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Descriptions of working-class public schools are based on: Anyon, J. (2006).

Social class, school knowledge, and the hidden curriculum: Retheorizing reproduction. In L. Weis, C. McCarthy, & G. Dimitriadis (Eds.), Ideology, curriculum, and the new sociology of education (pp. 37-46). New York: Routledge. Anyon, J. (1981). Social class and school knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry, 11(l), 3-42. Finn, M. E. (2009). Grassroots organizing and teacher education. In R, Linne, L. Benin, & A. Sosin (Eds.) Organizing the curriculum: Perspectives on teaching the US labor movement (pp. 249-266). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Finn, P. J. (2009a). Literacy with an attitude: Educating working-class children in their own selfinterest (2nd ed.). Albany NY: SUNY Press. Finn, P. J. (2009b). A paradigm shift in the making for teachers of working-class students: From intrinsic motivation and border crossing to Freirean motivation and collective advancement. In R, Linne, L. Benin, & A. Sosin (Eds.) Organizing the curriculum: Perspectives on teaching the US labor movement (pp. 75-86). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Johnson, L., M. E. Finn, and R. Lewis (eds.) (2005) Urban Education with an Attitude. Albany: SUNY Press. Oakes, J. (2005). Keeping track: How schools structure inequality 2nd edition. New Haven CT: Yale University Press. Oakes, J. & Rogers, J. (2006). Learning Power: Organizing for Education and Justice. New York: Teachers College Press. Richardson, G. (2005). Structural barriers and school reform: The perceptions of a group of working-class parents. In L. Johnson, M. E. Finn, and R. Lewis. Urban education with an attitude (pp. 173-192). Albany NY: SUNY Press. Weis, L. (1990). Working class without work: High school students in a de-industrializing economy. New York: Routledge. Willis, P. E. (1977). Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs. Westmead, England: Saxon House, 1977. Willis, P. E. (2004). Twenty-five years on: Old books, new times. In N. Dolby, G. Dimitriades, & P. E. Willis (Eds.), Learning to labor in new times (pp. 144-168). New York: Routledge.

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