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VC Summary

VC Economic Role (IGTC)

IG TC : Support Innovative Growth Co with no access to Traditional form of Capital:
Primary source for risk capital Ensure ongoing funding capacity Maintain long term support Adds Expertise

Start up and early investment Successive 100% over time
Founders share diluted over time VC may ultimately control the co

Very high commercial risk

New competitor New product Inexperienced management

5-10 years before realize return

Hardly invest before
co is formed product is tested Nascent mgt in place

Normally involved in:

Breakthrough tech Medical, life science Communication and Electronics

Lifecycle of VC (DSEA SM)

DSEA SM Development 80% Start up 60% Early Growth 50% Accelerating Growth 40% Sustainable Growth 30% Maturity 25%

VC Economics (LV HS)

LV HS Lead investor cheap valuation, early investor Value adding modus operandi bring expertise, financial acumen Home run mentality there to create the top companies, not just average Strong backing for winners

VC Skill Set (NeTV MDCA)

Strong Network Technology and Vision Judgement Mentor without sentimentality Decisive Cool under fire, with multi tasking ability Action orientation with long term perspective

VC Economic Role

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