Assignment 02

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Strategic Marketing

Situation Analysis

Task Presentation Date(s): Last date to email Deliverables Group Strength Rationale:

Assignment 2 15 & 17th April, 2013 [In class] 14th April, 2013 [11:59 PM] Email me the Power point presentation file 5 people at most

Environmental analysis has been extensively used by local as well as Multinational companies all over the globe and has benefited greatly by strategizing through tools such as Porter Analysis, PESTNC analysis, and SWOT. The analysis through these tools leads decision makers to Marketing Strategy (STP). Hence, given the popularity of these tools, MBAs ranging from Cambridge to NUS are asked to learn these strategic tools for effective decision making. It is observed that in Pakistan, only a few individuals are well versed with its usage and resultant benefits. The Task: To learn these tools one must have information from two sources; Industry and the organization which is unit of analysis. The information must be helpful in constructing Porter five-forces, PESTNC, and SW. You are required to; Select an organization currently having its operations in Pakistan and you have access to its data. Collect information from secondary sources i.e. newspapers, websites, and company reports which can help you in using the strategic marketing tools. [Conducting an interview from the respective companys official is highly recommended who can advise regarding companys strengths and weaknesses]. Note: Your assumptions must be supported through facts and figures (collected through primary or secondary sources which are also properly cited in the assignment).

The Outcomes: How much attractive is the industry where the said organization is competing or willing to compete? What is the structure of this industry? How fragmented is the industry? What is the extent of favourable and unfavourable elements in this model? [Porter five forces] PESTNC analysis [In order to successfully complete the work, present the analysis in accordance with your selected organization and industry as how these forces are positively or negatively affecting]. Care must be taken while presenting facts which must be supported by secondary data. SWOT [list 5 strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at least] analysis [source is the company website, or interviewing the officials]. Construct and Use TOWS matrix to offer some marketing strategies to the respective organization in order to grow. The SWs are extracted from an Internal Analysis of the firm while OT is the product of External audit. Hint: PESTNC analysis must lead to development of SWOT.

Note: It is your own responsibility to check that your selected product category has not been analysed by any other group, from the two sections. Otherwise, assignments of both the groups will be cancelled.

Piece of Advice: Chapter 4 (Marketing Strategy by Ferrell, Hartline) will help you in conducting these analysis. Further to this, read the Michael Porters five forces model, and TOWS matrix in detail.

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