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Resepi Warisan - Lontong Daun Pisang Makanan dikatakan lebih sedap apabila disampaikan oleh daun pisang kerana

tidak ada tindak balas kimia, makanan menyimpan nilai utuh di samping mengekalkan rasa daun. Apabila makanan panas dihidangkan di atas daun pisang sebenar, aroma yang bagus yang dilepaskan. Ini adalah kerana daun pisang mengandungi sejumlah besar polifenol yang serupa dengan teh hijau

Daun pisang adalah herba. Ia dapat melegakan sistem penghadaman seperti lendir di dalam daun menyejukkan membran mukus terbakar dan menyembuhkan ulser. Herba ini mempunyai ciri-ciri diuretik dan apabila diasimilasi dengan barangan makanan ia berfungsi positif pada buah pinggang. Permukaan atas daun pisang mempunyai beberapa ciri-ciri antibakteria yang boleh membunuh bakteria dalam makanan dan boleh mencegah penyakit.

Makanan yang diperbuat daripada daun pisang dianggap bertuah selain mendapat manfaat daripada ciri-ciri perubatan daun pisang yang bersifat semula jadi dan bebas daripada bahan kimia, ia boleh guna dan diurai secara semulajadi dan tidak menyebabkan pencemaran seperti plastik yang tidak diuraikan secara semula jadi.

Memandangkan manfaat kesihatan dan alam sekitar makan daun pisang, pengguna yang makan di restoran yang menghidangkan "makanan yang menggunakan daun pisang" tidak perlu ragu-ragu. Mereka mesti menegaskan keistimewaan makanan yang dihidang menggunakan daun pisang sebenar.

Satu lagi hidangan "trademark" di Malaysia terutamanya kepada masyarakat Jawa iaitu Lontong. Makanan ini sungguh terkenal di sesuatu kawasan yang majorit penduduknya ialah yang berketurunan Jawa seperti negeri Johor dan Selangor. Lontong juga terkenal di kawasan tempat tinggal yang banyak menanam pokok pisang.

Ada dua variasi lontong iaitu, lontong berkuah dan lontong kering. Lontong berkuah iaitu set lengkap nasi yang dimasak menggunakan kelongsong daun pisang dengan sayur lodeh dan sambal tumis dan telur rebus manakala lontong kering ialah set lengkap nasi yang dimasak menggunakan kelongsong daun pisang dengan sambal goreng jawa, serunding, sambal tumis atau rendang.

Lontong bukan sahaja menjadi menu wajib bagi setiap rumah di negeri Johor apabila tiba musim perayaan, tetapi juga salah satu menu sarapan pagi di setiap warung2 di negeri ini. Lontong dibuat secara tradisional kini sukar didapati. Lontong yang sebanarnya atau yang asli ialah bukan nasi impit atau ketupat sebaliknya nasi yang dimasak menggunakan kelongsong daun pisang.

Cara-cara menghasilkannya:

Ambil daun dari pokok pisang batu / sematu / nipah (bergantung dari negeri mana anda berada).

Menggunakan daun pisang abu dapat menghasilkan warna yang sangat hijau semulajadi dan wangi. Daun pisang lain boleh dipakai tetapi tidak dapat menghasilkan warna hijau dan kekurangan wangi. Cuba dapatkan daun dari ladang organik. Jika dari ladang biasa, banyak ubat kulat di pakai.

Buah pisang batu berbentuk 3 segi dan bertompok-tompok hitam

Pokok pisang abu sangat tinggi. Di ladang Pokok pisang abu akan mencapai ketinggian 30 kaki. Pisang abu ini lebih enak di masak (di goreng) daripada terus dimakan mentah.

Jantung pisang batu di ladang kami besar dan mencapai 18 inci panjang Ambil 2 atau 3 helai daun dan terus menggulong dengan menggunakan acuan (botol, paip PVC dan sebagainya). Ini di namakan kelongsong.

Pastikan kelongsong di gulung 3 atau 4 kali, ini kerana beras tidak akan keluar sewaktu proses merebus. Keluarkan acuan dan buat lipatan di bahagian hujung dengan memakai lidi atau menjahit (supaya tidak cepat basi).

Daun pisang batu dapat menghasil kan warna hijau pekat dan nasi kelihatan padat seperti pulut.

Isikan kelongsong ini dengan beras 30% atau 40% panjang kelongsong. Pastikan beras dicuci dan ditoskan sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam kelongsong. (Buat satu cubaan dahulu kerana lain-lain jenis beras

mempunyai cirri-ciri perkembangan yang lain.)

Kemudian lipat di bahagian hujung dengan menggunakan lidi / menjahit. Terus merebus di dalam periuk stainless steel 3 atau 4 jam. (Jangan memakai periuk aluminium kerana warna hijau tidak akan kelihatan).

Keluarkan dan tapiskan. Sesudah sejuk boleh di potong dan di jamah. Simpan di tempat redup dan kering, boleh tahan selama 3 hari (pastikan di tiap penghujung tidak lembut). Simpan di dalam peti sejuk selama 10 hari.

Hidangkan dengan rendang, sambal, kari, kuah kacang, masak lemak, stew ayam / daging ala cina atau Western.

Lontong From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search Lontong A traditional way of serving lontong Origin Place of origin Indonesia, also popular in Malaysia Nationwide in Indonesia and also in Malaysia Indonesian cuisine

Region or state Creator(s) Details Course Serving temperature Main ingredient(s)

Main course Room temperature compressed rice cooked in banana leaf

Lontong is a dish made of compressed rice cake in the form of a cylinder wrapped inside a banana leaf,[1] commonly found in Indonesia and Malaysia. The rice rolled inside banana leaf and boiled, then cut into small cakes as staple food replacement of steamed rice. It is commonly called nasi himpit ("pressed rice") in Malaysia. The smaller size of lontong filled with vegetables (carrot, common bean and potato) sometimes also filled with meat, are eaten as snack. The texture is similar to those of ketupat, with the difference that ketupat container was made from weaved janur (young coconut leaf), while lontong uses banana leaf instead.

The dish is usually served cold or at room temperature with peanut saucebased dishes such as gado-gado, karedok, ketoprak, other traditional salads, and satay.[1] It can be eaten as an accompaniment to coconut milkbased soups, such as soto, gulai and curries. It is also used as an alternative to vermicelli noodles. Contents 1 Method of lontong making 2 Lontong dishes 2.1 Indonesia 2.2 Malaysia 3 See also 4 References Method of lontong making

Unwrapped lontongs with sate

Lontong Cap go meh Lontong is traditionally made by boiling the rice until it is partially cooked and packing it tightly into a rolled-up banana leaf. The leaf is secured with lidi semat, wooden needle made from the central rib of coconut leaf, and cooked in boiling water for about 90 minutes. Once the compacted rice has cooled, it can be cut up into bite-sized pieces. Outer parts of lontong usually have greenish color because of the chlorophyll left by banana leaf. Alternative ways of cooking lontong include placing uncooked rice into a muslin bag then letting the water seep in and cause the rice to form a solid mass.[2] Another popular method is by using commercially available ricefilled plastic pouches which are then boiled until the rice becomes cooked and have fully filled up the pouch. However this method is unhealthy and discouraged, since the heated plastic pouches could contaminated the compressed rice, plastics particles are known as carcinogenic. The use of organic banana leaf is safer and environmentally friendly. Lontong dishes Just like rice, the taste of lontong is bland and neutral, it is depends to other ingredients to gave taste through spices and sauces. Commonly, lontong serves as the compact alternative of steamed rice. It can be served with almost any traditional dish recipes as staple food, but mostly have peanut sauce or coconut milk-based soup. Indonesia In Indonesia, especially among Betawi people, lontong usually served as lontong sayur, pieces of lontong served in coconut milk soup with shredded chayote, tempeh, tofu, hard-boilled egg, sambal and kerupuk. Lontong sayur is a favourite breakfast menu next to bubur ayam and nasi goreng. Lontong kari is lontong serve in soupy chicken curry and vegetables.

The more elaborate recipe of lontong is Lontong Cap Go Meh, a peranakan Chinese Indonesian adaptation on traditional Indonesian dishes, lontong served with rich opor ayam, sayur lodeh, sambal goreng ati (beef liver in sambal), acar, telur pindang (hard boiled marble egg), abon (beef floss), and koya powder (mixture of soy and dried shrimp powder). Lontong Cap Go Meh usually consumed by Chinese Indonesian community during Cap go meh celebration. Another lontong recipes are lontong kupang and lotong balap from Surabaya and Sidoarjo area in East Java. Lontong kupang is made of lontong with small white clams, while lontong balap is made from lontong, taoge (bean sprouts), fried tofu, lentho (fried mashed beans), fried shallots, sambal and sweet soy sauce. In West Sumatra, a Minang dish from Padang Pariaman is called lontong gulai pakis, lontong served with young fern leaves gulai. Usually served with hard boiled eggs and kerupuk jangek or kerupuk kulit (cow skin crackers). As a snack, a smaller size lontong is filled with diced vegetables, such as carrots, potato and common beans seasoned with salt and red chilli, or sometimes filled with abon (beef floss), or minced meat. This kind of snack is called arem-arem in Javanese, but commonly called simply as lontong in other parts of Indonesia. Usually the type of banana leaf used in lontong snack is the thin young banana leaf with yellowish color. The texture of lontong snack is usually softer compared to those of common lontong, due to thinner banana leaf and prolonged boiling period.

Malaysia The lontong rice cake is cut into smaller pieces, these rice cakes pieces are known as nasi himpit (compressed rice). The term lontong in Malaysia

usually refers a dish which consists of rice cakes in a coconut based soup such as sayur lodeh containing shrimp and vegetables like chopped cabbage, turnip and carrots. Additional condiments are added either during cooking or in individual servings. These include things such as fried tempeh, fried tofu, boiled eggs, dried cuttlefish sambal, fried spicy shredded coconut (serunding kelapa), fried chicken etc. See also Ketupat, a similar dish with container made from weaved janur (young palm leaves) When I first in love with things Japanese, I was quite surprise that some Japanese food is similar to Indonesianmaybe because we both are Asian so we have this kind of similar food. Lontong and Onigiri are the most interesting one as I often said that Onigiri is Japanese version of Lontong. Remember that I said SIMILAR not SAME!! Both are made of rice, the different is, the rice in Lontong is steamed while the rice in Onigiri is only being shaped by hand Both have many kinds of filling. Both are wrapped with a kind of leaf or plant, the different is, Lontong is wrapped with banana leaves and we cant eat the wrapping while Onigiri is wrapped in Seaweed and we can eat the wrapping. Both taste quite similarI like both Lontong and Onigiri. Now, lets see how to make them. Lontong

This recipe is translated from Kliping Resep Boenda, along with the photo. Materials: 1 kg of rice 2 liter of coconut milk 4 bay leaves 4 pandan leaves 16 gram of salt banana leaves Materials for filling: 6 pieces of shallots, 4 pieces of garlic, 2 piece of chilli all nicely mince 2 bay leaves 200 gram chicken fillet 300 gram carrot, cut in small square 200 gram potato, cut in small square 2 teaspoons curry powder 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon sugar 300 ml coconut milk onion leaves, slice it in small pieces

How to make: For the rice: Boil the coconut milk with bay and pandan leaves. Pour the rice once the coconut milk is boiling. For filling: Stir fry shallot,garlic,chilli and bay till we can smell it. Put the chicken and let it tillits color has changed. Put the carrot and the potato. Add the curry powder, salt, pepper and sugar. mix it well. Pour the coconut milk, let it sip into the fillings content. Add onion leaves. Take the banana leaves, flatten the rice on the banana leaves, put the filling in the middle, then shape it to look like a cylinder (see the picture). Steam it for 45 minutes. Onigiri

Picture is borrowed from Onigiri Genuine, recipe is copied from Japanese Recipe. Material: 250 grams of rice fluffier, wash 100 g white glutinous rice, washed 2 pieces of chicken-flavored bouillon cube powder, ready, knead 400 ml of water 1 / 2 teaspoon salt Garnishes: 5 pieces of bacon, cut into 2 cm thick (can be replaced with corned beef, shredded, chicken, etc.)

1 sheet nori or rather lau grass is dry scrambled eggs, thinly sliced black sesame seeds, toasted How to make: Combine rice, white rice, and bouillon cubes until blended. Add water, cook over medium heat so the water runs out .Lift. Steamed rice in a hot steamer for 30 minutes until cooked, remove from heat. For the rice into 2 parts, one part of the remaining 600g 150g. Wet hands Sprinkle the salt into the hands Spread rice, given the space for a side dish, enter content / side dish to taste Fists and formed Nori paste As you can see, the way to make Lontong and Onigiri are very differentbut the taste is quite similar, Lontong has a bit richer taste due to the coconut milk. What is Lontong? Lontong is an Asian dish made of compressed rice that is then cut into small cakes.

Popular in Indonesia and Malaysia, the dish is usually served cold or at room temperature with sauce-based dishes such as gado-gado and salads, although it can be eaten as an accompaniment to other dishes such as Satay and curries. It is also used in Soto as an alternative to vermicelli noodles. (source:

I wanna share how I make Lontong.

1. Find banana leaf. Clean banana leaf, I wipe them with dumb towel. And cut around 22cm length &width 12cm. 2. Wash rice. Drop in around 4tbsp. Better use double banana leaf for each lontong as it easy to break. 3. Wrap it tightly, and tighter with cooking thread or toothpick. I always drops them in a water, just too make them a bit soggy.. 4. Cook with press cooker is faster. 30 minutes done. Doesnt have one? Boil it but gonna take more time. 90 minutes 5. After it cooked, take them out,and let them cool by put on the bowl with colader and make them stand. 6. Serve with your favourite dish.

More lontong picture: my lontong sayur

Lontong is very popular in Indonesia. Lontong is a dish made of compressed rice wrapped inside banana leaf. This dish usually serve cold at room temperature together with sauce based dishes such as Gado Gado or Sayur Lodeh(vegetable cooked in coconut gravy). It can be eaten as an accompaniment to other dish such as Satay. To make Lontong first the rice is washed then boiled over moderate heat with a pinch of salt added to the water.The heat then turn down, the rice is cooked about 10 minutes. Then remove the pot & set aside for a while. This allow the rice to absorb the waterand to cool down.

The cooked rice is scooped out and place on a well washed banana leaf. The leaf is rooled tightly into a cylinder and both ends are folded shut & secure with toothpick. Cooked and boiled for about 2 hours in hot water. this process makes the banana leaf shrink & compress the rice. Then remove from the hot water & allow to cool. The banana leaf is unfolded & discarded. The compressed rice roll is cut into bite sized pieces & ready to eat.

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