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If the above characteristics appear, then the you need to do is: 1. Pause IDM. 2.

In the IDM toolbar, find and then choose Options. 3. After that find and choose the option 'save to' and look for the words "Temporary directory". Copy the address. example, C: \ Users \ Jason \ AppData \ Roaming \ IDM \ DwnlData. 4. Then clicking start on the start menu choose Seacrh, paste the address earlier in the Search. 5. A new window will appear and open the folder, there, you'll see a lot of files, that files that have not completed the download by IDM. 6. Find the folder of your file download failed. For example, you download a file name ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb_774, search the folder, and open the folder. 7. Once opened, you will see 3 files. (here I find the files ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb, ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb52 file, and log_774). 8. Hold this (just minimize the window), and then open the browser (I recommend using Mozilla firefox) then, open the website address where you downloaded the file that failed earlier. (Download again). The important thing here is, DO NOT USE IDM FOR DOWNLOADING. (Turn off the IDM, use the default download from Mozilla). 9. Mozilla will give you the option where you will save the file. The file is saved in the folder you want. (for example on the desktop). 10. The download process will be running. Well, after the download is running,PAUSE work of downloading. 11. Open the folder where you saved the file before (here I am on the desktop, so it is open on the desktop). There you will find 2 files. For example (ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb.avi.part and ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb.avi) 12. Open the window that you minimized earlier (window Temporary files folder) copy and paste a file to the desktop. Whatever you select a file (you experiment) no log files (Log files are not included) 13. Well on the desktop right now, there are 3 files, 2 files from the downloadedMozilla and 1 file from the copy of your files before. 14. Next, rename the files you copy to extension. Part. (for example, rename filesef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb52, to beef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb.avi.part) and delete the original Part filefrom Mozilla earlier. (Step 9) 15. Open Mozilla, and then resume the download process before. And!!! Your file download failed at 99% is absolutely perfect!

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