Convention PPT 2013 in Home Care

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In-Home Care

Not Just Babysitting

Jessica Dibbern Direct Support Professional

The Dash Video

Click the link to watch the video The Dash e-dash-poem/linda


Some questions that will be answered: What is a Direct Support Professional? What is In-Home Care? What is the difference between inhome care and babysitting? What are available services in South Dakota?

This presentation is specifically geared towards individuals ages 0-18.

Like gender and ethnicity, disability is simply one of many characteristics of being human. One in every five Americans is a person with a disability A person with a disability is more like people without a disability than different. Having a disability is a natural part of the human experience. If we live long enough we may all experience disability.

A Roadmap to Services in South Dakota for People with Developmental Disabilities . USD Sanford School of Medicine, 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. < center-for-disabilities/upload/Roadmap-to-Services-nl-7-12.pdf>.

A Roadmap to Services in South Dakota for People with Developmental Disabilities. USD Sanford School of Medicine, Web. 16 Mar. 2013. < center-for-disabilities/upload/Roadmap-toServices-nl-7-12.pdf>.

What is a Developmental Disability?

Severe, chronic disability of an individual that is characterized by a mental or physical impairment or combination of both Manifested prior to the age of 22 Most likely to continue for the foreseeable future Results in limitations in three or more of the following:
Self-care Receptive and expressive languate Learning Mobility Self-direction Capacity for indpendent living Economic self-sufficiency

Reflects the individuals needs for a special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, individualized supports, or other forms of lifelong assistance that are individually planned and coordinated

Assists individuals with developmental disabilities

Care for themselves Gain independence Integrate in community or least restrictive environment

What Does a Direct Support Professional Do? WiseGEEK, 2013. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. <>.

Direct Support Professionals

Services depend on individuals needs

Also depends on employers policies

Activities can include:

Areas of self-care, hygiene Learning to live independently Support the individual

Direct Support Professionals, cont.

Code of Ethics
Person centered supports Promote physical & emotional well-being

Integrity & responsibility

Confidentiality Justice, fairness & equality

Relationships Self-Determination


"Voices from the Frontlines III: Advancing the Profession of Direct Support." Direct Support Professionals. DSPANYS, Web. 9 Mar. 2013. < docs/Voices_from_the_Frontlines_III_V04_FINAL_FOR_WEB.pdf>.

In-Home Direct Care

Provided in the familys home and community in order to enable the individual to remain in their home or return home Includes training of the DSP and of the family to increase their abilities to care for and maintain the individual in their home.

Beckendorf, Dianne. "Parent Meeting." Marshall, Minnesota. 2011. Lecture.

In-Home Care: Respite Care

Temporary relief care created for families of children or adults with special needs Ranges from a few hours of care provided on a one-time basis to overnight or extended sessions Can be provided in either an out-of-home setting or in the individuals own home. Caretakers of children or adults with special needs often face serious problems and stress as a result of balancing the needs of their child or adult with special needs with the needs of other family members. These breaks, that respite care provides, allow families time to tend to the needs of their children, spouses, and themselves.
Beckendorf, Dianne. "Parent Meeting." Marshall, Minnesota. 2011. Lecture.

What is available in South Dakota?

The following is a list of what is available:

Family Support 360/PLANS Respite Care Birth to 3 Connections Program Early Childhood Preschool Program Childrens Special Health Services (CSHS) Health KiCC Better Health for Kids with Chronic Conditions

A Roadmap to Services in South Dakota for People with Developmental Disabilities . USD Sanford School of Medicine, 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. < center-for-disabilities/upload/Roadmap-to-Services-nl-7-12.pdf>.

What is available in South Dakota?

Every school district must provide free, appropriate public education to every child in community either until graduation or until age 21, which ever comes first. If your child qualified for services prior to kindergarten, you and your school would have already met and created an IEP; if not, an evaluation is the first step in determining if services are needed, a referral is need for this Transition services
Goals based on strengths, preferences and interests Includes planning through the IEP and documents all supports and services needed to make a smooth transition

A Roadmap to Services in South Dakota for People with Developmental Disabilities . USD Sanford School of Medicine, 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. < center-for-disabilities/upload/Roadmap-to-Services-nl-7-12.pdf>.

CHOICES Waiver & Questionnaire

Department of Human Services Choices Waiver

Community, Hope, Opportunity, Independence, Careers, Empowerment, Success

Input regarding a waiver that gives services to 2500 individuals 91% of individuals are getting services and supports they need
Quotes from participants regarding services:
services are better when you live onsite (providerowned)but if you choose to live on your own, services are 100 times worse allow (service coordinator) more time to deal with individual needsthey seem overworked

88% receive help to plan their own life and supports 73% would not change how their service coordinator helps them.

"CHOICES" 2012 Forum and Questionnaire Results. Department of Human Services, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>.

What exactly is in-home care?

Agencies provide services with developmental disabilities When services begin, individuals are assessed in these areas to determine types of supports they require:
Self-help Physical development Affective development Domestic responsibility Vocational/Education behavior Economic behavior Community mobility Communication skills Cognitive development Telephone Interpersonal relationships Emergency preparedness Sexuality Behavioral/safety concerns Sleeping preferences
Habilitative Services, Incorporated. "Program Abuse Prevention Plan." TS.

What exactly is in-home care?

Individual Habilitation Plan Risk management assessment and plan (RMAP) Staffing Programming Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) therapy
Annual assessments occur to ensure each individual is receiving services they need.

Habilitative Services, Incorporated. "Program Abuse Prevention Plan." TS.

Applied Behaviour Therapy

Applied Behavioural Analysis involves one on one intensive, instructional sessions teaching educational tasks designed specifically for autism. Click the link below to watch the video to explain ABA Therapy:

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). By AutismSpeaksVids and New York Public School 177. YouTube. AutismSpeaksVids, Web. 24 Mar. 2013. <>.

In-home care does not include taking care of siblings

It is one-on-one care with the individual Allows the DSP to ensure safety of the individual Provides learning opportunities for your child

The biggest difference is:

Quote from a mother whose child receives direct care (when told people see
DSPs as babysitters):

You guys are wonderful, I appreciate all of the work you do. All kids with special needs should have the option to receive services. They have done wonders for [clients name], you work so hard to make sure that the kids get into the community and socialize. That was the main reason we decided to receive services because you make sure that [clients name] gets to do everything other people her age get to do.

In-Home care is not currently provided in South Dakota. You can help make a difference in your state, too. Become an advocate for people with disabilities.


Do you have any questions?

If youd like to contact me for more information, you can contact me by: Jessica Dibbern (507)401-3394

Thank you for coming today!


"CHOICES" 2012 Forum and Questionnaire Results. Department of Human Services, Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>. The Dash - Simple Truths. Linda Ellis Author. Speaker. Poet. Linda Ellis, 1994. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. <>. A Roadmap to Services in South Dakota for People with Developmental Disabilities . USD Sanford School of Medicine, 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. < center-for-disabilities/upload/Roadmap-toServices-nl-7-12.pdf>. What Does a Direct Support Professional Do? WiseGEEK, 2013. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. <>. "Voices from the Frontlines III: Advancing the Profession of Direct Support." Direct Support Professionals. DSPANYS, Web. 9 Mar. 2013. < docs/Voices_from_the_Frontlines_III_V04_FINAL_FOR_WEB.pdf>. Beckendorf, Dianne. "Parent Meeting." Marshall, Minnesota. 2011. Lecture. Autism Action Plan - ABA Therapy. Autism Action Plan, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>. Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). By AutismSpeaksVids and New York Public School 177. YouTube. AutismSpeaksVids, Web. 24 Mar. 2013. <>. Habilitative Services, Incorporated. "Program Abuse Prevention Plan." TS.

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