Barberi Stage 1 Unit Template - The Wave

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Template for Unit Plan The Wave

Stage 1 - Identifying Desired Results

Standards & Benchmarks or GLCEs
R.CCR.2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the keys supporting details and ideas. W.CCR.1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. W.CCR.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. W.CCR.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

What enduring understandings are desired? Students will understand

The power of group pressure/mob mentality, and how it can affect individual behavior in a negative way. The conditions under which the Nazis came into power in Germany in the 1930s. The Holocaust was not an isolated event. There are modern day ethnic cleansings, social experiments, and examples of bullying that show people will obey authority or follow along with something they know is wrong. One person can make a difference.

What essential questions will guide this unit and focus teaching and learning?
Is too much discipline dangerous? Do you think you would have the courage to stand up against an authority you know is wrong? If so, at what cost? If you had to convince a group to stop following a corrupt authority, how would you go about it? What methods would you use? What evidence? What kind of appeals? How can you relate the events of The Wave to your own life?

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? Students will know
What the Holocaust is. What a social experiment is. How mob mentality affects individual morals and personal decisions. How to craft a compelling argument with a clear thesis and strong supporting evidence. How to effectively peer edit, and provide constructive feedback.

Students will be able to

Connect the story of The Wave to the Holocaust, current examples of group pressure negatively affecting personal morals, and bullying. Summarize the plot, characters, setting, and key themes of The Wave. Write a successful argument with a clear thesis and strong supporting evidence. Develop and strengthen their writing through the peer editing process.

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