Joining The Conversation

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Grant Nigro March 27, 2012 Joining the Conversation Characters: J.R.

Young Bob Barrett Mohammedreza Ghaffari Grant Nigro (me) Introduction/Setting J.R., Bob, and Mohammedreza are all talking about their view on online classes and how they feel about them compared to traditional classes. Grant comes in and gives his opinion on online classes and explains what he thinks is better for students. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J.R.: I dont know about you guys, but I hate online classes. Bob: Why do you say that, J.R.? J.R.: Well, it seems that nowadays its easier for students taking online classes to get away with cheating on their work. Mohammedreza: And how do you mean that, J.R.? J.R.: Well the Internet is something that is used a lot throughout the students work and can be used during tests and quizzes. Basically, there is no teacher to watch what the student is doing, so the student takes advantage. Bob: That is true J.R., but I feel that online classes also have their advantages. For example, online classes are cheaper for schools in that they do not need to hire as many teachers as they would for traditional classes. Also, that work can be done on your own time, and not necessarily have to get your work done when class is over. Mohammedreza: I agree with J.R., although teachers dont have to be there to teach the class, teachers are still involved. Bob: And how is that? Mohammedreza: Well, teachers are required to set up the online class and need to be trained in the tools they provide. Not to mention that through online classes an online instructor has hundreds of students and becomes tough to keep track of that much work.

Grant Nigro March 27, 2012 J.R.: I like what you had to say Mohammedreza, I feel that teachers are required to do a lot in their respective online class, although it may seem like teachers arent doing much with their work. Me: Whats going on guys? Bob: Having a discussion on online classes. Me: Wow, thats a pretty serious topic there. Mohammedreza: Well, how do you feel about it? Surely youll agree with me and J.R.. Me: Honestly, I have mixed opinions about the subject. I feel that online classes have their advantages and disadvantages. Based on experience taking an online class, I can definitely say that online classes have their ups and downs. Bob: Well what are some advantages? Me: One advantage is that work is taken (at least mine was) at the end of the semester, so you can complete the work anytime you want as long as it is completed by the end of the semester. Also, that you can always do your work, even if youre sick. Since work is completed through the computer, you can do your work while youre at home, even if youre sick. J.R.: Alright, lets here some disadvantages. Me: As you can imagine, there is no direct contact with the instructor so it is tough to receive help from your teacher. Also, I found it easy to become lackadaisical with your work and can forget assignments/homework easily. Basically, you arent as on task as you would be in a traditional class? Mohammedreza: So what would you say is more productive, an online class or a traditional class? Me: Definitely a traditional class. Traditional classes, to me, are the best way to learn the subject. In online classes, you can use the Internet at any time, especially on tests and quizzes to get answers. You can not do this in a traditional class, so it basically requires you to study and learn the subject the old fashioned way, which I feel is much more effective than not just getting the answers online. You might get the same grade in the class, but you wont learn as much in an online class as you would in a traditional class.

Grant Nigro March 27, 2012 Bibliography Barrett, Bob. "Virtual Teaching And Strategies: Transitioning From Teaching Traditional Classes To Online Classes." Contemporary Issues in Education Research; Dec2010, P17-20, 4p Vol. 3.Issue 12 (n.d.): n. Ghaffari, Mohammedreza. "Assessing Online Classes and Traditional Classes." Nature & Science Vol. 9.Issue 8 (n.d.): 14-16. Young, J.R. "Online Classes See Cheating Go High Tech." Education Digest 2013 (n.d.): 48. Prakken Publications.

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