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Whos the Communist?

Instructions: Take a few minutes to examine the pictures and information provided. When you have finished, choose which person you think is a communist. You must defend your choice because whoever you pick could lose their job and/or face jail time.

Communist? # 1 * Parents were immigrants. * Responsible for the loss of China to Communism. * Critics said he was soft on communism.

Communist? # 2 * Investigated the War Department during World War II. * Nicknamed Moscow Maggie. * She stated the basic principles of "Americanism" were: - The right to criticize; - The right to hold unpopular beliefs; - The right to protest; - The right of independent thought.

Communist? # 3

Lived abroad during World War II. * Constantly clashed with his bosses. * Criticized US government officials.

Communist? # 4

* Parents were Italian immigrants and were classified as enemy aliens during WWII. * Grew up in San Francisco. * One of his wives divorced him for inflicting mental cruelty.

Communist? # 5 * Endorsed legalization of medical marijuana. * Said that he would fight religious organizations, every step of the way. * Had ties to mafia convicts.

Communist? # 6 * Born in the US but spent most of his life abroad in France, Turkey, and Switzerland. * Political activist. * Controversial Writer.

I think the person who is a communist is My reasoning to my decision is

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