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Professional Education Performance Assessment

Lesson plans are complete and wetl organized. Planning competencies are aligned

with the West Virginia

Professional Teaching Standards, Standard

1: Curriculum and Planning

1C).'."" 1C)."...'.. T, -J and """"' -i/ activities (WVPTS - 1A, lB, 1D); (ISTE - lb' 2a)'...' needs ofdiverse the to address instruction 1.4 Plans differentiated learners (WVPTS - lA,lB,lD)...(ISTE '2a,2c,2d)........"" Z instructionto achieve objectives (wvPTS - 1A,18,lD) (ISTE 2"........--h Plans 1.5 1.6 Selects, developsandmodifiesmaterials(WVPTS-1D)..'....... ... " ."' -+ 1.7 Incorporates instructional technology into lesson plans (wvPTS - lD) 4+ . (ISTE - la,lb,lc, ld,2ar2b,2c,2d,3b,3c,4b..............'.. " 1 1.8 Incorporates critical thinking into instructional plans and il " lactivities (WVPTS- lC, lD) (ISTE-la, lb, lc, ld,2a,2b)"'' learning ,i, 1.9 Identifies effective assessment strategies to measure student * (ISTE 2d) " "' and instructional effectiveness. (WVPTS - lE)
Establishes educational goals (WVPTS Formulates appropriate objectives (WVPTS Plans developmentally appropriate instruction

f 31


Candidate demonstrates teaching skills reflective of knowledge of content, pedagogy, learner characteristics' and classroom management. Teaching competencies are aligned with the West Virginia Professional Teaching Standards,-standard 2: The Leainer in the Learning Environment and Standard 3: Teaching'

2.6 2.'l 2.8 2.g

Utilizes effective questioning strategies to enhance the student leaming and develop critical thinking and problem solving skills (WYPTS - 3C)"' Modeli and implements instructional strategies to develop students' critical


Demonstrates an understanding of the subject area Adapts and differentiates instruction to accommodate

(ISTE-la,lb,4c)""""""" * (WVPTS'3A) 'Z individual 4 (ISTE-2c)... """""" I .,"""""""""' '


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