Conditionals Wishes Regrets

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Conditionals, Wishes and Regrets 1st

If + Presente Simple, OR S + will/can + infinitivo S + will/can + infinitivo If + presente simple 1. Acciones futuras posibles o probables. 2. Ofrecimientos y sugerencias. 3. Advertencias, promesas o amenazas. 4. Situaciones irreales, hipotticas, poco probables.


If + Pasado Simple, OR S + would/could + infinitivo If + Pasado perfecto, OR S+would have + participio

S + would/could + infinitivo If + Pasado Simple S+would have + participio If + pasado perfecto


5. Hacer hiptesis sobre situaciones que ocurrieron en el pasado.


1. If we hurry, well catch the bus. 2. If you need a ticket, I can get you one. 3. Youll make yourself ill if you go on like this. 4. If I were you, Id ask a lawyer for some advice. ( irreal, imposible ) El verbo BE en las oraciones de segundo grado se utiliza con WERE, no con WAS. If I had a million pounds, Id probably buy a yacht. (hiptesis) 5. If you had planned things at the start, we wouldnt have been in this mess now. I could have contacted you if Id had my mobile yesterday.

IF = AS LONG AS; EVEN IF; PROVIDING THAT. As long as you drive carefully you can take my car. (Con la condicin de que) Providing that the police are not informed, Ill do what you say. I wouldnt go to her party even if she called me to invite me. She is so rude. (Even if describe que algo ocurrir cualquiera sea la condicin) IF + FRASE NEGATIVA = UNLESS + Frase positiva. I cant see if I dont wear glasses= I cant see unless I wear glasses.


S + wish/If only + S+ would + infinitivo I wish/If only my neighbours wouldnt make so much noise. S + wish / If only + S + past simple I wish I lived in a big city. If only I were taller. S + wish /If only + S + past perfect I wish I had got up earlier. I missed the bus.

Expresa deseo de que algo ocurra en el futuro o quejas sobre una situacin que quieres que deje de ocurrir. Expresa el deseo de que una situacin sea diferente a como es en el presente. Se utiliza para hablar de cosas que ocurrieron o no ocurrieron en el pasado.

I wish something exciting would happen. (Con would quiere decir que deseas que algo emocionante ocurra en el futuro) I wish my life was more interesting.(Con el pasado quieres decir que tu vida no es interesante en este momento)

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