximious simious gemmeous flammeous abstemious gastrocnemius euphemious osmious frumious subclavius envious

unenvious multivious niveous oblivious bivious lascivious Sylvius pervious impervious devious previous obvious Pluvius pluvious Vesuvius hypospadias gladius radius sardius dupondius compendious dispendious lapideous orchideous fastidious hideous perfidious dichlamydeous achlamydeous avidious invidious iridious insidious obsidious melodious unmelodious

immelodious commodious incommodious discommodious modius odious rhomboideus stapedius tedious tragedious medius studious preludious cupreous quinarius retiarius nacreous pancreas ochreous vitreous illustrious industrious imperious superius deleterious mysterious Guarnerius cinereous subereous ethereous cereus cereous serious unserious jocoserious spurious

overcurious curious incurious penurious furious sulphureous luxurious usurious injurious suspirious delirious scorious sartorius victorious notorious stentorious meritorious desultorious glorious vainglorious inglorious memorious riproarious uproarious laborious Boreas arboreous risorius aureus uxorious censorious scoparius riparious carious vicarious precarious

sicarius calcareous scarious tartareous Serpentarius frumentarious Sagittarius octonarius septenarius denarius senarius Aquarius glareous burglarious malarious hilarious atrabilarious multifarious nefarious omnifarious trifarious bifarious vagarious gregarious various Stradivarius contrarious librarious temerarious Briareus ferreous equilibrious ludibrious opprobrious tenebrious celebrious

inebrious ebrious insalubrious salubrious lugubrious scabious stibious triphibious amphibious bathybius myrmecobius plumbeous Scherbius Moumlbius dubious rubious griseous trapezius syngenesious caesious atheous struthious tenuious caseous Roscius osseous gypseous saxeous internuncius piceous nauseous Celsius Cassius gaseous Perseus Caecias

caduceus homoousios Tungus puss cuscus spiritus spongiose otiose religiose inter alios oleose Pluviose grandiose speciose schuss Agnus wuss tortuose sinuose Grus obus appliance suppliance compliance incompliance alliance misalliance reliance affiance defiance unscience parascience science agriscience

brilliance ebullience fippence twopence nuppence thruppence come-uppance discrepance threepence vengeance vacance significance insignificance leakance laitance pulsatance absorptance susceptance acceptance reluctance inductance conductance transconductance expectance reflectance jactance reactance acquaintance inacquaintance repentance irrepentance pre-sentence competence incompetence appetence inappetence

pittance penitence impenitence acquittance quittance concomitance intermittence immittance remittance admittance transmittance heritance inheritance exorbitance inhabitance hesitance capacitance potence portance importance resultance renitence shuttance advertence inadvertence omnipotence impotence acutance instance distance long-distance equidistance resistance irresistance existence non-existence

inexistence coexistence assistance persistence insistence consistence inconsistence subsistence circumstance prestance pastance elastance substance patience impatience conscience inconscience sentience prospicience sufficience insufficience efficience chrominance luminance illuminance desinence exponence consequence inconsequence obsequence subsequence longiloquence breviloquence frequence subsequence sequence

contingence birefringence diligence negligence intelligence misintelligence indigence exigence intransigence effulgence refulgence indulgence emergence submergence vergence convergence divergence urgence insurgence resurgence allegiance ligeance nonchalance equivalence ambivalence malevolence prevalence indolence redolence excellence insolence defaillance bivalence surveillance equipollence parlance

corpulence crapulence truculence feculence flatulence fraudulence ambulance virulence pestilence vigilance jubilance condolence precellence valance counterbalance counterbalance overbalance balance unbalance benevolence resemblance dissemblance lightmans vehemence performance affirmance elegance inelegance extravagance arrogance relevance irrelevance connivance survivance contrivance observance

inobservance malobservance aggrievance grievance perceivance approvance cadence retardance impudence respondence correspondence incorrespondence redundance abundance overabundance underabundance appendance dependence independence attendance tendance tendence intendance intendence superintendence resplendence transcendence descendance overconfidence confidence inconfidence diffidence providence improvidence evidence inevidence

riddance biddance presidence residence non-residence accidence incidence coincidence incoincidence dissidence precedence accordance concordance discordance guidance misguidance abidance subsidence avoidance voidance decadence impedance outrecuidance credence antecedence prudence imprudence jurisprudence operance temperance intemperance esperance succorance utterance furtherance ignorance

belligerence tolerance conference inference difference indifference circumference sufferance deference preference reference reafference transference liverance deliverance recoverance reverence irreverence sir-reverence severance ponderance equiponderance preponderance protuberance exuberance protruberance abhorrence Florence Laurence entrance penetrance monstrance remonstrance appearance coherence incoherence

inherence adherence clearance interference perseverance procurance securance manurance durance endurance assurance surance insurance bearance forbearance flagrance fragrance occurrence incurrence concurrence decurrence recurrence hindrance aberrance transparence clarence conferrence nurturance encumbrance remembrance bobance disturbance indisturbance complaisance cognizance incognizance

recognizance pleasance displeasance multipresence presence co-presence compresence defeasance malfeasance misfeasance usance disusance sithence naissance Renaissance Wrenaissance complacence obeisance cognoscence nonsense bonsense concupiscence resipiscence reticence irreticence reconnaissance reminiscence dehiscence munificence magnificence beneficence maleficence chevisance obliviscence reviviscence puissance

impuissance off-licence licence license infructescence quintessence obmutescence juvenescence luminescence rejuvenescence senescence consenescence deliquescence pinguescence elanguescence calescence decalescence recalescence convalescence reconvalescence adolescence obsolescence virilescence concaulescence tumescence intumescence detumescence defervescence effervescence oblivescence juvescence frondescence incandescence excandescence viridescence recrudescence

concrescence excrescence vitrescence putrescence imputrescence nigrescence tenebrescence degenerescence efflorescence phosphorescence fluorescence revirescence florescence inflorescence contabescence pubescence erubescence essence unessence quiescence requiescence acquiescence labradorescence nascence renascence conversance innocence suffisance absence nuisance lucence translucence ponce response sconce ensconce

patonce nonce bonce sonse allowance lowance seance kans Afrikaans scance stance werowance hance snaphance enhance lance demi-lance glance freelance elance fer-de-lance devance advance readvance chance happenchance mumchance perchance wanchance bechance mischance dance contredanse adance rance prance

oliprance krans trance entrance tresance nuance sapience insipience desipience provenience convenience inconvenience disconvenience purveyance surveyance conveyance reconveyance abeyance annoyance joyance prevoyance clairvoyance salience suppliance resilience transilience valiance dalliance permeance perveance subservience deviance gradience radiance irradiance audience

clairaudience expedience inexpedience ingredience obedience disobedience recreance miscreance experience inexperience esurience prurience vicariance variance invariance covariance tarriance ambience inscience transience nescience prescience insouciance issuance continuance discontinuance confluence influence malinfluence mellifluence diffluence effluence affluence transfluence perpetuance congruence

incongruence wince quince mince province convince evince rinse prince intrinse since trounce jaunce once dunce bunce ounce pounce announce pronounce mispronounce denounce renounce enounce obnounce jounce plounce flounce rounce trounce frounce bounce pence Vaalpens recompense propense

prepense spence spense suspense expense dispense tense intense pretence subtense extense thence whence nowhence somewhence hence flense fence Russell fence offence outfence defence self-defence Twinkie defence mense commence recommence immense dense condense cense sense missense frankincense incense antisense

incense insense unsense common sense recense expanse explicans skance askance happenstance nance finance Hanse Hans manse necromance romance Rhaeto-Romance calavance rance crance rooikrans transsentence in-maintenance maintenance countenance discountenance purtenance sustenance permanence provenance governance misgovernance resonance consonance

inconsonance dissonance assonance continence incontinence discountenance retinence appurtenance pertinence impertinence obstinance abstinence inabstinence dominance prominence imminence eminence prevenance ordinance sonance malignance repugnance pregnance ordnance penance alternance immanence remanence ordonnance stultiloquence suaviloquence eloquence violence valence imparlance opulence

turbulence Volans silence imbalance somnolence semblance malperformance semence transhumance bancassurance creance incumbence pursuance fluence urs nocuous innocuous perspicuous transpicuous conspicuous inconspicuous vacuous promiscuous viscuous sumptuous contemptuous voluptuous unctuous fluctuous fructuous infructuous suspectuous respectuous anfractuous torrentuous

halituous lituus spirituous tumultuous theftuous impetuous fatuous ignis fatuus virtuous unvirtuous tempestuous majestuous incestuous fastuous continuous incontinuous discontinuous sinuous tenuous ingenuous disingenuous strenuous cernuous contiguous irriguous ambiguous unambiguous exiguous carduus arduous dividuous residuous assiduous deciduous indeciduous flexuous

sensuous mellifluous dulcifluous circumfluous superfluous interfluous presumptuous tortuous menstruous congruous incongruous bourse naiumls dais piss papess coppice precipice sinopis Puppis oxytropis spiss hospice auspice cuspis jaspis kiss stachys rachis orchis Hotchkiss tetrakisarachis hexakisbekiss

cottise glottis epiglottis smectis vectis factice practice practise malpractice tetractys viscountess countess compos mentis apprentice prentice mantis poetess Dabitis stephanotis notice haliotis myosotis fortis aqua fortis mortise poultice pulpitis rachitis bronchitis hepatitis stomatitis dermatitis sclerotitis keratitis parotitis barotitis

otitis mesaortitis cystitis mastitis tympanitis balanitis pneumonitis retinitis vaginitis vulvovaginitis splenitis laminitis tendinitis adenitis phrenitis rhinitis pharyngitis meningitis laryngitis phalangitis lymphangitis cyclitis colitis localitis encephalitis alveolitis pyelitis myelitis reticulitis folliculitis radiculitis ventriculitis vesiculitis vasculitis cellulitis glomerulitis

papillitis spondylitis tonsillitis mephitis paristhmitis ophthalmitis thymitis mammitis conjunctivitis gingivitis carditis rhabditis botrytis metritis parametritis gastritis nephritis arteritis enteritis gastro-enteritis oophoritis blepharitis diphtheritis arthritis scleritis neuritis polyneuritis pleuritis iritis labyrinthitis posthitis itis tracheitis osteitis ileitis fasciitis

fibrositis polymyositis glossitis tarsitis myositis cervicitis appendicitis bursitis lettuce Thetis lattice Bravais lattice Leech lattice gratis brattice Tony Curtis syrtis prelatess clematis abatis treatise cutis pentecostys armistice pneumocystis hostess solstice justice injustice testis ovotestis pastis hydrastis interstice priestess tenuis

this nis lioness marchioness governess patroness baroness Canis manis gayness gonys longness wrongness everlastingness seemingness nothingness youngness sharpness deepness Kiwanis harness unharness strangeness frankness darkness quickness lychnis thickness seasickness sickness likeness unlikeness weakness lateness greatness partness

objectness perfectness strictness presentness witness fitness secretness shortness thoughtness softness tightness lightness uprightness rightness outness wetness setness patness flatness fatness desperateness neatness sweetness pastness fastness vastness justness dearness yellowness withness openness slatternness evenness Indianness ownness fineness

oneness at-oneness wantonness commonness meanness greenness pureness poorness pulpiness happiness unhappiness pinnace shakiness stickiness luckiness tackiness mateyness emptiness daintiness prettiness mightiness pastiness hastiness nastiness lustiness pushiness phoneyness puniness jolliness likeliness evenliness loneliness onliness silliness holiness seemliness

ugliness kindliness earthliness homeyness liminess Guinness heaviness scurviness woodiness handiness unwieldiness readiness greediness wiriness silveriness necessariness merriness literariness easiness earthiness raciness iciness largeness hollowness lowness slowness Adonis coronis cornice notornis moreness aepyornis ichthyornis soreness simpleness suppleness

localness gentleness littleness partialness substantialness socialness personalness equalness singleness newfangleness normalness idleness literalness naturalness moralness sensibleness nobleness materialness fullness illness soleness smallness dullness generalness coolness halfness selfness highness dryness wareness fairness sameness primness insignis vitativeness objectiveness

secretiveness inhabitiveness forgiveness gunnis richness muchness goodness fondness kindness unkindness roundness grandness handedness wideness voidness loudness dreadness redness gladness madness sadness inwardness nowness tennis Venice slobberhannes tyrannis anisanise Urfirnis furnace properness sickerness prytanis utterness wilderness

tyranness penis lenis finis freeness agribusiness business loathness newness trueness reminisce imperiousness variousness normlessness closeness grossness niceness scarceness lessness consciousness righteousness uprighteousness wis whiss cuisse marquis unguis iwis Swiss nereis judgess burgess comburgess aegis allantois loess

hiss dehisce lis liss tireless wireless fireless parasitopolis Cottonopolis megalopolis patholopolis cosmopolis propolis metropolis megapolis chrysalis lumbricalis digitalis temporalis rayless rhipsalis torticollis Wallace wallis follis songless meaningless escapeless shapeless topless propless hopeless helpless accomplice complice lumpless

rumpless supplice stepless napless hapless sapless surplice sleepless powerless jarless Romalis makeless thankless sparkless markless wickless smokeless luckless necklace feckless reckless trackless sackless workless stateless weightless dateless spotless partless heartless artless objectless ductless tactless tractless sootless

wantless printless dauntless pointless jointless frontless countless relentless scentless pantless shitless witless limitless spiritless moteless thoughtless guiltless faultless shiftless driftless thriftless lightless sightless gutless doubtless fretless matless hurtless desertless effortless weetless feetless fruitless bootless tasteless pastless

listless resistless lustless mistrustless restless peerless tearless fearless cheerless earless marrowless bullace scatheless clotheless patternless motionless expressionless passionless questionless paneless painless stainless strainless drainless kinless winless engineless finless sinless spineless lineless fineless gunless sonless sunless manless

greenless tuneless pitiless dutiless penniless syphilis neurosyphilis fillis Phillis bodiless remediless amaryllis gracilis merciless cilice smudgeless polis fellowless shadowless Coriolis ros solis caulis Corliss lawless thawless handleless soulless guileless yieldless selfless lifeless leafless schizostylis eyeless spareless careless

wareless hairless prayerless fathomless tameless shameless nameless gameless harmless limbless homeless gormless timeless limeless thumbless sumless seamless seemless gliss dogless legless haveless motiveless thriveless loveless nerveless sleeveless thieveless moveless cullis portcullis matchless speechless godless guardless regardless

irregardless hoodless windless kindless mindless groundless boundless soundless friendless endless handless landless woundless sideless bloodless headless leadless dreadless gladless wordless needless dowless thowless trellis palace impalace hemerocallis challis malice chalice Alice allis stirless acropolis necropolis measureless

motorless fortalice utterless letterless matterless masterless fatherless motherless featherless honourless mannerless featureless corydalis labourless harbourless oxalis physalis keyless ephelis hamamelis bliss jobless ribless fabless herbless feebless museless natheless faithless healthless deathless breathless worthless mirthless toothless truthless

ruthless epulis viewless thewless doless Majlis spaceless placeless faceless graceless baseless lossless passless grassless sexless senseless horseless forceless remorseless resourceless priceless voiceless houseless expressless massless purposeless peaceless ceaseless useless aphis outoffice post office office artifice benefice malefice

edifice orifice pemphis subsurface surface philosophess Laiumls mismiss Comice promise unpromise paradidymis didymis epididymis parepididymis pomeis phlomis imprimis pomace pumice premise semis chlamys amice kermis vermis dermis hypodermis exodermis epidermis endodermis eucomis Cheremiss Disamis transmiss

amiss kumis demiss remiss submiss dismiss doggess Kipsigis haggis Walpurgis Bugis viss clavis mavis Davis proavis novice parvis Clovis pelvis clevis crevice pavis travis service self-service tri-service ex-service disservice archduchess duchess grand duchess purchase repurchase disdys-

dis diss dyss hendiadys goddess bodice cowardice Tardis prejudice warrandice jaundice vendace brandise Sakellaridis Aldis caddis shepherdess magadis stewardess Charybdis Santa Gertrudis Riss pieris prioress liquorice vicaress cateress glossopteris clitoris presbyteress votaress adulteress butteris tutoress ephemeris sagaris

avarice sorceress morris William Morris deoch an doris orris priss cypris empress orbicularis muscularis Polaris unda maris epacris tristris proprietress dictatress waitress traitress liberatress narratress temptress doctress victress introductress conductress seductress inspectress protectress electress rectress actress distributress paintress chantress

enchantress jointress huntress gentrice progenitress servitress interpretress inheritress arbitress visitress solicitress portress fortress buttress pattress mulattress mattress liatris fricatrice cicatrice negotiatress senatress comfortress oratress nutrice fostress songstress spinstress ministress taskmistress postmistress schoolmistress mistress past mistress seamstress peeress

octaeteris warrioress superioress iberis meliceris trichuris jointuress oxyuris M.Juris siris cantoris loris ophrys dentifrice iris Apollinaris mayoress heiress mistigris ogress tigress ambergris Negress nourice commandress laundress foundress wardress eldress ambassadress sherris derris Xeres Paris Harris Stella Maris

cantharis arris baccharis eucharis ascaris Minoress mons Veneris phalaris trihemimeris Dimaris cidaris berberis ex-libris hybris nebris labrys hubris prowess bisPlanorbis ibis Sindbis cannabis arabis abyss pubis prepubis mons pubis phasis parisis Tethys Lewis brewis cissis siss

elephantiasis dracontiasis leontiasis hexamitiasis trichinelliasis fascioliasis ancylostomiasis trypanosomiasis distomiasis paragonimiasis diocese candidiasis strongyloidiasis hypochondriasis acariasis ascariasis uncinariasis psoriasis scleriasis pityriasis satyriasis phthiriasis siriasis lithiasis loaiasis onchocerciasis stasis diastasis bacteriostasis homeostasis haemostasis cataclasis crasis holophrasis basis trichiasis

myiasis filariasis mydriasis oasis salpiglossis proboscis meconopsis synopsis ampelopsis arabidopsis coreopsis stereopsis cereopsis caryopsis eclipsis paralipsis ecthlipsis ellipsis scepsis metalepsis epanalepsis syllepsis prolepsis sepsis asepsis antisepsis synapsis apsis catharsis arsis pyxis ptyxis anaptyxis apomixis mixis apodixis

deixis syntexis catalexis lexis rhexis cathexis thigmotaxis parataxis cybotaxis taxis stereotaxis hypotaxis galvanotaxis phyllotaxis chemotaxis thermotaxis geotaxis syntaxis phototaxis metrostaxis epistaxis synaxis trophallaxis morphallaxis prophylaxis psychoprophylaxis anaphylaxis parapraxis praxis malpraxis sparaxis axis epizeuxis Premonstratensis amanuensis synchysis

rachischisis haemoptysis agenesis metagenesis teratogenesis mutagenesis parthenogenesis caenogenesis photomorphogenesi s agamogenesis schismogenesis orogenesis paragenesis genesis diagenesis abiogenesis osteogenesis biogenesis spermiogenesis oncogenesis psychogenesis ectogenesis tectogenesis ontogenesis frontogenesis autogenesis monogenesis phylogenesis morphogenesis paedogenesis heterogenesis petrogenesis neurogenesis taphrogenesis orthogenesis

palingenesis syngenesis pangenesis noogenesis epigenesis noegenesis polygenesis stasigenesis organogenesis crystallogenesis digenesis eugenesis paraenesis glycolysis pneumatolysis keratolysis peptolysis photolysis frontolysis ketolysis autolysis hydrogenolysis ozonolysis fibrinolysis thermolysis homolysis haemolysis plasmolysis solvolysis peptidolysis electrolysis hydrolysis heterolysis phosphorolysis pyrolysis thrombolysis

proteolysis bacteriolysis enclisis proclisis telesis catalysis autocatalysis photocatalysis analysis SWOT analysis cryptanalysis metanalysis nephanalysis psychoanalysis microanalysis macroanalysis urinalysis paralysis dialysis apophysis zygapophysis neurapophysis pleurapophysis parapophysis diapophysis hypophysis neurohypophysis epiphysis symphysis metaphysis paraphysis aphesis diaphysis diesis haematemesis nemesis

emesis missis tremissis ecdysis anagnorisis plasmaphoresis hypocrisis metasyncrisis synaeresis aphaeresis prosthaphaeresis diaeresis plasmapheresis merisis paresis hypothesis prothesis Ecthesis parasynthesis synthesis biosynthesis polysynthesis photosynthesis epenthesis parenthesis metathesis parathesis prosthesis polyposis hypotyposis cryptococcosis psittacosis anthracosis tabacosis narcosis silicosis

sporotrichosis mycosis phycomycosis maduromycosis mucormycosis sycosis psychosis metempsychosis metapsychosis leucosis myelomatosis hypochromatosis hyperchromatosis metensomatosis dermatosis myxomatosis haematosis pneumatosis porokeratosis ptosis proptosis apoptosis ketosis halitosis athetosis satellitosis mitosis polymitosis pinocytosis rhopheocytosis kurtosis exostosis synostosis hyperostosis melanosis ganosis

sparganosis ochronosis gnosis cyanosis acrocyanosis hypnosis autohypnosis pyknosis heteropycnosis enosis hypinosis lupinosis kenosis trichinosis stenosis splenosis puffinosis avitaminosis hyperinosis resinosis biocoenosis byssinosis tyrosinosis hallucinosis diagnosis underdiagnosis misdiagnosis prognosis astereognosis restenosis proteinosis anadiplosis cyclosis furunculosis alkalosis brucellosis

reticulosis pediculosis tuberculosis ankylosis ptilosis strongylosis aspergillosis syphilosis pterylosis tylosis psilosis bartonellosis pasteurellosis dulosis cophosis morphosis epimorphosis kyphosis gomphosis anastomosis gummosis chemosis ecchymosis phimosis zymosis osmosis endosmosis exosmosis anaplasmosis phlogosis spargosis thegosis zygosis acidosis lordosis sarcoidosis

melioidosis necrosis osteopetrosis nephrosis synchondrosis hidrosis anhidrosis fibrosis perosis osteoporosis heterosis otosclerosis siderosis madarosis sorosis arthrosis synarthrosis enarthrosis condylarthrosis diarthrosis haemarthrosis chlorosis sclerosis arteriosclerosis atherosclerosis xerosis aponeurosis neurosis psychoneurosis anaplerosis cirrhosis amaurosis kraurosis thesaurosis pyrosis virosis

thrombosis ornithosis orthosis diorthosis perniosis poliosis scoliosis mononucleosis kyphoscoliosis peliosis ateleiosis homoeosis semiosis nocardiosis rhinosporidiosis coccidiosis symbiosis rubeosis babesiosis theosis apotheosis ichthyosis pyosis gliosis teleiosis meiosis miosis necrobiosis antibiosis lestobiosis metabiosis anabiosis parabiosis eremacausis peristalsis iridencleisis

lysis mysis Dietl's crisis crisis phthisis pertussis classis glacis protasis sialectasis atelectasis ectasis bronchiectasis telangiectasis lymphangiectasis entasis epitasis hypostasis iconostasis ecstasis epistasis antiperistasis catastasis apocatastasis metastasis atherogenesis sonolysis anaclasis antanaclasis metamorphosis anamorphosis paedomorphosis heteromorphosis emphasis overemphasis de-emphasis

apodosis paradosis ecphrasis antiphrasis periphrasis katabasis anabasis parabasis antithesis diathesis aposiopesis prosiopesis catechesis erotesis paracentesis athetesis ecphonesis kinesis rhynchokinesis autokinesis chemokinesis psychokinesis thigmokinesis stathmokinesis prokinesis interkinesis diakinesis metakinesis anamnesis diegesis periegesis exegesis epexegesis eisegesis epiclesis schindylesis

polyphylesis tmesis mimesis exomologesis diapedesis catachresis diaporesis taboparesis hysteresis phoresis diaphoresis iontophoresis ionophoresis electrophoresis cataphoresis dielectrophoresis sudoresis diaphthoresis rhesis natriuresis diuresis saluresis enuresis synderesis synizesis mathesis thesis anthesis orthesis synaesthesis aesthesis coenaesthesis mythopoesis onomatopoesis noesis anoesis

poiesis morphopoiesis haemopoiesis ascesis auxesis abscess absciss therapeusis hypacusis hyperacusis hypoacusis emphyteusis apneusis presbycusis anacrusis narciss absciss polypose adipose stupose culpose pappose floccose klipkous arkose suffruticose fruticose bellicose pulicose ventricose varicose glaucose jocose mucose glucose

verrucose vorticose precoce muscose stratose pectose tomentose ventose caespitose comatose stigmatose setose stowce schistose crustose pastose lanose carnose anthracnose uliginose laminose leguminose farinose arenose pruinose nonose lignose venenose melanose venose lacunose spinose vinose aquose chaparejos close

couple-close enterclose overclose reticulose folliculose vesiculose maculose tuberculose verruculose fistulose granulose annulose torulose squamulose rugulose nodulose undulose glandulose nebulose tubulose papillose villose Tylose lamellose thallose trehalose ramellose callose rivulose dolose metamorphose scyphose squamose lachrymose racemose comose

formose ramose osmose grumose rimose fumose plumose strigose rugose nervose dose vadose isodose overdose sacerdoce underdose frondose nodose suberose leprose necrose salitrose mulierose gyrose gross engross operose soporose literose gibberose tuberose acerose tenebrose fibrose fibrose cribrose

umbrose porose morose torose sclerose erose virose squarrose bose gibbose globose morbose herbose verbose spathose adios glareose coarse corse course concourse incourse intercourse watercourse outercourse corse recourse discourse scorse discourse torse Norse hoarse horse hause

stalking-horse a-cock-horse cock-horse rear-horse ponhaus hobby-horse warhorse water-horse unhorse charley horse racehorse force afforce perforce enforce re-enforce reinforce efforce deforce tour de force morse remorse premorse gorse divorce dorse endorse introrse antrorse retrorse dextrorse sinistrorse extrorse source sauce sipper-sauce

resource valse van der Waals grilse false pulse impulse appulse repulse compulse expulse demulce avulse convulse evulse dulse insulse else wels hornfels rooi-els rinkhals salse fisticuffs handicuffs ice pice spice speiss allspice skice tice entice

shice nice gneiss overnice quaiss twice splice slice sacrifice suffice insuffice satisfice vicevice edelweiss device point-device advice misadvice dice paradise unparadise imparadise rice price pryse off-price underprice overprice Feldenkrais trice cockatrice grice thrice bice de-ice

sice syce concise precise unprecise imprecise rejoice bourgeois voice invoice unvoice devoice choice choise Hobson's choice Rolls-Royce us yus pus cuss Backus percuss repercuss concuss cuscus discuss tuss altus stuss thus wuss jus huss plus

overplus nonplus fuss doofus muss Russ Rus rhus crus truss untruss filovirus buss bus blunderbuss embus debus thus suss Scouse lobscouse Taos shouse nous snous house playhouse Westinghouse rasp-house powerhouse workhouse State-house hothouse art house penthouse

lighthouse outhouse stadthouse post-house lust-house wash-house spin-house Senhouse whore-house tackle-house bastel-house warehouse farmhouse Limehouse bughouse wood-house roundhouse Bauhaus Charterhouse porterhouse public house Rowton house dishouse Wendy house louse woodlouse delouse mouse titmouse rearmouse dormouse coalmouse flickermouse flitter-mouse flindermouse shrewmouse

Mickey Mouse gauss degauss chouse chiaus douse rouse rous trouse grouse sandgrouse souse esEss payess yes oyez pess compesce largesse presidentess citess Cortes tristesse duchesse ness maness pythoness deaconess heathenesse Dungeness Inverness evanesce finesse luminesce

rejuvenesce senesce Urnes liquesce deliquesce jes jess clergess less simplesse idlesse bless unbless noblesse nonetheless nevertheless convalesce generaless obsolesce unless coalesce gentilesse fess profess confess mess kermesse Punt e Mes tumesce intumesce guess otherguess effervesce covess chess richesse

frondesce incandesce lecturess press winepress compress impress appress oppress overpress suppress depress repress derepress impress compress decompress recompress express misexpress cress thale cress watercress tress stress instress unstress prestress overstress distress de-stress prestress congress wangrace ingress progress

regress egress aggress pretergress progress retrogress ingress egress regress digress transgress dress overdress underdress address overdress underdress undress redress re-dress Keres anchoress caress manageress effloresce phosphoresce duress fluoresce abbess possess repossess prepossess dispossess Jewess quiesce acquiesce

hardiesse SOS CS Waffen SS cess sess access benday process process preprocess assess process excess success insuccess unsuccess princess recess precess obsess asas ass yaas yas mooneas klaberjass cass ACAS jackass stoechas rascasse tasse Tass centas

demitasse trimoda necessitas supportasse litas utas tarantass iconostas chasse Nass tenas Satanas leptomonas Varinas parnas fieri facias paterfamilias palliasse Xiphias psoas lass demi-glace nilas alas molasse trias distringas Mas mass Marymass Candlemas Childermas amass gas knallgas off-gas Ofgas

avgas Pintsch gas Madagass pegasse malagas bagasse outgas megass degas vas crevasse das klipdas badass wrasse Ras crass hippocras trass matrass alcatras strass frass sassafras steekgras rooigras steenbras morass cuirass bass sass dipsas Erse yerse Peirce

perse purse pickpurse cutpurse unpurse Nez Perc sperse asperse intersperse disperse polydisperse curse accurse uncurse precurse Paterson's curse excurse terce terse sesterce nurse stompneus dry-nurse worse hearse inhearse rehearse commerce m-commerce amerce commerce immerse demerse submerse girse verse

vers converse inverse multiverse universe tergiverse adverse obverse transverse averse perverse retroverse inverse converse reverse bouleverse diverse subverse transverse birse burse kombers imburse reimburse disburse thurse thyrse coerce searce wrongous courteous uncourteous discourteous Valdepentildeas rebellious

scapus Apus Priapus Hoppus apocarpous streptocarpus metacarpus carpus monocarpous hydnocarpus syncarpous polycarpous monotypous platypus hippus eohippus polypous polypus Oedipus cippus topass Canopus mopus opus porpoise corpus habeas corpus gawpus pulpous palpus halpace tripus euripus pompous catawampus wampus

Olympus gyrocompass compass encompass rumpus kempas tempus pampas campus hippocampus lampas mampus grampus tapas Lepus protopapas pappus purpose chorepiscopus octopus Xenopus campylotropous anatropous atropous Pithecanthropus Sinanthropus Zinjanthropus Paranthropus lupous lupus upas trespass spongeous spongious lungeous iliacus

opacous streptococcus gonococcus staphylococcus myxococcus coccus echinococcus pneumococcus tricoccous floccus lochus bronchus rhonchus ornithorhynchus oxyrhynchus incus truncus uncus elenchus mancus ankus carcass sarcous rookus porticus cryptoporticus muticous monostichous distichous tristichous tetrastichous deinonychus risus sardonicus opinicus dolichos umbilicus

cocculus indicus ulotrichous lophotrichous cymotrichous lubricous Gigantopithecus Ramapithecus Dryopithecus Australopithecus hocus-pocus cocus tokus hocus locus underfocus focus soft-focus defocus prefocus crocus trochus corcass caucus glaucus glaucous Dorcas raucous holcus sulcus vicus lumbricus monoicous ruckus succous exsuccous isopachous

Bacchus cercus circus cysticercus monotocous polytocous synochus diplodocus urachus amaracus abacus ficus decus fucus Ophiuchus mucus mucous caducous Lucas leucous noctilucous verrucous lentiscus dytiscus meniscus lemniscus fiscus viscus viscous discus hibiscus abaciscus molluscous fuscous muscous ruscus

rescous Damascus ascus proprietous riotous posse comitatus status conatus postnatus afflatus flatus latus quadratus apparatus Kipp's apparatus saleratus serratus meatus hiatus eucalyptus conceptus raptus senatus stratus nimbostratus altostratus literatus linctus sanctus Tersanctus lyctus Benedictus rictus ictus ductus conductus

pectous pectus prospectus retrospectus conspectus delectus rectus zygocactus cactus melocactus tactus tractus Oireachtas computus QANTAS portentous argentous momentous immomentous serendipitous precipitous impetus crepitus strepitous vanitous iniquitous ubiquitous coitus halitus vomitous vomitus fremitus calamitous declivitous covetous spiritous

pyritous emeritus barbitos habitus cubitus decubitus propositus praepositus circuitous fatuitous gratuitous pituitous fortuitous exitus duplicitous solicitous unsolicitous felicitous infelicitous necessitous POTUS gymnotus lotus tortoise abortus cultus subsultus tinnitus vagitus detritus peritus pruritus situs obertas guttus routous

peripatus erysipelatous automatous stomatous parenchymatous achromatous stromatous asomatous cathetus perichaetous boletus foetus quietus acetous Cetus arbutus scorbutus nasutus Brutus costus tungstous xystus cistus boistous cestus agnus castus Rastus capacious incapacious rapacious opacious scolopaceous rampacious spacious procacious perspicacious

salicaceous efficacious inefficacious pervicacious chartaceous frumentaceous ostentatious unostentatious pergamentaceous margaritaceous cretaceous combretaceous cetaceous setaceous pultaceous flirtatious myrtaceous disputatious lutaceous rutaceous crustaceous testaceous saponaceous solanaceous polygonaceous membranaceous carbonaceous papilionaceous tenacious pertinacious gallinaceous minacious graminaceous arundinaceous arenaceous farinaceous

pinaceous vinaceous pugnacious loquacious sequacious linguacious santalaceous fallacious salacious violaceous convolvulaceous capillaceous argillaceous caryophyllaceous hellacious perlaceous contumacious pomaceous palmaceous limaceous sagacious fungaceous fugacious nugacious olivaceous vivacious malvaceous curvaceous bodacious lardaceous rudaceous sapindaceous splendacious mendacious edacious orchidaceous

predacious iridaceous audacious mordacious boldacious owdacious ochraceous onagraceous gracious ungracious disgracious cylindraceous umbracious furfuraceous piperaceous oleraceous feracious marmoraceous veracious voracious papaveraceous inveracious unveracious zingiberaceous furacious porraceous papyraceous butyraceous ceraceous bibacious sebaceous scribacious columbaceous herbaceous rosaceous spathaceous

miniaceous liliaceous miliaceous oleaceous foliaceous alliaceous polypodiaceous coriaceous ostreaceous rubiaceous vexatious taxaceous gumptious scrumptious polrumptious bumptious presumptious goluptious exceptious deceptious captious carnaptious noxious innoxious obnoxious inobnoxious compunctious rambunctious anxious overanxious contradictious infectious factious fractious conscious inconscious

unconscious co-conscious foreconscious self-conscious unselfconscious preconscious subconscious sententious contentious pretentious unpretentious silentious tendentious conscientious unconscientious dissentious licentious propitious unpropitious suspicious unsuspicious auspicious inauspicious tralatitious transcriptitious obreptitious subreptitious receptitious surreptitious fictitious conductitious trajectitious profectitious factitious adventitious commentitious

cementitious mutuatitious repetitious caespititious addititious supposititious insititious adscititious superstitious pernicious puniceous flagitious multiplicious malicious mollitious gentilitious delicious siliceous silicious officious inofficious veneficious vicious spadiceous judicious injudicious prejudicious expeditious seditious capricious nutritious innutritious meretricious lubricious piperitious icteritious

lateritious cineritious avaricious ambitious inambitious unambitious overambitious suppositious precocious stocious velocious atrocious ferocious overcautious cautious incautious precautious tortious luscious precious fashious specious metoecious autoecious monoecious synoecious paroecious dioecious trioecious facetious astucious dithionous lichenous monotonous opisthotonos gluttonous

tetanus platanus cacophonous monophonous homophonous epiphanous polyphonous siphonous monosiphonous raphanus adiaphanous diaphanous euphonous trigonous tetragonous cavernous ravenous Uranus uranous tyrannous poisonous treasonous parautochthonous consonous unisonous Janus heinous parabolanus manus germanous veinous pandanus anus carnous ananas serotinous

pectinous mountainous platinous gelatinous keratinous libertinous velutinous mutinous glutinous scrutinous sanguinous farraginous hypogynous haematogenous octogynous skeletogenous protogynous autogenous monogenous monogynous organogenous homogenous endogenous nitrogenous androgynous hydrogenous proterogynous heterogenous sclerogenous erogenous pyrogenous biogenous exogenous reflexogenous isogenous epigynous

serpiginous gelatigenous vortiginous vertiginous omnigenous polygenous polygynous caliginous soligenous vitelligenous uliginous fuliginous indigenous perigynous marigenous pruriginous terrigenous rubiginous oxygenous sensigenous lysigenous cartilaginous mucilaginous abdominous ominous criminous fulminous geminous trigeminus tergeminous peccaminous laminous graminous terminus conterminous coterminous

verminous bituminous numinous voluminous leguminous albuminous exalbuminous aluminous luminous illuminous tendinous giddiness libidinous pinguedinous mucedinous multitudinous latitudinous platitudinous magnitudinous solicitudinous encrinus urinous fibrinous resinous ruinous proxenus ricinus acinus tonus hypotonus clonus pseudomonas bonus onus cornus tornus

spinous echinus antechinus serpentinous Delphinus minus sinus uncinus medimnus alumnus dictamnus rhamnus lignous Cygnus sphagnous tenace subgenus genus menace pannus stannous alaternus cothurnus electrotonus emprosthotonos titanous villainous melanous selenous manganous longimanous bimanous ramenas diathermanous quadrumanous Eridanus

isochronous asynchronous synchronous diachronous varanus membranous hydrocarbonous autochthonous allochthonous scalenus scalenous silenus saphenous intravenous Venus venous Maecenas prunus ventriloquous rampageous advantageous disadvantageous contagious non-contagious umbrageous courageous oragious outrageous litigious prestigious religious areligious unreligious irreligious prodigious gorgeous

egregious frabjous hugeous modiolus variolous sciolous disepalous lapidicolous nidicolous saxicolous silicicolous apopetalous apetalous battailous angelus iniencephalus cynocephalus hydrocephalus acephalous leptocephalus bicephalous anomalous astragalus marvellous frivolous revelous scandalous obelus obolus peribolus libellous talus protalus squalus travailous dolus

solace surplus parlous cyclas koklass cyclus cutlass atlas alveolus populace populous unpopulous crapulous scrupulous unscrupulous monoculus monoculous flocculus loculus proloculus oculus dracunculus ranunculus splenunculus homunculus apiculus meticulous cuniculus funiculus spleniculus somniculous colliculus canaliculus vermiculous pediculous ridiculous

ventriculus proventriculus utriculus lumbriculus periculous versiculus fasciculus calculus calculous oraculous miraculous sacculus tuberculous surculus flosculous edentulous patulous spatulous tutulus fistulous granulous annulus cavernulous colulus cellulous scrofulous strophulus angulous stimulus tristimulus limulus mimulus tremulous emulous hamulus famulus

ramulus cumulus cumulous altocumulus tumulus tumulous ostrobogulous orgulous regulus volvulus convolvulus acervulus nodulus modulus Young's modulus undulous pendulous funipendulous glandulous stridulous acidulous overcredulous credulous incredulous sedulous glomerulus scaberulous globulous lobulus bibulous noctambulous nebulous fantabulous fabulous sabulous tubulus

tubulous pullus querulous garrulous bullous dimensionless anlace erysipelas depilous papillous lapillus mespilus trochilus killas hectocotylus monodactylous nautilus rutilous scintillous Zoilus hypophyllous necrophilous nitrophilous hydrophilous sclerophyllous achlorophyllous sciophilous gypsophilous aphyllous heterophyllous epiphyllous diphyllous villus villous pulvillus spondylus

temnospondylous scurrilous perilous sibilous strobilus nubilous morbillous sphacelus bacillus verticillus penicillus pholas samolus dolous bolus holus-bolus nucleolus gladiolus Solas solus hydraulus diaulos primipilus pilus pilous stylus hilus asilus Douglas windlass dowlas napellus tellus entellus vitellus jealous

enjealous zealous ocellus locellus syncellus pucellas nucellus bucellas Pallas callus callous phallos phallus ithyphallus thymallus gallus gallous balas aryballos thallus thallous prothallus ripicolous corticolous cavernicolous niccolous terricolous foliicolous tantalus exomphalos Bucephalus subdolous Carolus malleolus urceolus discobolus

embolus holometabolous paurometabolous opisthocoelous biblus troublous iulus aglyphous zizyphus tophus amorphous anthropomorphous homoeomorphous monomorphous homomorphous heteromorphous isomorphous polymorphous monadelphous philadelphus isadelphous diadelphous triadelphous polyadelphous typhus typhous scyphus lymphous leervis preface goofus rufous anilingus cunnilingus dingus fungus

fungous smellfungus humongous mundungus rengas Angus hyoscyamus shamus squamous hamous famous mandamus ignoramus ramus ramous biramous Samos Thomas Nostradamus gaudeamus litmus posthumous hummus rhythmus Martinmas parenchymous mittimus eponymus anonymous synonymous homonymous pseudonymous heteronymous onymous polyonymous euonymus

minimus magnanimous unanimous equanimous pusillanimous animus ginglymus didymous vidimus lachrymous mumpsimus inspeximus tzimmes Comus glomus Momus domus chromous catadromous enormous ginormous abnormous Michaelmas dolmas microphthalmos lagophthalmos timeous untimeous limous gallimimus primus thymus nystagmus gummous camus wamus

Lammas monospermous polyspermous dispermous cantus firmus melanocomous hippopotamus polychotomous dichotomous trichotomous polytomous oeconomus autonomous heteronomous didynamous venomous unvenomous calamus thalamus hypothalamus monothalamous epithalamus infamous defamous blasphemous monogamous homogamous heterogamous polygamous ignivomous flammivomous lithodomous opisthodomos anadromous carthamus squeamous

Polyphemus primus polysemous vaginismus laryngismus embolismus trismus strabismus tenesmus marasmus chiasmus isthmus spumous humus humous fumous plumous strumose strumous grumous brumous Xmas Christmas hemidesmus nothofagus magus vagus vagous tragus choragus podargus Argus sargus nidifugous lucifugous pemphigus

azygos bogus calibogus vulgus valgus lygus dizygous polyergus xiphopagus Areopagus tautologous homologous heterologous orthologous isologous analogous unanalogous paralogous sarcophagus scatophagous haematophagous phytophagous monophagous saprophagous ophiophagous creophagous ostreophagous ichthyophagous oesophagus polyphagous meliphagous noctivagous asparagus strategus Negus rugous

clavus favus canvas canvass mischievous recidivous Corvus solvus fulvous declivous traverse curvous recurvous nervous hircocervus saxicavous naevus longevous redivivus grievous righteous unrighteous self-righteous touchous tetchous robustious rumbustious palladous gradus frondous windas Indus secundus fundus profundus stupendous

tremendous horrendous nefandous liquidus solidus multifidous hybridous nodus nodous rhodous nidus Midas smaragdus monopodous isopodous apodous hazardous exodus molybdous Judas rudas desirous undesirous vaporous copperas pupiparous multiparous uniparous polyporus gemmiparous vermiparous viviparous ovoviviparous oviparous sudoriparous fissiparous

corporas viperous obstreperous vituperous stuporous sexuparous prosperous unprosperous improsperous asperous dangerous undangerous cantankerous Icarus corchorus dulcorous decorous indecorous traitorous plecopterous protopterus dipterous strepsipterous apterous Tartarus kernicterus icterus chalcenterous slaughterous adulterous stertorous uterus preposterous impostorous dexterous boisterous

sonorous facinorous onerous generous venerous scapigerous setigerous lanigerous pollinigerous crinigerous cornigerous proligerous piligerous plumigerous savagerous ovigerous morigerous dolorous valorous rhynchophorous pastophorus mastigophorous indigoferous electrophorus pyrophorus cryophorus polypiferous stomatiferous stigmatiferous spermatiferous septiferous fructiferous lactiferous salutiferous implementiferous diamantiferous

margaritiferous setiferous mortiferous foetiferous pestiferous coniferous titaniferous laniferous manganiferous uraniferous carboniferous PermoCarboniferous embryoniferous soniferous platiniferous polliniferous seleniferous seminiferous staminiferous luminiferous viniferous uriniferous somniferous igniferous stanniferous graniferous aquiferous sanguiferous petaliferous metalliferous maliferous proliferous petroliferous saliferous tentaculiferous

viruliferous mammilliferous piliferous styliferous stelliferous melliferous umbelliferous pomiferous racemiferous culmiferous palmiferous gemmiferous flammiferous mammiferous frondiferous splendiferous glandiferous diamondiferous proboscidiferous odiferous cupriferous monstriferous umbriferous poriferous soporiferous sacchariferous odoriferous sudoriferous tuberiferous floriferous thuriferous papyriferous cirriferous auriferous sporiferous roriferous

aeriferous ferriferous corymbiferous plumbiferous nubiferous lethiferous oleiferous foliiferous ossiferous gypsiferous bacciferous vociferous sensiferous laticiferous siliciferous calciferous furciferous luciferous cruciferous zophorus sulphurous hyposulphurous hydrosulphurous adiaphorous phosphorous phosphorus plangorous monomerous heteromerous homoeomerous isomerous timorous polymerous dimerous trimerous temerous

heptamerous octamerous metamerous clamorous amorous tumorous numerous innumerous humorous humerus inhumorous unhumorous rumorous vigorous rigorous Pythagoras papaverous flavorous savorous vegetivorous fructivorous insectivorous ranivorous carnivorous sanguinivorous pollinivorous hominivorous seminivorous graminivorous omnivorous granivorous sanguivorous frugivorous mellivorous vermivorous ovivorous

merdivorous nectarivorous aurivorous herbivorous baccivorous piscivorous pulverous cadaverous fervorous feverous venturous adventurous inadventurous unadventurous misadventurous torturous lecherous treacherous ponderous imponderous preponderous slanderous cinderous thunderous founderous odorous inodorous malodorous nidorous murderous sudorous laborous arborous slumberous Cerberus tuberous

duberous uberous Lazarus cantharus monoceros rhinoceros rhopalocerous nemocerous cancerous sorcerous ulcerous uroboros tsores cypress Leyland cypress Lawson's cypress leprous cuprous charas nacrous ludicrous ochrous directress vitrous citrous citrus nitrous hyponitrous goitrous petrous tetrous triquetrous matrass idolatrous impostrous disastrous

ambidextrous ambisextrous monstrous sinistrous lustrous metoestrus anoestrus oestrous oestrus prooestrus dioestrus cyperus meteorous sclerous Mindererus cerous serous mercurous tellurous fulgurous ardurous coenurus silurus eremurus urus eurus brachyurous macrurous Tityrus butyrous lathyrus scirrhus scirrhous cirrous cirrus porous

imporous chorus Caurus torous torus Taurus Centaurus canorous chlorous hypochlorous multiflorous pelorus pylorus aurous seismosaurus ultrasaurus psittacosaurus brontosaurus apatosaurus teleutosorus allosaurus stegosaurus barosaurus sorus brachiosaurus megalosaurus dilophosaurus mamenchisaurus thesaurus chivalrous unchivalrous rivalrous walrus archinephros papyrus pyrus

gyrous gyrus MIRAS poliovirus myxovirus lentivirus orbivirus echo-virus leukovirus rhinovirus parvovirus retrovirus reovirus baculovirus morbillivirus Coxsackie virus hantavirus rotavirus oncornavirus picornavirus arenavirus mengovirus togavirus papovavirus paramyxovirus arbovirus virous virus provirus orthopoxvirus nematodirus sparus scarus varus sarus nigrous

degras susurrus wondrous protandrous anandrous monandrous gynandrous polygynandrous proterandrous polyandrous meandrous diandrous hydrous Hydrus anhydrous terrace ferrous iteroparous semelparous parous tarras naras harass barrace barras debarrass embarrass disembarrass arras furfurous verdurous saporous biparous Hesperus acarus cirrigerous

concolorous cistophorus glamorous vulturous barbarous scabrous glabrous tenebrous fibrous cumbrous umbrous anarthrous naches gluteus peroneus epigeous soleus coryphaeus uraeus scarabaeus Lyaeus incubus incubous succubus succubous omnibus harquebus gibbous circumbendibus fidibus Jacobus globus globous morbous sorbus bulbous

gibus strombus thrombus rhombus nimbus limbus plumbous Columbus iambus herbous colobus syllabus orobus glebous Phoebus rebus olisbos nasus Anzus Jesus bejesus cyathus prognathous orthognathous sterelminthous agapanthus acanthus canthus epicanthus calycanthus chimonanthus synanthous ailanthus strophanthus Rhadamanthus haemanthus

osmanthus cheiranthus xanthous polyanthus melianthus helianthus amianthus clianthus dianthus schizanthus pothos ceanothus mythus aspalathus calathus Shavuoth hypoglossus colossus molossus gypsous prolapsus scindapsus metatarsus tarsometatarsus tarsus protarsus amphioxus Texas nexus plexus amplexus complexus census consensus dissensus cytisus

byssus narcissus nisus hammochrysos Nessus stet processus bonasus Parnassus borassus cursus excursus versus situs inversus conversus thyrsus Pegasus Croesus rhesus lusus peace piece raising-piece make-peace forepiece mantelpiece timepiece thumbpiece codpiece masterpiece apiece mouthpiece set piece unpeace dispiece frontispiece

covetise metis niece Nice chersonese lease lis fleece Schoenflies sublease Eblis police pelisse release re-release pre-release lend-lease coulisse dix caprice crease kris increase decrease increase decrease directrice cantatrice protectrice lectrice grece grease begrease degrease calabrese Clarisse

obese malpais cease sis decease predecease cassis surcease use puce prepuce excuse retuse obtuse refuse profuse effuse diffuse Cayuse meuse smeuse deuce produce adduce produce reproduce traduce introduce induce superinduce conduce educe deduce reduce seduce

circumduce abduce transduce Antabuse abuse self-abuse Zeus overuse underuse unuse reuse misuse disuse papoose monte-jus soukous couscous ventouse noose burnous snoose swoose juice verjuice luce loose occluse incluse recluse floose unloose sluice mongoose moose mousse pompelmous

vamoose goose waygoose cargoose bar-goose rat-goose wayzgoose wild goose Ross's goose douce spruce Engelmann spruce crouse truce intruse abstruse ceruse caboose calaboose Suess

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