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David Gold-Matejka 12/17/12 Humanities Period 1 T Stickel Israel_beliefs_Presentation

Who made a covenant with God? Abraham made a covenant with God What was promised to Abraham? Abraham was promised to have as many decendants as sand in the desert and stars in the sky Who is the ancestor of the Jewish people? Abraham was the ancestor of the Jewish people What is Monotheism? Monotheism is the belief in one God The covenant with God is an example of? The covenant with God was an aexample of his faith with god What was Abrahams sacrifice? Abrahams sacrifice was leaving his home land and he had to kill his own son Abrahams sacrifice is an example of? Abrahams sacrifice was a example of loyalty to God Who was Abrahams grandsons? Abrahams grandsons was Jacob and Esaw.

Who was the Hebrews greatest leader? The Hebrews greatest leader was moses

David Gold-Matejka 12/17/12 Humanities Period 1 T Stickel

Moses was a ? moses was a profit When did Moses live? Moses lived 1393 bce Why did the pharaoh turn the Hebrews into slaves? The pharaoh turned the Hebrews into slaves because they were growing in numbers so he turned them into slaves so they wouldnt take over. What did Moses ask of the pharaoh? Moses asked the pharaoh to let the Hebrews go back to Israel What did the pharaoh say to Moses request? No until he brought the ten plauges on Eygpt What did Moses do after the pharaohs answer? Moses brought ten plauges on Eygpt then wandered in the desert for 40 years What were the basic laws of judiasm When did David rule? David ruled from 1000 BC to 967 BC who did David slay? David Killed goliath, the giant from the rival tribe. David defeated whom? David defeated the philistines. What parts of the Hebrews land did David unite? David united the Hebrew lands of Israel what city did David choose as his capital? David chose the

David Gold-Matejka 12/17/12 Humanities Period 1 T Stickel

holy city of Jerusalem to be his capital. what did David bring to Jerusalem? David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Solomon was whose son? Solomon was Davids son. What did Solomon build in Jerusalem? Solomon built the holy temple in Israel How did Solomon treat his people while he built his _______ in Jerusalem? He treated his people poorly while they built the holy temple What did the people finally do because of the way Solomon treated them? They chose a new king What was Solomons decision? Show Less

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