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Home Improvement Gods Blueprint Proverbs 29:18 (NLT) (NAS) 1. Gods Word creates vision and hope.

Our homes perish for a lack of vision. 2. Happiness comes out of obedience to Gods Word. God created the home and has the blueprint to build our homes and leave a legacy of peace and joy for our families. God has the manual (hand-book) to the home. God has the blueprints to building the home. (Psalm 107:20, Psalm 119:130)

4 Areas that Must Be Overcome to Succeed in Our Homes 1. Condemnation: 1 John 3:20, Revelation 12:10 Matthew 12:35Its not in me or God to condemn. Proverbs 24:16We all fall. 2. Frustration II Corinthians 3:18Chance is progressive. Hebrews 6:12Patience Romans 1:17Live by faith. II Corinthians 5:7Walk by faith. 3. Improper response to conviction Repent vs. regret Healed vs. hostile 4. Leave room for disagreement 4 Pillars in the Building of Our Homes 1. KnowledgeHosea 4:6 Proverbs 29:18 2. Work (Labor)Galatians 6:7 Marriage is work. Raising children is work. The road to a happy, successful home is under constant construction.

3. SacrificeLuke 9:23 If we do not sacrifice some things for our marriages, well sacrifice our marriages for things. 4. ExperienceWe learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. Proverbs 24:16 Romans 8:28

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