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Direct:(+9122)25768800(AR)/8803(Local)/8804(Import)/8805(Enquiry& Billtracking),8802(Progress),


Tenderisinvitedforthe procurementofintegratedultrafastlasersystemsolutionconsistingof followingitems

Sr.No 1

Item Ultrafast Titanium:Sapphire oscillator with (i) integrated solid state pump laser @ 532 nm on the same base plate, (ii) upgradeable to include extra cavity high repetition rate carrier envelope phase stabilization, (iii) necessary chirp compensation and (iv) air cooled chiller Required Titanium:Sapphire oscillator specifications: Pulse duration < 7 fs Bandwidth @ 10 dB > 300 nm Average short pulse power > 300 mW Repetition rate in the range of 70 - 100 MHz Pulse energy for above mentioned repetition rate > 3.5 nJ Linear polarization ratio in the range on 100:1 Noise(measuredat10Hz100kHz):0.1%rms PowerStabilityaftersufficientwarmup:1% Heightofthelaserbox150mmtoprovidelowbeamheight Dispersivemirrortechnologyforbroadbandintracavitychirp compensation Possibilitytofinetuneintracavitydispersion Temperaturestabilizedsinglebaseplateforpumpaswellas Ti:Saphirelaser Temperaturestabilizedlasercrystalforstablelongtermoperation Activebeampointingstabilizationforthepumpbeam Hysteresisproofcavityadjustmentmechanism Vendormusthaveinstallationandservicecapability Minimum1yearwarrantyfromthedateofinstallation Atleastfivereferencesofultrafastlasersysteminstallationfrom thesamemanufacturerinIndiadelivering20fsorshorterpulses

Qty 1Pc

Air cooled (integrated), ultrafast supercontinuum source with (i) 1pc collimated optical fiber based output, (ii) acousto-optic modulator based wavelength selection options for visible and near-infrared spectral range and (iii) computer control interface + driver software for wavelength selection Required supercontinuum source specifications: Wavelength range: < 410 nm to > 2.2 m Full power (spectrally integrated) of at least 4 W Minimum power in the blue-green spectrum (400 750 nm): 600 mW

Direct:(+9122)25768800(AR)/8803(Local)/8804(Import)/8805(Enquiry& Billtracking),8802(Progress),


Repetition rate in the range of 35 50 MHz Pulse width ~ 6 ps Spectral flatness ~ 6 dB Beam diameter ~ 2 mm Vendormusthaveinstallationandservicecapability Minimum 1 year warranty from the date of installation At least five references of similar ultrafast supercontinuum source installation from the same manufacturer in India Required acousto-optic modulator based wavelength selection option for the above mentioned supercontinuum light source with specifications: Independent crystals and driver for visible and near-infrared spectral range covering > 400 nm to < 1100 nm range Minimum diffraction efficiency: 90% Optical throughput with super continuum light source in the range of 40-50% Fast switching mode with sub-ms rise-time Collimated output 3 Joined pneumatic isolation table system consisting of optical 1set tabletop with load capacity of ~1000 kg, support (posts) with necessary connectors and air compressor Required tabletop specifications: Total size: 5400 x 1500 x 300 mm Size of individual section: 1800 x 1500 x 300 mm Thickness: 300 mm Sandwiched honeycomb core construction Mounting hole grid with M6 holes on 25 mm grid and at least 30 mm borders Smooth ferromagnetic stainless steel working area with > 3 mm thickness Sealed hole cores At least 2mm thick sidewalls First resonance at ~ 200 Hz Surface flatness of 0.1 mm over minimum 600 mm2 Broadband damping Required optical table support (posts) specifications: Pneumatic isolation system with tie bars, casters and posts for the above mentioned joined tabletops system Height of 600 mm Settling time < 2 sec Auto leveling by leveling valves Leveling repeatability ~ 1 mm

Direct:(+9122)25768800(AR)/8803(Local)/8804(Import)/8805(Enquiry& Billtracking),8802(Progress),


Necessary connectors for the joined table system Specifications for the vibration isolation capability of the above mentioned system: At least 75% isolation efficiency @ 5 Hz and at least 80% @ 10 Hz Required air compressor specifications: Compatible for air as well as nitrogen gas Automatic pressure control Sufficient capacity to float the above mentioned joined tabletops system Vendormusthaveinstallationandservicecapability Minimum1yearwarrantyfromthedateofinstallation Atleastfivereferencesofsimilaropticaltableinstallationfromthe samemanufacturerinIndia

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