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Ancient Egyptian study guide Where did these civilizations settle?

Connor Lane 1.9.13 English 1st period T. Stickel

Egyptian: The Egyptians settled along the Nile River in about 3100 B.C.E. to 350 C.E. Kushites: The Kushites settled to the south of Egypt, along the southern part of the Nile River in about 2000 B.C.E. to 350 C.E Hebrews: The Hebrews settled in Northeast Egypt, in Cannan in about 1800 B.C.E. to 70 C.E.

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Geography: The Nile would flood the delta and riverbanks with nutrient soil. Diet: Bread and beer were still the staples of the Egyptian diet. Recreation: Children played a game called senet, which is a lot like Chess. Clothing: Clothing was often made of linen, which comes from flax, which is a plant that grows along the Nile. Housing: Most Egyptian homes were made from the sun-dried mud of the Nile River. Beauty: Wigs worn by the pharaohs and upper class nobles were made of human hair. Language: The oldest Hieroglyphs date back over 6000 years. Music: They would attempt cartwheels, backbends, and handstands while using clappers or castanets to keep rhythm. Pharaohs: Even female pharaohs like Hatshepsut wore false beards to show her strength and religious devotion. Burial: Khufu of the Old Kingdom was thought to have been buried in a cedar sarcophagus before being placed in his Great Pyramid. Afterlife: Preserving the dead body was essential for soul to have eternal life. Tombs: Thieves who were caught robbing tombs were punished with impalement on a large stick.

For each slide, say one thing about it.

Define these terms: Delta: an area of sediment deposited at the mouth of the river Papyrus: a tough water plant used to make paper and rope in ancient times Nomad: a person who moves from place to place with no permanent home

3 Pharaohs

Khufu, the pyramid builder: Established Pharaohs as the central authority. He had a strict control over the food supply. Declared himself as a god. He built The Great Pyramid of Giza. The pyramid to 20 years to build. Hatshepsut, promoter of Egyptian trade: First female Pharaoh. Because she was the first female Pharaoh, she often dressed as a man. She said her dad was a god. Art, architecture and trade flourished. Trade was established with Punt. She left behind the great temple Ar Dary -al- Bahri.

Connor Lane 1.9.13 English 1st period T. Stickel Ramses the 2nd, military leader and Master Builder: Ruled for 60 years, the longest, and he was known as Ramses the Great. He had over 100 wives and over 100 kids. He became captain of the army at 10. He was a famous warrior. He stood up to the powerful Hittites and he signed the first world treaty with the Hittites.

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