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) Teacher Candidate _______Stephanie Leffler___________ Grade Level_______1st________________ Title _____________Writing Near Double Fact Families________ TWS L3-10.6__________________ CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors of Classroom: 16 Students 9 Boys 7 Girls 6 Students with IEPs 3 Severe Special Ed Students , 3 Developmentally Delayed Students 2 ELL Students 1 German (WIDA level 4), 1 Native American (WIDA level 3) Ethnicity - 14 Caucasian, 1 Native American, 1 Black Classroom environment: Students desks are in groups of 3 5 students (see attached seating chart), Color Blocked rug is below the SmartBoard (see attached seating chart for rug assignments), 4 tables for Small Group Work, Guided Reading, interventions, and Art. Students are excited to learn and are well-trained in the classroom routine. The classroom rules are: Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Thinker, and Be Ready. Technology available: SmartBoard, Elmo, and 5 computers.

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)
State Standard/Objective: (SIOP 1 & 2) Number & Operations Understanding meanings of operations and how they relate to one another. Understand various meanings of addition and subtraction of whole numbers and the relationship between the two operations. Understand the effects of adding and subtracting whole numbers. Content Walk-Away: Students will write addition and subtraction facts by using the near double fact family strategy. Language Walk-Away: Students will write addition and subtraction facts by using the near double fact family strategy. Vocabulary: add, addition, addition fact, subtract, subtraction, subtraction fact, number fact, fact family, double, near double, double plus 1 fact. (SIOP 9)

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have

learned the Walk-Away?) Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson): Observation of student responses, questioning, and double plus 1 dominoes extension activity. Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Growing With Mathematics Student Book page 233 & 234 End of Unit Assessment Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Growing With Mathematics Student Book page 233 & 234 End of Unit Assessment (SIOP 30)

Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Shaina and Caleb will work with an aide during class to make sure they understand the lesson. Tommy, Lola, Kirra, and Taylor, will receive small group intervention during class time and may also be pulled out individually to work with a teacher to make sure they understand the lesson. (SIOP 17, 18)

Approx. Time
1 minute


Transition The Line Leader calls students down to color block rug by quiet rows. Activate/Building Background Knowledge Sing the counting and doubles song. What do we usually use dominoes for when we are doing math problems? (writing fact families) . Today we are going to be writing Near Double fact families.

3 minutes

Display objectives and vocabulary words. Review. (SIOP 1, 2, 9) Formative assessment: Learning Goal Activating background knowledge. Success Criteria Students are able to correctly answer questions about what they have learned in previous math lessons. Assessment Strategy Questioning for understanding by observation and listening to student responses.

Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) Caleb needs to sit on the front row so he can see. Try to call on Scotty and Caleb if they raise their hands to participate. Tap Kirra and Maya if they get distracted. Shaina is not allowed to sleep when she is sitting on the rug. Focus Lesson (I do it) Display Discussion Book page 73 and read task 1. Pull sticks to ask students how they knew or figures out the total (domino showing 5 dots on one side and 6 on the other). Talk to students about how 5 + 6 or 6 + 5 is double 5 plus 1. Write these addition facts on the board. Read task 2. Ask What is the total? (11) Which part can we see? (5) Write 11 5 = ___ below the addition facts. What will 11 5 tell us? (The hidden number). Why? How many dots are hidden? How do the addition facts help us figure out the answer? Write 6 in the space and then repeat the discussion for the other picture (11 6 = ___) Ask What do we call these four facts? (a fact family). (SIOP 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15) Formative Assessment: Learning Goal Student will be able to explain how to addition facts can help them figure out subtraction facts. Success Criteria Students will answer questions about how they relate subtraction to addition using the pictures on the discussion book page. Assessment Strategy Listen to students explain how addition facts help them figure out subtraction facts.

6 minutes

Modification/accommodations: Caleb sits on the front row so that he can see the board. Make sure to pull Calebs stick so that he gets a chance to participate. Allow a little more wait time for Caleb. (SIOP 18) Reward Scotty for sitting on the rug correctly (Cool card). Have Luke and Conner explain how to relate subtraction facts to addition facts in a fact family to model for lower level students. (SIOP 21, 22) Guided Instruction (We do it) Hand out white boards, marker, and eraser. (SIOP 20, 22) Read task 3. Write a fact family for each of these pictures. Have students write the numbers in the fact family on their white boards and the incomplete number sentence with the missing addend. Example: 9 4 = ___ or ___ + 4 = 9. What do you know about the missing numbers? Remind the students that the first domino was a near double. Ask do you think this domino is also a near double? Repeat the same sequence for the next 3 dominoes. Ask How does the addition fact help us complete the subtraction fact? What are the other facts in this fact

10 minutes

family? (SIOP 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15) Display workbook page on Smart Board. Formative Assessment: Learning Goal Students are able to write subtraction facts for near double fact families with a missing addend. Success Criteria Students are able to write subtraction facts for near double fact families with a missing addend. Assessment Strategy View facts that students write on their white boards.

Modification/accommodations: Students are not allowed to draw pictures on their white boards while sitting on the rug. Tommy, Lola, Kirra, and Taylor may ask a buddy if they need help writing the subtraction facts. 1 minute Transition The Line Leader calls quiet rows to return to desks and paper passes out the workbook sheets. Independent (You do it alone) 10 minutes Students complete workbook pages 233 & 234 independently. Students may work quietly on extension activities when their workbook pages are completed. Summative Assessment: Workbook pages 233 & 234 End of Unit Assessment (SIOP 30) Modification/accommodations: Shaina, Scotty, Caleb and Lola will work with an aide according to their IEPs. Pull Tommy, Lola, Kirra, and Taylor for small group to complete their workbook sheet and addition al instruction if needed. (SIOP 4, 5, 6, 14, 16). Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) Extension activities Domino Dice & Fact Sort (SIOP 6, 15, 16) 15 minutes Domino Dice BLM 10.5 Domino outline sheet. Students will: Roll dice with numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Drqw that many dots on each side of the outline Draw 1 extra dot on one side of the domino Write the related fact family. Fact Sort Deal out Double plus 1 Fact Family Cards and place Double plus 1 dominoes face down. For each round of the game: One of the dominoes is turned over Each player with a related addition fact places the card near the domino and writes the answer on that card. Each player with a related subtraction fact does likewise The first student to play all of his or her cards wins. Formative Assessment: Learning Goal Students will be able to write double plus 1 fact family addition and subtraction facts. Success Criteria Students will be able to write double plus 1 fact family addition and subtraction facts. Assessment Strategy Observe students playing the games correctly and interacting with each other.

Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions (Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.) 3 minutes Review vocabulary words and objectives. On the way out the door, show a double plus 1 domino and have each student give an addition or subtraction fact. (SIOP 27, 28)

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan) Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation of content, 6-Meaningful activities Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary Comprehensive Input: 10-Appropriate speech, 11-Clear explanation, 12-Variety of techniques Strategies: 13-Students use learning strategies, 14-Scaffolding, 15-Higher-order thinking, Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students Practice/Application: 20-Hands-on materials, 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, 22-Language skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking Lesson Delivery: 23-Content objective supported, 24-Language objective supported, 25-Students engaged, 26-Pacing Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? Have music ready to play. Pull up GWM Workbook pages and Discussion book page 73. What materials do I need to have ready? Laminated BLM 10.6 cards, 6 dice/cube labeled 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. BLM 10.5 domino outlines, double plus 1 dominoes. What is the approximate time needed for this lesson? 1 hour


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set to improve my practice and student learning? Singing the doubles and counting song is starting to help the lower level students remember their double facts. The students really like to be able to use the white boards when they are sitting on the rug and know that if they misuse them, Ill take the privilege away. It is so much easier to manage the class on the rug when they all have something to do. I also think it helps the lower students reinforce concepts when they use the four language skills. We are able to move faster and the higher level students dont get bored. It would be easier if I could have the students grab their own assigned wh ite board/marker/eraser instead of having to pass everything out. It is time consuming. But the classroom is not set up like that (I will do this for sure in my own classroom). Small group was much easier today, I think we have been using the dominoes a lot so the students are familiar with making fact families using the dominoes. They still struggle answering questions, especially why, but pulling them to work together on the worksheet is helping reinforce basic math concepts. Lola is the lowest Mrs. Gunther has been pulling her individually because she can barely count to 10 and needs a lot of scaffolded instruction just to complete simple addition and subtraction facts. The extension activities have been running smoothly for the most part. I had to speak with Luke, Nate, Karson, and Acacia about slowing down on their individual work because they are making mistakes. They are rushing to get to the extra activities. They will be taken away if they dont slow down and do their work correctly the first time.

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