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Date(s): 2/26/13, 2/28/13 Grade Level: 7 Class: Spanish Language Arts Topic: Literary Analysis of El Dador, chapter 3 Prepared

by: Erin Headly (MAT Candidate), Teresa Kresin (Mentor Teacher) Learning Targets: Science Fiction Novel 7.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. 7.RL.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact: how setting shapes the characters or plot. 7.W.3 Write/Read narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. Content Objectives (What should students learn?): SWBAT use details from El Dador to show significance of character development and setting (community.) Language Objectives (In what ways will students use the language of your discipline?): SWBAT classify key vocabulary words as nouns, verbs, and/or adjectives compose descriptive sentences using key vocabulary words provide explanations to essential questions using details and key vocabulary from El Dador Language Forms: Based on what I read, I think One example from what I read is I believe..because. I would describe this character/setting as The main event(s) in this chapter is (are)...

Social Goals (How will students interact with others to maximize their learning?): Students will work cooperatively with others participate and share their knowledge build on their own knowledge and help their classmates do so Essential Questions: Apply the literary strategies of foreshadowing and allusion which the author uses in naming the newborn, Gabriel. Why did the author choose this name? What do you think will happen with this character?/ Aplica las estrategias literarias de foreshadowing y alusion, las que usa la autora para nombrar al recin nacido. Pr qu escogio esta nombre? y Qu piensas va a pasar con este personaje?

Materials and Preparation: El Dador novel composition notebooks vocabulary anchor chart literary elements (note-taking format) chart What is culture? anchor chart

Key Vocabulary: Content: community, norms, Ceremony of Twelve, birthmothers, life assignment, status, chastisement, caregivers, rites and ceremonies Literary Analysis: hook, cliffhanger, foreshadowing, allusion, Gabriel Building Background & Assessing Prior Knowledge: Review what happened in Chapter 2. Begin with closure activity from last lesson (Chapter 2) that we did not have time to get to-What personal characteristics do you have? Based on these characteristics, what mission would someone in this community choose for you?/ Cules caracteristicas tienes t que alguien puede usar para darte tu misin? (Read question aloud and post on projector for all students to read. Instruct students to write the question in their notebooks. Let them know that you will be collecting their notebooks at the end of class to give them feedback on their responses.) Activity: Review vocabulary using Google Doc El Dador Vocabulario 2,3,4. (Words, definitions, and pictures to support visual learners.) Read Chapter 3 and take notes. Read aloud for first page. On projector, model taking notes on one or two important points, then have students read silently and take notes on their own. Walk around to answer any questions and make sure students are on task. Instruct students to look for the following points (questions AND notes to be written in notebook under trama, tres lineas entre cada pregunta): Qu caracteristicas fisicas comparten Jonas y Gabriel? Pr qu crees que esta diferencia es importante en esta comunidad? Quin es la paridora? Cual es su funcin? Que pas con la manzana?


Whether or not all students have finished reading and taking notes, call on students to share what they wrote down as they read. Teacher can add these to the notes she began to model at the beginning of class, project on board so all students can follow along and write down what they may have missed. If enough time, ask students to do writing activity for Chapter 3-Aplica las estrategias literarias de foreshadowing y alusion, las que usa la autora para nombrar al recien nacido. Pr qu escogio esta nombre? y Qu piensas va a pasar con este personaje? (Read question aloud, post on projector for students to read.) Pre-Assessment: Writing quiz on key vocabulary every 2-3 chapters. Formative Asessment: Ask questions about important elements in the chapters. Ask questions to check for general understanding of the reading. Written responses about setting, character, plot, and theme. Written responses to essential questions. Post-Assessment: Writing quiz on key vocabulary every 2-3 chapters, book report when students have finished reading the entire novel. Adaptations: SIOP Features (Check all that apply.) Scaffolding Grouping Options Modeling Whole class Guided practice Small groups Independent practice Partners Comprehensible input Independent Application Hands-on Meaningful Linked to objectives Promotes engagement Assessment Individual Group Written Oral

Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Reading Writing Speaking Listening For struggling learners:

Respective use of vocabulary, read aloud, write notes on board, check notes, frequent questions on individual basis, use of drawings and diagrams to show understanding.

For those who need a challenge: Same assignment as rest of class but deeper in content and details. Reflections, Next Steps: Mentor teacher taught lesson because I was out sick. Mentor teacher was called out to a meeting during class, students did not finish reading chapter 3. Will need to finish next class before getting into more analysis. 3/14/13: Gave post-assessment vocabulary quiz to students. 9 students missed foreshadowing, 5 missed alusin. Will need to review/re-teach these concepts in a mini-lesson before continuing with lessons as scheduled.

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