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Unicorn Energy Healing System

Unicorn Energy Healing System

Unicorn Energy Healing System

Channeled in September 2005 By Jay Burrell and Heidi Gebhard-Burger Reikimaster/Teacher

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

There are no prerequisite for the attunement into this system. Knowledge about energy working is beneficial, of course. The attunement into Unicorn Energy Healing System is done by one attunement session. If you are attuned by Myself or Heidi (The Founders of this system) you will receive a certificate signed by both of us. If you Receive this Attunement from another Teacher of this system you will only receive a Certificate signed by that Teacher.

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

The Unicorn healing system will introduce you to the secret and unique energies of the Mystical Unicorns. Unicorn literally means One Horned and comes from 2 Latin words, UNUS One; and CORNU Horn. Unicorns have been with us since Man first walked on the Earth, Cave paintings all over the world show horse like creatures with a horn protruding from the front of their forehead they have even been seen during our modern times in China, Mongolia, Egypt, Europe, America, Canada to name a few. In Greek and Roman Art the Goddess Diana was often seen riding in a chariot being pulled by many unicorns. Unicorns as well as Dragons are more popular and well known in the western world. This is due to the Christian Church adopting the unicorn to represent Christ (GOOD) and the dragon to represent their Devil (EVIL). Most people think of Unicorns as fantasy creatures and magical creatures only found in childrens fairy tales but through Heidis and my own meditations and contact with these beautiful creatures we have come to understand that they are real.

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

The Unicorns are coming to us now during this time of great difficulty in our world to teach and show us the gift of unconditional Love and the Power of Healing through their Energies and the Energies of the Unicorns Horn. The unicorns colour also differs from country to country but most say that it is pure white while others have described the unicorn as being silver, red even blue in colour. The unicorns live here among us right now but just vibrate at a higher frequency than we do, this is why you will only see unicorns and other astral beings occasionally when the veil between the worlds is very thin. Asking to meet your very own unicorn friend during meditation is also a very good way to raise your energy to that of theirs and to meet and receive the knowledge and energies from them. Unicorns also guard the Realms of the Fairys and will take you there if you are ready for the experience. The unicorn is symbolizing all the good and pure characteristics many people wish to have. Unicorns are truly mystical creatures; they are symbolize innocence, Clarity, Purity, Love and goodness of the heart.

There exists a lot of legends upon the horn of this creature. It is told that a unicorn can bring something back to life just with the touch of its horn and can heal many diseases and dissolve bad curses.

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

Many unicorns were killed for their horns. But what people did not consider was that a cut horn has lost all its magic. Only horns which have been thrown off due to a renewal and were presented to a kind-hearted human as a gift retained their magic.

The colour of the horn is usually bright white or silver. Very seldom are unicorns seen with a golden horn. Not only is the horn magical, the whole creature consists of pure Love and powerful magic. People with their acquisitiveness also did not consider that the world will turn into darkness when the last unicorn is killed. This is the reason why the unicorns a long, long time ago retired into the Astral world together with the dragons, fairies, and all Nature Spirits. Unicorns have a wonderful and noble charisma which shows within there Aura (A White golden Colour) If you were to encounter a unicorn some day, never touch it! It is the unicorns right to touch you first, otherwise they will lose all there magic power instantly By the contact with this noble being a human can experience healing of his soul. They can talk to us, because they speak our human language, as their speech does sound very strange to us they will usually speak to us telepathically We should learn again to hear and to see with our hearts and Mind

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

A Unicorn Meditation Journey

Sit down or lay down somewhere comfortable, take 3 long deep breathes and relax. Visualize yourself within an enchanted forest surrounded by singing birds and trees that sway gently in the warm gentle breeze that you can feel across your face. You are entering a forest that is untouched by man and is very pure it is full of wonderful trees, glowing bushes, moss and flowers. There is a path that leads deeper and deeper into the forest. As you start to walk down this path you are breathing in the pure and clean air that surrounds you; everywhere you go you can smell the flowers and hear the birds singing to you. Suddenly you hear something singing close to you. As you follow the sound of the singing and reach a clearing within the forest another world is unveiling just before your eyes. In the light of golden sun you can see fairies merrily dancing around in circles. In the middle of the circle you see many bright glowing unicorns. As you watch the fairies dancing around the unicorns a vague memory starts coming up upon ancient times ... long, long ago. A fairy comes forward and takes you by the hand leading you to the magic creatures. A unicorn comes up to you, he looks at you and with its eyes it is looking deep into your soul. You are recognizing an unknown, deep calmness and inner peace that you have never felt before a wonderful closeness is felt between the unicorn and yourself.

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

Suddenly you realize that you have found again your unicorn leader from those lost ancient days! Your thoughts are crossing in a silent understanding and you are feeling an unconditional love and devotion. You have never felt like this before! A feeling of infinite wisdom and understanding is flowing through your body and you begin to see the world through the unicorns eyes. A world that is full of love and light. After standing there with the unicorn for some time it touches you very softly with its horn at the centre of your forehead your 3rd eye you feel a divine healing energy flow through your body! You feel very happy and grateful for having found again your unicorn leader and guide from now on they will always be with you to assist you with their wise advice and spiritual help. Now it is time for you to leave the unicorns and the forest but you know that you can come back here to meet again with your Unicorn Guide. You slowly walk back through the forest still listening to the Fairies singing and feeling the amazing energies of the Unicorn flowing through you. Take 3 deep breaths and return in your own time to our world

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

The Etheric Horn of the Unicorn symbol

The symbol is to be drawn over the 3rd eye to represent the unicorns horn. The power the unicorns horn holds will be forever placed into your 3rd eye.

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

How to draw the Etheric Unicorns Horn

Draw clockwise a large closed circle 9 times over the students 3rd eye onto the skin. When the 9th circle is completed and you start on the 10th circle pull your finger away from the forehead. While your finger is still turning clockwise draw more circles that gradually get smaller and smaller while continuing pulling away your finger (thus forming a spiral) in order to form the etheric Unicorns horn coming out from the students 3rd eye all the time seeing the horn glow in a golden colour. Stop the circles you have been drawing when you feel it is finished and you have come to the final point of the horn the top.

How to use the Unicorns Energy during a healing session on yourself or client
It is very easy to use the Energy of the Unicorns during a Healing Session. After you have completed the Unicorn Meditation and received your very own Unicorn Guide you will be able to call upon him/her to assist you in transferring their energies into yourself or your client. Draw or see the unicorns horn symbol in your Palm Chakras then call upon your Unicorn guide to be with you to pass their Healing energies onto the client.

2005 by and - all rights reserved

Unicorn Energy Healing System

Unicorn Energy Healing System Attunement Procedure

This Attunement can be sent using 2 methods Method 1
Prepare the room in which you will be sending the Attunement by Dimming the Lights or you can have candles burning (Please take care when using candles and have them in appropriate holders). You can play Soft Relaxing music (No Vocals). Have a Chair in front of you with a pillow placed upright onto it (This will represent the Student being attuned). Place your hands onto the shoulders of the student and to gain an energetic rapport between the 2 of you. When you feel ready to pass the Attunement say aloud:


2005 by and - all rights reserved


Unicorn Energy Healing System

Move to the front of the student and place their hands within yours and say:

I now call upon the energies of the Unicorns to be here now with us on this special occasion
Now draw the Etheric Unicorn symbol over the front of the students 3rd eye. When this has been done move to the back of the student and replace your hands onto their shoulders. Channel the unicorn energies into the student for a few minutes then give thanks to them for being with you. The Attunement is now complete.

Attunement Method 2
Repeat the above method to prepare the room you will be sending the attunement from. This method of sending the Attunement involves using your minds eye and imagination. Lie down on your bed of the floor and gain an Energetic rapport with the student. Now repeat Method 1 but instead of actually drawing the symbol and placing your hands onto the students shoulders you will be visualising the whole Attunement procedure. I have to admit that this is my favourite way of sending Attunements as you can really get the connection and feeling of the energies.

2005 by and - all rights reserved


Unicorn Energy Healing System

How to receive the Attunement

Prepare the room in which you will be receiving the Attunement by Dimming the Lights or you can have candles burning (Please take care when using candles and have them in appropriate holders). You can play Soft Relaxing music (No Vocals) this can help in the Relaxation Process, I will also recommend that you might invest in a piece of Kyanite which is amazing at bringing you into a state of calmness and relaxation very fast. Sit comfortably in an Upright chair with your feet on the ground and hands in Prayer Position in front of your Heart Chakra you can also lay down on the bed if this is more comfortable for you. At the Appointed time of the Attunement take 3 Long Deep breathes then say

I Accept this Attunement to the energies of the Unicorn energy healing system being sent to me by (Teachers Name) on (Day), (Date) at (Time) and call upon my Higher self, Spiritual Guides and the energy of the unicorns to be with me now.

Then all you need to do is relax for 20-30 minutes and enjoy the attunement.

2005 by and - all rights reserved


Unicorn Energy Healing System

A little about us the founders of this system

My name is Jay Burrell and I am a Reiki Master/Teacher, Lightarian Institute Facilitator, Crystal Therapist and Angel Therapist. I have always felt a strong connection to Unicorns and the Energies they have which is why this healing system has come about.

My name is Heidi Gebhard-Burger, I am a Reiki Master/Teacher. Since more than 20 years I am engaged in astrology, esoterism and alternative healing. For the last years my work was focusing on Reiki, angels and light working, predominantly by seminars and distance Attunements into various Reiki and Energy systems. During September 2005 this wonderful Energy system was given to Jay and me.

Translations by Alfred Burger Reiki Master/Teacher We are very thankful and happy that we have been chosen by the unicorns to bring this system now to you. Many Unicorn Blessings.

2005 by and - all rights reserved


Unicorn Energy Healing System


2005 by and - all rights reserved


Unicorn Energy Healing System

2005 by and - all rights reserved


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